Evening makeup for small eyes with overhanging eyelids and their increase. Video "Day and evening makeup for eyes with an impending eyelid." The right choice of cosmetics

The problem of weakened muscles on the face can be dealt with without resorting to plastic surgery, correct eye makeup for the impending century will help to hide such a flaw. Enough to get acquainted with the nuances of application cosmetics, given the color of the eyes and other features of appearance.

What is a hanging eyelid?

This is the name of the shape of the eyes, resulting from genetic features, injury or with age. It is formed by hanging upper eyelid above the outer or inner corner of the eye. This is due to the fact that the muscles lose their elasticity and cannot keep the skin above the eyes in good shape.

General rules

With the impending century, it is better to do such makeup that creates accents that distract from this problem. First of all, you need to carefully work on the shape of the eyebrows - choose correct form and color, they should be even and well-groomed so that attention is focused on them. Further step by step guide shading looks like this:

  1. first, a makeup base is applied;
  2. then light shadows are placed on the eyelid, they need to be shaded well;
  3. a dark shade outlines the border of the eyelid, they are also applied to outer corner eyes, carefully shaded;
  4. the border of the eyebrows is outlined with white shadows or concealer;
  5. above the eyelashes, you can make an eyeliner with a dark pencil, also shading it;
  6. The final step is to apply mascara.

Basic Mistakes

Exist general rules when applying makeup on the eyes, following which, you can avoid focusing on the lowered eyelid:

  • clear lines and arrows should be avoided, all borders should be shaded;
  • you should not use contrasting color combinations, it is better to opt for soft pastel shades;
  • sparkles and shimmering shadows draw attention to the impending eyelid, so they must be replaced with matte texture cosmetics;
  • the consistency should also not attract attention - the fatter it is, the more noticeable on the eyes.

Makeup step by step instructions

Eye makeup for the impending century is selected in accordance with many factors. These include age, eye color, and even the nature of the event for which makeup is performed. In sufficient detail, the procedure for using cosmetics for the eyes can be traced in the photo and video

By eye color

Makeup for brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls with an impending eyelid should avoid pinkish and bright yellow flowers in makeup. Beige, peach, golden tones will help to visually enlarge the eyes. Transfer from pale shade to dark you need to gently shade. If the make-up is performed in the evening, then you can choose the colors more saturated, making a bias in purple or blue.

Makeup for green eyes

This color provides for the presence in the cosmetic bag of shades of brown, blue or red. You need to choose shades not flashy, but soft. The main rule of shading must also be observed. Plus, you need to know that green-eyed girls need only a warm palette to choose cosmetics with an impending century. You need to combine two or more colors based on their fuzzy gradation from light to dark.

Makeup for blue eyes

Blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls are recommended to perform makeup according to one scheme. It is carried out with the help of gray, orange and brown flowers. The best combination is burgundy and yellow. It is important to avoid clear boundaries, and arrows and eyeliner are done using brown shadows.

According to the shape of the eyes

Makeup for narrow eyes

Asian eyes can be enlarged with the help of well-chosen cosmetics. Makeup in this case performed with a bias in nude shades. Beige, peach or light brown is taken as the main color. A darker pigment is applied to the outer corner of the eye with a slope of 45o, followed by a line outlining the eye. Blends well. The same color is placed on the inner corner, but in a small amount. It is necessary to shade the lower eyelid - the inner corner light color, and closer to the edge of the eye apply dark. Particularly effective on almond eyes oh, false eyelashes look.

Makeup for small eyes

You can hide the overhanging eyelid with small eyes by resorting to a special technique for applying eye makeup. Need to apply shading dark color towards the temples. Light is used as a base and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits application is brought to the eyebrows. Under them, it is also recommended to use additionally very light shadows. The lower border of the eye should be drawn as follows: apply eye shadow as low as possible and “blur” the borders with a hard brush.

Makeup for deep-set eyes

Arched eyebrows can significantly hide the impending eyelid with this type of eye. And you can highlight them. pale color shadows. A medium shade should be applied to the moving eyelid, while the dark one is placed at a steep angle towards the temples and is rather strongly shaded. The lower eyelid is also painted dark, but only its outer part - the inner one needs to be lightened.

Makeup for downcast eyes

It is necessary to lift the overhanging eyelid due to the effect of the outlined moving part. The main area is painted over with a nude color. The edge of the eyelashes is outlined with a dark pencil, it needs to be shaded. The medium shade outlines the mobile eyelid and “brings” to the eyebrows. The lower border of the eye is painted with an average color, connecting with it, but applied on upper part eyes.

Makeup for bulging eyes

With such a feature, an artificially drawn upper fold will help to cope with the problem of the impending century. To do this, a highlighter or white eye shadow is applied to the entire upper part, then a crease is drawn darker. The principle of applying makeup is as follows: the middle of the eye remains as bright as possible, while the inner and outer corners are darkened. They need to be connected together above the line drawn earlier. The base of the eyebrows is emphasized with a highlighter.

Other ways to make up

Age makeup with an impending century

With age, the eyelids become more drooping, so with the help of cosmetics it is necessary to create a lifting effect. It can be achieved only with the help of pastel colors. Be sure to use a base for eye makeup - so it does not clog into folds. dark color you need to draw a line on the moving part - it will visually lift the overhanging eyelid. He also draws a light line at a slight angle. The main part should be light. All makeup is carefully extinguished.

Evening makeup with an impending century

It allows the use of more dark tones, and this allows you to even better hide the impending eyelid. The entire surface is covered with a base, the most light shade palettes are applied under the eyebrows and above the eyelashes, the middle one is covered middle part, and dark arrows are drawn to the temples and above the movable area of ​​​​the eye. The applied cosmetics should be carefully shaded in the end. color palette you need to select, starting from the color of the eyes. eyelashes for festive celebration you can twist or stick artificial ones.

Daytime makeup with an impending eyelid

Everyday image should be formed due to well-shaped eyebrows - you need to get rid of excess hairs, give them an arched shape. Under them is applied light color, it is placed on the inner corner of the eyes. On the outside - dark. A hard flat brush creates shading, while all actions should be directed to the temples. The area under the lower lashes is best left untouched.

Wedding make-up in the impending century

All the same rules for applying eye cosmetics with an impending eyelid are also used when performing a solemn make-up. To give a festive look, you can use a little shine, the main thing is to apply it as high as possible (for example, under the eyebrow). Otherwise, the same recommendations should be followed as with evening make-up - a combination of dark and light shades and careful shading towards the temples.

Everyday make-up for the impending century

More muted tones should be used here. In order not to create the main focus on the eyes with the help of bright cosmetics, you can highlight the lips. Also, do not forget about the clear shape of the eyebrows. Such techniques will help not to focus on the impending century.

Cat's eye with an impending eyelid

This technique of applying eye cosmetics implies fairly clear boundaries. But this is no reason to abandon this expressive and sensual make-up. So that in the impending century cat eye was done correctly, two rules must be taken into account: make the lines less clear with brushes and sponges, and draw the upper border as high as possible.

Smokey ice in the impending century

When performing smokey ice, you need to use two types of brushes - hard flat brushes are applied to the moving area, and dark ones are applied fluffy. This is done to create a smoky effect. The lower part should also be painted with a dark shade, smoothly bringing it to the upper shadows. The eyebrow is outlined in white. The final step is to thickly make up the eyelashes, separating each hair.

Arrows in the impending century

With this feature of the eyes, makeup artists are not recommended to use liquid eyeliner, because clear edges should be avoided. It can be replaced with a pencil or dark shadows. In both cases, careful shading must be applied.

With the help of the advice of the masters, you can achieve the correct application of make-up and learn how to use various tricks to hide the overhanging eyelid:

  • It is recommended to apply all cosmetics with your eyes open. After all, the difference between open and eyes closed quite significant and can affect the correct application;
  • it is better to avoid painting the lower eyelashes - this gives sloppiness to the image;
  • a magnifying mirror will help to most accurately apply all the funds to the eyes - this way you can avoid many flaws and inaccuracies;
  • do not use eyeliner - it must be replaced with eyeliner or shadows;
  • bright, frilly makeup is best used as little as possible - only on special occasions. It needs to be combined with bright accent on the lips.

Photo ideas

The following photos show various techniques and varieties of eye makeup for the impending century.

A hanging eyelid is not a reason to completely abandon eye makeup and resort to correction. Professional advice, well-chosen cosmetics and expressive eyebrows will help to hide this flaw and teach you how to make a neat and beautiful make-up.

A hanging eyelid is considered a small flaw in the face. However, its owners should not worry. Firstly, many celebrities, for example, Natalia Vodianova, have heavy hanging eyelids, but at the same time they are among the top ten most beautiful women peace. And secondly, there are no such problems that I could not cope with good makeup. It is about eye makeup with an impending eyelid that we will talk about today.

How to determine the impending eyelid?

Take a close look at yourself in the mirror. If you notice that the upper eyelid hangs over the movable one and either closes it completely or covers any part (outer or inner corner or middle), then you are faced with a problem heavy age. The eyes of this shape seem small, and the face takes on a tired expression. Makeup is designed to visually “open” the eyes, make them brighter and more expressive.

Golden rules of make-up for the impending century

Here are a few universal rules for those who want to make beautiful and harmonious makeup for a hard age.

Do not use pearl shades on the upper eyelid, otherwise it will touch even more massive.

Avoid too wide eyeliner. It should be thin and as close as possible to the eyelashes.

If you are not very confident in your abilities, then use matte shadows.

Don't skimp on the primer. If you do not want the shadows to remain on the skin of the upper eyelid, apply a base before makeup. It will not allow cosmetics to roll and smear.

Use waterproof mascara and eyeliner, then, by blinking, you will not erase the line.

Make sure that your eyebrows are always neat and well-groomed. Do not forget about eyebrow makeup, all gaps between the hairs should be carefully filled with shadows. Another trick: high-arched eyebrows make the eyes wide open.

The specifics of eye makeup with heavy eyelids

Basic makeup for a heavy eyelid

This makeup will give you a natural "bare-up" look. Do you need a palette matte shadows, which contain various shades brown: from milky white, peach, beige to bronze and chocolate.

Let's start by picking the most dark tone and draw the fold of the eyelid, select the outer corner of the eye. Shade thoroughly. You can draw in the natural recess of the eyelid or a couple of millimeters higher.

We paint over the inner corner with lighter shadows, and apply the lightest shade on the central part and under the eyebrow. Gently mix the colors and paint over the eyelashes.

Makeup with an emphasis on the outer corner of the eye

To perform this makeup, we need a black pencil, a shading brush, dark gray, plum and milky white matte shadows, as well as black gel eyeliner.

We draw the corner of the eye and the crease of the eyelid with a pencil, we strengthen the line in the corner of the eye with hatching. The strokes should be soft, directed towards the temple. Shade the pencil. We repeat the drawing with graphite shadows, place accents in the corners of the eyes with plum shadows, and cover the entire moving eyelid with milky white. We perform inter-ciliary eyeliner and paint eyelashes, pulling them also to the temples.

Another option for eye makeup with an impending eyelid is presented in the video tutorial:

Makeup for blue eyes with an impending eyelid

We suggest enhancing the blue tint of your eyes with iridescent turquoise eyeshadows. We will combine them with a shade of chocolate, and emphasize the space under the eyebrow with the lightest, almost white, tone.

First, apply light shadows under the eyebrow, then highlight the inner corner with turquoise. Please note that the shadows are also applied to the lower eyelid. Now paint over the outer corner of the eye and the central part. We work out the fold especially carefully. Blend the border between chocolate and turquoise.

Additionally, eyeliner along the ciliated edge of the upper eyelid will help emphasize the shape of the eye.

Makeup for brown eyes with an impending eyelid

Saturated Brown color shimmering golden-bronze shadows and black eyeliner perfectly emphasize your eyes.

We start the makeup by applying a primer to the eyelids. Then, armed with a black bold pencil, we outline the outer corner of the eye. Pay attention to the photo: the pencil line resembles the letter V. Be sure to emphasize the crease of the eyelid. Blend the lines with a soft brush. Recruiting a little dark shadows and repeat the pencil drawing. Using a small brush, apply pearlescent white tone to the inner corner.

We collect silver shadows on the surface of a flat brush and apply to the middle of the eyelid. Your task is not to climb on the crease, otherwise the makeup risks looking untidy.

Line the top lash line with black mascara. To make the look even more seductive, curl the cilia with special tweezers.

Makeup for green eyes with an impending eyelid

This makeup is quite bold, because in it we will use mother-of-pearl shadows and bright sequins. Your green eyes will shine brighter than the stars in the sky.

We will need a white kayal, a bold black pencil, pearlescent green-blue eyeshadow, matte yellow eyeshadow and bright green sparkles.

First, emphasize the eyebrow with white pencil. Do not be afraid that the line will turn out too clear - we will easily blend it.

Outline the eye in black. The line should be thick enough.

We paint over the moving eyelid with green shadows, and emphasize the crease with matte yellow.

Now comes the most important stage: applying sparkles. We lay out the smaller ones in the inner corner, and the larger ones in the center of the moving eyelid.

Our make-up turned out festive, so Special attention should be given to eyelashes. They should be long and curved, you can use invoices.

impending heavy eyelids make the eyes look smaller, and makeup becomes harder to do. To create a beautiful, stylish and neat beauty look, you need to know special techniques that allow you to enlarge your eyes and not make your eyelids even more heavy.

Basic rules for eye makeup with an impending eyelid:

  • rejection mother-of-pearl shadows and glitter
  • rejection of heavy wide eyeliner on the upper eyelid
  • rejection of dark shadows on the upper eyelid and heavy smoky makeup

Photos of celebrity makeup with impending eyelids

Blake Lively

A charming blonde knows how to emphasize her appearance. Blake has heavy eyelids and eyes with downturned outer corners. She should not do makeup with mother-of-pearl shadows on the upper fixed eyelid and with heavy eyeliner.

A good option would be a three-dimensional makeup with highlights inner corner eyes in the lower part with a slight darkening of the outer corners along the upper eyelid. So the eye visually becomes larger. A little subtle smoky makeup with matte shadows does not draw attention to swollen eyelids.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer does not have a pronounced swelling of the upper eyelids, but there is an anatomy that requires careful handling and applying makeup. For example, big mistake there was underlining the eyes with eyeliner, highlighting the line of the lower eyelashes, ignoring the upper eyelid, which visually seemed to lie on the eye.

Most good makeup Lawrence becomes gentle smokey eyes in matte shades gray and brown without sharp dark lines.

Emma Stone

Emma is the owner of large almond-shaped eyes with heavy swollen eyelids. She is contraindicated in thick shiny eyeliner or pearly colored shadows. All this makes the eyes even more heavy.

The best option - neat arrows, and shadows are preferred neutral shades.

Rosamund Pike

At British actress a rather difficult face to make up due to the special anatomy. The overhanging eyelid is combined with small eyes. They can not be left completely without makeup, or make an expressive smoky eye.

If you focus on the eyeliner along the line of the upper eyelashes, covered with voluminous mascara, the eye immediately opens, it seems larger, and the eyelids no longer look heavy.

Rachel Bilson

big Brown eyes with downturned corners, combined with slightly overhanging eyelids, require skill in makeup. For example, Rachel should not make her eyebrows too thin, further increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe swollen upper eyelid. It is also contraindicated for her and arrows that extend beyond the edges of the outline of the eye, which emphasize the peculiarity of the eyelid.

It is better to give preference to the correct outline of the eye with a matte liner, and mark the eyelids with discreet shadows without the effect of visual weighting.

Taylor Swift

Taylor doesn't have a problem with upper eyelid puffiness, but because her eyes are small and deep set, her eyelids seem to slide over her eyes, hiding them underneath. Because of this, the singer should not do makeup with very thick black eyeliner and shadows.

The most reasonable solution is a neat three-dimensional make-up that enlarges the eyelid.

Camille Belle

Camilla is very beautiful eyes, but combined with heavy overhanging eyelids. This drawback is especially noticeable if the eyelids are left without color and only the area around the eye is emphasized with a liner.

It's enough to see how the actress's look changes in luxurious smoky makeup with long eyelashes. The impending century as it never happened.

Lee Ann Rimes

Very narrow eyes and very heavy eyelids - actress Renee Zellweger lived with exactly the same data all her life, until she had plastic surgery and was transformed beyond recognition. But the singer Lee Ann Rimes, it seems, is not going to radically change her appearance yet, which, to be honest, is very difficult to correct with makeup.

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is worth abandoning dark shades and mother-of-pearl shadows, as well as heavy thick eyeliner. Peach, beige, pink, purple for shadows in combination with long eyelashes will help to look natural.

Malin Akerman

The actress has small narrow and deep-set eyes, and, if not emphasized on purpose, her face looks disharmonious.

To open your eyes and balance the features, you should use smoky makeup with neat thin eyeliner.

Leelee Sobieski

Almond-shaped grey-blue eyes Lily combined with slightly overhanging eyelids is not a big problem.

Nevertheless, it is better to keep makeup in matte shades of shadows and not get carried away with solid heavy lines of eyeliners.

Michelle Williams

The American independent film star often appears on the red carpet in nude makeup, sometimes emphasizing the puffy upper eyelid.

To make the beauty look harmonious, Michelle recommends a beautiful feminine smokey eye in matte shades of gray. With this, they become visually larger, and the upper eyelid is visually “pulled up”.

Eva Mendes

Eva is naturally very beautiful expressive eyes, which are combined with heavy eyelids, and with age this defect has worsened.

To make eye makeup look harmonious, you should move the emphasis on eyeliner along lower eyelid, neat outlined eyebrows and do not impose a large number of neutral shadows without shine on the upper eyelid.

Gigi Hadid

Gigi Hadid for her non-model face was not reproached only by the lazy. She has a really atypical appearance for a fashion model, especially a puffy face with heavy hanging eyelids and narrow, wide-set eyes.

To offset this natural effect, Gigi does different makeup, then abandoning the eyeliner in favor of a simple shading of matte shadows, then relying on the non-trivial graphic lines of the liner on the upper eyelids.

Cate Blanchett

The Australian actress interesting appearance, but with age, her narrow eyes with down-turned corners began to hide under the eyelids.

To visually open your eyes, you need a gentle smoky makeup in discreet natural shades, necessarily in combination with lengthening mascara.

Karlie Kloss

One of the most popular American models of our time also has quite pronounced impending eyelids. Unlike many previous celebrities reviewed, Carly has a relatively big eyes, so the problem for a young girl does not yet look critical.

Smokey eyes in warm shades for Carly's warm green eyes instantly solve the problem of an impending eyelid that becomes invisible.

31 416 0 Hello. Today we will tell you how to remove the hanging eyelid. Nobody likes a sad face. What to do if it physical feature human? In particular, such an impression is produced by girls with an impending century.

Causes of a drooping eyelid

  • sudden weight loss;
  • heredity;
  • anatomical feature;
  • water retention in the body;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics that delays the eyelid;
  • allergic reaction;
  • lack of sleep;

Method 1. Plastic

Blepharoplasty or Botox are the most cardinal ways to get rid of the problem. Aesthetic medicine clinics are pleased to offer you such a service. For your money, as they say, any whim.

Contraindications for surgery:

  • Problems with the thyroid gland;
  • diabetics;
  • cores;

Pros of the procedure: casting effect. Sometimes this helps to deal with the problem forever.

Cons of the procedure:

  • Doesn't always help.
  • The cost of the procedure.
  • Scar after surgery.

Method 2. Folk methods

There are a lot of non-surgical methods of dealing with the impending century. The main thing is to choose the right one for yourself and do not forget about regular caring procedures. Only in this way will you achieve results.


  1. Use lifting creams designed for the area around the eyes.
  2. Use creams with correct composition. For example:
    - Relief - shark oil in its composition perfectly fights with the problem.
    - Heparin ointment - in addition to the main effect, it also brightens the skin around the eyes.
    - Zinc ointment.
    - Blefarogel.

Masks for the impending upper

The following masks are intended exclusively for application to the upper eyelid!

Mask Ingredients Recommendations
Dairy- 1/4 cup milk
- 3 tablespoons soda
Mix. Refrigerate the mixture.
cucumber- Grate half of a small cucumber with peel.
- 1 tsp lemon juice.
Aloe- juice of 2 aloe leaves
- 1 tsp your eye moisturizer.
Mix. Refrigerate the mixture.
get wet cotton pad and apply on the upper eyelid. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.
ParsleyGrind the parsley to a paste.Apply to eyelids and leave for 7-10 minutes.
If you have prepared a lot of funds, then spread the parsley in molds for freezing ice. Fill with water. Freeze and use ice cubes to wipe the skin around the eyes 2-3 times a week.
Ice cubesFreeze any herbal tea: sage, tea rose, or chamomileRub the cubes around the eyes 2-3 times a week after removing makeup.
Protein- 1 protein chicken egg.
- salt on the tip of a knife.
- 1 tbsp. olive oil.
We mix. We apply on the eyelids for 7-10 minutes.
Tea room2 tea bags of green or black tea.It is advisable to take not used, but fresh tea bags. Put on eyelids and hold for 7-10 minutes.
Starchy- grind half of the potato on a grater;
- 1 egg.
We mix the ingredients. Apply to a cotton pad and apply on the upper eyelid for 7-10 minutes.

Method 3. Exercises for lifting the impending eyelid

More than half of the girls who regularly did compresses, masks and eyelid lift exercises noted that improvements were noticeable after 1 month of regular procedures. In addition to eyelid lift, there is an improvement in complexion and smoothing of fine wrinkles.

The following video instruction will help you cope with the problem of the impending eyelid with the regular exercise of the exercises indicated in it.

How to remove an overhanging eyelid: step by step exercises

Method 4. Makeup for eyes with an impending eyelid

The overhanging eyelid is easily corrected with makeup. To do this, it is important to follow a number of rules, for example:

  • the inner corners of the eye should always be made lighter, and the outer corners darker;
  • apply highlighter under the eyebrows to reduce the effect of a “sad” eyelid.

Today we are going to talk about common women's problem- hanging eyelid. Unfortunately, with age, this problem affects almost every woman, and if you do not make yourself plastic surgery, then you need to learn how to do the right makeup to hide this flaw in appearance.

It is worth noting right away that this problem cannot be called exclusively age-related, because the impending eyelid is also found in fairly young girls. In this case, this is a feature of the structure of the face and skin.

This feature, first of all, visually reduces the eye, which means it makes your look faded, and your eyes are simply invisible. It should be noted that it is the look of a woman that, first of all, catches the eye of others, and if it is completely inexpressive, you will be like an inconspicuous shadow among the rest.

For those who do not suffer from the problem in question, create perfect image with the help of cosmetics it is not difficult, but it is not so easy for the owners of the impending century to hide this flaw. First of all, such women need to try to make their eyes more expressive and open.

Some women who suffer from an impending eyelid choose for themselves a certain eyeshadow color that they think suits them best, and makes the look more expressive, and always use exclusively the selected shade.

This is not quite the right position, because professional makeup artists claim that even women with impending eyelids can paint different colors shadows and even draw arrows, the main thing is to know how to do it right.

Photo of eye makeup with an impending eyelid:

Makeup for the impending eyelid with eye enlargement

So, let's start discussing the topic - how to create beautiful eye makeup for drooping eyelids. First of all, you need to decide on the "tools" that we need for this:

As you can see, you will not need any special cosmetics or tools to hide this feature. Here, the main thing is to learn how to use all this correctly.

Let's get to the technology how to do eye makeup with an impending eyelid:

  1. I would like to note right away that in an effort to make perfect makeup for impending eyelids, do not forget that not only “painting” the eyelids can make the look expressive, it is very important to make up the eyebrows correctly. Even if yours are thin and light, try to make them longer and thicker with a black pencil. If their shape is arched, pay special attention to their alignment, also with an eyebrow pencil. Such a procedure will reduce the expressiveness of the impending century.

  1. The next step is to apply neutral shadows on the eyelid, which is mobile. In this case, it is necessary to paint the entire surface up to the eyebrow light, and best of all, beige shadows. It must be remembered that there should not be any clear outlines in the make-up of the impending century, because the main objective- smooth out the flaw, not highlight it. We shade the shadows very well, applying them to part of the eyebrow.

  1. In order to make the eyes expressive, in any case, you need dark shadows, and they will also come in handy in the make-up of the impending century. The first step is to start applying dark shadows from the outer corner of the moving eyelid. There is important nuance- all lines and movements with the brush should be made upwards, because the eyelid hangs so, and incorrect movements will lead to emphasizing this defect.
  2. From the outer corner, smoothly move the brush to the inner corner of the eye. Here it is important to draw a neat line on the border of the overhanging and moving century. Do not forget to shade all the cosmetics that you apply to the surface of the eye all the time, clear lines are completely inappropriate here.
  3. Let's move on to highlighting some areas of the eyelid: the eyelash growth zone, the area under the eyebrow, the inner corner of the eye. For these purposes, mother-of-pearl shadows of a light shade are perfect. The only area of ​​the three presented, on which you should not apply pearlescent shadows, is the area under the eyebrow, matte light shadows will be appropriate here.
  4. Do not forget about underlining the area under the eye with dark shadows. To complete the image, without fail it is necessary to highlight with dark shadows lower part eyes. We draw a neat line with dark shadows.
  5. To enlarge the eye, and this is the main goal of the make-up of the impending eyelid, it is necessary to draw a light pencil along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid.

  1. Now we can start drawing the arrow. For the impending century, it is necessary to draw an arrow very thin and neat. There is no need to round the arrow, and its ending should be fuzzy, like all the details of eye makeup with the problem in question.

  1. Mascara is applied to the eyelashes in the most last moment. This is the final stage of eye makeup. For an impending eyelid, mascara must be applied in a large and thick layer so that the eyelashes are as long as possible, then the impending eyelid will not be so conspicuous. Cosmetologists, as a rule, do not recommend painting over when creating any image. lower lashes, but in this case - applying mascara to the lower eyelashes is a mandatory process.

Proper eye makeup for drooping eyelids

If you know how to do the right makeup, then you will be able to easily hide the defects in your appearance, and make your facial features more attractive. Very often questions arise when creating makeup with impending eyelids. In this case, there are some rules that must be followed to create a beautiful make-up.

Of course, you can do blepharoplasty, which will solve the problem of the impending eyelid, but not everyone can afford it and not everyone will decide to undergo such an operation.

Rules for perfect makeup for the impending century:

  • In order to divert attention from impending eyelids, grow beautiful thick eyebrows. If this is not possible, for some reason, then emphasize them and increase them with an eyebrow pencil. Once again, we focus on the fact that makeup for a face with impending eyelids should not have clear contours, therefore, when drawing eyebrows, always blend cosmetics on them.
  • When painting the upper eyelid, you need to pick up several shades of the color of the shadows of your choice at once. dark tint highlight the outer corner of the eyelid, light - the inner. Neutral shades must be applied to the rest of the eyelid without fail.
  • With impending eyelids, you need to forget forever about clearly drawn lines on your face, this will only emphasize your flaw in the form of impending eyelids. And yet, matte shadows for application on impending eyelids are the best option available.

  • Remember, bold shadows only make your drooping eyelid heavier, making its size even more expressive.

Daily eye makeup with an impending eyelid

Let's start by looking at the difference between daytime and evening makeup. Daytime makeup involves the correct emphasizing of facial features and hiding flaws through light colors of cosmetics. It is foolish to walk around during the day with black eyes and bright red lips.

  1. Day makeup for the impending eyelid should hide the defect, but at the same time, not be too bright.
  2. So, to lift the crease of the eyelid, we need a palette of shadows of natural shades.
  3. Choose the lightest shade, apply to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid.
  4. We draw a fuzzy, feathered line along the natural crease of the eyelid with shadows that are a couple of tones darker than the previously selected color.

Makeup for green eyes with overhanging eyelids involves the selection of light shadows, but with green tint. Some think it's wrong, stress green color eyes with similar eyeshadow colors. But in fact, it is this color that is great for smoothing out the defect of the impending eyelid.

For makeup for blue eyes with an impending eyelid you can choose brown and blue shades. It should not be forgotten here that day makeup shades should be light. After the area of ​​the impending eyelid is highlighted, and natural crease selected, you can start drawing the eyeliner. With a pencil or eyeliner, you need to draw very thin arrow so that it visually reduces the impending eyelid.

Remember! Makeup for small eyes with an impending eyelid must be underlined with a thin arrow.

Evening eye makeup with an impending eyelid

As for evening make-up, everything here is similar to daytime, only the shadow palette can be chosen darker. bright shades before our eyes they are suitable for evening make-up: various parties, receptions, trips to theaters, cinemas, etc.

Makeup for round eyes with overhanging eyelids should correctly emphasize the roundness of the eyes and, at the same time, hide a clear defect:

Evening makeup for asian eyes with hanging eyelids might look like this:

It would seem, at times, that narrow eyes are difficult to emphasize correctly, but in fact, it is necessary to follow the above recommendations in order to successfully emphasize the dignity on the face and hide your flaws, in this case hanging eyelids.

Whatever shape of eyes you have, you can correct the flaws by proper makeup. Practice and following the tips will help you quickly create the perfect makeup and hide any problem.

Video: Eye makeup with an impending eyelid