The most famous fashion designers: list, collections and reviews. Famous fashion designers of the world and Russia

Militta periodically receives letters from girls graduating from school, they ask where to go to study next in order to find their place in the fashion industry. Militta wrote a lot of materials on this topic - we talked about the choice of educational institutions in, the USA and Europe, and today we will try to clarify the situation around the main specialties - fashion designer and fashion designer.

Sometimes you can hear the statement that a couturier, a fashion designer, a fashion designer and even a stylist are one person, they are all doing the same thing. In reality, everything is a little different, let's try to figure out who does what.

Design, designer and fashion designer
Initially, the word "design" appeared in the 16th century, and became widespread in the middle of the 19th century in Europe in connection with the development of production and technology.

In the USSR, the profession of designer became widespread in the second half of the 20th century, but in order to adapt the profession to the Soviet ideology, the word “design” was replaced by “artistic design”.

The end of the 20th century and the 21st century brought many changes, the USSR collapsed, but in Russia everything changed, many new prospects opened up. Today, the profession of a designer is in great demand, we have many different designers, including those who are engaged in clothing. Along with fashion designers, the profession of “fashion designer”, more familiar to previous generations, remains, and for many there is no difference in the work of a designer and a fashion designer.

The name of the profession "fashion designer" exists exclusively in the Russian tradition, in other countries the definition of a designer is accepted. But meanwhile, these two professions not only have different names, they solve different problems. A fashion designer designs clothes, and a designer designs them. In order to feel the difference, let's understand these two concepts.

Clothing modeling involves its shaping using various techniques and methods. Clothing design is the process of creating a new form, which begins with the development of the concept of the project and the definition of the main design task.

In other words, the designer finds moods and trends flying in modern society, analyzes the needs of people and creates a new concept of clothing collections, guessing the desires of tomorrow's consumers. The designer creates new forms, and sometimes a new function of a thing and a new reality.

The fashion designer, on the other hand, develops new clothes based on existing ones - he changes tucks into reliefs, plays with the shape of the sleeve and collar, varies the length of the product, mixes styles, chooses a decorative solution. Agree, many modern fashion designers around the world are doing this. The lists of participants of fashion weeks in Paris and Milan, London and New York are constantly updated, but often new collections are pure fashion modeling. Therefore, when choosing the profession of a fashion designer, you need to clearly understand that a real designer creates a new human environment, designs a new space for material things, and does not redraw the retro style in a modern way.

Designer and fashion designer - who is more needed?

Both professions are in demand on the Russian labor market today. Fashion designers work in ateliers, at sewing and knitting enterprises, designers - in design studios, experimental workshops at enterprises, in design bureaus. At the same time, a designer can sometimes be a fashion designer, and a fashion designer can become a designer.

But the differences do not end there, the profession of a fashion designer is divided into several specializations.

1. The fashion designer develops drawings, changes the model features of the product according to the sketch of the fashion designer or the customer (if we are talking about an atelier).

2. A fashion designer-technologist selects or develops current methods for sewing a product, looking for the most suitable processing methods that simplify the process of manufacturing a new item.

3. A fashion designer creates sketches - looks for new shapes and silhouettes of the product on paper, works out possible finishes, draws the design of the product in detail. There are several stages in the development of sketches from the first sketches to a technical drawing, which is given to the designer to develop a design drawing.

It is assumed that each of the three above-mentioned fashion designers knows all the stages of clothing production, knows how to draw, design, translate their ideas into material, and will be able to organize a demonstration of their models. Only the most sought-after specialist is a universal fashion designer, since only large successful companies with large production volumes can afford to keep several fashion designers on staff who solve different problems.

And the designer determines the main concept of the entire collection, develops sketches, design, tailoring technology, thinks over the defile script and participates in the development of advertising campaigns.

If a clothing designer is in the top of the world's best names, this already says a lot. And if he was recognized as one of the 10 best world designers of the year, this means that next year your clothes will simply be swept away during shows.

1. Betsey Johnson is a womenswear designer.

The key to her success, Betsy considers the dance lessons she attended as a little girl. Her outfits are distinguished by experimental audacity and a number of small highlights inherent only to this designer. For "Outstanding Achievement in Fashion" in 2009, Betsy was presented with an award.

2. Tom Ford is a genius at what he does.

Tom Ford is known in fashion circles as the designer of the global brand Gucci and the creator of many costumes for popular films. He has many awards for various achievements in the fashion world, but he is most proud of the title of "Best International Fashion Designer", which he received in 2000. In addition to all the achievements, Tom at one time stood at the head of the creative process at Yves Saint Laurent.

3. Donatella Versace - female couturier

After the death of the great Javani, his sister Donatella became the head of the Versace fashion house. She, like her brother, is a fashion designer, and she is just as good at it. It is thanks to her work that it is still considered high class to wear clothes from the fashion house Versace.

4. Ralph Lauren - fashion designer

The brand created by Ralph - Polo Ralph Lauren, is very popular all over the world. Although Ralph himself was looking for himself for a very long time. He served in the army and studied science a lot. But fate made its choice, and the whole world recognized Ralph.

5. Marc Jacobs - glamor fashion designer

Not only is he a glamor designer, but he is also the 2012 Most Influential People in the World. He also runs two Louis Vuitton fashion houses and his own Mark Jacobs.

6. Valentino (Valentino) Clemente Lodovico Gharavanni - the most popular Italian fashion designer

The first steps into the fashion world of Valentino, that's how his fans know him, he started as a schoolboy. Already in 1959, he achieved a worldwide vocation and opened his world-famous studio. His clients are the most famous people and stars in the world. Among them are Julia Roberts and Elizabeth Taylor.

7. Dolce & Gabbana are famous fashion designers.

The mere mention of these names, Dolce and Gabbana, already means high style and 100% success among the public. All world stars have in their wardrobe the things of these famous designers. And despite the fact that they have been working for so many years, they have never shown the world a failed collection that would remain in their fashion house after being shown on the catwalk.

8. Lee Alexander McQueen - the best designer in Britain

Four-time winner of the "Best British Designer" award. He worked for Givenchy for many years, but then, with the help of the Gucci Fashion House, he created his own brand, Alexander McQueen. Even with the death of the designer in 2010, his name is still among the top ten fashion designers in the world.

9. John Galliano - famous flamboyant designer

Outrageous, scandalous and yet one of the world's most popular designers, Galliano creates masterpiece after masterpiece. His shows are very popular, both among world pop stars and freaks. Many of them try to imitate his style, thereby standing out from the gray mass.

10. Stella McCartney (Stella Nina McCartney)

Stella is the daughter of Beatles member Paul McCartney and animal rights activist Linda McCartney. Due to the fact that Stella has very famous parents, for many years she could not achieve her own recognition. Journalists washed her bones for a long time until they realized that she was an individual with great talent. The first significant work was a show at Fashion Week in Paris. After that, they started talking about Stella in a completely different way.

- people are creative, unpredictable, delightful. It seems sometimes difficult to immediately understand the entire collection presented by them at fashion shows in Paris, Milan and other capitals of fashion and beauty. But nevertheless, every year their popularity is gaining momentum more and more, fashion does not stand still, everything in the world is spinning and you want to add beauty and style to the world every day, which is what the celebrities below do. So, let's begin..

Alexander McQueen is the greatest designer of the late 20th century and early 21st century. In 2010, this famous couturier, trendsetter left this world. His act still remains incomprehensible to many fashion lovers and those who are fond of this activity.

After all, Alexander McQueen, like no one else, knew fashion for a century ahead, he presented such things at shows that even such pop stars as Lady Gaga and Rihanna were shocked by. Fashion critics and connoisseurs loved him for his inner beauty, which penetrated into every outfit. His skill in tailoring is also evident in every outfit.

For many years, his right-hand man was Sarah Barton, who is now the creative director of the Alexander McQueen brand. She continued the work of the master. Already in 1996, McQueen was awarded the "Best Designer of the Year" award, Britain truly loved him. The Givenchy company at that time gladly accepted him as the chief artist - fashion designer.

So Alexander replaced his predecessor in Givenchy, the well-known John Galliano. Soon Alexander opened his own brand of clothing and accessories of the same name and quickly climbed the star Olympus, it was impossible not to notice him. Back in Givenchy, he had unique fashion shows at the Paris Fashion Week. Many critics for the success of McQueen were not happy and talked about him that he got out of the British garbage heap to the star Olympus. The shock in his career was a show called "The Rape of Scotland". Recall that Alexander McQueen is of Scottish origin and what happened in this country once in history affected him very much. Girls in bandages and imitation blood appeared on the show. At that time, in the early 2000s, no one could have imagined that such shows were possible.

So the designer "shaken" Givenchy fashion house from the hardships of the 2000s, gave rise to a new time in Parisian fashion, clothes became more liberated and open. For this he was nicknamed "the bull in the boutique." Even Chalayan and John Galliano were in some shock and delighted with such displays and ideas of Alexander. But these people are very difficult to surprise. Devon Aoki is a Parisian model, he made people wear colorless lenses and go out on the catwalk like that. Or he strewed the runway with stones and gravel and put models on high heels - how do you like extreme?! This is what McQueen remembered for with his shock shows. His clothes have always evoked emotions in everyone - good or bad, however, it does not matter. The main thing is memorable. His clothes are difficult to wear in everyday life. The whole world remembered his collection "Plato's Atlantis".

Lady Gaga bought a lot of things dedicated to the female insect, the female goddess of Atlantis. Shoes with high heels made a splash in the world of fashion and beauty.

Vivienne Westwood is another British fashion star. This woman is the real fashion queen of England. After all, she has been at the top of the fashionable Olympus for half a century. Vivienne was born in 1941!!! And she is still full of strength and energy, which is manifested in her outfits. Her fashion often changed, but was always unusual. In the 1970s, she introduced punk fashion to Britain.

Everyone wore torn bright stockings and tights, over which were the same torn short shorts or just leather underpants. In the Bufalo collection in the early 80s, everything had already changed - hoodies, long skirts, wide trousers, harem pants, kipish on the head. Neo-romanticism came into fashion in Westwood. Then there was the wire crinoline from the 90s.

Again she remembered about punk, but everything was already much softer: puffy skirts and corsets, quite saturated with dramatic colors. She makes ready-to-wear collections like haute couture! And it's wearable, which is the most important thing! Her fashion is understood!

That's who introduced sex into people's understanding through fashion. This is John Galliano - the only one in the world of fashion. On the podium of his collection - a real show. With great live music. Or if there is no music, there are naked models on the catwalk.

Fur, leather, suede (recall that this is the trend of 2015) go well with silk and lace. Enchanting models of Galliano are always at the top of their fame.

Many of his outfits are in the famous fashion museums of Paris and England. John Galliano dresses such famous celebrities as Dinah Ross, Vanessa Paradis, Keira Knightley, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Naomi Watts.

The design of his clothes is also very fond of models, Iman, and. Galliano, in addition to clothing, creates a perfume of the same name, which instantly becomes popular. For many years, John Galliano served as creative director and fashion designer at Dior. At that time, Dior regained his name, became bright, feminine clothes in the spirit of Christian Dior. At the same time, he also ran his John Galliano clothing line. The designer himself has always conducted advertising campaigns and photo shoots of his clothing models. At the very peak of his career, he was fired from Dior, and he also lost his company due to insults in a Parisian cafe. Now John is again trying to rise to the fashion Olympus from the bottom, we have no doubt that he will succeed.

Fashion designers: Roy Holston

Roy Halston Frowick is an American by birth, born in 1932. A little-known designer, compared to John Galliano, and. Nevertheless, his fashion history is also very interesting. He was originally a hatmaker for Charles James, the unrecognized genius of the 60s in the fashion world. Having gained experience, he realized that he needed to open his workshop and in 1953 he did this by opening the first hat boutique in Chicago, and then in New York. Show business stars and Hollywood celebrities quickly learned about him.

Gloria Swenson, a sex symbol of the 60s, was a regular client of the couturier. After that, the women ran in a crowd for a new hat to Roy Hoston. Roy's dress designs came down to women's idea of ​​diet and nutrition.

He introduced thinness into fashion, everyone wanted to fit into a dress from Halston.

A plunging, plunging shirt dress showed off the perfect curves of the girls in it. Roy Holston dressed the wives of presidents, first ladies. The era of Holston ended very quickly and swiftly. In 1990, the designer died of AIDS, many of the ideas from Holston's clothes were transferred to the Gucci collections.

Fashion designers: Donna Karan

I want to talk a lot about Donna Karan. This woman is an era.

Gorgeous outfits are worn by fashionistas all over the world. Demi Moore in the 90s starred with almost every collection of Donna, was the face of her brand. Karan loves 3 colors very much: black, white and beige. Throughout her career, it was these three colors that made her the idol of millions of fashionistas. Her perseverance and ability to run the right business led Donna Karan to a well-deserved place on the fashion podium: she entered the top three of the greatest female fashion designers along with

Fashion designers are the creators of the fashion industry, dictating trends and fashion. Every season they develop unique clothing collections. To see the masterpieces created by fashion designers, famous modern people buy tickets to fashion shows. Each specialist is distinguished by his work, each has his own handwriting. The most famous fashion designers in the world are becoming legends and style icons.

This article will talk about the most famous and popular fashion designers around the world, about their life stories.

Famous fashion designers in Russia

There are many talented fashion designers in Russia who produce magnificent masterpieces. But not everyone was able to become popular. Famous Russian fashion designers:

  • Vyacheslav Zaitsev;
  • Kira Plastinina;
  • Valentin Yudashkin;
  • Denis Simachev;
  • Tatyana Gordienko;
  • Alena Akhmadullina;
  • Alexander Terekhov.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev is popular both at home and abroad. He wins almost all competitions and receives all the awards. Zaitsev has achieved a lot and is a high-level fashion designer. His collections are unique, always distinguished by large jewelry and hats.

Kira Plastinina is a Russian couturier who sets the tone for youth style. Became popular at Milan Fashion Week. In 2001, the world learned about another Russian fashion designer - Denis Simachev. He became famous thanks to the display in the marine theme. Valentin Yudashkin is a contemporary fashion designer for men's and women's clothing. Yudashkin's works are often presented in fashion houses abroad. For about a quarter of a century, the designer has been creating fashion and style. His clothes are worn with pleasure by stars, businessmen and politicians.

Famous gay designers

There are a lot of talented male fashion designers in the fashion industry, but, as you know, most of them are gay. They have their own, unusual vision of fashion and style. Some of them have become very popular and famous, while others are just taking their first steps towards fame.

Famous fashion designers in most cases are men. Most of the fashion houses are created by them. Some of them do not hide their addictions, the orientation of others can be guessed from their behavior, image and lifestyle.

In the middle of the last century, Yves Saint Laurent became a famous fashion designer when he opened his fashion house. His partner P. Berger lived with him almost all his life. Shortly before the death of the designer, their relationship was officially registered.

Popular all over the world, Gianni Versace also lived with a partner and did not hide it from people. Their union lasted about 15 years. Famous fashion designers Dolce and Gabbano, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Tom Ford and Christian Dior were also gay. Despite their unusualness, they are popular, talented, their merits are recognized all over the world.

Legends of the global fashion industry

The most famous fashion designers are creative, unusual personalities and charismatic people. Their names are a whole story in the field of fashion. These are the people about whom legends will circulate for several centuries. Who are the most famous fashion designers? A list of these solid names is presented to your attention:

  1. Coco Chanel.
  2. Christina Dior.
  3. Guccio Gucci with son Aldo Gucci.
  4. Gianni Versace.
  5. Louis Vuitton.
  6. Oscar de la Renta.
  7. Giorgio Armani.

The most expensive designers and brands

Famous fashion designers create brands, and their creations are bought at a very high price. The first place among fashion designers with the most expensive collections is occupied by Armani. He is known for his elegant suits. Second place goes to Versace with its luxury brand. Many politicians, businessmen and celebrities love Calvin Klein clothing. The collections of this fashion designer are made in urban style. "Prada" is a classic, it takes the 4th place in terms of high cost. Victoria's Secret is considered one of the most expensive lingerie brands. The collection is loved and recognizable all over the world. The brand takes an honorable 5th place in terms of value.

The top 10 most expensive brands also include:

  • Gucci.
  • Missoni.
  • Gianfranco Ferre.
  • Dolce & Gabbana.

Coco Chanel - fashion icon

Gabrielle Boner Chanel is this fashion designer who is known to everyone today. She was a brave, strong, extraordinary woman with great taste. She is imitated and quoted from her phrases. She founded the fashion house Chanel and already in the 20th century was included in the list of famous fashion designers in the world. She not only published interesting collections of clothes, but also presented the world with a branded series of perfumes.

It was she who modernized the female image, added male accents to it. She is popular with a little black dress, tweed suits, pearls, and little hats. Chanel made women's clothes not only luxurious, but also comfortable and practical. Her quote is widely known: "Luxury must be comfortable, or it is not luxury."

In 1910, she opened her first store in Paris called Chanel. In it, she initially sold hats, but later began selling clothes. She sewed amazing clothes from ordinary materials, but with an extraordinary approach. Coco created the first dress model from a sweater.

Famous couturier Karl Lagerfeld

The list of famous fashion designers also includes Karl Lagerfeld. He is an influential fashion designer with a phenomenal work ethic and versatility. The German designer is popular all over the world. Since 1983, he has run the Chanel fashion house. Karl Lagerfeld founded his own fashion brand.

Even at an early age, he had creative abilities. He studied at the Lyceum with Yves Saint Laurent. Lagerfeld worked with many fashion houses, creating lines of shoes, clothes and perfumes. Having created a collection of furs in 1966, he attracted the attention of influential people from the fashion industry and the textile industry to himself and his robots. Very soon, Lagerfeld began to be recognized, and his collections now and then flashed at the leading fashion shows.

Elsa Schiaparelli - the main competitor of Coco Chanel

Elsa Schiaparelli is a popular Italian fashion designer of the early twentieth century. She was the main competitor of Coco Chanel. She was the first to create a store that sold small collections of designer clothes. In the future, this store became known as a boutique, now all branded clothing stores are called that way.

Elsa Schiaparelli's collections were very popular with Hollywood stars. Thanks to her friendship with Salvador Dali, she created a hat in the shape of an ink bottle, gloves with pockets for matches, as well as costume jewelry from the strangest materials.

Very often she herself called her fashion house crazy. All rich people wanted to have strange and unusual, but very popular clothes. But shortly after the start of the war, Elsa moved to the United States. When she returned to her homeland, her clothes became unclaimed, the couturier was forgotten.

Christian Dior and his Crowned Line

Christian Dior is a French fashion designer who created a collection of New Look dresses. He opened the Dior fashion house in 1946 with financial assistance from a Parisian textile magnate.

Thanks to his Crowned Line collection, Dior became famous at the age of 42. The Crowned Line collection had a stunning sensation, it was recognized as revolutionary. Luxurious clothes, feminine, made of bright fabrics, with tightened belts - in this collection, Dior embodied all the desires of women in the post-war period.

On October 24, 1957, at the age of 52, the great designer died. His name went down in history, and the models and sketches of clothes of famous designers of today cannot be compared with the collections of Christian Dior.

Italian fashion designer Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani is an Italian couturier, a believer in quality and craftsmanship. Thanks to Armani in the twentieth century, the approach to tailoring menswear was changed. In his models, lightness and smoothness of the cut are visible, which provides clothing with comfort and incredible chic.

After Armani became famous all over the world for his men's collection, he began to create clothes for women. The designer combines classics, taste and elegance in his creations. The Armani brand is distinguished from other brands by its versatility and functionality, luxurious materials and unusual combinations. Casual elegance is the highlight of the legendary couturier.

Yves Saint Laurent is Christian Dior's successor

Yves Saint Laurent is a leading fashion designer who succeeded Christian Dior. Laurent worked at Dior's fashion house and admired his teacher. Dior considered a professional and a future master in it.

Dior died when Laurent was only 21 years old. At such a young age, Laurent becomes the head of the Fashion House and does not let the brand die. In 1959, Laurent became the first designer to present his collection in the USSR.

In 1961, his brand called Yves Saint Laurent appeared. The first fashion show was a great success. The collection was made in oriental style from bright fabrics. Laurent is not only a great fashion designer, but also a successful theater artist. Created famous perfumes.

Subsequent collections and shows were also popular. His clothes are extraordinary fashionable classics. The designer has created a tuxedo for women, high boots, trouser suits, turtleneck sweaters, black leather jackets and more. Laurent is the first fashion designer to have an exhibition dedicated to him at the Metropolitan Museum of Art during his lifetime.

Italian master of the fashion industry

Roberto Cavalli is an Italian designer who has become famous for his unusual collections of accessories and clothing. His Fashion House creates clothes that are feminine, chic, and at the same time with a bright temperament. His collection was loved because it was not monotonous. It was Roberto Cavalli who changed masculine women's clothing. His masterpieces emphasize feminine beauty and sexuality.

As a student, Roberto Cavalli loved to experiment with fabrics and leather. Already in the seventies, he patented a printing system on leather, which made it possible to dye the material in six different colors. The invention quickly gained popularity in the fashion industry. Kovaly created another masterpiece - denim jeans. His innovations and developments ensured his fashion house popularity, profitability and success.

With their brightness and extravagance, Cavalli clothes attract the attention of glamorous stars and celebrities. His clothes are worn by women with strong character and individuality.

Are you still interested in famous fashion designers? We will consider the rating of the most popular fashion designers a little later, but for now we will study some interesting facts that will allow us to look at the fashion world with different eyes:

  1. In 1943, the first Fashion Week was held in New York.
  2. About forty Fashion Weeks are held around the world every year. The main countries of fashion and style: USA, Italy, England, France and Germany.
  3. A designer who has received an opinion from the Chamber of Syndicale can dictate the rules of the entire fashion industry.
  4. Armani does not have an opinion from the Chamber of Syndicale.
  5. Dior chooses the day of the show with the help of psychics.
  6. The first fashion magazine was published in Germany in 1586.
  7. The first models began to show clothes in 1853.
  8. Before the First World War, women were forbidden to wear shorts.
  9. Cotton has been used to create clothes for about seventy centuries.
  10. Jeans means "cotton trousers". They were worn by Genoese sailors.
  11. Gucci has created the most expensive jeans in the world. Their price was $3,134.
  12. Christian Louboutin shoes were originally created for brides to diversify their look.
  1. Betsy Johnson.
  2. Tom Ford.
  3. Donatella Versace.
  4. Ralph Lauren.
  5. Mark Jacobs.

The fashion world is constantly evolving, but over time everything returns to normal. So, over time, what was once already at the peak of popularity always comes back into fashion.