Debunking in the Orthodox Church is a rule. A sample of this statement is available. Reasons for debunking a church marriage

There is no payment for the wedding, only a voluntary donation, the amount of which the priest will tell you in the church where you decided to marry your spouse. How many times can you get married? When asked how many times you can get married, the church answers quite unambiguously. If you can get consent to the wedding a second time without any problems, then when you go for a wedding permit for the third time, they will look at you frankly condemning. It is possible that they will try to guide you on the right path, recalling that rushing from wife to wife (from husband to husband) is not worthy of a true believer. In fact, the maximum number of times a person can get married is three. Especially if you are not yet 50 years old. But the third time may not be blessed. Here is an explanatory video on this issue, in particular about the third marriage: However, some priests may have a different opinion.

Debunking rules in the Orthodox Church after divorce

The list of necessary documents that must be attached to the application consists of the following papers:

  • divorce certificate issued by the registry office;
  • a document on a new marriage (if one of the couple has already concluded it);
  • a document confirming the wedding;
  • notarized consent of the second half to debunking;
  • documents confirming the reasons for the decision to dissolve the marriage.

All this is attached to the application in the form of photocopies. The originals remain with the sender. Re-registration of a church marriage Is it possible to dethrone if the marriage broke up, unilaterally or by mutual will - it is now more or less clear. But whether the spouses can re-pass the wedding ceremony with another person, you should figure it out in more detail.
Re-weddings in the Orthodox Church are permitted only when the married couples are separated by death.

Debunking procedure in the Russian Orthodox Church

Whether this can be done depends on the above reasons. The procedure for debunking a church marriage As mentioned above, there is no specific procedure for dissolving a marriage in the church, the church can only bless a person for remarriage, hereinafter we will call this debunking. The Orthodox Church allows re-wedding of people who have already been married, and for this it will be necessary to contact the Diocesan Administration.
So what's the right way to debunk?

  • You must submit a petition to the bishop, attach the necessary documents and wait for an answer.
  • You will have an interview with a priest who wants to know the reasons that prompted you to divorce.

How to debunk a church marriage: procedure, reasons, grounds

When planning a second wedding, those spouses who have already been at the altar in their first or second marriage are required to submit an application to the head of the diocese and a copy of the divorce certificate. The number of modern Orthodox divorces has reached such proportions that the diocese has standard forms for filing an application for divorce, permission for a second wedding. You must have a passport with you to confirm your identity.

Attention! A positive response from the bishop to the application is permission for church divorce, debunking, and re-union. At the same time, there is no information about the abandoned children, the physical and mental state of the second half. All responsibility to the Almighty lies only with people.
No priest has the authority to perform the Sacrament of the Second Wedding without permission from the diocese, and this can take several weeks. This information should be taken into account when planning the date of the wedding.

Procedure for debunking a church marriage: conditions for divorce

Was debunking allowed a hundred years ago Before the 1917 revolution, the church was recognized by people at the state level. According to the laws of that time, the married couple did not have the right to divorce. Unsuccessful relationships, lack of understanding and love in the family were considered a punishment from Heaven, a kind of cross that both spouses had to carry their whole lives.


The creation of a new family was possible only in one case, the death of one of the spouses. Women abandoned by their husbands went to monasteries, because they had no opportunity to provide for themselves. Raising children, making them human was the law of life.

At the same time, no one could even think about the destruction of the church wedding. No one claims that all Christian couples, and there were no others at the time, were happy. Many men lived in two families, children were born out of wedlock, but all these actions were not encouraged by God and people.


When you can get married again In the Christian world there is a tradition according to which the wedding is performed three times. But the third time the ceremony becomes possible only when a widow and a widower are married or they have minor children. To do this, it will be necessary to draw up documents confirming widowhood.

They are required to be copied and submitted to the Diocese along with the application. Debunking in the Orthodox Church, the rules and canons of which are very different from other beliefs, has a number of differences from the usual divorce. If the latter passes fairly quickly, then there must be fairly good reasons for the former, and it will be controlled by several church authorities.

The main purpose of this ceremony is not just to discredit the spouses, but to achieve a second blessing for the wedding in view of the recognition of the first as an unfavorable event.

Church divorce: the procedure for "debunking" spouses

The Church, as you know, not only does not welcome, but also condemns, however, she has condescension to human impotence. The procedure for debunking in the Russian Orthodox Church after a divorce and obtaining permission to enter into another marriage can only be carried out by a bishop. The procedure for debunking in the Russian Orthodox Church after a divorce and obtaining permission to enter into another marriage can only be carried out by a bishop. In order to appeal to the bishop with a petition to debunk the marriage and withdraw the blessing received, you need to have divorce documents with you. And the Orthodox culture has a restriction on church marriage, which provides for no more than three marriages. Since 1918, there has been a whole list of motives that can serve as a reason for a debunking.

How can you debunk after a divorce: order

The spouses who have decided to inform the church about the divorce should know that if they want to renew the marriage relationship, the wedding between them is impossible. According to the laws of the Orthodox Russian Church, you can go down the aisle only twice in your life. The second wedding after the submission of divorce documents, strong evidence of the non-Christian behavior of the other half, possibly with the permission of the head of the diocese.

The bishop can give permission for a new union, while canceling the first wedding. Is it possible to re-marry Divorce and re-marrying, what is needed for this? Although there is no concept in the Church Statutes how the breaking of the bonds sanctified by the church, the Priesthood understands the fact that there are different situations in life. The priest conducts a new wedding ceremony, constantly reminding that throwing between the choice of a spouse is not welcomed by the Church Rite.

The dethronement rite in the Orthodox Church: is it possible or not

The main documents that need to be attached to the application are:

  • a copy of the divorce certificate issued by the registry office;
  • a copy of the certificate of a new marriage (if any);
  • a copy of the wedding document (if any);
  • consent to debunking signed by the second spouse (if any);
  • other documents confirming the circumstances stated in the application;
  • the report, petition and documents are sent to the Administrator of the Diocese, who decides on the possibility of dissolving the church marriage. The corresponding document is issued to the applicant in the church at the place of appeal.

To perform a repeated ordinance, it is necessary to receive a blessing from the diocesan bishop, which is given only in exceptional cases:

  1. an incurable disease of the spouse that poses a threat to the life of children (AIDS, syphilis, etc.);
  2. inability to reproduce;
  3. one of the spouses changed the Orthodox belief to another;
  4. abortion of the wife without medical necessity;
  5. one of the spouses is missing;
  6. incurable alcoholism or drug addiction;
  7. marriage of one of the spouses to another person.

A personal conversation with a clergyman should be quite open and confidential. You should not hide the shameful reasons for breaking up with your ex-spouse. The priests adhere to the rule of the secret of confession, so your story will remain only between you.

What needs to be done to file a divorce in the Orthodox Church?

Knowing about the complexities of the re-wedding, some of the spouses decide to hide the fact that the church sacrament was performed during the previous conclusion of the union.

For true believers, this is completely unacceptable. The wedding ceremony invokes God's blessing on the newly created family.

Knowingly to lie and not confess to the clergy about the wedding held earlier, it means to sin.

Such rash actions are unacceptable for people seeking to receive God's mercy and live according to the laws of the Lord. Registration of permission to re-marry with a future life partner provides for a debunking with a former spouse.

The Church performs only constructive actions, therefore she does not use such a concept as “debunking”. Despite this, in the petition for a second wedding, a request for a blessing is indicated for the dissolution of a previous church marriage.

How to write a petition to dissolve a church marriage correctly?

The petition must be properly drawn up and submitted to the ruling diocesan bishop. It is best to personally go to the temple and learn about all the nuances of the divorce procedure. On the spot, you can be provided with a sample application and will be told about the package of necessary documents.

The application form looks like this:

  1. in the upper right corner, it is indicated to whom the petition is sent (His Eminence, the Most Reverend (Name). Below this, the data of the petitioner is written - full name, address and contact phone number;
  2. in the center of the next line, the type of letter is indicated - "Petition";
  3. further, in free form, the applicant must indicate the date and place of the previous wedding, the history of the marriage and the reason for the divorce;
  4. after the text, a list of provided documents is listed;
  5. below, in a separate line, the consent or disagreement of the second spouse is indicated;
  6. at the very bottom of the letter of request there must be a date and signature;
  7. the petition ends with the phrase: "I apologize for the terminated marriage."

What documents do I need to provide?

Despite the fact that the wedding of the spouses took place in the face of the Lord, and the wedding certificate has no legal force, consideration of the petition for a second sacrament will require a package of documents:

  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the divorce certificate issued by the registry office or the court;
  • a copy of the church marriage certificate;
  • the handwritten consent of the second spouse to a church divorce (if any);
  • medical documents confirming the presence of diseases, if such were indicated in the petition as a basis for a church divorce.

The terms for consideration of the application in the Diocese are not regulated, therefore, when submitting the application, you should specify the approximate date of the interview with the clergyman. After examining the letter and documents, the applicant is summoned for a conversation with the priest.

If the minister of the Church considers the indicated grounds for dissolution of marriage to be significant, then the spouses are debunked. Having studied all the features of church divorce, one can foresee in advance the possibility of remarriage in Heaven.

Reasons such as "disagreement" or "husband earns little" for the church are not a reason for divorce. The Diocesan Bishop may well refuse such a petition, therefore a sufficiently weighty argument must be indicated for a divorce.

How is the procedure for debunking a church marriage?

After the Diocesan Bishop puts his resolution on the petition to dissolve the church marriage, the former spouses can remarry within the walls of the Church.

The re-wedding is a debunking of the previous union, so no additional ceremonies will be held. The only thing that will not be in the ritual is the moment with the laying of crowns on the heads of the future spouses.

This prerogative is granted only to a couple who, for the first time, are united in union before God. Otherwise, the whole ceremony will be just as beautiful and solemn.

How much does the ceremony cost?

Any representative of the registry office can officially name the exact cost of a marriage in this institution, since it is clearly fixed and mandatory.

In the case of a wedding, such a figure can hardly be heard. According to the laws of the Orthodox Church, the ceremony is carried out free of charge. In fact, this is not the case. Each temple has its own rules, which you should learn about in advance.

In some temples, a small monetary donation is sufficient before the ceremony. In small churches, they can ask for from 1 to 4 thousand rubles. In large temples, the ceremony can cost more than 10 thousand rubles.

The collection of fees for the wedding ceremony is equivalent to a monetary donation, so all funds go only to the maintenance of the church and the clergy.

Re-wedding after divorce proceedings

A couple of hundred years ago, the union of two people meant a wedding before God. Marriage was recognized in the world only if the priest united the couple with a crown. There could be no question of any registration of the union in the registry office.

After the wedding ceremony, young people become spouses forever, and no force could separate them. It was like that before. Church rules have undergone some transformations in our time.

They understand that their family boat ran into the reefs and fell apart irrevocably. And this happens as with those who lived in the same with those who went through the Sacrament of the wedding. And if an official divorce does not cause any special problems, then debunking a church marriage is a rather difficult thing. On the one hand, vows are taken in the church, which cannot be broken, and on the other, no one is immune from mistakes. If once in his life he made a mistake and turned into a real nightmare, would it really please God that this situation continue? Especially when it is simply impossible to resolve conflicts in any other way. So is it possible to debunk a church marriage?

Does the Orthodox religion allow divorce?

First of all, you should always remember the Lord's attitude to this issue, which is recorded in the book of Malachi 2:16. It clearly states that God does not accept. The Bible clearly states that marriage is for life. Matthew 19: 6 says that the Lord combined, then let a man not part. At the same time, God allows sinful people to enter into a union, and therefore marriage can be debunked. To respect the rights of those who choose to divorce, especially women, certain laws are established in (Deuteronomy 24: 1-4). The Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 19, verse 9) says that remarriage and divorce are possible because of adultery. In this case, permission for a re-union is given to the injured party.

Church divorce

Since there is a sacrament of wedding in Orthodoxy, it can be logically assumed that there should also be a debunking of church marriage. However, such a rite does not exist in Christianity. And therefore the very term debunking from this point of view is not quite suitable. The Church is only allowed to re-enter. In order to re-conduct the Sacrament of the wedding, you must obtain permission from the relevant diocese. First, it is registered with the official state bodies, and then, after receiving a positive response to the petition, you can apply to the chosen temple and get married again. When the ceremony is repeated, there is one moment: if both spouses remarry, then during the ceremony no crowns are laid on them, but if at least one of them enters into an alliance for the first time, then the laying of crowns takes place as usual.

Who can be blessed to remarry

Debunking a church marriage is not allowed for everyone. There is a certain list of reasons why this becomes possible:

  1. Treason.
  2. The presence of sexually transmitted or incurable diseases.
  3. Drug addiction, alcoholism.
  4. An incurable mental illness.
  5. Creation of a threat to health and life and harm by one of the spouses.
  6. Leaving the family.

At the same time, reasons such as lack of earnings, dissimilarity of characters, bad relations with relatives, the church are not recognized and, most likely, a refusal will be received when referring to them. Therefore, the wedding should be treated thoroughly, only if you are completely confident in your chosen one or chosen one. And if problems arise, still try to find a compromise, showing love and mercy, as the Lord teaches us in the eternal book of life.

A church marriage, that is, a wedding, is a responsible and very important step, which confirms the seriousness of the spouses' attitude to the family and also to the church, in general. Is it possible to terminate such an alliance? How to get debunked in the church? Find out when this is possible and how the procedure is performed.

Is termination possible?

In general, in the Orthodox Church there is no such thing as “debunking”. That is, it is assumed that a church marriage is concluded in heaven according to the will of God and therefore must be eternal. But, unfortunately, almost anything can happen in life. And sometimes it is senseless and wrong to keep a family just because of faith, therefore, it is still possible to dissolve the union, and this will mean that the church gives the former spouses a blessing for other relationships.

Grounds for termination

A marriage made in heaven cannot end its existence unreasonably, that is, without good reason. And such reasons were established by a special document drawn up by the Local Council of the Orthodox Church of Russia (its title is "Determination of the reasons for the dissolution of the marriage union consecrated by the Church").

The Orthodox Church identifies several compelling reasons:

  • Adultery, that is, adultery. It is a sin and a serious offense to the spouse's feelings, and therefore can serve as a valid reason for the end of a marriage.
  • Loss of faith or disbelief. So, if one of the spouses was an Orthodox believer, but then decided to choose a different religion or become an atheist, then the wedding loses its meaning for him, and therefore, in this case, the church allows the dissolution of the marriage.
  • Disability. Moreover, such a concept in the Orthodox faith is described quite broadly, that is, with the highlighting of some specific cases. So, the loss of legal capacity can be either accidental, that is, caused by injury or illness, or deliberate, which occurred after self-mutilation (self-mutilation). In general, leaving a person in a difficult situation is at least inhumane, but it is believed that everyone deserves happiness, and therefore if the second spouse cannot continue a full-fledged relationship, then the marriage may be terminated.
  • Unnatural vices that are contrary to generally accepted moral norms, as well as to the basic Orthodox commandments. It can be theft, perversion, and so on. Each case should be considered separately and individually.
  • The entry of one spouse into a new marriage, the appearance of strong and sincere feelings for another person. Such a church also allows, therefore, if a wife (or husband) falls in love with another, then in the Orthodox faith a blessing is allowed for another union, if it is strong and conscious.
  • Church marriage can also be dissolved due to certain diseases, which are often incurable. If earlier their list included only leprosy and syphilis, then over time the list has expanded. And today, some other diseases, such as AIDS, as well as serious mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, and so on, can become grounds for the so-called debunking. In the Orthodox faith, as in ordinary life, the mentally ill are considered incapable of full and correct relationships, as well as caring for the other half and feelings for her, which are the foundations of the existence of any believing family.
  • Infringement on the health, life or children, or spouse, that is, physical harm. In Orthodoxy, assault is unacceptable, so it can become the basis for divorce.
  • Some types of addiction, for example, from alcohol, drugs. Such bad habits are dangerous for marriage and family, so they can be a reason for an informed end of the relationship.
  • The commission of a crime by a spouse and the subsequent punishment, which entailed imprisonment. This is considered a great sin, so if one spouse stumbled and committed a serious offense, then the other can abandon it and start a new life.
  • An unknown absence. If one spouse is missing and is absent for a long time, then the second can receive a blessing from the church for a new relationship, since the previous ones ended, and not through his fault, but by coincidence.
  • Taking advantage with the help of a spouse, for example, the irrational use of his funds or the use for selfish purposes of deteriorating health.
  • Dreaming is also considered a serious reason for the dissolution of a church-sanctified marriage. This concept means the relationship of older men of a peasant family (usually large) with younger women. This term includes the connection between a father and his son's wife.
  • The reasons include pimping, which is described by the Orthodox Church as facilitating sexual relations between a man and a woman for selfish purposes.
  • Death of a spouse. The second, subject to the observance of mourning, after a while may remarry.

How to debunk?

The procedure for dissolving a union after a divorce is quite difficult from an Orthodox point of view. And permission for it is not always given, in some cases the beginning of a new relationship is regarded as a sin. In order to dissolve a church marriage after a divorce, you need to contact the local (that is, regional) Diocese, since such an important decision can only be blessed by clergymen of the highest levels, an ordinary priest is not authorized to do this, he does not have such rights. You will have to draw up a petition addressed to the bishop or bishop, in which you must indicate directly the request for divorce, as well as the grounds for this.

Some documents must be attached to the application, which will confirm the well-balanced decision and the seriousness of intentions. These include the passport of the one who asks to dissolve the union or bless a new one, a wedding certificate, as well as a divorce certificate. If you have entered into a new union, then have with you a certificate confirming this.

One spouse can also ask for debunking, if there are good reasons for doing so. In any case, the clergyman will conduct a conversation, during which he will find out the reasons for the dissolution of the union and assess the possibility of preserving it. Within ten days after the submission of the application, it will be considered. Then the debunking procedure itself is carried out. A meeting will be held, in which the spouses (preferably both), as well as 10 ministers of the church of different dignities should take part. They will decide and bless the next marriage, if need be.

Is remarriage possible?

Remarriage after debunking is possible, and the church can give a blessing on it. But only a spouse who is not to blame for the disintegration of the previous marriage can receive it. Although if he confesses and takes communion, then his sins can be forgiven by the clergy. In any case, the church allows only three marriages and emphasizes that all decisions should be balanced, deliberate and deliberate. Therefore, before deciding to dissolve the union, you should think carefully and find out whether it is possible to save the relationship, because a chance should be given to everyone, even those who have stumbled and lost their righteous path.

You can get divorced after a divorce, but only if there are good reasons. Only then will the second marriage be blessed.