Fun in the dhow for the old new year. Scenario of a holiday in kindergarten this old new year. Photos from the play "A New Tale for the Old New Year"

Performances and round dances bring children a lot of joy, each of them has time to visit several Christmas trees, which means that they will meet with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden several times and even receive several gifts. New Year is the most beloved, amazing and long-lasting holiday and the celebration by Russians of the Old New Year becomes its wonderful final point. So for the children it would be good to arrange this day.

We offer one of the options Scenario of the New Year's holiday for kids "Farewell to the Christmas tree for the Old New Year." Lyrics and music included.

Scenario of the holiday for kids "Farewell to the Christmas tree"

The song "Swept the Blizzard" is played

The Snow Maiden organizes a round dance with the kids and leads them into the hall. The round dance stops near the tree.

Snow Maiden: Hello, friends!

It's me with you again!

A new holiday at the gate -

It's Old New Year!

It sounds "It's cold to the little Christmas tree in winter" - round dance around the tree

Snow Maiden: And all over the big planet

Children love to have fun!

Love to run and play

And dance at the Christmas tree!

Sounds Caramel "Letka-enka" - children dancing

Snow Maiden: I remember Santa Claus

I brought you this tree.

But Frost is not with us -

I see him only a trace ...

Sounds "There was a merry Santa Claus" - there is a dance game

(see the text in the document TEXTS OF SONGS)

Snow Maiden: With you, children, I will play -

I turn you into snowflakes

Run away from the wind

Don't get caught in a blizzard!

Game "Snowflakes and Wind"

The melody of any waltz sounds, the children move freely around the hall - they are “snowflakes”, the melody changes to rough, disturbing wind chimes, children-“snowflakes” gather in a “lump” and freeze. The game is repeated several times.

Snow Maiden: Maybe someone will read poetry -

Well this is a holiday - New Year!

New Year's poems (children remember them from the New Year's party)

Snow Maiden: And now you, my children,

Let me turn into a little animal!

The "Dance of the Animals" sounds - kids are playing

(see the text in the document TEXTS OF SONGS)

Snow Maiden: We will sing a song to the tree

Let's all go in a round dance

We will wave the Christmas tree -

Let's dance for her!

Round dance "We will go near our Christmas tree"

(see the text in the document TEXTS OF SONGS)

Snow Maiden: We can't sit still -

We continue to have fun!

Music, hurry up and play

Invite us to dance!

Free general dance (music - at the teacher's choice)

Snow Maiden: Well, we have to go! \

Let's shout to the Christmas tree: "Hurray!"

We know, we know - in a year

The Christmas tree will come to us again!

Goodbye, Christmas tree,

Winter beauty.

You yourself and your holiday

Children love it!

Children: Goodbye, Christmas tree,

We will wait for you!

We will be with you, Christmas tree,

Celebrate the New Year!

Children leave the hall to the music of the song "Swept the Blizzard"

(to download - click on the file)

Scenario of the holiday "Old New Year"



Host 1: Anush Rafikovna

Host 2: Natalia Geizovna

Baba Yaga: Irina Viktorovna

Snowman: Evdokia Makarovna

Santa Claus: Elena Anatolyevna

Monkey: Alexandra Nikolaevna

Children enter the hall to the New Year's song.

Lead 1.

There is a holiday loved by all -

Old New Year!

He teases us with gifts,

He brings happiness to the house!

We are with you this holiday

See you in January.

Let it sparkle with lights

Christmas tree kids!

Let's all celebrate this holiday

We are in the circle of friends

May today in our hall

It will be more fun!

Lead 2.

Today our tree has invited everyone to the hall again for the old new year.
Smart, fluffy, green, fragrant
Our Christmas tree is sparkling, it is all lit with lights.
Decorated with toys balls and crackers
And each needle tells us quietly:

Blizzards are splashing in the forest
Hares are hiding under the spruce
Then the wolf flashes to the side
That red fox
And I'm all smart
Green cool
I love ringing songs
And your voices.
For many years in a row
The Christmas tree makes the guys happy
Your dads your moms
We also had a round dance
Under the old new year
From colored lanterns
The needles are shining
So sing a song about me "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Children perform song and dance"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Lead 1.

How much on this winter day

People gathered here

We are glad to congratulate you all ...

Children: Happy Old New Year!

Lead 2.

How beautiful it is in our hall-

As if we were in a fairy tale

Everything sparkles and sings-

Hello, Old-New Year!

Children of the older group perform a round dance

"New Year's round dance" (

Lead 1.

On New Year's Eve miracles happen everywhere

And in our hall all the tales of the voice are heard.

Are you ready for the magic? (Yes)

Then we start

And into the New Year's fairy tale

We get to you ...

(light goes out)

Hush, hush, the lights go out

The magic hour has come.

The evening star is lit

The forest tale has begun.

Baba Yaga appears.

Tay, tay, swoop in

Play the game with me!

I am Grandma Hedgehog,

Bone leg!

I will entertain you

I'll play with you!

Mustache girls

Boys with bows.

Oh, guys, don't yawn,

Substitute the handles, legs.

A Russian folk game with Baba Yaga is held. She

names a part of the body - children must hide it, those who did not have time, take it to the carpet.

Lead 2.

So that the yaga does not conjure,

She did not cast her spell.

You need friends to dance

Show your prowess.

(Fun music sounds - selected children dance.)

Lead 1.

To us from Africa for a holiday

A funny monkey arrived with his friends.

Mandyanka dance with popuasikov (St. gr.)

Lead 2.

Sweeping the snow with a broom

The Snowman is in a hurry to us.

He is glad to dance by the tree,

And make the kids laugh!

The Snowman enters the hall.

Dance of the snowmen.

The game amusement game "Along the snow-covered paths".

2 teams of children of 6 people are selected: the first child, putting on felt boots and tying a scarf (zyuzi help), walks, stepping over the modules, to the landmark and back. The winner is the team that finishes the task first.


Lead 1.

Only Mishka sleeps in a den,

Sleeps and sees a sweet dream

As if to our kindergarten for a holiday

He rides on a sled.

Dance-Song "On a green tree"(in version 2 ml. gr.)

Host 2.

Ah, carnival, amazing ball,

How many friends have you gathered for the holiday!

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing

All the miracles are yet to come!

And what are the miracles without Santa Claus? Let's all call him together!

Children: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

The soundtrack of the song "Winter" sounds.

Grandfather Frost enters and he is dressed in a very original way: he has a bandana on his head, headphones, talks on a cell phone.

Lead 1.

Santa Claus! Is that you?

Father Frost.

I AM! I AM! I keep up with the times! Spinning in different circles, hanging out! I live in a modern, easy and cool way! (Looking at the Christmas tree): Wow! What shine!

Host 1. Santa Claus! Do you know where you came from?

D. M. To the party!

Lead 2.

What other party, what are these words? This is a kindergarten! And our children are well-bred! What are you teaching them!

Father Frost.

Kindergarten! But what am I doing, the old one? Excuse me, children, forgive me old man!

(Behind the tree he puts on a hat, turns into a real Santa Claus)

Father Frost.

Happy New Year Old Year! Congratulations to all the children!

Let's get up in a round dance and sing about the New Year!

Round dance "Dance near the Christmas tree" (Wed)

Father Frost

We meet with a dance New Year,

We meet the New Year with a song,

And who knows the rhyme about the Christmas tree,

I hope he can read it to us?

Children recite poetry

Santa Claus praises the guys for good poetry

Lead 1.

For you, Santa Claus

We read poetry

For you at this hour

Singing songs!

Children perform the dance "Russian Santa Claus"

Lead 2.

And now Santa Claus,

Play with us.

Dance in a circle

With our friends.

The game "Hand"

Father Frost.

Oh, tired, tired, tired!

How merrily he danced.

I used Snowflake here,

I melt-melt, gentlemen!


Hey, Snowflakes, quickly fly here to us!

You will quickly chill Santa Claus!

Dance of Snowflakes (Wed)

Father Frost : Oh, thanks snowflakes you saved me.

Leading: So let's have fun and dance.

Polka dance (older group)

Santa Claus treats the children with sweets.

Father Frost.

You keep the fun

Nicely greet the New Year

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye

And return to the North.

Goodbye, kids. See you next year!


Well, it's time for us to go home,

May the fun, joy, happiness

New Year will give us.

Children dance to cheerful music.

Old New Year is in a hurry to visit us

It is not known what a person will be like in a thousand years, but if you take away from a modern person this acquired and inherited belongings of holidays and rituals, then he will forget everything and unlearn everything, and will have to start all over again ”

V.O. Klyuchevsky

Goals:- to acquaint with the Russian national holiday Vasilyev's Day, with the Old New Year, with the history of its origin, traditions, customs;

Tasks:-foster civil-patriotic feelings, respect for folk traditions;

To cultivate respect for the way of life, way of life, customs of our ancestors, strive to preserve that valuable that is still left of the unjustly forgotten;

Awaken an emotional attitude towards life.

To unite the children's team in a single deed.

Age- 13-15 years old

Characters: Host 1, Host 2 - dressed in Russian sundresses and scarves.

Equipment:Snowflakes, Christmas tree, candy with surprises, glasses for fortune telling (salt, sugar, ring, bread, key, coin, match), projector, audio recording of the song "Kolyada" performed by the group "Ivan Kupala", glasses with water, beans, spoons, chest, tablecloth, candles, mirror.

Holiday progress

The song "Kolyada" is played by the group "Ivan Kupala", Via GRA "Narrowed", AVVA.

Lead 1:

Hello guys and dear guests! Welcome to my mansion. I am the owner of this hut. Tell me, what time of year is it, and what is the month? Winter is not only the longest time of the year, but also the richest in holidays. What winter holidays do you know?

Winter frosts set in, the earth was dressed in snow. One of the most interesting winter holidays is the Russian folk holiday - Svyatki. Christmastide-holy evenings, so the festivities dedicated to the Nativity of Christ were called in Russia. In this holiday, the pagan rites of the ancient Slavs and the customs of Christianity were intertwined.

Christmastide lasts two weeks and is divided into 3 stages.

January 7 - Feast of the Nativity of Christ - Holy Evenings.The hostess comes out:

“Treat yourself to gingerbread cookies - cows, roes, crosses and crescents. (Shows cookies). These gingerbread cookies are not simple. The presented gingerbread is keptall year round, brings good luck and protects from all bad things. " When the family gathered at the table, everyone ate in strict silence, and only the children sometimes climbed under the table and bellowed with a cow, tagged with a goat, crowed. This was done so that these animals were found in the house. And after supper the fun began.

On the eve of Christmas they started caroling. Carols are songs in which they praised the owners, wished them wealth and a good harvest. Carols were a real treat for rural youth. Carollers carried an eight-pointed star on a pole. Kind hosts presented the guests with pies, sweets, money. And if the owners were greedy, then the carolers sang songs with comic threats:

Do not give a pie, we are a cow by the horns.

Do not give a blink - we are the owners of the kick.

Serve, do not break, hand out to all the guys!

(Scene with the owners).

Children knock on the door and say in unison: “Open the gate! Kolyada has come to you! "

Caroling, caroling I will go into any hut.

I'll ask the owner of the Sweets, come on.

And cookies, and sweets, And sorbet with nuts,

And halva, and chocolate, Pastila and marmalade,

Delicious cake, Sweet ice cream

We ourselves will eat And treat each other

And the hostess, and the hostess with a kind word to remember!

Thank you, good people!

After the caroling, all the gifts were collected in a bag, and the whole company gathered in the hut and arranged gatherings. Boys and girls came in new clothes. They made riddles, danced, sang, danced in circles. Dances and games were interrupted by the arrival of the mummers. Favorite masks were Medved and Zhurav. Zhurav beat the girls with his beak, and to buy him off, they threw him gingerbread, nuts, and sweets.

In the evening, bonfires were burned, which was associated with the idea of ​​the revival of the sun. On New Year's Eve, people thought about their future. On Christmastide, everyone was guessing.

January 19 - Epiphany, terrible evenings.And on the eve of Epiphany, crosses were painted on the windows and doors, which the evil spirits were afraid of. At Epiphany the Christmastide ended.

Vasilyev's day. It turns out that in Ancient Russia this day was also celebrated annually, but not as New or Old Year, but as St. Basil's Day. It was named in honor of Basil the Great - the holy archbishop of Caesarea, deeply revered among Christians, or, as the people call it, the Old New YearHe became famous for his holiness, deep knowledge of Holy Scripture, great scholarship, labors for the good of church peace and unity. Among the constant dangers of St. Basil supported the Orthodox, confirming their faith, calling for courage and patience. All this caused the hatred of the Arians. He used all his personal funds for the benefit of the poor: he created almshouses, hospitals, hospitals, and established two monasteries - male and female.The Arians pursued him everywhere. St. Basil was threatened with ruin, exile, torture and death. He said: “Death is a blessing for me. She will rather lead me to God, for whom I live and work. "

Sickness from youth, labors of teaching, deeds of abstinence, care and sorrow of the pastoral ministry exhausted the strength of the saint, and on January 1, 379, he reposed in the Lord, being 49 years old. The church immediately began to celebrate his memory. brought and benefits, and for Christians has always been and will be a teacher

Leading 1. « History of the holiday"

In pagan times, the New Year was celebrated in Russia on March 22 - the day of the vernal equinox, and this was due to the agricultural cycle. With the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the Byzantine calendar began to gradually replace the old one, and now the New Year began on September 1.

By the decree of Peter I in 1699, the New Year was postponed to January 1 according to the old style, that is, to January 14 according to the new style. After the revolution in 1918, the Bolsheviks "abolished" 13 more days a year, which were the difference between our chronology and the European one.

Thus, two New Year celebrations were formed - in the new and the old style. The custom of celebrating the Old New Year on the night of January 13-14 in Russia is due to the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church continues to celebrate both the New Year and the Nativity of Christ according to the Julian calendar.

Lead 2. "Where the Old New Year is celebrated"

Take a look at our Christmas tree. We hung unusual snowflakes on it. Now those who wish will remove snowflakes from the tree, and on each snowflake is written the country where the Old New Year is celebrated.

Together with Russians, Old New Year is also celebrated in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan (about 40% of the population), Georgia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, as well as in some German-speaking cantons of Switzerland.

Presenter 1. "Traditions for the Old New Year"

Vasiliev's evening on the eve of the Old New Year was called generous, or "Generous". There was a belief that a rich table would provide the owner of the house with prosperity for the whole year, therefore the hostesses prepared a lot of food for this day to treat all relatives, neighbors and friends who came to visit. "A pig, but a boletus, save up an evening for Vasilyev."

Traditions instruct us to celebrate the old New Year with pomp, be sure to set a rich table and gather at it all those whom we love and whom we wish happiness. Although, by and large, it is not necessary to give gifts on this day, nevertheless, it is still worth preparing small surprises for relatives and friends - there is never much joy.

January 14 - Vasilyev's Day, Vasily Svinyatnik, holidayOvsenya... According to the old style, the first day of the New Year comes. Traditionally, on this day, people wish each other well, health, peace, happiness, prosperity, fertility, and wealth.

Children on Vasilyev's Dayscattered grains (Ovsenya)on the floor in the house, as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and future harvest, and the oldest woman in the house collected the grains scattered on the floor and kept until sowing.

Competition 1 . "Dumplings with a surprise".

Another old New Year's custom -it is to sculpt and boil dumplings ... These are not just dumplings, but dumplings with a surprise: beans for children, a button for a new thing, sugar for a sweet life, pepper for living with pepper, a thread for the road, a coin for money. Surprises can be different, but the tradition does not lose its charm from this. Also for the Old New Year they baked cookies in the form of animals, birds and other figures.

Let's each take a dumpling and see what awaits him next year?

(Children take 1 dumpling each and see what's in it.)

Leading1On the old New Year, there is a tradition of caroling - dressing up in animal skins or simply beyond recognition, going home, singing, reading poetry, earning pies, sweets and other delicacies. This tradition came to us from the pre-revolutionary New Year, and there - from the ancient pagan rites. It was believed that the person who changed his guise would not be recognized by grief and misfortune and problems would be bypassed. And laughter and songs were supposed to scare away evil spirits. Nowadays, this is just fun entertainment, which is mostly used by kids.

Competition 2. On this day, early in the morning, it was customary to cook Vasilyev's porridge and watch how it is cooked. If the porridge climbs out of the pan, the whole house will be in trouble. It was considered a bad omen if the pot or pan in which the porridge was cooked cracked. If the porridge is successful, they eat it clean, but if one of the bad omens comes true, they throw it out along with the pot (preferably in the hole, if it is nearby).

Let's cook porridge too.

Relay raceHow they cooked porridge on Vasilyev's day ”.

1. Prepare water for porridge. Teams are on one wall of the room, two chairs are on the opposite wall (each team has its own one). On each chair there are two glasses, one with water, the other empty and a tablespoon. A team member needs to run up, pour 1 spoonful of water from one glass into another, return to the team. Then the next participant runs, pours the second spoon, etc.

2. Cook porridge. The starting position is the same. Near the teams - a plate of beans and a spoon, each takes a bean, puts it in a spoon, carries it to a chair, throws it into a glass of water while saying the words “Cook porridge for Vasilyev's day!”, Then returns to the team.

Scene "Fortune-telling" Up to fifteen girls can participate in the performance, among whom the lines are distributed.
For the scene, you will need a basin, a jug of water, a handkerchief, straw, brushwood, a large dish, candles in candlesticks, matches.

Olya Girls, girls! And my grandmother told me that in the old days, before Christmas, she and her girlfriends used to guess!

Everything.And mine told me! Yes, yes, we always wondered at Christmas!
Vala. And I know that fortune-telling is not a very godly business.
Alyona. True, it is a sin to look into fate!
olya. But I really want to!
do you know that evil spirits help us to guess? Therefore, it is a sin to ask her about her fate ...
Alena And where does so much unclean thing come from at Christmas?

Oh, girls, I'm scared! ..

do not be afraid, we are together!
Alena How to guess, you know?

Valya. And the girls also took off their boots from their left foot and threw it behind the gate. And then they ran out and looked in which direction the felt boots lay with their toes. If suddenly he turns out to be turned back to the girl's house, it means that she will live at home for another year, this year she will not get married, and if in any other direction, then from there, then, matchmakers and wait.

Olya Girls, but I know such a fortune-telling! They took a handful of straw and scattered it on the table, under the tablecloth. And then they took turns putting their hands under the tablecloth and pulling two straws. If you suddenly draw out two identical ones, it means that next year will pass without changes. And if there are straws of different lengths, wait for changes in your life!

AlenaOy, girls, let's try!

Alena And we don't even have straw!
olya No problem, you can use matches! Give me boxes! Break a few matches in half, put a few whole. So, cover them with a napkin. Who will be the first to drag?

ALL I! I AM! (Orobev.) Oh, I'm afraid!

That’s all, but who’s going to catch you there! Let me be the first!

(She pulls, everyone comments.)

- And now I am!

(They all pull in turns.)

Alyona. Or you can guess on a scarf!

Everything. Like this?

Alena: It's very simple. Friendship. We crumple the scarf. Four grab it around the corner and pull (unfold the scarf). Whoever has neighboring corners - they will be friends all next year, and whoever has opposite corners, they will quarrel!

- Well, here's another! Nothing we will quarrel!

1. Take 6 small glasses, pour some water into them. Put it in turns (so that there is something in each glass) - salt, sugar, a piece of bread, a coin (coin), a ring, a match.Salt - to tears, to grieve ...Sugar is a sweet life, successful in the yearBread - bread, well-fed life of the yearMoney - to the money of the yearRing - marriage \ marriage of the yearThe match is for the child.Then they take turns blindfold and come up and choose a glass. What they are pulling with is a forecast for the coming year!The most truthful thing is that for the first time, you can draw it out for the second time - this is, as it were, the background of the year.Almost everything comes true for me !!!

Leading 2

"Folk omens for the Old New Year"

In the old days, people believed in omens. Let's remember them. There are signs in my magic box, you must get them and read them.

1 student: Falling snow on New Year's or fog portends a good harvest.

2 student: If the wind is on New Year's - to the harvest of nuts.

3 student: In January, there are many long and frequent icicles hanging - for a good harvest.

4 student: If January is dry and frosty, the water in the rivers decreases - the summer will be hot.

5 pupil: If it snows on January 25 on Tatiana's day, the summer is expected to be rainy.

6 student: If the sky is clear on Epiphany, there will be a lot of peas.

Student 7: Bright stars on Epiphany night - for a good offspring of sheep.

If on the night of St. Basil the sky is clear and starry, there will be a rich harvest of berries.

If there is a lot of fluffy frost on the trees on January 14, the year will be rich in honey.

Fog on the day of Vasily - for the harvest.

“If the wind blows on Vasily from the south, the year will be“ fat ”and prosperous; from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish; from the east - to the harvest of fruits, vegetables and berries ”.

"If there is ice on the windows, the bees will have honey."

"If the sky is starry, the year will be bread and berry." "If there is a blizzard on this day, there will be a large harvest of nuts."

"Fog before the New Year - for the harvest."

"If it is warm and without snow - to crop failure and ailments."

It was believed that "witches steal a month on Vasily so that he would not light up their night walks with unclean spirits."

On January 14, gardeners are advised to shake up the fruit trees, because St. Basil the Great, according to popular belief, also protects gardens from worms and pests. On the morning of January 14, you need to walk through the garden with the words of an ancient conspiracy: "As I shake off (name) belpushist snow, so will Saint Basil shake off every reptile worm in the spring!"

And we will now play snowballs: the Zima team against Vesna. Let's see who wins the fight.

Leading 1. " Piglets on the table "

An interesting ritual of going home to treat yourself to pork dishes. On the night of Vasily, the guests certainly had to be fed pies with pork, boiled or baked pork legs, and in general any dishes that include pork. A pig's head was also placed on the table. The fact is that Vasily was considered a "pig shed" - the patron saint of pig farmers and pork products, and they believed that if there was a lot of pork on the table that night, these animals would reproduce in abundance on the farm and bring good profits to the owners. This omen is much more positive than the cereal with porridge, especially for zealous and hardworking owners. An amazingly sonorous and folding proverb: "A pig and a boar for Vasilyev's evening" also contributed to the mood of the owners for economic prosperity and abundance.

And today, in honor of this tradition, we will prepare an unusual "DISH".

You have to mold a little pig out of salted dough and may it bring you good luck this year and remain in your memory of our meeting.

Leading 2 We had a lot of fun and learned a lot about the glorious holiday. Goodbye, Old New Year, see you soon!

Nomination "Methodical work in a preschool educational institution"

For more than twenty years I have been the head of the Rodnichok music and theater studio in a kindergarten, and for more than 15 years I have led the creative association of the city's music directors working in this direction.

Now I am the head of the School of the Modern Teacher. Therefore, I know from my own experience how the theater has a beneficial effect on the formation of a child's personality. Shy and timid children become confident, too active begin to respect the will of the team, learn to live by its laws. Children not only develop creative and musical abilities, but also develop social and communication competencies.

Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. But it is no less important that theatrical activities develop the child's emotional sphere, make him sympathize with the characters, and develop empathy in him.

Of all these undoubted advantages of theatrical activity in the formation of a child's personality, I want to highlight another form of work in this area: performances by the teachers of the preschool educational institution for children. It is performances as a whole, and not just scenes and surprise moments at holidays and entertainment, which are also used with great success in various preschool groups for pedagogical influence on children.

The staging of performances by the teachers of the preschool educational institution is very fond of our team. For our performances we choose musical fairy tales and operas written by composers for children: Turnip, Goat Dereza, Snow Maiden, Ryaba Hen, Tsokotukha Fly, etc.

Educators and specialists of the preschool educational institution participate in performances with great enthusiasm, and children see their favorite teachers in a new light. Do I need to talk about how the eyes of children light up when they see their teacher singing and dancing ?! In our arsenal there are performances where adults play together with children. The enthusiasm for the theater of adults is passed on to children and becomes a common favorite thing. Partnerships are established between adults and children, supported by a creative, creative process.

Photos from the play "A New Fairy Tale for the Old New Year".

Appendix 1: Performance script.

Klykova Svetlana Nikolaevna, musical director of the highest qualification category, MDOU DSKV No. 110, Bratsk, Irkutsk region. Teaching experience 37 years. Excellence in Public Education, Labor Veteran, Winner of city competitions "Educator of the Year - 2007", "Head of the Children's Creative Team" 2009, "Pearl of Bratsk" in the nomination "Children's Theater Groups" 2010, etc.

The course of the holiday.
To a Russian folk melody, children in costumes enter the hall and sit down.

1 Leading buffoon:
The Triumph has come -
We have been waiting for him for a long time.
Christmastide is celebrated by the people:
Has fun and sings.
Young and old are having fun
Who came to our gatherings!

2 Leading buffoon:
On this winter day
The smoke is hovering over the chimney
The moon shines above her,
And the hut is full of guests.

1 Lead:
There are red girls here,
Coloring girls are sisters
Good fellows around
And the hostess at the table.
Get-togethers here with us.

2 Lead:
We called you here
Play, have fun
Embark on a Russian dance with a soul.
We will while away the evening
Sing a song together.

Song "Russian Winter" - OLDER GROUP

1 Host:
For the old New Year, dumplings with surprises were always cooked. But first you need to knead the dough. One - two, one - two, the game begins!

Game "Dough"

Rules of the game: children stand in pairs in a circle, their clasped hands are raised up. The leading couple runs to any "gate" to the music. This couple continues the game and so on until the music ends. With the end of the music, the presenter says: "The dough is ready!" The pair remaining in the middle of the circle dances, then the game continues with that pair.

2 Host:
We sow, we sow,
Now we wish you a pie!

Game "Pie"
(to the Russian folk melody)
Game rules: children stand in two lines opposite each other. In the middle is the driving pie. Everyone is singing:
Yes, he is so tall,
Yes, he is so wide,
Yes, he is so soft,
Cut it up and eat it.
After the words "Cut it and eat it," one participant from each line runs to the "pie". Whoever touches the “pie” first, takes him to his team, and the loser is left to play the “pie”. The group that takes the most "pies" wins.

1 Lead:
They have baked the pies, but don't you want to tell fortunes and find out your fate? We tell fortunes for your future - what you will become when you grow up.
(Shows a bag containing "fortune-telling" cards depicting people of different professions, and gives each child a picture to take out of the bag).

2 Lead:
As you know, the whole nation sows the New Year!
And don't waste your time, go out and sow!

(Christmas carols in groups)

1 Lead:
Well! Played - read fortunes, sang - had fun, but shouldn't I ask you riddles? Can you guess? Then listen carefully, listen to the end.

Flies - is silent, lies - is silent,
When it dies, then it will roar.

Who was hung by the ears,
Have you pulled your tongue?
It grew in the forest, they carried it out of the forest,
He cries in his hands, and whoever listens jumps.

Wrinkled tit
The whole village is amused.

Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun:
Ducks - in tune,
Tap-dots - in ratchets,
Bunnies in balalaikas.
They play, they play - they amuse everyone!
Yes, and we will begin now,
Let's just take the tools.
(Orchestra of children's musical instruments "Kalinka").

Christmastide is celebrated by the people!
Join the round dance!

Songs - games medium groups

1 Leader.
Frost draws on the window
The pattern is very delicate and wonderful.
The snowflake is dancing its waltz,
Spinning under a bright star

Song preparatory group
(Cake with candles is brought in.)

Guys, look what a wonderful candle cake. Let's make a wish and blow out the candles to make it come true.
(Children stand around the presenter, guess, blow).

Well, our gatherings are over. We tell you: goodbye, peace to the one who is in this house. Until new meetings, until new holidays.