Warm facial rejuvenation with a steam bath. How to do steam baths and baths for acne and blackheads

Constant cleansing of the skin is essential for maintaining its health and beauty. Facial cleansing can be done both at home and in the beautician's office. An additional procedure for cleansing the skin is steam baths, which help to restore the water balance of the skin, saturate it with oxygen, and in some cases also disinfect it.

The need for steam baths for the face.
Steam baths for the face are an intermediate step in skin care, which helps to open the pores and, therefore, easily remove impurities and blackheads (comedones) from the skin surface. Regular steam baths improve blood supply, which in turn affects the skin turgor, it improves markedly. In addition, the hot steam softens the top layer of the skin and the dead particles are easily exfoliated, leaving the skin smooth and fresh. After a steam bath, the absorbency and intensity of the applied cosmetics improves.

Features of the steam bath.
To carry out a steam bath at home, you need dishes with a capacity of about three liters (a saucepan, a wide and deep cup), into which hot (60 degrees) water should be poured. Then tilt your head over this dish (40 cm), and cover it with a towel on top. The duration of this procedure depends on the type of skin. So, for dry skin type, the procedure time should not exceed three minutes, for oily skin - no more than fifteen minutes, for a combined type - no more than five minutes.

Before the procedure, it is imperative to cleanse the skin of the face. You can do this with your daily cleanser. In addition, since the surrounding skin is especially sensitive and delicate, any oily cream should be applied under the eyes before a steam bath for protection. After a steam bath, if there are no problems with the skin, rinse your face with cool water and rub it with lotion or water with lemon juice. After 20 minutes, apply a daily care cream suitable for your skin type.

If there are black spots on the skin after a steam bath, it is necessary to dry the skin with a napkin and remove all the plugs that have come to the surface, for which you need to wrap your finger with a piece of bandage, having previously moistened it in hydrogen peroxide or any other disinfectant solution, and remove the black spots.

Steam baths for the face can be done with the addition of essential oils to the water, as well as on the basis of herbal decoctions, which have not only a cleansing, but also a healing effect.

Steam bath based on herbal decoctions.
A steam bath with herbal decoction, especially if medicinal herbs were used to prepare it, is a real gift for our skin. A steam bath based on a decoction of a mixture of herbs has a beneficial effect on our skin, softens, soothes and heals. The addition of essential oils (10 drops of oil per 1 liter of water) add aroma to the infusions and have a relaxing effect. For cleansing pores and disinfecting the skin, it is recommended to use celandine, plantain and burdock. The use of chamomile infusion as a steam bath helps to soften the skin and cleanse the pores. Calendula flowers are recommended for drying and healing small wounds. Oregano herb is good not only for cleansing steam baths, but also for toning the skin.

Steam baths for oily skin.
For oily skin, steam baths based on a decoction of medicinal herbs are a must. Perfectly cleanses the skin with a herbal composition of linden blossom, oak bark, chamomile, mint leaves, taken in equal amounts. Other combinations of herbs are no less effective: bark and birch buds; flowers of calendula and chamomile; sage, coltsfoot, field horsetail. In addition, it is very useful for oily skin to carry out steam baths with the addition of essential oils of pine, lavender, tea tree, sage. For oily skin, it is recommended to do steam baths once a week. It is most effective to do this procedure before bedtime.

Steam bath for dry skin.
Dry skin is more prone to compresses than steam baths. However, once a month you can take a steam bath based on an herbal mixture of chamomile, dandelion, marshmallow, rose, licorice and orange peel. You can use another steam bath recipe as well. For its preparation 2 tbsp. chamomile must be brewed with a liter of boiling water, insisted for 2-3 minutes under a closed lid.

Steam bath for normal skin.
For normal skin type, it is recommended to use a decoction of the following mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions as a steam bath: marshmallow, licorice, clove, rose, thyme, chamomile, fennel, lavender with the addition of sandalwood, lavender, geranium, bergamot essential oils. Steam baths for normal skin are recommended to be done once every two weeks.

Steam bath for combination skin.
For combination skin, the composition of herbal baths should be selected in accordance with the prevailing skin type. If there are more dry areas, then the composition of the herbs should be as for dry skin, if there are more oily areas - as for oily skin. Those with combination skin can afford to take a steam bath every ten days.

Steam bath for aging skin.
In this case, the possibility of taking a steam bath depends on the condition of the skin. For this skin, steam baths with the addition of fennel, cinnamon, mint, anise, licorice, bay leaf, nettle, eucalyptus, ginger, orange peel and essential oils of sage and rosemary are effective. The duration of the steam bath for aging skin is no more than five minutes. You can do it no more than once a month.

If you need deep and at the same time gentle and delicate cleansing of the skin, you can do it at home: a steam bath for the face based on decoctions and infusions of various medicinal herbs will help. Find out how to organize it correctly without going to the salons.

The appearance of the skin depends on how clean and well-groomed it is. And those who know the basics of home cosmetology understand that it is not enough just to wash your face twice a day. If from time to time you do not deeply clean the pores of the epidermis, they will become clogged with dermal debris: the remnants of makeup, dust particles from the atmosphere, and greasy deposits. As a result, cellular respiration becomes difficult, the amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues decreases, the skin becomes dull, and more and more black dots are formed. For salons, many women do not have enough money, or time, or courage. Therefore, the best option in this case is a steam bath for the face, which can be easily organized and made at home, using the simplest tools at hand.

The mechanism of action of steam baths on the skin

If you regularly (once every 1-2 weeks) do facial baths, the skin really gets a very well-groomed and tidy look. It looks much lighter, the color is improved, it becomes more natural and healthy. This is due to the effect that healing vapors have on the deep, cellular layers of the epidermis. It is very sensitive to heat and the essential substances of herbs that penetrate into the tissues. The mechanism of action of the procedure is simple, and the results are truly amazing:

  • steam baths for the face at home involve the use of hot water, part of which penetrates in the form of steam through the pores into the skin, cleansing it of sebaceous deposits, makeup, toxins and other skin debris;
  • eventually blackheads soften and go out either by themselves or after the procedure are easily removed by gentle pressure with the pads of the fingers;
  • cellular respiration is improved, which helps to normalize skin color: yellowness and grayness go away, a natural and healthy blush appears;
  • pores under the influence of high temperatures open as much as possible, thereby increasing their permeability;
  • couples of healing decoctions that are used in the procedure penetrate deep into the skin along with the beneficial substances they contain: they become participants in metabolic processes that significantly improve the condition of the epidermis;
  • couples of medicinal herbs used in the baths have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin;
  • as a result, the foci of inflammation become much smaller: therefore recommended for teenagers make facial baths for acne and acne;
  • such procedures are good to do before applying a scrub or face mask, since the bath allows the pores to open and absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from these cosmetics.

Knowing how the steaming facial bath works and how effective it is, you should take advantage of its wonderful cleansing properties and give your skin a healthy glow. Of course, this procedure requires some preparation and even skill, but after performing several baths, having felt how your skin is blooming, and having acquired the necessary skills, you can no longer imagine that once you did not do them at all and did not give such pleasure before. all to myself, beloved. The fact is that in the process of taking such baths, you will inhale the aromas of medicinal herbs (which you choose yourself). And they will have a calming effect not only on tired skin, but also on the nervous system. After such procedures, he usually sleeps soundly, and the problems are much easier to bear.

For sensitive skin, use anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect.

And it is better to cleanse such skin with the help of gommage:

Stages of the steam procedure

The main thing in this business is to learn how to make facial baths competently in order to get the most out of them for yourself. On the one hand, this is a more troublesome procedure than preparing a homemade cosmetic mask. On the other hand, it does not represent anything supernatural. All its stages can be worked out before automation. After 2-3 procedures, having spent time on them, you will cope with these manipulations easily and quickly. First, study the theory carefully, and then practice each stage in practice. We offer you a simple, but as detailed as possible (literally step-by-step) instruction on how to make a steam bath for your face at home, without spending money on a similar procedure in the salon.


  1. If finances allow you, you can purchase cosmetic equipment for steam cleansing your skin at home in a specialty store. This is a convenient apparatus in the form of a vessel with an elongated neck and an extended upper part, in which the face is placed. It may still bear a name "Steam sauna for the face"... Such a magical flowerpot will cost you from 1,200 rubles and more, but with it you will not know any problems with this procedure.
  2. You can save this money for the family budget and make a steam bath for your face with your own hands, from improvised means. For this you will need a small basin or cup with a volume of 2-3 liters. They should be ceramic, plastic or glass, but preferably not metallic. And most importantly, they must be clean and not used for any other economic needs. If it is a basin, do not soak laundry in it. If it's a large cup, don't wash the dishes in it.
  3. Prepare large terry towel that completely covers your head when you bend over the steam bath. It should not let any gaps and outlets into the air.
  4. Stock up medicinal herbs which are used in cosmetology for skin care. Below will be given recommendations on which plants can be used to solve which problems. They can be either dry or fresh. The main thing is that they do not cause allergies and dizziness in you.


Since steam baths for cleansing pores on the face actively affect not only the deep layers of the skin, but through inhalation of vapors affect the blood circulation of the brain, as well as ventilation of air in the lungs, it is worth considering that this procedure has a number of contraindications. It cannot be used by people who suffer from asthma, pulmonary, cardiovascular diseases, with high fever. If you have chronic health problems, it is best to consult with your doctor about steam baths for your face on a case-by-case basis. This will avoid complications and side effects.


Prepared herbs for face baths will be needed for decoctions or infusions... The broth is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of medicinal herb (it is not necessary to grind) is poured with a glass of boiling water and put on a small fire for a slow boil for 15 minutes. Then it will need to be left under the lid for an hour and filtered. To prepare the infusion, it is better to grind the grass, pour boiling water in the same proportion and leave for an hour, and then strain.

Procedure steps

    1. Wash, remove the remnants of makeup from your face.
    2. Pin up your hair to keep it from falling over your face.
  1. For a liter of boiling water used for a steam bath, you will need 1 glass of infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs.
  2. Pour boiling water with broth into a cup.
  3. Lean over her face down a distance so that the hot steam does not burn your skin.
  4. Place a terry towel over your head.
  5. If it gets too hot, slightly increase the distance from your face to the water. As it cools, bring it closer to it or add boiling water, which should be at your fingertips.
  6. The optimal time for the procedure is 5-7 minutes.
  7. After a steam bath, many make the mistake of immediately washing or rubbing their skin dry. Do not do that. Let your skin rest, just sit for 10 minutes, and the remaining moisture will be absorbed and evaporated by itself. After that, with a dry napkin, carefully remove its remnants.
  8. Now you can cleanse the skin with a scrub, apply a cosmetic mask or the usual cream on it. You can be sure: now the effectiveness of all these funds will significantly increase and exceed all your expectations.
  9. It is good to do such procedures weekly or at least once every 2 weeks.

Now you know how to make a face bath yourself, without expensive procedures in salons, at home, using the simplest available tools: a basin (cup), a terry towel and medicinal herbs.

The main thing- observe contraindications and adhere to the above recommendations.

Much will depend on what exactly you add to your steam bath to enhance its cleansing action. It can be not only medicinal plants, but also salt and food, and even paraffin. There are a huge number of recipes.

Steam bath recipes for the face

It is not enough to know how to make a steam bath for the face: you also need to correctly choose an auxiliary product for it. You can, of course, use pure boiling water to cleanse the skin, without adding anything to it. This will save you from blackheads and even thoroughly clean the pores, but do not expect any additional effect from such a procedure. But it will be much more pleasant with its help to get rid of acne or tighten sagging, which becomes more and more with age.

  • Paraffin bath for face

Buy a special cosmetic paraffin in a pharmacy, melt it, according to the instructions, to a liquid state, but to such a temperature that it does not burn your face, and apply this liquid with a brush on your face (avoiding the eye area). Cover your face with gauze with cutouts for the nose, mouth, and eyes. After 3-4 minutes, when the paraffin has hardened, another layer is made. Usually a paraffin bath for the face is applied in 4-5 layers. Therefore, it will be better if someone helps you.

  • For acne

If you want to use steam baths for the face against acne, add infusions and decoctions from such anti-inflammatory and disinfecting herbs as immortelle, St. John's wort, calendula, lavender, coltsfoot, plantain, and a string. Very effective in these cases are face baths with chamomile, which has a complex effect on the skin: it will not only relieve acne and acne, but also soothe the skin irritated after a hard day.

  • For oily skin

You can make steam baths with herbs that dry and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands: aloe, butterbur, birch, oak, nettle, linden, burdock root, mint, plantain, horsetail.

  • For dry skin

If you need a bath for steaming a face with dry skin type, use oregano, calendula, thyme to prepare it.

  • From wrinkles

If you want to achieve a rejuvenating effect from steam baths, add coltsfoot, rosemary, chamomile, sage to them.

  • From black dots

It is recommended to pour a decoction of rowan or nettle into steam baths for the face from blackheads. You can add a glass of salt or 100 grams of soda (per 1 liter of boiling water). These products also have cleansing properties, but they are contraindicated for dry skin types.

  • From age spots

If your goal is to get rid of freckles and age spots, add dandelion or parsley decoctions to steam facials.

  • With essential oils

If you are a fan of aromatherapy, be sure to add your favorite essential oils to steam baths for your face, which also have the most beneficial effects on the skin.

Steam facial cleansing at home is considered a useful and highly effective procedure. It is suitable for those people who want to get rid of skin problems. After several sessions, you will notice a positive result. The skin will become smoother, softer, lighter and healthier, and the number of acne will be significantly reduced. This is achieved due to the medicinal herbs that the steam bath contains.

The following effects can also be noted:

  • the contents of the pores become softer and come out either on their own or after using the scrub;
  • therapeutic vapors soothe the skin and relieve inflammation;
  • the skin is cleansed of toxins, sebaceous deposits and cosmetics;
  • cellular respiration becomes better, the yellowish or grayish tint of the skin disappears, a slight blush appears;

After that, it is recommended to apply moisturizing masks, since a steam bath with or with a bay leaf helps the pores to open and get the greatest amount of necessary substances from cream, scrub and other cosmetics.
The procedure is also popular because it is very easy to carry out it yourself. Everything you need can be found in the store, and at a low price. A steam bath for a face at home will cost less than a service in a beauty salon, and at the same time it will be no less effective.

Indications and contraindications

Steam baths for the face for acne, dark spots and other problems can be done by all people who care about their appearance. They are especially recommended for those who have serious skin blemishes, such as acne. It happens that there are not enough cosmetic products to treat the face, and expensive procedures are required to cleanse the epidermis and relieve inflammation. In such a situation, a steam bath is perfect, which will replace the expensive services of a specialist.

Before conducting a session, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications. They exist due to the fact that steam affects not only the epidermis, but also the blood circulation. The steam bath should not be carried out by people who have acute cardiovascular pathologies, respiratory diseases, asthma. It is also recommended to refrain from exposure to steam at high body temperatures. If health problems are chronic, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor about whether this procedure can be performed. This is necessary in order not to face unpleasant side effects.

What do you need?

In order to carry out the procedure, you will need to purchase certain items. Some of them may already be at home, while others will have to look in the store. First of all, you need to stock up on a small plastic bowl or other container with a volume of 3 liters. It must be clean and not used for other needs, for example, for washing. That is why it is better to buy a new one and in the future use it only for steam baths.

You will also need a large, thick towel that will completely cover your head when you bend over a container of water. It is important that at the same time it absolutely does not allow air to pass through. In addition, it is necessary to purchase medicinal herbs in dry or fresh form. They can be chamomile, bay leaf, lavender, and others. They should not cause an allergic reaction in a particular person. After that, you can go directly to the procedure itself.

How to make a steam bath

In total, the preparatory measures, the procedure itself and the actions after it will take about 30 minutes. It is necessary to set aside time for this in advance so as not to do everything in a hurry. First you need to boil about 2-3 liters of water, which will then be used for the bath. It is also necessary to prepare a tincture or a decoction of medicinal herbs, you will need about 1 glass per liter of pure boiling water. All ingredients must be mixed in a bowl and placed on the table.

Now you need to tie your hair so that the strands do not get in the way. You need to bend over the basin and immediately place a thick towel on the back of your head so that the water with the broth does not cool ahead of time. If it becomes excessively hot, then it is necessary to increase the distance of the face to boiling water, and then gradually decrease it.

The procedure itself can take about 5-10 minutes. It must be stopped when the steam disappears. After the bath, you do not need to immediately wash or wipe your skin. It will be much more beneficial to wait for the moisture to evaporate on its own. Only after 10 minutes can you wipe your face with a dry napkin. It is recommended to cleanse the skin with a scrub and apply a cream. You need to conduct a session once a week.

Effective recipes

There are different ways, and they are all considered to be effective. For yourself, you can choose the one that is designed to deal with a specific problem.

Well-proven recipes:

  • For acne. In the baths, which should fight inflammation and acne, it is good to add the following herbs: string, calendula tincture, aloe, lavender. You can also use chamomile and plantain.
  • From wrinkles. For a rejuvenating effect, we recommend using the following ingredients: rosemary, sage and dried chamomile.
  • For oily skin. To dry your face and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, you should apply horsetail, mint, oak, aloe, linden.
  • For dry skin. In this case, experts advise adding thyme, calendula or oregano.
  • From black dots. To get rid of this problem will help a tincture of nettle or mountain ash fruits. It is also recommended to add about 50 grams of salt to boiling water.

It is advisable to prepare steam baths with only one of the listed ingredients, since experts do not recommend mixing several herbs at once. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 sessions.

In order for the skin of the face to remain in excellent condition, it needs daily care, which consists in cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting. There is an affordable, reliable, proven, effective method of cleansing. And these are steam baths. Today the site For-Your-Beauty.ru will tell you how to make steam baths for your face at home. Such a procedure is available to any woman and does not take much time. Deep cleansing of the skin is possible thanks to steam baths. It will not take much effort to eliminate all kinds of pollution, cure acne, get rid of dead skin layers and blackheads. Baths can also improve blood circulation. With systematic use, the skin will become soft, supple, smooth and clean.

Steam baths for the face at home

The cleansing procedure can be performed at home or at any beauty salon. Professional specialists use a specialized purification apparatus in their offices. However, even at home, the results will be just as effective and beneficial. Baths can become disinfectants if you use all kinds of additives. This healing procedure has a positive effect on the skin and on the entire body. The metabolic processes that take place in the skin are stabilized.

How to prepare a steam bath

Trays are easy and simple to prepare. Plants and herbs can be used: chamomile, linden blossom, sage, coltsfoot, rose petals. Insignificant, fresh or dried. For 500 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of crushed dry herb are taken. Alternatively, you can use mineral water and 2-3 drops of a suitable essential oil. A special solution is prepared for a particular skin type. If you have oily skin, baths should be performed more often - once a week. For normal and dry skin, 1 time in 14 days will be quite enough.

For oily skin, the following herbs and recipes are suitable:

  • From herbs: chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage, lemon peel, green tea;
  • From essential oils: tea tree oil, mint, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon.
  • From herbs: linden flowers, rose petals, chamomile, dill, parsley, green tea;
  • From essential oils: chamomile oil, rosewood oil, rose essential oil, orange.

Before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned with a cleanser, then disinfected (for example, rubbed with chlorhexidine, tonic). Steam baths can be done using a special device - a steam inhaler, such as "Chamomile". Herbal decoction is poured into a special container, the inhaler is connected to the network and heats the water, which begins to evaporate. But, it is quite possible to do without a steam inhaler. To do this, you need a bowl (about 20-25 cm in diameter) and a towel. Pour hot herbal decoction or water into a bowl, the temperature should be about 45 degrees. Tilt your head over the bowl so that the distance to your face is about 20 cm. Cover the top with a towel to keep warm and reduce steam loss.

The duration of the procedure for dry and normal skin is 4-5 minutes, for oily skin 10 minutes. After a steam bath, it is recommended to peel, apply a face mask, wipe the skin with a tonic (or cool water slightly acidified with lemon juice) and then use a moisturizer.

Contraindications to steam baths for the face

It is contraindicated to do steam baths with rosacea. The procedure is also prohibited for those who have inflammation or infection on the skin. For people with a disease: asthma, hypertension - use is also not desirable.

Video: steam baths for the face at home

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The action of warm steam effectively warms up, cleanses and softens the skin of the face. To obtain a certain result, various herbal decoctions and essential oils are added to the water. They contribute to health improvement, preservation of elasticity, oxygenation, normalization of water balance. Regular steam bath promotes cell regeneration, skin health and a better appearance.

Facial steam bath and its effectiveness

As one of the stages of the skin cleansing procedure, the steam bath can solve several problems at the same time. Thanks to the unique properties of steam, herbs and oils, the procedure gains therapeutic properties.

Main results after exposure to steam:

  • Purification. The pore walls are softened and the contents can be easily removed. The epidermis is cleared of sebum and toxins.
  • Treatment. Steam with microparticles of medicinal products soothes irritations.
  • Rejuvenation. Cell regeneration is accelerated. A healthy complexion appears. The texture of the skin is improved.
  • Wellness. Inhalation is performed for the respiratory organs.
  • Aromatherapy. The nervous system is strengthened.

After a few sessions of the steam bath, the skin becomes smoother, lighter and softer. The cells are saturated with oxygen and restore their functions.

Preparing for steam treatments

The result of the procedure depends on the quality of preparation. Cleansing the face takes place while sitting near the table. The head should be slightly bent over the steam container. Therefore, it is recommended to check the height of the furniture in advance to avoid burns and discomfort.

Before starting, the face is thoroughly cleaned of decorative cosmetics. It is best to wash your face with an appropriate skin care product. Dry your face with a towel or napkin. Collect the hair and fix it well. Steam can fluff them up and stick to the face. A convenient accessory is a shower or solarium cap. If you suffer from stretch marks on your stomach, it will help.

Steam action

In the beauty salon, a steam bath for the face is carried out on a special device with several intensity modes. It has a stable base, a compartment for water and special formulations, a bowl for the face with high sides.

At home, any wide capacity is used. For example, a 3 liter saucepan. It is better if it will be used only for cosmetic purposes. Fill about half of the volume with water, bring it to a boil, add decoctions, put on the table. After the water boils, steam forms in the bowl. The steaming process begins after the face approaches the device, the shoulders and head are covered with a thick blanket.

The cape should be spacious enough to completely cover the head, shoulders and water container. The best option is a large terry towel. The dense fabric is almost impermeable to air and creates the desired sauna effect. After steaming, remove the towel and wash with water at room temperature. It will wash away impurities and stop the pore expansion process. Instead of a regular towel, it is better to use a paper towel. It is necessary to dry the skin with gentle movements only.


After a steam bath, it is recommended to scrub the skin. It removes keratinized particles and lightly polishes the surface. Do not rub it in too vigorously. Thin areas may be damaged. It is enough to make a few light circular movements.

After cleansing with a scrub, they begin to apply masks or creams. Skin with maximum open pores, absorbs nourishing and moisturizing agents like a sponge. Active blood circulation promotes the rapid penetration of nutrients into the deepest layers of the epidermis.


Each skin type requires an individual approach to treatment. The duration and frequency of the procedure depends on the type of skin. Dry skin requires gentle cleansing. Fatty is more active. The mixed type assumes a selective effect on different areas.


Various components are used to prepare a healing solution for a steam bath. These can be herbs, fruits, flowers and leaves of plants. They are usually kept dried. When brewing, you should carefully study the cooking method. Some types of plant materials require long-term preparation in the form of boiling, infusion. Others can be dipped in boiling water just before use.

In pharmacies, such fees are sold in different packaging. Some are packed in boxes of 30-100 g, others in portioned sachets. You can choose a convenient option for a comprehensive collection or a separate item.


Essential oils are usually obtained from fruits, leaves and roots of various plants. To completely dissolve the steam bath oil in the water, drop it into boiling water. It is enough to do this a few seconds before switching off.

The oils are stored in 10-50 ml glass bottles. One procedure requires 3-5 drops. Before taking a bath, you should test the body's reaction to a specific smell of oil. This can be done by simply leaning over the steam. If there is no discomfort, the procedure will be pleasant.


Bend over the container carefully. Covering yourself with a towel, you need to control the degree of heating. The steam should not burn, cause discomfort. Correct heating resembles the effect of a bath. Gradually, warm air heats up the skin surface, moisture and slight redness appear on the face.

Keep your eyes closed during the steam bath. This will protect them from burns, allergies and irritation. After taking a steam bath, you must not go outside and use cosmetics. Dust, chemicals can provoke inflammation.


  • High blood pressure.
  • Asthma.
  • Acute diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Intolerance to components.
  • Excess hair on the face.
  • Focuses of infection and inflammation.
  • Couperose.

With all the simplicity of the steam bath procedure, you should be attentive to some of the characteristics of the body. Sometimes the components of the solution can provoke a complication of the existing disease.

Features of the components

A steam bath offers a variety of additives. There are many recipes for cooking. To get a good result, you should consider how the medicinal plants work.

Properties of popular medicinal herbs:

  • Calendula has drying and healing properties.
  • Bay leaf acts on the blood supply to the upper layers of the skin.
  • Oregano cleanses and tones.
  • Chamomile cleanses and nourishes.
  • Burdock, plantain, celandine and wormwood contribute to the opening and disinfection of pores.

If you focus on the type of skin, then it is more correct to achieve a prolonged action. It is important that the aftercare products continue to work with the steam bath components.

Solutions for skin problems:

  1. Oily skin. They cleanse well and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of aloe, oak bark, mint leaves, horsetail, linden blossom. Decoctions of licorice or coltsfoot work great. Essential oils of lemon, tea tree, juniper, pine are used both alone and in combination with herbs.
  2. Dry skin. Thyme, calendula, oregano have moisturizing properties. After the procedure, moisturizing masks are helpful.
  3. Wrinkles. Broths of sage, rosemary nourish the dermis. To eliminate laxity and smooth wrinkles after a bath, massage with essential oils of orange and aloe is recommended.
  4. Acne. The anti-inflammatory solution includes string, lavender, aloe, plantain, nettle, or calendula. A chamomile bath with salt gives a good result. Sometimes a pinch of baking soda is added to the water.
  5. Black spots. Add a tincture of nettle or mountain ash, decoctions of linden or St. John's wort to the bath. After the bath, a special plaster effectively removes comedones.

Cleanliness of the skin is one of the most important conditions for an attractive appearance. Regular cleansing with a steam bath can maintain good texture, elasticity, and firmness of the skin. By means of steam, useful substances of medicinal plants and oils are delivered inside. The combination of cosmetological effects, therapeutic properties and psychological comfort makes this procedure indispensable in the process of rejuvenation and healing of the body.

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