Requirements for the trade in alcohol from the year. The ebinar is conducted by specialists from the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market. Food products: criteria

There have been rumors about serious changes in the rules of trading for individual entrepreneurs for a long time, so it can be argued without a shadow of doubt that the problem, one might say, is ripe. This is well understood Russian authorities, as evidenced by the fact that since the beginning of the year, more than ten amendments to the existing legislation have been adopted, which specifically relate to entrepreneurs and the rules of trade on the territory of the Russian Federation. Let's consider in more detail the main points related to the sale of food and non-food products, alcohol and beer.

Trade rules for individual entrepreneurs in 2016 - changes in the rules

The first thing to note is the government's initiatives aimed at significantly simplifying the rules for doing small business and trade for individual entrepreneurs.

Indeed, innovations in the rules and regulations of registration, tax holidays for a part of individual entrepreneurs, etc. should significantly simplify the work of any small business, making it not only as efficient as possible, but also truly transparent.

On the other hand, there is no need to say that the rules of trade for individual entrepreneurs have somehow seriously changed. Although the specifics of the sale of alcoholic beverages have nevertheless tightened somewhat, more on that later.

Today, there are six basic rules of trade, which any individual entrepreneur must obey, regardless of the taxation system and the type of activity in which he is engaged. These basic standards include:

  • organization of the workplace;
  • consumer rights that are regulated by Russian legislation;
  • the availability of information, according to which the consumer can find out from the seller everything he needs to know about any product presented on the counter;
  • the mode of operation, which should be communicated to each consumer in an accessible form, that is, it is important to indicate from how long and how long it is possible to purchase this or that product at a specific address;
  • presentation of goods;
  • security High Quality any sold food or non-food item.

Food trade rules and regulations in the Russian Federation for individual entrepreneurs

There are norms for the sale of food products (alcohol is considered by other norms), established at one time by a decree of the Russian government. They have not changed in 2016, this is how they are:

  • preparatory process, according to which all goods should be laid out on the windows only after sorting, each product must have a price tag, etc.;
  • the seller has a health book with marks of doctors, a special uniform, a headdress, etc.;
  • some other requirements, including the mandatory presence of scales, a cash register, a consumer's corner, a complaint book, etc.

Non-food items. how to trade?

The rules for trade in non-food products in the Russian Federation in 2016 are governed by existing legislation and are aimed primarily at improving the quality of services. And this applies to any of the activities, be it a simple retail outlet or car trade.

For the most part, the rules for the sale of non-food products are not much different from the rules for the sale of edible products. If we talk about the differences, then, first of all, it is necessary to mention the following:

  • preservation of existing technical regulations, including warranty periods, equipment, packaging safety, etc .;
  • storage provided for by sanitary and other standards;
  • acceptance of goods regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Exchange and return

A few words should be said about the changes affecting the exchange and / or return of goods. Now the consumer does not need to present the receipt issued at the time of purchase, it is enough to provide evidence in the form of testimony or filmed video... An exception is goods that cannot be returned (they can be cuts of fabric or leather).

In advance, it is worth answering the frequently asked question: do you need a cash register at points of sale. It all depends on the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur and the taxation system in which he works.

Rules for trade in alcoholic beverages from January 1, 2016 for individual entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation

EGAIS controls the sale of alcoholic beverages, as well as the trade in cigarettes and other tobacco products. Moreover, this organization regulates the entire process: from the supply of cigarettes and alcohol to the point of sale to its sale at outlets or a large supermarket.

To do this, a version of the electronic program must be downloaded to the seller's computer, which allows checking online. Thus, the sale of alcohol and cigarettes is mandatory procedure, requiring compulsory licensing.

This situation is valid not only on the territory of Russia, but also in the Crimea, DPR and LPR. In addition, it applies to countries such as Kazakhstan and Belarus. Some inconveniences may arise in Ukraine, although the problems associated with this issue are quite solvable.

Beer trade in 2016 for individual entrepreneurs and enterprises

This provision also applies to beer, which is also an alcoholic beverage. But the authorities at the legislative level have provided for the option of selling beer on tap. Moreover, this applies to the sale of a drink, beloved by many, not only in cities, but also in rural areas. In such cases, the fixation of sales for individual entrepreneurs is not mandatory, it is enough to keep a log book.

Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises

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The procedure and rules for the sale of alcohol are constantly changing and supplemented.

The latest innovations have occurred since the beginning of January 2018.

The new rules are primarily aimed at combating suppliers and sellers of counterfeit alcoholic beverages and protecting buyers.

How to be sure that you have bought a high-quality alcoholic drink? How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers? We will try to answer these and many other questions.

Alcohol Sales Act

The procedure for the turnover of alcoholic beverages is regulated by No. 171-FZ "On the regulation of the turnover and production of epilogue alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products."

Has been working for the control of alcohol sales for more than 10 years special system EGAIS... This abbreviation stands for a unified state automated information system.

The goal of EGAIS is to strictly control the circulation of alcoholic beverages. In practice, this means that entrepreneurs who sell alcohol at retail undertake to provide information about themselves to the EGAIS system.

Moreover, every purchase of an alcoholic drink (even beer and low-alcohol drinks) can be counted. It turns out that even if an entrepreneur sold only 1 bottle of beer in a day, this information necessarily goes through an automated system.

Alcohol delivery rules

Control by the EGAIS system is carried out already at the first stage - receiving an order from a manufacturer of alcoholic beverages.

To mark the purchase of alcohol in an automated system, a product accounting program that supports EGAIS is installed on the company's computer.

The data entered into the program and the amount of purchased alcohol must completely match.

If, when checking the order, a shortage is found, then the buyer can:

  • reject the supplier's invoice and agree to draw up a new one;
  • draw up an act of data inconsistency.


It is necessary to act in the same way if the excise tax is found to be damaged or it does not meet the requirements of the law. If the transfer of alcohol under the consignment note was carried out without any inconsistencies, then all information about the delivered deliveries is entered into the automated system.

In addition, all information about the purchase is also entered into the cash program, which includes the following information:

  • each bottle must be labeled;
  • the stamp has a barcode;
  • the code, in turn, contains information about the manufacturer, its manufacturing license, and other information about the product.

Alcoholic beverages trade rules

After signing the invoice and placing the data in a specialized report program, the seller can issue alcoholic drinks for sale.

Before the sale, all containers with alcohol are scanned so that they can be displayed on sales receipts in the future.

After the sale, the program issues a receipt with information about the point of sale and a barcode.

It is with this sequence of actions that the data on all sales will be recorded in the EGIAS system. It does not matter how many units of products the buyer has purchased, he will receive a check in one copy.

If the product code cannot be scanned, this means that this alcoholic product was released illegally, but it is possible that the problem is in the system, which can sometimes get lost.

If the Internet is disconnected at the point of sale, the program will automatically save data about each scanned product. After the connection is restored, the system will be able to transfer information to EGIAS without third-party assistance.

Who will be affected by the innovation

The new rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages apply to all retail outlets:

  • the shops;
  • restaurants;
  • bars;
  • other establishments that sell alcohol.

If entrepreneurs are exclusively engaged in the sale of beer, mead, cider, various low-alcohol drinks, then they also did not fall into the category of exceptions and are obliged to provide information to the EGIAS system.

Sellers of low-alcoholic beverages must conduct goods through an automated system from January 1 of this year. The owners of cafes and restaurants also undertake to record the purchase of alcoholic beverages. This means that all establishments selling alcohol must install a program that supports the EGAIS.

True, for some entrepreneurs, a temporary exemption from accounting in the EGAIS system has been established.

  • retailers in Crimea;
  • in remote settlements where the population does not exceed 3 thousand inhabitants and there are problems with the Internet connection. The delay for the implementation of the program in this case is 1 year. However, this relaxation applies to the sale of alcohol; such entrepreneurs are not exempted from the accounting of purchases;
  • factories and companies that produce low-alcohol drinks and beer in an amount of no more than 3 thousand decaliters;
  • catering establishments selling only beer and low alcohol products are exempted from submitting sales reports;
  • enterprises that produce wine and champagne on the basis of their own grown grapes.

More and more online stores appear on the network that are engaged in the sale of alcohol. However, no rules have yet been adopted that oblige Internet sites to keep records of sales. In the near future, it is also planned to limit the time frame for selling alcohol via the Internet.

Sales accounting

All entrepreneurs who trade in alcohol must keep a logbook, where data on sales of alcoholic beverages and characteristics of the goods are entered. In particular, the following data is entered into the log:

  • code, name and number of goods;
  • Date of sale;
  • data on the number of product units and its volume;
  • the code of the type of alcoholic unit.

It is not necessary to enter data on the supply of goods in the journal, however, a special form for maintaining such a document has been established. It is allowed to keep records of sales in paper or electronic form. Based on the sales accounting data, a tax declaration is filled out (filled out once a quarter).


Keeping a sales journal and accounting through EGAIS should be done separately.

Responsibility for violations of the rules for the sale of alcohol

If the entrepreneur decides to refuse to connect to the automated system, he will be held liable.

If the seller has not established a unified accounting system, then the sale of alcoholic beverages of any strength is prohibited. In this case, there is administrative responsibility for the sale of alcoholic beverages without a proper package of documents.

Legal entities are punished with a fine up to a maximum of 20 thousand, and for citizens a fine - up to 15 thousand.

Responsibility also applies to those retailers who do not scan the product during the sale.

In case of serious violations of the new rules, an entrepreneur may even lose his license. Since the actions of the entrepreneur are regarded as illegal trade in alcohol.


For a systemic violation of the law, the seller of alcohol can be prosecuted and punished in the amount of 80 thousand fine or correctional labor up to one year. Also, the offender will be prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages for up to 3 years.

Selling alcohol without a license

In addition to keeping records in EGAIS, you will need to obtain a license to sell alcohol. To obtain permission to trade in alcoholic beverages, an entrepreneur must submit:

  • an application for the issuance of a license of the established form;
  • receipts for payment of the duty;
  • constituent documents;
  • a certificate from the tax authority;
  • conclusion from the Ministry of Emergency Situations,;
  • certificate of absence of debt from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate;
  • Goskomstat codes;
  • lease agreement or ownership of the commercial premises.

A trade license is issued for different term: from 1 to 5 years. After the expiration date, the permit can be renewed. But in order to renew the license, the application must be submitted two months before the expiry of the permit for the sale of alcohol.

The state duty for each type of alcohol license is 40 thousand rubles, and for wholesale sales you need to pay from 500 thousand rubles.

The legislation also contains time limits for the sale of alcohol. Entrepreneurs are prohibited from dispensing alcoholic beverages from 23:00 to 08:00. An exception is established only for duty-free shops and catering establishments. If necessary, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may separately establish rules on the places and conditions for the sale of alcohol.

Dmitry Khomutinin, expert at SKB Kontur, developer of the Kontur.EGAIS program.

In 2014, 120 million decaliters of vodka were sold in Russia, and only 80 million decaliters were officially imported and produced. The difference is in best case unaccounted for products, at worst - also hazardous to health. To control how much alcohol is produced in the country, imported and sold through the retail network, universal monitoring is introduced in in electronic format.

In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for violation of the established procedure for accounting for alcoholic beverages, fines are provided for: officials up to 15,000 rubles, for legal entities up to 200,000 rubles.

When did the unified control system start working?

The Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) will track the path of each bottle of alcohol from the manufacturer to the buyer. Attempts to connect producers and importers of strong alcohol to EGAIS were made back in 2006. They had to apply special federal and excise stamps on each unit of production, record the volume of alcohol with meters, and send the obtained data to FSRAR. But the system was not technically ready for such a volume of transactions, and the implementation time was postponed.

Until recently, wholesalers and retailers of alcoholic beverages (including beer) were not required to submit information about alcohol turnover to EGAIS. And the regulatory authorities could not trace the chain of passage of alcohol from the producer to the consumer.

In the summer of 2015 was adopted the federal law dated June 29, 2015 No. 182-FZ, which tightened control over the turnover of alcoholic beverages. Retail stores and catering representatives of almost all regions of Russia are required to register in EGAIS the purchase of alcohol at their warehouse from January 1, 2016, and similar organizations in Crimea and Sevastopol - from July 1, 2016.

Since January 1, 2016, retail stores and catering representatives of almost all regions of Russia, in addition to quarterly electronic reporting to the FSRAR, have another obligation - to record the purchase of alcohol to their warehouse in EGAIS. The enterprises of Crimea and Sevastopol will have such a duty from July 1, 2016.

In the period 2015-2017, almost all organizations and individual entrepreneurs that import, produce and sell alcohol should join the EGAIS. When this system is fully operational, the amount of alcohol produced will have to match the amount sold to the final consumer (Fig. 1). Thanks to a unified system, consumers will be able to be confident in the quality of the purchased alcohol.

Rice. 1. Scheme of EGAIS: the path of each bottle of alcohol from the manufacturer to the buyer

EGAIS will provide transparency

Alexey Mogila, Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service for Sevastopol, Advisor to the State civil service RF 1st class.

“EGAIS is designed to combat the sale of counterfeit products. Checking the accompanying documents in electronic form will make it possible to verify the legality of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products. This segment of the business will become more transparent.

Evasion of taxation by selling illegal products will lead to the "rise in cost" of such schemes and will become unprofitable. The balance between the volumes of retail sales and the production of alcoholic beverages will be restored, which will create favorable conditions for the producer.

After the onset of legislation the deadline connection to the EGAIS for further circulation of alcoholic beverages taxpayers should consider:

  • that the circulation of alcoholic beverages, information about which is not recorded in the EGAIS, is prohibited (Article 26 of the Federal Law of 22.11.1995 No. 171-FZ);
  • that alcoholic beverages are subject to withdrawal from circulation if information about them was not recorded in the Unified State Automated Information System (Art. 25 of the Federal Law of 22.11.1995 No. 171-FZ);
  • that violation of the accounting procedure for alcoholic beverages entails administrative responsibility (Article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) ”.

Who is not yet connected to EGAIS

According to data from the official website of FSRAR, almost 100% were connected in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Lipetsk, Vologda, Ryazan, Oryol and Sakhalin regions. The worst situation is in Chukotka, where only 47% are connected.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 182-FZ of June 29, 2015, wine and champagne producers from their own grapes are exempted from connecting to the Unified State Automated Information System. Organizations that retail beer, beer drinks, cider, Poiret, mead, alcohol-containing products are exempted from fixing sales, but they are obliged to take alcohol to the warehouse through EGAIS. Organizations selling alcohol in the provision of services Catering(restaurants, cafes) are exempted from fixing sales, but from January 1, 2016 they are required to reflect the purchase of alcohol in the EGAIS.

The terms of connection in terms of fixing the sale of alcohol have been shifted for retail sellers of alcohol in settlements without the Internet, where less than 3,000 people live. They must connect before July 1, 2017. In addition, the Federal Law) shifts the connection dates for Crimea and Sevastopol. Retail stores and catering representatives of these regions are required to register in EGAIS the purchase of alcohol for their warehouses starting from July 1, 2016. Terms of connection to EGAIS of organizations and enterprises different regions Russia see the table.

Table. Obligations of organizations and enterprises, including Crimea and Sevastopol (82nd and 92nd regions, respectively), to connect to EGAIS and reflect relevant information in the system

Type of organization or individual entrepreneur Terms of entry into force of the obligation to record information in the EGAIS
in terms of reflecting the turnover: confirmation of the fact of purchase, return, movement in terms of retail
Organizations engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products 01.01.2016,
Organizations engaged in retail sale of alcoholic beverages:
in urban areas 01.01.2016,
in 91 and 92 regions 07/01/2016
in 91 and 92 regions 01.01.2017
in rural areas 01.01.2016,
in 91 and 92 regions 07/01/2016
in 91 and 92 regions 01.01.2018
Individual entrepreneurs who purchase beer and beer drinks, cider, Poiret, mead for the subsequent retail sale of such products:
in urban areas 01.01.2016,
in 91 and 92 regions 07/01/2017
in rural areas 01.01.2016,
in 91 and 92 regions 07/01/2018
Organizations engaged in retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the provision of public catering services 01.01.2016,
in 91 and 92 regions 07/01/2016
Organizations engaged in retail sale of alcoholic beverages in settlements with a population of less than 3,000 people, in which there is no point of access to the information and telecommunications network of the Internet Such settlements must be included in a special list approved by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The fixing time depends on
is it urban or rural,
Crimea or not.

Step 2. Configure work with the FSRAR portal

After receiving the certificate, you must create a personal account on the FSRAR website ( and set up work with EGAIS. To establish a secure connection with the EGAIS server, an RSA key is used. This key must be recorded on the same hardware medium on which the CEP is formed. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs must independently obtain the RSA keys in personal account EGAIS. Instructions are given on the FSRAR portal.

Step 3. Check equipment

Each outlet must have a computer with the following minimum system requirements:

  • x86 processor 2 GHz or higher with 2 GB of RAM;
  • Windows 7 or higher;
  • Internet connection.

Step 4. Select software

EGAIS is already working, accepting and processing invoices from suppliers and sellers of alcohol. For the period from January 1 to April 24, 194,760,010 documents were received on the EGAIS server. Successfully processed on the first try 98%. To interact with EGAIS, each outlet must be provided with EGAIS software:

  1. Universal transport module for information exchange with EGAIS. It can be downloaded free of charge on the FSRAR website. SKB Kontur clients can use the web disk for automatic installation.
  2. A software product for interaction with EGAIS. This could be:
  • own inventory accounting system, modified for interaction with EGAIS;
  • or separate product, which can work without a commodity accounting system.

It is enough for individual entrepreneurs to have one key carrier with a certificate and one copy of the EGAIS software, regardless of the number of outlets, and a computer with the Internet may not be located on the territory of the store.

What happens if you don't connect

Until April 20, 2016, the FSRAR “loyalty period” was in effect for all. The data on the alcohol purchased from the beginning of the year could be entered into the system until that time. Now nothing interferes with conducting checks and fining those who do not record information about the purchase of alcohol in the FSRAR. Violation of the established accounting procedure threatens with administrative fines (Article 14.19 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

  • for officials - from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

In addition, retail may be deprived of their license through the courts for these offenses.

To avoid risks, follow three basic rules:

  1. Install necessary equipment and programs. Without meeting this requirement, it will be impossible to accept and legally sell alcohol. You will become an unreliable buyer for your wholesale supplier.
  2. Refuse to work with unreliable suppliers. Manufacturers are responsible for the quality of the labeling of alcoholic beverages and the legibility of the excise stamp when goods move from supplier to consumer. It is necessary to carefully monitor the readability and legality of brands at the stage of acceptance of goods and categorically prohibit the acceptance of products with an unreadable brand.
  3. Provide a stable internet connection. Data exchange with EGAIS occurs via the Internet. If the connection is lost, the program module will only be able to work offline for three days. If during this time it is not possible to restore the Internet connection, the sale of alcohol will have to be stopped.

Choosing equipment, setting up, training personnel is not a one-day process. It is better to contact the EGAIS solution providers in advance, purchase equipment and programs certified to work with the system. This will help to avoid operational disruptions and prevent losses. Experts will help you to choose software and calculate its cost.

The government of the Russian Federation, namely the FSRAR service, made a decision, according to which, from January 1, 2016, the wholesale and retail trade in alcohol began to be carried out according to new rules. What came of this, and what benefits did consumers get?

The Federal Service of Rosalkogolregulirovanie (FSRAR) made a decision to introduce new rules for the sale of alcohol-containing products, according to which all data on the turnover of alcohol in the territory of each outlet, both wholesale and retail, must be sent to EGAIS.

The innovations, adopted on January 1, 2016, affected sellers to a greater extent than buyers. This is due to the high content of Russian market counterfeit alcohol.

What it is? Generally speaking, EGAIS is an information system. It has been on the market for about 10 years and keeps detailed information about the producers of strong alcoholic beverages, as well as the number of drinks produced annually. After October 1, 2015, large producers of low-alcohol products also fell under control. From January 1, 2016, provide EGAIS with all necessary information not only producers, but also sellers are obliged about the production, purchase and sale of alcoholic products.

The principle of operation of the accounting system

The new rules for regulating and counting the amount of alcohol sold, which came into force on January 1, 2016, allow free tracking of all alcoholic products passing through the checkout, right down to the last bottle of light beer. In contrast to the old order, when monitoring of the sale and trade of food alcohol-containing products was carried out in batches, the updated accounting system provides piece-by-piece control of each product by name, which makes it possible to almost completely exclude the appearance of illegally produced alcohol on the shelves of Russian stores.

The control technology, adopted on January 1, 2016, is based on the provision of absolutely all information on the procurement and sale of alcoholic beverages to the Unified State Automated Information System. The first thing a dealer has to deal with is accepting the necessary product for sale.

This is done as follows:

  • First of all, special software is installed on the main computer that maintains communication with the EGAIS;
  • Then a copy of a real paper invoice is created, which contains all the information about the name of the incoming goods, its quantity and the required quality;
  • The person in charge of reception verifies the delivery note provided by the supplier with the price list, which specifies the requirements for the ordered products.

Depending on the correspondence of the actual data on the order with the parameters specified in the documents, the person responsible for the reception can act as follows:

  • Reject the invoice together with the ordered goods or draw up an act confirming the non-conformity if the supplier provided low-quality products;
  • Accept the goods and record the fact of acceptance in the EGAIS.

The acceptance does not end there. V mandatory it is required to enter all the information about the order in the cash program - a special database that stores data on all the goods on the store shelves. The cash register program communicates with EGAIS via the Internet and sends information about each unit of production that passes through the cash register to the unified state automated information system. Without exception, all bottles of alcohol produced legally must have a 2D bar on the label, or a two-dimensional type code, when reading it, you can find out everything about the brand of alcohol, its manufacturer and other parameters. The trade name of the code is Micro PDF417.

After the alcohol was accepted, the data about it got into the database, and the product itself is placed on the shelves, the consumer can buy it. The accounting system, adopted on January 1, 2016, involves scanning barcodes from the labels of each product instance using a code scanner. At the same time, information is read from a two-dimensional stroke, which the program automatically converts into a file of a certain format and sends it to the universal exchange module. It is an important part of the entire accounting technology, as it allows you to instantly send data on the sold alcohol to the EGAIS database via the Internet protocol. In the event that access to the global network is blocked, or there are interruptions in the connection, the data is saved on the hard disk of the computer. When the connection is restored, the necessary information is immediately transferred to the EGAIS database. Thus, the uninterrupted operation of the cash register in offline mode can be carried out for a maximum of three days. If after this period of time the connection to the Network is not restored, the seller will be forced to stop selling alcohol for technical reasons.

After making a purchase, the buyer is issued a check on which, in addition to the total cost of the purchase, the so-called QR code will be placed, designed to be read by cameras of mobile devices. With the help of this technology, a person who buys alcoholic beverages will be able to check the authenticity of the purchased alcohol container at any time. Of course, if all sellers and manufacturers of alcoholic beverages comply with the new rules, there will be no need to check each container with hot contents. But, with full confidence, we can say that this will not happen soon enough. If an error occurs while reading the code, then the checked bottle contains counterfeit alcohol. In this case, the deal is canceled. Also, failures can occur due to poor-quality ink, which was spent on printing a 2D stroke. Such shortcomings are the main disadvantage of the technology for accounting for alcohol-containing products introduced on January 1, 2016.

How to equip a retail outlet with equipment

For the legal sale of drinks containing ethyl alcohol, it is necessary that the outlet be connected to the EGAIS.

In turn, in order to achieve this goal, it is required to select the appropriate technical and software equipment:

  • Any medium-sized computer with a working network interface card;
  • Cash register software with EGAIS support;
  • A program referred to as a "transport module" and provided by public service FSRAR;
  • Double barcode scanner;
  • Electronic key with individual store signature;
  • Good Internet connection at speeds of 256 kb / s.

The whole the necessary equipment to provide successful trading the store purchases alcohol at its own expense. There is no need to purchase accounting software - they are available for free download on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie portal. The software update will take place automatically, and the commissioning work new structure accounting for alcoholic beverages introduced on January 1, 2016 is the responsibility of the store's IT specialists. The price that will have to be paid for fully equipping a retail outlet with the equipment required to support trade fluctuates around 50 thousand rubles. Quite a lot of money. Not all stores will be able to pull the cost of purchasing computing equipment. If for large shopping centers buying everything you need will not be special labor, then small rural stores may not be able to afford the full set of components of the 2016 accounting system. Therefore, many experts argue that at the time of the adoption of strict rules, the sale of alcohol-containing drinking substances may significantly decrease.

Whom the innovation in the law will not affect

Few people know, but there is a category of legal entities that can be completely or early exempted from the need to read two-dimensional barcodes and transfer the received data to EGAIS.

These include:

  • Absolutely all shops selling alcoholic beverages on the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol. In this situation, a deferral is in effect, which ends on January 1, but not 2016, but 2017. After this date, the local individual entrepreneurs will be forced to keep records of alcoholic goods;
  • Shopping areas located in small villages far from major cities and places large congestion people, that is, where telecommunication systems are poorly developed, including the Internet, which is necessary to maintain communication with the unified state information system. In such cases, a deferral is also given, but not until January, but until July 2017.

Among other things, there are businessmen who do not need to deal with a unified information system at all, these are:

  • Manufacturers of light and strong alcoholic beverages, the production volume of which is less than three hundred thousand decaliters;
  • Manufacturers of ordinary wine and sparkling wine, using exclusively grapes grown on their own lands as raw materials;
  • Catering establishments.

One way or another, the exemption from accounting for alcoholic beverages, launched in 2016, will soon end, and without exception, all businessmen, at least somehow involved in the circulation of alcoholic beverages, will be required to monitor the alcohol they are selling. Perhaps these measures will lead to a significant reduction in the amount of counterfeit alcohol in the windows of Russian supermarkets. But "dishonest" sellers were, are and will always be. What awaits them? If no special equipment is installed in the store, trade ethyl alcohol will be impossible, but if alcoholic beverages are sold contrary to all prohibitions, the owner will be fined 15 thousand rubles, plus 200 thousand imposed on entity... At first, namely until July 1, 2017, the rules will not be too strict, which means that small mistakes of entrepreneurs resulting from lack of sufficient experience of using new system, which arose on January 1 in 2016, will not be severely punished. Instead, FSRAR employees will point out mistakes in order to develop skills in using a unified information system. It is important to take advantage of this moment and sell batches of legally made alcohol with distorted labels as soon as possible in order to avoid problems in the future. This will not lead to anything harmful.

You probably know without us that the market for alcohol-containing products has not changed for a long time. Let's say more, in the same Europe they are watching him much more carefully than in our state. It's time for a change - the new rules for the sale of alcohol came into force in 2016. In addition, one should not forget about illegal products, the distribution of which harms not only the activities of honest entrepreneurs, but also the citizens of the country who consume low-quality alcohol. Sooner or later, the government had to take up raising the culture of drinking, and this moment has come. In general, the requirements for product manufacturers will increase and, of course, they will begin to more seriously suppress the release of an illegal product that does not meet the requirements. In the course of this article, you will find out exactly what changes have occurred and what else will happen in the near future.

Alcohol sales since 2016

On January 1st, a unique system for the sale of alcoholic beverages was introduced, the main feature is the reading barcodes with excise taxes... In fact, its “trial” version has been working for several years, but a limited number of giant companies have used this system. Single retail stores will have a much harder time, so in the near future there may be a shortage of alcohol-containing products. The fact is that not all manufacturers, and even more so not all retail outlets, can switch to using new technology- it is not given out for free. And in the conditions of the economic crisis that arose two years ago, the acquisition of new expensive equipment is becoming a difficult task. Readers will cost a pretty penny, it is for this reason that there is a possibility that there will be a shortage of products.

Honestly, there are enough problems in addition to equipment - along with its purchase, new jobs will have to be created, because the amount of information will increase, and the old employees will clearly not be able to cope with the increased workload. Of course, new staff will have to pay salaries.

As for small retail stores, most will not be able to afford to buy a new one with their meager income. cash registers, which means that they will simply stop selling alcoholic beverages. However, there is another side - some may continue to trade according to the old system, but all this will last for the time being, until the first large fine for non-compliance with Russian legislation.

Moreover, these are not our personal assumptions, but the words of experts and they want to believe, they have a basis. Be that as it may, in order to comply with the new standards, you will have to pour in a lot of money.

Have you implemented EGAIS

On the existence of a unified state automated information system ( EGAIS) practically no one knew until 2014, although this technology has been successfully operating for ten years already. Its main task is to exercise full control over the distribution and sale of products, in our case - alcoholic beverages. As a matter of fact, the system began to operate in full force most recently, January 1st. And now alcohol turnover is under the control of the state "eye". For citizens, this means that the quality of products on the shelves will increase, as will the general culture of drinking. The government does not forget about people, about their health. However, there is also back side- manufacturers and sellers. For them, this innovation does not bode well. To stay afloat, you will have to improve the quality of the product, which means that costs will also increase. And we won't talk about those who sell illegally - they will be punished with fines of up to two hundred thousand rubles, thereby discouraging all the desire to violate the legislation of the Russian Federation.

By the way, if the production technology changes, the price of the final product may also change. And not downward. Therefore, the citizens of the country will suffer in part, but they will not have to worry about their health.

In fact, alcohol-containing products are located in EGAIS already for a long time, but the accounting has tightened precisely with the onset of the new 2016. And if earlier beer was an exception, today it is also controlled - sales are carried out exclusively within the system. We remind you that the implementation was gradual. The first registrations of manufacturers began in October last year. Well, from the first day, everyone should be registered in the system. In the new year, there are no exceptions and there will not be any, and therefore some small manufacturers will be forced to leave the trail and give way to those manufacturers who switch to using new equipment and meet the requirements. The situation is similar with small retail chains and single stores.

How perfect is the EGAIS system

Of course, any automated system has its own errors. This statement remains valid for EGAIS... Testing was carried out several years ago, then the largest market players joined it and a huge number of shortcomings and errors were noted. The people in the sales business have left an abundance of reviews. Thanks to them, some problems were fixed until 2016, but some remained at the same stage. Therefore, malfunctions will occur, much more deplorable is the fact that some of them can lead to a fine. For example, if the barcodes cannot be recognized. And this, for a second, is the most common problem and no one is going to fix it. The developers of EGAIS “blamed” everything on the producers of alcoholic beverages, saying that their bar codes are not clearly printed and therefore sometimes are not recognized.

As you understand, the system does not work very smoothly, to put it mildly. There are enough complaints. But there is no escape from her. And if the manufacturer or seller wants to stay afloat, they will have to put up with the positive and negative sides EGAIS.

Let's look at some of the problems in more detail:

  1. We decided to start with the aforementioned incorrect reading of product barcodes. During testing, sellers noticed that most of the codes cannot be read the first time, while some individual copies cannot be read at all. And given the fact that now all products must go through new equipment without fail, and information will be sent straight to EGAIS- some problems may start. By the way, on this moment the root of the problem was not fixed, and above we have already described why this happened. It turns out that in certain cases it is physically impossible to comply with the new legislation. What to do? The question remains open to this day.
  2. The second problem is really poor quality paint. Yes, of course, not all manufacturers skimp on ink for applying barcodes, but there is such a problem and it, again, leads to poor product recognition. It turns out that both the manufacturers and the creators of the equipment are to blame. But in the end, the main responsibility rests on the shoulders of ordinary salespeople. This is hardly something to be proud of, because by selling alcohol, without first “hammering” it into the system, you can run into fines of up to two hundred thousand rubles. And this, as you may have guessed, does not bring anything good.
  3. Often, the information that was entered by the operators may differ from that in the EGAIS. The fact is that to this day there is no uniform accounting, which complicates the process of distribution and sale of drinks. But in the course of the sixteenth year, this problem still needs to be solved.

Have you started to control the production and distribution of beer?

Probably anyone drinking man ever bought beer v plastic containers... So, in fact, it does not meet the quality conditions and is capable of causing irreparable harm to your health, rather than giving pleasure.

At the moment, there has been no ban on the use of plastic bottles, but the situation should change in the near future. Rumor has it that they will first cancel plastic bottles with a capacity of one and a half to two liters, and then slowly and all the rest. In general, this is a huge plus for citizens - the Government has taken over control of products, quality control. On the other side of the barricades, there are manufacturing companies and distribution networks that suffer losses from such actions.

Who specifically falls under the new law

The new rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages from 2016 apply not only to retail chains, but also to the distribution of: cafes, bars, restaurants and many other establishments selling alcohol. All of them will suffer losses. Already today, all of the above establishments should have special magazine where information on alcohol sales is recorded.

Another question is whether the manufacturers themselves are ready for such measures? Some will obviously have a hard time!