Why the mouth does not open. Does not open to the end

Due to the fact that the lower jaw can move, we are able to chew food, reproduce various sounds and talk. Together with temple bones It forms the temporomandibular joint, with a violation of which its movements are limited, up to the inability to fully open and close the mouth. Such a state can be described as "jaw". Let's figure it out why this state may arise and what to do if the jaw is jumped.

We understand the causes of pathology

If the jaw is jumped, then a person cannot open his mouth wide. In this case, they talk about the violation of the work of the joint responsible for the movement of the jaw - the temporomandibular (hereinafter, we will use the ENCH abbreviation). This is a sophisticated pair joint. Its articular heads on both sides of the jaw bone are moving at the same time, and the functioning of only one of them is impossible. Consists of a joint from the articular depression, a tubercle and processes lower jaw. At the same time, the surfaces of the fossa and the process do not correspond to each other, thereby ensuring the high mobility of the joint.

Under the Dysfunction of the ENCH, they imply any pathology associated with its work. According to medical statistics, 70% of people have the pathology of the ENCH, while suffering from them can both adults and children.

Why do problems with the work of the ENCH?

Violation of the work of the joint is manifested by problems with the mobility of the jaw.

Answers to the question why enters the jaw, there are several, as well as the theories of occurrence eNCH dysfunction. According to one of them, problems with the dental apparatus lead to pathology:

  • incorrectly conducted teeth treatment or prosthetics;
  • and the rampant teeth caused by them;
  • jaw injuries associated, for example, with the use of too hard food;
  • anomalies of dental rows.

The second theory is Moiogenic - it suggests that the reasons for the Dysfunction of the ENCH, and, accordingly, why the person enters the jaw, consist of problems with facial muscles. These include tonic spasm, overloading muscles in case of chewing (especially with a tendency to chew on one side), an increased speech load (in people whose profession is associated with speeches in public).

According to the third theory - psychogenic - ENCh dysfunction develops due to violations by the Central nervous system. Overvoltage caused nervous stressReflects on the work of the muscles of the face and mobility of the joint.

IMPORTANT: a person may have a congenital predisposition to the development of ENCH dysfunction, for example, if it has such anatomical feature The structure of the joint, as the mismatch of the dimensions of the joint heads and the pits.

How do symptoms of pathology manifest?

Symptoms of violation of the work of the ENCH is diverse. First of all, it painfulness In the neck, head, ears. Directly in the joint nerve endings No, so the joint itself is not able to hurt. But it is possible to appear discomfort in the so-called trigger points located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jaws, neck, temples, cheeks. A person can feel squeezing eyes, toothache.

One of the key symptoms pathologies of the ENCH - Jaw jaw. The patient cannot fully open or close the mouth, and in order to move the jaw, he needs to catch the very position in which the joint "crushes". To determine this position, it has to move the jaw to the right and left. Sometimes, when I find this position, a click is distributed.

Another symptom characteristic of the pathology is clicked in the joint. It occurs when the mouth is opened, eating, yawning. Clicks are very loud, then they are heard around. Among the others sound effects Patients celebrate crunch and cotton.

The secondary symptoms observed in the pathology of the ENCH, refers:

  • problems with sleep;
  • irritability;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of mood;
  • noise in ears;
  • xerostomy;
  • snore;
  • muscle pain (especially with bruxism);
  • twitching eye muscles;
  • reduction of vision;
  • paresthesia.

What if you jumped jaw?

Such a state, as blocking the joint, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly, for example, jaw jaw after strong scream. Therefore, it is important to know how to provide first aid at this condition. Good effect renders warm compressplaced to the place of damage. It can be a bottle filled hot water, warmer. You can also use cold - ice, bottle with cold waterWrapped with a towel. but cold compress It is impossible to keep a patient for more than 15 minutes. You can repeat the procedure no earlier than an hour.

For removal owl syndrome You can take painkillers from the NSAID category. Popular representatives: ibuprofen, paracetamol, analgin. Possible method of minelaxants.

Important: At the first opportunity, visit the doctor! When problems with the functioning of the joint, you need to contact the maxillofacial surgeon or the orthopedic dentist.

Treatment of pathologies of the ENCH

During the treatment of the pathologies of the ENCH, it is important to reduce the load on it. To do this, it is recommended to exclude hard, hard food from dietary, hard food, try not to overload the jaws with long conversations, avoid too wide opening of the mouth.

As for the reception of medicines, they can be assigned:

  • nonteroidal analgesics;
  • sedatives;
  • antidepressants;
  • glucocorticosteroids in the form of intra-articular injections;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

Physiotherapy methods, such as:

  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasonic impact;
  • industothermia.

A good effect can have a massage and mogymnastics. Perhaps use of needleflexotherapy.

The complex is carried out dental treatment, the purpose of which is to create conditions for proper closure of teeth. To do this, teeth can be displaced, tump seals, prosthetics and bruquet bite correction are carried out.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes a carriage wearing, preventing the erase of teeth during sleep and removing myofascial syndrome. Kappa looks like a silicone lining, it is manufactured for a patient individually.

In efficiency of conservative treatment, surgical methods can be applied.

Jaw jaw when dislocate

One more possible reason Jaw jaw - her dislocation. Pathology is found quite often, which is explained by the simplicity of damage. You can dislocate the jaw when chewing too hard food or a wide mouth disclosure, for example, when yawning. Dislocation call a condition at which the articular head slips out of its fifth. Precede this can:

  • injuries in the area of \u200b\u200bthe teeth;
  • excessive opening of the mouth when yawn, cry, singing, etc.;
  • habit of opening the bottle of teeth;
  • careless dental treatment;
  • anatomical features of the structure of the joint (shallow fossa, weak ligaments).

It happens one-sided and double-sided. In the first case, the victim feels that he jumped the jaw to the right or left. But more often the bilateral dislocation occurs, in which the symptoms are felt immediately from two sides.

Discast symptoms are more often observed on both sides.

Symptoms of dislocation

You can recognize dislocation by the following symptoms:

  • talk, chew, swallow food and saliva, as well as perform other familiar actions related to the movements of jaws, becomes difficult;
  • increasing salivation;
  • in the joint area, pain appear;
  • the jaw looks overwhelmed, offset, the mouth is not closed to the end.

How do dislocations go?

If the jaw jumped on one side (left or right), dislocation is produced without anesthesia. Bilateral dislocation must be edited under anesthesia. There are several methods of treatment of dislocation: hypocratic method, Blechman-Gershuni, Possec. Regardless of the choice of the method, during the manipulation, the doctor returns the joint head into the fossa.

The state in which the jaw cries, is dangerous and requires a professional medical care. Do not try to fix the situation yourself and restore the mobility of the joint, so you can only harm yourself.

03.09.2014, 19:57

Hello, dear doctors!

I am 22 years old, no children, there are no injuries, moderate stress.
For the first time my problem arose in the winter of 2013, then at some point I realized that I could not open the mouth not to the maximum, but on more than 1 finger. But this symptom passed in 5 minutes, and I safely forgot about this case. I remembered about it in the spring of 2014, when the mouth jammed more than 3 hours. I applied to the trauma parcel at the place of residence where I refused to hold consultations, explaining that if there were no injuries - it was not for them. I turned to the dentist - there also refused, sent to the maxillofacial surgeon. In terms of insurance, they do not take me, all receptions are paid.
In this connection, I appeal to you for an independent advice - to whom I will go and with what about expectations:
Previously, the symptoms lasted not more than 3 hours - if the jaw "knocked" in the evening, as a rule, everything went through.
Now, I can't open the mouth of the mouth normally for a maximum of 2 fingers, while the jaw leaves the right side.
Tell me, please, what it can be, why should I be able to prepare morally and what budget to count on.
Thank you!

05.09.2014, 08:03

If there was a direction in chlx, it is necessary to go to a consultation without insurance. What budget to calculate that for the diagnosis without seeing you. meaningless.

05.09.2014, 10:21

To get a direction to chlx, yesterday I went to a dentist surgeon into a commercial clinic. He said, this is not dislocated, when dislocation, the jaw does not close, and does not open. I wrote me a diagnosis: "Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Holy syndrome. Restriction of the opening of the mouth."
Says it is probably due to the fact that my teeth misunderstand, and therefore I tired my joint to exhaustion, and now there inflammatory process and etc.
Says, you need to put my teeth into place.
But he does not know how to treat it and sends me to chlx.

Believe him? On the ENCH. They write that they dislocate is and then when the mouth does not open.

He said that the problem is already deserted ..

To you the question of the following (as long as I look for chlx): one MRI is enough?
Or make TRG / OKTG? What more accurately diagnoses the problem?

Thank you!

05.09.2014, 10:31

if there is a problem with the ENCH, of course MRI, and if it is necessary to be the rutologists, orthodontists, and Ortho and TRG and the cast.

07.09.2014, 18:30

If the mouth closed and does not open - the disk already fell. You have not so much time to find a doctor and try to put it wrong. Without seeing the photos of the teeth and face (the profile especially) is generally difficult to say about the reasons.

07.09.2014, 18:32

For an answer to your question, information is necessary.
1. Orthopantomogram (panoramic picture) and side TRG (skull snapshot side)
2. Photo smiles
3. Photo with closed teeth (close all the teeth) in front, right and left. In the photo on the right and left should be visible to the teeth from the central cutter to the sixth.
4. Family faces in the FAS and profile. Conditions: Teeth are tightly compressed as always (without putting forward), the lips are as relaxed as much as possible, the head and the neck are also relaxed, the look right in itself in the mirror or infinity.

09.09.2014, 12:32

Dear force,

A little time - how much? month? two?
What happens if you do not have time to put it in place? Please please you, do not give me blurry wording, but to say than exactly it threatens me. I am very worried.

I discharged on Thursday to MRI to Professor Riden.
Tell me, a picture of MRI will be more or less informative than orthopantomogram and side TRG? If less, then tell me where I better do the above diagnostic procedures?

I will make photos and attach along with the results.
Please answer clear words to the first part of my message.
I am very disturbing. All my life I am treated from unknown, poorly diagnosed and treatable diseases. I do not want to repeat the previous mistakes and I want to collect maximum information before carrying out specific manipulations with your joints, bones, teeth, ETS.

Thank you so much for the response, help and information!

Yours faithfully,

09.09.2014, 13:01

For lack of pictures, I attach photos. Maybe, taking into account your professionalism, you can say something on them, in any case, I really count on it:

2) photo smiles
[References can only see registered and activated users] ([Links can only see registered and activated users])

3) with closer teeth

In front
[References can only see registered and activated users] ([Links can only see registered and activated users])
[References can only see registered and activated users] ([Links can only see registered and activated users])
-On right
[References can only see registered and activated users] ([Links can only see registered and activated users])

4) in FAS
[References can only see registered and activated users] ([Links can only see registered and activated users])
-On right
[References can only see registered and activated users] ([Links can only see registered and activated users])

Also demonstrating how much mouth
[References can only see registered and activated users] ([Links can only see registered and activated users])
(I really tried it)

If you open in a relaxed state, it moves the side and looks horror about so

Comment if you can please

09.09.2014, 23:05

You can MRI to assess the position of the disks and their quality, but it would be nice and 3D-CT at the same time make to understand the true premises. I think the reason for the removed teeth and the forced "tailoring" position of the lower jaw.

14.09.2014, 19:33

Made MRI and CLT.
Check your private messages.

Thank you!

29.09.2014, 02:35

Judging by the photographs, we are talking about the right-sided sublifting of the articular disk. It is mixed by the Kepenti from the head of the lower jaw and gives your symptoms. Your posture is important (the head is strongly shifted forward) that is. Speech can go about the shift of the lower jaw of the Zada. Perhaps the causes of chronic stress, a car accident for the last 1-2 years, etc. Although now it is more important to return the disk to the place. Here you need the help of a neuromuscane dentist and osteopath.

01.10.2014, 18:16

And why the patient is a neuromyshek dentist and especially osteopath? What testimony? Or would you just send?

Ku from below, on the 6th day the phlegmon began, operated on, stitched, seam no longer bothers. But now the problem can not fully open the mouth for three weeks, it hurts terribly and goes a little in the side. Is it developed that you need to do for this and for what time? Thanks in advance!

Dental response:

After a long limitation of the mobility of the joint, it is necessary to uniformly develop it to return the initial freedom of movements. For this purpose, a complex of measures consisting of mogymnastics, physiotherapy and massage of interested areas is used. All these measures appoint your doctor.
With respect, Korzhov Ivan Sergeevich!

Hello, my daughter for 3 years already for 4 days can not get to the end, constantly opens the mouth to go out, but it does not work and so it does not allow several times. What could it be? Thanks in advance.

The dentist answers the question: - does not open

Hello! Perhaps this is due to some overvoltage mental planIf you are worried about, refer to the neurologist.

Does not open to the end

Good day . I do not open my mouth to the end. I did not remove the tooth of wisdom. Maybe yawned something wrong. It became painful to chew. Tell me, what doctor to contact me and what is it?

The dentist answers the question: - does not open to the end

To the one who is engaged in the pathology of the temporomandibular joint. But at least you need 3D computer tomography Sustain hold.

Does not open

Hello! My father is 49 years old. In 2003, he was diagnosed with 1st stage of cancer Roto-naso-pharynx ( right side glands). Prescribed treatment: point irradiation 60 Gray and 3 courses of chemotherapy. At the end of the exposure rate began closing the mouth. In 2006, the teeth began to crumble, the mouth opened on 2 cm., And in 2010 - already on 1 cm. Doctors did not say anything to it, but they were still appointed chemotherapy, but the father refused to pass it and now does not accept anything. They began to train the jaw massage and the opening of the mouth 20 times 3 times a day. The mouth was revealed with 0.5 cm. up to 1 cm, but when opening the jaw, muscles reduces. Please tell me what exercises and procedures are necessary for the development of jaw muscles!
Thank you!

Dental response:

Hello. It is necessary to seem in full-time consultation in the Special Office in scientific centersFor example, MGMS, TsNNIIS is either regional.