How many strawberries can pregnant women eat. Strawberries are a supplier of essential amino acids. Positive impact on the health of mothers and babies

Strawberries are all of our favorite fruit. Few can remain indifferent to its unique taste and aroma. And what kind of jam does it make! It seems that all the colors and smells of summer are gathered together in it. But not only this valuable strawberries. Its bright red berries with small seeds will strengthen your immune system and overall health. But can such an appetizing fruit harm the body? Expectant mothers often ask this question. Can they feast on an exquisite summer delicacy or not? And if so, what is the use of strawberries for pregnant women? Let's find out.

The benefits of strawberries

A pregnant woman, like no one else, needs foods with a high content of a variety of vitamins and minerals. And strawberries are just a storehouse of nutrients.

  • In its composition, you can find B vitamins (B9, B6, B1, B2, B3), as well as A, E, C, H, PP. Minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium. Yes, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, copper, manganese, boron. And also vanadium, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, zinc, fluorine, bromine.
  • Just 100 g of strawberries contains just a record amount of vitamin C, which is especially useful and important during pregnancy. After all, strong immunity is the key to the health of any person.
  • Strawberries are full of iron, which helps to enrich the body of mom and baby with oxygen. If a woman is iron deficient, it can lead to serious consequences such as iron deficiency anemia.
  • This berry stabilizes metabolism and increases appetite, improves the condition of the circulatory and hematopoietic systems, heart function, and lowers blood pressure.

Fresh strawberries have a diuretic, antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

But can pregnant women have strawberries?

Doctors and nutritionists tell us that all fruits and vegetables, especially in season, are extremely beneficial for our health. No doubt it is. And you should always try to get enough of the seasonal gifts of nature, as they contain a maximum of a wide variety of usefulness.

Cherry ripens - be sure to dilute your diet with its fruits. Young zucchini will go next - you can cook many delicious dishes from them. And when the tomato season begins, let there be a fresh salad full of vitamins on your table every day. Especially tasty and healthy vegetables and fruits from their beds, or from their garden.

But if you have any chronic diseases, first of all, you need to find out if this or that product will harm you. A pregnant woman needs to be doubly careful.

Despite the fact that they say: “Pregnancy is not a disease!”, Experienced specialists, nevertheless, somewhat limit expectant mothers. And, as you might have guessed, everyone's favorite strawberries got on the list of dangerous foods. Why did this happen?

The fact is that strawberries are unusually allergenic. In fact, almost any berry, and indeed a product in general, can provoke a severe allergic reaction. But in strawberries, the content of substances of a high degree of activity is very high.

It can provoke an extremely severe allergy in the mother (even if there has not been such a reaction before), which will undoubtedly have a very negative impact on the health of the unborn child. First of all, this will result in the development of a strong food diathesis in the baby.

The immune system of the fetus becomes especially vulnerable and sensitive to such strong allergens from the 22nd week. That is why experts do not recommend abusing strawberries during pregnancy.

If there is a hereditary tendency to allergies, and not only in the pregnant woman, but even in the baby's dad, the expectant mother cannot eat the berry at all.

Strawberries are also very dangerous for pregnancy. It affects the tone in literally all muscle tissues, which often leads to uterine hypertonicity, premature birth or miscarriage at a short gestation period.

In addition, a large amount of oxalic acid contained in strawberries leaches calcium from the body, forming insoluble compounds. And calcium is very important during pregnancy, because it is involved in the formation of the skeleton of the fetus.

And further. Oxalic acid, together with small strawberry pits, has a very negative effect on the gastric mucosa. Expectant mothers should always remember this.


  • Strawberries are contraindicated in diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The bones and acids of the berry lead to an exacerbation of duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers, gastroduodenitis, gastritis.
  • Strawberries are not recommended for urolithiasis.
  • You can not it and with osteoporosis.
  • For joint problems.
  • And with caries.

Can pregnant women eat strawberries? To answer this question, it is important to take into account the individuality and characteristics of the woman's body, as well as how the pregnancy itself proceeds.

But even a future mother, without contraindications, exposes herself and the fetus to potential risk by consuming strawberries while carrying a child.

And yet…

Those who are absolutely calm and indifferent to strawberries can read this information without worry and perceive such restrictions without worries. And really, after all, you can’t, well, okay, not a great loss. But for expectant mothers who cannot imagine life without a tasty berry, this ban will be a real tragedy.

Life experience shows us that the same strawberries in the diet of a pregnant woman may well be absolutely safe. Many women were able to give birth to completely healthy babies without any hint of diathesis or allergies, while eating strawberries during pregnancy for their own pleasure.

But unfortunately, there are also a lot of other, no less real cases with the opposite outcome, and therefore, definitely, the expectant mother needs to be extremely careful.

A healthy person can afford to eat the same 500 g of strawberries without any risk to their health. Pregnant women are not recommended to adhere to this particular norm, but you can also afford to occasionally taste a few berries. The main thing is that these berries are seasonal, environmentally friendly and without chemicals.

By the way, just a few strawberries a day are enough for you to satisfy your taste preferences, get benefits, and at the same time not harm yourself or the little one living there inside.

Features of use

In order to reduce the possibility of the negative impact of strawberries during pregnancy, it should be consumed in the diet only occasionally and in small quantities.

If you eat strawberries along with cream, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, or other dairy products of your choice, then oxalic acid will combine with the calcium of these products, instead of combining with the calcium in your body.

You should not eat strawberries on an empty stomach, so that its bones do not cause exacerbations of ulcers or gastritis. When the stomach is empty, these small seeds mechanically act on the walls of the stomach, which can harm your well-being.

A woman who is in position should be aware of the limitations and be as attentive to her health as possible. It is very important for the first, even minor, allergic manifestations to completely abandon the use of strawberries.

If your reaction to the berry is quite positive, then now you can begin to acquaint the future baby with useful enzymes. Of course, while being careful and not forgetting the sense of proportion. Be healthy! And bon appetit!

Video "Strawberries: how to choose, how to eat and how to store?" (Malysheva)

The desire to eat strawberries is one of the most popular gastronomic whims of pregnant women. This is not surprising, because it is the most juicy, sweet and fragrant berry. It contains a storehouse of useful vitamins and amino acids, but bursting it with kilograms during the period of bearing a child can be extremely dangerous. Who can eat strawberries during pregnancy, and who should not? What are the restrictions and can there be undesirable consequences for mom and baby? This will be discussed further.

Almost all women are sure of the benefits of strawberries during pregnancy, but not many people know about the potential danger of this colorful berry. Therefore, expectant mothers need to be aware of the possible risks and undesirable consequences of unlimited consumption of strawberries. But first, let's evaluate all the useful properties of this gift of nature. After all, strawberries can easily replace any complex of vitamins and minerals from a pharmacy. And in terms of its composition, it honorably occupies one of the leading steps in the environment of vegetables and fruits.

Strawberry vitamin complex

  • Strawberries contain a full line of B vitamins, as well as A, E, K, PP. Strawberries are especially useful during pregnancy due to the presence of ascorbic acid. It helps to fully absorb iron salts, prevents mutagenic processes and stimulates the immune system.
  • The daily requirement of folate (folic acid) is found in just a handful of berries. It is simply impossible to exaggerate the importance of this vitamin, because it is the main building material for the neural tube of the fetus. Vitamin B9 is completely absorbed by organisms, unlike pharmaceutical synthetic forms. At the same time, strawberries do not contain dyes and other additives. Therefore, strawberries during early pregnancy are especially useful.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) reduces the manifestation of toxicosis, activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, incl. phytoplacental circulation. And its deficiency disrupts carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Strawberries are rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin). This substance promotes the synthesis of enzymes that are responsible for the absorption of useful elements. Riboflavin is also involved in the formation of nerve cells, muscles and bone tissue of the fetus. Its deficiency leads to growth retardation of the baby.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is responsible for the capillary movement of blood, the overall functioning of the cardiovascular system and the biochemical transformation of carbohydrates.
  • Pyridoxine is needed for regular blood formation and amino acid synthesis. Vitamin B6 deficiency provokes a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the appearance of toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • Beta-carotene maintains visual acuity in expectant mothers and controls the correct formation of the baby's retina.
  • Tocopherol, in addition to its antioxidant effect, is an analogue of the female hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. Vitamin E deficiency threatens spontaneous abortion and uterine hypertonicity.

Interesting! Strawberry juice perfectly relieves pigmentation during pregnancy. To do this, you need to lubricate the spots with a cut of the berry.

Minerals and Other Essential Elements in Strawberries

Strawberries boast a set of the most useful micro and macro elements for pregnancy, sugars, essential amino acids and even omega fatty acids. These berries contain iron, fluorine, zinc, iodine, vanadium, calcium and magnesium in excess.

  • Calcium is necessary for the baby for the correct structure of the skeleton and the formation of the heart muscle. In mothers, calcium is responsible for the condition of teeth, hair and bone tissue.
  • Magnesium controls the functioning of the mother's nervous system, normal muscle tone and blood pressure levels. Magnesium deficiency is manifested in sleep disturbance, muscle spasms and increased uterine tone.
  • Potassium controls the water-salt level and cellular metabolism. Its deficiency slows down the transmission of nerve signals, disrupts the rhythm of the myocardium and the pH of the environment.
  • Iodine is the basis of thyroxine, which is produced by the thyroid gland. Its deficiency leads to malformations of the nervous system of the baby and to his severe mental disorders.
  • Iron in the composition of strawberries during pregnancy is very necessary for the prevention of anemia. It is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin, and in combination with ascorbic acid, it perfectly raises the protective functions of the body.
  • The flavonoid fisetin protects brain cells from aging and strengthens memory.
  • Copper stimulates the production of collagen. A few berries a day will make the skin radiant, supple and fresh.
  • Strawberries are a source of fiber. It improves the digestion process and gently relieves constipation.
  • Flavonoids and organic acids break down and remove uric acid, toxins, salts and other foreign substances from the body.

Interesting! Strawberries contribute to the formation of the “happiness” hormone.

In addition to all of the above, in favor of strawberries, you can put a lot of "fat" pluses. So what else is useful strawberries during pregnancy:

  • Strawberry juice has a diuretic effect with severe swelling during gestation.
  • Strawberries during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester help to “bring down” the pressure to normal levels.
  • Causes appetite and relieves nausea during toxicosis.
  • Controls blood glucose levels.
  • Ensures the normal functioning of the kidneys, heart and liver.
  • Protects the fetus from hypoxia.
  • Strengthens the vessels in the rectum and protects against postpartum hemorrhoids.
  • Strengthens the immune system and improves mood.
  • Shows analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.

On a note! You don't have to eat a pound a day to get the colossal benefits from strawberries. Enough 150-300 g for a daily vitamin set

Strawberries for pregnant women - harmful properties

Some doctors strongly talk about the dangers of strawberries during pregnancy. There is some truth in this. First, strawberries are a leader among food allergens. If you had an inadequate reaction to a fragrant berry before pregnancy, then this product should be banned until the end of lactation. Otherwise, you risk not only becoming covered with a terrible rash, but earning hives or Quincke's edema. The same "charms" can be passed on to the baby. And secondly, uncontrolled consumption of berries can cause disruption of the intestines and increase the tone of the uterus, which is also potentially dangerous for the safety of pregnancy. And thirdly, overeating strawberries can result in diarrhea and bloating.

To prevent problems from strawberry voracity, you should know the full list of contraindications:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, hyperacidity, appendicitis, gallstone pathology).
  • Caries.
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Hypertension of the uterus.
  • Allergic to strawberries or other red foods.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Advice! It is better to limit the use of strawberries during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, since at this time the baby has an increased risk of food allergies.

Strawberry menu for pregnant women

If the gynecologist has not voiced obvious contraindications to your favorite delicacy, then you can safely go shopping at the height of the strawberry season. But you still have to follow some rules and recommendations of doctors and nutritionists. After all, it is better to curb your appetite than to complain about the consequences.

Rules for eating strawberries during pregnancy

  1. If you are not allergic to strawberries during pregnancy, you can eat several berries a day throughout the season. If the pregnancy fell on the cold season, then it is better to bypass winter strawberries or jam from it. As an alternative, fresh-frozen berries are suitable.
  2. Wash ripe strawberries thoroughly and do not eat them on an empty stomach.
  3. Try to eat strawberries at 9 months of pregnancy no more than 2-3 times a week so as not to provoke premature birth.
  4. Try to combine strawberries with dairy products. The ideal option is cottage cheese desserts, milk smoothies or yogurts.

Marvelous! Despite the sweetness, the calorie content of strawberries is about 35 kcal, so it does not threaten with excess weight for ladies "in position".

Precautionary measures

When choosing berries, pay attention to their appearance and smell. Berries with an excess of nitrates do not emit aroma, but in appearance they look like plastic and fake. Give preference to small berries of different sizes, they are one hundred percent likely to have grown in an open garden without dangerous nitrates.

With the most insignificant reactions of the body after eating strawberries during late pregnancy, you need to quickly seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Even mild discomfort or tingling in the abdomen can signal preterm labor.

If a rash, shortness of breath, or swelling of the eyes and knee-elbow joints appears after strawberries, call an ambulance. These are the first symptoms of Quincke's edema, which can result in suffocation.

Strawberries, like all other berries, are simply necessary for a woman and a growing baby in her womb. If during pregnancy you are in the berry season, why replenish the spring beriberi with synthetic vitamins, because fresh strawberries are much healthier and tastier. But, you always need to adhere to the measure, take into account individual tolerance and follow the advice of a gynecologist.

Video "Strawberries - useful properties"

It is not so easy to find women who are indifferent to strawberries. Almost everyone loves her, and during pregnancy, when a growing tummy constantly asks to pamper him with something special, many people eat her in kilograms. It seemed that this fragrant berry could be more useful for a future mother and her child if it ripened in season, but is it really possible to have strawberries during pregnancy?

Useful properties of strawberries

Contrary to finding strawberries in the list of the strongest vegetable, it has many positive properties. It is not unreasonably considered the queen of berries, the real queen of taste, the aroma of which drives both adults and children crazy. In terms of usefulness, it steps far ahead of, citrus fruits, or, since it contains a lot of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body:

- macronutrients - calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur;
- trace elements - manganese, cobalt, fluorine, iron, zinc, selenium, bromine, boron;
- vitamins - retinol (A), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), ascorbic acid (C), biotin (H), tocopherol (E);
- pectins, beta-carotene;
- fruit acids - quinic, malic, salicylic, succinic, oxalic;
- polysaccharides and fiber.

Strawberries are introduced into the diet for the treatment and prevention of hypertension, sclerosis. It helps to improve appetite, helps to normalize metabolic processes by activating peristalsis and cleansing the intestines, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems, and certainly improves mood.

Harm of strawberries for a pregnant woman

As mentioned above, strawberries are on the list of highly allergenic foods.

The berry can harm not only the expectant mother, but also her unborn baby. From the beginning of pregnancy, the fetal immune system begins to react to allergens that have entered the womb, so the excessive presence of strawberries in the diet during pregnancy can significantly increase the likelihood of developing diathesis in a child after birth.

If a woman “in position” is also prone to allergies, then strawberry pleasure will have to be forgotten at least until childbirth, and at the maximum - until the end of the period.

If the gestational age does not yet exceed, or the expectant mother does not suffer from allergies, do not forget that the fragrant berry is dangerous for bearing the baby as a whole. The substances contained in strawberries during pregnancy have a tonic effect on all muscle tissues of the body, and this is fraught with hypertonicity of the uterus and or. Oxalic acid, which predominates in the delicacy, inevitably forms insoluble compounds with the calcium contained in the mother's body, and the macronutrient is already lacking during the period of waiting for a miracle.

Also, with special attention to strawberries during pregnancy, expectant mothers with diseases of the stomach and intestines should be treated. Gastritis and ulcers can exacerbate the combination of oxalic acid and small bones, which is “explosive” for them. The “queen of berries” is also contraindicated in pregnant women with diseases of the gallbladder or kidneys: its choleretic and diuretic effect can provoke the movement of stones in the ducts and cause hepatic or renal colic.

The benefits of strawberries during pregnancy

Probably, it was women "in position" who coined the proverb "If you can't, but really want to, then you can!". When there is no allergy to strawberries, during pregnancy, 3-4 large berries every couple of days will not bring harm. In addition, only raw berries are highly allergenic, and those that have undergone heat treatment - in the form of jam, jam, compote - will not cause a reaction.

Just 100 g of these wonderful berries can provide the body with a daily intake of vitamin C, which, as you know, improves immunity and accelerates wound healing due to increased blood clotting. Strawberries also contain a lot of folic acid (vitamin B9) - the most important “brick” during pregnancy for building the “foundation” of a new organism and creating its nervous system.

Strawberries can be a life saver for pregnant women in the third trimester when so many women are suffering. Soft fiber cleanses the intestines of toxins and thins the stool. Due to the mild diuretic effect, excess fluid will be released from the body. Also, eating a little strawberry during pregnancy is useful in case of a threat to the unborn child - the substances that the berry is rich in strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow.

How to eat strawberries during pregnancy?

The most "safe" strawberry during pregnancy is seasonal, and even better when it is home grown on a personal plot using only organic fertilizers. But, unfortunately, not everyone has a dacha or parents in the village, so you need to buy it at the height of the season.

Berries should look natural: different sizes, with a lot of grains, not "glossy" and not hard. You can not buy spoiled - their use can cause severe poisoning.

No matter how much you want to gobble up the entire box of strawberries that the husband brought from his parents, it would be wise to leave such an undertaking for safer times. It can not be eaten on an empty stomach - it is better after eating, in order to minimize the risk of “breaking loose” and protect the stomach from the effects of fruit acids. During pregnancy, it is especially important to clean strawberries from the stalks and rinse thoroughly with boiled water - this way microbes and worm eggs will be washed off as much as possible.

In order to avoid leaching of calcium from the body, strawberries during pregnancy are best consumed with dairy products - milk, yogurt, sour cream: make simple ice cream, cocktails, smoothies, cheese masses, milk-strawberry jelly. Firstly, such desserts will bring even more pleasure, and secondly, they will effectively help to “bring off the teeth”.

Not only gynecologists, but also other doctors are of the opinion that pregnant women can eat whatever they want - the main thing is to know when to stop and listen carefully to the body that is carrying a new life.

The end of spring and the beginning of summer are associated by many with a beautiful and tasty strawberry. Its fragrant and juicy fruits are a real symbol of your favorite season. But are strawberries good for pregnancy?

Pregnant women are quite capricious in their choice of food, and sometimes they want some fruits or vegetables that are not yet in season.

Do not rush and buy them in supermarkets, because the quality and freshness of foreign delicacies are in doubt. Shining with gloss, but rather tasteless fruits look especially unnatural.

during pregnancy

For the health and safety of your own and your child, it is better to eat natural products, which in the summer months include fragrant

She won love for herself not only with her taste, but also with a large number of various vitamins and elements that make up her composition.

Is it possible to strawberries during pregnancy? This question arises in almost all women who are preparing to become mothers, because those who do not like these fruits are very, very few.

Gynecologists confidently answer that it is possible, but in moderation. have a positive effect on maintaining the immunity of the expectant mother and her developing baby. What exactly is strawberries good for during pregnancy?

Valuable properties of the berry

The berry is distinguished by numerous valuable properties, among which the most important are:

  • High iron content, which reduces the risk of anemia (anemia), reduces the feeling of fatigue and protects against dizziness. There is even more iron in strawberries than in the well-known storehouse of this element - apples.
  • A large amount of a powerful antioxidant and "vitamin of good mood" - vitamin C. After blackcurrant, strawberries take the second place in terms of its content. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron by the body, and also has an antimutagenic effect.
  • The presence of calcium and phosphorus are important elements, without which the normal development of the skeletal system of the unborn child and its maintenance in a pregnant woman is impossible.
  • The content of various B vitamins that are responsible for certain functions of the body. So, B1 - thiamine, has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, increases the absorption of carbohydrates, activates peripheral circulation, and prevents toxicosis; B2 - riboflavin, is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and organs of vision, B6 and B9 support metabolic processes.
  • Provitamin A (beta-carotene) is involved in the formation of rhodopsin - a visual element in the retina of the child's eyes, and also promotes the growth of bone tissue.
  • Strong antioxidants anthocyanins help prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels and the development of varicose veins.
  • and fiber, contained in large quantities in strawberries, normalize intestinal motility and prevent constipation.

Considering all the positive characteristics of the summer berry, we come to the conclusion that strawberries during pregnancy (no more than 150 grams per day) will be useful for the expectant mother. It is worth remembering that it is better to eat it in the morning, because the berry has a diuretic effect, thanks to which the pregnant woman will be able to avoid swelling. And what is important: you can not eat strawberries on an empty stomach.

Its components in the human body form esters and salts, the so-called oxalates. If there are too many of them, crystals form in the body fluids, forming stones and clogging the ducts of the urinary system and kidneys.

To avoid this, strawberries should be consumed as a dessert after the main meal. At the same time, it is imperative to combine it with any fermented milk product that you like (it can be yogurt, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream).

allergy to strawberries

A contraindication to the use of strawberries can be an allergic reaction not only to this berry (which is a hyperallergen), but also to any other product.

Even if you are confident in your body and have never noticed food allergies before, changes occur during pregnancy that in one way or another change the usual course of life and diet. In this regard, pregnant women often have to give up their favorite treats so as not to harm the unborn child. In order to avoid complications and diathesis in a baby, it is sometimes better for a woman in position to give up strawberries, replacing it with something safer.

It was previously noted that some of the components of the berry normalize intestinal motility. However, the berry also contains potassium, an excess of which enhances this function of the body, which can lead to contraction of the muscles of the uterus and bronchi. For a woman in position, this is very dangerous, so it is better to refrain from eating berries. If you really want to eat, then first you need to consult with an observing doctor who will tell you how much strawberries are safe for mom and baby.

Late pregnancy

Strawberries during late pregnancy are quite dangerous for both a woman who is preparing to become a mother and her child. Starting from the 22nd week of pregnancy, the baby becomes especially susceptible to everything that the mother eats.

His condition directly depends on how the woman feels. Therefore, such an allergenic berry as strawberries can be present in the diet only after agreement with the doctor and in small quantities.

Strawberries: to eat or not to eat?

So what to do if you really want a tasty berry, but there are doubts about the safe effect of its components on the condition of mother and baby? First of all, consult with your doctor: he knows the characteristics of your body and will determine by its reactions whether it is worth succumbing to temptation. In general, let's say that strawberries during pregnancy in moderate portions will cheer you up and vitality, and its beneficial qualities will affect not only your well-being, but also the condition of your child.

A red sweet berry called "garden strawberry" is not only an indispensable component of a romantic evening, but a treat for many children and adults. Pregnant women are no exception, whose taste preferences change due to an interesting situation.

But are strawberries safe for a future mother? And how to avoid undesirable consequences for the baby after eating garden berries, if the desire to eat strawberries is great?

Oddly enough, strawberries came to us from America, but have long won their place in the beds of our vast Motherland. In almost every household plot at the beginning of summer, red beads can be seen from under the wide leaves. Depending on the variety, the berry may bear fruit in May, June or early July.

Some bushes can produce crops several times during the spring-summer season. Increasingly, in supermarkets you can see large strawberries from imported producers. This makes it possible to enjoy sweet berries all year round.

What is useful in it?

Moderate consumption of strawberries enriches every cell of the body with useful substances. The trace elements that make up the berry have an invaluable effect on the body of a pregnant woman and her child:

  • beta-carotene is involved in the process of building the baby's eyes;
  • fiber prevents constipation in the expectant mother;
  • calcium and phosphorus actively strengthens bones;
  • magnesium normalizes blood pressure;
  • iodine forms the nervous system of the fetus;
  • group B vitamins relieve toxicosis, normalize peripheral circulation;
  • nicotinic acid is indispensable in the work of the cardiovascular and digestive systems;
  • with the help of pyridoxine, hemoglobin and the most important amino acids are synthesized.

Significant advantages and benefits of eating strawberries during pregnancy

The greatest benefit for a pregnant woman is the fresh sweet berry, moreover, plucked during the ripening season. Strawberries bear fruit within 3 weeks, so you need to have time to saturate the body with essential trace elements.

They are of paramount importance for all systems of the internal organs of the expectant mother and fetus:

  1. Removal of excess fluid.

The last trimester of pregnancy is associated with the appearance of possible complications, one of which is swelling. Thanks to the systematic use of strawberries, edema is reduced. The presence of a mild diuretic effect is not excluded.

  1. Elimination of exacerbations in case of manifestations of toxicosis.
  2. Normalization of metabolism.
  1. Improvement in visual acuity.

Anthocyanins normalize eye pressure, and also strengthen the retina.

  1. Increasing the immune forces of the body. This is especially important with the onset of cold weather or cold season.
  2. Decreased blood pressure.
  3. Prevention of the development of iron deficiency anemia, as well as improving the process of blood thinning.
  4. Strengthening the nervous system and improving mood.

A pregnant woman feels much better, she has more energy for daily activities.

Can a berry be dangerous?

The period of pregnancy for a woman is considered difficult. She is responsible not only for her condition, but also for the health of the fetus. Therefore, the nutrition of the mother directly affects the baby. Moderate consumption of high-quality berries will benefit the growing body, as well as a good mood for mom.

Two conflicting opinions about the use of strawberries during pregnancy make a woman refuse berries because of the fear of “getting” an allergy or causing uterine contractions.

A small amount of berries per season is not capable of harming a pregnant woman and her fetus, because measure is important in everything.

The harm of strawberries for mom and baby

Undoubtedly, excessive consumption of any product causes negative consequences for the body. An expectant mother can feel such changes even after eating a moderate amount of red berries. The benefits of fresh strawberries are undeniable, but a sweet fruit can be harmful under certain conditions. This is reflected both in the woman and in her unborn child.

The main contraindications to the use of strawberries are:

  • allergy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • urolithiasis;
  • joint diseases.

Oxalic acid removes calcium from the body, so eating a large amount of strawberries is fraught with a weakening of the bone structure of the fetus. This can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child.

In addition, eating a berry on an empty stomach is highly discouraged - the acids contained in strawberries irritate the gastric mucosa.

The influence of strawberries on the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus in the early and late stages

The development of the fetus in the womb is a set of complex processes that can be disrupted by any external influence. The nutrition of the expectant mother more than ever directly affects the health of the child, so you should be aware of the potential danger of strawberries during a certain period of pregnancy.

First trimester

After the conception of a child, a woman does not yet feel any changes in her body, but over time the fetus develops, and the uterus changes in size. Quite often, in the early stages of pregnancy, women are diagnosed with uterine tone.

Due to the characteristics of strawberries, you should not use it in such a situation. You should also refuse delicacies at the slightest suspicion of contraction of the muscles of the uterus. However, in the absence of contraindications, strawberries in the first trimester are very useful: they contain folic acid, which is involved in the formation of the child's nervous system.


It is in the middle of pregnancy that the fetus becomes most sensitive to the effects of allergic substances. In the second trimester, it is necessary to monitor the amount of berries consumed so as not to provoke diathesis.

The third

In the later stages, a pregnant woman can eat strawberries, but if the doctor is inclined to completely exclude red berries from the diet, you should listen to the opinion of a specialist. Sometimes, this saves a woman from premature birth in late pregnancy.

How to eat strawberries during pregnancy?

To protect yourself and your child from unpleasant complications after eating strawberries, a pregnant woman should know a few simple rules, the main of which are:

  • eat berries in moderation and occasionally;
  • do not eat strawberries on an empty stomach;
  • prepare various desserts from berries and dairy products to reduce the effects of acids on the body.

Despite the fact that strawberries have a low calorie content, the expectant mother should be careful about adding berries to the diet.

If for an ordinary person the maximum amount of strawberries eaten is 0.5 kg, then a pregnant woman should limit herself to a few things. So in the summer season you can protect yourself from the appearance of food allergies.

Sweet berries are consumed both fresh and various desserts are prepared. The most popular are milkshakes and smoothies. Strawberries are added to salads made from fresh vegetables rich in trace elements. Fruit drinks are prepared from ripe berries.

milk smoothie

To prepare the most delicate drink, you need to take 200 grams of freshly washed strawberries, milk and cottage cheese. Place all ingredients in one bowl and blend with a blender. At the very end, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar or natural honey.


In the heat, chilled strawberry juice made from fresh berries will perfectly quench your thirst. To prepare a drink, 200 grams of strawberries fall asleep 1 tbsp. l. sugar and grind with a blender.

For portioned serving of fruit drink, pour mashed potatoes into 1/3 of the container into a deep glass. The rest in the glass is intended for chilled boiled or mineral water. A drink prepared in this way will be a useful and quick end to a pregnant woman's lunch.


Strawberries are used both for making fruit salads and in the most common snacks. For a change, a pregnant woman can try making a healthy and light salad. Spread the washed lettuce mixture on the bottom of the plate. Topped with 500 grams of strawberries, cut into halves, and 250 grams of mozzarella cheese. For salad dressing mix:

  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. l. balsamic vinegar;
  • salt, pepper, honey to taste.

The prepared salad is poured over with dressing and the juice of half a grapefruit.

Fruit salad belongs to the category of desserts. It includes any fruit available in the house: apples, bananas, pears, peaches and, of course, strawberries. Fruit pieces are mixed in a bowl and seasoned with yogurt.

Strawberry Turkish Delight

For dessert, both fresh and frozen berries are suitable. They must be taken in an amount of 200 g and chopped in a blender until a puree. Pour 15 g of gelatin into the strawberry mass and wait a while. Add 120 g of sugar, a spoonful of lemon juice and put the mixture on a slow fire.

It is not necessary to bring the mass to a boil. As soon as the grains of sugar and gelatin have dissolved, the mixture is removed from the stove, cooled and beaten with a mixer until a light, fluffy mass is formed. Puree is poured into a mold and put in the refrigerator for 5 hours. After hardening, Turkish delight is cut into portioned cubes.

Criteria for choosing a quality berry

It is not always possible to enjoy fresh strawberries from your summer cottage. The desire of the expectant mother to eat a ripe berry can be fulfilled in any supermarket or market.

To purchase a quality and, most importantly, tasty product, you should pay attention to some of the nuances of a good strawberry:

  • rich red;
  • powerful green tail;
  • seeds deeply planted on the surface;
  • sweet strawberry flavor;
  • a domestic manufacturer or a country similar in climatic conditions.

Berries grown on a homestead are considered more useful than those sold in stores. Therefore, the benefits brought by a moderate amount of strawberries eaten are doubled: the child receives vital valuable substances, and the expectant mother enjoys ripe berries.