The script of the autumn holiday in the second junior group "the magic chest of the clown goroshkin". Our developments

Children enter the music hall to the music, stop in a semicircle.


What a beautiful autumn

What a golden dress!

And visit guys today

The autumn holiday has come to us!

Everyone is having fun today

Very good!

Autumn holiday to us

I came to kindergarten!

Congratulations to all the children

Dear guests!

- Look, children, how beautiful it is in our hall! How many colorful autumn leaves are around! What kind of holiday came to visit us?

Of course, the Autumn Festival.

Children recite poetry


Fall, fall, fall, fall

You rustle with dry foliage.

Fall, fall, fall, fall

Your holiday is coming.


Autumn Festival in the garden -

Both light and fun!

Here are some decorations

Autumn is hanging here!

The song "Autumn is a wonderful time!"


Autumn has heard our wonderful song and is already hurrying to us.


Autumn follows the summer,

The wind sings yellow songs to her!


Autumn has come again

Gilded all the foliage.


Yellow leaf on the palm

Will slowly fall -

This is Autumn golden

Walking down the path to us.


Yellow leaf, red leaf

We will collect on the track.

Where are you, Golden Autumn?

Come, we are waiting for you!

Autumn enters to the music.


I am the golden autumn

Bow to all of you, friends!

I've been dreaming for a long time

I’m talking about meeting you.

Hello children! Hello guests!


Hello, Autumn is golden! We were looking forward to seeing you. Listen to what song our children have prepared for you

The song "Autumn has come to us"

Autumn thanks for the song. Scatters autumn leaves around the hall with words


The leaves were filled with the sun,

The leaves are soaked in the sun,

Poured, got heavy

And flew in the wind.

They rustled through the bushes.

You can see them here and there.

The wind is spinning gold

Rustling like a golden rain!

- So here the breeze brought the leaves to us. There are so many of them, look, guys!

Children, let's take the autumn leaves and dance with them.

Dance with leaves


- And now we will collect a bouquet from the autumn leaves and decorate our music hall.

Children go to chairs, sit down.


Now let's read poetry

About autumn days.


Leaves are falling,

Leaf fall in our garden.

Yellow, red leaves wind in the wind and fly.


Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

The yellow leaves are flying.

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly ...


Each leaf is golden -

Small sunny,

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

I take care of the leaves -

Autumn continues.

For a long, long time with me

The holiday does not end.


Autumn again outside the window.

The rain is falling in peas.

Leaves are falling, rustling.

How good autumn is!


Well read poetry!

But we haven't played yet.

The game "Sun and Rain"

Host: - Sweet Autumn, do you like fairy tales? Our kids will show the Russian folk tale "The Turnip".

Staging of the tale "Turnip"


- These are the kids - real artists!

And now, kids, it's time to dance!

Pair dance

Host: - Autumn, dear guest, did you like the holiday?


- You guys are great!

We had fun from the heart.

Thank you for everything

And I give you apples!

He hands over a basket of apples to the host.


- Thank you, Autumn!

We will distribute them in the group,

We'll give everyone an apple.

And we'll take the leaves

Let's take it to our group.

We will decorate the group.

Remember you, Autumn.


- I had a lot of fun.

I fell in love with all the guys.

What to do? Waiting for business.

Goodbye friends!

Autumn is leaving.

Host: Goodbye, Autumn! Well, we children will return to the group and treat ourselves to apples.

The scenario of the autumn holiday in the junior group of the preschool educational institution: "Golden Autumn"

Autumn matinee in the younger group. Scenario

Work description: The script of the autumn holiday for children of the second junior group will be useful to music directors and educators of junior preschoolers.
Autumn holiday scenario: "Golden Autumn" for children of the second junior group.
Children enter the hall to the sound of a semicircle.
Host: Here is an artist, so an artist!
Gilded all the forests!
Even the heaviest rain
This paint has not been laundered.
We ask you to guess the riddle,
Who is this artist?
Children: Autumn.
Host: I congratulate the children,
Our dear guests
Happy autumn holiday!
Song: "Autumn Song"
The children sit down.
Host: Nice in the fall in the garden:
And light and fun.
Here are some decorations
Autumn hung here.
Autumn release phonogram: ("Autumn walked in the garden")
Autumn: I - Autumn golden
I came to you for a holiday
Did you expect gifts?
I brought them to you!
Take the leaves soon
Dance with them merrily!
Dance: "With Leaves".
at the end they hide their faces with leaves)
Autumn: Oh, how many golden leaves, I will collect them as soon as possible, (goes, collects)
Yes, these are our kids hiding!

Autumn: to the soundtrack: ("Colored rain") As the breeze blows, fly away quickly a leaf (children run, sit on chairs).
Autumn: And now, my friends, I’ll guess riddles:
Leaves from the branches fly around
Birds to the south fly away
What time of year? - we ask
Will they answer this? ...
Children: Autumn!
Autumn: Leaves whirl in the air
They lie quietly on the grass
Drops the leaves of the garden-
It's simple ….
Children: falling leaves.
Autumn: The wind will call a cloud
A cloud floats across the sky
And over the gardens and groves
Drizzling cold….
Children: Rain.
Autumn: Well done! All riddles were guessed.
Presenter: Autumn sweetheart sit down
And now they will read the poems.
Child # 1: Here is a wedge leaf on a branch
Today it is just like new
All ruddy gold
Where are you going to leave a piece of paper.
Child # 2: autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow
Leaves on a birch, burn with gold
Do not hear the merry songs of the nightingale,
The birds flew away to distant lands.
Child number 3: Autumn, autumn do not rush, and wait with the rains
Give us more summer, sun and light
Child # 4: A hedgehog is curled under a bush
Wet and prickly
And the rain mows over the forest, scattering the clouds.
They are dressed in red leaves, the stump is smiling
Stood all summer, and now soaked through.
Child # 5: Rain, rain, drip and drop,
You wouldn't drip on dad, you wouldn't drip on mom
It would be better to come to us Dads damp, moms dirty
You and I are wonderful.
Child # 6: Less often the sun shines
Warm rays, a flock of birds flies to the south, parting with us.
Frequent rain outside the window, the sky is crying like a cloud
Yellow leaves all around, It means autumn.
Child # 7: The green garden has turned yellow, the leaves are whirling and flying
The rain is often drizzling, he won't let us walk.
The song is sung: "Rain" (to the soundtrack)
Host: The sun came out again, the kids wanted to dance.
Dance: "Made up".
Autumn: And now we will play
We collect mushrooms.
Let's take a basket
And we will collect the mushrooms.
Game "Mushrooms" (music at the choice of the musical director).
Autumn: The rain does not get tired
All day long it pours and pours
We want to walk in the rain
We need to take umbrellas
Game: "The Sun and the Rain"
Autumn: Well I am amused
And the gifts deserve
I love all the guys
I give everyone an apple!
Autumn takes a basket of apples and gives the children an apple!
Children go out. (Phonogram)


Target: creating a joyful mood in children, emotional responsiveness to the world around them.
- to cultivate love for nature;
- to consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the signs of autumn;
- develop creative imagination, memory, attention, speech;
- to consolidate vocal and choral skills in the process of group singing;
- to improve the musical and rhythmic skills of children through dances, games.
Characters: presenter, Autumn.
(children enter the music hall to the music and sit on chairs).
Autumn golden come to visit us soon
And bring your gifts to our kids!
(Autumn enters with beautiful music).

I am golden autumn
My bow to you, friends!
Today I am happy to come to your holiday.
I brought autumn leaves as a gift.
Children, take the leaves soon,
Dance with them merrily.

(a dance with autumn leaves is performed. At the end of the dance, the children hide behind the leaves).
Autumn: Well, where are our children? There are only one autumn leaves left ?!
I will call the breeze for help, let it help me to make out the leaves.
As the breeze blows
Fly away quickly leaf!
(children throw leaves on the floor and run to chairs).
Enough of the leaves to lie
We need to collect the leaves.
Game "Collect the leaves"
Autumn, honey, sit down!
Sing and have fun with us.
Children will sing a song
They will read poems about you.
I. Kishko's song "Autumn".
(reading poems about autumn).

If the cloud is frowning,
And threatens with rain
Let's hide under an umbrella
We'll wait out the rain.
Do you guys have an umbrella?
Leading: Yes, that's how colorful and beautiful. Let's play with him.
The game "Sun and Rain"
Host: Here the clear sun is shining and all the children are walking (children run around the hall to the music)... But the sun hid behind a cloud, it started to rain. Run all to me under an umbrella (the music stops, the presenter opens the umbrella, the children run to him).

We will continue the holiday
Let's sing and dance.
Autumn round dance "Autumn walks along the path with the rain".

Autumn, we are glad that you came
She brought us gifts in her basket!
Here are apples for you, like honey,
For jam and compote.
Eat them and get well
Get some vitamins!

Leading: Thank you, Autumn dear! We are waiting for you, we will visit again! Come to us - you are welcome!
Autumn: Goodbye! (leaves to the music).

Ved. Look, guys, how our music hall has changed, as if it were not a hall, but a real autumn forest, all around with colorful leaves.

I distribute the leaves to the kids.

Ved. Come, kids, take the leaves. I know that you can dance with them.

Dance "Autumn Leaves"

Ved. Well done boys. And now it's time to sing an autumn song in our forest.

Song "Autumn"

Suddenly, a loud car-rr is heard in the hall!

Ved. Do you hear? It turns out that not all the birds flew away. What kind of bird is still singing its songs?

Guess what kind of bird

And not a dove, not a tit.

It is important to walk around the yard,

She scares the sparrows,

She is so wise, cunning,

Kar, Kar, Kar - screams in the morning.

Children: crow!

Ved. Well, of course, this is a crow - Crow-Voronushka - a little black feather flies to our forest clearing. Let's meet her.

Crow: carrr! Carrr! Apchhi!

Ved. Be healthy, little funnel!

Crow: oh, who is this here?

Evita: This is us, adults and kids,

They came to the clearing,

To play fun

On a visit to wait for autumn.

Crow: Autumn? What's good about her, this very autumn?

Anya: When autumn comes

The wind howls loudly

Rain since the morning

It's time for the birds to go on a long journey.

Crow: Apchikh!

Andrey: So as not to catch a cold at all,

Many forest birds

In the warm lands fly.

Crow: Eh, I would like to be with them! But crows - everyone knows - do not fly away ... It became boring in the forest, hungry, the berries are over, the mushrooms are all harvested.

Ved. Don't be sad, little funnel! Look, what guests came to us for the holiday.

Children wear fly agaric hats.

Song "Fly agaric song"

Crow: great! These mushrooms are useful for animals. It often rains in the forest only in autumn. Brrr!

Ved. So you're a crow, afraid of autumn rains?

Crow: Of course I'm afraid! Aren't you afraid of getting wet in the rain?

Ved. Are you guys afraid of the rain?

Children: no!

Dasha N. It's raining and we're not grieving

We are friends with the autumn rain.

Crow. Kar-kar! Are you friends? But as?

Ved. But like this. Come out, guys, we'll show Voronushka how we are friends with the rain.

Dance 1 ml. group "Rain"

Crow (grumpy): Well, we remembered about the rain, and it was right there. That's how it pours! What am I to do now - get wet in the rain? So it won't be long ... kar-kar-rr-rr!

Ved. Don't grumble, Voronushka, you won't get a sheet, you won't even get wet. We have one present for you. Guess:

Ruslana. What a bright painted

Has the circle opened up over me?

If you go for a walk in the rain,

Don't forget to take it.

Ved. Well, you guessed what gift we have prepared for you?

Crow... Now I'll think ... well, well ... If it's round, then it's a ball!

Ved. No, not a ball.

Crow. Wait ... painted ... handkerchief!

Ved. No, and not a handkerchief!

Crow. What is this? Help, guys, to guess the riddle, or I’m about to get wet and get sick, ahhhh!

Ved. What is it guys? What do we give Voronushka?

Children: Umbrella!

Crow: Of course, an umbrella, I thought so! Let's get it here soon!

Ved. Take Voronushka, he will hide you from the autumn rains and hide you from the cold winds.

Crow: Well, now, it's a completely different matter, under the umbrella it is both dry and warm for me. Thank you for such a wonderful gift! Now I am ready to continue listening to your songs. Kar-kar!

The presenter picks up a bell.

Camilla. The rain fell on the palm of your hand,

On a flower and on a path.

He knocked on the roof,

And there was a clear ringing

Drip-drop-drop, don-don!

Children of the 2nd junior group perform a folk melody on the bells.

Crow. Kar-kar! Well done, kids! We played well!

Ved. Wait, we'll show you how we can dance with the rain.

Crow: To dance with the rain? Oh, what if you all get wet?

Ved. He picks up a large umbrella.

Pauline. The pouring rain is not terrible

After all, you and I have an umbrella.

We'll play fun

Spank and jump through the puddles.

The game "Sun and Rain"

Dasha V. The sun looks out the window,

Shines in our room.

We clap our hands -

We are very glad to the sun.

The theme of rain sounds, children listen.

Ved. Hide, children under the umbrella,

Let's wait out the autumn rain!

The game "Sun and Rain"

Crow: I like you very much, what else will you please me with?

Ved. Come on, Voronushka let's play some more. Now we will show you and tell you what vegetables have grown in our garden.

Crow: Very interesting! Kar-kar!

Round dance song "We have a vegetable garden"

Crow: Kar-kar! You play great! It's good for me to be with you guys, but I just need to fly on my raven business. Kar-kar!

Ved. And it’s time for us guys to return to the group. Tell me, Voronushka, now you know that you don't need to be afraid of the rain?

Funnel: Now I know. And I also know that your rain was not easy!

Ved. Not simple? Which one then? Is it a blind rain ball?

Crow: No, not blind!

Ved. Well, then ... mushroom!

Crow: And not mushroom!

Ved. And which one?

Crow: Candy!

Ved. Oh, is there really a candy rain?

Crow: Of course it happens! Look at the tree branches.

The presenter approaches the twigs and turns over the "droplets".

Ved. Look! Raindrops

Not easy at all

Hang on every twig

And in droplets ... candy.

Removes one "drop".

Ved. The first tasty drop for you, Voronushka - for coming to visit the guys. Help yourself!

Crow: Thanks! Kar-kar! And goodbye!

The crow flies away.

Ved. Get the drops, remember the autumn!

Zavershinskaya Ekaterina Mikhailovna

To the music, children with a teacher, holding hands, one after another enter the hall; after going in a circle, they stop near the chairs.

Host: Look, guys, everything has turned yellow around.

This autumn covered everything with its golden carpet! / Wraps the room with his hands /

Children read poetry:

1. The autumn garden has turned yellow, the leaves are spinning, flying.

2. The rain is often drizzling, he does not let us walk.

3. The birds flew away, the days became shorter, the sun is not visible - the nights are dark, dark.

Presenter: Yes, guys, all the leaves are beautiful in an autumn day,

Let's sing a song about golden leaves!


Children sit on high chairs to music and applause.

Host: An autumn breeze blew and brought a leaf with him ...

/ picks one piece of paper and sings /:

A leaf flies, whirls, wherever it has not been ...

And now, with the autumn breeze, he ended up in kindergarten.

Host: I invite you guys to take a walk in the autumn forest.

And dance with colorful leaves!

There are leaves on the carpet in front of the central wall, which the children take in their hands and stand in a circle one after another.


Children, covering their faces with leaves, sit on the chairs.

Host: Oh, where are our kids? No one is visible, only the leaves are alone around.

The guys look out from behind the leaves. The presenter is happy that he has found children.

The teacher collects the leaves from the children and returns them to their place.

Host: Look, guys, but my leaflet is not simple, it is mischievous with a riddle.

Can we guess it? "An eagle flies across the blue sky,

She spread her wings, covered the sun "

Host: What is it?

Children: Cloud!

Host: Do you hear? It seems she's already here!

Music sounds, a cloud-child from the preparatory group flies into the hall, a sultan is in the hands of the cloud.

Cloud: I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue! Let it be small, but very strong.

If only I want, I will wet you all with rain!

To the music, a cloud runs near the children and "splashes" rain on them.

Host: Let's play with a cloud, guys? One, two, three, cloud, catch up with the kids! / We play 1-2 times /.


After the game, children sit on high chairs.

Host: Cloud, cloud, wait, take away your rains!

We know the song about the rain and we will give it to you!


Tuchka: Oh, what good fellows, your guys, but it's time for me to leave.

Host: And you and I will not be bored, but we will all dance merrily!

Become friendly in pairs, hold hands tightly.


Children sit on high chairs

Host: Look, guys, another autumn leaf has flown into our hall.

/ The presenter sings /: A leaf is flying, circling, flying, flying, flying.

And following the leaf, the forest guest hurries here to us!

Music sounds.

Presenter: Who is this, guys, so easily gallops to us:

Children: It's a bunny!

A bunny runs into the hall, holding a basket of carrots / a child from the elder group /.

Bunny: Hello guys! I rode from the forest to you, I am very tired, friends.

Here I will sit down, rest, and I will listen to you too.

Host: Hello, bunny! We are very glad to see you at our place. Sit down, rest, and the guys will sing a song for you.


At the end of the song, all the children are jumping, the bunny is with them. The presenter and the bunny praise the children.

Host: What do you have, bunny, in the basket?

Bunny: Do you like to guess riddles?

Bunny: I was in a hurry from the garden, I jumped to you so dexterously,

And in a basket I brought you a sweet ... / carrot /

Host: Thank you, bunny! And I invite all of us to have fun playing a fun game called "Collect carrots!"


The teacher scatters carrots around the room, at a signal the children collect them in a basket.

The game is played 2 times.

The bunny praises the children.

Bunny: And now it's time for me to return to the forest,

But I don't want to say goodbye to you at all.

Finally, I want to treat you to a carrot,

/ gives the Host a large fake carrot - it contains a treat for children /

Goodbye friends!...

Host: Goodbye, bunny! / Everyone is waving to the bunny in unison /.

This is a carrot! / The presenter examines it from all sides / How big!

/ Shakes her /.

Guys, this carrot is not easy, there is something in it! Let's see what she has

inside? / Unties the braid and takes a treat out of it. /

Thank you bunny, what a gift he has prepared for us.

And now I invite all the guys, guests to the group for a tea party.