7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Biography of the healer Natalia Stepanova. Lapel from a lover

Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova during her "magical" career, she collected more than 7000 for all occasions.

This healer from Siberia has long been known in the circle of people who find themselves in difficult life situations, which sometimes do not see the end and edge.

Over and over again, not being able to cope with them on their own, people often become depressed. This leads to the most sad consequences. It also happens that there is support from loved ones, intelligence, money, but something prevents a difficult situation from being resolved. What to do in such cases and where to look for help? Not finding support in their surroundings, people begin to seek help from above.

And often they are as a result of these searches bump into all sorts of... Sometimes it is good if people just lose money by giving it to fake sorcerers, sorcerers and healers in the nth generation, where n is "ne will help". But it also happens that these people, brazenly taking advantage of the despair of others, render the victims of the hardships of life a "disservice". Their incompetent work with the Higher Powers, at times, leads to the most sad consequences. But they also take money for it!

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova compares favorably with this mass of sorcerers-energy therapists from the first glance at her books, if only by the fact that she provides people with help absolutely free of charge and, as she herself constantly assures her readers, from a pure heart.

It would seem that this may turn out to be another PR stunt in order to advertise their services more successfully. Or it can be assumed that Stepanova is actually a very kind person and seeks to help people, but in fact it turns out that her witchcraft is not worth the coffee stain on the thick of some "fortune-teller grandma" (because this very "grandmother" decided make money in old age by deceiving unfortunate people).

Maybe Natalya Stepanovna is an ordinary swindler?

No, this is not at all true.

Conspiracies from the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanovna have a real power behind them.

Moreover, not the power of conviction in their work. A real magic power, capable of influencing those layers of our reality, in which we cook with you every day. And this has been verified by thousands of people on their own experience. Each new conspiracy book is a valuable treasure the information that will be not only useful for broadening our horizons, but also, first of all, for a qualitative improvement in the level of our life with you.

What is the healing magical power of Natalia Stepanova's conspiracies?

Do not hesitate, the witchcraft that she uses in her work and which the Siberian witch generously shares with us is absolutely "light". You can call her magic "white", "light", "positive" - ​​whatever you like. The essence will not change.

The impact that these conspiracies have has absolutely no negative impact.

In her prayer conspiracies, the Siberian healer turns only to Jesus Christ and to the host of Orthodox saints. This divine help is so strong and tangible that it is transmitted even through the printed version. In every conspiracy, there is a real, light power, incomprehensible to us, which Natalya Ivanovna generously shares, letting each one pass into a word in the conspiracy through herself.

How to read conspiracies so that they work?

In addition to the mandatory prescriptions indicated before each of the conspiracies, several important conditions must be remembered. And the key is not only the exact observance of each letter and the absolute belief that everything will work out (because God can grant the fulfillment of the conspiracy in order for us to believe).

An important condition for the fulfillment of your desires will be the ability to feel these miraculous words.

You must be able to miss them yourself, to surrender to the magical energy of the divine word in full.

  1. Imagine that you are alone in a locked room. There seems to be no way out of it.
  2. Besides you, there is another girl nearby.
  3. You speak two languages ​​unknown to each other. And in order to understand each other, you need to learn how to conduct a dialogue with each other.
In this metaphor, you are you, a girl who can help you is a light magical force, and language which is necessary for understanding - conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova... Therefore, it is so important not just to read them monotonously and mechanically and perform the actions agreed upon in them. The main thing is to feel... And only if you are guaranteed a result. As you learn to feel the people around you, try to feel the conspiracies that have come to you from above and can help you.

Natalia Stepanova

Many girls and women often seek help in solving love issues. The reasons can be very different. Someone has a broken heart, someone has unrequited love or a search for it, and someone may have a cooling of feelings.

Knowing how important this problem is for lovely ladies, Natalya Stepanovna in her book wrote many conspiracies for the love of a man, which should be read in case it turned out that you have problems in this area.

And so that you do not burden yourself with unnecessary search for the necessary information in books, we have collected for you some of the proven and most powerful of them.

Prayer conspiracy of a Siberian healer to find happiness in a marriage with a man

Having let your hair down, in clothes that do not hinder movement, stand near the threshold, without leaving it. Read the following conspiracy three times, it is advisable to learn it by heart:

« Father, brownie, call my husband home. Call him on the threshold: in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, on a black moonlit night, on a black moonless night. Send nine winds, nine vortices after him. Let them find him, at least walking, at least standing or sleeping, or over drinking, or over a hedgehog. Meet him in front, shoot in his heart with anguish. So that he could neither live, nor be, nor daytime, nor spend the night with my rival (name). He would have kept me in mind, he would have seen me in a short dream. As this threshold always stands in its place, dries and crackles, so my husband (name) would stand in front of me, crackling, squealing, drying. Bless my words, God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen».

Stepanova's conspiracy in case you are tired of looking for a good man yourself to create a family

It is read to the growing moon. The first step is to fast without eating anything other than water for 21 hours. This will increase your sensitivity to subtle energy structures:

« O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick-obedient representative! Hear now and for every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of your servants, who honor your holy memory in every place.

You are a god, the servitor of Christ, you yourself promised ecu, before your exodus from your life of perishable, pray for us to the Lord and ask for this gift from Him: and whoever, in any need and sorrow by his calls, begins your holy name, let him be delivered evil from every preposition.

And as if you sometimes the Tsarev's daughter in Rome, healed ecu from the devil with the city of the devil, save us from his fierce wiles all the days of our belly, especially on the strange day of our last breath, stand before us, when in darkness the ghosts of crafty demons surround and frighten us : wake us then a helper and a quick exorcist of wicked demons, and the leader of the Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now coming from the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that let us be partakers of the everlasting joy of joy, so that with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen».

Conspiracy in case you are in a relationship and do not want something or someone to separate you from your loved one

It is read three times for a thing that a loved one always carries with him, every day for seven days.

« As a fish cannot live without water, as a person cannot live without food, so that my dear, servant of God (name), could not live without me, a servant of God (name), could never leave me far away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen».

For the appearance in life of real strong love or its return in exchange for faded feelings

Before reading, you must attend the Sunday morning service in any church professing faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and light three candles:
  1. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker,
  2. To the Most Holy Theotokos,
  3. Before the face of Christ.
It is necessary to read on an empty stomach, being in silence and solitude:

« God's house. God's threshold. The throne of God. The power of love is mighty, the tear of jealousy is flammable. Go, longing, to every hair, to the servant of God (name), to his crown, to his temple, to the liver and heart, to the blood and to the vein, to all his joints, to all his thoughts, thoughts, to his chest white, ruddy cheeks, for lust and sighs. He would not fall asleep to sleep, he would not eat. Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind. Twist his brains so that he does not eat, does not sit, does not lie, but rushes to me from everywhere and runs. The locks will not hold him, the bolts will not stop him. Lyubushki-darlings will not cajole, aunts will not persuade, uncles are not at once mints. All he would have kept me, the servant of God (name), in my head, would not let go of my mind. Let him hear my voice everywhere, without me he does not breathe clean air. As a fish dies on the shore without water, grass dries without mother earth, there is no sky without clouds, so let the servant of God (name) never forget me with anyone. And whoever treats him will get tired from the first day. Amen».

A small but effective ritual for finding crystal clear love in a relationship

  1. We buy a white tablecloth of any material and three candles of different colors - white, red and green.

  • It is read three times.
  • After each reading we extinguish one candle.
  • We tie the extinguished candles with a thin ribbon and burn them to such an extent that they burn out to the very end. It is necessary to make sure that the smoke comes out of the window.
  • « O Eternal Lord, I pray to You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, an impassable fence, an insurmountable longing. The depth is three fathoms of the earth, the height is of immeasurable height, and the anguish of immense depth. Lock up, Lord, and block, so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me, he does not find another friend for himself. Close it with a key and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God's servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen».

    A spell that calls into your life a person who loves you

    It is read seven times in the open window of a burning stove, releasing smoke:

    « Dym Dymovich, Wind Vetrovich, do not fall either on the water or on the ground. Fall on the servant of God (name), on the zealous heart. As the smoke in the furnace wriggles, so the servant of God (name) about the servant of God (name) wind, wind up. My words will be strong and molded. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. Amen».

    Magic words so that no one encroaches on your Beloved one

    It is read by holding a salt shaker filled to the brim with salt in the right hand. Subtracted early in the morning for nine days. It is important that the rest of the household is still asleep.

    « Oh my God. I will sigh heavily, shake my head violently. Get out of the cemetery, longing, come, find, attack the servant of God (name), so that without longing for me, for his married, lawful wife, he does not sleep, does not get up, does not lie, does not remember his father and mother, but me, servant of God (name), never to forget. As pain does not allow you to forget about yourself in the body, as you can never forget bread and salt, the nine winds, and the tenth whirlwind, take away from all widowers and widows, from abandoned orphans and young women, all their hot tears. Turn them into salt, twist, twirl, fall on my salt in your right hand, enter the body of the servant of God (name) with food. Be there, and live there. Let him be sad without me and toil. It rushes to all four corners. Meet him, winds, even a walking one, or even a standing one. Take the soul out of it, drink the blood from it, push it into the back with a twist. All to me, God's servant (name), see off, drive and send: from oak tables, maple beds, from friends and girlfriends. Bread is my friend, salt is my mother. There is no one who can break my conspiracy. And the servant of God (name) is forever, from now on I will finish so that I (name) will not be forgotten. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen».

    Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova for strong mutual love

    A powerful conspiracy for the emergence of an unprecedentedly strong love, which is used only if you are confident in your feelings for a person.

    Otherwise, you yourself will have hard times later, if your love fades away, and the person continues to be pulled to you by the strongest ropes.

    The ritual is very powerful, therefore, it will require some effort from you.

    1. Within one day, you need to visit three Orthodox churches and submit notes for the repose of your deceased relatives and pray for the health of everyone around you. So you cleanse your biofield of negative vibrations and show God the sincerity of your intentions. You need to pray sincerely.
    2. Next, we go to an empty place, well blown by the wind from all sides.
    3. We scatter a handful of cemetery land in the wind, reading the conspiracy. This land must be collected in advance from three different graves belonging to people with the name of your loved one.
    « As the dead servant of God (name) no longer wear hats, so the servant of God (name) living without me, the servant of God (name), will no longer live. As the dead servant of God (name) no longer walks, so the servant of God (name) living without me can not be. Amen. Amen. Amen».

    Siberian healer Stepanova

    What to do if money is in no hurry to burst into your life in a powerful stream, no matter how hard you try to provide the most comfortable conditions for their occurrence? The first step is not to despair. If you make an effort for their occurrence, it means that it is not about you. It is possible that this is the influence of some negative influence from the outside. Or something going up the karmic ladder from your past lives.

    In any case, whatever it is, conspiracies to raise money from Natalia Stepanova, resolve any of your questions in this regard.

    We also selected them with great care especially for you.

    To increase financial wealth on all fronts

    « In this case, in order to get rich, it is necessary to read a prayer on a coin. Taking a penny of any denomination, whisper magic words over it on an even day of the month with the rising moon: As there are many fish in rivers and lakes, as there is a lot of mud and silt in swamps, so let me have a lot of wealth. You, Month, grow, grow and give me money and wealth to the servant of God (your name). Amen».

    A ritual for installing a money trap in your wallet

    Ritual conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova on cash flow

    It is performed on the eve of one of the twelve great holidays of the church calendar. Particularly strong effect it will take it if it is performed on the eve of Christmas, Easter and the Baptism of the Lord.
    1. For three days before that, we have observed a strict church fast and at the festive Liturgy in the church we confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.
    2. Then we come home and before the first meal after the Liturgy we read the following three times by heart in front of the icon of Jesus Christ:

      « My Lord and My Salvation, do not leave me Your servant, show me your mercy and direct the gold into my pockets. Let love flow around me and let my pocket not become scarce from now to forever. I believe, for you are the Lord God, the only one who can help me. Do not leave me in trouble and save me from starvation, for you are my God and my salvation. As you said “be fruitful and multiply,” so let money multiply in my life at my right hand. Amen, Amen, Amen».

    3. After each time we are baptized and make three bows to the ground.

    Prayer conspiracy to establish friendly relations with money

    We read three times at a time every day for twenty-one days. Every seventh day, in addition to this, we read the Symbol of Faith nine times in a row. it very effective conspiracy by Stepanova, based, in addition to a prayer appeal to God, on the magic of numbers.

    « My God and my hope. I turn to you and I pray to you. Let me forget what misery and hunger, despondency and melancholy are. Help me find cash flow, grant money to love me as much as I love the world you created. Do not leave me and do not leave me money on the worst day, for you are my mercy. Key. Language. Amen».

    We have listed for you some undoubtedly useful conspiracies for gaining the love and money components of our life.

    For them, we must sincerely thank Natalya Ivanovna and wish her many more years.

    This unique woman continues to diligently share her love with us. We wish you to find peace of mind and find your happiness. And we hope that the inherently healing conspiracies of the Siberian healer will help you with this!

    Heavenly Savior, be in front, Guardian Angel, be behind, Queen of Heaven, be above your head, save me whole. From evil people and sudden death, Lord save and save. Amen.

    Talk to a loved one

    If, for any reason, separation from a loved one or a loved one is ahead, you can talk to him so that trouble does not happen to him. They read by seating a person on a chair, walking around him with a lit candle. (The candle is removed from prying eyes before his return, and when the person returns after separation (army, business trip, etc.), the candle is lit in gratitude to God at the icon.)
    I speak to the servant of God (name) about saving on the road, firmly and firmly on his fate, on his life. Whoever plucks and eats up all the grass from the meadow, drinks all the water from the sea and does not hunger, he would not have overcome my word, my, the conspiracy would not be dissolved. Whoever of the evil people will scrutinize him, and disgrace him, and cheat, and spoil, they would then, the word is not in the matter, but the matter is not in the goal; the knife will break off, the bullet will pass, the poison will wake up, the fire will not ignite, the water will not destroy, the saber will not hack to death. The angel, with him, the guardian and preserver, will cover him with his wing from all enemies and foes. To the servant of God (name), the path is the road, smooth, good health in separation from me. I put my spell on it. With a candle, a church one, I witness every word. Amen.

    So as not to spoil the person

    This conspiracy serves as a talisman, but not in separation, but in life. He will be a guard against all evil eyes, ghosts, damage and bewitchments. They do it for a year, then repeat it. Also read with a candle that has not been lit before.
    I speak the servant of God (name) from all the sorcerers, sorcerers, from witches, and witches, from a raven-karkun, from a servant, and a poshimnitsa, from an old man, and from an eldress. I send everyone from the servant of God (name) to walk through the forest, take them from the ground, take them, and bother their heads. As long as the servant of God (name) is alive, not to spoil him, not to bewitch, not to drink, not to spoil - not in word, not in deed, not spruce, not aspen, not with a stake, not a candle, not on Bathing Night, not on. Christmastide, not a single day that is given to spoil. Word and deed. Amen.

    How to save a dying person from corruption

    Sometimes the warlock, out of malice or at the request, for a fee, destroys the ordered sacrifice. There are many ways, but there is one simple, but true. A volt is being prepared, that is, a figure from a church candle, to which blood, nails, hair of the victim are mixed, and a magical murder is being prepared. Hence the name - involution, that is, execution. Again, the choice of the sorcerer: he can burn, cut, stab, while uttering special spells. Unfortunately, this is possible even if the person lives far away. There are cases when the sorcerer did not even know the name of the intended victim. Well, let's say, two people in the queue had a row, one turned out to be vindictive and strong. With the power of imagination, he evokes a visual image of the victim and makes a volt out of it. All this I am telling you so that you have an idea of ​​the actions of the one who harmed your patient. But when involting, there is a reverse blow, which contains a considerable danger for the sorcerer himself. The sorcerer sends astral lightning, in other words, damage, to his victim through spells and magical actions. It must be absorbed by the victim's body. But if the one to whom the sorcerer directed the "astral lightning" knows the amulets from damage, etc., the magician receives a back blow. Not finding penetration, the beam returns to the one who sent it. A kickback can be fatal when violently invoked. The sorcerer knows about this and insures himself, that is, he speaks, besides his enemy, some animal, most often a neighbor, - a cow, dog, goat, cat, etc., in order for the animal to take the back blow. In order to please himself, the sorcerer stretches out the involution, and the person is sick for a long time before dying. To cure the sufferer, you need to do the following. Read two conspiracies, one on the patient, the second on a dry tree (found in the forest, in the city). A day to read per person, a day to a tree, and so on three times.

    How to pick up a spoiled one if he is already dying

    They get a piece of rope from a large church bell (you can ask the bell ringer), boil it at midnight in holy water, throwing grass from three graves there. In winter, throw in a bunch of dry grass. Read the plot 3 times if it is boiled in the morning (when everyone is still asleep in the house). The broth is given to drink from the left palm. It is as if a person will be born again. And if you can save the rope and the grass that you cooked in a secluded place in the house, then no one will spoil this person forever.
    I call an evil spirit into the circle. Here, ghouls, to me, ghouls, drink, eat what I cook, listen and remember what I say. Here's a request for you, here's your order, here's a devil's order: “Drink and eat not the blood of God's servant (name), but her illness. Drink not in 12 months, eat out, aza 12 days, 12 hours, 12 minutes of the Lord from this hour of my order. " I remove the human spell, the suffering of the flesh. What was thought and done, said, whispered from the doorway, from the window, from the wind, from the water, from the ground, from the golden-domed church, from the churchyard of the cross, from the morning, dawn, late evening, from the night, from coal, baking, from the ash of the stove , from ash, gray, cold, from a spark, hot, from smoke, curly, from grass, and roots, from relatives and blood, and strangers, from the hands of old witchers, young wizards, from healers, glaring, envious. From this day, from this hour, from the Lord's time, so that the servant of God (name) would rise, not face the sepulcher, but a long crown forever. To me, ghouls, here, ghouls, memorize my words, deeds, lock mine from his deeds, Satan, arrows. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    From the deathbed

    If doctors refused to treat your loved one, predicting his imminent death, do not despair. Take his underwear shirt, without washing - with sweat, blood, with traces of illness - wipe the patient with this shirt, take it to the field or to the forest (whichever is closer). Try to keep no one around. Read the slander over the shirt and burn it. Do not wait for the shirt to burn out with you, go away, do not look back. If you talk to someone on the way, consider that all is in vain. Don't do it on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Lord walked along the earth, helping people, from the grave, lifting them up. Lift up, Lord, slave. Your (name) from the bed, illness, mortal, bed. From bodily torments, turn away from death, turn back to life by Your name, by my work. Prolong, to His servant (name) the earthly age. Amen.

    How can you take a sick person away from death?

    I have already described the methods of secretly healing a terminally ill person. In this issue, I give three more ways.
    Take a frog, attach it to a dying person with its stomach and say to yourself:
    Cold to cold, and the servant of God (name) - life.
    Having said this three times, they tie the frog in the patient's handkerchief and bury it somewhere, but after the frog is buried, one should say:
    The frog will rot, and the servant of God (name) will live.

    * * *
    They rake the anthill and bury the patient's linen in it after sunrise. They say before leaving:
    How much there is living in one house, so much life in one body of the servant of God (name). Amen.
    * * *
    They order a prayer service for the patient's health in the church. They distribute forty alms and burn twelve candles for three nights. On the fourth day, the patient is given a piece of incense to eat, saying to himself: Not a white shroud.
    Improvement is coming soon.

    To a seriously ill patient for healing

    They read it, standing at the patient's bedside in the morning and in the evening, holding the Three-handed icon in their hands.
    O Most Holy and All-Living Virgin, Mother of God Mary! We fall and worship you in front of your holy icon, remembering your glorified miracle, with the healing of truncated right hands, the Monk John, Damascene, this icon, this, revealed. His sign is still visible on it in the image of a third hand, attached to your image. Help, Three-handed, in healing, with your fancy hand, the servants of God (name). And hear us, and do not deprive us of help. Yours, sovereign. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    How to avoid carrying the disease

    It is known that a master can remove a disease from one person and transfer it to another, as well as damage.
    Disease and damage is transferred to a person with the same name. To protect yourself from this, you need to do the following on the day corresponding to the gender, but so that it is not the first and not the last day of the month.
    Take a knife and circle a circle around you, keeping your left hand over your heart. Then stand in a circle and cast the spell 12 times without hesitation. The left hand is still on the heart, the right hand is stretched out in front of him with a knife.
    I will outline a circle, praying, I will call my Angel, baptized. You, my angel, stand in a circle with me. Protect me from the transfer, the enemy, from the master, the strong and all-powerful, from the young and the old and from the knowledgeable and from the weak. Go, transfer it, to where the thistle grew, to dry wormwood, to aspen, to a marsh bog. The circle of the earth, the circle in front of me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Protected on myself

    Take care of your health once a year so that the diseases of the people you are treating do not stick to you. To do this, on Palm Sunday on an empty stomach, eat three pussy willow buds and wash it down with holy water, say:
    Verboi, Saint Paul, waved, and drove away other people's diseases from me. As it is true that Palm Sunday is honored, so it is true that other people's diseases do not stick to me. Amen.

    Conspiracy with a serious illness

    This conspiracy is read when there is no longer any hope for the patient's recovery. If a person has lived his life without grave (mortal) sins, then the angels beg for mercy to the sick person before the Lord. The patient can recover and sometimes live a long time, but, as my grandmother used to say, "until the first mortal sin." Therefore, a recovered person should remember this and not sin.
    Before reading the conspiracy, read the prayer 12 times in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, called the "Healer". The icon can be bought at the church shop. The prayer is read like this:
    Accept, O All-Blessed and Almighty, Lady Lady Theotokos Virgin, this prayer with tears, brought to You now from us unworthy Thy servants, to Thy celibate image we send singing with tenderness, as to Thee who is present and hears our prayer; for some reason, the fulfillment of your work, relieving grief, breaking your health for the weak, relaxing - and healing the sick, from demonic demons, driving away, taking offense from insults, delivering the lepers, cleansing the lepers and small children, have mercy: lice, Lady Lady, the Mother of God, and Liberating dungeons and all many different - passions, heal; all essence is possible through Thy intercession to Thy Son, Christ our God.
    O Vsvpetaya Mother, Most Holy Theotokos! Do not stop praying for us, unworthy servants of God, who glorify You and worship You and worship Your most pure image with tenderness and the hope of those who have irrevocable and unreasonable faith to You, the Most Glorious and Immaculate Virgin. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.
    After reading the prayer 12 times, read the conspiracy, overshadowing the patient with a cross:
    On the sea, on the okiane, the holy island lies, on it the holy Apostolic church stands. In that holy church, the holy fire of forty, holy candles burns. From the heat of those candles, from entering into one place of clouds, from Elijah, the Prophet, his holy word will thunder, lightning will strike. The forest makes noise, aches and falls. Water, the holy island washes away, the disease of the servant of God (name) falls asleep with sand, hides, forever, buries. He will not oyknet, he will not oink, he will not groan. He will not creak his teeth anymore, and let his whole illness sleep from my word. Until then, until that time, the illness in the servant of God (name) will not wake up, until, the holy island from the head, to the feet does not turn over. Mine, words from a sorcerer, from a witch, from a healer-whisper, from a healer-whisper. To be my word, to live my cause. The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth. My word has no end and end, just as there is no church, without a dome and a crown. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    From a sudden illness

    This conspiracy must be known to the shepherd by heart and read before leaving to the pasture. Working outdoors in the rain, in a field in the wind often takes a person's health away.
    Anyone who knows this conspiracy will be able to protect themselves from a sudden illness.
    I will stand, blessing the east, the east side. I have the cross, holy Jesus Christ, everywhere with me. The sky is my castle, the earth, the keys are for me, and you are an ailment, do not knock on me. I step on a stone - blood-ore, does not drip, does not ache anywhere in the body, does not hurt. Angels in front, angels behind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    * * *
    On the ocean sea, the church stands on a stone. She is strong, she is strong, she does not get sick, pains, rut, does not know. So I, the servant of God (name), would not be ill, pain, rut, I would not know. Around me is a stone mountain, it protects me from illness, does not allow me to. Iron, tyn, Bogoroditsyn castle. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Give strength to the patient

    White magic is powerful! She is able to give strength to a dying person. These are just the cases when people say: "I was really bad, and no one hoped that he would survive, and look - he recovered!" Such words will be the highest reward for you.
    Stay alone with the sick person. Light 12 candles. Tell the patient to silently listen to what you are reading, then give him three glasses of water by mouth. It is as if a person will be born again. Speak to the water.
    Magdalena cried, Mother Mary wept, the demon rejoiced, and Jesus was resurrected. God help me! Servant, God (name) from the grave, raise. Give joy to us, Your slaves. Amen.

    Gain strength quickly

    There are all sorts of circumstances: a person loses strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go outside, raise your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:
    The stars are not counted, the sky is not measured. Lord, my God, the powers of heaven are with me. I will glorify the Mother of God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Conspiracy from forty deadly diseases

    The conspiracy will help even with those diseases that no doctor can cure. They read it aloud, without hesitation and without distraction.
    Angels, heavenly, angels, saints. Take and take all my words and all my request to the Lord God, Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. People get sick, people suffer, people die. Who, diseases, considered, who these, diseases, on people, caught up,? Get up, sickness, shake yourself, go and descend into hell. Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name), so that his soul is lifted up, and his body stops hurting. Bless, Lord, all my words, all my healing deeds. And what I missed, what I missed, the Lord will command and the Angel will say all the words for me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    If you feel unwell

    With your ring finger, touch the icon of Christ the Savior, then touch your brow and say:
    The ring finger does not have a name, so I do not have a servant of God (name). Amen.
    Soon you will feel relief, and the malaise will go away without a trace.

    What to do in case of a breakdown

    If a person feels a lack of energy, let him go to the field, lie down in a fresh furrow and say:
    You are stubble, give me all your strength, the earth will give birth, the earth, revives, the earth, rewards me with strength. Jesus Christ is risen, so may my strength be resurrected. That she said, that she did not say, that she thought, everything so that it would benefit me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    They also improve their strength with herbs. (See the Herbs section.) On a full moon, at 00 o'clock, you can go outside, raise your hands up and shout, without thinking that you may be heard:
    Strength, heavenly invincible, inexhaustible. Angel, my, back me up with this power. In the name of. Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
    You cannot do this on an odd day.

    How can you help yourself if you feel unwell

    If you are sick, exclude all meat from the diet. Give preference to fish, or even better fish soup (fish broth). Pound the butter and honey in a bowl, rub with this mixture, warm up in the bath.
    You will see how quickly your strength will return to you.

    * * *
    Sleep brings health back. Unplug the doorbell, phone, close the curtains tightly. When you go to bed, say:
    Angels strengthen my health. Amen.
    * * *
    Eat as little as possible, drink more often lingonberry broth with honey and hot milk with froth. Wipe off twice a day - morning and evening - with a terry towel dipped in hot salted water. After this procedure, rub with a dry waffle towel.
    * * *
    If your bones ache, wrap your naked body in a goat shawl and go to bed say:
    Take the two-legged from the two-legged. Desm, Abu, Ali, Ala. The two-legged took, the two-legged gave. Amen.
    The same should be done for a cold.
    * * *
    If your illness has dragged on for a long time, do so.
    Enter the river (if there is no river nearby, you can take a bath with water), pour water over yourself from head to toe with the words:
    Mother's waters, departed, childbirth, mothers, let's go. I am out of the water - and out of the water, I came out. God gave me a soul, put me on dry land. I'll go into the water, find relief. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    * * *
    The sacrificial blood of a freshly killed bird helps to alleviate the painful condition.
    They chop up a chicken, put the left hand under the warm blood. With this blood, forty crosses are painted on the naked body. For each painted cross they say:
    You, the bird, are dead, and I am alive. Blood is on the cross, and health is in me. Amen.
    After that, your health will recover very quickly.
    * * *
    If you suddenly notice that you are not walking yourself, as if you were replaced, put on your dress backwards, put on slippers on the wrong foot and make twelve circles around the room where you usually sleep, whispering at the same time:
    The sickness came to the wrong house, the sickness found the wrong one. I confuse you, sickness, in circles, I take you out.
    I take you out, sickness, with my feet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
    * * *
    Want to quickly recover from a cold? Stand with the moon behind you. The phase of the moon is waning. Ask three times in a whisper:
    Moon, are you going to leave? You won't forget to take sickness from me? Are you decreasing? And let the disease go away. Amen.
    * * *
    Stand in front of the All Saints icon and bow down to the waist. Give forty bows. Then wash yourself with holy water and dry your face with the clothes in which you bowed to the saints. Put on new clothes.
    By the evening you will be better, and the next day you will finally be better.
    * * *
    For colds, boil a glass of milk with a clove of garlic and half a teaspoon of pollen, which you can buy at any pharmacy. Drink - the next day you will feel healthy.
    * * *
    If there is no time to lie down during a cold, do so. Lie on the floor by the bed and rotate clockwise twelve times while saying:
    Gender my gender, stake my disease. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
    I checked, it helps very quickly, but not on Sunday.
    * * *
    If your lower back often gets stuck, treat it like this.
    Melt a glass of honey with half a glass of salt and one hundred grams of lard. Add walnut-sized propolis to the resulting mass. Spread on the lower back, cover it with cellophane on top and wrap it up better.
    The lower back will soon stop hurting.
    * * *
    For those who are endlessly ill, I recommend this mixture. For half a liter of Borjomi, take half a glass of light honey, squeeze the juice of one lemon. Mix everything thoroughly. Place in a cool, dark place for a day (without closing the bottle). Drink two tbsp. spoons in the morning and evening for two weeks. There is no need to eat meat at this time.
    * * *
    If you are annoyed over trifles, if you do not want to look at yourself in the mirror, arrange a feast for your body. Buy ten liters of milk, get a half-liter jar of honey, one hundred grams each of lime blossom, mint and yarrow. Heat this mixture without boiling. Strain through a sieve into a tub of warm water and soak for twenty-five minutes.
    You will see how your eyes will shine and how your skin will turn pink, which has absorbed life itself with milk. Of course, the bathtub will turn out to be expensive, but your health is dearer than any money. It is better to deny yourself something else, but be sure to make yourself this gift. It will pay off with excellent appearance and wonderful well-being.
    * * *
    If you have acne or other skin rashes, buy soap. Wash them in the bath once. After that, without going home, bury the soap with the words:
    How this soap was washed and soap, how this soap I washed off myself, how I planted this soap in the ground, so that all the sores from my body would disappear. Only when this soap sprouts, only then, I will have acne. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    From a contagious disease

    If an epidemic breaks out, talk to yourself in advance so as not to get sick.
    Put up two mirrors. One in the front and one in the back. Look at the back of your head and say:
    There are no eyes on the back of the head, no nose on the back of the head, no mouth on the back of the head. So that I have no illness: neither from people, nor from animals, nor from horses, nor from cows, nor from goats, nor from birds, nor from the wind, nor from water, nor from the earth. Lord, save me. Save and defend. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    From an unknown disease

    If doctors can't make a diagnosis, and you feel like you are dying, immediately start lecturing.
    Read twelve nights before bed.
    Uncounted keels, release my veins. Take your eyes, uterine serpent. Fly from my body into the chimney, find another victim for yourself. All the holy heavenly helpers of God, deign me to be a servant of God (name), your help, crush my diseases! Now and ever and forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Conspiracy to protect during epidemics

    They heat the water, stirring it with a torch, split off from a log. Only interfere in one direction, clockwise. Stir until read three times. Then the whole family is surrounded with water. The sliver is dried and burned.
    Shield of the Lord, with me from every ailment, earthly: from ulcers, pestilence, from plague, fire, from leprosy, festering, from fever and shaking, fire, rabies. Protect, Lord, with Your fence, my family. Amen.

    Lamp of life

    In order to find out whether the patient dies or not, they make a lamp of life. Pour oil into the icon lamp, take the patient's sweaty undershirt, raise it to the level of the lighted icon lamp and read:
    Burn the candle of the life of the servant of God (name). His guardian angel, indicate. If this lamp does not burn, the servant of God will die. Amen.
    Then wave the sick shirt behind you. If the flame weakens, but does not go out, it means that the patient will still be ill, but will not die. If the fire goes out, then it will not rise.

    How to talk yourself out of illness for the whole year

    This is a very old and proven method. Grandmother used to say about him like this: "Defense, rescue." If done correctly, avoid colds and ailments throughout the year.
    Take the charcoal out of the blower with your left hand. Draw a line on the floor, stand with your back to it, step it with your left foot back and forth and say:
    There is no devil, no cross to him. So there is no ailment for me, and no pain the next day, not the day after tomorrow, not for a week, not for a month and not for the whole year! Amen.

    In old age, it is necessary to observe a sparing regimen: to take care of your nerves, to enjoy every day, to thank God for letting you live to your old age.
    Be more in nature. It is good to look at the water, it soothes and pleases the heart. A walk in the woods will take you back to childhood. Hear birds, grasshoppers chatter, bumblebee and forest flies. Watch the movement of the spider on the web. Rejoice in the sun, rain and the whole world, because in your youth you worked, raised children and, probably, did not find time to admire what you can lose at any moment. Especially when indifferent time is inexorably counting down the last years. Go outside at the starry time of the night. Raise your head, watch the stars shine above you. Remember your parents, because once they also looked up into the sky. Tears will be the purest and brightest of all tears shed before.
    Dear ones! Do not grieve yourself in vain, drive away bad thoughts from yourself, for there is no more accurate sniper for the heart than bitter thoughts. Eat plenty of fruit, spend the accumulated money on yourself. Pamper yourself. If possible, travel, see the world. Pray for your parents. When you are gone, hardly anyone will pray for their soul. Only you can, as long as you can, say:
    My Lord, how I love You, how I hope in You, in Your parental forgiveness. Forgive me, Lord, my mother and father, my and my whole family, for many centuries, for sins, voluntary and involuntary. And when Thy Judgment is, Lord forgive and have mercy on us. Amen.

    God's water, holy water, sweet and dear water, you refresh God's earth, you nourish every plant, you cleanse a person's body and soul. Help me too, God's servant (name). I tame the heart of a lion, a snake and a dog with God's water. You, lion, do not roar, you, dog, be silent, you, snake, do not hiss. And you, my enemy (name), do not approach me, God's servant. Mother holy water, you sharpen and break stones, you wash away all dirt and all evil. Wash away the anger and hatred of all enemies and enemies from me. My guardian angel, my guardian angel, intercede for me (name), pray before the Lord, for me, God's servant (name), and my misfortune. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Conspiracy from enemy intrigues and intrigues

    From a letter: "Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I am addressing you with my maternal pain. The fact is that my daughter is tormented by gossip, intrigue and anonymous letters.

    My girl is very kind, smart and honest. She received a higher education, received a high position, and I was sincerely happy for her.

    But neither I nor she knew that a high post was fraught with an invisible threat. No matter how she lived according to her conscience, no matter how hard she tried, it is clear that you will never please everyone.

    I look at her - and my heart bleeds. He sits, thinking, a deep wrinkle between his eyebrows. I ask her: - What's the matter with you, daughter?

    - I'm tired of intrigues, I don't want to live, but I feel sorry for you, mommy. "

    They read this conspiracy at midnight forty times in a row.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Eternal God was born to Mother Mary, was baptized, glorified. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. As the stars in the sky fade under gray clouds, so would my enemies fade away. As the dead lie in their graves and are silent, so my enemies would be silent, they would not open their mouths against me. And as dead eyes do not see, even if my enemies do not look at me, do not see me, do not notice, they do not remember my name in their speeches. Saint Saved me from my enemies, enemies. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    A conspiracy from trouble

    If you are overwhelmed by endless troubles, sprinkle the charmed millet on the chickens. They will peck it and your troubles will stop. They say millet like this:

    As this millet is depleted and disappears, so would all my troubles disappear from me (name) now, forever and endlessly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    A conspiracy to respect others

    From a letter from VF Kisunova (Bugatol): “I have always been proud that I can find a common language even with a very difficult person. Without bragging, I will say that I have always been respected and loved by the people with whom I worked.

    But suddenly everything changed, as if I had been jinxed. This happened after one of our new employees told me:

    - Valya, I'm just amazed at how everyone loves and respects you both in the eyes and behind the eyes. Unfortunately, no one has ever addressed me like that. I even envy you!

    It was after these words that I began to have small and large conflicts with the people around me. I speak, but it is as if they do not hear me, and if they do, then for some reason my words only annoy everyone.

    Yesterday my boss invited me and said:

    - I have to offer you to quit your job of your own free will, because no one wants to work with you. And I have to reckon with the will of the team.

    Natalya Ivanovna, I heard that there is a prayer that attracts human sympathy to a person. I beg you to publish it in your book.

    Respectfully yours, Valentina Fedorovna Kisunova ".

    Indeed, there are conspiracies of disgust, as well as respect and human love. For example, this one: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The blue sea played out to the holiest heavens. An old demon woke up on the seabed, waving his arms, dancing with his hooves. On whom the spray falls from him, people will not allow him to live among themselves. I, the servant of God (name), will get up, bless, I will go up to the icon, cross myself, beg, beg for love for myself. Whoever of God's people looks at me, he will respect and love me now, forever and endlessly. Let me be for them in thirst for water, in hunger - delicious food. Whoever exchanges a word with me will turn to me with all his kind soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Respect and honor in the team

    From a letter: "I am 45 years old, I work no worse than others, but during all this time I have never been praised in public, and in private I have been silent. Maybe I don’t know how to sneak, or maybe I’m just unlucky. Others have a prize or diploma. , and I am so, empty space ... "

    On Easter morning, wipe yourself off with a towel and say:

    Christ is risen! And I am to the whole world the sun is red, honey is sweet, salt is the most vaunted!

    Put a towel on the table, eat a cake and a dyed egg over it. The next day, bring a towel to work and use it to wipe your work area with it. You will see, the result will be indescribable. For everyone, you will shine like the Sun. People will reach out to you and respect you.

    So that luck is not taken away

    Wash yourself on the full moon with the charmed milk:

    Lord, my God, I stand before You. Angel, my guardian, deliverer from evil hearts, save me, protect me. As a loving mother, she does not want to wean the child from her breast for a while, so that no one, never, at any time, will take, take away my luck. Increase, Lord, my luck, send, Lord, deliverance from enemies. My angel, be with me, keep my happiness and good luck. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    So that envious people do not bring harm

    If you are planning a serious business, but fear the evil eye or damage, you should do so. Boil fish in holy water at twelve o'clock. When the water boils and steam rises, say:

    My fish is immovable, my fish is silent. You can't open your mouth, you can't speak with words. Likewise, neither my enemies nor their mouths should be undressed, words should not rush, troubles, no harm should be done. Got you, black night, you got, white day, got, red dawn. Enemies behind - the first me. Amen.

    How to make a conspiracy up the ladder to Ascension (to get promoted)

    Anyone who passionately desired promotion in the service came to the healer on Ascension. The witch doctor took a fee from the visitor and gave a ladder baked from dough with conspiracy words.

    I will teach you how to make such a ladder. Who knows, if not for you, then maybe the children will find it useful. Plus, the charmed staircase is delicious.

    For the dough you need: 120 g of hazelnuts, 11/2 cups of flour, 1/2 cup of crushed sugar (powdered sugar), 1 egg, 1/4 lemon juice, a little vanilla and holy water.

    Mix the toasted ground nuts with vanilla, flour, sugar and egg yolk. Add holy water to make the dough not very steep. Knead it and roll out a layer 1–1.5 cm thick. Then cut the layer into strips, place it on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour - so that a ladder is formed from the strips. Grease the ladder with glaze and bake until tender.

    When the dough is crumpled, they read the conspiracy:

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. True Christ, the Heavenly King, ascended in His glory. Lord, I praise You, who stepped on the ladder of glory, which led You to the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven. God bless this bread. Whoever eats this bread, whoever drinks it down with holy water, will find Your protection everywhere. Fate will not offend that person, the judge will not condemn, the cunning will not outwit, the quick will not beat. Every door will open to him, every head will bow to him. King David himself helps me, he blesses my ladder. Michael the Archangel confirms my words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    To urgently sell an apartment

    There are many such letters and calls.

    Of course, everyone has their own circumstances, but I advise you to think carefully before selling the shelter that has warmed you for so long. Where everything was - both happiness and sorrow. But if, nevertheless, the circumstances are stronger, then I advise you the following.

    Clean the floor in all rooms and in the corridor, and pour dirty water onto the road. Before that, the water is slandered, squatting in front of a bucket. If you meet someone when taking out water, then what you have done will be empty. And the slander is this:

    Four corners, my domina and the brownie, I renounce you, from the doors, locks, from the four corners and the brownie. Whoever brings me money for you will take you for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    To sell a house, an apartment at a profit

    They talk on a broom at three o'clock in the morning, and in the morning, with a pink glow, they sweep in the house. So for three days in a row.

    As I sweep the rubbish, I sweep it, so I nail the buyers to myself. The first will arrive, the second will come, the third will buy, and will take it for himself. Amen.

    How to sell a house

    From a letter: “I have an elderly mother. She cannot be alone, she needs constant care. I wanted to take her to live with me, but we cannot sell her house.

    There are conspiracies to sell the house. Try this one, for example. They read it into the water, and then sprinkle this water in the house. The remaining water is poured onto the porch. God's Horomina, four corners, an icon in the corner. As people go to the temple to the icons, so to my house-khoromina, four corners, an icon in the corner, let people go, bring money, buy khoromina, all four corners. My word is sticky, my work is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    Walk around the house (against the solstice) three times. Then bow to every corner of the house and ask the brownie to sell the house:

    My master, brownie, sell my house. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

    Everything that I can, everything that I know and can, I will gradually pass on to you with the generosity of the heart of a loving mother.

    By studying my books, you will learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from visible and invisible enemies: a thief will not touch your good, witchcraft will be reflected by you, your family will be friendly, no rival can seduce your spouse's heart.

    You will not only be able to manage the event, but you will always come out victorious from any seemingly hopeless situation.

    The book, as always, provides proven advice for the treatment of various diseases.

    I give specific examples from which it will be clear to you how to act in certain situations, how and when to read conspiracy words.

    This issue contains true and incredible readers' stories that can be a lesson for you to warn against making tragic mistakes.

    Everyone who completes my training course will receive truly unique knowledge.

    I will teach you to read fate by the stars, see the past and future on the water, correctly and safely refract the Looking Glass to see what is hidden by the invisible veil of our dimension. In the mirror and on the water, you can see the other world, call the soul of a person, both living and gone into the transcendental space.

    If some of you don't quite understand what I'm talking about right now, please be patient. Study my books and do not hesitate: I will keep my word and reveal to you all the knowledge that I own.

    Calling me is more difficult than writing, and negotiations are expensive, sometimes the time difference brings.

    Write to me, and I will definitely answer everyone. If you have a really serious problem, be sure to indicate what religion you have, since for Muslims, conspiracies and prayers are somewhat different from Christians.

    I thank everyone who congratulates me on the holidays. It always worries me very much. I sincerely pray for everyone who responds to someone else's misfortune. It is gratifying to read letters from people who ask not only for themselves, but also for strangers. After all, the Lord Himself said: a merciful heart will be received with mercy.

    Your Natalia Ivanovna


    Items and Herbs Needed for a White Magic Master

    A good master should always have items, herbs, secret places, etc., which may be needed to treat a patient.

    I will write here at what time what needs to be obtained and what to use, and on occasion, try to save all this. Set aside a place for yourself in the house where you will store everything. It's a good idea to sign boxes so as not to forget what is in it and for how long. You will know what to get where.

    You need:

    Safety pins new ones: from memory loss, from drowsiness, from seizures, etc. They pin to the patient's clothes from the inside out with the words:

    Carry your health with you.

    Wedding candle - it is used to treat whooping cough, that is, spoiled. Usually they are scolded in church, but even that doesn't help. It is more correct to treat with a wedding candle. But getting such a candle is not easy, since not every newlyweds will give their candles after the wedding to no one knows who. Still, you need to try to get the wedding candles, they treat a lot.

    Willow - dried from Palm Sunday. They treat with slander asphyxiation, spoilage, sexual impotence, etc.

    Holy verbena - if you bring it to a house where they are at enmity, with the words:

    As Palm Sunday was and is, so peace has been restored in this house - enmity will disappear.

    Hair from a stallion - it is known that warlock masters spoil a man with hair from a gelding. To fix this, you need to have hair from a stallion. Usually they put hair in panties along with an elastic band with the words:

    Was a gelding, became a stallion.

    Let the tainted one wear hair from the new moon to the full moon.

    Hare's foot - for the walking spouse. The paw obtained in the spring is placed under the feather bed (mattress), where the spouses sleep, with the words: The hare ran back, and you are in your family.

    Dried frog - hang a frog on Ivan Kupala until it dries up. It is used in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis; dropsy; wine drinking; greed; when it is necessary to remove dryness.

    For conspiracies and spells, see my books.

    Grains of raisins - remove pits from 12 raisins and tidy up. They treat toothache, headache, etc. The bones are put into the patient's pocket with the words:

    They were taken out and the pain was taken out of the body.

    Teeth from the jaw of a dead animal found in the forest - use them to speak, to “gnaw” a hernia, as well as from animal bites, squabbles between spouses, from a wolf's mouth. (Hebrews are in my books.)

    Needles that were not sewn - remove spoilage. They open the bag with new needles and, no matter how many of them there are, make a stitch with each needle on the patient's clothes, saying:

    You have embroidered it, I will sew it.

    Stones from the stomach of birds - if, while gutting chickens, you find pebbles in the stomach, clean them up. They are needed in the treatment of paralysis. Let the patient walk on one floorboard, and you throw these stones after him and say:

    These stones were used to grind food, and I will grind the disease and pray for the Lord. Amen.

    A spool of red thread - they tie a finger on their left hand with a thread with the words: Although the thread is long, someday the spool will be empty, and the disease will leave the servant of God (name). Amen.

    A ball of wool - a lot of things are treated with woolen threads, from a simple - "developed" hand to the removal of vein damage.

    Kolyadnoe - this is the name for what carols will sprinkle on Christmastide in your house: millet, rice, cereals, etc. Take it all away before time, it will come in handy when treating the evil eye, spoilage, erysipelas, etc.

    Red flap - just like black, should always be in your home. Erysipelas are treated with red and black cloth, ulcers and childhood seizures are spoken.

    Krushina - twigs, bark are kept at home. It is known that the buckthorn served to weave the crown of thorns of Christ the Savior. Since then, Christ has rewarded her with the ability to heal from fear. She is placed under the bed of a person who is tormented by nightmares. Children are helped by the fear of the dark.

    Pieces of aspen are scattered into pockets from damage, the evil eye, with the words: As no one counts the poppy, so no one will spoil the servant of God.

    Frankincense - buy in the church. You will find cases in white magic when it must be used.

    Forest Spider Legs stored in a penicillin bottle to treat joint pain. Candles are burned on a flame with the words:

    Like a spider, the legs do not hurt, and how true it is that they are burning now, so that they surely do not hurt, the legs of the servant of God (name). Amen.

    Magnet - many treat their head and much more. They apply to the sore spot and say:

    As a stone magnet pulls iron to itself, so let the disease take over.

    Bear ears(grass) - harvested on the full moon in August. Helps with uterine bleeding, erosion, heart melancholy, etc.

    Chalk - draw a circle during treatment.

    Melissa officinalis - collect it on Midsummer Day. They give it to someone who is tormented by fears.

    Fly, fall asleep in the fall, put in a matchbox. If people who have family damage, that is, constant scandals, turn to you for help, leave this fly between the frames with words.

    Many people want changes in their lives for the better, to achieve success. But this does not always work out. There are many reasons for failure: a black streak in life, envy of people, or even induced damage or the evil eye. Magic conspiracies come to the rescue, which can change fate. Below we have described the most famous and proven rituals with good reviews.

    The most popular of all books:

    • Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer (Issue 41),
    • 7000 conspiracies.

    A conspiracy is not a rhythmic verse on a given topic. Reading a text to heal from an illness changes the vibration frequency of the human body, increasing its resistance to illness. In what way does the conspiracy work, and why do miracles of healing and changes in life occur? This mechanism has not yet been studied.

    To a modern person, a magic text may seem gibberish, however, these words that are not always understandable to the mind have a huge impact on the subtle bodies of a person, on his subconscious. Healers-whisperers mutter words under their breath, spit over their left shoulder - such actions are also not always understandable to an ordinary person. But healing occurs, and then the power of the conspiracy word appears in a completely different light.

    Money conspiracies and rituals

    How to improve your financial well-being? Almost every person asks this question: there is never a lot of money. Natalia Stepanova offers a whole arsenal of rituals for attracting finance. Money rituals are recited on the waxing moon or full moon. It is impossible to attract money for a losing month: it will disappear altogether.

    Monetary rituals are read on:

    All the rituals of Natalia Stepanova are directly related to the name of the Lord, written in the Orthodox tradition. The healer recommends observing Christian commandments, honoring God and the saints, not wanting evil on people and never causing damage. Payback for communication with demonic forces can come already in this life, therefore, you should take care of your soul with a howl and not harm living beings.

    Rite of passage for money on the thirteenth

    The most popular is a simple ceremony held on the 13th of any month. Go to church before mass and buy 13 wax candles (thin ones can be used), and exchange the change from the purchase for a change. Candles are placed on the icons of the thirteen apostles.

    When you come home, throw the change on the floor and leave it until the next morning. It is recommended not to receive or invite guests on this day, so that there is no question: "Why is the money lying on the floor?" Also warn your family not to ask questions.

    Waking up in the morning, you need to collect change in a handkerchief and put it under your bed. Only this must be done before washing, combing and drinking tea. You will notice that cash income will skyrocket. The ceremony can be repeated annually.

    Money talisman

    On the growing moon, they pull out the wick from the wax candle, set it on fire with a match from both ends and quickly read:

    "The fire is eternal,
    And my spirit is marked
    Gold, silver and all kinds of good.

    You need to say it once. Then extinguish the wick and put it in your wallet. This talisman will attract money. It is advisable to do the ceremony on one of the church holidays.

    Everyone needs luck, in any business and under any circumstances. How to attract her into your life? Our ancestors compared luck to a Firebird that needs to be caught by the tail. Luck is capricious and capricious, but magical conspiracies will help to cope with it. The main thing is to observe the time of the ritual and the sequence of actions.

    Lure luck

    Luck can be baited, which is bought on the days of the new moon. The special secret of magical actions is that you should buy items for the ritual without surrendering. At home, light a wax candle, hold the pin in your hands and say:

    "A month is being born,
    His strength awakens
    Coming towards me.
    As a month will not part with the stars,
    So luck won't leave me either.


    Place the pin under the moonlight for a few hours. Always carry the talisman with you, and do not show it to anyone.

    Chase failure

    Sometimes, before attracting luck, it is necessary to banish the failure. For this ceremony, you will need regular millet, which you need to feed to the chickens. When you feed, say:

    "How will this millet disappear,
    So my failures will disappear.
    Today, forever, forever.
    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    It is difficult to find chickens in the city, so you can feed pigeons or sparrows. The main thing is that the birds peck up all the grains.

    Love magic

    Love magic can be dangerous if you use the power of demons and devils in the ritual. Natalia has many good safe rituals for the love of a sweetheart, one of them is a spell for a gift.

    Wait for the birthday of your loved one or other special occasion and perform the ceremony. To do this, you need to defend the service with a candle in the church, and bring the candle home. At home, pour water into a glass, hold a lit candle over the camp and say:

    “Holy candle, fake my gift!
    Whoever takes this gift gives me his heart.
    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    Make the sign of the cross and read the "Our Father" so that the evil spirits do not spoil your work. Wash yourself with water, give a gift to your sweetheart.