Cecilia Ahern how to fall in love without memory reviews. Cecilia Ahern how to fall in love without memory. Chapter II How to leave your husband without a scandal

Pages: 270
Year of publication: 2014
Russian language

Description of the book How to Fall in Love Without Memory:

The main character of the book is Christina Rose, a successful young girl, the owner of the employment company Rose Recruitment.

She helps people find their place in life, calling and work, which will bring not only finances, but also moral pleasure, a sense of fulfillment in society. Christina simultaneously works as an employment manager and a psychologist, and is imbued with the lives and problems of her clients.

But at one point, she is unable to help a person escape from trouble and her own well-established, successful, as it seemed to her, life also begins to collapse.

A girl divorces her husband, family life goes awry, but this is not all the failures and problems that befall her. The company to which she devoted all her soul and strength is on the verge of ruin. In addition, one of her clients decided to commit an irreparable act on his birthday and urgently needs to act and save him.

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How to Fall in Love

© Gurbanovskaya L., translation into Russian, 2013

© Edition in Russian, design. LLC "Publishing Group "Azbuka-Atticus", 2014

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To David, who taught me how to fall in love

How to find a saving argument

They say lightning never strikes twice. Wrong. That is, they say exactly that, but it is not true as a fact.

Scientists from NASA have discovered that lightning often strikes two or even several places at once, and the chances that it will hit you are forty-five percent higher than commonly thought. However, most people, when talking about lightning and the accuracy of its hits, mean that lightning never strikes the same person twice. This is also incorrect. Although the odds of being struck by lightning are one in three thousand, Roy Cleveland Sullivan, a national park ranger in Virginia, was struck seven times: the first in 1942 and the last in 1977. Lightning failed to send him to the next world, but at seventy-one he committed suicide with a shot in the stomach, rumored to be due to unrequited love. If people did not resort to metaphors, but directly said what they thought, it would become clear: they believe that the same extremely unlikely event cannot happen twice to the same person. Wrong again. Who else but Roy would have known how great the chances were that an extremely unlikely misfortune could happen again! And now I come to the essence of my story, to the first of two events whose probability was negligible.

At eleven o'clock on a frosty Dublin evening I found myself somewhere I had never been before. This is not a metaphor to convey my psychological state, although it is also suitable, I just literally, in a geographical sense, have never been there.

An icy wind blew through an abandoned block on the South Side, mysteriously howled and moaned, rocked construction cradles and hummed in empty window openings.

Unglazed windows gaped like black holes, bare, unfinished walls looked ominously, overturned cement slabs towered menacingly, hiding treacherous holes and potholes in their shadows. Hastily installed balconies, drainpipes, wires that went to who knows where, from nowhere - a ready-made stage decoration for a tragedy. I shivered not so much from the cold as from the inhospitable surroundings. People should have lived in these houses, then the windows would have been dark, because they would have already turned off the lights and slept comfortably behind thick curtains. But the homes stood uninhabited, contractors failed to deliver on promises made during the construction boom, and instead of luxury apartments, homeowners were left with a constantly ticking time bomb as the fire department's list of grievances was as long as the builders' list of false assurances.

I shouldn't have been there. I entered there illegally, but that was not what worried me: it was dangerous there. An ordinary law-abiding person has nothing to do in such a place, and I had to turn around and leave. I understood all this perfectly well, and yet I stubbornly made my way further, even though my veins were shaking with fear. I entered the house.

Forty-five minutes later I emerged shaking and trembling and waited for the police to arrive as the 999 operator had told me to. First, the lights of an ambulance flashed in the distance, followed almost immediately by an unmarked police car. Detective Maguire jumped out of it - unshaven, with disheveled hair, stern, not to say ferocious, and, as I had learned earlier, very unyielding, moreover, ready to explode at any moment - in a word, a devil who could hardly keep himself in the snuffbox. Even though Maguire, at forty-seven years old, looks a lot like an avid rock musician, but he is a police officer, and therefore it does not matter what he looked like, but what matters is that he was there - this meant that the matter was serious. After escorting them to Simon's apartment, I returned to the street and began to wait again, I had to tell my story.

I told Detective Maguire that thirty-six-year-old Simon Conway, whom I had encountered by chance in an empty apartment in an empty house, was one of those fifty poor souls who had to abandon the hope of settling here due to the obvious impossibility of it. Simon talked mostly about money, about not being able to pay the mortgage on an apartment where he wasn't allowed to live, about the bureaucrats who were putting all sorts of obstacles in his way, and about the fact that he had just lost his job. I didn’t convey my conversation with Simon very clearly to Maguire, confusing what was actually said with what I later realized should have been said.

The fact is that Simon, whom I never expected to see there, had a gun in his hand. I think I was even more surprised at our meeting than he was at my sudden appearance in an abandoned house. He seemed to think that the police had sent me there to talk to him, and I did not try to dissuade him of this. He better believe that in the next room I have an armed crowd of people at the ready, I thought, unable to take my eyes off the blued barrel, which he was constantly waving. He talked and talked, and I tried to stand calmly, fighting the desire to dodge, swerve to the side, or even rush out of the room. Every now and then waves of panic horror rolled in, but I still calmed Simon down and convinced him to put the gun down. We started talking about his children, and I, as best I could, looked for bright moments in his gloomy situation. In the end, I managed to get him to put the weapon on the windowsill, and then I called the police, where else. Before I had time to put the phone away, everything suddenly subtly changed. I told them something, some insignificant, passing phrase - but it was precisely this, as I later realized, that was impossible to say - and it worked as a trigger.

Simon was looking at me, and I knew he couldn't see me. His face distorted. Alarm bells went off in my head, but before I could do anything, he took the gun and put it to his temple. The gun fired.

How to leave your husband without a scandal

Sometimes someone who has seen, much less become a participant in, a truly dramatic event has a desire to stop pretending. Suddenly you feel like an idiot, a charlatan. And I want to put an end to counterfeits, be it harmless little things or something more important, such as marriage. This happened to me.

If a person begins to envy friends who have decided to get a divorce, it is time for him to realize that his own marriage has cracked. In recent months I have had a strange feeling, as if I had a guess about something, but at the same time I didn’t. When our marriage fell apart, I realized that I knew all along that he was a mistake. Of course, there were also happy days and sometimes there was a joyful hope that everything would turn out well. Who can argue, a positive attitude is a great thing, but good intentions alone are a shaky foundation for family life. And this incident or, as I mentally called it, Simon Conway’s “lesson” helped me finally face the facts. Something terribly real happened before my eyes, and a simple thought came to me - stop pretending, be yourself, live honestly.

The famous Irish writer Cecilia Ahern is known all over the world for her works. Many novels became bestsellers, winning the hearts of book lovers. We present to your attention the book “How to Fall in Love Without Memory,” which became a breakthrough in the writer’s work and captivated readers with its depth.

An example of sensuality, unpredictability, warmth, love - this is how one can characterize the novels of S. Ahern. The book “How to Fall in Love Without Memory” is no exception.

The story tells about a young girl, Christina Rose, who is different from many people in her character and disposition. Thanks to her kindness, she tries to help every person experiencing difficulties. The main character has her own company, which helps people find long-awaited jobs. In addition, Christina provides psychological assistance to those in need, and solves many life failures. Despite her knowledge of psychology, which has solved many other people’s problems, the girl is unable to cope with her own. After the collapse of his family and the ruin of his business, Chris becomes disillusioned with his life. Writer Cecilia Ahern very accurately described the main character with all her shortcomings and advantages. In Christina's life, not everything is as good as it would seem at first glance. The tragedy that occurred in childhood left a mark on her heart forever. The secrets that the girl hides are full of emotions. And only the author knows whether she will be able to get rid of them.

A coincidence brings a young man named Adam to Christina. He wants to commit suicide. The main character convinces him that life is wonderful, and now she must prove the latter to Adam. What made a young successful man make such a difficult decision? After all, not every person will take such a desperate act. Adam agrees to this step, but sets the condition that his birthday is in two weeks, and by this time the girl must convince the potential suicide. Will Christina be able to show all the delights of life to Adam so that he chooses life when she herself does not see them? If you start reading “How to Fall in Love Without Memory” by Cecilia Ahern, the answers to these questions will open.

The book “How to Fall in Love Without Memory” forces the reader to experience together with the main characters and laugh in moments of joy. The unpredictable, impressive plot makes you read page after page to find out the continuation of the story.

On our literary website you can download the book “How to Fall in Love Without Memory” by Cecilia Ahern for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

Russian-speaking readers have already fallen in love with Cecilia Ahern's books. The writer’s style was already determined in her first novel “P. S. I love you." The unusual nature of Ahern’s style is that the first place in her books, intended, as a rule, for women, is not love and intimate relationships.

Ahern is trying to answer the question: what else can two close people become for each other? A man and a woman can be more than just lovers. Sometimes they are connected by something more. Great attention in Cecilia Ahern's novels is paid to mutual assistance. Jerry Kennedy, who died of cancer, helps his wife not to lose heart even after death. Christina Rose strives to help a considerable number of people find a place in the world, often forgetting that she herself needs help.

Christina Rose grew up in a wealthy and fairly prosperous family. She has 2 sisters and a father who could help her get a good life. However, Christina does not want to depend on her father. After graduating, the girl creates her own recruitment agency, Rose Recruitment.

For the main character, her business is not just a source of income. She loves her job and tries to help each of her clients not only with employment, but also psychologically. But at some point, luck turns away from Christina. She couldn't help the man named Simon. The man had financial difficulties that he could not solve due to the loss of his job. Simon wanted to shoot himself. Christina almost managed to dissuade him from such a step. But at some point, Simon still made a choice in favor of death.

The suicide shocked Christina so much that she forgot about her own problems for a while. Meanwhile, the troubles in the life of the main character are becoming more and more every day. Christina decided to leave her husband, whose relationship had become strained for some time. Rose's recruitment agency is on the verge of closing. Christina wants to fire her secretary Gemma. Of course, Gemma is an irreplaceable worker, but Christina hasn’t even had enough money to pay rent lately.

During one of the most difficult periods of her life, Rose is faced with another suicide. A man she doesn't know tries to commit suicide by climbing over the fence of a bridge. Christina is afraid to make a mistake, as was the case with Simon, and with a careless word push the suicide to further actions. At the last moment, the main character manages to prevent suicide. The stranger's name is Adam. He decided to commit suicide due to problems in his personal life.

The suicide makes a promise to Christina that he will give up trying to commit suicide if she helps him cope with his problems before his birthday. Rose has enough of her own troubles. However, she accepts the challenge. There are only a few days left until Adam's birthday.

Having promised to help, Rose tries to constantly stay close to her ward in order to prevent a possible suicide attempt. The ending of the novel is very predictable: Adam forgets his previous lover and falls in love with his savior.


The Rose sisters were raised by their father. That is why Christina is more characterized by masculine than feminine character traits. She is self-sufficient and independent, loves to lead rather than obey. The excessive independence of the main character could well have caused a rift between her and her husband Barry.

However, behind the external well-being and self-confidence, it is easy to see a frightened, indecisive girl. Not having the opportunity (or desire) to consult with anyone, Christina tries to find answers to her questions in books of the “popular psychology” genre. The books that the main character reads even have approximately the same names - “How to do something.” About to fire Gemma, Rose looks to a book for advice on the situation. But the boss didn’t have to explain herself to the secretary. Because of Christina's awkward movement, the book fell right at the feet of her subordinate. After reading the title, Gemma realized that Christina no longer needed her.

A tragic episode from the main character’s childhood pushes her to help strangers in difficult life situations. Christina's mother committed suicide when Christina and her sisters were still very young. The woman repeatedly attempted to take her own life, but each time she was saved. In the end, she achieved her goal. For a long time, Christina could not come to terms with her mother’s actions and blamed her father for everything. However, as an adult, the main character realized that sooner or later this would have happened anyway. In every suicide rescued, Christina saves her mother. That is why helping people is so important to her, especially those who have lost hope for a better life.

Emotional and impressionable Adam is ready for the most extreme and extravagant act for the sake of very dubious things. Adam is not capable of constructive problem solving. Faced with minor difficulties, he goes to the bridge to throw himself into the river. A man who behaves this way cannot become a reliable support for his children and wife. Adam will not be able to raise his son, since he himself needs educational measures.

The woman with whom the main character can live his whole life must certainly be stronger than himself. His companion should be cold-blooded, reasonable and resilient. Adam's former lover obviously did not have these qualities. Christina Rose, who dissuaded the protagonist from taking a fatal step, is attractive to him for her ability to remain strong in difficult situations. For Christina, in turn, Adam has become a person whom she can take care of, which for the main character is almost the only way of self-affirmation.

Analysis of the work

I’ll start with what I’ve heard from friends about the film “P. S. I love you." They insistently advised me to watch at least the movie, if not the book, but it never worked out. All my friends highly praised this author (naturally, mostly female). Well, now about the book " How to fall in love without memory". Let's dot all the i's from the very beginning. Firstly, this book is mostly intended for a female audience, and secondly, it is for the amateur. So, in order, how I got to reading this book. It was evening - there was absolutely nothing to do, since I read quickly, often and a lot, and the only books nearby were the works of Cecilia Ahern (the girl insistently advised me to read it, so she left this book with me).
Now that the books are swinging. Basically, I liked it! The book was written in the first person with a good conveyance of the main character’s experiences, atmosphere and good descriptions. The beginning is even a little... gothic, or something. Gloomy, but not repulsive, atmosphere. The author's use of verbiage, colorful phrases and descriptions is undoubtedly another plus. As well as the fact that the book makes you think about such important qualities in life as love, loyalty, mutual assistance and help, hope and faith, honor and trust in others and many others. Since the book is written in the first person, we accordingly see the world through the eyes of the main character, through her experiences, thoughts and analysis of those around her - that is, as if “through the prism of her consciousness,” they say in a little scientific language, we learn about happened in her world - her little Merry Universe - invented by the author, but so similar to ours.
The content is surprising and even a little alarming, since all chapters begin with the word “how”: how to do this, how to do that. Reminds me of a quick guide or tutorial. But this is only the first impression - then you get used to it. By the way, the title of the book itself begins with the same word.
A little about the plot: there is a plot reveal, so those who have not read it should skip the next paragraph.
The girl Rose, trying to find a secluded place for her, walks around the city, to familiar places, and where she has never been before. Trying to find peace of mind in a far from ideal world. One day she meets a man who decided to commit suicide by shooting himself. She tries to stop him, but at one point her attempts fail... But this is not a sad end to the book, but only the beginning. Then the main character will face many trials in life: quarrels, problems at work and in life, and Adam having an unusually “sad” birthday. And only through hope and mutual assistance is it possible to overcome everything. They will not tell the whole plot, since those who have not read it yet, I hope, missed this paragraph, and for those who managed to read it, it will not be interesting.
The book has a little over four hundred pages, the font is quite large with “good” margins - I don’t know, perhaps this influenced the fact that it is read quickly. The cover is, to say the least, superb, but very original: golden birds on a branch flaunt on a blue background, the title is written in uneven, slightly ornate letters. The writing language is easy, which is very important, and the narration is in the first person (on behalf of the girl) - this also affects the reading speed and interest.
Overall, I was not disappointed that I read it, even though it is far from “my thing,” if only because it is aimed more at women. Although such a pessimistic atmosphere is quite original! Of course, I won’t re-read it, but I speak for myself. As for the girls, I think they will like it, although it probably won’t suit everyone. It seems to me that this book... is about finding a path in life and overcoming obstacles, and if you don’t get into it, but it’s just another book, in order to like this book, you need to not only understand it, but feel it.