Exit registration of marriage has become an excellent alternative to the usual celebration. How best to organize an exit registration of marriage

For many years, wedding ceremonies followed the same scenario: the registration process at the registry office, a walk through the memorable places of the city, a festive feast, the ransom of the bride, ... .. No one could even imagine that the holiday could be built in a different way.

Outdoor wedding is now very popular in Russia

Everything changed when Mexican melodramas began to appear on TV screens in the nineties of the last century. It became clear from the films that such an important event in the life of loving hearts can take place both in nature, and in a fairy-tale palace, and in a tent. It all depends on the preferences of the young.

Gradually, foreign traditions began to be transferred to our reality. They were borrowed by people who want to make their wedding original, not like others, standard ones.

Official field registration

Dreaming romantics should know that in Russia only marriages concluded in the registry office have legal force. A special entry is made in the accounting book confirming the birth of a new family.

Traditionally, marriage registration takes place at the registry office.

Representatives of a state institution can make an exception and hold a ceremony at home if one of the newlyweds is sick, which is confirmed by certificates. Some Moscow registry offices provide the service of official field registration, but it is carried out on the territory of certain museums, palaces, on a specified day of the week and in the summer.

If young people want their wedding to be special, there is also such a type of service as informal on-site registration. This, in most cases, is helped to organize by wedding agencies.

Registration of marriage abroad can be arranged in almost any corner of the country

You can arrange a memorable holiday in any corner of the globe, at any convenient time. It is best to do this with an official certificate of marriage registration in hand. That is, it is worth signing at the registry office, observing the formalities on any weekday, and exchanging rings and pronouncing sacred oaths in a festive atmosphere, in the presence of guests and a superbly organized on-site registration.

Field registration: what to consider when organizing?

Onsite Registration: Venue

It is better not to search for a place of celebration on your own, but to entrust this event to professionals in this field (wedding agencies). After listening to the wishes of a couple in love, they will select the most acceptable option. Registration in a small estate, castle, palace is considered a fashionable trend.

A beautiful tent is a great place for offsite wedding registration. The words spoken here by the future spouses will not leave any guest indifferent.

Beautifully decorated white wedding tent will not leave guests indifferent from the celebration

Exit registration in nature is the dream of many. This is the most budget option, close to many Russian citizens. A forest, a river bank, a beautiful meadow - what could be more beautiful.

Registration of marriage in the forest in thematic design

A wedding celebration on a ship will be considered a beautiful, romantic and memorable moment. There are many options. It all depends on the preferences of young people and their financial capabilities.

Outdoor wedding near the boat on the river

Exit registration: how to apply?

Traditionally, the venue of the celebration is decorated with an arch, which is made of natural or artificial flowers, balls, paper, fabric and many other materials.

The dynamics of the entire celebration, the mood of the young guests, largely depends on how it will be for the exit registration.

Beautiful wedding tent instead of an arch, decorated with flowers and chiffon fabric

In addition to this wedding attribute, you will need chairs, a carpet strewn with rose petals, which will lead future spouses to the altar.

On-site registration: celebration scenario

In order for the solemn ceremony to be held at the highest level, one should responsibly approach the development of the original script. It will be more interesting if a good friend, a relative with acting talent acts as a registrar.

Staged registration of marriage in nature near the castle

The ceremony can take place outside the box. In order for everything to work out, you should connect your imagination.

On-site registration: selection of musical accompaniment

Any holiday, and even more so a wedding, cannot pass without music. The melody should sound both at the moment the young people pass to the altar, and during the feast.

Musical accompaniment at an outdoor wedding

Depending on the wedding scenario and the tastes of the young, you can invite a DJ, a quartet, or even a brass band.

Check-in: how much does it cost?

Having decided to organize an exit registration, it is worth considering that the cost of such an event will be twice as expensive as the standard procedure that takes place within the walls of the registry office. However, if you take into account all the advantages of this event, the opportunity to spend incomparable moments of happiness, then you should agree. In addition, you can do it on the spot, because the nature surrounding the park, the estate is very beautiful.

Exit registration will definitely appeal to newlyweds who want to make their holiday original and memorable.

For many people, the wedding is the most important day in their lives. After all, a new cell of society is being created, and lovers want to remember this time forever. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the wedding day with all responsibility, carefully think over all the details so that there are no unpleasant situations in the process of marriage. Currently, increased attention is paid to the registration of marriage. Many newlyweds prefer to officially become husband and wife not in a traditional registry office, but somewhere in nature.

Exit registration of marriage has gained popularity after the release of numerous romantic foreign films, where lovers against the background of a beautiful landscape pronounce words of love to each other. However, in practice, there are a huge number of pitfalls, and to organize everything at the highest level, you will need to spend a lot of effort and patience. The scenario of exit registration stands apart in preparation. It needs to be carefully thought out and rechecked several times. Read more about this below.

What it is?

To give you an idea of ​​what an exit registration is, let's outline a few facts. Firstly, this type of ceremony will cost more than a traditional wedding. Some people are ready to immediately refuse the offer after that. However, if you really strive to make this day unforgettable, then you do not need to save on the most crucial moment. After all, you can sacrifice something else, not so obligatory. Carrying out an exit marriage registration will not hit your pocket so hard as to give up your dream.

Secondly, it is quite difficult to organize this event. In fact, preparation is required serious, but it's worth it. Here you can also find advantages, because you don’t have to wait in line at the registry office or are afraid to be late for the ceremony. No one will tell you how to stand up and what to say.

Thirdly, exit registration of marriage is a great opportunity for creative people to show their imagination. In a traditional situation, you will not be able to do this, where the scenario has not changed for a long time. On the road, you can come up with everything yourself or use the services of the organizer.

Fourth, the comfort of the guests. Invited people will feel free, they do not need to crowd in the registry office hall, you can place them so that everyone has enough chairs, and the main event takes place in plain sight.

Organization of exit registration of marriage

Everyone understands that creating and inventing the whole process from scratch is quite difficult. For this, there are professional organizers who will help make your holiday unforgettable. And yet, if a person decides to try to do it himself, then you need to use the following tips:

  • The venue of the celebration is a rather important condition for a beautiful ceremony. It should not pose a danger, such as a cliff over the sea. It is better to choose a beautiful lawn where you can accommodate all the guests, a table and an arch.
  • A host with charisma and professionalism is able to make the evening wonderful. Therefore, you should be responsible for the choice of the person who will lead the event.
  • The buffet table is an obligatory attribute of exit registration. After all, guests can get hungry, and a small snack will not hurt the bride and groom.
  • The offsite registration scenario does not have to be boring and dull. To do this, you should not stretch the words of congratulations and gratitude for half a day, you can organize it.
  • Music and decorations should be prepared in advance so that by the time the newlyweds arrive, everything is ready to start.

How is the exit registration of marriage?

It is worth noting that you have the right to independently decide how exactly this event will take place. However, there is a certain template that almost all newlyweds use. We will talk about the celebration itself in some detail, but first we will outline everything in a nutshell. Registration begins immediately after the arrival of lovers at the venue. Usually the ceremony is held either on the day of the wedding, or a day earlier. However, it is recommended to do this when there is a certificate for exit registration of marriage in your hands. It does not differ from the usual, it is simply issued in a different place.

First the guests arrive and the registrar seats them: the first two rows are occupied by close relatives and friends, then people sit down in a chaotic manner. Everyone is waiting for the appearance of lovers. As soon as they arrive at the place, the actual registration process begins. The exit of the bride and groom is a separate art, sometimes they come to the altar hand in hand. But it is interesting when various chips are invented. The registrar makes his speech, then the bride and groom make vows of love, after which they confirm their agreement with the word “yes”, fix it with a kiss, exchange rings. As you can see, the official part of the offsite registration scenario is not much different from the usual marriage procedure. But you can try to get creative.

Groom's exit

The most creative people carefully think over every step, so the appearance of lovers makes the guests sincerely surprised by such an original approach. Before the groom approaches the altar, his friends line up in front of the archway. After that, one of the heroes of the occasion appears. He can come out both to applause and to specially selected music for the exit registration of marriage. Of course, the second option is much more interesting, as it allows you to use your imagination.

For example, to energetic music, the groom may appear as a dashing guy, emphasizing this with his body movements. If you want a more discreet exit, then the famous work from the James Bond films is suitable for accompaniment. The groom in this case should be dressed appropriately and move to the altar with a confident gait of a courageous person. If you are a romantic, then you can choose a classic composition.

The exit of the bride

If the groom must show his strength, then the bride, on the contrary, restraint and modesty. Before the exit itself, close girlfriends stand along the arch, anticipating the main event of the evening. The option when the bride is taken to the altar by her father looks very romantic and touching.

It will also look beautiful to go to your chosen one, accompanied by small children, in whose hands there will be bouquets of flowers. They can scatter roses along the path, which will look spectacular. A good option is when a child leads the bride by the hand, and then hands it to the groom. If you are an energetic and mega-positive girl, you can go out to rhythmic music and beat this moment with body movements. But it is worth remembering that this will require appropriate clothing, so this option looks rather controversial.

Exit registration of marriage in Moscow has already become commonplace. And talented presenters have been earning good money for a long time. But it is difficult to find such a person. The role of the leader cannot be overestimated, therefore, his choice must be taken with all responsibility.


The host's speech becomes the culmination of the event, a lot depends on it. Guests remember the last stage, and if you fail it, then the impression of the entire ceremony of exit registration of marriage may be spoiled. The text should be written for this event, and correspond to its spirit.

Many hosts use a little trick: they talk about the first meeting of lovers. This is practically a win-win option, because it is impossible not to be touched by such words. The guests will meet the story with approval, and the newlyweds will also remember the wonderful moments of their acquaintance.

The speech of the host should be unique each time, but there are common points that are observed in one hundred percent of cases:

  • the statement begins with a greeting to the lovers and guests of the event;
  • then, addressing the newlyweds specifically, the host asks if they are ready to connect their lives with each other;
  • asks to pronounce oaths;
  • then, while the newlyweds exchange rings, the announcement of the creation of a new family.

The text for the exit registration of marriage can be written in different ways, it depends on the specifics of the event and its style. Here are some basic options:

  1. Touching. This material aims to make the guests tear up, emotionally press, but at the same time tell about the most beautiful love story of the newlyweds.
  2. Romantic. Here, special attention is paid to details, beautiful words and congratulations. However, there is a fine line between the memorized text of a registry office employee and the romantic speech of a professional presenter.
  3. With humor. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. You can add a few good jokes to the speech, but they should not be vulgar. You should not pour humor every second, just enough to cheer up the guests and set them in the right mood.

Venue for the ceremony

Where to conduct exit registration of marriage? The answer to this question depends only on the flight of your imagination. In theory, this event can be organized anywhere in the world, the main thing is that there is enough money.

Our task is to tell you about the most popular places for the ceremony. Among them:

  1. Glade in the forest. The atmosphere is just a fairy tale: there are trees around, fresh air, birdsong is heard, flowers are everywhere. The table, chairs and arch can be placed anywhere. The only thing you need to make sure that the grass does not stain the bride's dress.
  2. Beach. A very romantic place, waves are splashing in the background, you can feel the sea breeze. Only sand is not a good road for the bride, so it is recommended to install a special platform.
  3. Locks. Expensive, but you will not find a more luxurious place. Lovers will feel like a prince and princess, because registration will take place in a historic estate.
  4. A restaurant. This is a more versatile place, given the fact that almost all restaurants have a courtyard where you can organize everything. If it suddenly started to rain, you can transfer to the room to continue the banquet.
  5. Motor ship. The option is pretty good, because what could be more romantic. You are slowly floating, and there are unforgettable views around, and this is the happiest day of your life.

How to arrange an event?

If you organize your own holiday, then this question is completely up to you. Making an exit registration of marriage is a matter of taste and preference. You can hire a special person who will tell you what and how best to decorate. Fortunately, there are no problems with this at present. There are a huge number of companies that are engaged in organizing and decorating the holiday.

If we talk about the classic version, then there is almost always a beautiful arch, decorated with natural and artificial flowers. You can also add various balls, ribbons, etc. The arch is almost the main attribute of the exit registration, so you should take its design seriously. As for the path that leads to the altar, it can be decorated in the same way as the arch. The direction is determined by the theme of your celebration. Usually the path is decorated with flowers, candles, beautiful fabric and other interesting details.

Exit registration of marriage in Moscow has gained popularity. Therefore, you can use ready-made designs, simply adapting them to your event.

Choice of host

Above, we have already talked about the importance of the role of the person who represents the triumph. He alone is able to put on a show that guests will never forget. Official exit registration of marriage in the Moscow region or in any other place will be held at the highest level if there is a competent master of ceremonies. He can ignite the guests, tune them to the right wave, and the celebration will be held at the highest level.

Anyone can read a text prepared in advance without expression, but only professionals can beautifully present their speech so that everyone's heart trembles. If you have a specific ceremony, then you can invite the leading theater actor to play any role. It may look quite interesting, but most people still prefer the classic version. The presenter must be dressed in a suit, have a sense of humor, charisma, and be able to present his text to others with expression. Do not underestimate the role of the registrar, it is better to take this matter seriously right away and find a qualified master of ceremonies.

Choice of musical accompaniment

In fact, lovers have two options: live and non-live music. The second option is the most commonly used, as it is much cheaper and you can make a playlist of the songs you like. Music for the exit registration of marriage should be romantic, setting guests up for the solemnity of the ceremony. You can not do without the main melody of weddings - Mendelssohn's march.

If you have the financial means, then try to invite a live orchestra to register. Feelings will be completely different, because such music is more inspiring, and it sounds quite beautiful. Such a step will create a special atmosphere of celebration, and the event is doomed to success.

outdoor ceremony

To give you an idea of ​​how this event really goes, we will give an example scenario for on-site registration. It should be noted right away that if you do not have experience, it is better to entrust the organization of the holiday to an experienced professional, because he will be able to coordinate the celebration and hold it at the highest level.

To begin with, we will tell you how the gathering of guests takes place. They arrive in advance, always in different ways, so the administrator who meets the guests must be in place in advance. After the arrival of guests, they are escorted to the recreation and entertainment area. There it is necessary to arrange a buffet table in case someone gets hungry. The gathering of guests usually takes about half an hour, expect about this time. When there are 5-7 minutes left before the start of registration, the administrator invites guests to take their seats.

Then comes the main moment of the event - the painting of the newlyweds. In most cases, it happens in much the same way. The master of ceremonies is the first to approach the altar, greets all the guests and announces the beginning of the celebration. After that, the groom's friends and bridesmaids line up along the arch, organizing a kind of corridor. It's time for the groom to appear. His exit is discussed in advance, usually this happens to the music. After that, the bride appears on the red carpet.

Then, when everything is in place, the master of ceremonies begins to broadcast his prepared speech with a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulations and laudatory words. The presenter asks the newlyweds to exchange rings, and put murals on the wedding certificate. It's time for lovers to make their vows. They prepare them in advance, you need to follow the rule: it must be sincere, and not for long. Otherwise, the guests will get bored. The host announces the creation of a new family, the newlyweds dance the first dance, and at this time they are sprinkled with rose petals.


People deal with this issue in different ways. For some, a photo session is an obligatory part of the celebration, while for some it is enough to take a few photos with their spouse and parents. In the first case, the newlyweds are photographed against the backdrop of nature for about an hour, while connecting other guests. The advantage of this method is that in the end there will be many pictures that you can look at and remember this beautiful day in the future. The second option is also acceptable, because it will be possible to start celebrating the wedding as soon as possible.

Many do it this way: first, a photo shoot, and then the official registration of marriage. But in this case, it is convenient to hold the ceremony at the registry office. But if you decide to fulfill your dream and sign against the backdrop of nature or a beautiful beach, then you can take pictures there.

The wedding day should be remembered for a long time, because this is a very important event, the organization of which must be carefully prepared. A couple in love forms a unit of society, which is called a family. Exit registration of marriage will help to leave an indelible impression, because you yourself create it and can fulfill all your desires.

Marriage registration is one of the most important and exciting moments of the wedding day. Recently, newlyweds prefer an exit ceremony of marriage registration, despite the fact that its cost is much higher than the classic version. A wedding in nature or in another non-standard place will surely be remembered for many years by the newlyweds and guests, and will also be a great start to the life of two lovers together. This is an opportunity to make dreams come true and spend an unforgettable day.


The place for exit registration should be chosen based on your own preferences and style of the wedding. Show your imagination, ask your friends for advice - there will definitely be something suitable in your city.

The site offers several interesting options:

  1. By the water. A popular option is the organization of exit registration on the seashore. Also a great place is the bank of a river or lake. A pier or bridge can play the role of a stage.

  2. In the woods. In summer, wide crowns of trees will create the necessary shade and coolness. The autumn forest will enchant with a riot of bright colors.

  3. Botanical Garden. An abundance of flowers and herbs will be a great decoration for an outdoor ceremony, but you will need permission.
  4. Museum and historical buildings. The unique atmosphere will make your celebration intriguing and refined. In order to organize an exit registration of marriage in such places, you will need permission from the administration.

  5. Yacht or ship. A wedding on the water is beautiful and romantic. Please note that the water mode of transport is relevant only during the spring-summer period.

  6. Vacation home. If you want to have a wedding in nature, you can rent a cottage or cottage. Here you can not only register, but also organize a banquet and accommodate non-resident guests.
  7. Palace or manor. For a classic wedding, a chic old palace or manor is perfect.

  8. Hotel. Carrying out exit registration on the territory of the hotel will save you from such troubles as organizing a buffet table and placing guests. The hotel staff will help you with this.

  9. The roof of a high-rise building. Holding a wedding on the roof of the building will undoubtedly impress all the guests.
  10. In the air. If you dream of exchanging rings in the air, you can use a balloon for this. And the guests will meet you on the ground. An extreme idea is to get married while skydiving.
  11. Places for active recreation. It can be a golf club, a stadium or a tennis court.

  12. In the mountains. A romantic place with breathtaking landscapes is a great idea for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Any creative ideas can be appropriate for an exit marriage registration, because only you decide how your wedding will go.

Time spending

Traditionally, registration takes place during the day, but exceptions are possible. It depends on the style of your wedding and the location of the registration. Arranging a wedding ceremony after sunset gives room for imagination in terms of scenery. Candles, light bulbs and garlands will make your celebration magical and fabulous.

Greetings to all those who are interested in the question: how is the exit registration of marriage? In this article, I will dwell on it in more detail, touching on the pros and cons of the organization, and I will also analyze step by step how to make it perfect.

The request for such a wedding is most in demand today, as many young couples strive to get as many unforgettable emotions as possible from holding the most solemn and important event in their lives.

How does everything happen? Where to start if you decide? Do it yourself or contact an organizing agency? - these are the main questions that concern every couple interested in an exit marriage.

Let's now step by step analyze the process of conducting and find out what it is.

The main question that interests every couple is how much does it cost?

To begin with, the price is a purely individual moment, which is influenced by many factors, ranging from the venue to the one who will organize everything, you yourself or a professional agency.

You can, of course, do everything on your own, but then a group of close people will miss most of the ceremony, doing preparations and preparations, including the one who will lead the program as a host. They will not be able, like other guests, to relax and enjoy the process of the ceremony.

How to save

There are options for how to save on decoration details, but leave the organization to professionals.

Partial decoration: invitations, a folder or tree of wishes, a chest for money and other accessories, including chairs for the platform, you can take on. By making it with my own hands.

We create beauty with the help of nature

I can offer one of the budget options for an outdoor wedding, when the setting and natural beauty do the main decoration for you.

Choose a seashore or a picturesque reservoir as a site, focusing on the natural landscape. Here it will be enough to place a semblance of an arch, it can be made from any improvised materials, for example, branches decorated with flowers, slightly draped with fabric under the thematic palette. Decorate the aisle with posts located on either side of it and connected by the same light airy fabric.

Decorate the registration table with blue pebbles, shells. If desired, add marine paraphernalia, although this is enough. Even rings can be put in shells, which will look very organic and aesthetically pleasing. Live guitar playing is perfect as musical accompaniment, perhaps your relative or friend knows how to play, it will be perfect. The guitar has always been associated with romance and will fit perfectly here.

At the end, launch balloons into the sky, symbolizing a long, unknown, but such a long-awaited path to a new life together.

Why not the plot of a romantic ceremony? You can beat him as you like by adding some of your chips. Only the registrar is paid, possibly a part-time leader.

Moving away from standards in search of emotions

They can also be held in banquet halls, restaurants, highlighting a zone there (beautifully designed) for the place of registration. As an option, in the form of the same arch, decorated with compositions of flowers or balls - but keep in mind that this option is already going down in history.

Particularly relevant are enclosed spaces in the winter-autumn period. The main thing here is the process itself, a theatrical performance with an emotional component. Of course, such rituals do not have legal force, but this makes them no less in demand. People are tired of standards, they want emotions, vivid impressions.

Where would you like to register? Write in the comments.

Place, registration area

It is better to hold an official wedding the day before, or a few days before the unofficial one, then you can calmly, without being distracted by anything, devote yourself completely to preparing for the holiday, including creating your own image.

I advise you to choose a place near the banquet area - restaurants or hotel areas, as a result, you do not have to think about transporting guests to the banquet place, which will save time and money.

Moreover, due to the proximity, you can easily solve technical issues such as lighting, if the celebration is in the evening, and musical accompaniment, if not live music.

Site decor

The decor of the site is usually trusted to designers and includes the placement, paths leading to the arch and the installation of the arch itself.

Lead, Registrar

I advise you to choose one professional host or toastmaster who can conduct, including the rite itself, filling it with an emotional context.

Usually, such a presenter himself selects the music, taking into account the preferences of the bride and groom, as well as the speech, diluting it with touching moments taken from the life situations of the young, prescribes the scenario according to which the event takes place. Be sure to talk with him all the main points of the script, orienting him in what you definitely do NOT want to see at your celebration, so you can also save some intrigue for yourself.


Take care of a buffet table, light drinks to brighten up the leisure of guests, while waiting for the procession.

Musical accompaniment

Especially solemnly at such moments, live music sounds, performed on a harp, saxophone or a slender quartet, although it is usual on modern equipment, it sounds no worse. Moreover, the couple, in this case, will be able to choose exactly the melody that symbolizes events from their lives, for example, the day they met or a marriage proposal and, possibly, other important events.

Exit the young

The exit of the young can be in several ways, so think over and decide which one is closer to you:

  • First, the friends of the young people come out, then the groom, and then the bride, accompanied by her father.
  • The newlyweds go out together, and in front of them is a child scattering rose petals

The presence of a child at such events adds touching atmosphere. By the way, he or she can then take out the wedding rings. Sometimes there are very funny moments with children, here is a selection of them to cheer you up (watch to the end):

Recorder's speech

The registrar's speech is probably one of the reasons for choosing the ceremony. Precisely beautiful, individual, built on the feelings of a couple, it is the basis of a successful event.

And therefore, when considering which of them to take - from the registry office or offered by the agency, consider what you would like to receive as a result. Standard procedure, with memorized phrases or unusual, vivid emotions, which include the oath of the young.

Vows of the bride and groom

It turns out that it is not an easy task to find the right words. Many are trying to follow a simple path and take ready-made phrases from the Internet, perhaps even beautiful, but already boring, stereotyped, then how will this differ from the speech of a registry office employee?

Are you creating your own unique wedding? Then put in some effort. To do this, you do not need to write an essay, just talk about your feelings, perhaps about the day you met and the impressions that you had about how you plan to live your life together and take an oath that you will carry your feelings through the years.

Moreover, in a few words, without delaying the process, you can rely on leaflets-tips, it's okay, I think the guests will understand the excitement of the moment. When the last thoughts fly out of my head, what to say about thoughtful words.

Presentation of rings and ceremonies

Then the rings are put on and begin. Sprinkling with petals, congratulating guests, releasing doves or balloons into the sky.

Also, the bride can say goodbye to her maiden name by writing it on a helium balloon and releasing it into the sky.

Family photo session

After that, the family photo session begins. If it takes place in nature, then any bush, landscape view, is easily played up turning into a photo zone.

An unusual but fun conclusion will be a flash mob, when fervent music plays, the newlyweds begin to dance to it, and then some guests or relatives who have previously rehearsed the dance join them.

After that, everyone moves together to the banquet hall, where the festive event continues.

There is no bad weather

I would like to touch on another not unimportant aspect. Consider the weather factor. If this registration is in nature, then be sure to provide for some additional nearby area with a canopy, or in case of emergency. If the problem is with the sun, then prepare umbrellas so that the guests do not fry, constantly thinking only about where to hide from the scorching rays, but enjoy the solemn part.

If you do not want to think through the small details yourself, look for the lead registrar, think about the scenery, then you can contact the organization agency, where everything will be done for you, coordinating only certain points. They themselves will create a celebration plan, select the right venue, a restaurant for a banquet, and you will be offered a ready-made option.

I will end with this. If you have questions, ask, leave comments. I will be glad to answer them. Share the article with your friends on social media. networks and do not forget to subscribe to updates. Bye Bye.