Lithotherapy session with preschoolers. Non-traditional methods of working with preschool children. Lithotherapy. General conditions for organizing sand therapy

Psychological correction of emotional disorders in children is mainly aimed at alleviating emotional discomfort, increasing their activity and independence, eliminating secondary personal reactions caused by emotional disorders, such as aggressiveness, increased excitability, anxious suspiciousness, etc.

As you know, in preschool age, the leading activity is play. At the same time, on an individual basis, play does not always come first. There are children who love to draw, sculpt, design. With them, the correction must be carried out using precisely these types of activities. And children are very fond of experimenting. This is due to the fact that visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking is inherent in them, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age characteristics.

Playing with sand, clay, stones and other natural material "revives" the child's genetic memory. It is known that the first games appeared as a result of human interaction with nature. The healing powers of nature, minerals, the centuries-old experience of our ancestors should and can be widely used to work with children.

Lithotherapy - (from the Greek lithos - stone and therapia - treatment) treatment with minerals.

Types of lithotherapy:

Gemma therapy - treatment with precious stones.

Crystal therapy - healing by wearing crystals.

Gastrolithotherapy - treatment with stones formed in the internal cavities of animals, etc.

When it comes to lithotherapy, most often it means massage and meditation. Lithotherapy and gemma therapy are used in work with children with special educational needs.

There is a program for the aesthetic and psychoemotional development of children by means of lithotherapy and color therapy "Gems" by Elena Prokopyevna Plyaskina, a teacher-psychologist in the city of Chita. In the book by T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva and T.M. Grabenko "Correctional, developmental and adaptive games", great attention is paid to games with sand and stones.

Working with stones is not an isolated task, but is an additional part of the general complex of correction of emotional and personal disorders in children.

Using the example of one lesson, we will get acquainted with some techniques of working with a stone.

Algorithm of the lesson.

Warm-up - greeting and exercises to establish contact, a motivating element (fairy tale, conversation).

2. The main part - games, exercises, elements of psycho-gymnastics, projective drawing, experiment.

3. Summing up the results of the lesson - reflection, the ritual of farewell.

Lesson "Ordinary in stone".

Part 2.

Traveling to the world of stone is a very exciting and exciting experience. Studying the stones, you definitely go to the distant past of our planet. There are countless different stones on earth: beautiful and not so, of different colors and shapes. All these stones are older than us, they keep many secrets and mysteries. Let's go on a journey through the world of stones? (Yes.)

(Slide "The Knight at the Crossroads").

If you go to the right, you will find a large stone. If you go straight, you will find a lot of stones. If you go to the left, you will meet beauty. And where do we go first? Left? What have we found? Big Stone.

The game "Ordinary Miracle".

Let's sit comfortably to see each other and play with this stone. This stone is not simple - it is magical. With its help, you can create a miracle.

I have a stone in my hand. It is heavy (imitation of weighing), cold, unpleasant to the touch (corresponding facial expressions), rough, it has sharp edges. It is not very pleasant to hold it in your hand. But I will try to warm this stone before handing it over to you ... (calls the child's name).

Take, stone, the warmth of my hands, the heat of my heart. Give, stone, my feelings to a friend. (the stone is passed to the neighbor on the left).

What do you feel? What stone is it worth? Heavy, isn't it? How does it feel? Smooth or rough. Yes, it's gritty. Now tell me please: are you holding a cold stone in your hand? (for comparison, put a stone in your other hand that was not in your hands). Warm, of course. Why? What did I ask the stone for? (Answer). Now you and I will perform a miracle - we will warm the stone with your warmth. Let's say together: “Take, a stone, the warmth of my hands, the heat of my heart. Pass, stone, my feelings to a friend. " (The stone is passed to the neighbor on the left, and so to each child).

This game allows you to differentiate your own feelings, analyze and express them, thereby teaching the basics of introspection and interaction. It is very important to realize that each of us can work a miracle (the stone returns).

I hold a stone in my hand. It is heavy, rough, it has sharp edges, but it is very pleasant to hold it in your hands, because it is warm, because it transfers the warmth of your hands. Here it is a miracle: our hands can warm even a stone.

Game "Mountain and Pebbles".

Music from the series "Sounds of Nature" is played.

There is a story about stones. If you want, I will tell you about it, and you will help me to portray it.

Once upon a time there was a big, big mountain. She considered herself the strongest, but the wind and water claimed that they were stronger. The years passed. Water poured onto the mountain in rains (music imitating raindrops) and sharpened stones. Frost froze the water in the cracks, and the wind carried away small pebbles and grains of sand from its surface. (The music of wind). Here one pebble rolled down the mountain (one child moves away from the others), then another, the third m (some more children take turns moving away from the center). The mountain became smaller and smaller and eventually became completely invisible (all the children disperse). Thus the wind and water toiled day after day and conquered the great mountain.

Guys, what do you prefer to be lonely pebbles or to live together in one mountain? (Answers of children.)

All children gather in the center.

So the mountain is friendship. What are wind, water and frost? (Answers of children). I'll give you a hint: this is what gets in the way of friendship. For a friendship to be strong, you need to be kind, be able to forgive and help each other. Now let's go on looking for miracles!

Game "Multi-colored pebbles".

Check out these beautiful multi-colored pebbles. It's amazing how generous Mother Nature is for colors! What colors do you see here? (Answers of children).

Well done! Take a pebble for yourself. Now, when the pebbles are in your hands, carefully examine them, try to notice the peculiarity of your pebble. (Next comes the expansion of vocabulary, a set of adjectives). Feel what kind of stone is to the touch (smooth or rough, hard or soft), what is its temperature (warm or cold). See how big it is (big or small), shiny or not, transparent or not! Let's see the light! Now knock your pebble on your neighbor's pebble. What sound did you hear? What is this sound like?

Children's answers.

Thus, work is proceeding on all three channels of perception: vision - visual, hearing - auditory, sensation - kinesthetic.

Game "Magic transformation"

Take another close look at your stone. What does it look like? What can you turn it into? (Into a berry, a fruit, a wheel from a typewriter, a flower, the sun ...) Now try to depict what your pebble looks like, and the rest of the guys will try to guess what you are up to. You can voice your actions. (Development of imagination and creativity.) Now we will mix all the pebbles in one box, and you try to find your own among all. Fine! Put the pebbles in the box, they will still be needed there.

This exercise contributes to the development of children's cognitive processes - attention, perception, imagination, speech.

"Painting from stones"

What do you think can be done. (there is a picture frame, pebbles and other waste material). Yes, of course, using this material, we can create different paintings from these stones. To do this, we need to split into pairs, choose a place where it will be convenient for you, agree on what you will create and give a name to your painting.

This exercise promotes the development of creativity, spontaneity. The group organization solves the problems of rallying the children's team, their emancipation, the development of communication skills. After work, there is a discussion: the title of the picture, how did you feel doing the work together?

Each child is involved in the discussion. Everyone should talk about their feelings and experiences.

The third part.

Reflection. "A pebble in a shoe."

Have you ever had a pebble in your shoe? What did you experience while doing this? (Pain, discomfort). If you don't remove the pebble and take a few steps? (It will hurt.) We experience the same feelings when we are angry, offended by something, agitated, as if we have a small pebble in our shoe. If we immediately feel uncomfortable and get him out of there, then the leg will remain unharmed. And if we put a pebble in our shoes, then we will most likely have problems. Therefore, it is useful for all people - both adults and children - to talk about their problems as soon as they notice them.

The problem-play experiment expands the tasks of expanding ideas about basic emotions, improving communication skills, and developing cooperation skills in children in the process of collective discussion.

And now I ask you to think, do you feel any displeasure, something that bothers you? If you feel, then tell us. For example: “I have a pebble in my shoe: I don’t like that Vanya is pushing me.” If you feel good and nothing bothers you, you can say: “I don’t have a pebble in my shoe”.

The phrase "I have a pebble in my shoe" - negative emotions, experiences.

The phrase "I have no pebble in my shoe" - positive emotions, interest.

Thus, using the techniques of lithotherapy in kindergarten, it is possible to develop communication skills in children, promote psychoemotional liberation, relieve muscle tension and reduce the severity of the manifestation of emotional and personal disorders.

Mineral treatments

Stones, in addition to jewelry, work well in the form of plates, stone balls, discs, massage sticks.
For treatment, the stone is heated (activated) by holding it in the sun or dipping it into warm aromatic oil.
Then you can carry out massage, acupuncture, acupressure, disinfection and treatment of wounds, applications, treatment with light radiation of the stone, and much more. For example, being in underground salt caves (speleotherapy) perfectly cures asthma and various allergies.

Examples of different healing techniques

1. Discs and balls made of natural stones in massage sessions

Within 12 - 20 minutes, a section of the body is massaged with a stone ball in a linear and circular manner, followed by covering with a woolen cloth for 20-30 minutes.

For example, massage with rhodonite, charoite, rose quartz helps well with functional disorders of the nervous system, migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia and for cosmetic purposes. The areas of influence of stone massage are the forehead, cheeks, cervical region, shoulder girdle area.

And massage with malachite, serpentine, onyx, jasper is recommended for sensory, motor and trophic disorders, for neurogenic pain in the heart, intercostal neuralgia, for weight loss.

Smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), lapis lazuli, onyx, jasper, jadeite can be used for massage for acute respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, arthrosis.

Nephrite, jasper, obsidian work very well during massage to heal diseases of the musculoskeletal system with severe pain. The massage is carried out in the areas of the periarticular tissues and along the spine.
Stone massage works well in the prevention of exacerbations of the listed chronic diseases.

For healthy people, massage is effective for rejuvenation, improving overall tone and vitality.

2. Stones are used for acupressure (pressing on active points)

In this case, massage sticks with a spherical tip made of natural stone are used.

It is convenient to fix natural healing stone beads with a diameter of 0.3 to 0.8 cm on active points and then press the bead on points associated with diseased organs along the Chinese meridians.

3. Stones "work" in acupuncture sessions

For example, quartz (druses and large crystals) is applied to the free end of an inserted needle during an acupuncture session. This is done to reverse the polarity of the steel needle. The exposure time is 3 minutes for each needle. Or the crystal is alternately applied to the inserted needles. It is believed that jasper chips, for example, have the ability to induce a stream of spiritual Shen energy to the tip of the needle, characterized by a special tension. At the same time, any jasper is suitable, but green is better. Red jasper is effective against viruses, black - when faced with village magic. But for the spiritual transformation of the healer, you can use blue or blue jasper, tk. it enhances the flow of pure cosmic Qi from the outside.

4. Light emission of a grenade

The light radiation of pomegranate cleans the body of toxins and dead tissue cells, promotes the processes of regeneration of damaged and "aged" tissues due to the targeted action on the mechanism of hematopoiesis and, indirectly, on blood circulation.

5. Application of white-veined carnelian

An interesting technique of using white-veined carnelian was developed by the doctor E.I. Badigina in 1942 for the treatment of open wounds during the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of the thirties of our century, Professor E. Badigina conducted serious scientific research on the medicinal properties of carnelian.

She found that at low doses of natural radiation of some types of carnelian, the most important life processes of the body (for example, cell division and growth) are stimulated, and at high doses, they are inhibited.

During the Second World War, carnelian therapy by the method of Professor E. Badigina was widely used in Siberian military hospitals. Carnelian successfully replaced antibiotics, which were not available in Russia at that time. Many years of experience in the study of carnelian using this method has shown that wound healing is accelerated, the nervous system is restored faster, the blood composition improves, edema and tumors are eliminated. This increases appetite and improves sleep.

Then it was done like this: a stone weighing 30 grams. applied to the open wound for 5 minutes twice a day daily until healed. Or, with a device consisting of a hair dryer and a metal tube holding the mineral, they heated it from a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm from the injury site. Of 433 patients with open injuries, complete cure was observed in 278 after 1 course, in 112 - after 2 course. Treatment turned out to be ineffective only in 5 cases.

6. Jade

Nephritis takes a special place in Stone Therapy. It is associated with transformation, complete external (rejuvenation) restructuring. “Gold has a price, but jade is priceless,” says an old Chinese proverb. Independently of each other, jade was used for thousands of years in China and in Central Pre-Columbian America by Indians. It is called the stone of eternity. Its touch brings comfort, protects against fatigue, prolongs life. Jade heals kidney and other diseases, saves from earthquakes and lightning, wards off the "evil eye", failure and misfortune, promotes marriage and childbirth.
Having the effect of "adding" energy, jade activates the kidney meridian. In acupuncture it is believed that the kidneys are a store of "clean energy" of the material basis of human growth, development and reproduction, they control the growth and function of the bone marrow, keep under control such character traits as determination and will, as well as sexual activity.

In Chinese medicine, the kidneys are considered the “roots of life”. The maximum activity of the kidney meridian is 17.00 - 19.00 hours, the minimum is from 5.00 to 7.00 hours. The renal meridian is connected directly with the 5th and indirectly with 3 of the 8 wonderful meridians, which are a kind of accumulators - "pools" and "lakes" of energy, where it accumulates when the main meridians overflow and returns when they are empty. It carries the primary, ancestral energy that influences the transmission of hereditary traits. All other major meridians transmit nutritional energy. For therapeutic purposes, jade is used in the form of massage sticks, roller massagers, plates.
Jade has a thermal, tonic and stimulating effect on the body. Medical jade plates with a diameter of 2-3 mm to 2-3 cm (round) or 2x4 cm - rectangular plates are used. They are fixed with a bandage or adhesive plaster on the lower back. The duration of application with jade plates is 3-5 days, then it is good to take a 2-3-day break. Then the procedure is repeated, placing the plates on the same or different areas. Sometimes such treatment can be replaced by wearing a bracelet, ring, hoop, beads (which is more pleasant, since the skin is not irritated by the adhesive plaster.
So, nephritis treats kidney diseases, increased blood pressure, heart disorders, all diseases of the musculoskeletal system, incl. spine, myositis, neuromuscular stress, joint diseases. It has a calming and balancing effect on the central nervous system for rejuvenation.

Nephritis is useful in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine. Healing jade plates with a diameter of 2-3 mm to 2-3 cm (round) or 2x4 cm - rectangular plates - are fixed with adhesive plaster 6 pieces (3 on both sides) in the cervical spine and 6 - 8 (3 - 4 from each side) in the lumbosacral region.
The appliques can be worn for up to 2 - 5 days. After a 2 - 3 day break, the fixation is repeated at the same or different points.

But the stones that are used for treatment must be "cleaned". and "charge".

Jade cleaning:
With intensive use, once a month, plates, balls or beads are immersed in a strong solution of sea salt for 2 days. This is done for internal energetic cleansing. External cleansing is done in simple ways - you can wipe the stone with alcohol or wash it with soap, rinse with boiled water.

Place the stone in direct sunlight, such as a lighted windowsill, for 2-3 hours. You can charge the stone with moonlight, it is better to do this on the growing moon.

Natalia Arepieva

Lithotherapy-therapeutic effect of stones (minerals) on the human body.


Helps fight allergic dermatitis and hair loss. Products made from aventurine reduce blood pressure, treat bronchitis and colds, are used for diseases of the cardiovascular system and circulatory diseases.

There are indications that aventurine helps with indolent chronic diseases, it accelerates wound healing and reduces warts. In Indian yoga, green aventurine has been used to stimulate the heart chakra, to strengthen vision and develop intelligence.

Balances emotions, maintains a joyful mood, clarity of mind.

Helps with prolonged lingering cough and sore throat. Relieves cramps, helps fight fears, protects against infections and stomach diseases.

Blue agate has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, yellow agate heals the respiratory and digestive organs, in particular the liver and biliary tract. Red agate has a positive effect on the vascular system, helps to cope with endocrine disorders and viral diseases.


Indian yogis traditionally believe that this stone is one of the most important stimulants of the throat chakra. She, in turn, is associated with the thyroid gland and therefore indirectly controls human emotions. Relieves stress, eliminates phobias.

Aquamarines strengthen the body's immune defenses, help with various diseases of the skin and lungs, and relieve toothache. It is also believed that aquamarines have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and liver. It is believed that jewelry with aquamarines helps to cope with seasickness.

Contemplation of amethysts relieves nervous irritation, causes calming and therefore is good in the fight against insomnia. The water in which the amethysts were laid is useful for restoring cerebral circulation. In the past, it was believed that amethyst was able to protect its owner from infection. It is also believed that jewelry made from amethyst should be cleaned regularly, removing negative energy from them. Relieves headaches, insomnia, strengthens the endocrine system, increases the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Beryl is believed to help with back pain, colds and runny nose. Beryl is also able to harmonize metabolic reactions.

Turquoise strengthens vision, relieves insomnia and nightmares, relieves headaches. In indian lithotherapy turquoise is considered the most important stimulant of the throat chakra. Therefore, this mineral has a positive effect on the vocal cords and the thyroid gland. Mongolian lamas believed that turquoise was an indicator of health human: Its color changes with the state of the owner. A dull or greening stone can serve as the first signal of an onset disease. It is also believed that the color of turquoise can be restored if it is worn by an absolutely healthy person with a strong aura. Balances emotions, strengthens a sense of mutual understanding.

V lithotherapy jet is used in the form of balls for massage, amulets, beads and also in the form of plates for removing negative energy from the palm. In the old days, it was believed that jets could prevent seizures. Jet is believed to help with gout and to relieve seizures. Jet applied to the kidneys is said to increase blood pressure. It is believed that jet saves from poisoning and stomach diseases.

In the old days, hematite jewelry was believed to help stop blood and heal wounds. And nowadays, some people believe that hematites have a receptive Yin energy, "cleanse" the blood, help with blood diseases and have a beneficial effect on the kidneys, liver and spleen. It is no coincidence that one of the names of hematite is "iron kidney".

In the east lithotherapy hematite amulets were used to treat abscesses, fight blockages in blood vessels, and stop bleeding. It is believed that hematite has a beneficial effect on blood formation, can help with urinary and hormonal disorders, and prevents blood diseases.


Even in Ancient Tibet, Mongolia and China, doctors were able to cauterize wounds with the help of sunlight passed through balls of rock crystal. Modern lithotherapists consider that natural crystal stabilizes the spiritual and physical strength of a person. Rhinestone crystals contribute to the good functioning of the spinal cord and brain, help with coronary artery disease, varicose veins and respiratory diseases.

Rhinestone crystals can help relieve headaches and cope with stress. They are believed to help bring down the temperature. It is curious that even in ancient Rome, patricians wore small balls of rock crystal in the heat to cool them in their hands.

Pomegranates have a positive effect on digestion, respiration, circulation and the immune system. It is believed that pomegranate necklaces help with fever, sore throat and prolonged headaches.

Yellow or brown pomegranates are useful for skin diseases, digestion, constipation and allergies.

The healing effect of pearls is mentioned in the famous "Canon" of Avicenna and in the works of ancient Arab physicians. There is an opinion that pearl products help with diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive system and have a beneficial effect on the human body in case of hypertension. It is no coincidence that the famous monument of Tibetan medicine "Chzhud-shi" indicates that pearls help with nervous disorders, memory loss and nervous weakness.

For medicinal purposes, "pearl water" is also used, in which several pearls lay during the night. You can drink this water in the morning. It is believed to help with bleeding gums, is useful in the treatment of conjunctivitis, and is able to have a beneficial effect on liver diseases and cholelithiasis. Pearl water has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and blood-replenishing effects. In China, the Taoists considered pearls to be the congealed female principle of Yin, the elixir of youth that prolongs life. It is still believed in Mongolia and China that pearls contain a miraculous healing power that helps in the treatment of cataracts and other eye diseases.

It is believed that pearls that lose their original luster indicate a possible illness of their owner. In addition, a change in the spectrum of chemicals secreted by the skin, to which pearls can react, is indeed an indicator of some diseases.

Another name for the coil is serpentine. In the old days, there was a belief that due to its "serpentine coloration, serpentine is able to serve as an effective antidote. Therefore, this mineral was also known as the" pharmaceutical stone ".

Modern lithotherapists consider that the serpentine helps with headaches, it is able to awaken from lethargy and accelerates the fusion of bones.

Certain medicinal properties have long been attributed to emeralds. Lithotherapists claim that emeralds help with insomnia and ward off bad dreams. Emeralds reduce fever, help heal inflammation, fight infections, and are useful for diseases of the bladder and urinary tract. Emerald treats diabetes and burns, heart pain, lowers blood pressure and helps treat psoriasis. In the old days, emeralds even served as a remedy for scorpion snake bites. Not surprisingly, emeralds are renowned for eye diseases due to their rich green color.

Stone connoisseurs claim that amethyst quartz can ward off melancholy. Modern lithotherapists it is recommended to infuse water on quartz. It is believed that such water has a healing and stimulating effect on the human body. Not surprisingly, this is the case. Indeed, in nature, the life-giving water of springs also often passes through layers of quartz.

Corals activate metabolism, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and cardiovascular system, improve memory. It is believed that corals heal abscesses and ulcers, including internal ones. It was believed that the coral on the index finger of the right hand purifies the blood, and the coral necklace on the neck protects against sore throat, scarlet fever and relieves nervous tics.

According to Ayuverde, red coral includes the elements of water, earth and fire. Its action extends to the energy that controls metabolism, body temperature, skin condition and digestion. Coral neutralizes negative states - anger, envy. It is beneficial for thyroid disease, helps with asthma, and has contraceptive properties.

In Japan, white coral powder is used to accelerate the healing of bone fractures in dental prosthetics. In Portugal, coral beads are considered a sure remedy for headaches, in England - for throat ailments. In the Russian lithotherapy corals are also used to treat diseases of the throat and cardiovascular system, they help with depression and psychoneuroses, relieve tics.

Cat's eye

It is believed that jewelry with a cat's eye helps with bronchial asthma, anemia and attacks of rheumatism, can ease joint pain.

Cat eye beads are said to help fight disease throat: laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Experts recommend wearing jewelry with "cat's eyes" after fractures for the early formation of callus.

Already in ancient India, lapis lazuli was used not only for the manufacture of sacred attributes, but also for medicinal purposes. Ayuverda says that this “heavenly” stone strengthens the physical body, mind and consciousness. Lapis lazuli is recommended both for stimulating the whole body and for treating eye diseases in particular. In the latter case, water is used, into which this stone was immersed for a while. In the old days, it was believed that a lapis lazuli bracelet was able to protect a child from a variety of diseases.

Lapis lazuli jewelry helps with migraines, nervous diseases, asthma and sciatica. They are able to lower blood pressure and bring down high fever in various diseases. Lapis is used to treat inflammation and to promote sleep.

Moon rock

It is believed that moonstone jewelry has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, they help with edema and dropsy.

Lithotherapists write that the moonstone protects against epilepsy and other nervous seizures.

For many peoples, malachite is considered a "stone of health", a talisman against various misfortunes. The texts of the Indian "Ayuverda" advise to apply malachite on the heart chakra and "blocked" areas of the body in order to "dissolve energy plugs" and open channels for the passage of bioenergy flows. In this case, light-colored malachites were considered the most useful.

Placed on the solar plexus area, malachite relieves emotional stress, creates a balance of energy between the heart and navel chakras. Malachite is able to absorb negative energy, create physical and emotional harmony in the human body.

In modern lithotherapy malachite is used in diseases of the heart, pancreas and spleen. It activates regeneration, has a positive effect on the pituitary gland and pineal gland. According to some American healers, malachite is a good anti-radiation agent. Specialists lithotherapy recommend to use it for diseases of the pancreas and spleen. Malachite jewelry promotes tissue regeneration and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system

Lithotherapists claim that jade has Yang projective energy. For a long time in China, crushed jade has been added to the "elixir of immortality" - a drink to preserve youth and health. Due to its high heat capacity, a piece of jade applied to the abdomen acts as a pain-relieving heating pad.


Obsidian was revered as a cleansing stone that helps fight various negative phenomena at the level of the physical body. Obsidian can dissolve "energy plugs". On the recommendation of a well-known lithotherapy To energize the body, Catherine Raphael is placed obsidian on the groin area or navel. Pieces of obsidian, located along the central line of the body, help to align the energy of the meridians. It is useful, in her opinion, to place small crystals of rock crystal next to obsidian; the latter help fight mental and emotional "blocks". It is believed that obsidian rosaries, beads and pendants have a positive effect on the stomach, as well as stimulate kidney function, stabilize blood pressure and strengthen immunity.

Onyx is used for diseases of the nervous system and depression. It is believed to relieve stress, relieve pain by promoting emotional balance and self-control. Onyx products sharpen hearing, rejuvenate and strengthen memory. Lithotherapists it is advised to apply striped onyxes to the inflamed areas.

In "Ayuverde" it is said that the opal contains three element: water, fire and heat and can be useful as a medicine for people. Hindus believed that opals helped children grow. In the 17th century, Boethius de Boot, the court physician of the Bohemian Emperor Rudolph, wrote that opal "calms the nerves, helps with heart disease, melancholy, fainting, keeps from violent passions, irritations, restores visual acuity and shine to the eyes." In India, it was believed that opal promotes communication between people and the establishment of friendships. It was believed that opals lose their luster, foreshadowing the illness of their owner.

Modern lithotherapists consider that opals develop intuition and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, pituitary gland, pineal gland. It is believed that opals harmonize all functions of the body and protect it from infectious diseases.

In ancient times, the ruby ​​was prescribed supernatural properties, including the ability to protect against serious diseases and give the body energy. It was believed that rubies heal the heart, brain, improve the strength and memory of a person. In an old Russian book dedicated to precious stones, it was said about the ruby ​​that this stone "makes the human body healthy from all illnesses." Rubies were also credited with anti-toxic properties; these stones allegedly saved the owners from various poisons.

Modern lithotherapists assign this stone a large role in the healing of various ailments. It is believed to contribute to the healing of blood diseases, chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine and joints. In addition, the ability of ruby ​​to prevent epileptic seizures is noted, and to have a positive effect on the nervous system. This stone is able to relieve depression, it helps with insomnia and schizophrenia. In case of nervous breakdowns and high blood pressure, wearing a ruby ​​is not recommended. In this case, it is appropriate to replace it with a stone of the Water element for "cooling" and harmonizing the energy balance.

For the manifestation of the healing properties of a stone, its owner must be chaste and kind. Sapphires are believed to lower blood pressure, help with insomnia, back pain, colds and even cancer. A ring or bracelet with a sapphire on the left hand helps with asthma, heart disease and neuralgia. Sapphires were believed to be capable of curing leprosy and "all sorts of evil growths." The water in which the sapphires were found helps with eye diseases.


For medicinal purposes, carnelians were also used by the healers of Ancient Egypt, who considered this stone one of the most magical and healing ones. Powdered carnelian, they were added to powders and potions, which had a calming effect and helped to restore strength.

Ayuverde says that the orange color of carnelian is able to restore nervous tissue, it helps with diseases of the genitourinary and pulmonary systems, stimulates the endocrine glands, improves blood circulation and skin color.

Modern lithotherapists believe that carnelians improve cerebral circulation, strengthen the immune system, relieve headaches, and help with diseases of the skin and thyroid gland. Yellow carnelians are useful for poor bowel function, in particular for constipation, they also help with kidney disease. There is even a separate direction in the treatment of these stones - carnelian therapy. Perhaps the healing property of carnelians, which cannot be denied, is explained by the weak radioactivity of some samples of these stones. In biology and medicine, the stimulating effect of small doses of radiation is well known.

Tiger's Eye

It has long been believed that this stone is capable of transforming the flow of solar energy and directing it into the body in the form of a healing emanation. Magicians believed that the "tiger's eye" controls solar energy, transforming its flow into a healing "emanation" and directing it into the human body. Therefore, the tiger's eye was advised to be worn by sick and weakened patients with bronchial asthma and psoriasis. Tiger's eye jewelry will help you to quickly cope with fatigue and overcome stress.

In ancient India, topaz was considered one of the 12 most important gems with medicinal properties. This stone is mentioned more than once in the texts of "Ayuverda". Modern lithotherapists consider that topaz protects a person from colds, accelerates tissue regeneration, treats the digestive organs, liver, gallbladder, spleen. Topaz helps with insomnia, nervous exhaustion, relieve stress. These stones strengthen the immune system and are used as a defense against mental illness. It is useful for gourmets to remember that topaz sharpens the taste sensations.


Tourmaline is believed to be a powerful healer and purifier. In indian lithotherapy various types of tourmalines were used. Green stones help with diseases of the liver, nervous system, organ system, blood circulation and skin. They support the oxygen exchange of the blood and strengthen the immune system. Of all the green gemstones, it is tourmaline that has the most powerful anti-aging properties. It is useful for everyone (especially with strong nervous and physical exertion) to restore the aura after negative external influences. Blue tourmalines have a beneficial effect on the human lymphatic, hormonal and immune systems.

Black tourmaline forms a protective aura around itself, reflecting all harmful influences. In the American lithotherapy to withdraw the negative energy from their physical body, black tourmaline is rotated counterclockwise over the sore spot. Blue tourmaline is considered a stone of peace and restful sleep. Colorless tourmalines create a balance of spiritual and physical forces, purify the mind.


These stones have a positive effect on the physical and emotional state of a person. They normalize cardiac activity, protect against fluctuations in blood pressure and ward off nightmares. It is believed that chrysolites are also useful in the treatment of colds, eye and spine diseases. They say that chrysolite stuttering can be treated. Like turquoise, chrysolite helps with eye diseases, as well as blood diseases.

Citrine was highly revered in ancient India as a stone with Yang projective energy. In yoga healing practice, he was considered one of the main stones of the navel chakra - Manipura, which stimulates the solar plexus and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Citrine is useful for gastritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. Citrine activates the brain and accumulates vital energy in the body. In addition, with its vibrations, citrine creates a protective aura around the body, which is able to protect a person from external adverse influences.

Zircon instills in a person self-confidence, optimism and good spirits. Mineraologists suggest that the strong energetic effect of zircon can be explained by the dipyramidal shape of its crystals. ("double pyramid effect")... It is believed that yellow-red zircons have a positive effect on the pituitary gland, pineal gland and stimulate the liver. (that's why zircons improve appetite)... They help with constipation, decreased gastric secretion and intestinal atony. Zircons - hyacinths are universal healers that can cleanse the entire body. They promote emotional balance and treat insomnia.

The stone has a good effect on the physical and emotional state of the body. In the opinion lithotherapists, it strengthens the immune system, enhances blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration, treats infectious, skin, and stomach diseases.

Amber helps with headaches and toothaches and drops in blood pressure. Amber can ward off magnetic storms and improve vision. Amber preparations have an anti-inflammatory effect. Amber has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, spleen and heart. It has been established that one of the causes of thyroid diseases is the lack of iodine in the body. Amber contains iodine, so wearing amber beads can be beneficial for thyroid problems. In addition to iodine, amber contains other trace elements that are useful for the body. human: iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and others. Amber contains salts of succinic acid, which activates metabolic processes, stimulates the digestive system, and also has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Amber is a source of creativity, faith and optimism. It grants the owner physical strength, good spirits, brings good luck and preserves health.

In the old days, jasper was considered a sure remedy for epilepsy and fever. It was believed that jasper could improve vision, cure epilepsy, and relieve toothache.

Chinese healers considered jasper to be one of the most important pharmacological agents for cleansing internal organs. Green jasper was useful for concentration, as a result of which a person opened up invisible to the eye.

According to Taoist ideas, jasper was considered the "stone of life", for it strengthened the physical body and prolonged life.

For children, you can use bracelets and clones. The main thing is to believe.

unfortunately, not all photos were uploaded, but if you are interested, you can find them on the Internet.

Natalia Magomayeva Alexandrovna

"The mind is a precious stone,

which plays more beautifully in the setting of modesty. "

Maksim Gorky.

"Book of stones" is a classic lithotherapy written in 1067-1081. Mr. Renna Marboda, a scientist, confidently argued that the power of herbs and plants is more significant than the power of a stone.

In the Middle Ages, philosophy believed that stones transmit the energy charges of the Earth and Space to the most sensitive energy centers located on the human body. An invisible bond is established between the mineral and its owner, which can prevent or cure many diseases.

Various areas lithotherapy have been used by mankind for more than one millennium. Chinese medicine is known for its techniques of stimulating specific points with bioactive stones to align energy. Tibetan lamas use more than a hundred types of minerals in their medical practices. Massagers, balls, rosary, pyramids, etc. are made of stones. Water is purified and charged with quartz.

Lithotherapy in speech therapy work with children.

To unconventional methods work with children and her pedagogical assistance to preschool children is - " Lithotherapy". In a broader sense, lithotherapy any use of natural minerals (sand, stones, clay, etc.) for the purpose of influencing the human body.

Multi-colored pebbles. Oh, those beautiful multi-colored pebbles! It's amazing how generous Mother Nature is with paints!

It has been scientifically proven that the color and shape of stones can affect the psyche. baby: contemplation and possession of stones can affect the pleasure centers of the brain through the organs of sight and touch and aimed at relieving emotional problems in children.

Lithotherapy -(from the Greek lithos - stone, terapia - therapy) - treatment with natural stones, an unconventional technique that has become popular recently

Lithotherapy it is successfully used in modern medicine, cosmetology and even correctional pedagogy. It is known that children with speech disorders, in particular with general speech underdevelopment, have disturbances in the emotional and volitional sphere, impaired coordination of movements, and a low level of development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Currently, in the system of traditional and unconventional correction methods used in speech therapy work, more and more space is occupied by special techniques related rather to the field of psychology or medicine. One of these special techniques is lithotherapy... V speech therapy, in the correctional work you can use the elements lithotherapy, stone - massage, that is, massage with natural stones. Stones of different colors and sizes can be collected on the sea, on the river bank, just buy in a decor store. The main thing is that they should be natural, round, smooth to the touch. It is advisable to warm the stones before use. (for example, in the sun)... Then the beneficial effect of the massage will increase, since the warmth of the stones will improve blood circulation.

Of use lithotherapy in speech therapy classes:

V. Kulaev

By the surf near the rocks

Vovka was looking for pebbles.

Every pebble is good:

Looks like the sun,

This one with a blue stripe

The one with the red stripe

Here's a fish, a cat!

The best choice is maeta!

Mom looks - no Vovka!

There is only a trace on the sand:

Vovka is walking with a bag,

She carries pebbles again!

But where is all this to us?

There are a lot of them in the corners!

We are bringing stones to the city,

We carry the bag together!

Finger gymnastics with elements lithotherapy

Combined with sand (laying out tracks, patterns in the sand)

Massage of hands and fingers (massaging the fingers with stones, squeezing stones in the fists, rolling on the palm, on the hand)

Sorting stones, unfolding by color, size, laying out, etc.

The game "Smart pebbles"

Target: development of fine motor skills, automation of sound in a word, development of phonemic hearing.

Equipment: natural stones of different sizes with painted pictures of various objects.

Game progress: invite the child to sort out the stones, name what is drawn on them and put aside stones with pictures, in the name of which there is a given sound, you can invite the child to come up with a story about these objects, etc.

Using elements lithotherapy in classes with children will help bring elements of creativity into work on the correction of speech and fine motor skills, will make classes more interesting for the child, and therefore more effective and of high quality.

Related publications:

Consultation "Healing sounds in the work of a speech therapist" Good afternoon everyone! I want to start our meeting with the following words: Health is an invaluable gift, having lost it in youth you will not find it until old age.

"The use of collage in the work of a speech therapist at the stage of automating sounds with older preschool children" The use of collage in the work of a speech therapist at the stage of automating sounds with older preschool children. Federal.

The use of sand therapy elements in the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher with children with Noda Grishina Elena Vitalievna Speech therapist MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten №15", Chernushka, Perm Territory Federal law "On education in.

Analytical report on the speech therapy work of the speech therapist teacher for 2016–2017 academic year. year ANALYTICAL REPORT ON LOGOPEDIC WORK OF THE LOGOPEDISTIC TEACHER FOR 2016-2017 academic year year MADOU CRR - d / s No. 17 Teacher - speech therapist Kudymova A. M. PURPOSE :.

Consultation for speech therapists "Bioenergoplasty in speech therapy work" The statistics of the admission of children to our institution shows that impairments in motor activity also affect the development of speech of preschoolers.

Consultation for parents "Mandalotherapy in working with children" Consultation for parents "Mandala in working with children". Prepared by: teacher-psychologist Khulkhachieva D. S. Currently, specialists.

The term lithotherapy comes from the Greek words lithos - stone and therapeia - treatment. A person's desire for knowledge makes him turn to the wisdom of his ancestors, it is no coincidence that modern medicine very successfully uses unconventional methods of treatment, not the least of which is lithotherapy.

Even in prehistoric times, people endowed stones with miraculous powers, piously believing that they protect from evil spirits, bring happiness and health. Ancient Egyptian medicine was distinguished by a special reverence for the magical power of stones. This is evidenced by the content of the largest known medical papyrus, which describes in detail the healing effects of various minerals.

Aristotle was engaged in mineral research for a long time.

His student Theophrastus wrote a work on magical minerals. Previously, there was a science dedicated to the basic rules of treatment with precious stones - gemmotherapy (derived from the word "gem" (precious stone), which in turn goes back to the Latin gemma - "bud on a tree").

It is worth using the experience of generations, reasonably supplementing it with scientific research at a good modern level. Since ancient times, the Slavs have revered stones as a storehouse of good health and general well-being. The ancient Slavic manuscripts contain extremely interesting information about the healing properties of minerals.

Having formed in the earth's crust over billions of years, minerals are active agents that have properties that are not yet fully understood by official science, although they are well known to traditional medicine.

For a long time, US doctors have been looking for the causes and characteristics of the action of minerals on the human body. A dozen centers in the United States and two centers in Germany that have studied crystals are already training specialized personnel to carry out lithotherapy work.

More than 500 American and about 50 German doctors use precious and semiprecious stones in therapeutic practice.

Everyone can experience the healing power of stones. A number of scientists confirm the guesses that the inanimate nature existing around us actually lives, develops, changes according to its own laws, and there is no clear line between minerals and the rest of the nature around us.

Before starting treatment, you should carefully read the information about contraindications and restrictions in the treatment of minerals and stones. Only if these conditions of treatment are observed, the result will be achieved and health is not harmed. It should always be remembered that an incorrectly chosen treatment method aggravates the disease, precious time is lost that could have been spent on using a more effective method.

Contraindications... As with any treatment method, lithotherapy has its own contraindications. They are connected, first of all, with the incompatibility of the influence exerted by these or those stones on this or that disease. Therefore, the same stones can act in completely different ways on different people. Researchers have shown that stones such as morion, carbuncle, chrysolite have a depressing effect on the work of the central nervous system, calming a person, relieving increased excitability and irritability. But these stones are contraindicated for people with a melancholic disposition, as well as for people in a state of apathy. With metabolic disorders, many somatic diseases, you should also be careful with the choice of stones. The principle of treating a person, and not his disease, remains relevant here. The color of the stones is also important in lithotherapy. When choosing a stone, here you need to focus on your intuition and your own disposition to a particular color. For example, opaque stones with a dark color (jet, agate) are contraindicated for people who are emotionally fickle, with an unstable psyche, and easily excitable natures. People with a choleric nature should avoid contact with products made of opal, emerald, ruby.

There is already a methodology and there is a domestic diagnostic equipment that allows a strictly individual selection of minerals and metals to stabilize the functional state of the human body, as well as the definition of contraindications to them. Not only jewelry should be chosen individually, but also dental material for filling teeth, eyeglass frames, since they theoretically can be a predisposing factor for the development of pathology, suppressing or, on the contrary, stimulating some functions in the body. Carefully and individually selected items and materials must meet preventive and therapeutic requirements.

It should be borne in mind that minerals have the property of phosphorescence, thermal conductivity, magnetic properties, conduct electricity, that is, they may well be a means of physiotherapy. Electromagnetic biopotentials emitted by various crystals are a powerful therapeutic factor that contributes to the healing of the body. The proof of this thesis is the statement of the German geobiologist Dr. E. Hartmann, according to which there is a biodynamic field around each person, which changes when a person moves in space. It is heavily dependent on geological changes occurring in our environment, which must be taken into account in medical and remedial pedagogy.

A scrupulous analysis of numerous literary data, as well as the centuries-old experience of different peoples, gives us a real opportunity to create a classification of minerals, taking into account their impact on the human body. The level of formation of speech function is based on defective functioning systems of the brain. The normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition is one of the points of application of lithotherapy. Wearing certain stones can help prevent nervous system disorders, relieve depression and simply improve your mood.

This method is especially suitable for people with a weak nervous system.

Stones have special, unique properties, the decoding of which can be of great benefit in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

Aventurine is a golden brown opaque stone. Prevents disorders of the nervous system (balances emotions, maintains a joyful mood, good spirits, clarity of mind), relieves depression and apathy. This stone can be constantly worn, as it does not have a strong enough effect on the body. It acts softly, constantly and with little force. To improve health and prevent depression, it must be worn on the hand in the form of a ring or ring. If it's a bracelet, take it off at night.

Aquamarine is an aquamarine stone. Helps relieve stress, fears, phobias. To avoid stress, it should be worn around your neck or head.

Stresses arising in the process of emotional overload are eliminated by a pendant, and physical fatigue - with hairpins, tiaras.

Alexandrite is an olive green or green blue stone. It balances the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, makes a person more restrained, contributes to the creation of a joyful mood, the manifestation of openness.

It can be worn as a ring. But this must be done carefully, taking it off at night. Alexandrite is a very strong stone.

It is better to start treatment with a few hours, gradually increasing the time to 12-13 hours, that is, the whole day.

Amazonite is a bright green stone. Relieves headaches, calms the nervous system, relieves anxiety, self-doubt, helps to get rid of phobias. It strengthens the entire body as a whole. With phobias, it is worn in the form of a bracelet, earrings, diadem. For various headaches - in a pendant.

Amblygonite is a colorless transparent pink stone. Nervous system disorders that occur during overload are subject to the action of this stone. The healing effect is achieved by contemplating this stone in the rays of the sun. The session lasts no more than 30 minutes, 2-3 times a week.

Amethyst is a purple transparent stone. Helps to reduce feelings of anxiety, banish bad dreams. For treatment, it is necessary to place it under the pillow for 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Turquoise is a sky blue opaque stone. Set with silver, it saves from insomnia and nightmares, helps to balance emotions. It is necessary to wear it in the form of a pendant or "talk" to it before going to bed.

Beryl. Brown shades are more common. A very strong stone. Relieves headaches, improves, increases the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, helps to increase energy. The impact of the stone occurs when it is examined for 1 hour 2-3 times a week. You can put it under your pillow, but only during daytime sleep. To strengthen memory, the stone must be worn on the head or in the ears. Shoot at night anyway.

Pearls come in a variety of shades, from white to black. If you look at pearls for a long time, it has a beneficial effect on the overly agitated human psyche, brings complete peace and tranquility. If a person is sick, then the pearl changes color.

Emerald is a green stone. It is a stone of wisdom, composure and tolerance. Helps to cure insomnia and hypochondria. Sessions of contemplation of this stone are conducted immediately before bedtime. You can wear a pendant or pendant.

The cat's eye is a gray-green stone. It helps to strengthen the character, emotionally balances, increases the will of the owner, promotes concentration of attention, reduces the tendency to stubbornness, increases energy.

Quartz is a soft blue stone. For insomnia, it is placed under the pillow.

Labrador is a gray stone. Recommended for neuroses, relieves emotional stress, soothes in case of nervous excitement. This stone is strong and is not recommended to be worn all the time. Treatment is carried out in the form of stone contemplation sessions, which last 20-25 minutes daily. For females, it must be set in gold, for men - in silver.

Lapis lazuli is a blue stone. This stone is used in psychiatry. It must be worn constantly throughout the year.

Moonstone has muddy shades of various colors. Changes the manner of behavior: sharpness, straightforwardness give way to softness and flexibility. It is used for sleepwalking. It should be worn around the neck on those days when the disease is especially pronounced. Only in this case will it be useful.

Opal is a multi-colored stone. In case of a disorder of the nervous system, it is worn around the neck. In case of melancholy, they look at the stone for 30 minutes, no more.

Rhodonite is a crimson, red-pink stone. Strengthens the immune system, improves memory, relieves stress, good for various types of neuroses. Helps to collect spiritual strength in the event of difficult life situations (especially its pink version without admixture of black tones).

Sapphire is a blue, azure stone. Edged with silver, it helps with fear, anger, paralysis and paresis as a result of strokes, diseases of the nervous system, especially neuroses, helps to get rid of insomnia.

Carnelian is an orange-red stone. Enlightens thoughts, helps brain function. It is worn around the neck: women - framed in a circle, men - in a square. He gives oratory power, prosperity.

Topaz has many shades: from blue, green to yellow. Light-colored stones are more calming, they need to be set with silver. Dark ones are recommended for apathy, but set in gold.

For a very long time there has been such a direction in gem therapy as the therapeutic color spectrum of crystals, where each color corresponds to a certain stone and type of disease. Even BM Bekhterev proved that each color included in the spectrum creates specific light effects that are captured, transformed by various media of the eye and transmitted to the brain and other organs. These light effects are created by the different wavelengths of light emitted by the minerals and are capable of evoking certain sensations. None of them can help but exert their influence on us. As a result of a number of experiments, it was found that each of the colors is able to influence the disease by changing the speed of nervous processes. So, colors included in warm colors have a tonic effect; close to green - slowing down, yellow - neutral, and purple - depressing. Having studied this effect on humans, scientists have come to the conclusion that the knowledge gained can be used in medicine. Natural minerals with an unusual color and shade are most suitable for these purposes. They are uneven, transparent, unevenly colored, which relaxes and gives the desired effect. Usually, contemplation of a stone can have a strong effect on the body, gives a harmonious flow of thoughts. In total, 7 colors are used in color therapy with stones: red, green, yellow, blue, blue, violet and - less often - orange. All other colors are their composite, white and black are neutral and do not carry information. The very contemplation and contact with the colored surface of the stone must be carried out in complete silence or accompanied by calm music. The action of various precious and semiprecious stones is considered in the system created by E. I. Ganikman: each stone is considered according to the therapeutic color range of crystals that have a therapeutic effect in various diseases.

Red stones strengthen memory. Constant contact of sight with minerals of this color makes various structures of the brain constantly in an excited state, which have a tonic effect on all internal organs. But an overdose of wave vibration can lead a person to stress. Yellow stones (amber, carnelian, sardonyx, jasper, citrine, beryl) excite and revitalize. With nervous exhaustion, they calm down and restore lost strength, it is recommended to use it with increased excitability of nervous processes. Green stones (emerald, malachite, jade, turquoise, chrysolite) have the greatest impact on the nervous system. They have a relaxing effect, increase efficiency, improve vision, as they give the eyes the necessary rest. These stones should be placed wherever our gaze is most often directed. Blue stones (aquamarine, lapis lazuli, chalcedony, zircon) reduce negative reactions to the environment. They can relieve excessive nervous excitability. However, with regard to blue minerals, there is a limitation: with excessive enthusiasm, a progressive development of a sense of fear is possible.

The healing power of nature, minerals, the centuries-old experience of our ancestors should be widely used to preserve and strengthen health.

Speech is one of the most important mental functions of a person and a complex functional system, which is based on the use of the sign system of the language in the process of communication. Verbal communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. The child's mastery of speech contributes to the awareness, planning and regulation of his behavior.

We all know perfectly well that a well-developed speech of a preschool child is an important condition for successful schooling. It is necessary to help the child overcome speech disorders, as they negatively affect all mental functions, affect the child's activities, behavior. Severe speech disorders can affect mental development, especially on the formation of higher levels of cognitive activity, which is due to the close relationship of speech and thinking and the limited social, speech contacts, during which the child's cognition of the surrounding reality is carried out.

Speech disorders can negatively affect the formation of a child's personality, cause mental layers, specific features of the emotional-volitional sphere, and contribute to the development of negative character traits. This negatively affects the acquisition of literacy, academic performance in general, and the choice of a profession.

Today, in the arsenal of everyone involved in the upbringing and education of preschool children, there is extensive practical material, the use of which contributes to the effective speech development of the child.

But we are faced with the difficulties of corrective work due to the increased number of speech pathology. In special journals, in various methodological and popular scientific publications, defectologists, speech therapists, teachers and psychologists present new non-traditional forms of work with speech pathologists in addition to academic methods. Such authors as M.A.Povalyaeva, M.I. Chistyakova, E.A. Pozhilenko, T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T.M. Grabenko and others worked on these works.

According to V.M. Akimenko, any practical material can be conditionally divided into two groups: firstly, it helps the child's direct speech development and, secondly, mediated, which includes non-traditional speech therapy technologies. This

  • Speech therapy massage. It is indisputably necessary for a child with dysarthria.
  • Tongue massage.
  • Auriculotherapy - a therapeutic effect on the points of the auricle.
  • Su-Jok therapy is based on the mutual influence of individual parts of our body according to the principle of similarity (similarity of the shape of the ear with the human embryo, palm and foot with the human body). Therefore, having identified the necessary points in the correspondence systems, it is possible to develop the child's speech sphere.

    Japanese finger massage technique - thumb massage increases brain activity. If children are worried during speech and twirl objects in their hands, they should not be snatched out of their hands - this is how the child's body relieves its excitement. Japanese scientist Yoshiro Tsutsumi has developed a system of exercises for self-massage. It included: rubbing the pads of the fingers, massage of the palmar surfaces with stone, metal or glass colored balls "marbles", massage with walnuts, massage with hexagonal pencils, massage with "rosary".

    In corrective pedagogy, non-traditional methods of corrective influence are widely used: phyto, aroma, chromo, and other types of therapies.

    The use of these correction methods cannot be considered independent and self-sufficient, their use, most likely, serves to create a favorable emotional background, which, ultimately, improves the effectiveness of corrective action. These methods include

  • Herbal medicine - treatment with medicinal plants. It is especially recommended for various forms of dysarthria and neurosis-like stuttering.
  • Aromatherapy - treatment with phytocompositions of aromas of flowers and plants.
  • Music therapy - the effect of music on a person for therapeutic purposes.
  • Chromotherapy is the therapeutic effect of color on the human body.
  • Lithotherapy is a therapeutic effect of stones (minerals) on the human body.
  • Imagotherapy - theatricalization. Includes: puppet therapy, fairy tale therapy.
  • Sand-play - sand play as a way of child development.

    The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. It would seem that everything is very simple - a child builds something out of sand, destroys the creations created by him without regret, and builds again ... But it is this simple action that keeps a unique secret - there is nothing that would be irreparably destroyed - to replace the old always new comes. Repeatedly living this secret, the baby reaches a state of balance, anxiety and fear go away. Another important psychotherapeutic property of sand is the ability to change the plot, events, relationships. Since the game takes place in the context of the fairy-tale world, the child is given the opportunity to change the situation that is uncomfortable for him. He learns to overcome difficulties on his own.

    Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. A child often cannot express his feelings, fears in words, and then playing with sand comes to his aid. Replaying the situations that disturbed him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from the sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in the symbolic resolution of many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well.

    The observations of psychologists show that it is the first joint games of children in the sandbox that can visually show parents the peculiarities of the behavior and development of their children. Parents see that the child becomes overly aggressive or timid in communication with peers - this can become a reason for thinking about the upbringing system.

    Play in the sand with your child. Place your palms on the sand and tell him how you feel: “I am pleased. I feel the warmth (coolness) of the sand. When I move my hands, I feel small grains of sand. What do you feel? " Let the child try to talk about how he is feeling. Make prints of palms, cams, edges of the palms, creating patterns (sun, flower, etc.); "Walk" on the sand with each finger in turn. These simple exercises are of tremendous importance for the development of the child's psyche. They stabilize the emotional state of the baby, teach him to listen to himself and express his feelings. And this contributes to the development of speech, voluntary attention and memory, which is very important for children with speech impairments. But the main thing is that the child gets the first experience of introspection, learns to understand himself and others.

    Sand games are varied: educational games provide the process of teaching reading, writing, numeracy, literacy; cognitive games enable children to learn about the diversity of the world around them, about the history of their city, country, etc .; projective games will open up the child's potential, develop his creativity and imagination.

    Sand games

  • develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • help the child feel protected, in a comfortable environment for him;
  • develop activity, expand life experience transmitted by the teacher in a form close to the child (the principle of information accessibility);
  • stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy;
  • allow the child to correlate games with real life, to comprehend what is happening, to find ways to solve a problem situation;
  • overcome the "bad artist" complex, creating artistic compositions from sand using ready-made figurines;
  • develop creative (creative) actions, find non-standard solutions leading to a successful result;
  • improve visual-spatial orientation, speech capabilities;
  • contribute to the expansion of vocabulary;
  • help to master the skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis;
  • allow you to develop phonemic hearing and perception;
  • contribute to the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;
  • help in the study of letters, mastering the skills of reading and writing.

    You can play sand not only on the street - you can arrange a mini-sandbox at home, in kindergarten, in a speech therapy office.

    General conditions for organizing sand therapy.

    A large waterproof box is used as a sandbox. Its traditional size in centimeters is 50 x 70 x 8 cm (where 50 x 70 is the size of the field, and 8 is the depth). It is believed that this size of the sandbox corresponds to the volume of the visual field. The traditional sandbox size is designed for individual work. For group work, we recommend using a sandbox measuring 100 x 140 x 8 cm.

    Material. Wood is the traditional and preferred material. In the practice of working with sand, plastic boxes are often used, but sand does not "breathe" in them.

    Color. The traditional sandbox combines the natural color of wood and blue. The bottom and sides (except for the upper plane of the side boards) are painted blue. Thus, the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides symbolize the sky. Blue color has a pacifying effect on a person. In addition, the "blue" sandbox filled with sand is a miniature model of our planet in human perception. If the means and space of the office allow, you can experiment with multi-colored sandboxes, when the bottom and sides are painted in one or more colors.

    Now it can be filled one third or half with clean (washed and sifted) oven-calcined sand. The sand used must be changed or cleaned from time to time. Cleansing is done at least once a month. The sand must be removed from the sandbox, sieved, rinsed and calcined.

    To organize games with sand, you will need a large set of miniature objects and toys that together symbolize the world. In classical sand therapy, there is the following classification of objects used in the process of creating sand paintings.

  • people diverse in gender, age, cultural and national identity, professions, era (from primitive to modern), postures should be both dynamic and static;
  • terrestrial animals (domestic, wild, prehistoric);
  • flying animals (wild, domestic, prehistoric);
  • inhabitants of the aquatic world (various fish, mammals, molluscs, crabs);
  • dwellings with furniture (houses, palaces, castles, other buildings, furniture of different eras, cultures and purposes);
  • household utensils (dishes, household items, table decorations);
  • trees and other plants (flowers, grass, shrubs, greenery, etc.);
  • objects of celestial space (sun, moon, stars, rainbow, clouds);
  • vehicles (land, water, air transport for civil and military purposes, fantastic vehicles);
  • human habitat objects (fences, hedges, bridges, gates, road signs);
  • objects of the landscape and natural activity of the Earth (volcanoes, mountains);
  • accessories (beads, masks, fabrics, buttons, buckles, jewelry, etc.);
  • natural objects (crystals, stones, shells, pieces of wood, metal, seeds, feathers, glass polished with water, etc.);
  • fantastic objects and cartoon characters, fantasy, werewolf figures;
  • villains (evil cartoon characters, myths, fairy tales).

    So, everything that is found in the surrounding world can take its rightful place in the collection. If there are not enough figurines-images for classes, they can be sculpted from plasticine, clay, dough, cut out of paper.

    A collection of figurines is on the shelves. If there is not enough space on the shelves to accommodate the entire collection, then transparent boxes can also be used.

    Partial transfer of speech therapy classes to the sandbox gives a greater educational and educational effect than standard forms of education. Firstly, the child's desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases. Secondly, in the sandbox, tactile sensitivity develops as the basis of "manual intelligence". Thirdly, in playing with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking) develop more harmoniously and intensively, and most importantly for us - speech and motor skills. Fourthly, the subject-play activity is being improved, which contributes to the development of the role-playing game and the child's communication skills.

    Relying on the techniques of working in the pedagogical sandbox, the teacher can make the traditional methodology for expanding vocabulary, developing coherent speech, forming phonemic hearing and perception in older preschool children more interesting, exciting, more productive.

    Before you start playing with sand, you need to talk to the children about the rules of playing in the sandbox. This will help the poem of T.M. Grabenko:

    There are no harmful children in the country -
    There is no place for them in the sand!
    You can't bite here, fight
    And throw sand in your eyes!
    Do not ruin foreign countries!
    Sand is a peaceful country.
    You can build and weird
    You can do a lot:
    Mountains, rivers and seas
    To have life around.
    Children, do you understand me?
    Or should I repeat it ?!
    To remember and be friends!

    Good luck!