Collection of conspiracies and rituals for all occasions. Conspiracy for money. Most effective conspiracy words

Collection of conspiracies and rituals for all occasions

using such a rite (it is old, but works perfectly), - in the bucket or basin pour cold water, read a plot three times and three times with this water wash your face. The remaining water is pouring out. Conspiracy: "Dremoty, yawning, pampering: night, day, evening, podasnaya. Saws to the east, in the eastern side, a divestic country, on Bel Guryuch a stone. Faiga and Sleep, Lord forgive. "

Hits a husband? Leave it in the past !!! Take your wet from the tears and burn it over the flame of the candle with the words: "You will burn fire fire, my tears are combustible, go to my trouble in the forest. In those forests, my trouble will be served and never returns to my house. Let him do My heart squeezes my heart, the word evil his tongue is not defiled. I will not go into the house with no question so that your eyelid is to live with her husband gently. My hard, hard, firmly. " Repeat these words three times, and ash hrying. In the morning at breakfast, put a tiny pinch of the ashes of my husband in the food (in salad) and so to do every morning until the ashes end. Secure all this necessary by the next rite - when no one will be at home, put 2 lit candles in the hallway at the edges of the entrance door, and the third in the center of the hallway (the triangle should turn out). Turning on a carrot and, getting facing to the entrance, throw carrots in the entrance The center of the triangle over the shoulder with the words: "Rolish, grief, in the meadows, in the fields, for the forest, for the sea. Their and happiness, enter the house, bring joy." Then the candles will pay off, carrots from the floor to collect on a blank sheet of paper and take out to the street, leaving in a deserted place with the words: "Hello joy! Hello, happiness! And the grief is home here!" Do not looking back. This is a strong method.

Amulet of youth. If you can make myself this amulet, then in 60 and a 70 years, you will look at forty maximum. I think the sake of such an effect should be afraid. So: You will need the flap of the golden color of the 15x15cm, the flap of the lace fabric of the green color 17x17cm, 1 C.L.L. Sidelized Cralda of Oshness, 1 Ch.l. Semian Kardamon, 1 tsp Pepper Malagetta (Guinean pepper, "paradise grain"), 1 tsp Basilica, 1 tsp. Cumin, a piece of dry sugar ginger, a piece of cinnamon sticks, 13 apple seeds, a piece of rose quartz, a piece of pomegranate stone, a red silk ribbon and a very thin shallow rose stem.

distil on the altar green lace flap, put the golden on top of it. In the center, put him on the bark of Oheshnik, Cardamom, "Paradise grain", basil and cumin. Take ginger in your hands and focus on inner beauty. Here it is like light glare, running throughout your aura. Position the ginger on the grass. Add cinnamon sticks, apple seeds, pink quartz and grenades. Collect the ends of both flaps in the node, tie them with a ribbon into three turns, tie a triple knot. The ribbon also wrap the rose stem and tie the three knots. Gently attach the ends of the stem and the ribbon and put the bag on the nightstand near your collapse - to see it every day ....

If the hair falls out with beams: to strengthen hair, brew a mixture of plantain, nettle and mint branches into the skin of the head in equal proportions. It is desirable 2 times a day after sunrise and in the evening after sunset. In the evening of this procedure, you say such a plot: "I scream the head of the Divine decoction. Increasing in nature will not fade, it will repeat the new growth, abundant dense, saturated with the growth, divine power of adding, multiplication, saturation. It will happen, it will increase! takes strength at the grass, in the foliage of the trees. He does not die, not runs out, does not disappear. Al. "

Moon diet. Slimming rite. We need to be at a decrease in the moon, and you need to start in the period "Women's Days" and read in a row seven days. Every evening the conspiracy is read three times when the moon rose: "Mother Moon, I expect my hands to you You were full, and now the String and Hud, so let my whole full of complete will leave me. Everyone is leaning in the past, do not go back to me, I'm not a ruck. And the moon shine, I have a string and thin world to walk. " (Men do naturally when they have "annual" -hi hee.)

Lose weight without a diet. Conspiracy to rewrite on a piece of paper and on a decreasing moon to read over a lit candle, then the candle to glit something and put together with a piece of pillow. And so do it until you lose weight. Call: "In a clean field, wide Lipa stood, under that lime table, oak tables, covered with silk tablecloths, stuck with silver cups, golden dishes, in those honey wine cups, on those gus-swarms, pies and any other snack. Stack, the servant of God (name), blessed, I'll go, cross, come out of the door, from the knottles, the constraint of their locks with strong, iron keys. I do not do the door, I can't lock the wake of God (name), I would not see, not looking at the tablecloths on tablecloths Silk, Silver Cups, Golden Cups, Honey Pote, and Laccouled Potion. I'm looking for thirst, hunger, so that black bread is saturated, pure water and get drunk, but do not touch anything. "

So that mother-in-law beetroot love. (rite with mother and stepmother). At noon Friday to break the plant from the root and face to the East to read this conspiracy: "Mother and stepmother, and you will serve me now and dwells and in the eyelids. Come on the mother of the mother to become, a slave (name), not lying, not shouting , wickedly do not grow, I don't but wash, words do not curse, my husband is not to suffer. As you are, the grass, it came out of the ground, through the stones and sand, through the clay red, so went to me, the grass, the mother-in-law is beautiful. He went to, and loved Slave (name). The word is my hard, my challenge is chalk. Welcome, castle, grass. On the last word, the plant must be broken in half the top to bury where it is expense, and the root take home and keep in a secluded place in some sachet .... after this ceremony of mother-in-law will be called your daughter ..

Coverage, attracting wealth. First of all, buy 3 candles of green color. The candles will need any dollar bill (if the costs are small, then the bill take a small-time of 10-20-dollars if a lot of money is required, then take a bill of-50 dollars. The ritual is held at midnight, on the growing moon. At midnight, install green candles on your altar with a triangle, and place the bill with a bill that you need to speak. Supplies with each candle on the mirror, all mirrors are rooted by the "face" to the center and stand at an angle, so you have a triangle with a number of reflections. .

now, looking in the mirror, located on the contrary, say three times: "I associate and tie, fasten and fix it: from one to three, out of three to nine, grow and grow. He does not take out, not to take away, to evil person. darkness, pull everything to me. Everything is not aside for me, nor sideways, neither up, nor down. Everything is neither the enemy nor the court. Called-language, Teeth-castle.Amine Amen.Amin. " After reading the conspiracy, the bills carefully attach to the inner surface of the table. Better it to stick to the wax of a green candle, who participated in the ritual. In the near future, she will begin to attract money to your life. (if there is no altar, then do in your apartment in the hall, at the table ).

IMP. Sometimes the parents are damaged to the parents on their child. This is a terrible damage, since the child becomes unscrewed. Everything can be broken. Everything can be broken, screaming, scratching and everything is in the same way. This damage is simply: -plot to grab the head of the child with your hands and quickly pronounce him in the eyes: "Devils are cool The devils Mutyat, devils will be thrown, the devils of rest do not give a child, but became Babes. Everything according to my word. " And sharply blow the child in the face ..... The removal of such grief is made as follows, buy flour, knead the dough and speak on it: "My home, my power, my dough. In my house there is no someone else's will of the place. I bought flour Mesal herself, herself, baked himself, sama. Site, my child, in my word, my will. How does the pie again, do not bother, not to make noise, and someone else's will over my (name) power not to have. " Bake the cake from the dough and feed the child to them.

and under the pillow put her grass-Derbennik, otherwise it is called a placan grass. On the grass first speak: "The Mary of Grass collected, the tears shed, about the servants of God (name) grieving. The tears of God's Mother to Plakuan Grass, and with Plakunts -Travala , demons on the deceased of the demons under the ground, under the water, for the thirty lands, away from the servant of God (name), nor in a dream, nor reveal it, do not disturb him, do not worry, do not mutte it. Money is hard, forever. Mine. "Make So week ....

To become desired ... It's not a secret that I live 5.7 years old with my husband, you will notice that they have ceased to call him as a woman. In this case, do the following: Cook the basin, put the peel into it of one orange, one lemon, Two small birch twigs and fill it all boiling water. Let's pray for hours 12, then strain and break into a dark glass vessel. After taking the bath, you need to grasp this birch infant face and the whole body to the heels. Along this rite three times, and you will not only become attractive For your husband, but also for all other men. The energy of sensuality and attractiveness will come. But remember, no one, the more husband should not know about your secret.

So that the child quickly developed and grew talented. Every evening a child washed with Holy Water's hands, saying: "The Mother of God, Delo, blessed the blessed, the diet of the gift is giving, the talent of the reward. He pleased the people, surprised the kings, the souls warmed, the hearts were Umil."

Rite "Exploration". It happens to visit the brother husband, or a friend, to settle and live from them. Or the mother-in-law with their own morals will increase and also "blood turns", (or a mother-in-law). Well, and so on. Then make this rite ..... make a break tea, adding a broken twist from a broom, and whisper a conclusion from the branch: "The leaf from the branch disrupted, it brought to us into the house. As you brought you to the wind, so you will be more Loaded, I myself came to the road. Here here is sad. Everything is not nice here. Everything is for us (his or her name), go back to my house. Having become 2-3 times with these tea and the question will be solved.

Get rid of husband --Tyran .. If you are afraid to drive it out of this husband, or the cohabitant is to help you with a ritual .... you need to buy a rooster, preferably in the village, and so that with you they were stabbed and thickened. This is a rooster, you need to cook entirely Separate then skeleton and put it in a red bag. And put a thing of a husband. All this should be attributed to the forest or grove and bury in a unimpressive place with the words: "As a rooster, this ran, everyone looked through, and then it disappears and the slave (name) will disappear, if it does not leave my house. It will not break it to break it, turn it, While he will live under my roof. My tough, the key under the lock. " (Amen does not speak, not in all rites can be pronounced). Peel meat to feed her husband .... acts fast ...

From Kozlov -Clotnikov ... It's no secret that there will be a bitch or a few on any work. You will gossip about you. This rite helps not only get rid of them, but will make apologize for her gossip. So, in the number of birth (a month can be any) to get up at the dawn, pour into the basin of water and put on the bottom of the usual mounted castle on the bottom. After this water, it is sad: "As I was born, Chista and Nevinna, and in the eyes of good people What is not obey. " After that, take the castle, snatch it with the words: "I take the castle powder, on the tongue of the gossip, I hang evil words, it takes the power of it. The word did not induce Hula-spread, so as not to talk, the language did not dissolve. Soldly my tough, castle Chains.In. ".. Castle buried to the ground.

Against family conflicts. There are very good, centuries a proven plot that needs to be read as needed when you feel that the family relationship is glowing.: "I am not in the sun, I am not going on the moon, I am going on the raw mother-land. With the star, I do not worry , do not swear, the moon with the sun is not snarled. So, in my family, no one scolded and did not swear, I didn't grieve for any word. Be the same, you are my words, strong, modeling, struts, tightly, grave enough. Money Blooming at now, on forever and on infinite. Butt. Schemes.yasik.amin.amin.amin. "

To keep her husband ... It's no secret that if your chosen one (it doesn't matter whether he is still you, or already a husband) a decent person, yes even if there is a beautiful yes wealthy. It will be no little envious who will want to discourage him from you. Methods A lot of protection. "Some wrote Natasha Stepanov, something is in the internet. I want to share with you a good strong method that works reluctantly. .... speak on the aspen chips, boiled on fire, plot. But read the same conspiracy on a glass of clean water. Take three times alternately, then on chips on a glass.: "Many shutters and love spells, many love plots. A total of a conspiracy. Call that will close every heart on the shutter. But it stands in a clean field of the Lesain, and it stands there Iodina Osin. I'll go to that Lesin, I will put three bows of Osin.And your aspen, the branches are swing, so your leaves will shook. Would a slave (name) no conspiracy would not locate a robust on constipation. How the Yaro Heart of Osin in the water was boiling, so if his heart was not ill. Major. "

water with chips pour out his house, conspired by water from a glass of home to drink a piece of bread ...

Return passion ... I already gave something on this topic. There is something good strong. It is necessary to take the hoof the young bull (you can find it in the market in the meat row). It is necessary to cook with meat, and feed the muzha broth. And the hoof itself put under the mattress on the side where it usually sleeps (only in the legs, so that it was not Noticeable). In this progress to this: "As a young bull with men's force is great and the slave (the name of the husband) is a great power. Welcome. Ivanok." Amen do not say !!! You can believe, after this, your husband will still need to tamper ....

Check out my mother-in-law .... Full moon, cook a good dinner and read 3 times over it: "As the moon is full in the sky shines, all the Lord's sky illuminates, so it would be full of my mother's heart to me. So it would be nervous to me As the full moon of the sky covered the sky. I make the whole skeleton with the moonlock, monthly key, sewing light. Maamin. " Make sure the mother-in-one's mother-in-room at the table, and when it starts, she will show a fig under the table. Then at home you will come in calm and smooth.

Equipment on double ... It happens that a man is divorced and already lives with you, but comes on the night to his ex-wife. This rite will help you to wean him from it. It is necessary to put a husband in the shoes of 3 of your hair with the words: "Your feet are connected, to our house are tied. They always hurry home, you don't look at home to me. Only you pull you, my female the essence of you manits: like a standing horse to the mare like a wolf to wolf. Only at home with me to be, with anyone else you do not bloc. "

Live the soul in the soul ..... if the feelings are fading. Especially from the side of the husband do the following ..... On the growing moon you need to take a glass of spring water and 2 white candles, closer to midnight closing one in the room, pour water into a glass bowl , Candles to connect together and light. Any one to tilt the candles above the water and keep them so while you can not read the conspiracy three times: "As a white swan with a swan one with each other, they are not mysterious, they are admired to each other, they don't like it, so so that The young on each other all their lives watched did not see if the husband would love his wife and the wife of her husband. "Masin." Then the connected candles put on a stand or a silent and sit near until they can do it. In the course of the week to add to the drink to drink myself 3 drops in the drink. If the water remains-pouring it into the window.

For a good study .... Turn on the cookie and give a child: "In the garden, a tree, a twig on the tree, on a bird branch. As a bird, it's easy to go, so easily and teaching (name) is given. All (the name) is given and can know, knowledge multiplies, in the head it remains. The word-stone, do not move, not break, as I say, so beamin. "

it happens that the father or mother of the child knew with the power of unclean and when the child is offended teach him how to get rid of (punish) offenders. And give the simplest but very effective ways. Moreover, it can be done not only by a native man and passing by a sorcerer or a witch who will see power in the child and decide to help your child. Climbing him on the shoulder and whisper: "Here is your food, here's your home" - sending him an assistant from demons And then he says, science, how to take revenge of the offenders: (Children rites perfectly work) - Draw on crude ground a knife with a knife, stick the knife in the middle of the circle and say: "Cheese Earth, hear a sorcerer, help in the Beskin case. Supporting, the conductor to my words. Quicks to my energile evil and illness, misfortune and clever. Let him so bad will be that he will take advantage of me. Sust of cheese Earth, my words. " After that, I must say what you wish the offender, pull out the knife, fuck without looking around ...

the demon will constantly displacing your child, demanding that it will do inquiries, and if he does not do this, his head will burn with fire. Removal is produced in two stages conspiracy, which only will calm the demon, but will not drive it, and the actions will help him get rid of the attack ...

The conspiracy that is read on a child (sleeping) during the year, every day, without skipping: "Bless, Lord, all the point and the word in the glory of yours. These are the light, truth and heavenly grace, the creator of the world and the lord of things. I make your slave yours (name) and I add it to you, I think your defense and for the power of yours. Let him, God, to resist the evil and temptation and do not leave alone with unclean. Yes, the ends of your before the name of yours are inclined, Lord , Slave yours (name). Mine. " To get rid of the demon, the baby should ask for forgiveness from everyone to whom he hurt and make a good deed for them. And most importantly, you must have your own funds about your own hands, without someone else's help, to build a church and give it the name of that saint, whose name is the child, baptized. (You can build in a small village-cheaper and easier). We will save the child ....

The fortune telling "to ask Drema" ...... This fortune telling is used in difficult situations. The message is completely simple, no special preparations need to do. The note is written with different options for solving your question, turn on and put under the pillow. You need to quietly whisper a small spell: "Derum-drier, a smart head! I give my sleep, I give me a dream, I give me a good one. In hand, put the truth, the way to happiness is indicated. And I will come to you again to fall asleep to you." And in the morning, without getting out of bed, with closed eyes, choose from all the notes alone with closed eyes. This will be the advice suggested by DraM.What in the note is written, on the same and you need to stop your choice.

Fortune telling on the rain .... in life it happens: there is a girl with a guy and does not know whether it is married for him. Does she doubt, whether her family life will work out. Little not married girls so wondered: -Good you can not Rain, but on the fact that it falls on the ground with the first rare, but large drops. The only restriction in the fortune-rain can be asked about the tip no more often than once a year. When the rain is about to start, it is necessary to go out in the field, in the garden, to the wasteland, so that the trees do not grow up, and ask the wave of the Council, stretching his hands Forward palms up: "Rain, rain, you have been everywhere, I got the land, the grass washed. The trees trees gently caress, the red flowers were irrigated. And the seed of life you gave you, Ratchwise a blue Putika Putal. Doggy, rain, tell me, happiness with (name ) Indicate. " If the first rainy drop fell to the right hand, it means that the girl is happy with the chosen one's happy family life. But if it is better to look for another cavaller for family life to the left palm ...

From female alcoholism. Get three small living fish, run them in wine and while they "fall asleep" there, read the conspiracy: "Yellow hops and green wine, step away from the slaves of God (name) in the eyelids. In the Black Sky, the bird does not fly, in the fire man It does not breathe, in green wine, the fish does not live and daughter (mother, etc.) My servant of God (name) inhibit will now never be. Jar hop and green wine, Fly to a buoy wind, which Lyuto blows, yes not In our direction. The name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Al. " As you saw that the fish "fell asleep" in wine, so go to the wasteland, dig a hole and pour the wine with the fish, saying at the same time: "To die in Khmel, and my daughters, the servant of God (name), to live from now on, in Clear mind and good health. Align. "

From alcoholism (on the son). - Mother performs !!! You need to put a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God and pronounce: "Mother of God, Savior! What your son gives me a consolation in the faith of my own, Tako and you give me, Mother of the slave of God (the name of the Son), Razming and Forces. Hell, from the desoch's despondency, from the spios of alcohol! bow my earth and faith with me, God's slave (name). The name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Maamin. " By making the sacrament, you need to pour into a bottle of holy water and go home. For the bottom of all the angles, saying: "Like dust from the apartment, and ailment from the owners! Like dust from the corners disappears, so the trouble fades!"

with this sprinkler, it is necessary to scap out dust from the corners every day and to take it out for the threshold. All the corners after cleaning to spray with holy water and say: "I consecrate all the places, be an apartment clean. There is a water, and vodka never! Help, Lord! .amin." As the dust descends, the feeling of goodness and harmony will begin to arrive in the soul, without drinking alcohol .... and the third task is to clean the body of the drinking. For this, you need a set of dried herbs: wormwood. Little and etaragon. When brewing on one spoon of Ceylon tea is added by the hitch of each of herbs. The tea maker is covered with the hat of the person from which the words need to be removed. The words are pronounced: "Help, wormwood, to enlightened the head! Help, grass, so that Damn Damned! Herba Estragon, kick out! " Five minutes later, the infusion strain and all day on a teaspoon add a drinking person to soup, soup, tea, kvass and in everything ......

For weight loss (a good method for lazy). Check out the conspiracy on the first day of a decorated moon at sunset, with a lit-up of a red color: "In the Black and Blue Sea, the hunger on the constipation. Golfish is not allowed, the servant of God (name) Maets do not know. Great - insomnia, uhm The sides of the world dissolve. I sleep my sleep, do not rub the soul. How nights to go, so I don't know the night. How nights to go, melt, eyes to sleep, do not break the body. Do not break the body. It is said that the node is touched. The name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit .Amine.amin.amin. " Sweep the candle (but not blowing). The heads immediately put the bed under the pillow, on which you are going to move to sleep. Therefore, wash your hands with soap under running water. Use the bottom linen (preferably on red items) and, reading the prayer "Our Father" , Finds to sleep. Drawn manipulations take every evening before the new moon. What or restrictions on food are not required. You do not talk about it, and the weight will begin to melt not by day. And by the hour.

Rite "Moonliver". In the old days, the grandmother said that the moon any drank could turn into beauty. Here is one of these rites ....

wait for the full moon, take a liter of spring water (if there is no spring, you can freeze simple water in the freezer, and then melt and use for a conspiracy) and put it under the light of the moon all night, saying on the water: "With a bed soft to pure lakes, with God's blessing will crystal waters. It's a moonful womb is more expensive than emeralds, Mille of Zlata-Silver. This is the water-maiden beauty. I will breathe it and I will seem to the whole world to the Mile of the Sun, the beautiful moon. I would seem to be my beauty A minute! Let it be so! Amen.Amin.amin. "

and wash this water every morning until the next full moon, after which it is on a new full moon, repeat the conspiracy.

in addition to the ritual, you can still make a conspiracted ring. Go to the river to the full moon to lower your hand with a ring in the water and tell me: "Give the river, the servant of God (name) of the skin is clean, like your water, yes shining like a moon light. Water tool in the ring, a ring on a finger, strength in the body, the beauty on the face.amin. " And wearing this ring constantly.

Put a husband on a short leash. Take a dog leash, put on the threshold of the house, cross it forward and backward. And then knock them on the threshold and tell me: "How to do this leash of a dog tamed. I used to the owner. So so that my husband (name) goes to my threshold, from I did not fight off my house. In Monday, it was hugging Monday, it was kissing on Wednesday, I didn't go back on Wednesday, on Friday, I would have gained a stronger on Saturday, I would have crumbled on Sunday, crying and cried and I suffered, Bela Light without me slaves of God (name) did not see. Welcome, Castle. Yuzyk.amin.Amin.amin. " After that, the leash can be used as you like .....

Getting rid of the widow's share .... to read over the widow of ten days. It is possible to wash the water-wash, it is possible that the candle kept burning down. Better and the other.: "Sovitz-Widden, Lunar Tsarina, Navina Bird flew from the Red Sela, fell on Four Cola, we gave me a widow. I will have (name) in the woods of the dense, under the moon clear, I will find a black tree, where Sovitz-Widrock lives, Moonlight Bird. Fold, I will say: "Joy you are, the queen Sovitsa, Navina Bird. I take away my share in my share, order her to go to the black mossi. Tits for her covered, wine glasses are nylitis, celebrated tables covered. How do you have a widow sovereign, nava -ptitsa, do not fly in the sun, red, so I do not squeeze on the moon clear . "

From alcoholism (a good method for any case-wife, husband, children). In the period of decreasing moon, buy a new broom and upload them all the house before afternoon, I don't miss a single corner, the garbage on the middle of the room. Even this work, say: "Sorry from the house I swell, from alcohol of the slave of God ( The name) I liberately. In the way, he does not drink himself, herself cannot be ruined. As Sousse leaves, so the Crown to attack will forever disappear. "Maamin."

collect all the garbage in paper and burn together with a broom away from the housing, following the smoke to do not go to your direction. When the flame turns around, say three times: "The Holy God's Prophet Ilya, the defeat of the saint flames, his golden rod ! How this litter burns, so burns the passion for the Slave of God (name) to all the Crown. "

collect the cooled ash and go to the cemetery. Include the grave, with the name of the drinking, jump aside to the depth of not manenia30 cm in the legs of the late and quietly say: "You'd sorry that violated your peace. You're dead, and the servant of God (name) Such, deceased to him help, pull to the spirits with me, put in the coffin, put on the locks, leave it, do not let go back, do not let go. " Look back not looking back, and not talking until you cross the threshold of the house. On the next day, visit the church. Suppose the candle behind the deceased, and three days post.

Mirror amulet. Here is an easy way to increase the attractiveness in the eyes of others. Please look at the moment when you are particularly good in the mirror and at this moment there are such words in the mirror: "Just we are glad to rub the sunshine! How people are admired on poppies, as they are Maud Main and I need salt in a meal, so I would like the servants of God (name) would like girls and wellms, old men and old women, widows and widowers, rich and scarcers, merchants and pops and the whole genus of human. I would be pleasant for my eyes, in speeches It would be reasonable. Would have them with these charms. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Al. " Mirror wear with you.

Magic strengthening of hair. Cook the blade of the burdock and add to it the juice of the bow. Let's stand in a couple of hours. Categorize: "2 roads in a clean field, one green, grass is full, a friend's goal yes deserted. According to the first way to go anywhere. To Latin Stone to approach. I'll look at the right path to Latin-Stone, and three girls are sitting on Tom Latin-Stone, one Rosa-Linear Spit, the second black-resin braid, a friend of red-Krasnos Kosh. As And strong, it does not break, not lost, but only in growth is added, so I would have the slaves of God (name), it was all also growing, not broken, not seven.amin. " Before washing your head, rub it in your hair.

Beauty for someone else's account ..... For the first rite for beauty, in the full moon Narvita Herb on Nepakhan Seven years old field with a plot: "Thorough herbs collect and with you take the earth and fire with you. The wind and the rain, the sun is affectionate, The night is a secret horror. That's, I, like you, blooming, so that I was beautiful, so that nature wipe all of me with my own strength. " Herbs dried and burn. The cap mixed with a swine fat rubbing the body and face 7 evenings in a row: "The juice of grass and the juice of the Earth in your body you will do. Your fitness will try, let the strength of the body acquires the body. What kind of flower was blooming ".

to save beauty, you need a constant feeding ...

you will need hair and nails of beautiful girls (you can negotiate with girls from beauty salons). Ways and nails burn, the ashes of mixing with grain and 13 days to refill with this grain white chicken, uttering a conspiracy: "As a white chicken. The beauty comes to me. I'll get you old, gray, and I am a beautiful young. I don't remove you to pull out, do not chop out. Chicken choose on a special: The bird should be no more than a year, and it must be hatched from the egg. It must be required at number 2. It's when all the numbers date appearance in the amount give a two-number femininity and love. Spent 13 days chicken cut, fry and sery , and bones and feathers to roll in a secluded place.

Select the beauty

Kolya Baba Girouie has a beautiful rafting so fucking in her bath

entrance's beauty yes freshness and in order to suck meat and gather it and my bet

her yes sentenced in his mind "the body of yelling lies yes the back of the chest

sinks feet palm linen hair licks joy yes fresh me wash the pair whip yes

i'm not muddling and the younger yes the beauty is selected by EI my body flashed yes bone

tolding piled up. So it is to be! "

Collect the girl in the girl

Kolya Glama Mlada

beautiful how the picture is great yes yelling so show it to the beauty and to see

what kind of boards of her yes, this is the Sladie yes, the submenses of Creating how the cases fall

powed soose the boards yes Molvi nine times "forty-godkov Rabita name

gave her one and half a dozen took the yawa of the woman I became and she was Corgo Truchlyava

in any man, yes, a look, I will tell the Glazia Ihhi

vlasa dense body cherry business young and she like a snag rot around the village

boca is missing his conviction curses. Yes, it will be! ".

Broth for hair health. Now all herbs can be taken in the pharmacy so the problems disappear. And for the scales you need to take 100 g. The roots, leaves and colors of the marsh Aira and 1 slicker garlic. Aira must be crushed and boiled within 10 minutes. When adding flowers and leaves Plants along with the sprues of garlic. The best of all this decoction is used on the same day, but you can store about 3 days in a cool place. If you rinse your hair at least once a week, they will soon become healthy and beautiful ...

To take off the fatigue ... If you are very tired and whether you need to look good, then this ritual will help you ... You need to take a silver spoon and say: "Silver-young, silver-light, silver-beauty endowed. " Then you need to gain flowing water and omit this conspiracted spoon in it. After this, to coat the index finger of the right hand into this water and spend three times in the face counterclockwise with such words: "As this silver love, so and me (name) love, Name, Male, the beauty of my notice. Align. "

If you lose beauty .... I already wrote in this topic the methods of excluding beauty and I will also give (strong methods will be at school), but it is necessary to remove it. There is one of the universal old methods. It is read on a warm whole milk. "In Kiev, Snake, in Kiev Snake, in Kiev Snake. It crashes on the swamps, she crawls around the ravines, she crawls along the snakes, oh you, Gordy Gordeevna, snake a long tail. You can eat, snake, eat and drink. I can eat you , Proud-Snake, Drink, Trey, Gordeysh Gordeevna, all the corona drum, dress up his stall all the blue pale from the slaves of God (name), from her Body Bela, so that it is not blue and not pale. And so that the servant of God (name) is not Cine, not pale, and an hour on the hour every day is good. Be you, all my words, strong, close all the words on God's castles, be, all my words, modeling. Welcome, castle, Language. Maimin.Amin. "

go to the bath and rush there with this milk, after which I will hurt and wipe out the new towel and put on everything new.

Rotate years to revershe .... In the lunar night, take a clean water, add salt to it (1 teaspoon on 2 liters of water) and wipe the whole body in this water, saying this way: "I wash, wash myself, the slave of God (name), white berylas , almy rushes. I wrap the article. I fill the article. I will, the slave of God (name), younger than the men, younger than the sorn, younger than the first snow, the first snowdrock, I looked at me and wondered, so that I looked at me at all I admired me. And my key words and the castle will be like that. Mine. " It was still good for apple saving seven apples in the church. And at home on them to say: "Miloders came-miracle apples brought. The baptismic-in the church is consecrated. Heavenly heavenly, the father of heaven is grown up. Who doesn't get the apple . This will be like that. " Apples need to eat every day in the morning during the week.

Rite "Untreateny Covers." On the growing moon takes bills (you can rubles, you can usually euro, you can usually take 50 bucks), it is put on her saucer with wheat grains, covered with a new nasal handkerchief. The tracks watered every day to climb with a sprinkle: "How wheat is riding It grows as the grains of the sewar gives and the money-arrive, do not care, do not know. How old doesn't go, so the money goes to me. Mamin. " When the wheat germinates, the conspiracted bill is shifted into the wallet so that she attracts others.

if you want to speak the bucks not only on the cash increase, but also from thieves, followed by the second rite ... Kraspiy the chosen bill litter with the church candle with the words: "On the Mount of Saint Jesus with me. Everything knows God, the thief is concerned. , I do not know again. The thief has taken someone else's thief, I myself have done everything myself. "Mamin." Candle's candles are carried to church and, sacrificing to the temple, they burn with the icon of Christ the Savior, and the bills are thrown three times through the pen of church doors with the words: "Lord, Save, from the thieves of Rholoni. I hope you, you give you money. , and money to thieves. Alm. " And then, this undequensed bill is put in the wallet, it not only attracts money to the owner, but if the money is noted, the thief of all-luck, freedom, health, and then life.

For happiness B.

Family. This rite


before the start of the feast. Remove with a red satin ribbon (or thick wool

thread the same color) legs of a festive New Year's table.

At the same time.

To your breath concern fabric, for each

tape (thread)

separate: "In the house came, everyone around them

collected! To

new happiness was gone to old happiness


so that we all come together in a year to

none of us

misfortune did not serve ". And the last rite performs the owner of the house (apartments), not

talking about this to anyone.

New Year

the ritual of execution of desire. For

this is very effective and repeatedly proven in practice the rite to you

first of all, it is necessary to get four crystals of transparent mountain

crystal and the same number of small pieces of rose quartz. Stones acquire

during the arriving moon, without trading (pay for the purchase of odd

the number of coins, even if the total amount will exceed the cost of the goods). Brought up

minerals must be cleaned immediately under the running water streams during

10-15 minutes. Then, collect them in the left palm and, applying to the chest (in the area

hearts), say the odd number of times: "From four elements: fire, air,

Earth and water strength good and saints on the chest of slave (s) of God (her) fell in pumped, led

what the way was lit. It is! "Hide them until time is out of the reach of others.

people place. Still need a candle of green (symbolizes luck), new

tablecloth, on the fabric which is at least a few drawings of green (or close

to it) Colors, and a small piece of green paper. Subsequently on it (before

the beginning of the rite). Then three drops of lemon oil (it attracts success

all sorts of endeavors, especially financial). On this preliminary

preparation ends.

Ritual himself

(its main part) is found in the New Year

a few minutes before the battle of the Kraist. On the table,

standing in

eastern corner of the room and shining mentioned

above the tablecloth

install a lit candle and place


mountain crystal (editors vertically) with

publicate Parties

sveta. Between them, place pieces of rose quartz. Arrange the candle

a leaflet of green paper with a written desire (summarize its essence). Under

the text must stand your name obtained by baptism. Take

convenient posture, relax, concentrate on the flame of the candle and quiet

say the spell: "Spirit of crystals, spirit of fire! At this time hear me. You

the bed is a bed, come true secret led! In the moment

saying words, the flame of the candle can fasten, it means that your request

heard. 3The right hand collect minerals of a mountain crystal (clockwise

arrow, starting with a crystal located in the north). Pebbles squeeze in

palm and say the following magical wording: "Give, crystal,

arrow good luck! Help solve problems. Darkness you defeat, light dawn on the way

spin! "In this case, there may be a feeling of easy tingling. Put

crystals in the left hand, and right (along the clockwise arrow) gather minerals

rose quartz, squeeze them into the palm and say quietly: "hearts call and

aspiration; You accept the souls of the way! By a crystal path, help me to carry! "

During the pronouncement of these final words, the hand can feel warm

outgoing from pebbles. 3a, spreading minerals in the same order, and a sheet with

recognized desire, holding it in his left hand, burn the candles over the flame.

The remaining ashes wash down with running water. Candle must exorp completely.


Ritual time

calculate so that the note with the conceived


burned at the moment of the fight of the chimes. Tablecloth

participating in

ritual hide, carefully folded it so that the square is. During

big Church Holidays (Christmas, Baptism, Annunciation, Easter, Trinity

etc.) From the very dawn, disappear on the table, install it on it

grilled in under? The candle is a green candle. When she burns completely, all

attributes remove until the next time.

New Year

of the year. Install in a row, and then alternately lit the candles whose number should

according to the last digit of the coming year. In this case

it is approaching 2006 - it means that it will be necessary to put six candles: "Sorry

us, Lord, on the ground of living, not knowing the coming years, sorry, for our

mind! For our terrestrial bustle, for sometimes we do not know what we are doing.

forgive us all and nice! Emission, and to direct the truth path.

Give us faith

Hope, love! Dinam light, good and joy!

GOCPO! How beautiful life is on earth! You, our god,

Creator, you

one has the right to judge us for our acts. So direct all the strength of your heavenly

against evil on earth! And we, your children, cleaning the soul before your face we will

live and create goodness on earth! Let's live in peace and good to in our

blooming land is never con? To have more happy and

joyful people, and in the eyes only tears

joy. To, extending life, see your continuation in the children, be proud

with their smart, good and healthy children, to educate in them the feelings of love,

tenderness and gratitude to their relatives, close to their land. This is the meaning of life - live for loves you,

Lord, and create good in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen.

Obserg Ot

Failure in the new year. Make it, dear readers themselves, and he faith

and the truth will help your

Keeper angel

protect you from all sorts of troubles and attacks. FROM

this purpose

before the onset of the new year, wield a white thread (around the perimeter) round

a piece of red fabric. Then collect a small bag.

Inside, place a few pine needles (small bump), wool

thread (13 cm long),

copper object (can wire). Add a few silver twigs,

pinch of dried lilac flowers, red rose petals, sea (river)

shell, seven wheat grains (oats), three dried yellowed oak leaf,

white metal coin, a slice of silk and a little wax (compatient with a candle).

Weight, if you notice, twelve items,


number of months B.

year. In complete, put in the Assorted three of their

hair, A.

before tightening thread, poured three times in

pouch, after

he says each time :.zima, spring, autumn,

leave me unanswered me. Keep the slave (y) of God (s)

(Your name) from

evil word, from the naval of the Witchcraft, from the kalv

bolyach, Ot

damage the bulk, from the thief, from the evil eye - twelve times

once. Yes,

so! "Now - about the most important thing. at the moment when

the clock will begin

beat twelve while holding the pouch for the thread in the left

hand, cook

his so that he, like a pendulum, committed


movements in the beat with the fight of the chimes. Wear always for

this myself

miracle overlap and see, failures will turn away from you.

Repeatedly verified.

How to Stop

Evil (unison invalid

With this rite you can without much

labor cope with his enemy, even if it is energetically stronger than you. For

this will be needed: His date of birth and photography. Possessing such

invaluable treasures, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful

On the birthday of your offender, buy on the market

the coil of white threads. For threads you should not take delivery.

Passing preliminary training and supplying

yourself with the necessary attributes, you can begin the ritual. It

must be held on the birthday of your unfriendly. At sunset, when

the burning candle standing on the left of you and the photos of the enemy - to the right, you must

twis from the coil of so many meters of threads, how many years he (or her) was fulfilled.

Then hide the thread on the right hand.

After reading three times "Father

our ", proceed directly

to spoke:

"In the name of the Father and

Son and Holy Spirit! I, baptized (baptized), prayer (prayer) slave

(slave) of God (God) (his name), the name of all the saints and bright forces, I prohibit

you (the name of the enemy), who broke the law of God, to try, jerk, in

putes to wear, shutters on the eyes omit, castle on the heart to wear. Let go

give what you do not belong! I associate your arms and legs, eyes and mouth

i close so that you can not evil speak, damage to corruption. Let me go, slave

(Slave) God (God's) (Name), for all four sides! Don't you decide with whom and

how can I take my age! Amen".

While reading this conspiracy you must

shake on a portrait of a thread with the right hand (counterclockwise). When thread

it will end, you must say loudly: yes it will be so! and put a photo in

Bible, in the section "Psalter", between sixty-seventh and sixty eighth

Psalms. During the week every day after sunset, you must open

place in the book, where the photo of the offender is lying, and read over it above

conspiracy without removing it from the Bible. Seven days you have to get a photo,

wrap in thick black paper and put in the northern corner of the house so that it

no one found. After a few days you will feel relief and can

see amazing changes in the behavior of your enemy.

Conspiracy-charm on a friend, baby, native

"Fire, water - elements light, clean

blood - Heavenly. Save, save me it (the name of the rivers) from every eye, from thin

hour, from a female cry, from a male cry, from a male voice, from any

volos, from any word: from children, from joyful, from hateful, from

claimed, from the negotiation. The word of conspiracy is my - tight! May it be so!".

And cross three times.

Whether the road is distant and close.

"On the blue sea, the girl stood, blue

an embroidered handkerchief, Mahala, I called on the aid, Mokusha somers

help me (the name of the rivers) and a friend (child, etc.) to my (the name of the rivers). In further

road, on someone else's doorstep, in the old restaurant, in the circuit shop, from the merchant, from

udalza, from drunkard, from the rank. Protect and cover with their veil, save from

other people's duma, from the change, from conversations, from negotiations, from evil people, from

any devils. I do not speak, I'm not talking. He speaks her queen

Sea, Princess Human, Lady of the world. I do not care I pay, I speak. She is

it takes his garbage from (the name of the rivers), it protects him from vain slander, from any

misfortunes-attack, and in the evening clock and day, and in the morning. Saves us

standing, sitting, on every path of walking, sleeping at night, dreaming drees,

working, fashing, trading, playing, loving and loved ones.

She protects us, she covers us from

bed cleans us, and the enemies will take. From visible, invisible, from crawling reptiles,

flying undertakes. At any place, at all time, at all times she us

wall, she us shield and support. In centuries, at all times it will be forever.

My word is hard! May it be so!". (Can be sitting before

road and silent a few minutes to read about yourself to read).

Witchcraft on milk- (on the return of her husband).

at the loss of the moon, at noon. Put a saucepan on the slab, in which pour one glass of milk. When it comes to a boil, reduce the fire. Do so 7 times and turn off the stove. Throw into milk 3 pinching salts, one pinch of black pepper, a tablespoon of mustard and purified clove of garlic. Tell me on the resulting mixture three times: "As this potion can not eat or drink, so the slave of God (the name of the husband) does not love, nor pigeon, nor hug, nor thick, nor thin, nor old, nor young people, nor ripples. For me, the servant of God (your name), he will scold, for me to rummage, love me. Yes, it will be so. " Slide the contents of the saucepans in a bucket with cold water, and the bucket is empty on the street, pouring out the contents under dry tree or stump.

perform this rite every time in the sky the moon will start decree.

Career promotion.

take yourself a rule, climbing the stairs in the building where you are working (let it even be 3 steps) to repeat about yourself any number of times: "As a staircase upstairs up, so my dreams are performed. How the steps are striking, so my plans are accomplished. . Staircase-up .Wepened-success. Incenly! "

if you are called by the boss, it is for a few seconds before its office for a few seconds and tell me: "I'll turn first, I'll overtake everyone, to my good luck."

to make it easier to cope with your work, before proceeding with it, tell me three times: "I do a case, I think boldly. Problems are solved, everything turns out."

and in order to defend themselves to protect your success, talk to a new open pin speak three times: "About the sharp spear of the beacons are broken, no trouble concerns me. Incenly!" - And stick it in an invisible place of working clothes.

Spring Sleepy Charg. (He will drive the nightmares and will attract good dreams).

to begin with, type pure March snow. It is advisable to take it near the holy place (for example, church or holy source). Returning home, put the snow into the glass container. When it melts, pour the glass of holy water there and, stirring water clockwise with the right little men, say three times: "In the spring of snow, the winter-mother-mother mow, in the mountains and hills flow, go to the ground, they feed it, so in the spring and mine Black dreams like snow melts, disappear, go to the ground, nightmares pass. Maybe it will be so! " After that, the capacity with the conspiracted water, put in a red angle or about any icon for three days.

in the meantime, proceed to the manufacture of the overall itself. 7 Coins of any advantage Pretty soda soda and slip. They must be clean and shiny.

now you have the most difficult job in the manufacture of the overag. You need to drill a small hole in each coin, and then for this hole to bind to each coin on the red string for about 10 cm. If you do not have the ability to make a hole in the coins, then the threads can be glued to them.

when you will be ready for all 7 threads with coins at the ends, spread them on the table, cover with a white cloth and tell me out 7 times a plot, at the same time imagining how through the cloth appears yellow haze (better if during this action yellow candle will burn) : "In the spring, with a treadmill, with the first rays of the Battiki-sun, with a Martov Snowball, with the holy key, the lady of dreams on the ground is ridiculed, the people of people are walking, will look into sleep-will-be off the demon out of him, the nightmare will be free, a good dream will attract. coins for his service I will cry, until the summer of red dream your definition. May I think! " After that, remove them into a secluded place. Candle roasts ...

on the third day, after left the conspiracted water in the red corner, lower the threads with coins with the words: "in the holy font bathed, they are getting rid of the negative, they are disappeared from hell, they disappear from the witch, they hide from the enemies, hiding from the sorcerer, sacred The water is washed, with God's angel are considered. Amen. "

after 2-3 hours, the threads tie to the vent plate so that the coins hang down at the bottom. And when they dried out, she is ready. Hang it over the bed or above the window in the bedroom.

Good ritual for money.

remember the main thing that:

green Money Color

element of money -Metal


planet Money-Jupiter.

day when spending Ritual-Thursday.

so for the rite will need a metal vessel of a green color. Best for this rite is suitable for a tin can from under beer "Karlsberg"! She is just a green color, a symbol is depicted on it to attract the gold crown money.

in the morning on the day of the new moon or in the first week from the new moon to this bank, I lower 55 coins. The fact of 5 or 50kop. Thus, you put the number 555 in the vessel of the number 555, clog the hole with wax: And the whole trap for money is ready.

now take the bank to the right hand and begin to bypass an apartment clockwise, saying a spell that calls for money: "

"Vasana Manya Manya Vajana!" - and shaking the bank as a morak. Finishing_minded min. four), imagine that it rains from coins on you. The rite can be repeated three days in a row, shake and read: Money starts to appear very quickly.

if you need a specific amount, imagine that it is in your hands, only be sure to ask the highest strength of the amount of one and a half or two times the one that you need-because they are usually one and a rule, less than asking.

] Security Rules when working with a mirror

Rituals using mirrors abound, but in their instructions

always described the action of the pill, and how the medicine is taken, constantly not

it is indicated .... And from this quite a lot of people, frankly, porty. We need

calculate what causes such negligence, possible options:

1) instead of the object of exposure

damage lies at you, the object remains everything just joyfully, and you

time is cute. 2) Tract

an excessive amount of forces that could be sent to more necessary

goals, whether it is an occult or a simple life. 3) you can finally meet

with hell closer, moreover, they will even live with you constantly,

naturally, not with good intentions. 4) Your health suits you? Well, well, not

long for that time remained. With incorrect behavior with mirrors seen

changes in the work of the heart, not for the better. 5) If you make the subsidence of any demon

someone, you can with the same success and yourself, kneading sacrifices, hide it. 6) B.

cases of love spells and similar love magic sacrifice is traveled, but

it becomes so sick that the damage is no need required. And some more

"Affects", it is less common and almost no ... I think this

enough what would sit at once, read and remember on everything remaining

practice time.

Safety regulations:

1) Mirror on the first day of work

with a specific rite should be placed in half an hour before being ricked with cold water in

for at least 2-3 minutes, the water does not shake intentionally and do not wipe.

2) put not on an empty table or

windowsill, and on the fabric, naturally, black, natural, between the episodes of two

ends when the pentacle is turned over and at the center of the Upper Island with direct.

3) in no case mirror

must go beyond the limits of the drawing circle.

4) especially dangerous if you do

patch, do not fall into the "lens" of the mirror, do not look at yourself in the eye.

5) And just do not smell in

mirror during the rite, there is nothing interesting there anyway.

6) The mirror must have oval

shape, without sharp edge.

7) when closing a mirror, not

top up to reflection with your hands (legs, etc.), only before the framing.

8. By the completion of the mirror

must be in untouched as a day, after, at night, without lighting the light, all

also harde it with cold water.

9) if the mirror is bilateral

watch that the second side is not reflected in the window or any other reflective

surfaces. And in general, during operation, everything that can reflect and is

close to you, on the contrary, on the side, rear, in front, on the sides, on top, from the bottom and so

magic mirrors are very strong and in it there are all-love spells, damage, removal, health and money. Particularly complex section-work with the lubricant, but it is not for everyone, so this work will not be ladies. Although one ritual lay out for example. (about it later).

Damage to the mirror mirror

Take the mirror on

He read the spell three times. Agma, which is in the spell, read about

Yourself (mentally). In no case after reading you should not look at

MIRROR! Immediately throw up the enemy.


Reflection, mirror distortion - Veline you will take my word. When slave (name)

In you, the winning gale of my word will remember and give her Krivota, Cravail and

Deafness. Elena Aled Aqaba. Mirror smooth - face slaves (name) Crying, yes, give her Krivota, Tempture, yes on the ears

Deafness. Amech Aqaba - Let it be "

] Foreign on the mirror in full moon.

This fortune telling on

the mirror is held late at night in full moon - it is at this time the connection between

maximum man and cosmic forces. Sit for big, preferably

long, table. If there is no long table - the usual dining is suitable.

Take a lot

mirror (usual) and a small mirror with a matte back. At the edges

desks opposite each other put two candles - the candles are better to use

and tell me the magic words: "Damn, damn,

help what to do, tell me. After that, about yourself (in no case

candles, no need - you can go to sleep. Candles are better to use

church. They are needed not so much for lighting, how much to attract

demonic spirits. On the reverse

necessarily matte, side of a small mirror Draw a head of horned trait

and tell magic words:

help what to do, tell me

not loud!) Say a desire. Candles and a large mirror should stay on

table, it is impossible to extinguish them, they must be exhausted. Wait until they burn

candles, no need -

Small mirror

put under the pillow and fall asleep immediately. That night you should dream of proper

veiled tips on how to understand troubles, or you

clearly see the way to fulfill your desire. In case of failure - no sleep

dreamed or you did not remember it - you can repeat the fortune telling in the following

full moon. Ask the same question every full moon if the dream dreamed

and you understood it, it is impossible!

] Love spell on the mirror

Take it yourself

mirror, so that she does not notice. Late in the evening, look at it for a long time and

speak: "Well done, well done, my sample, you can see you, you with her

places to change. Sides and listen, fold into the ears. How much in the mirror

look, so much in front of me to see, so much to think about me, so much about me

bored. And a good day of day all the sake of one me. In the mirror

looking. And to me immediately seeks. Mirror are imperceptibly returning to the place. Take

two photos, approximately the same size - their own and beloved person.

Combine their face to each other, and then put between two mirrors, which

also combined with reflective surfaces. Wrap everything in a dense red

the chosen one began to pay attention to you.

] Conspiracy on the love and attention of unmarried men

This conspiracy is meant only for young

women who have never been married.

Conspiracies and prayers for all occasions are real help in any life situation, cleansing the mind and soul. True faith is able to withdraw a person even from a completely hopeless position. The word power is simply of great importance that said at a certain point of the phrase in aggregate with certain emotions can change the human life forever for the better or worse. Our ancestors were quite widely used by the magic of words. Vintage conspiracies and prayers for all cases have been preserved to this day.

Common Arch Republic

Prayers are a request for help and protection from the highest divine forces, spoken out loud or mentally. Conspuses are something similar to prayers, however, if the 2rs are directed only to protection, the first can also relate to black and white magic. Any prayers and conspiracies should be pronounced with a certain intonation and follow some segless regulations:

  • conspirational and prayer words read by a semi-coat, or to themselves;
  • rituals are not conducted in the presence of foreign people, otherwise they will not work;
  • before holding protective rites, the Contractor must abandon bad habits and fast for several days;
  • the key to performance is clean, bright faith in divine powers.

Most effective conspiracy words

Naturally, all the existing conspiracies and prayers for all cases of life are simply impossible, because their quantities are enough to write a few books, but the most common and fast acting should know every person in order to be able to protect against dark forces and attract lightness in your life. Energy. Corrected charms for happiness, good luck and protection against the dark forces today, as never popular. Become an amulet that brings good luck, can any thing.

It is better to choose a small thing, which can be easily put in your pocket and always carry with you (key chain, pebble, pin, etc.). Corporate words:

"How to put the squirrel red coat, and in winter and in the summer went to her, could not demolish. So let the thing that this (name) is lucky by magnet pulls today and tomorrow, and always. "

Often, a person, after a long chain of unpleasant events, feels broken and depressed, as if all the vital energy left him, and he seemed squeezed lemon. In this case, a rite will be useful, which will help restore the strength and protects different from the ailments. This conspiracy is read on key water:

  • it is necessary to gain a whole bucket of water to wash itself;
  • warm up to a comfortable temperature;
  • read three times over the bucket of ours;
  • then prayer to St. Nicholas;
  • after that, they take a bucket, and watering water on themselves, they say such words: "The driver's student, wash off everything in its path, so the sickness of the disease and the fragmentation of all. Let my bodies from my body lie down, but take them away, carry away. In exchange let the strength go back and health. "

Such cleaning should be carried out once a month.

Rituals, giving ways and consent to the family and for child protection

Floor and mutual understanding in family life The basis of all basics. Very effective is the following conspiracy aimed at attracting peace and consent. To do you need:

  • carrot;
  • w White Lights.

Carrot should be grateched on a shallow grater and folded into the plate. On both sides of the entrance door put two candles, the third is installed in the center, literally two steps from the threshold. Turning face to the entrance door, start reading the text:

"Rolling, grief, as if a ride-field, through the mountains, through the forests, in the bog swamps. Misfortune from the house is leaving, happiness is free. "

Read the text 7 times, after everyone, throwing a pinch of carrots to the floor into the triangle between the candle.

Sveti is extinguished by a special cap or fingers, all the carrots are harvested in a white handkerchief and bury on a deserted intersection with the words:

"Forgive misfortune, hello joy."

For mother, children's health is most expensive in the world. If the child often sick, in addition to drug therapy, you can seek help to higher forces, with a request to protect your child from all ailments and adversity.

For this action you will need a large apple. It should be squeezed a little on both sides and talk prayer:

"The Lord, the All-Communications, Almighty, I hope to your power and your compassion. Through the fetus, endowed with gracious, save the child from bodily and spiritual hands. The servant of God (name) will eat the fruit and stop experiencing suffering and pain, the force will acquire a new one. Amen".

So that all wishes are fulfilled

In the phase of the growing moon, on Sunday, before the sun leaves the sky, it is necessary to take a thread of wool and 9 thin roths:

  • the first three - from three different trees;
  • second three - from three brooms;
  • third trip - with three herbs.

All 9 rods link the thread and read the words:

"Solomon's mind led him to the goal of cherished, so my desire is leading me. A guide star in the sky is lit, and my way illuminates at night, the dawn is clear in the morning, the day of the sun is red. What I dream to achieve - everything is destined to come true. "

Brhenics must be attributed to the intersection and unnoticed there to leave him. Then you need to quickly leave without looking around and not to say anyone along the way.

If the family is unhappy

It often happens that people get married and one of them in marriage just does not see the white light, so much is unhappy. There is not enough forces to leave and the solution of the problem does not come in any way for many years. For this case, prayer is suitable for an unsuccessful marriage.

"Lord, the light of your heaven let him look at me. Touch the soul of my wound and show a new solution. Help, point to the foot of the one who can wound my wound to heal and light in my heart to light, who can touch their hands to reverse the time and remove a heavy burden from the heart. Heavenly New Love Angel will show me, tell me a new way. Amen".

So that nothing has happened

The human soul is alarming and an approach of danger. If you do not leave the alarming feeling for several days, put the prayer shield with prayer from the occurrence of trouble.

"Lord, let your will come with me. I beg you, hear, look at me, donate Beda Lychuy. Give it to evange from unnecessary suffering. I repent of all my sins, I fall on my knees at your feet. I will use the power of yours, she seems to the shield will take trouble and misfortune, the storm will not be able to carry me, it will not be flooded with rain, I will not be afraid of the trials of life. Thank you, the Lord of the Most High, your kindness and caress yours. Invisible commandments of yours, and instructions that give a chance to salvation. Amen".

How to save a person from alcoholism and addiction

To date, the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction is very relevant. Many mother and wives do not know how to cope with this grief, looking for various ways. Pure faith and prayers can help in this mountain. To speak from alcoholism, you need to take a glass with yellow juice (orange, carrot or pumpkin) and put the window, and behind it put a light light and read words.

"Alerts, Lord Almighty from drunkenness and worst. Hear my words. Let the slave of yours, from the low-lying addiction, let the prayer words destroy this passion. Let his head illuminates the insight, will give a chance for the redemption of the yellow celestial power of the Lord of the Lord. Let the fog of green potion be broken by the other. It will not be able to evil the human re-put on the path of the wrong slave of God (name). The desire to drink no longer will appear. Friends are diluted by themselves and they are no longer climb. Amen".

Juice give a drink to a person in front of breakfast, the entire procedure is done daily for a month.

To discover from drug addiction follows, on a chair in front of a burning light, all the time, lifting and lowering down their hands. Prayer:

"I ask the righteous righteous to specify the road. There will be no alarms in the new path, because the Lord does not leave in the dark kingdom, where his slave (name) was born. Under power, he will fulfill the vow of renunciation from poison, which is a soul and body lead to death. After a while, the slave of God will be (the name) is independent of temptations, it will be able to refuse to disperse and body in entertainment. Under the power, he find the source of the life-giving in itself. I praise the forces that give a chance to a new life and not blame for the last ".

Protection against ill-wishers

There is just a huge number of conspiracy from the evil eye and damage. Almost any mom knows what the evil eye is and how to save his child from him with the help of holy water and conspiracy. Not only kids are subject to negative influence, but also adults with a weak biopole. Successful people often make damnings on lack of money, family destruction, loneliness, and even death. Consider several protective conspiracies.

To fulfill the first rite, it will be necessary, previously gained in the Church of the Holy Voddy. In the morning you need to put a vessel with water, so that the sun rays were sent to it and read the plot:

"Lord, wanted me from Lychogo, put the wiring with their strength, so that I could (name) wash off all the night. As an omois, his body is sacred by water and my soul from the impact of the dark will be liberated. Let the enemy look at me, but envy him goes away with the side, because the protection for me is yours. "

The prayer will help to take the prayer, which is necessary to read every seven days:

"Lord, I'm standing in front of you on my lap, I ask for a grace and blessing. Omoets me a wizard holy and will take with me the disease bodily and soul wounds cure. Show your strength your life-friendly. Alerts, take off all the hunters strong, induced, spoken yes on paper are drawn. "

The strongest verbal protection against negative

This conspiracy is read monthly among their birth. To begin, it is necessary to read "Our Father", and after the protective prayer is proceeded:

"God, help, God, healed, disagree everything and sadness. Twelve protective arrows, twelve bows of strong. Each of the arrows is designed for the enemy. Each of the twelve will overtake its goal and punish. Let him surfaches him for the deed soul, he will be wounded by his thoughts.

His eyes should not be able to look at the weapon. You can not take a knife in his hands, do not reach the topor, the bullet will explode in his hands, the loop will unleash, and the poison will go. His feet in my strand are no longer turning, you don't collect thoughts in my head to harm me. Let him find blindness on him, but by my home he will pass. Sleep, when he wants, will not be able to close, it will not be able to eat water, but a piece of bread will not be chewed.

Only the mouth of his name my name will pronounce, immediately in the heart of his pain will be broken, as if from the injection of Kolz Osinov. Help me heavenly light, dare from myself black, and the enemy is evil. Let him possess forever about me. Amen".

How to make the curse not clinging?

There is a category of people who do not want to communicate with which it does not want to completely, because after a conversation with them, trouble begins. What will not say, such a person, all evil turns around. There are strong conspiracy overlap who read when it is impossible to avoid a meeting with a negative character.

"God, gracious, generous, buried all the peres, cursed, promises are bad and curses in crude land. All evil let the servant of God (name) bounces yes, back the offender returns, let him himself remain and communicating with his troubles. I lies my head in front of the Lord, closer to the cross of the life-giving up, blessing and sins of forgiveness I will ask the Mother of God and Jesus Christ. Stick me, close the cross. I hope on your defense, like on the shield. "

So that with mother-in-law does not enjoy and for the blessing of children

Family relationships between mother-in-law and daughter-in-stores Painst theme for many women. If you are tired of constant quarrels, scandals, you want peace and tranquility, this prayer will come to the rescue:

"For the power of the Holy Trinity I hope. The Prophet Ilya Arrows fall to the ground, his army is going to fight. Also let the Lord of Angels and Archangels disperse. They will fall on the ground, the world will come with them. Help, Lord to reconcile mother-in-law with Snowy. Two slaves of God (the names of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law) will live now in the world. There will be no more wells between them. In the house of the world and understanding will reacted. Amen".

Mother's prayer will be able to protect and protect your child only if your faith is true and strict. This provision is the very first rule to read prayer texts. Turning to God with certain requests, a person must be confident in his existence, comprehensive power. Mother should independently give a blessing to his children. The main thing is that it goes from the soul, a woman should open his soul to God.

"Jesus Christ, who took on the grave sin of mankind. Hear me, I ask not for myself, but for your child. Forgive my children all the pregasses that they do freely or reluctantly. Bless all their undertakings, wherever they would not stand, where they were not, let them be behind them, which will indicate the path in the dark.

Give them the grace of spiritual, soulful suffering murmur. Let them not be afraid of their problems, and stalling all the burden and deprivation are worthy of any situation. Let them exist in peace and harmony with other people. Give your grace my children. Your kingdom will always be sainted both in the sky and on earthly expanses. Amen".

Good luck - it is the component that sometimes so much in life is missing. And it can be here not only about failures in personal life. Quite often, many complain about the lack of luck in the working sphere, for a constant shortage of money and, accordingly, on a bad life. Solve this problem will help you conspires and prayers for good luck in affairs and business. Some of these magical rituals will be discussed in this article.

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck in cases belong to white magic and have long been practiced not only by professional magicians, but also by ordinary people.

In some cases, it turns out to almost completely change the course of the person's life, sending it to the right direction and improving the financial situation.

However, not always magic works as we want, especially when it comes to rites for good luck.

Here are a few rules for which rituals are made for good luck:

Making a rite is best in the period of the growing moon or full moon
The strongest prayers for good luck are read on the full moon night. Naturally, there are other rituals that can only be done in a single day of the week or lunar month.

A person himself must fulfill the ritual
Since luck is a very sensitive and thin matter, then if there is someone else to make a conspiracy into success in matters, it may not work out.

It is necessary to believe 100%
Read the conspiracies and prayers for good luck or perform rites to success only with faith due to the chosen ritual. If you yourself do not believe in the effectiveness of the conceived and make a magic rite from curiosity, then nothing good will work out of this.

It often turns out that failures in affairs and various endeavors are a consequence of negative energy.

That is why before the start of the fulfillment of any conspiracy or prayer for good luck, you should clear your energy and prepare it for magical impact.

You can make the rite of cleansing your energy with a simple ritual with salt. To fulfill the rite you will need a zhemya white salt and a glass of holy water.

Instead of holy water, in a pinch, you can use spring water or water from the tap, which was in a dark place for seven days.

On any Thursday of the month you can do this rite. Be in front of you on the table, put a glass with water, and hold the salt in the palms.

Looking at salt, tell me the words of prayer:

"White salt, clean!
Cleaning me, slave God (name),
Take me all bad yes dark.

It is necessary to repeat the words of prayer seven times, and then the salt from the palms is slowly poured into a glass with water. When the salt is in a glass, tell words:

"Together with salt, everything went away, together with salt, everything went.

Glass Leave for the night in a dark place, and in the morning pour in a deserted place.

This preparatory rite is considered completed and can be proceeding with the fulfillment of a ritual for success and success in business.

Most popular in our time magic ritual for good luck is conspiracy on business.

It is mainly used to attract positive events in the working sphere of man and the prosperous course of all cases.

If you are only planning your business or just started a career, you will attract success in affairs will help the morning ritual for water. Its duration is 30 days.

Every morning, as soon as you wake up, on the water, which will be washed, read the words of prayer:

"Water-water, the element mighty,
I speak, I am smashing for good luck, success
Slave of God (name).
So that everything that neither started to burn.
Everything that did it, benefited.
Word my castle, the word my law.

The words of prayers are repeated only once, and after that a conspired water should be washed. As a rule, it is most convenient to dial water into a small vessel, read the prayer and to rinse the face.

Conspiracy for good luck on Wednesday

If you decide to use conspiracies and prayers for good luck in matters and business, then wait for the growing month and in the first environment, spend the rite.

Make a ritual follows at midnight when the sky is clean and clearly visible a month.

To perform a plot, you will need a cup with saint or spring water, several coins of their yellow metal and a gold ring.

At midnight, lower the coins and the ring in the cup, graze it with both hands and read the plot:

"Let me, Lord, help great, helping heaven!
For me there is no place in the world without your help so without power.
Bowl with a driver will bring you and please give me good luck in my way.
Touch my fate, my life.
Add your palm with your line of light, the line of prosperity.
Concomipate me in all my endeavors, in all my ideas.
Bless me for good luck to success in my work, in my works.

Conspiracy on soap

This ritual is most often done when things in business are not in the best way.

Such a rite helps to protect the negative impact and stop the black strip.

To fulfill it, you will need a piece of soap, a coin and a thread of red.

In a deserted place, hide a small hole, where to put soap, thread and coin and tell the words:

"How this soap ends quickly,
So the bad luck will cease.
How coins ring in wallets,
So in mine will always be.
Like a thread red and bright luck and brings luck,
So and with me in the leg, the success will go.
As I say - everything will be fulfilled.

When you read the plot, the hole can be buried. At this place, mark the index finger of the right hand cross with the words:

"The word is the law!",

and go from there without turning around and not talking to anyone on the road.

Special conspiracies for success in all endeavors are considered an effective and effective means when you want to make your business successful and bringing good income.

Conspiracies for good luck at home

Remember that whatever conspiracies and prayers for good luck are you not chosen, you need to do it in full solitude and in a relaxed atmosphere. And even when your affairs go uphill, talking about what you did a magic ritual, no one should.

Magic is the sacrament and know about it, except the performer itself, should not. To enlist the support of the highest strength is not so difficult.

It is enough to choose a suitable magic ritual and make it in full compliance with the recommendations for the ritual.

Money magic money keeps very strong conspiracies to attract money to their lives that until recently were available only to the most elected, but with the arrival of the Internet independently hold a ritual for attracting money at home can now each and do it completely free. If the need has come and your financial capabilities are very bad, read one of the conspiracy presented to attract money to your home and your life getting big money to quickly change for the better. Ancient and the strongest conspiracy to attract money. To hold a ritual at home to attract money, two glasses of wheat will need, a glass of holy water and church candle of yellow wax. At the growing moon as soon as the evening evening in the church, go to the window holding a glass of holy water in the left hand and in the right grilled candle and tell me conspire words to attract money:

Conspiracies for trade: for good luck in business to read on their own.

All the strongest and proven conspiracies for trade and good luck in business will help to successfully establish trade relations. Simple people from the mouth of the mouth passed the words of conspiracies and prayers to trade, which miraculously helped merchants in their affairs. Now in the trading business is occupied by almost a quarter of the population, and therefore successful trade and the ability to profit any product will bring the maximum income. Magic helped many in any life situations with conspiracy. Businessmen have long been paid for help to the magicians and psychics, it was also before and serving under the rulers were court magicians, but why are unnecessary spending? Read the most ancient conspiracies on the trade and see how your affairs will go uphill.

Strong prayer for trade

Traders and merchants at all times appealed in plenty to the help of the world of spirits and gods, wanting to improve trade relations and the turnover of money. In our world of cars and technologies, people are increasingly returning to the ancient origins of magic. So today, for good luck in business, it is worth starting your day with reading the strongest prayer to the angel of the Guardian, who was read by successful merchants on ancient Russia and the text of which came to this day from one deaf Siberian village called Kolyvan.

Magic to attract money and good luck, money will always be found

With the help of magic, you can become much richer and ways to make a great set, you can win the lottery, find a large amount of money or get an inheritance from an unknown family relative ... Magic to attract money will make that money you will always be found! In all peoples of the world there are secret magic rites and traditions attracting money :, Gypsy magic of money and the magic of other cultures used secret ancient rites and rituals for amulets who made their owners with fabulous rich and influential people.

Prayer for trade

This the strongest prayer for trade Which was transmitted from the mouth to the mouth and able to very quickly sell any product with the largest profit for you. Do not be afraid to resort to reading this conspiracy - prayers and if you are by profession the seller, conspired - a prayer for trading can be read as many times as needed (at least every day).

If you need something to sell quickly, it is also profitable, go to church. Check the candle to any holy that you closer to your heart and pray.After reading the following prayer for trading:

The affairs of the Lord, his pretum waiting for me to pray. Lord My, Lord, faithfully the soul of my assistance, Multiply my whole things to trade: In Change and Purchase, and in everything

Existing conspiracy

Employees of trafficking wishing to increase the number of sales and faster commodity turnover is a spell acting on a successful trading, so that the money turned around faster and amazed. To carry out the magic rite, we need a large salt. This trade conspiracy has a huge force and acts lightning. Examine him by heart and every morning I go to the trade. Read the plot 12 times on a handful of salt, which you need to keep in your hand.

Conspiracy on trade

When luck in trade turned away, you need to read a conspiracy on a good trading that will have a strong effect and very quickly shopping affairs will arrive and business will go up again. White Magic Vanga recommends reading this strong conspiracy to trade and hold a special rite after which the goods will sell well and good luck will never leave you and do not need to be afraid to apply witchcraft to trade for its prosperity. You must independently hold a magic rite for good trading and read a conspiracy from the book from the book of Vanga to the scarf sugar and at salt who after reading should be thrown into the water after which your trade will go very well and luck in business will accompany you always!

Black Magic Ritual - a conspiracy on trade and fast profit from investment

Make a ritual for a successful investment in business needs strictly in full moon. Light green church candle on the table. Sattail with a black candle from the phytile to the base. Then wear a white candle with an oil and scratch your initials at its bottom.

Conspiracy Wang money. Conspiracy of Vanga money will always

Today we will once again touch on the magic of money, namely the advice and conspiracy of Vanga for money. If you fulfill this magic ritual to attract money, then you will always be finance. The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer of Vanga will help you solve such a problem how to attract money every day fulfilling her advice you will live in wealth and wealth.Today we will once again touch on the magic of money, namely the conspiracy of Vanga for money. If you fulfill this magic ritual to attract money, then you will always be finance.

The first conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer of Vanga will help you solve such a problem how to attract money. To fulfill the ritual, pour water into the glass utensils and speech a conspiracy into water out loud money plot online:

There are many effective and strongest conspiracy on money and wealth, today we will tell you how to correctly hold a conspiracy for money that will help get rich and make money in your wallet always woven and have never ended. Monetary conspiracies are very popular and help people not one century. By making this magic ritual and reading the money conspiracy, wealth and big money will come from the most unexpected places: finds, premiums, successful transactions in business, etc. Before reading a conspiracy for money, know and follow these rules. Before you read a conspiracy for money on the moon, know and follow these rules. Conspiracy to the moon, who speak in the afternoon, should be directed towards the Sun; In the evening - west to the setting sun. Conspiracy for money on the full moon need to be pronounced loudly (if you are alone) or quiet

Conspiracy for money

Today we will teach you how to do the strongest conspiracy for money and wealth. This magic ritual can be performed only on weekdays, that is, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and Saturday and Sunday, leave on prayer in the church. It should be known, the conspiracy for money is strong and read it is required with a complete concentration and in complete loneliness and in no way to tell anyone that you have conducted a ritual for attracting money and wealth. As mentioned earlier, a strong and rapid conspiracy for money and wealth is read on any weekday of the week, you only need to insert this day in the money conspiracy. This is how the conspiracy for money and wealth sounds:

Conspiracy So that the loan approved will help immediately get a consumer loan and take cash in a bank for the most favorable conditions - a low percentage (favorable interest rate on the loan). Conspiracy to good luck so that the loan or money is so strong that even the bad credit history "Ki" will not prevent credit money in any bank that gives consumer loans to the population and approval without checking ki will be made immediately after reading this strong conspiracy. I urgently need money and do not know which banks give urgent loans, do not waste your time, start reading a conspiracy for the approval of the loan and immediately do not leaving the computer to submit an online application in several banks and will be pleasantly surprised how quickly will make a conspiracy for loan design without checking credit history.

Conspiracy to receive money and loan will help people who different reasons Can not get it constantly bumping into a bank failure. What if you need cash, of course, to ask for help to make money and attract good luck in all money matters.

Conspuses and prayers from headaches

Headaches defeated, and the government has banned the sale of strong drugs from a headache without a doctor's prescription ... pain pain will help a prayer from headaches - this time proven ways how to quickly get rid of the head migraine and sharp pain of different gravity. We will not discuss the reasons for headaches and read lectures, in order not to provoke the next attack of headaches, but we will immediately move on to the proven and helping miraculous magical methods and tell about conspiracies and prayers that will help themselves and quickly speak pain and remove spasm from the head.

How to forget your loved one plot

Conspiracy to forget the person who still loves safe and is quite suitable for independent reading. Previously, when people parted at the initiative of one person, the second was not easily sad torsole to torment the wounded heart and to make it easier for these suffering to help the help of magic and read strong conspiracies to forget and break the beloved person with whom you need to quickly part. Who at least once disengaged with loved ones know that the hardest after parting it is to forget this with whom nothing else connects and erase from the memory those wonderful moments that you were together, best with this task to cope the following plot - the oscillate that has been stored for many centuries and Reads precisely on this occasion. This conspiracy is read by chance before washing and after washing three days in a row, conspiracy words To forget your loved one and do not miss it anymore and do not hear such

Conspiracy to receive a profitable loan

Conspiracy to receive a profitable loan on people's stories helped many may help you. Magic assistance to obtain a loan with a bad credit history becomes a very popular rite among those who cannot make a loan. Humanity since ancient times communicated with the usurists (people who gave a loan to receipt from individuals), it was then that the loan appeared. Our time came, and the magic of money is also in demand and helps to receive money in debt. Magages are increasingly offering assistance: I will help to take a loan with the help of a magical rite, but before spending money for this service Look at this loan conspiracy:

Conspiracy on garlic

Try to spend an old rite after reading the strongest conspiracy on garlic. Many books were written about the magic properties of garlic and not few films were filmed, garlic actively applies traditional medicine in a wide variety of purposes, he is also included in the list of fat burners. Next, you will learn a conspiracy on garlic for weight loss. Go to the bazaar and buy one biggest head of garlic. Having come home, it is necessary to clean each slicker and take an odd number of lobes (if in the head an odd number of lobes, take everything, if even, do not use it in the window). Purified garlic cloves need to be finely cut into a knife (it is impossible to put them in the garlic press).
While cut the cloves, read a plot for garlic to lose weight:

Conspiracy for reconciliation

A quarrel with a person always calls regret and the desire to return the relationship in the past course, but a sense of pride ... Magi was valued at all times, even in the modern world people turn to magical assistance: conspiracies, repraints ... We have already told me how with the help of magic and conspiracy for reconciliation I would not be complete if you don't teach you how to stop a quarrel and make any person make the first step towards restoring relations, even if you were wrong.

Conspuses attracting money

Conspiracies attracting money independently read earlier only favorites, time - money and now you can become richer and attract big money into your life. If you read the conspiracy on your life yourself. Magic money reveals the secrets of rapid enrichment only in favorites, but you can try your hand and you. We will tell you ancient conspiracies attracting money by spending a magic ritual a cash flow will flow to you an endless river. We have already published you magical ways how to become rich and fast get a lot of money. Today you know one of the oldest magical rites to attract money supply and confident that if you do everything correctly, the conspiracy attracting money will make you rich.

Slavic magic

The secret magic of the Slavic peoples was brought to us the strongest magical rituals. Slavic magic and ancient conspiracies helping the troubles and a birth helped our ancestors and now you have the opportunity to comprehend this mystery of Slavic. Below we will introduce you with conspiracies of the ancient reciprocal peoples proudly called themselves Slavs and honored gods and spirits, bringing them gifts and getting help and protection from the highest forces of the Earth.

Slavic magic plots for all occasions

Simonov Execution of the desire

Today you will learn to fulfill your most different desires with the method of symbol based on psychotraining. Each of you knows that the power of the word and the strength of thought is of great strength and carry information through space and time. Simonov is a separate branch of the magic of ancient Europe, but she received this title now in our time. Since the creation of the technique "Simor" was used as a psychological training, you can even say the pendulum, after the launch of which, he attracting the energy of other people

Practical magic love

What only the tricks did not go to get married and knead the narrowed. From ancient times, practical magic contained the largest section after therapeutic conspiractions is the magic of love. The secret ancient love spells of the beloved reached the present day and today the love magic of the ancient magicians will open for you and you mock the ancient power of a love conspiracy capable of having anyone who liked you like a young man and marry him. If you need to bind a guy to yourself forever, it is best to use a love spell for menstruation, the magic of blood is the strongest and it is not by chance.

Gypsy Magic Magic

Gypsies are greatly worshiped with magical talismans and amulets and are sacred in their power. The goal of them is the most different: some attract money, others - the strongest Third - protected from troubles, etc.
Ancient Gypsy Magic Money uses the following magical rituals and rites to attract money.If a monetary need has come to you, use an ancient magic way to attract money and wealth:

Conspiracy of black magic

People come to black magic then when all the possibilities and other resolutions arose no longer have been tested. We have gathered secret conspiracy of the black magic of ancient sorcerers and witches that will help solve any matter in your favor. Conspiracy of black magic ancient used extremely rarely, as well as you begin to start a practical black ritual, think, can solve the problem in another way. The first magical ritual of ancient magicians, which we will tell this conspiracy of black magic:

Wanta Conspiracy

Wang has revealed to people good conspiracies for good luck in all matters they are really workers and checked by many people who have independently able to read this strong conspiracy to good luck in his life told Wange. The conspiracy for good luck according to Vangi makes the Magic Rite of the real lucky man and a very lucky person. Immediately after committing the magical rite, luck goes on foot with a conspiracy person, and the former failures are awaited in the past. Today you will learn to make a magic ritual and learn how Wanta Conspiracy.

The conspiracy of the awakening fortune - good luck is read early in the morning, until the service of the service in the church, having preheated with flowing water. Not in vain they say: who gets early - God gives God. To independently read the strong Conspiracy of Vanga for good luck which is done at home Take a wide ceramic vessel and pour water in room temperature after that tell me over the vessel of the conspiracy word for good luck:

High Pressure Conspiracies

If you have hypertension and headache has become almost daily, know, high-pressure conspiracies will help without pills to reduce blood pressure and quickly restore health without pills. Conspirements and prayers were practiced at all times, herbalists, characteristics and sorcerers at all times helped people and prepared infusions and decoctions on herbs, some leads read conspiracy after which headache and weakness went quickly and never returned. Modern people have forgotten these ways and here today, healing magic will help you with the help of a rapid and effective conspiracy to get rid of such a problem as hypertension and regularly high pressure. Below, the presented prayers will help you lower the pressure and be sure to make relief after reading them.

High pressure prayer facing Saint Alexander

Conspiracy on the lottery win

If you read a conspiracy to win the lottery, you can very quickly win the biggest prize. Not in vain in monetary magic until recently, this fastest way to become richer and get a lot of money was kept under a big secret. You will be able to win the lottery to the Luck which magically we call making the following conspiracy to the lottery win, but you need to spend a little spending and buy a winning lottery ticket that will make you richer. Win money or another prize will help a conspiracy to win the lottery. The winning plot in this article helps not everyone and not everyone, but if you try to fulfill all the conditions of the magic ritual, you may be lucky after all, similar strong conspiracies on a large winning in the lottery or lotto can bring you quick money and good luck in the game.

Conspiracy to dine a guy

The desire to dream of a beloved guy who likes arises from many, but not many know that it is possible to do this with the help of magic if you read a difficult conspiracy before bedtime.If you want to remind your beloved about yourself and come to him in a dream, you will help you strong and very old conspiracy to dine a guy. This magical ritual used girls who wanted to see himself with a beloved, which for a number of reasons has not seen you for a long time. After reading the next conspiracy, the beloved man seeing you in a dream wants to see him soon. Management of other people's dreams This witchcraft is built mostly on visualization.

Conspiracy to dare a guy needs to make the next magic ritual.

Conspiracy how to remove the belly

Many people do not know how with the help of magic quickly remove fat from the abdomen and problem areas, and it is not difficult to do if you read a conspiracy on weight loss and getting rid of fat and you do not need to go anywhere, read a conspiracy at home! Fat on the sides and stomach, the most problematic zones and if you do not know how to restore them, you will help you can remove the abdomen and excess fat. The beauty magic used our ancestors and these secrets reached us. If you need to quickly remove the belly, magic will help. This is the easiest rite for those who do not know how to lose weight and how to remove the stomach. For this you need every time you wash your hands, say a strong conspiracy how to remove the belly

Conspiracy to win business in court

In modern society, litigation has become commonplace. Here are permanent readers asked to give a strong conspiracy on winning Business in court. Many people know the situation when the neighbors go to court for any occasion - a flooded ceiling or a roughly said phrase. The trial may end with marital or business relationships, i.e. Everyone can become and defendants, and accused. We picked up the strongest and at the same time simple conspiracies and rituals for winning things in court.

If you were called to court and expose the accusation. In order to rip out the work of the enemy, make the next magic rite, after which any case will be advantageous

Conspiracies for children

We picked up a collection of magical conspiracy for children. In it, you will find conspiracies for sleep, from fright, from diseases of children. I am confident that these conspiracies for children you will use more than once. Children are very mobile and does not rarely happen that they are blood from overworking the nose. These magical rituals will help not only the child, but also an adult. You can stop blood from the nose with a simple magical action that does not require any conspiracy. To do this, take into the one hand from the nostril, which blood flows the most ordinary scissors, and raise your hand over your head (per head), throwing your head back or lie. From the bite of an insect Children are most often combed to blood. This is a conspiracy for children and adults that bite

Conspiracies for the birth of a child

I decided to give birth to a child with my husband, but I can't get pregnant. Before you run on doctors, spend the magic ritual and read the old conspiracy. After this ritual, it turned out to be pregnant even to those who, modern medicine propheted hopelessness.

If you want to safely become pregnant and give birth to a child, take a long rope from a natural material (cotton, hemp, etc.) and for forty days at midnight to tie on it by the nodule, each time reading the memory conspiracy.

Prayer Virgin Heaven

I urge the wonder of the earthly to reveal the name of the Virgin Divine and my request
they will be heard, and I ask the Lord through the strength of the great female nature
pour into my organs of life and give power to fight manifestations
unlabliga, and seven gold rays from the crown wondrus to me and
will help get rid of the inconsisters of earth and clean me from growing in me
Healing unlawful, for the feminine began the benefit of the world born. Amen

Prayer about the Lord Protection

I appeal to you, the Lord and the creator of the whole world in the world, and
I ask my nature from breakdown and keep preserved, to give my strength to mine,
so that all the former influences of non-adventure to deny and gain protection against influences
future to the eye is unkind and speech evil not touched my heart and not
I poison my soul, because I was revealed / and / now I'm just before the Lord. Amen.

Prayer for slowing down child growth

Consciously submit a child's growth process and contact the Lord's power with the words:
Went, the Lord, the growth of my child's body, let the development will not stop
the disease, neither the will of Lyhaha, for the power of the Lord will grow, and help him
destroy all the influence of nonlags. Sat down, the Lord, the power of the life of the child my and
Give him a blessing for the future earthly existence. Amen.

Conspiracy from childhood diseases

Take a big apple, slightly press the sides and say:
I will ask the Lord to ask the fruit grown, his gracious saturated,
the bad body of my child to help and give him a blessing to get rid of
Borenny koroids.
Hear the Lord request my lot through the power of the great floral spirit and so
will help that there will be no more baby child suffering
unnecessary, and the fruit eaten by them will bring new power for the big
Changes and recovery. The disease will leave the body, and give the Lord strength
Stand up, for the spirit of the vegetation request of my support will give and the Lord
force will saturate the fruit for my child. Amen.
Let the child eating all the fruit, and wait for a quick healing.

Conspiracy of prayer for calm in the house

Pour in one hand a little poppy on the open palm, and to another to keep a lit candle. Speak:
The miracle of the Lord will be full, the light of the highest will manifest the power of natural.
The name of the Lord will affect the evil effects of unclean, and vegetable power
Ensure me from them. All misfortunes and sadness from my housing forever
When the grains of Poppy plant, the vegetable good spirit will appeal. That good will be revealed
The source that good and peace bears, and the walls of my house will become durable
Protection against manifestations of unclean. Amen
Mak scatter in the corners and not to sweep seven days.

Prayer for women who consider themselves ugly

Three are brides in the Lord, and there is no advantage of any of them, but
Only the light of the Lord brings each of them the glow and soul that
People are calling. Only light unearthly gives rise to the earth's beauty, and not
I ask the Lord's new features to my body and my face, and I ask the light to give them
For the wonderful human good, in order for the Great Harmony
The world touched my members and my face. Krasya heavenly satisfy
me so that every person can see a miracle miracle in me
The Lord and Light he was saturated through the perception of a miracle of this.
A simple beauty will shake everyone who will see me. Happiness
My heart will be filled, that the celestial beauty for people is carried. Miracle Wonderful
the Lord will make, and I thank him for a solid touch of appearance
My. Amen.

Prayer about the good family

About the Book of the Family I ask the Lord's great, carrying a complete merger of the soul
my soul (name), my husband, because there is no greatest happiness than
be part of a whole family, and I do not ask for the lot of earthly, but I ask to strengthen
Our union and protect (name) from the temptations of the worldly and first step to the new
Family life will make it myself so that there is no obstacles to our rapprochement.

To try to forget the resentment and spend the evening with my husband relaxed, without tension.

Prayer for good luck

I ask the Lord great help to give heavenly. For a person there is no place in
The world without the power of the Lord. Bowl with water painful suffering brought to
a bright face of the sky, and I will ask for the three forces of the Lord to give good luck to me and
My light is on my way.
Touch my life, the Lord, Leno, and spend the line of light from
me to myself. Give the power to live before the end of my days in mind and bodily
Natural condition, and tragedy do not give serious close my. Faith
I will approach you for suffering from relief, and thanks to my
You have no limit. Amen.

Prayer with an unsuccessful marriage

Lord Heavenly Light, touch my soul, bring her light new, happiness
Give me a new one and the new destiny. Give it to me to meet in the world
Where so much deception and suffering, who can wound the soul my spirit
light to heal, touching your hands to return my life to my life
strength, and light celestial will be given new happiness for the life of family and
For the proximity of bodily. I will ask the Lord not to refuse me to help me.
For light it is not impossible. Amen.

Prayer from the occurrence of trouble

About the Lord, I will ask you with my hands to get away from me, slave
Your / Your Slaves / (Name). I will be a rare miracle for the river of my life, faces
The Lord's Live Establishment from the trouble is covered / A /, and my soul will not tolerate
Wild and unnecessary suffering, from which the Lord will donate me.
I will force him to sanctify my way, and the threat will go away, and the line of life is not
It will be broken to the term. Storm will not demolish me, it rains will not flood, life
The tests will not be destroyed while I strengthen the Lord clutching his days.
Thanks to the Lord for the strength of this. It is irrevicious of it and gives a way out of any test. Amen.
Read three times before the nursing threat or misfortune, and the Lord will help to take her.


Make a desire to take a handkerchief in hand and talk three times: it will be
The desire of my great spirit of helping the Lord is fulfilled, for the Lord
Helps who asks for help.
Help will come in unknown ways, and the desire for my reality will turn
Events will acquire a way to implement, and the Spirit of the Lord is given to me
There will be something that I ask him. I will cover a scarf, and I will wait. Amen.

Tie a scarf by a knot and wear with me before the fulfillment of desire, and then burn, not unleashing.

Conspiracy from alcoholism

Put a glass of yellow juice on the table, preferably between the window and the burning candle and say:
They will reach my words to the Lord's gracious of mine. Sky staircase will save from
Low passion, petty insignificant desire let my prayer
It will be destroyed.
Frontal brain zones will break yellow heavenly help from the Lord, for the light
His rays will touch my soul, the change will come to my head, head
He will heat up. The power of life will return, for there is still the future. River
Life is not yet merge, and I evoke a human desire to drink
resurrect. Blocade of the faded pottery of liquid will be liquid
The name of the Lord is overcome. Amen.
Juice drink and powered by water, can be tea. So do in the mornings for a month.

Prayer from narcotic dependence

To sit in front of a lit candle to speak, lifting and dropping two hands at once:
I ask for a speech for the essence of my new way. The alarm will not be executed path
new, for the Lord will not leave me in the world in the world, where born / a / me and
I can perform a vow of a refusal of unclean attraction to poisons and unnecessary
substances that behave my body to premature death, and the soul - to
suffering and destroy.
Will pass a little time, and I will become independent / A / from the habits of wearing and
The drainage will stop and will open a new source of vitality and happiness
Liberation will come and their hands themselves stretch to the sky for praising
I gave me a continuation of life. Amen.

Vow from smoking

Take paper and write:

I give a vow not to smoke as long as I will live. I give an oath to the Lord never
Do not take a poisonous potion in the mouth that does not give me the opportunity to breathe
Full breasts. I will always remember that there is no such power that makes
I disrupt the word given to the Lord, and I will get rid of forever from
madness of self-defense by inhalation of poison, unnecessary to me and
My harmful to all organs. For new without tobacco life
existence I will endure only three days, and then the Lord will take
thirst for unnecessary and give strength to me to resist the temptation of earthly, because
Only the Lord power is able to defeat the strength of the habit. Amen.
Write a date, subscribe and endure three days with God's help. Later
It will take straight on smoking, and free yourself from a detrimental dependency.

Prayer before bed

Oh, Jesus, the Son of the Lord, bring me calmness, and I will pray for you and
ask for help to give to purify my soul from old deeds nonlags and
The essence of my change to the possibility of atonement of my sins. For new
Life give Jesus forces to me and the light of the Lord prize on my soul. FROM
Prayer Usa, with a prayer I wake up, and the Lord strength is irrigated by the withered
Soul. Amen.

Conspiracy on the ring

Put a yellow metal ring without stones on the stomach and say seven times:
Belly, give me a head treatment, and, ring, give stomach strength for this. I
Ring vitality and I apologize to the Lord put it on clean
heart and take pain from the head into the ring, and the power of the rings pass the soul
My to get rid of flour and earthly influence. Tina river let it take
My pain forever, and I will get strength. Amen.

Throw a ring into the river where Tina.

Conspiracy on Mak.

Mac grains, grown on Earth, will be consecrated by the power of the fire of the Lord.
Growing in nature will be satisfied with the power of the Spirit of the Lord, the world of heaven,
will give me an update, health, cleansing, will enter me with particles of forces
Blessing on great bodily healing. This plant is the Lord
will be saturated miraculously unearthly influence on my body, my organs, on
My brain. Amen

Prayer about the Good Body

About the good power of the Lord, carrying the light in the soul of people and the sensation
unity with the creator of the world, give me the power of bodily formation without
suffering and diseases so that I am with the new forces miraculously heavenly
Touching the benefit of the Lord in the world carried / carried / and thank the Lord for
His help. Amen.

Conspiracy for a blessed life for a child

Take any item with which the child is constantly in contact, and say:
I ask the Lord the joy to give my child to myself so that he could not
know in life what brings grief, what will break his connection with
The highest strength that led him to the world.
Give, Lord, different tests to him, but do not let such that will destroy
His soul. Bring joy to him for life, because only your power gives
Path to the light of heaven.
Let my request be accepted! May it be so. Amen.
The item return the child and trace so that the child does not part with him the first three days.

Cash Continue

Money hold in hand and talk:
Seven life forces and gold strength, give me smooth and fast saturation
Money. Fastens not yellow gold my ways, but those seven of my life
forces that for help call, but will achieve help me by the global power
Gold will not give the Lord yellow, who has no help from the world complex
the law, which gives, who multiplies, but at the same time gives his
regret. Needless to doubt, and then yellow zlata
wait. Amen.

Talk so money and give the rest. Good luck will come and profit will then be when you give without regret.


Take two knives and combine their cross. It is necessary to place the knives so that the blades are outside. Led over them with hands and talk:
I have a good way to run the power of my dwelling, but a lunar curse,
the mounted, the stream of salt will go there where it came from and by force
The power will be destroyed. The sky will support who home root, and speech spirit
God will take the spirit of evil and dark strength from my dwelling.
Let me melts the illness and the light of the heavenly body of my clean and
free from diseases, a miracle is rare glorious will be performed for the sake of achievement
The celebrations of the Forces of the Lord on Earth.
The night struggles with a daytime, and bad - with good, but everything solves the sword of God, for his power in everything. Amen.
Spindle knives and put next to the table, blades out. So do seven days, and evil will leave.

True appeal to the Lord

Sat down, Lord, my soul, frontal opening protection and acceptance
Light of the Lord. There will be a joy of my organs, and the body will take the rays of light
The Lord and Thousands of Particles of the Heavenly Rain are in the soul of my and
The Lord will touch for my wonderful liberation from the old influence.
sins and mistakes put on the path of my soul of my severity and the soul will become
Clean, and long I will still thank the gentlemanship for the forgiveness of my sins
Life. The suffering will retreat, and I will become a blessing of the Lord fulfilled / a /.

Conspiracy on the wax

Cut the nail and put in a melted wax. Range lump and warm hands to warm him and say:

Let the disappearance of the bodies of my body disappear more than
It is necessary for its activities, and the Lord will end the support of superfluous in the body
my, how the heat of the body wax soften and the request of my Lord will hear and
will help withdraw and fats unnecessary and substances harmful, which is accumulated in
to me. Where the raw lord is strengthened, there is a random earthly
The Lord's Great, and I the essence of the Lord's firmly clean body will find. EVERY
My Lord's body cage will strengthen and clean the miracle of earthly manifestation, and
The Lord of the Lord will manifest much more than the earthly non-possession of influence. Clean
The light of the Lord will come to me a clean body. Amen.

A lump with a nail to bury into the ground before sunset.

Prayer from impotence

Bring, Lord, even and natural attraction to the marriage lie and not
Give the great strength of the world life began to fade and become only
Memories. My mystery, come to my members and fill them with a new
force to continue and strengthen the proximity to bodily. Will be blessing
Every night, as well as for me, and for the light with me
The Lord of the Women, who all the body of his bliss is immeasurable gives
my body.

The name of the Lord urge the power of the sky to help me in this. Amen.

Prayer from early aging

I ask the Lord, I will force my great help to help my body to return that
condition, strong and productive, which is saturated with great youth
strength, and the stiffness will not come to me, and the suffering of bodily
Covered me up to date. Faith My fear will drive out the old age weakness, and the body
The power of heaven will acquire freshness and elasticity, and will happen
Wonderful restoration of my youth lost, the blood is hot will become
And the muscles - strong, the eyes of bright colors will be divided, and I will take
Gratitude to the Lord for the miracle of the great update of my. Amen.

Prayer for health

Oh my Lord, my creator, I ask you to help you, give healing slave
God / Slava of God / (name), Ohmo Blood her / his / rays are yours. Only with
Her help will come healing to her / Him. Touch her / it / power
Miraculous, bless all her / his / to salvation, recovery,
Give her body / his / health, her soul / his / - Blessed ease,
Its heart / his / - Balsam Divine. Pain will retreat, and the forces will return,
And wounds will heal her / his / bodily and spiritual, and your help will come. Rays
Your heaven will reach her / him / will give her / he / protection, bless it
On healing from the ailments of her / his /, strengthen her / his faith.

May the Lord hear the prayer. Glory and gratitude to the strength of the Lord. Amen.

Conspiracy on earthly treatment

The land plot needs to be selected near the housing for seven steps from the entrance to
House, in the shadow area of \u200b\u200bthe house. In sunny weather, when only the shadow covers
Selected place, sit on the ground and say:
Earth let me cherish me, and let the earth let the path of my bodily
Healing from the inconsisals of the earth and will help my new life celebration,
For the great miracle of the Lord Hero Mighty Nischochkiller Slave His / Slave
His / (name). My Earth's Flour will be to carry and the Hero of the Lord will go away
From my body to the ground, and I will approve my shadow at home and the sky
The network will cover me solar protection Great. Amen.

Stand and reach a sunny place, stand there for three minutes.

Prayer for cleansing

Lord Strength heales me, the slave of God / Slava God's / (name), from the forces
Curses. I will be cleared / A / from any uncleanness, from the evil of human, from
ailments. Truly, everything that went into me will come out by the miraculous, ohoet
Blood clean power of the Lord. The rays of the Light Divine will give slave
God / servant of God / (name) toast, healing, cleansing. All updated
Touch the Lord. Give the Lord the power of updates, cleansing, healing
In the name of your holy. I will feel the power of the Lord's assistance throughout
My life. Amen.

Prayer for pregnancy preservation

The body glows the fruit of the power of the Lord, and I ask the Lord not to cancel
Miracle of birth new and give me the strength to endure my child's term
welcome. Let him tighten him from unlawful influences and will not give me
dangerous ways not to prevent the correct distribution of life forces
and development will not be distorted and violated, for the Lord Hand will help me and
At the right time, hens in the world of who under my heart. Amen.

Prayer before rhodation

Ukhppi, Lord, I was my faith and give strength to make heavy tests of the body
To mine, give him relief from bodily flour, find the way out of the fetus of the body
my such that will not be injured to me nor the fetus, and will not hurt
suffering by the associated common binding bodies to the breaking of them and liberation
A new creature, for there is no joy for me greater than to give him life.
The light of the Lord will illuminate with its new life, and will not be
suffering, but only happiness and benefit will enter me with the light of this. Miracle
The Lord is happening, and I thank the Lord in advance for his help. Amen.

Conspiracy from Schalza

Put a vessel with water to the place where the rays of the sun and say:
My Lord, give the power of protection against the poor effect of water, which is in front
me. There will be a great spirit of the Lord Protection given to me through water,
richly rays of God's blessings, and influence alien not
Touch me when the water body sprout his own. May be a bad eye
To look at me then without harming for me, for I will be protected / A / I will be the Lord
force that good accepts, and bad returns to someone who evil
Wishes. Amen.

Purifier sprinkle yourself (face, palm, feet)

Prayer with reluctance to live

You need to take a candle in my hands, light it and say:
I appeal to the Lord, and there is no other support in the world than his strength,
which led me to the world for suffering, and early to think about me about
transition to other worlds that are waiting for me only after the natural and
The Lord of the Provided Estimation of the Life Test term given
I am for strengthening and becoming the soul with the imperishable, the light of its saturation, and
The sample of my death is not entitled to produce the deadline for
To escape from the hard tests for me, for it is even harder
the soul will be with the outcome of this, tragic and unnecessary, for the Lord will soon
will return to me the joy of life, and the meaning of the new fill the days of my remaining,
And let I never remember the moments of my weakness.
Thanks to the Lord, that he helped me with its power of life not to lose. Amen.

Conspiracy on improving

Take a liter of grape juice, pour into one dishes and talk over it in the morning:
Will be the treatment of mine from all ails of God's force blessed, wondering
Heavenly staircase. All diseases will irrevocably go, it will be given suddenly
Birth is new to me, and I will be a new force immensely fulfilled / a /. South will be
The impact of prevailing over the northern, and the moisture of life will be double.
Fortunately will be all members for further being. I am glad, for rays
The Lord already touched me. Thank you for the Lord. Amen.
Drink juice after a conspiracy in a half package, but every time to pount all the juice.


Brew and rub in the morning to sunrise and in the evening after
Sunset A mixture of plantain, nettle and mint branches in equal proportions. For
This is to talk:
I scream the head of the Divine decoction. Grew in nature will not fade
will repeat the new growth, abundant dense, rich in growth,
Divine power of adding, multiplication, saturation. Born
It will repeat, add! Take the strength at the grass, in foliage, in the trees. Not
Dies, does not dry, does not disappear! Amen.

Prayer from headache

Put on your head and talk:
I will, the Lord, the power of yours and the Spirit of the body is saturated / and, and my head is not
will tolerate the flour bladder, because your power will help me and bring
Getting rid of the gulling bodily pain and ease will give the Divine.
It will no longer return to my head. I will no longer lie with the patient
Head, afraid to move. There is no oblivion from pain, and only God's help
Save me and gives the future healing. I will thank you day and night
Gentlemen for help. I will always do so, and my pain will pass. Amen.
Remove your hand from the head and applied to the heart area. Pain will stop.

Conspiracy for strength

Put a glass with water on the table in front of the icon of St. Nicholas and ask him:
Oh, the great Nikolai, sat down the water, which I drink, the light of the strength of his own.
Let my nerve left brain stop the emergence of foci
Brakes, shallow drowsiness and bodily weakness. Acceleration fog B.
my thoughts, with small steps, for a long time echoing a vitroless lance, and
The new forces of my body will distract from unnecessary sleep for the work of the Great. IN
New close life without relaxation I will come.
My strength under the blessing of Nikolai Great. I catch his rays on the water that I drink. Amen.
Water have a drink

Prayer before dangerous expensive

The power of the sky is kept who defended him from the Spirit of the rain of heaven, and the Spirit
Great will give protection when the speech is the cold cold of the death of volatile
He will assign from the servant of God / slaves of God / (name).
Wonderful warm salvation by the light of the heavenly beam will come to me and the severity
Leadsova will not touch my members. Rarely who is given the spirit of the earth
protection, but there is a hand of the Lord, and she will cast iron from me quiet and
Lead whistering. And black darkness will not get me yet, there is no place for me
Among the spirits of the gone, life will not interrupt someone else's hand.
Death will go away from me, and I will save my body as a whole. The spirit of heavenly rain will protect me. Amen.
Talk before dangerous expensive three times.

Conspiracy into four elements

Pour water (not boiled) into the glass, to another glass sat down half
Earth from under fruit tree, put a burning candle in the ground.
Water earthly yes will be saturated by the power of the Lord, and the earth will receive power
Impact. I will wait for a disreglate, and the Spirit of God will stop the process
Rangers, and the ailments will be departed from me the forces of the Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit
The power of the blessing will destroy the black strength of the birth of the ailment,
Basic and spiritual pigeons. Yes, the forces of the nature of fire will be reunited,
Water, land and the highest Lord of the Spirit of Touch. I get great
Cleansing in the name of the Forces of the Lord. Amen.
Water washed sick places, and you can also drink it. Earth scatter under the tree.

Conspiracy from fear and failure

Put water in a glass on the window in a bright time, light the candle and say:
I ask the Lord the power to saturate the water with the light of my who carry the great strength,
The strength of fear overclocking and bringing people a great blessing on
Good luck and luck in any beginnings with a blessing that do not harm people
Others, for I wish I wish I in the affairs of my own, but good, and not fear of living
I want, but the joy of the great good strength, which I ask to touch the water
For my spiritual formation and for the life of the blessing, and
My way will not bring me terrible and risky affairs, and events will not
Unpleasant and unnecessary, for the Lord trust his life. Amen.
Drink a sip of water in front of an unpleasant way or event, the rest of the water
Use for washing and wiping before bedtime or by far.

Prayer for weight gain

Become a face to daylight in front of the window or in the direction of the sun on the street and talk, closing the eyes:
I hear my alarm, Lord, and help me change the distribution of currents
life in my body to grow new and flourishing, for joining and
To strengthen the bodies, touch, Lord, by his power to me, and
will be the food to bring not only the maintenance of forces, but also grow
A simple accumulation of fat evenly by the body of everything so that it does not break
Harmony of my body. Thanks to the Lord for the help of his great. Amen.

Conspiracy to calm down

Put and light the candle in front of yourself on the table, and bring the right hand to
Fire so that palm feel warm candles. Pronounce four times:
My hand is the right hand, which makes a sign of a sign, will absorb
Fire candles of the Lord, the warmth of the fire will calm down and relax me, slave
God / Slava God / (name), will give the penetration of the Divine heat in
Every body of my body. Soul - peace and well-being, heart -
Soothing, body - health, spirit - clean.
The help of God's help will be present in the life of my soothe, cleansing, relief. Amen.
Crightening and put out a candle.

Prayer about the Lord blessing

Oh my Lord, let me feel the blessing on my fate. Yes
So wonderful change the path of my earthly. The name of the Lord he comes from
His ailments, heart feel the presence of your strength and help
Over, for your strength, saturated with beams of healing lights,
reassure me, fuse my strength to heal, cleansing, updates,
My body is heal from the agers of grave, from the bustle of the soul, from sorrow
cardiac, because your power is unsurpassed, unsolved and secret - on
All over the world, rays and drops, miraculous paths, visible and invisible.
Give me, Lord, blessing to life my earthly with your help.
Let my paths be illuminated by the light of yours, clean and unatail in the name
Lord and all the forces of heaven. Amen.

Conspiracy on weight loss

Everyone that Lord gave me, the slave of God / servant of God / (name), for this
moment, saturation will be soon, I will not overeat the unnecessary, started
After saturation, poison for my body. Stop the Lord
Touch, I will be full / small. Lord Strength stop my hand my
On time, will not give extra and unnecessary to me. And I, Slave / A / Your / Your / (Name),
I will be under your eye, under your control. Give the Lord, the power of the inner
Stop from unnecessary food, burdensome excess weight. I will be healed / a /
The power of the Lord from this earthly dependence. Thanks to the Lord to our. Amen.

Conspiracy from cold

Take a piece of paper for the compress, pull it out so that it cracks, and say:
So the difference is my illness that I will without her. The power of the Lord is heaver,
given to me in the palm of your hand, and I will thank him, I will prank his power,
Bringing. I will hand the palm there, where the disease will be me
the drainage to concern, and the power of the Lord will remove the impurity of my bodies and give
Right treatment. Blessed by the Lord my body will be, and protects him
Lord and in the future, for there is no greater treatment than his power. Amen.
Hands to attach to the patient places, hold, while the moisture will perform, and then
Attach paper and keep for about an hour. Diseases will be retreat.

Conspiracy in violation of blood circulation in the legs

Gold ring applied to the forehead and read three times:
Warrant Gold Great Lord Creation, Sudden For People, I Soul
Your medicinal I ask to give my frontal brain shares your dual force
For in-depth treatment of lower blood circulation and normalization
Small and large bodily vessels (and give me the power of combating smoking).
I will be a day and night I am in summer and in winter to ask the Lord about healing. Amen.
At the end, put the ring on the finger and not shoot until the next time. So do every evening for fourteen days.

Conspiracy-prayer for the regulation of female rhythms

Consume a large amount of liquid and in the morning, touching the frame
windows, talk: my body will not break the rhythms large and small, and
So easily comes confidence in the blood rhythm, which will not break the cycle
For the day, and the power of the Lord Touch the body my violations will not
take, and the blood is unnecessary will go on the right time for a blessed
proper life development and existence, and with blood unnecessary
All diseases will go out of me, which violate the natural equilibrium, this
I am the Lord from birth, and smooth breast breathing will destroy
the touch of the impaired effect of earthly, and so my bodies will fix that
There will be no more deviations of unnecessary and violations of the hormone
Equilibrium. A rare healing of the gentleman's hand will come. Amen.

So make every morning after awakening, and the rhythms of the body will be established for the benefit.

Prayer from the commission is not good actions

Look at yourself in the mirror and pray with such words:

Lord, the great Creator of all things, I ask you to put me on the way
Lights and not give the power of my soul to spray at non-possession actions and things, and
Would spend only on bringing my soul saturation. Become a barrier
the aspirations of my unlabliga, and faith the light is clean, I will bring my soul for
new page of my life. Amen.

Prayer to St. Nicholas

Joy is needed for this prayer, and first need to think about something very
Good: about children, about the arrival of spring, about bright paints of nature so that
Your soul was at least a moment joyful, and immediately talk:
The Spirit of Nicholas, the Great Hands, come to me and do not let dissolve
My joy, do not let her go, rejoice with me and bring my body to my
All my life, the feeling of joyful presence in the world, give him unfavorable
life strength in order for the slave of God / servant of God / (name) to the end
the days of their not to lose the feeling of the joy of life, and the bodies will leave the body
my, because through the spirit of Nicholas the great body my to the rays of the Lord
Touch. I thank Nicholas asking for help him. Amen

Prayer for a joyful blessing

I ask the Lord to bring a new life for me and a new greater joy, for
Only joy will lead me to the blessing of the Lord, and will not
early wilting up of my body saturated with the light of the touches of the Lord
rays. God has no branches of unlawful, and I, touching his rays, I will become
One of them. Such heavenly bliss covers me that a new big
The body will take my body, and I will come to the world of the Lord of the Lord. Mir rays
The Lord will accept me and will satisfy with their light for further
The world's existence in the world, where only joy is defeated. Amen.

Facial water conspiracy

Put into sea water a small golden thing, think over the water and talk a conspiracy (2 times):

Water soul is alive, where you can not - do not go, but where should - come in. Itching I.
Small suppurations of seals, and zones of change, body control or small scars
Winter snow raised and forever the earthly miracle take away. I am a staircase in the sky
some kind of need I will see, and she will accept me, and will help, and an unearthly miraculous water
consecrate, and foam marine will carry my earthly skin organic
deviations and I am an unearthly miracle, marine foam rejuvenate and updated, for
I will pour our sins and omitting water.
During the washing, pronounce:
Lord, give me a miracle, I am the face of the Lord Omo, and the youth will give the Lord ordered. Amen.
Do not wash your face with soap, but only conspired water. After washing, do not wipe.

Prayer after washing sea water

Creator, Lord, I ask you an unearthly influence, a rare miracle
Create, human body essentially change strength and processes from earthly
Life is bodily stopped so that youth do not leave my before the century.
Lights the light of the Divine and Hand Lord, drink the rain jets
Heavenly, my body is saved, the youth that the power of the sky is so
receive. Yes, the power of the Creator will save me for all life young and
Lost skin defects. The world of the Sun will give me an amazing miracle, and I
I will manage the body with its unearthly forces and the water of the Lord
Remove forever. Amen.

Conspiracy of prayer for good luck and updating life

Put the ring from metal in front of the candle and pray:
Oh Lord, my body is saturated with a cloud of heavenly light, will accept it
True saturation of the Spirit and Solves, at the time of my soul, with heavenly power,
When touched the metal.
Swells through the touch of the benefit of the Lord's soul. Seven times
Touching, and the seven rays of the heavenly fire and the miracle of the Lord will enter me.
I will become good light / and / and my life will transform the Lord's touch. Amen.
Touch the ring with a finger on which you will wear it. Pray
Seven times, each time touching the rings at the end of the prayer. Put out
Candle and do not touch the rings for an hour, then put on your finger and
Do not shoot seven days.

Conspiracy on body rejuvenation

Onion head to cut in half and hands to make halves to cheeks. Pronounce:
Oh, wonderful life of the power of growth and vegetable soul, remove those
old age that I gained / a / from plants eaten by me and let her go to
Luke head, and through it - back to the ground. Clear my skin will leave
Bad strength, and I flourish with all body. With summer sunshine opens
I am dust of the Earth, and the body will enjoy the heavenly dew. I will be vital
Silot, tears changed / a /. Amen.
Halves of onions fold together and put onions into the ground for three days.

Prayer for updating and rejuvenation

The shower of the girl asks for its body of the gentleman and wondrous
The beauties, dense vlas, clean, white face. Can you help me
Lord Silty Sky. Miraculously unearthly pearls heavenly faces of my affection
Evil copper from my face will leave. Sun thread will send from the wondrous world to hand
My and the water is oozet a new skin on the face of the new. Good trails
I will pass, wonderful to me to contact me, the sun will stop the rays
His tape of time on my face and body. Lord, help him! No hands
stronger! Amen.

Conspiracy - Prayer for Red Wine

Pour a little wine into transparent dishes, and say:
My prayer for you, Nikolai Wonderworker, High Your Touch
I urge the miracle from you to consecrate the consecration and transformation of the liquid of this.
The power of your favorite good will satisfy the spirit of life in life and
A close touch to a sunny clear spirit will open the essence of wine. Lord
Hand with light sprinkles heavenly, the power of purification will fill this vessel and seven
Standless influences will be deposited from me when we drink a wonderful drink of light.

Wine drink.

Prayer from solitude

I apologize the Great to hear me and give me a new way, successful for
that the Great Lord's influence helps me to be saturated with light and
My loneliness, an unclean spirit caused, passed. Three networks of the river
a loaf in order not to miss my happiness and three forces
The Lord of the influence will come fate with a new decision, and meeting a miracle
will happen with the only one who needs me in the world and join the paths
Our Little Love True. Amen.

Pray in the morning.

Conspiracy from cold

Alien, extra refuse to feed the creature when I drink it wine,
The new strength of blood is clear, pour the kidneys by a pacification, purity and
Heavenly power. I am a dashing meager uncleanness as an unnecessary trash spinning from
Body, and the cleansing of my lines for a new healthy life will come. Through
Small foci leaves my disease. Red living wine I will heal the force
He enjoy the Lord. Amen.

Wine to drink and go to bed.

Conspiracy on a wooden hairpin

Hold the hairpin in hand and talk:

Hand holds a big wondrous frustrated body healing. New Future
life is a great start in this hairpin, and the soul of the forest will lead it for
New high purity of my face and body. Small will be discarded, and
Large - winter snow removed and melt with him. The white spirit will
The body is changed, and the face will be the spirit of calling. White day will be bored with skin
my, and the Spirit of the Forest will touch my skin and will take my and bodily disease and
soulful. Amen.

Clipping on your hair and not shoot seven days.

Conspiracy at a tumor

Touch with hand to the place under which the formation or tumor is located and talk:
I ask the Lord Great to give my strength to my hand to change with touch
The distribution of the Lord of the Lord on the body is mine to eliminate
violations, and my body currents will restore the correct development and
Distribution, dispel an unnecessary body, not growing under the laws of it
Education, and distribute bodily fabrics so that they will not be broken
My body proportions, data from birth.
The light of the Lord's rays, touching my body, will restore the copper-salt
exchange between fabrics and healing a miracle touch of the Lord to
my hand. Will be my body free from any deviations of the Great
Balance of life established by the Creator for me. Let the Lord hear
My words will help him. Amen.
Omit the hand in the vessel with water, hold three minutes, then again
Attach your hand and read. So do three times a day for a month.

Prayer for Improvement and Rejuvenation

Lord, clean my skin from the skin zones of earthly influence and bodily
Stone exposure, and water from river shells. Pains will go like days
separation, the fever of the divine opal my body and head, wait and destroy
Everything that did not do, and the disease will move away from me, the power of fire is waiting
Skin old age. I am a rare miracle prize, and the staircase of the sky will take me to
The world of another, eternal and unreasonable, touching life. Do not destroy
My wonderful beauty until the end of my days, the skin will remain young, and the Spirit -
Bodry. I will show the world that the power of the Lord miracle is creating for the people of the Lord.

Conspiracy on the confrontation of diseases

Pour into a transparent glass a small amount of dry wine or
fruit juice, put on the window at the window, light the candle and
Great Lord urge the effect on wine (juice) and through it to organs
My, when I drink fluid, and small saturation will be using a large. Not
healing without the help of the Lord, and I ask him to bring me protection and
healing from all influences, and I will pray the Lord to give me to pass by
Diseases with gravity, and the Lord will destroy my alarm, and the benefit
will come to me the great, and solar influence will be disconnected from me
Unclean, and my body will not accept my body, for the Lord will protect me. Amen.

Wine (juice) drink.

Red wine plot
With a growing neoplasm

Take a little red wine, look at him and talk:
Saturation dead spirit, come by the power of the Lord in the potion of this in order to
kill something new that growing does not want to equilibriately, but
Arbitrary paths, unlabligible for me. I ask the Lord to return that bodily
The distribution of forces of life, which was given to me from birth. Let be
will come a great rejection of alien cells, and death will give them life to me, for
The Lord sat down the liquid of this influence, my right body in the moment this.
Wine drink fast, not spending time. So do every day, in the morning and evening.

Prayer from attacks and seizures of nonlags

Pray at night in order to better tune in touch with the highest strength,
Which will help you get rid of heavy suffering. Asking:
Oh my Lord, do not give my body to continue to bear unpleasant for me and
Dangerous bodily short, but terrible tests that carry
I am suffering and do not give to live a full life.
Help, Lord, durable healing to find! Before the new day of stop
Lord, all the attacks are unnecessary to me, and relaxation will come instead
voltage and the benefit of the power of the light flies into me by the HRM
will bring a new blessing day to my day without suffering and manifestations
strange and unnecessary to me. Gratitude to the Lord will bring the day last day
without suffering. Amen.

Prayer for skin cleansing

The sky arrive is an amazing miracle, and regulation will return to the origins
my strength of life, and the light of the joy of bodily will come an arrow so
strong that skin and earthland will not more annoy the body
My, when I am an arrow to the Heavenly, and the clear body will forget the alarm.
Only gentlemen of the power of the boom can send, and I ask him not to get around
I am in great help, and grateful (thanks) by the strength of his carrying me
good. Amen.

Conspiracy on water

Loop the candle, put a glass with water in front of it and pray:
Oh Lord, sat on the light of Heavenly water this water. Give water a great power
life-giving for my healing of bodily and divine moisture water
Simple miraculous influence will be sanctified. Soul calm Give me
Lord, drunk through the water, and bodily cleansing will come by a miracle of the great
the touch of the Lord and the River of the Fire Heavenly Fire Drying, for
Gentlemen will give my body strength through the water that I drink and I thank you
Gentlemen for the miracle of his touch to water. Amen.
Water drink. (You can drink in parts during the day).

Conspiracy for rejuvenation

Pour so much water into a wide dishes as you need for washing, put a candle in the candlestick into the water and say:
The strong wonderful Lord influences the influence will enter the water, the essence of the water will take
His, and dead will leave the skin washed. The body will return the former freshness, and
The shelted will return a sense of joy of bodily through touch
Lord, and the network of a new marvelous good will cover my face, light
The Lord breaks youth, and the water is clean, the old, and the new
will come. The power of the miracle will enter the firmware, and the people will surprise people with a new face.
The Great Lord will bring influence into the world. Let it be so, and the Lord
will help me. Amen.
Water washed face. So do in the morning.

Prayer at night incontinence

I feel the help of the Lord's forces of the Great. Power of the Lord Vedo / A / Will Slave
God / slave of God / (name) during sleep, and will not give the Lord to him / her /
There is such a relaxation that the stream of uninvited moisture shed. Eyes
I will open the Lord to him / her / with the need for such, and sleep interrupted for a while
necessary, and ailment will retreat from him / her / power of the rain of heaven, and
The blessing of the Lord will not leave him / her / already. Amen.

Prayer from alcoholism

At the power of the Lord, I ask the help of a cruel rock change and the way to give to
liberation from the dope of liquid, carrying power and my mind and soul
corrosive. Light heaven went, the Lord, I do not have joy already from
Life. Some suffering brings a drink to the Cross, and I will pray for
Relivation from unnecessary needs for me, and life force will return,
When I stop the poison to swallow, and with it and the joy of updates will come,
Run into me, the new sense life will be lit, and the miraculous Lord
Rengorements will leave me thirst for alcohol. Amen.

Blessed conception prayer

Solar Lord benefit, the source of my vitality is open for
bringing a miracle of the birth of a new life, and I will pray to give it to her.
Sat down, the Lord, the strength of my life of my particles for the wonderful manifestation,
Two bodies are alive and give the basis of a new life, and I will be healed by the Lord
from the restriction, and with my life streams the new
Being the light of heavenly touch. Amen.

Prayer from ailment

The strength of the birthday of the day will bring me, the slave of God / Slave of God / (name)
The power of combating my inner bodily disease. My authorities will saturate light
Lord's new blessing life-giving. Will bring me the Spirit of Lord
updates of bodybuilding tissues from the source of the Great, which gives the basis of life, and
The development process of my illegality will be stopped. Life support
will come over the power of the Heavenly Father, which gives me a healing miracle, and in the afternoon
New I will be supported / A / in delusion from the ailment. Amen.

Prayer preparation for sleep

My mouth and my heart go to the Lord, because there is no joy in the world
more than sincere communication with the highest strength, which gave me the opportunity
drink a bowl of life and find the spark of the light of the highest and I ask the Lord
help my body to fill up lost for the day of strength, and the soul is unclean
night influence to tighten so that the day of tomorrow is not overshadowed and I
Enjoy him with joy, for the Lord is with me. Amen.

Prayer from eye disorder

I ask the power of the Lord to give me, pleasing to the Lord, to healing
My bodily illness. Give, Lord, I can stop the opportunity
Processes of violation of my violation. On my eyes, my light of the sky will go and
Clean the perception of the wonderful given to me from birth, and bright paints of the world
please be me, and I will find a clear vision with sunlight, and
There will be fear, for the Lord leads me. Amen.

Conspiracy-Prayer for Connection with Favorite

Look at the cloud and talk:
Gentlemen I ask miraculously to give feelings and thoughts to come in touch with the cloud
Heaven in order for my aspirations to take it, and my heart
Spends the way to him to meet with those who suffer.
I feel the feelings and words of the power of the Lord call shed rain from the cloud on
my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gave him
desire and road, desire to meet me and the road to me
Let the cloud of the heavenly way acquire, the power of the Lord led, where
(name) now, and the drops of moisture of the heavenly heart will be revived, and his soul
I will take the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me and thank him
For help. Amen.

Conspiracy on love

Light a candle, take a glass with water in the right hand, and in the left -
Image of a man. Greatly desire to change his attitude towards yourself and
talking holding the image above the water
Clean celestial power I want influence wonderful water to give, and ask
Gentlemen to support my request, because it does not care lead me, but love, for
There is no heart of my rest without the one whose image is in my hand, without (name)
and put water request my and melt ice in the heart (name) and light
The Lord will revive his mental perception and calling the heart of my reply
The fire will light and the joy of recognition will find it when the water gets in touch with
His body, for love will find clean. Amen.
Try to make a person in touch with water. In the extreme case, you can sprink the image.

Conspiracy to meet with your loved one

Put a glass cup with water and talk
I ask the Lord to give water a simple power of the influence of heaven on the path of the earth.
Water is the essence of the benefit, I will accept my request to the Lord, connect the way
man whose image in my dreams is reflected, with my dear life and
Bring (name) Miraculous Heavenly to meet me. My Duma, Prayers and
appeals will lead it to me and I will see the one who needs me
constantly, and clouds will dispel, and the sunlight will be lit by life when
I will see (name) and hear his speech, and our hands come in touch to
NOT part forever. And I will find a new fate thanks to help
Lord. Amen.
Water pour out next three trees with equal parts, calling the help of the Lord.

Prayer for finding love

Put your hand on the heart and say:

Before you, the Lord, stand, and only I can open my heart, and
You know you all about how to ask, for my heart is empty without love
earthly and praying and ask for a way to give me a quick way
the only one who is able to lies with the light of my whole life and open
my heart towards mine for the wonderful merger of our fate and
Observing a common soul. Amen.

Upgrading Lord Lord

Gold the truth of the Lord washers / a / will, when the Lord is heavenly source
My bodies will open and solar wind will clean out of me all unlawful
saturation accumulated by me in the path of the earth and the solar Lord Light
My whole life will be lit, and I ask the Lord closer me to myself for
In order to accept the cleansing of the Lord. So the origins of the highest will perceive that
My heart will reveal, it will be filled with the rays of the Lord and my soul is soul
Higher spirit to cause the power of the Lord's influence. Sunlight
Omit / A / I will be transformed / a / miraculously the Lord and the point of contact
I will always feel now. Amen.
Pray on Thursday and on Saturday three times, better in nature before sunset.
