Antisocial behavior: how it manifests itself and what to do with it. Who is an asocial person and what is an asocial lifestyle

The word asocial in English letters (transliteration) - asotsialnyi

The word asocial consists of 11 letters:

Meanings of the word asocial. What is asocial?

ASOCIAL. 1. Not related to society or social problems. This meaning is used to describe situations, events, behavior or people independent of social values ​​and customs...

Oxford Dictionary of Psychology. - 2002

Asocial - (a + lat. socialis - public) - 1. not related to society, social problems, not related to them; 2. lack of sensitivity to social norms, traditions, customs.

Zhmurov V.A. Big explanatory dictionary of terms in psychiatry

ASOCIAL (from Greek a - negative particle and Latin socialis - public) a person who is internally indifferent and outwardly passive in relation to society.

Asocial (and lat. socialis - public) - 1. not related to society, social problems, not related to them; 2. lack of sensitivity to social norms, traditions, customs or lack of ability to accept them ...

ASOCIAL (from Greek a - negative particle and Latin socialis - public) a person who is internally indifferent and outwardly passive in relation to society. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010.

Asocial behavior (gr. - against the social) is such behavior that does not correspond to the social and legal norms existing in society, goes against the customs and traditions of that social or national group ...

Bezrukova V.S. Fundamentals of spiritual culture. - 2000

ASOCIAL BEHAVIOR - a kind of deviant (deviant) behavior that is harmful to society. Unlike antisocial behavior (theft, hooliganism, etc.), antisocial behavior is not directed against existing social relations.

Terminological juvenile dictionary

Asociality is behavior and actions that do not comply with the norms and rules of human behavior in society, public morality. Since 1938, the German Social Security Administration called on the police to arrest "asocial" individuals. Instead of help, the needy and the homeless were gathered and massacred by the authorities.

Personality disorder with a predominance of sociopathic or asocial manifestations

Sociopathic or antisocial predominance personality disorder (ICD 301.7) is a personality disorder characterized by disregard for social obligations, lack of empathy for others, and dull or violent indifference.

Brief dictionary of psychiatry. - 2002

Sociopathic or Asocial Predominant Personality Disorder (ICD 301.7) is a personality disorder characterized by disregard for social obligations, lack of empathy for others, and dull or violent indifference.

Glossary of psychiatric terms

Sociopathic or antisocial-dominated personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by disregard for social obligations, lack of empathy for others, and dull or violent indifference.

Karmanov A. Psychological Dictionary

asocial; cr. f. - flax, - flax.

Orthographic dictionary. - 2004

Usage examples for asocial

The Trinity led an asocial lifestyle: men did not have passports, permanent residence and work.

Antisocial personality

Characteristics of an antisocial personality

Painful reactions, frustrations to the state of one's own displeasure.

The desire for immediate deliverance (and deliverance at any cost) from unpleasant sensations.

Impulsiveness, the tendency to live in the moment.

The extraordinary ease of lying.

Often very skillfully play roles.

The need to excite oneself (to excite).

Inability to change one's behavior as a result of punishment.

Surrounding people are often often perceived as attractive, intelligent, charming people.

Easily come into contact, especially easily converge on the basis of entertainment.

Lack of genuine empathy for others.

Lack of feelings of shame or guilt for their actions.

Three groups of factors contributing to the development of an antisocial personality are presented below: biological determinants, features of the relationship between parents and the child, style of thinking.

Biological factors

Adoption studies show that the crimes of adopted boys are similar to those of their biological fathers.

It is also noted that antisocial individuals have low excitability, which is why they, with the help of impulsive and dangerous actions, seek to receive stimulation that causes appropriate sensations.

Family factors

Children who are often left unsupervised or who are poorly cared for for long periods of time are much more likely to engage in criminal behavior patterns.

Also, children whose parents are not involved in their daily lives are more likely to become asocial.

Biological and family factors often coincide, which enhances their effect. Children with behavioral problems often have neuropsychological problems resulting from maternal drug use, poor intrauterine nutrition, pre- and post-natal toxicity, abuse, birth complications, and low birth weight. Such children are more likely to be irritable, impulsive, awkward, hyperactive, inattentive. They slowly learn the material at school, which over time leaves a strong imprint on the child's self-esteem.

Thinking style

Not knowing how to behave assertively, the child eventually comes to the conclusion that aggression is the most reliable and effective tool.

The responses of others to the child's aggression usually only lead to the strengthening of the idea of ​​the need for aggression.

Thus, a vicious circle of interactions develops, supporting and inspiring the aggressive and antisocial behavior of the child.

What does the term "asocial" mean? Is it a personality trait or a mental illness?

Is being different from others good or bad? Some might say that this defines a person as an independent person. And someone will repeat that it is impossible to be different. In fact, both are right: a person does not always differ from others for the better, and such a person is awarded the epithet “asocial”. It means a person that opposes the norms and rules of society. This will be discussed in the publication.


The meaning of the word "asocial" has several characteristics. If we translate literally from the Greek language, we get the following definition: a person who is indifferent to society, who does not take active actions in the life of society, that is, an antisocial individual. Also, the word "asocial" means behavior that is contrary to the norms and rules accepted in society.

In fact, this concept has two opposite definitions. On the one hand, an asocial is a person who acts contrary to established rules, but on the other hand, it is an individual who is not interested in interacting with society. If he has motivation, then it is mainly aimed at single actions.

How is this term used?

Asocial is a term that appeared in everyday life at the beginning of the twentieth century. Initially, politicians used it in their speeches, meaning by this word all disadvantaged people, that is, the underclass. During the Second World War, in the camps of the Third Reich, antisocial elements wore the same identification marks as mentally retarded people.

On the positive side, asociality is considered in religious dogmas. Some monastic traditions encourage asociality, believing that a person who is away from society is closer to God.

Asocial can be called introverts, people who do not occupy active positions in society. But the extreme form of asociality is considered schizophrenia, which is characterized by an inability to empathize and establish contact with other people.

Another personality

Based on all of the above, a logical question arises: what is she, this asocial personality?

So, antisocial personality. The definition of this term will sound like this: an antisocial personality in psychology means a person with a perverted (underdeveloped or absent) sense of responsibility, who operates with low moral values ​​and does not show interest in his own kind.

Such people are easily recognized by their behavior. They can painfully and rather violently react to a sense of their own dissatisfaction and always strive to quickly get rid of objects or situations that bring discomfort. They are impulsive, tend to "put on masks", skillfully lie. But quite often they are perceived by surrounding intelligent and charming people. Asocial people can find contact with others on the background of common interests, but they do not know how to show empathy and care.


Asocial is different. Everything is wrong with him: from the habit of tying shoelaces to the perception of reality, what can we say about behavior? As already mentioned, such behavior differs from the norms and rules accepted in society. Depending on what the researcher considers the norm, the opposite action will be considered antisocial behavior. For example, if we study the process of adaptation, then maladaptive behavior can be considered antisocial.

Thus, the concept of "antisocial behavior" definition will have the following:

  • This is one of the varieties of deviant behavior that causes damage to society. Such behavior is not aimed at social relationships, but it has a wide range of actions: from infantilism to mental disorders.

Not always antisocial behavior can be considered a negative quality, there is evidence that antisocial people have brought a lot of new things to the development of society. Although this is just an exception to the rule. In addition, one should not confuse antisocial behavior with antisocial, since the latter is associated with criminal, illegal and immoral actions. Antisocial behavior originates from the avoidance of other people and the inability to build relationships with them, which, in fact, ends with mental disorders.

Appropriate measures

Often, the prevention of antisocial behavior is carried out in circles or educational institutions. Her main methods are aimed at helping to set the right priorities, change the value system that has not yet been formed, and, of course, promote a healthy lifestyle. Prevention activities can take the form of lessons, games or tests.

In general, prevention is divided into several types, depending on the complexity of the deviation:

  1. Primary. All actions are aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked the emergence of antisocial behavior and, staying away from these factors, form a person's resistance to their effects.
  2. Secondary. This includes work with a risk group, that is, with individuals who have had neuropsychiatric disorders, or with those who have a tendency to antisocial behavior, but have not yet manifested themselves.
  3. Tertiary. Direct intervention of doctors with further treatment.

Summing up

Asocial is different. He is distinguished by isolation, taciturnity, emotional instability and a desire to be alone with himself. Asocial individuals want to stay away from society. What provoked such zeal? Wrong system of values, difficult circumstances or simple non-acceptance of the main part of the rules and norms? There is no reliable answer to this question. After all, on the one hand, an antisocial person can be dangerous and mentally unbalanced, but on the other hand, it can be an ordinary person who wants to change this world for the better, and he has no desire to refuse communication, there is simply not enough time.

antisocial behavior

Pedagogical terminological dictionary. - St. Petersburg: Russian National Library. 2006 .

See what "Asocial behavior" is in other dictionaries:

antisocial behavior- (gr. - against the social) - this is such behavior that does not correspond to the social and legal norms existing in society, runs counter to the customs and traditions of the social or national group to which the person belongs. ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of the teacher )

ASOCIAL BEHAVIOR- behavior that is contrary to social norms and principles, acting in the form of immoral or illegal acts ... Modern educational process: basic concepts and terms

antisocial behavior- behavior that is contrary to social norms and principles, acting in the form of immoral or illegal acts ... Dictionary-reference book on pedagogical psychology

ASOCIAL BEHAVIOR- behavior that is contrary to social norms and principles, acting in the form of immoral or illegal acts ... Dictionary of Career Guidance and Psychological Support

antisocial behavior- behavior that is contrary to social norms and principles, acting in the form of immoral or illegal acts ... Dictionary of Educational Psychology

ASOCIAL BEHAVIOR- - a kind of deviant (deviant) behavior that is harmful to society. Unlike antisocial behavior (theft, hooliganism, etc.), antisocial behavior is not directed against existing social relations. K A.p. refers to a wide ... ... Terminological juvenological dictionary

Deviant behavior, antisocial behavior- behavior that does not comply with the rules and norms established officially or traditionally established in society (group). D.p. manifests itself in the form of alcoholism, drunkenness, homelessness, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

Antisocial behavior- the behavior of individuals and groups, manifested in violation of the moral norms, traditions, rules of the hostel that exist in society, in antisocial acts that harm the individual and social communities ... Socium Sociological Dictionary

SOCIAL BEHAVIOR- Human P. (Behavior), which is formed, developed and manifested in the conditions of social life, and therefore is socially conditioned. P. as such is a set of externally observable actions and actions ... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

Antisocial behavior- forms of people's social life, determined by socially negative motives and bringing inconvenience or harm to other members of the group, society ... Dictionary of terms in general and social pedagogy

Definition of the concept of "asociality"

at the Women's Club!

The adjective "asocial" is used in relation to a wide range of concepts: an asocial lifestyle, an asocial personality, asocial families ...

In all these cases, it means that a certain person (or maybe a group of people) to one degree or another does not comply with the norms accepted in society. After all, "asocial" is literally "anti-social", denying society, not taking into account the needs of its members.

Personality type

Psychologists distinguish the so-called asocial personality type (otherwise it is called a sociopathic type or simply a sociopath). A characteristic of this type usually consists of the following main features:

  • Inability to express your emotions.
  • Ignoring the public and unspoken rules that have developed in society.
  • Ease of manipulating others, convincing role-playing, lying in self-interest.
  • Aggression as a universal response to external stimuli.
  • Lack of shame and remorse, inability to understand that his actions bring suffering to people around.
  • Confidence in the correctness of their behavior.
  • Impulsivity, the desire to satisfy needs immediately, here and now.
  • Selfishness. Own needs always come first, above the needs and needs of others, above any social restrictions.

In general, it is worth noting that asociality can take a wide variety of forms; accordingly, there is no clearly limited set of features inherent in the character of a sociopath. Nevertheless, in an attempt to highlight the most striking features that make it possible to speak with great confidence about the antisocial personality type, a list of four points was compiled.

First, it is already noted impulsiveness. An asocial person lives for one second, is not able to think over decisions for a long time and weigh all the pros and cons, and most importantly, he longs for the lightning-fast fulfillment of his own desires.

Secondly, such a person cannot sincerely love, cannot show tenderness and sensitivity to a partner. Paradoxically, at the same time, antisocial people are often outwardly attractive and charismatic and, as a result, are surrounded by fans. However, the maximum that these fans will get is superficial relationships, short-term connections.

Thirdly, antisocials do not use past negative experience in any way. In other words, it is useless to hope that a sociopath will remember how much suffering and (or) inconvenience to others this or that act of his caused him, and will not repeat it.

Finally, and this trait has also been noted, an antisocial person will never feel guilty or tormented by remorse. He just doesn't understand why he's being blamed.

Sociopath child

The mentioned features, as a rule, become noticeable quite early. Asocial children are capricious, irritable, often hyperactive, tend to control adults and achieve what they want at any cost. They are cruel to their peers, often insulting or humiliating them.

The antisocial behavior of adolescents is manifested in an interest in a forbidden, socially condemned pastime. The use of alcohol, drugs, early and promiscuous sexual relations, membership in criminal groups and other typical types of antisocial behavior become commonplace for such young people.

By the way, an interesting observation: for members of a criminal group, the rules within it are usually of great importance, including, for example, rules prohibiting the extradition of other gang members, requiring respect for the leader, and so on. These rules require accepting and considering the needs of others, while asocial individuals will never do this.

It is important to understand that one-time antisocial acts do not mean that your son or daughter has antisocial personality disorder. But if all the described phenomena are observed regularly, and the conclusions of specialists are appropriate, then most likely the child really has a tendency to asociality.

From a child predisposed to sociopathy, a completely antisocial personality does not develop with absolute probability. How do antisocial tendencies arise, is it possible to fight them? In other words, is asociality congenital or acquired? Let's look at the causes of antisocial disorder.


There are three interrelated groups of factors under the influence of which a sociopath is formed.

The first group includes biological factors. Indeed, asociality can be inherited, mainly it concerns criminogenic inclinations. In addition, it can be caused by various chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the fetus, the use of alcohol or drugs by the mother during pregnancy, and complications during childbirth.

The list of social factors includes, for example, rough or aggressive treatment of a child in the family, indifference to him, lack of attention. So destructive for the psyche - even an adult, and not just a growing person! - the situation is often characteristic of families where parents themselves have psychological problems, so we can say that social factors often overlap with biological ones, and therefore, the likelihood of developing and strengthening sociopathic personality traits increases.

Such asocial families need supervision from the guardianship authorities. In extreme cases, it is necessary to separate children and parents so that the child sees other examples, values ​​and guidelines in front of him. Also, the prevention of antisocial behavior may include other measures, among which the following are most common:

  • Involving children with antisocial tendencies in sports, creative or other extracurricular activities (to provide the necessary burst of energy).
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and behavior approved by society.
  • Psychological interviews with both parents and children.

Prevention of asocial phenomena, of course, will give the proper result only if it is carried out both at school (or other institution attended by the child) and at home.

An asocial child has a special type of thinking, and this is a personality factor that contributes to the development of sociopathic tendencies. The type of thinking in question implies an inadequate assessment of the social situation.

A person is pre-configured to the fact that all the actions of others that he does not like are done on purpose to cause inconvenience to him. He expects people around him to show anger and aggression towards him, and he himself intends to respond in kind.

And when peers or adults really get irritated, scream, or even use physical violence, a person predisposed to asociality only strengthens in the loyalty of his views. A vicious circle, which is extremely difficult to break.

Thus, the causes of antisocial behavior can be explained by biological, social and personal factors, and most likely, a combination of several of them.

And the most important advice

An asocial personality is an individual who has a too low or completely absent sense of responsibility for his actions, interest and compassion for others, and such a person is dominated by a low level of moral values.

In general, asociality is a person's behavior that does not fit into the generally accepted framework, does not comply with the rules and moral standards. If a person does not seek to interact with others and his motivation is expressed only for solitary activity, they say about him that he is asocial. This definition is the opposite of antisocial, since people with a penchant for the latter show their dislike for others and for society as a whole openly.

As a rule, antisocial personality disorder has its roots in a person's deep childhood, and its signs become noticeable from an early age. If parents treat the child inattentively, ignoring the oddities in his behavior, antisocial traits become more and more open over time. What causes and family circumstances lead to the development of such disorders? Here are the main ones:

Often, signs of association begin to appear precisely in adolescence, which is considered a turning point in the life of any child. If the family has a normal healthy environment and the child is in the element of understanding and harmonious interaction with society, he will be able to develop his personality, contact with others and put forward adequate demands both on others and on himself.

In a healthy family, any deviation in the behavior of a teenager immediately becomes noticeable, and parents immediately take measures to eliminate provoking factors. Children growing up in an unfavorable family environment, often absorbing the harmful influence of the street and antisocial peers, begin to show signs of deviant behavior that is destructive.

How does asociality manifest itself in adolescents:

Summing up, we can say that disorders that are laid down in early childhood and adolescence can be formed due to difficulties in the family, rejection of the child by peers and constant ridicule, low self-esteem, self-doubt, and also after suffering physical or moral abuse.

Research by scientists has proven that asociality is inherited, for example, adopted children often showed tendencies to violence and sadism, left over from the biological father at the gene level.

Aggressive behavior, complicated by a low level of intellectual development, forces a teenager to develop appropriate reactions to any interaction with others. Being in anticipation of aggressive behavior towards themselves, such adolescents interpret the actions of other people with their own hostility, therefore they perceive any ridicule or criticism as a deliberate humiliation of their own dignity, responding to this with uncontrolled attacks. What will be the results of such violations? Open manifestations of asocialization will fully manifest themselves already in adult life with certain symptoms.

Signs of asociality

Asocial people show their personality disorders by a certain style of behavior, which is formed already at an early age. Children with antisocial disorder are prone to the following symptoms:

Symptoms of antisocial behavior that manifest themselves later in adult life:

Also, in adult life, an antisocial person does not develop family relationships due to frequent lies, a tendency to alcoholism, a lack of responsibility for the health and financial well-being of their loved ones. An asocial introvert thinks only about his own needs, often goes into the world of his own fantasies and does not seek to survive in harmony with society. No wonder in the 20th century monks, hermits and vagrants were considered asocial. Such a political term gathered in itself all the lower strata of society - beggars, drug addicts, homeless people, prostitutes and just people with mental disorders.


Therapy of antisocial behavior should begin as soon as manifestations of deviant behavior have been noticed. Most often, parents of children with similar disorders turn to doctors, who complain about manifestations of unreasonable aggression on the part of the child, his commitment to bad companies, unwillingness to learn and contact with others.

In such cases, individual therapy is carried out, which aims to create a trusting partnership between the child and parents. However, an individual approach is not always effective in addressing behavioral deviations.

Group therapy, which is considered more effective, is aimed at increasing the level of control over anger and at modifying the pathological style of relating to others. What are the challenges facing parents?

  • setting clear limits and expectations in relation to the child;
  • an agreement between parents and the child regarding his responsibility for his actions and duties;
  • encouraging the child's desire for obedience, increased self-confidence and self-control.

The technique of psychotherapeutic treatment includes role-playing games, practical exercises, and situation modeling. Before starting treatment, the doctor conducts a test for asociality, which can be drawing tests, questionnaires. The Eysenck test is required to determine the extra-introversion of the personality.

In the treatment of adults, the same approach is followed, with the addition of pharmacotherapy. There are no specific drugs created to correct antisocial behavior, but complex therapy usually includes:

If the symptoms are too pronounced and behavioral abnormalities are not subject to the usual correction, the placement of a person in a psychiatric hospital is indicated.

Having considered the concept of an antisocial personality, who it is and what are the signs of such behavior, it becomes clear when it is time to sound the alarm if the symptoms appear in a child or loved one. Pathology is not treated at home and, as a rule, requires complex therapy, combined with the work of all family members, aimed at achieving harmonious trusting relationships (they should be based on responsibility, moral standards and self-control).


ASOCIAL oh, oh. [from Greek. a- - non-, without- and lat. socialis - comradely, public]. Incompatible with generally accepted moral norms and rules of conduct; antisocial (about human behavior). Ah behavior. // Not adhering to public morality and rules of conduct (about a person). Ah personality.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


See what "asocial" is in other dictionaries:

    Asocial… Spelling Dictionary

    asocial- oh, oh. asociale adj. Does not comply with the norms, rules of behavior of people in public life. // Sklyarevskaya 1998. The new group is asocial.. such asociality can very easily.. divert part of the forces.. from combat positions. RB 1912 4 2 83. U ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from Greek a - negative particle and lat. socialis - public) a person who is internally indifferent and outwardly passive in relation to society. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010 ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - [gr. particle of negation + lat. socialis comradely, union] - non-social, anti-social, violating the rights and interests of society. A large dictionary of foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    App., number of synonyms: 1 antisocial (2) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    ASOCIAL- 1. Not related to society or social problems. This meaning is used to describe situations, events, behavior or people that are independent of social values ​​and customs (though not in opposition to them - see antisocial) ... Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

    App. Does not correspond to the norms and rules of human behavior in society, in public life. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, asocial, ... ... Forms of words

    asocial- asocial; briefly form of linen, linen ... Russian spelling dictionary

    asocial- oh, oh .; (from Greek a not, without and lat. socialis comradely, public) a) Incompatible with generally accepted moral norms and rules of conduct; antisocial (about human behavior) A th behavior. b) resp. Not adhering to the public ... ... Dictionary of many expressions


  • Asocial element, Evgeny Geshin. We present to you another author who has left the Web. It first appeared on the UDAFF website. COM, which is considered the mainstay of the counter-culture. Apparently, because the site is often used ...

Human behavior is influenced by the norms and laws of the society in which he lives. Legal, moral, moral foundations guide the actions, way of thinking and actions of the individual. If a person ignores or deliberately violates generally accepted norms and demonstrates this to others (actively or passively), then his behavior is regarded as antisocial, or deviant. It can be manifested by people of all age groups, regardless of gender, material wealth, level of education, professional activity.

Types and manifestations of antisocial behavior

Antisocial behavior in psychology is divided into 4 types:

  • illegal (violation of legal norms);
  • immoral (non-compliance with the norms of morality and morality);
  • addictive (avoidance of real life by immersion in one of the types of addiction);
  • criminal (commission of criminally punishable actions).

Illegal means committing petty thefts and robberies, stealing a vehicle without the purpose of stealing, insulting, humiliating the dignity of people, hooliganism, fights, an attack with the aim of scaring. Persons who commit such offenses do not bear criminal liability, but come to the attention of law enforcement agencies as potentially capable of committing a crime.

The immoral behavior of a person does not pose a direct threat to society, but is condemned and condemned by others as unacceptable from the point of view of morality. Antisocial immoral behavior includes: promiscuous (promiscuous) relationships, prostitution, homosexuality, transvestism, unwillingness to work, vagrancy, begging.

Addictive behavior is expressed in various types of dependence, with the help of which a person tries to escape from life's difficulties. These include: chemical dependence (alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse), food (anorexia or bulimia), cult (participation in the activities of religious sects), other types (gaming, computer, informational, sexual).

Criminal behavior (delinquent) includes the commission of criminally punishable acts: burglary, rape, robbery, banditry, robbery, organizing riots, fraud, extortion.

Signs in children

In a small child, antisocial behavior is expressed in the inability to build relationships in the children's team, lack of interest in learning activities, aggressiveness and cruelty towards family members, other people, animals. Such individuals are hysterical, rude, they try to resolve conflict situations with screams, fights, threats. Often a child with this behavioral disorder steals money from parents, things of peers in a kindergarten or school.

Younger students with antisocial behavior immediately receive a definition of difficult children, they are kept on notice by teachers and administration

schools, which exacerbates the problem, because it causes a protest in the child, expressed in disobedience, refusal to complete tasks, to cooperate with the team.

The reasons for the manifestation of behavioral disorders of this type can be medical, pedagogical, psychological, social:

  1. 1. Medical factors are divided into congenital (damage to the fetus of various etiologies during fetal development), hereditary (genetic predisposition to behavioral abnormalities), acquired (infectious diseases, traumatic brain injury, psychosomatic pathologies).
  2. 2. Pedagogical reasons imply mistakes in the upbringing of the child, made in the family. A bad example of parents, excessive guardianship, neglect of parental responsibilities, unreasonable punishments, excessive demands, ignoring the basic needs of the child leads to the development of various behavioral deviations.
  3. 3. Psychological factors are formed against the background of medical and pedagogical ones: pathologies of the brain and nervous system in tandem with an inadequate family atmosphere inevitably lead to negative changes in the child's psyche, which is expressed in an increase in the level of aggression, uncontrollability, unwillingness to make contact with adults.
  4. 4. Social causes imply material and social inequality and related ridicule, bullying, bullying by peers, to which middle-aged children and adolescents react sharply. They also include living in a dysfunctional family with parents who are drug addicts, suffering from alcoholism, leading a dissolute life.

Left unattended by adults, isolated manifestations of cruelty and aggression in children serve as a source of development of stable behavioral disorders. In the future, this can develop into a propensity for pathological violence and crime. But until the age of 7-8, psychologists do not use the concept of "deviance", since it implies consciously directed actions, which is not typical for a child of preschool age.

Deviant behavior is nurtured gradually, formed as a result of connivance on the part of adults, ignoring the problem or unwillingness to correct the child. By adolescence, individual deviations often develop into delinquent behavior - regular conscious destructive actions.

Manifestations in adolescents

Antisocial behavior is most commonly observed in adolescents. If at preschool age the child was not corrected accordingly, his misdeeds were covered up, insults and force were allowed to be used against family members and relatives, then by adolescence he will form a clear behavioral line that he will adhere to in life.

Often such teenagers flaunt their anti-social deeds, are proud of their parents' impunity, try to create rebellious groups and lead them. Finding support among their peers, they assert themselves in their exclusivity, behave defiantly with adults, are rude, and refuse to carry out assignments at school and at home. In the future, the level of aggression grows, a teenager can run away from home, get involved in fights, thefts, engage in sexual and homosexual relationships, and join criminal gangs.

Adolescents from prosperous families who do not have difficulties with adaptation, academic performance, and behavior can also begin to behave antisocially. The reason for such changes is the influence of friends, the severity of parents, the romantic perception of the image of the "bad guy" and relationships with him (for girls), family problems. Other factors contributing to a teenager's antisocial behavior:

  • degradation of the personality against the background of poverty, improper upbringing, bad example of parents;
  • influence of youth subculture (punks, hippies, goths, emo, etc.)
  • involvement in a religious cult (voodoo, satanism);
  • musical or sports fanaticism, accompanied by a defiant appearance and antisocial acts;
  • the desire to assert itself, the inability to do this by demonstrating knowledge, skills, talent, material acquisitions;
  • susceptibility to one of the types of psychological dependence;
  • physical problems due to illness.

Often a teenager directs aggression at himself, inflicting wounds, scratches, burns, cuts on different parts of the body. Experiencing physical pain, he tries to drown out emotional suffering, therefore, having noticed characteristic injuries on the child’s body, it is necessary to come to his aid in time. An extreme manifestation of autoaggression is suicidal tendencies.

Deviant behavior of a teenager is often provoked by the actions of another person. Various types of violence (sexual, physical, emotional) lead to a desire for revenge, which is not only projected onto the offender, but also directed against society or the system as a whole. Physical punishment in the family forms the type of an embittered, insecure, intimidated and aggressive personality, and the emotional alienation of parents - a notorious person with an immature psyche.

A child of any age who has experienced sexual abuse in most cases remains prone to depression, personality disorders, and increased sensitivity to stress.

Asocial adults

Antisocial behavior in older people is either a continuation of habits ingrained in childhood, or provoked by mental illness, brain damage from chemicals due to the use of narcotic, psychotropic drugs and alcohol. Such individuals do not reckon with the norms of society, do not have a sense of shame, are liberated.

They do not see the need to work, obey the laws of the country, perform parental duties, be faithful, treat people with respect, follow the rules of society and communication. Often such individuals find themselves on the street, becoming vagabonds and beggars. Alcohol, drugs, casual sex, petty crimes - this is their life, for which they are not ashamed.

Another group of people with antisocial behavior are individuals with a high material status, leading a life uncharacteristic for other people, earning money in ways that cause condemnation of the majority. This group includes expensive prostitutes, porn site creators, male homosexuals, transvestites, brothel keepers, drug dealers, swindlers, extortionists, and other criminal elements.

However, not all deviations are negative. There is a separate group of people - geniuses, whose behavior is significantly different from the rest, but it cannot be called anti-social. The lifestyle of some gifted individuals can be bewildering to others, since many of them spend time alone, refuse coziness and comfort, are too capricious, picky, outrageous. Classical examples of such deviations are Albert Einstein, Salvador Dali.


Treating antisocial deviations in behavior is possible only in cases where they are caused by a physical or mental illness. The main way to correct deviations is their prevention, which must be carried out from early childhood. Its pledge is proper upbringing, a positive example of parents, concern for meeting the material and emotional needs of the child.

Psychologists give some tips to help children form an adequate attitude towards themselves and others:

  1. 1. Well-deserved praise. Children need to be encouraged, but only if they really deserve it. If praise to the child constantly sounds for no reason, then egoism and narcissism develop, which in the future entails problems with adaptation and deviations in behavior.
  2. 2. Correction. Negative character traits, bad habits, unseemly actions should not be left without the attention of adults. It is necessary to consistently and calmly explain to children what behavior is unacceptable and why.
  3. 3. Open communication. The child must be sure that the family will always understand and support him. Fear of punishment makes him deceitful, dodgy, withdrawn, so the problems of a son or daughter must be discussed and resolved calmly, then they will learn to trust their parents.
  4. 4. Joint classes. Children at any age value the time spent with the family, so even a busy father and mother should plan family vacations, entertainment, and holidays.
  5. 5. Positive example of parents. A benevolent atmosphere, mutual respect, understanding, love between spouses form a healthy self-esteem in a child, which affects his behavior and adaptation in society.

To prevent behavioral disorders, schools conduct various educational programs aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, talk about the dangers of alcohol and drugs. Teachers encourage schoolchildren to realize themselves in sports, music, creativity, intellectual competitions, games, team competitions.

The joint efforts of children's institutions and families help many children find themselves in life and embark on the path of correction.

The adjective "asocial" is used in relation to a wide range of concepts: an asocial lifestyle, an asocial personality, asocial families ...

In all these cases, it means that a certain person (or maybe a group of people) to one degree or another does not comply with the norms accepted in society. After all, "asocial" is literally "anti-social", denying society, not taking into account the needs of its members.

Personality type

Psychologists distinguish the so-called asocial personality type (otherwise it is called a sociopathic type or simply a sociopath). A characteristic of this type usually consists of the following main features:

  • Inability to express your emotions.
  • Ignoring the public and unspoken rules that have developed in society.
  • Ease of manipulating others, convincing role-playing, lying in self-interest.
  • Aggression as a universal response to external stimuli.
  • Lack of shame and remorse, inability to understand that his actions bring suffering to people around.
  • Confidence in the correctness of their behavior.
  • Impulsivity, the desire to satisfy needs immediately, here and now.
  • Selfishness. Own needs always come first, above the needs and needs of others, above any social restrictions.

In general, it is worth noting that asociality can take a wide variety of forms; accordingly, there is no clearly limited set of features inherent in the character of a sociopath. Nevertheless, in an attempt to highlight the most striking features that make it possible to speak with great confidence about the antisocial personality type, a list of four points was compiled.

First, it is already noted impulsiveness. An asocial person lives for one second, is not able to think over decisions for a long time and weigh all the pros and cons, and most importantly, he longs for the lightning-fast fulfillment of his own desires.

Secondly, such a person cannot sincerely love, cannot show tenderness and sensitivity to a partner. Paradoxically, at the same time, antisocial people are often outwardly attractive and charismatic and, as a result, are surrounded by fans. However, the maximum that these fans will get is superficial relationships, short-term connections.

Thirdly, antisocials do not use past negative experience in any way. In other words, it is useless to hope that a sociopath will remember how much suffering and (or) inconvenience to others this or that act of his caused him, and will not repeat it.

Finally, and this trait has also been noted, an antisocial person will never feel guilty or tormented by remorse. He just doesn't understand why he's being blamed.

Sociopath child

The mentioned features, as a rule, become noticeable quite early. Asocial children are capricious, irritable, often hyperactive, tend to control adults and achieve what they want at any cost. They are cruel to their peers, often insulting or humiliating them.

The antisocial behavior of adolescents is manifested in an interest in a forbidden, socially condemned pastime. The use of alcohol, drugs, early and promiscuous sexual relations, membership in criminal groups and other typical types of antisocial behavior become commonplace for such young people.

By the way, an interesting observation: for members of a criminal group, the rules within it are usually of great importance, including, for example, rules prohibiting the extradition of other gang members, requiring respect for the leader, and so on. These rules require accepting and considering the needs of others, while asocial individuals will never do this.

It is important to understand that one-time antisocial acts do not mean that your son or daughter has antisocial personality disorder. But if all the described phenomena are observed regularly, and the conclusions of specialists are appropriate, then most likely the child really has a tendency to asociality.

From a child predisposed to sociopathy, a completely antisocial personality does not develop with absolute probability. How do antisocial tendencies arise, is it possible to fight them? In other words, is asociality congenital or acquired? Let's look at the causes of antisocial disorder.


There are three interrelated groups of factors under the influence of which a sociopath is formed.

The first group includes biological factors. Indeed, asociality can be inherited, mainly it concerns criminogenic inclinations. In addition, it can be caused by various chromosomal abnormalities in the development of the fetus, the use of alcohol or drugs by the mother during pregnancy, and complications during childbirth.

The list of social factors includes, for example, rough or aggressive treatment of a child in the family, indifference to him, lack of attention. So destructive for the psyche - even an adult, and not just a growing person! - the situation is often characteristic of families where parents themselves have psychological problems, so we can say that social factors often overlap with biological ones, and therefore, the likelihood of developing and strengthening sociopathic personality traits increases.

Such asocial families need supervision from the guardianship authorities. In extreme cases, it is necessary to separate children and parents so that the child sees other examples, values ​​and guidelines in front of him. Also, the prevention of antisocial behavior may include other measures, among which the following are most common:

  • Involving children with antisocial tendencies in sports, creative or other extracurricular activities (to provide the necessary burst of energy).
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and behavior approved by society.
  • Psychological interviews with both parents and children.

Prevention of asocial phenomena, of course, will give the proper result only if it is carried out both at school (or other institution attended by the child) and at home.

An asocial child has a special type of thinking, and this is a personality factor that contributes to the development of sociopathic tendencies. The type of thinking in question implies an inadequate assessment of the social situation.

A person is pre-configured to the fact that all the actions of others that he does not like are done on purpose to cause inconvenience to him. He expects people around him to show anger and aggression towards him, and he himself intends to respond in kind.

And when peers or adults really get irritated, scream, or even use physical violence, a person predisposed to asociality only strengthens in the loyalty of his views. A vicious circle, which is extremely difficult to break.

Thus, the causes of antisocial behavior can be explained by biological, social and personal factors, and most likely, a combination of several of them. Author: Evgeniya Bessonova