An exemplary summary of an ecological holiday. Scenario of an ecological holiday for children of senior, preparatory groups of the preschool educational institution "Earth is our common home

The organization and holding of ecological holidays is one of the most interesting forms of ecological education of preschoolers, as it is able to evoke a positive emotional response from participants and spectators to their natural content.

In our opinion, the most complete concept is the definition proposed by Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A.: “An ecological holiday is a form of environmental education, which is a set of environmental events dedicated to a certain date.”

This issue was dealt with by such researchers as Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A., Zatsepina M.B., Molodova L.P., Nikolaeva S.N., Ryzhova N.A. and etc.

Ecological holidays provide great educational opportunities and have a positive effect on the emotional development of preschoolers. The emotions that the child received from the holiday also contribute to social and moral development.

With the help of stage images, children talk about the rules of behavior in nature not only to their peers, but also to adults, which is very important for raising the general level of people's ecological culture. Ecological holidays deepen the assimilation of environmental knowledge, knowledge about nature, its cause-and-effect relationships, which contributes to the emergence of emotional evaluation.

Holidays influence the accumulation and actualization of the environmental experience of both children and adults.

The pedagogical meaning of ecological holidays is to evoke a positive emotional response in children to their natural content.

Emotions give rise to attitudes, affect the personality of a preschooler as a whole, therefore it is recommended to spend holidays regularly, ending the season or some content block with them.

Our study was aimed at studying the emotional attitude to inanimate nature in children and their attitude to ecological holidays.

During the survey, the following results were obtained: holidays for children are a non-priority activity, the teacher does not try to activate all children to participate in the preparation and holding of holidays, they do not show a desire to participate in holidays, there is no activity in preparation for the holiday.

Thus, our task was to improve work in this direction through the organization and holding of environmental holidays.

Based on the results of our work, we can draw the following conclusions: with the help of the developed plan for holding ecological holidays, we managed to successfully implement it and thereby develop a positive emotional attitude towards inanimate nature in children of older preschool age; children have increased the level of activity and interest in environmental holidays, as well as the work carried out contributed to the accumulation of environmental experience of children, the ability to communicate and cooperate with each other.

We present to your attention the abstracts of environmental holidays for working with preschool children:

Ecological holiday No. 1

"The earth is our common home!"

Target: to consolidate in children knowledge about the inhabitants of the Earth (animals, insects, plants); continue to form a careful attitude towards inanimate nature; consolidate the material covered; develop a positive emotional attitude.

Preparatory work: conducting preliminary classes - "Let's protect the Earth!" and “Who lives on Earth?”; in the art classes, children draw the inhabitants of the Earth and prepare an exhibition on the theme “Portrait of the Earth”; the teacher, together with the children, prepare invitations to the holiday for parents; children learn riddles and poems; learn songs and dances necessary for the holiday.

Characters: Host, Teacher, Dunno, children of the senior group.

Hall decoration: on the central wall of the hall there is a panel with the image of the globe, various animals, insects and plants (flowers, trees) are depicted around it, above the panel there is an inscription “The Earth is our Home!”. On the side walls there is an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: "Portrait of the Earth".

Holiday progress:

Under Yu. Chichkov's Scherzo, children of the older group appear in the hall, some of them are wearing hats of birds, animals, flowers, insects. Children randomly dance representing various representatives of the Earth. After the dance, the children come out leading.

Leading: Many times we met holidays in this hall, but we have not yet known such as this one. Today we celebrate Earth Day - our common home.

Our planet earth

Very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields -

Our dear home guys!

Let's save the planet

Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won't let anyone hurt her.

Let's take care of birds and animals.

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.

We need such a planet!

Suddenly Dunno and the Teacher run into the hall:

Teacher: Dunno, if you don’t know what the Earth is and who lives on it, the rest of the guys will not be interested in you!

Dunno: Yes, I know everything!

Teacher: And now we will check it, I agree.

The stranger nods his head in agreement. The teacher shows pictures of various animals and insects.

Teacher(showing a picture of a cow): Who is this?

Dunno: dog!

Teacher: Is it really a dog! Guys who is this? That's right, well done! It's Dunno cow! And who is this? (image of a butterfly).

Dunno: fly!

Teacher: Dunno is not even a fly, guys, who is it? That's right, it's a butterfly! How could you confuse a butterfly with a fly!?

Dunno: And what! She has wings too!

Teacher: Well, I don't even know what to do with you.

Leading: Dear Teacher, let's try to help the Dunno with the guys, teach him to distinguish a butterfly from a fly and tell him about our planet!

Teacher: Oh, I don’t even know ... but although ... maybe he will at least listen to the guys and learn something! (Leaves).

Leading: Well Dunno do you want the guys to help you?

Dunno: Want!

Leading: Well, then listen and watch. I will make riddles, and you Dunno and you guys, if you guess them, they will come to life ...

The beaks are yellow, the paws are red, large,

They go waddling; float if necessary.

Dunno: Wow, what a difficult riddle...

Leading: Help guys, who is this? That's right - it's a duck!

Children in duckling hats run into the hall and perform a dance.

Leading: Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk.

The children answer in chorus. “Hedgehog children” with baskets run into the hall and offer to play the game “Who will pick berries and mushrooms faster”. Children are divided into 2 teams, “hedgehog children” pour out the contents of the baskets and give a task: the 1st team picks mushrooms, and the 2nd team picks berries.

Dunno: Great, now I know that funny and funny hedgehogs live on Earth.

Leading: On the lawn near the river

Jumping in the grass....


The Grasshopper runs into the hall and invites everyone to perform the dance "Jump - Hop".

Leading: black peanut

Not in growth pulls the load.


Exit Ant, reads a poem.

Leading: The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stirred

It flew up and flew away.


The dance of the butterflies is performed.

Leading: You see Dunno how many animals and insects live on planet Earth, nor much more of them - what kind of animals do you guys know? (children take turns saying options)

Dunno: How cool, but I didn’t know that so many different animals live next to us! Now I will be friends with all of them!

Leading: Well done! You really need to be friends with the inhabitants of the Earth, but they also need our protection. I suggest you play the game "Ecological traffic light".

All spectators are given red-green cards.

Leading: Now I will tell you some stories about how children behave in nature, if you think that they are behaving correctly, then turn on the green light, and if not, then red.

No. 1: One day, friends decided to go hiking in the forest. After playing enough ball and having a swim, they began to get ready to go home. The guys dug a hole and put all the garbage in it.

Do you think the guys did the right thing?

No. 2: Sveta and her parents went out of town by car. When they drove up to the forest, Sveta's dad asked: "Where will we stop?" It was possible to turn off the road and drive between the trees into the depths of the forest. Someone has already done this - and the traces of the cars remained for a long time. Therefore, grass almost did not grow on this land. Sveta's parents decided not to enter the forest. They parked their car on the side of the road and set off into the woods on foot.

· Did Sveta's parents do the right thing?

#3: Andrey asked dad: “Why do plants grow only in the ground, and not in clay, for example?” The Pope replied: "There are many nutrients in the earth that are necessary for plants, and the earth absorbs water better than clay."

Did dad answer Andrei's question correctly?

The host praises the children and the Dunno Teacher appears in the hall.

Teacher: Well, how are you doing?

Leading: Excellent! Dunno tell us what the guys taught you!

Dunno: Now I know what animals and insects live next to us, and how to properly treat our Earth so that it is beautiful. I liked it so much to find out, let's go soon, tell me something else!

Teacher: Thanks a lot guys, you helped us a lot! (getting ready to leave)

Leading: Wait, stay! The guys want to give you the song “The Earth is Our Home” as a gift (R. Rozhdestvensky.)

After the song is performed, children and parents take part in the round dance “Let's be friends!” to the music R. Gabichvadze.

Ecological holiday

"Feast of the Sun"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the solar system (mostly about the Sun); generalize and expand children's knowledge about the importance of the sun in the life of living organisms; continue to form a positive emotional attitude

Preparatory work: the lesson "Solar kingdom, space state"; team building; consolidate non-traditional drawing techniques.

Characters: Leader, 2 teams.

Hall decoration: the Sun is depicted on the central wall, the names of the participating teams are written on both sides of it, above is the image of a dove (a symbol of friendship and fair competition).

Holiday progress: Muses. From the song "The Sun Came Out"

Leading: Hello, the sun is clear

And the land is beautiful!

hello mother nature

And good weather!

Command presentation. Teams of 8-10 people.

1st team: "Sunshine"

2nd team: "Sunny Bunnies"


  1. team greeting (name, motto, verse or song).
  2. who will name more definitions: the Sun, what is it? Alternately, one word from the teams.
  3. draw the sun in an unconventional way: Mat-al - paints, crumpled paper, brushes, water, brushes. Children use their hands if they wish. The whole team is involved.

Musical pause. Songs about the Sun and summer are performed.

  1. depict the sun with the whole team.
  2. captains competition: Sunny Bunny. The team captains portray a "sunny bunny".
  3. catch the "Sunny Bunny". The whole team is playing. The team forms a circle, holding hands, the opponent's "sunny bunny" tries to enter the circle and exit the circle. The winner is the "bunny", which will make more entries and exits.

Musical pause. Children perform the dance "Butterflies and the Sun".

  1. homework: Suit of the Sun. Demonstration of costumes for the sun.
  2. “I am the Sun!”: one person from the team participates, you need to imagine yourself as the sun and “evaporate” water faster than your opponent (children scoop out water).
  3. music competition: perform a song about the sun with the whole team.

Summarizing. Jury word. Rewarding.

Leading: The sun is shining, the sun is warming

And it cherishes children.

Sunbathe, children, you gain strength.

To be healthy, you really try.

1st team captain:

Got up in the morning in order

We do exercises together.

We breathe fresh air

We raise our hands to the sun.

2nd Team Captain:

Thank you Sun for being you.

Praise to you, honor to you.

After all, without you the sky would be dark,

It would not grow in a field of bread.

Leading: And we all sing a hymn to the sun

When the sun shines we...

All: We are living!!!


1. Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A. Ecological pedagogy and psychology. - Rostov n / D .: Ed. "Phoenix", 1996. - 480s.

2. Zatsepina M.B. Organization of cultural and leisure activities of preschoolers. Teaching aid. – M.: Ped. Society of Russia, 2004. - 144p.

3. Molodova L.P. Ecological holidays for children: Teaching aid. - M.: TsGL, 2003. - 128s.

4. Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methods of environmental education of children: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. uch. head. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 336 p.

5. Ryzhova N.A. Ecological education in kindergarten. - M .: "Karapuz", 2001. - 432 p.

"Ecological holidays and leisure"

A holiday in kindergarten is an important part of a child's life, it is the joy of communication, the joy of creativity and the joy of self-expression, the joy of emancipation and mutual enrichment, which contributes to solving many problems of environmental education.

Ecological holiday in the preschool educational institution "Visiting Lesovushka"

The course of the holiday

Lesovushka: Hello, children. I have been waiting for you for a long time, I invite you to visit me.

Lesovushka: Hello guys. I am Lesovushka.

Who I am - you won't understand right away,

Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles,
Be my friend and you!

Lesovushka: Guys, you probably know that the forest has many names. What is another name for a forest? What is the name of the Siberian forest? (Answers of children).

1 child.

I shouted to the trees by the river:
- Hey!

And listened to the green echo of spring!

Song about the forest.

2 child.

Hello forest, dense forest!
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about?
Dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn,
All in dew, as in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
All open do not hide
You know - we are ours!


When you enter the forest
Where everything is nice to us since childhood,

For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.

Children sit on chairs.

Lesovushka: And now, guys, for you riddles. And they are all about our forest flowers.

4. The first to get out of the earth on a thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (Snowdrop)

Dance of flowers.

Lesovushka. And now, guys, I want to check if you know the trees of our forest .. I suggest you play the game "What branch are the kids from?".

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. It turns out that you know everything about trees, everything! But I also want to check if you know medicinal plants.

"The forest is like a fairy-tale kingdom,
Medicines are growing all around

And medicine and pills.
Well, what and how to treat
I can teach you.
All medicinal plants
I know without exception.
Just don't be lazy
You just need to learn
Find plants in the forest
that are suitable for treatment.

The task for you is this: you need to collect medicinal plants and name the diseases they help against. (Chamomile, plantain, nettle, lingonberry, coltsfoot).

A game "Green Pharmacy"

Lesovushka: But not only plants and trees grow in the forest. For whom is the forest home? Look who hid in the forest and is watching us?

Game "Find the forest dweller"

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. All animals were found.

Noise outside the door.

Lesovushka: You don't hear the noise in my forest. I'll go and have a look. (Goes out the door).

The bully enters.

What to do, the forest is completely empty ...

I saw an ant.

Finally! Anthill.
It's like he grew up in front of me.
Well, I'm just for fun
I kick it lightly with my foot...

An anthill kicks.

Fu ... tired ... Time to take a break,
Refuel properly.
And on the road again!

I always love to eat well!

So I rested, I can go,
And the extra bottle is on the way.
Oh pine tree now I will break it
On the trunk I will carve my name.


Who did this?
Did you ruin the old anthill?

Doesn't he know

Guys, what benefits do ants bring to the forest?

Children's answers.

Looks like he's been here too.
Scattered glass, film and paper.

How long will this wound heal?
I won't be able to jump on the branches now.


It will heal, and you will again jump in the sky.

Look, here are the tracks
A trap caught me


The fur will grow, let me stroke you.

Lesovushka for children: What to do, guys? Did the bully do the right thing? Offended animals, scattered garbage. How can we help the forest? (Answers of children).

(Two teams of 5 people).


Where are we this robber

I'll go and look. (leaves).

A bully with matches enters.

Something is boring to me in the forest
I'd rather light a fire.

Something is on fire. Oh oh oh, someone help me!

Lesovushka comes to the noise: Guys, how can you put out the fire in the forest? (Answers of children).

Bring more water from the stream,
I will cover the fire with earth.

“Rain is more fun!
Don't feel sorry for the warm drops.
For forests, for fields
And for little kids
For both moms and dads
Cap-cap! Cap-cap!" (sounds of the rain).

Forest hooligan:

I offended a squirrel and a bunny!
You almost lost yourself in the fire.

The bully wipes away his tears:

I will protect nature, protect from evil deeds!

Lesovushka to the children: Well, guys, will we forgive him? But first you need to teach him the rules of behavior in the forest.

Rainbow poem.

The song "Rainbow".

All the children run out into the hall.

Child 3.

All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of it!

Child 4:

All this is called nature
Let's be friends with nature.

Child 5:

Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog ...
All this is called nature,
Let's give her our hearts!


let's be friends
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow
Like the wind with the sea

With all of us!



Ecological holiday in the preschool educational institution "Visiting Lesovushka"

The course of the holiday

Music sounds, children enter the hall, they are met by Lesovushka in folk costume.

Lesovushka: Hello, children. I have been waiting for you for a long time, I invite you to visit me.

Children go into the hall and sit on chairs.

Lesovushka: Hello guys. I am Lesovushka.

Who I am - you won't understand right away,
On unknown paths you will find me in the forest.
My house is in the wilderness of the forest, I listen to the forest in the spring.
The sun pours down on the trees and flowers from above.
I guard the dense forest, And my friends are with me:
Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles,
Be my friend and you!

Lesovushka: Guys, you probably know that the forest has many names. What is another name for a forest? What is the name of the Siberian forest? (Answers of children).

Lesovushka invites children to the hall to sing a song about the forest. The children stand up.

1 child.

Pine candles, birch light.
I shouted to the trees by the river:
- Hey!
And the forest smiled, playing with foliage,
And he laughed out loud with me!
I looked in love at the pine candles
And listened to the green echo of spring!

Song about the forest.

2 child.

Hello forest, dense forest!
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about?
Dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn,
All in dew, as in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
All open do not hide
You know - we are ours!


When you enter the forest
Where everything is nice to us since childhood,
Where it is pleasant to breathe clean air,
There are healing powers in herbs and flowers
For everyone who knows how to solve their mystery.

Children sit on chairs.

Lesovushka: And now, guys, for you riddles . And they are all about our forest flowers.

1. A curly girl stands in the forest: a white shirt, a golden heart. What it is? (Chamomile)
2. He stands in clothes, like fire on a leg. It will become a ball on a leg without clothes. Parachutists will fly from these fluffy balls. (Dandelion)
3. Head on a leg, bells in the head. Hey, bells, blue color, with a tongue, but there is no ringing! (bells)
4. The first to get out of the earth on a thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (Snowdrop)

Dance of flowers.

Lesovushka. And now, guys, I want to check if you know the trees of our forest .. I suggest you playthe game "What branch are the kids from?".

Game with boys. Trees: aspen, birch, pine, spruce, mountain ash. The boys gather fruits and leaves to the music and lay them out to the trees. They explain what kind of leaf or fruit, and what it is called - pine, fir cone, etc.

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. It turns out that you know everything about trees, everything! But I also want to check if you know medicinal plants.

"The forest is like a fairy-tale kingdom,
Medicines are growing all around
In every grass, in every branch -
And medicine and pills.
Well, what and how to treat
I can teach you.
All medicinal plants
I know without exception.
Just don't be lazy
You just need to learn
Find plants in the forest
that are suitable for treatment.

The task for you is this: you need to collect medicinal plants and name the diseases they help against. (Chamomile, plantain, nettle, lingonberry, coltsfoot).

A game "Green Pharmacy"

Lesovushka: But not only plants and trees grow in the forest. For whom is the forest home? Look who hid in the forest and is watching us?

Game "Find the forest dweller"

Lesovushka: Well done, guys. All animals were found.

Noise outside the door.

Lesovushka: You don't hear the noise in my forest. I'll go and have a look. (Goes out the door).

The bully enters.


Something neither animals nor birds can be seen today,
And I urgently need to test a new slingshot ...
What to do, the forest is completely empty ...

I saw an ant.

Finally! Anthill.
It's like he grew up in front of me.
Well, I'm just for fun
I kick it lightly with my foot...

An anthill kicks.

Fu ... tired ... Time to take a break,
Refuel properly.
And on the road again!

Breaks a branch, tears flowers, grass, throws it on the ground and sits down.

I'm well settled! Where is my food?
I always love to eat well!

Spreads newspaper, eats, throws garbage. Rises.

So I rested, I can go,
And the extra bottle is on the way.
Oh pine tree now I will break it
On the trunk I will carve my name.


Lesovushka enters. Looks at the ruined anthill.

Who did this?
Did you ruin the old anthill?
The poor ants were left homeless
Years of hard work was wasted!
Doesn't he know
That a forest without anthills is not healthy!
Guys, what benefits do ants bring to the forest?

Children's answers.

Lesovushka approaches, sees garbage.

Looks like he's been here too.
Scattered glass, film and paper.

A squirrel (girl) enters, limping.

I'm sitting all alone in my hollow.
He crippled my paw with a slingshot
How long will this wound heal?
I won't be able to jump on the branches now.


Red-haired squirrel, give me your sweetheart,
I'll wash the wound with water, I'll see
I will give you a healing leaf of plantain,
It will heal, and you will again jump in the sky.


Look, here are the tracks
A trap caught me
A little alive then I escaped from it ...


I will anoint your abrasion with herbal juice,
The fur will grow, let me stroke you.

Lesovushka for children: What to do, guys? Did the bully do the right thing? Offended animals, scattered garbage. How can we help the forest? (Answers of children).

Game - relay "Let's clear the forest of garbage."(Two teams of 5 people).


Where are we this robber
Find him in order to have a conversation with him urgently.
Tell me how to always behave
Not causing disaster and harm to nature.
I'll go and look. (leaves).

A bully with matches enters.

Something is boring to me in the forest
I'd rather light a fire.

Collects branches, kindles a fire.

Burn - burn brightly so that it does not go out.
Something is on fire. Oh oh oh, someone help me!

Lesovushka comes to the noise: Guys, how can you put out the fire in the forest? (Answers of children).

Lesovushka addresses the animals.

Bring more water from the stream,
I will cover the fire with earth.
Guys, the fire does not go out, let's call the rain
“Rain is more fun!
Don't feel sorry for the warm drops.
For forests, for fields
And for little kids
For both moms and dads
Cap-cap! Cap-cap!" (sounds of the rain).

Forest hooligan:

See how much trouble you've done
Almost destroyed our forest in the fire!
Garbage and glass all around you scattered!
I offended a squirrel and a bunny!
You almost lost yourself in the fire.

The bully wipes away his tears:

Please forgive me for doing a lot of trouble!
I promise to leave a good mark on the earth!
I will protect nature, protect from evil deeds!

Lesovushka to the children: Well, guys, will we forgive him? But first you need to teach him the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children go out into the hall and tell the rules of behavior in the forest. Lesovushka draws the attention of children to the rainbow.

Rainbow poem.

The song "Rainbow".

All the children run out into the hall.

Child 3.

We love the forest at any time of the year,
We hear rivers slow speech ...
All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of it!

Child 4:

In the meadows of sunny chamomile,
Such that it is brighter in the world to live,
All this is called nature
Let's be friends with nature.

Child 5:

Flying, ringing raindrops from the sky,
Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog ...
All this is called nature,
Let's give her our hearts!

The song "The world is like a colored meadow."


let's be friends
Like a bird with the sky
Like a field with a plow
Like the wind with the sea
Grass with rain, how the sun is friends
With all of us!

"Festival of young nature lovers"

Scenario entertainment on ecology in the preparatory group


1) To consolidate the knowledge of children about nature, about the careful and caring attitude towards nature.

2) To develop the creative abilities of children, the ingenuity and ingenuity of children, their erudition.

3) To educate in children love and respect for nature, the ability to see and respond to the beauty in the natural environment.


A flower with tasks, "Reminding Signs" charts, a cassette with a record, yellow, green, white, red mugs, medals, "What was what" cards.

Entertainment progress:

There is a knock on the door.

Educator: Who is knocking on our door? Asking to come to our house? We will see?

Takes an envelope. It has an audio cassette.

Educator: Guys, here is a letter for us! Let's get a look. Interesting. Not a simple letter, but a sound one. Let's listen?

The teacher turns on the tape recorder. The tape recorder sounds:

Voice: Hello, dear children of kindergarten No. 14. I am the Fairy of Nature. I heard that you are very good, smart children and I really want to get to know you better and invite you to visit me. My nature state has a nature lovers club. Do you want to visit there? But for this you must pass the test. Don't be afraid? Then stand near your chairs. I will say the magic words, and you perform all the movements and immediately find yourself in my forest ...

We got up. Ready…

It's easy to get into the Kingdom of Nature,

You don't have to travel far.

Close your eyes and take a step

Now clap your hands like this:

One clap, another clap

And now a haystack is visible,

And now the field is earing

Noisy-worried wheat,

The skies are blue above her

Open your eyes quickly.

Educator: So we ended up in the state of the Fairy of Nature. Where is she herself? Let's eat her. Oh, look at the magic flower - Flower-Semitsvetik. He fulfills every wish. Guys, there is something on the petals. Yes, these are assignments. Let's read.

1. Red petal. "Name the artist."

Children, take the cards on the chairs. Now I will read lines of poetry, and you must raise the card. If the poem is about winter, you should raise a white square, about spring - green, about summer - red, about autumn - yellow.

four artists,

so many pictures.

Painted with white paint

All in a row one.

Forest and field are white,

white meadows,

At snow-covered aspens

Branches like horns ... (Winter)

The second one is blue

Sky and streams.

splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

transparent in the snow,

Ice pieces are lace.

The first thawed patches

The first grass ... (Spring)

In the picture of the third

Colors and do not count:

Yellow, green, blue is.

Green forest and field

blue river

White fluffy

There are clouds in the sky ... (Summer)

And the fourth is gold

Painted the gardens

fields are fruitful,

Ripe fruit...

Everywhere beads - berries

Ripe in the forests

Who is that artist?

Guess yourself! (Autumn)

Well done! You know the seasons well. What's on the orange petal?

2. Orange petal. The game "Who (what) was, who (what) became."

The children are given cards. The reverse side of cards of a certain color. Children are grouped according to the color of the cards. Picture on the back.

You must consult and lay out the chain. What he was and what he became.

Egg - fry - fish.

Egg - Chicken - chicken.

Egg - tadpole - frog.

Seed - sprout - plant (dandelion).

Acorn - sprout - oak.

The good guys got the job done. Let's see what's on the yellow petal.

3. Yellow petal . Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you the game "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then we all shout “no” together!

If I come to the forest

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw out the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Will I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I make a fire,

Am I not going to simmer? (No)

If I mess up a lot

And I'll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash

Shall I dig a bank? (Yes)

I love my nature

I help her! (Yes)

Well done!

4. Green petal. And here, guys, questions about how you will act in a given situation.

Lyosha found a nest with chiffchaff eggs in the grass. He really liked the little testicles. He wanted to take them home. And the chiffchaff circled over them and screamed. What is the right thing to do for Alyosha?


A nest on a branch is a bird's house.

Yesterday a chick was born in it.

You don't destroy this house.

And don't let anyone!

The children came with a teacher to a forest glade. And they stopped in amazement: “How many flowers! Kupava, chamomile, bluebells. Let's pick big bouquets of flowers,” the children suggested. And the teacher said...

What did the teacher say?


flower in the meadow

I broke on the run.

Ripped off, but why -

I can't explain.

In a glass, he stood for a day and wilted.

And how long would he stand in the meadow?

On Sunday I decided to go to the lake. There were two boys walking down the path ahead of me. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. Let's take her to us so that she doesn't get lost," said one boy. "Don't touch it, the frog will find its own way," said another. Which boy was right?


At a soft swamp hummock,

Under the green leaf

The jumper lurked

Bug-eyed frog.

She can't live at home

Better let the forest help.

Andryusha found a hedgehog in the forest and decided to give it to his girlfriend Nastya. But Nastya said: “Let him go, please!” "Never! I know that some people catch hedgehogs and bring them home, they give them milk, they feed them with sweets, ”Andryusha answered. “Only cruel people do this. Hedgehogs cannot live in captivity and often die!” Why did Nastya say so?


Don't take food with you

Let him go home.

The hedgehog is even the most stupid

Wants to live with hedgehog mom.

Children explain what is the right thing to do in this situation and put up a “Reminder Sign”, then recite the appropriate poem.

What do these signs mean? Other "Remembrance Signs" are displayed. Children answer what they mean.

Well done! One must be a friend to all living things and behave correctly in the forest.

Tree, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Let's see what task is on the blue petal.

5. Blue petal. "Plant a Forest"

The teacher shows pictures with a coded proverb and offers to consider it and remember it.

The teacher reads the proverb:

A lot of forest - do not cut,

Little forest - take care,

No forest - plant!

Children are invited to draw each phrase - to bewitch. Children, together with the teacher, participate in the process of turning a poem into a drawing, offering their association images.

What's on the blue petal?

6. Blue petal. Blitz questions.

Fairy of Nature: We answer quickly.

Who wears a house? (Snail)

Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)

Which animal has a bush on its head? (Elk)

Where do insects go with the onset of winter?

List coniferous trees. (Pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir)

What animals hibernate? (Badger, bear, hedgehog, gopher, hamster)

What animals change color for the winter. (hare, squirrel)

What bird does not build nests and hatch chicks? (Cuckoo)

What bird is called the "forest doctor"? (Woodpecker)

What animal is called the "ship of the desert"? (Camel)

What can't a plant grow without? (Light, water, heat).

You know everything, well done! And now the purple petal.

7. Purple petal. "Clear the Road"

The attraction "Whose team will clear the road faster" is being held.

There was a hurricane here recently. He knocked down a lot of trees and you need to clear the blockages on the roads. Whose team will quickly complete this task, she will find a message from the Fairy of Nature.

Fairy of Nature: Guys, you are true friends and connoisseurs of nature. I gladly welcome you to the Nature Lovers Club and award you well-deserved medals.

Educator: And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's join hands, friends, and go along the forest path to our home.

1) To consolidate the knowledge of children about nature, about the careful and caring attitude towards nature.

2) To develop the creative abilities of children, the ingenuity and ingenuity of children, their erudition.

3) To educate in children love and respect for nature, the ability to see and respond to the beautiful in the natural environment.

A flower with tasks, "Reminding Signs" charts, a cassette with a record, yellow, green, white, red mugs, medals, "What was what" cards.

Entertainment progress:
The children are sitting at the tables. There is a knock on the door.

Educator: Who is knocking on our door? Asking to come to our house? We will see?
Takes an envelope. It has a disc.

caregiver: Guys, here is a letter for us! Let's get a look. Interesting. Not a simple letter, but a sound one. Let's listen?
The teacher turns on the disc.

Voice: Hello, dear kindergarten children, I am the Fairy of Nature. I heard that you are very good, smart children and I really want to get to know you better and invite you to visit me. My nature state has a nature lovers club. Do you want to visit there? But for this you must pass the test. Don't be afraid? Then stand near your chairs. I will say the magic words, and you perform all the movements and immediately find yourself in my forest ...
We got up. Ready…
It's easy to get into the Kingdom of Nature,
You don't have to travel far.
Close your eyes and take a step
Now clap your hands like this:
One clap, another clap
And now a haystack is visible,
And now the field is earing
Noisy-worried wheat,
The skies are blue above her
Open your eyes quickly.

Educator: So we ended up in the state of the Fairies of Nature. Where is she herself? Let's eat her. Oh, look at the magic flower - Flower-Semitsvetik. He fulfills every wish. Guys, there is something on the petals. Yes, these are assignments.

Let's read.
1. Red petal. "Name the artist."

Children, take the cards on the chairs. Now I will read lines of poetry, and you must raise the card. If the poem is about winter, you should raise a white square, about spring - green, about summer - red, about autumn - yellow.
four artists,
so many pictures.
Painted with white paint
All in a row one.
Forest and field are white,
white meadows,
At snow-covered aspens
Branches like horns ... (Winter)
The second is blue
Sky and streams.
splashing in blue puddles
A flock of sparrows.
transparent in the snow
Ice pieces are lace.
The first thawed patches
The first grass ... (Spring)
In the picture of the third
Colors and do not count:
Yellow, green, blue is.
Green forest and field
blue river
White fluffy
There are clouds in the sky ... (Summer)
And the fourth is gold
Painted the gardens
fields are fruitful,
Ripe fruit...
Everywhere beads - berries
Ripe in the forests
Who is that artist?
Guess yourself! (Autumn)

Well done! You know the seasons well. What's on the orange petal?

2. Orange petal. The game "Who (what) was, who (what) became."

The children are given cards. The reverse side of cards of a certain color. Children are grouped according to the color of the cards. Picture on the back.

You must consult and lay out the chain. What he was and what he became.

Egg - fry - fish.

Egg - Chicken - chicken.

Egg - tadpole - frog.

Seed - sprout - plant (dandelion).

Acorn - sprout - oak.

The good guys got the job done. Let's see what's on the yellow petal.

3. Yellow petal. Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you the game "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then we all shout “no” together!
If I come to the forest
And pick a chamomile? (No)
If I eat a pie
And throw out the paper? (No)
If a piece of bread
Will I leave it on the stump? (Yes)
If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)
If I make a fire,
Am I not going to simmer? (No)
If I mess up a lot
And I'll forget to remove it. (No)
If I take out the trash
Shall I dig a bank? (Yes)
I love my nature
I help her! (Yes)
Well done!
4. Green petal. And here, guys, questions about how you will act in a given situation.

- Lyosha found a nest with chiffchaff eggs in the grass. He really liked the little testicles. He wanted to take them home. And the chiffchaff circled over them and screamed. What is the right thing to do for Alyosha?

A nest on a branch is a bird's house.
Yesterday a chick was born in it.
You don't destroy this house.
And don't let anyone!

The children came with the teacher to the forest clearing. And they stopped in amazement: “How many flowers! Kupava, chamomile, bluebells. Let's pick big bouquets of flowers,” the children suggested. And the teacher said ... What did the teacher say?

flower in the meadow
I broke on the run.
Ripped off, but why -
I can't explain.
In a glass, he stood for a day and wilted.
And how long would he stand in the meadow?

On Sunday I decided to go to the lake. There were two boys walking down the path ahead of me. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. Let's take her to us so that she doesn't get lost," said one boy. "Don't touch it, the frog will find its own way," said another. Which boy was right?

At a soft swamp hummock,
Under the green leaf
The jumper lurked
Bug-eyed frog.
She can't live at home
Better let the forest help.

- Andryusha found a hedgehog in the forest and decided to give it to his girlfriend Nastya. But Nastya said: “Let him go, please!” "Never! I know that some people catch hedgehogs and bring them home, they give them milk, they feed them with sweets, ”Andryusha answered. “Only cruel people do this. Hedgehogs cannot live in captivity and often die!” Why did Nastya say so?

Don't take food with you
Let him go home.
The hedgehog is even the most stupid
Wants to live with hedgehog mom.

Children explain what is the right thing to do in this situation and put up a “Reminder Sign”, then recite the appropriate poem.
What do these signs mean? Other "Remembrance Signs" are displayed. Children answer what they mean.

Well done! One must be a friend to all living things and behave correctly in the forest.
Tree, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.

Let's see what task is on the blue petal.

5. Blue petal. "Plant a Forest"

The teacher shows pictures with a coded proverb and offers to consider it and remember it.

The teacher reads the proverb:
A lot of forest - do not cut,
Little forest - take care,
No forest - plant!
Children are invited to draw each phrase - to bewitch. Children, together with the teacher, participate in the process of turning a poem into a drawing, offering their association images.
What's on the blue petal?

6. Blue petal. Blitz questions.

Fairy of Nature: Reply quickly.

- Who wears a house? (Snail)

- Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)

What animal has a bush on its head? (Elk)

- Where do insects disappear with the onset of winter?

- List coniferous trees. (Pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir)

What animals hibernate? (Badger, bear, hedgehog, gopher, hamster)

What animals change color for the winter. (hare, squirrel)

What bird does not build nests and breed chicks? (Cuckoo)

What bird is called the "forest doctor"? (Woodpecker)

What animal is called the "ship of the desert"? (Camel)

What can't a plant grow without? (Light, water, heat).

You know everything, well done! And now the purple petal.

7. Purple petal. "Clear the Road"
The attraction "Whose team will clear the road faster" is being held.
There was a hurricane here recently. He knocked down a lot of trees and you need to clear the blockages on the roads. Whose team will quickly complete this task, she will find a message from the Fairy of Nature.

Fairy of Nature: Guys, you are true friends and connoisseurs of nature. I gladly welcome you to the Nature Lovers Club and award you well-deserved medals.
Educator: And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's join hands, friends, and go along the forest path to our home.

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Requisites: green, blue, white, yellow arrows, two buckets filled with multi-colored plastic balls, of which there are as many yellow ones as in a group of children, four basins: two empty, two filled with warm water, two identical boats and objects for obstacles: pebbles, skittles and etc., two sheets of drawing paper attached to the wall, yellow and orange felt-tip pens according to the number of children.

Characters: Daisy, Dandelion, Poppy, Cornflower, Chamomile, Bluebell, Earth, Water, Wind, Sun.

Leading: Hello guys, how beautiful it is in the hall today, festively. Only something else there are no guests. Oh no, someone is coming.

Daisy enters, holding a flower pot.

Leading: Hello girl, what's your name?

Daisy: Hello! My name is Marguerite.

Leading: What a beautiful name! This is the name of my favorite daisy flowers. But why are you so sad?

Daisy: My mother called me Daisy, because she also loves these flowers ... So, I wanted to grow them for her, planted seeds in a pot, I wait, I wait, but nothing grows.

Leading: Guys, who can help Daisy grow flowers?

Children: We will help!

Leading: How can we help? Maybe let's ask the flowers themselves what they need in order to grow well?

Children: Yes!!!


Let's say these words:

"Cornflower, cornflower,

Our favorite flower

Come visit us

And bring your friends!"

Children come to the music, Dandelion, Poppy, Cornflower, Chamomile.

1st child:

Come, flowers, visit us,

We will dance and sing for you

If necessary, plant in a pot,

We will pour spring water!

2nd child:

We love you, we consider you friends,

Children of our gardens and fields,

We will take care of you

So that you grow more magnificent in the flower beds.

3rd child:

Come in, we need you

You are beautiful and very gentle.

Tell us, we want to hear

What do you need to grow better?


I am the famous flower

Blue-blue Cornflower.

I will tell you a secret

What I want to get into the bouquet.

I'm waiting to be ripped off

And they will take it to the beloved.

And I will immediately

With Chamomile in a vase!


I am a cheerful boy

Yellow dandelion!

I'm tired of being yellow

I will be white.

And then everywhere in the fields

On green stems

White balls -

Fluffy lanterns.

But we don't like to stand

After all, we can fly

How the wind blows

We'll fly away!

The boy blows on a dandelion, the dandelion scatters.


I am familiar to all of you, because I am Chamomile,

I grow on a lawn by a quiet river,

Butterflies, children, insects love me,

I will turn my petals to everyone.

I am very smart, beautifully dressed,

The breeze caresses me on the run ...

Pick me up and I'll be a bouquet

I'll tell you a secret - I can guess!

Only an eccentric will not notice me!

After all, I'm the brightest, my name is Mac!

In the steppe and on the field you will see me,

I don't live alone, my whole family lives there.

We grow there in such abundance

And flutter dry and light,

Precisely these are all butterfly wings,

And not poppies simple petals.

Leading: Thank you flowers for coming to us. We wanted to ask you what you need in order to grow well, be healthy and beautiful? And then Daisy planted seeds, but her flowers do not grow.

Poppy: Ask the Earth! And play with us!

Bell: Ask Water! And play with us!

Cornflower: Ask Air! And play with us!

Chamomile: Ask the Sun! And play with us!

Leading: Do you want to play? Probably stagnated there in the meadow, well, let's play!

Flower carousel game

The players stand in a circle. A rope is lying on the floor, forming a ring, the ends of the rope are tied. Children pick it up from the floor and, holding it with their right hand, walk in a circle to the music. Then the melody abruptly changes to another. When changing the melody, the players quickly take the rope with the other hand and move in the opposite direction.

Leading: Well, we played, it's time to do business, go on the road. Remind the children to whom the flowers sent us for advice?

Children: To Air, Earth, Water, Sun.

Leading: Yes, but the way there is not close. And to get to our friends, you need to be strong, healthy, strong. What is needed for this?

Children: Do exercises!

Leading: Correctly! Charging will help us recharge with strength, vigor. And you, Daisy, also get ready to go with us!

The song "Together it's fun to walk" sounds.

Leading: And here is the green arrow. To whom did we come?

Children: To the Earth!

Leading: Yes, to Earth.

The earth enters to the music.

Earth: Hello guys! I am the mother earth. And you probably did not just come to me. Do you need something from me?

Daisy: Yes, we came to you for advice. I wanted to grow flowers and planted seeds, but they do not germinate. You can help?

Earth: I can... But first, tell me what you know about me.

1st child:

Earth is a huge good house

Blue roof.

And rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

2nd child:

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Earth: Why do they call me a nurse?

Children: The land gives a harvest, everything grows on it.

Earth: Correctly! Turnips have grown in my garden, try to pull them out.

Game "Pull the turnip"

Children are divided into two teams. Each team lines up. At the end of the hall are two buckets filled with colorful balls. The game starts on command. The first child runs to the bucket, chooses a yellow ball (turnip), runs back, stands at the end of the line, the next one runs after him. The team that first "gathers the turnips" wins.

Earth: Well you tried. For this, I will give you the promised advice: in order for the seed to germinate, the soil in the pot needs to be fed. And so that you yourself grow big, strong and strong, eat more vegetables. They have a lot of vitamins.

Leading: Thank you Earth. And where should we go next?

Earth: Go to Water. Without it, a flower cannot grow.

The earth is leaving.

Leading: Guys! The blue arrow will show us the way. But what is water? What is she like? After all, we need to know what we are looking for.

1st child:

And what kind of water is there?

Both cold and boiling

And a pool dug,

And the real sea.

2nd child:

We will remember everything forever

What a miracle water.

3rd child:

It's rain and spring

And in a glass of water

And the icicle, and the stream,

If you want - wash, if you want - drink.

Water comes out.


I am Voditsa Sorceress,

I hurry to have fun with you

At the same time not at all away

I am eager to help you.

Daisy: Hello Water! We have come to you for help. I wanted to grow a flower and planted a seed in a pot, but it does not germinate. The earth advised us to fertilize the soil in a pot. What do you say? Can you help me? And then we'll cheer you up.

Water: I can, but first tell me where you can find me in nature?

1st child:

Water is everywhere and always

But loves to travel water,

It will turn into snow, then into ice,

It will melt - and the rain will pour.

Water: Yes, that's right! I'm like this: and snow, and a river, and rain - raindrops ... Where are my magic drops? (Places an imaginary drop of water in each child's hands.) I am sending you droplets to earth. Spill clean rain, water the earth, trees and flowers, take a walk! Yes, look, do not indulge, do not splash! (To the guys.) Do you like to play with water?

Children: Yes!

Water: Then let's play an interesting game.

water play

Put four basins: two with water, two empty. The purpose of the game. - as quickly and accurately as possible, pour water with your palms from one basin to another. The team with the least amount of water spilled on the floor wins.

Water: Oh, listen, what beautiful music, but these are my little daughters! Let's see how they dance!

Girls dance with transparent blue scarves, symbolizing streams.

Leading: Very nice dance, right guys? After their dance and streams remained. Look - boats are sailing along our streams. We need to help them swim past the rocks!

Draws the attention of children to two paper boats standing on the floor.

Water: Can I play with you?

Water joins one team, Leading to another.

Game "Ships"

Children are divided into two teams, with a boat in their hand they overcome obstacles (pebbles) and pass the boat to the next participant.

Water: Well done, you have done such a difficult job! So smart and dexterous, I will give useful advice: in order for a seed to germinate, you need to pour water on it. Now go to Air.

The water is leaving.


How can we find air?

How to get to Air?

How can we see him?

We know it's invisible!

Oh kids, look! The white arrow will show us the way to the Wind.

Wind flies.


And I drive flocks of clouds!

But I'm also quiet

I drive waves in the sea,

As I blow - in the river trembling,

I'm a mischievous, you can't stop!

Daisy: Hello Wind! We really need you! You see, we want to grow beautiful flowers. Planted a seed, but it does not germinate. Earth advised to fertilize the soil, Water - to water the earth in a pot. Can you help with your advice?

Wind: Well, I'll help. Only you answer me the question: what am I?

Children: Affectionate and warm, noisy and cold.

2nd child:

We know you are gentle

And sometimes it’s formidable, snowy,

You play briskly with herbs,

With the strength of the wave you raise.

Wind, wind-breeze,

You are different, my friend!

Wind: Yes, I'm so different... Do you want to play with me?

Children: Yes!

Wind: Then let's play an interesting game in which you can't do without wind!

The game "Football with the breeze"

Two teams sit on opposite sides of the table. The table is divided in half by a thread placed in the middle (so that it stretches, tie its ends under the table). A "ball" is placed on the middle line - a bird's feather (or a light ball of wool, cotton wool, etc.). The players of both teams simultaneously begin to blow on the “ball” from syringes, trying to blow it off the table to half of the “opponent”. The team that succeeded "scores a goal" into the opponent's goal. The game starts from the middle line and continues until the agreed number of "goals".

Wind: Well we played! Let's play one more game.

Game "Warm and cold breeze"

Children "turn" into insects. When the music depicts a gentle, warm wind, insects fly over the clearing, and when the wind becomes strong, cold, they hide from it.

Leading: Wind, we really like it when you are warm and affectionate. We want you to always be like this.


I really liked you

But I like to walk freely

I will fly into the sea, into the field,

I give you my advice

I tell you from the bottom of my heart:

Breathe fresh air

And take care of your flower!

The wind flies away.

Leading A: The wind gave good advice. And who else can help us grow a flower?

Children: Sun!

Leading: Of course, Sunshine. And here is the yellow arrow that will show us the path.

1st child:

Like a yellow ball

The sun rolls in the sky

Jumping through the trees

That will hide behind a cloud.

2nd child:

Look out, sunshine

Shine soon!

Let's lie in the sun

Let's get healthier.

The sun appears.

The sun:

Well, who does not know the Sun?

I look in the window in the morning

I warm the earth

I awaken nature.

What happened to you?

Daisy: Hello Sunshine! It's good that you exist! We want to grow a flower, so we planted a seed. The Earth advised us to fertilize the soil, Water advised us to water the flower, and the Wind said that fresh air is simply necessary. And you, Sunshine, will you help us?

The sun:

Of course I will, because I love you all. Shall we play first?

Game "Draw the sun"

Children are divided into two teams. A piece of paper attached to the wall was prepared for each team. Each child is given a marker. The task is to quickly and beautifully draw the sun.

Leading: And now, Sunny, our "Rays" will dance you a dance.

Ray dance.

The sun:

And I will give advice:

Love the sun's light

Sunbathe more often in summer

Don't forget about me!

And put the flower in the sun so that it is very warm and joyful.

Leading: Thank you Sunshine.

The sun is leaving.

Leading: Here we have collected all the good advice from our friends. Now we know what is needed for flowers.

Children: Well-drained soil, clean water, fresh air and sunlight.

Leading: Right! I'm sure we can grow wonderful flowers. You see, our friends Earth, Water, Air and Sun helped us.

Daisy: Yes, it’s not for nothing that they say: “The sun, air and water are our best friends!” Thank you and goodbye, I'll go water the flower and fertilize!

Leading: Yes, and do not forget to put it on the window, where there is a lot of sunlight and fresh air. And us guys, it's time! Let's go to the group and think maybe we'll plant some flowers!