Frequent applying to chest and troubled evenings. Breastfeeding child 1 month caprizes in the evenings

Kelly Boniata, Bachelor of Natural Sciences, IBCLC (about the author).

The translation of Anna Railways, with the permission of the author; Editorial by Maria Sorokina and Victoria Hadyakova

Quite often, newborn behave restlessly and constantly suck the chest in the evenings, especially in the first months of life.

My daughter, for several months, climbed almost every evening (fortunately, it really passes!). I spent the whole weeks sitting on the sofa, while the baby was constantly fed and / or worried about my hands. It was repeated daily from 6 to 10 pm.

But with his son, we could not afford such luxury, how to sit on the sofa. At this time, Alex was unhappy and cried, if I did not wear it a column in my arms (and sometimes it only calmed it a little). It happened that he is very restlessvyoul and day. He rarely calmed his chest (unlike my daughter), therefore, to my regret, I usually could not use this method (although I always tried it). His anxiety was so pronounced that I began to look for other possible reasons (for example,sensitivity to certain types of food ). But we never managed to determine the cause of the problem, and all the rest of the day he was calm and smiled radiantly. Evening whims gradually began to go to no at the age of 3-4 months (which corresponds to the norm), but the first months were very heavy for us. Now they are often asked: "Is he always so cheerful?" So remember: And this difficult period will also pass ...

Periods very frequent, or practically continuous long feedings(In English "Cluster Feedings, Bunch Feedings") - these are periods when the child practically does not take interruptions between the following and previous feeding at a certain time of the day, that is, sucks almost constantly, and at other times the day it may require breasts much less. This is a fairly common phenomenon, and it usually happens in the evenings. Often (but not always) behind this period it follows a long sleep, it may even be longer than usual. The baby must be tightly "refusing" before sleeping pretty. For example, your child can be applied every hour (or even sucking constantly) in the period from 6 to 10 pm, in order to fall asleep for a long time, and perhaps and calmly sleep all night.

Such feedings often coincide with periods of anxiety in infants. The baby sucks a few minutes, throws the chest, worrying, crying, sucks again for a while, then throws and cry again ... and so again and again ... within a few hours. All this can be strongly pulled out, and mom begins to ask himself, whether the child has enough milk, or what she ate not, or maybe it seems to her that everything that she does is wrong and do not like the child ... it can all ... Significantly stabbing your self-confidence, especially if someone who is next to you ask you the same questions (your mother, your husband, mother-in-law).

But this behavior is normal! It is in no way connected with any milk or your child care. If the baby is satisfied with the rest of the day, if you do not have a feeling that it hurts something (like with colic), just keep trying to calm him and do not scold yourself that you are the reason for such behavior. Let your child hang on the breast as much as he wants, and so often, as he wants. Ask dad (or other assistant) to bring you food and necessary things (book, console, phone, etc.), while you feed and wear a child.

Does that behavior mean that the child needs more milk than I can give him?

Not. Do not give the baby a bottle - the doctors will simply inform your body that today you need less milk, and this will not help solve the problem. Also keep in mind that kids-artificials also behave restlessly in the evenings - such behavior is characteristic of all newborns, regardless of the type of feeding. The academy of breastfeeding medicine so clarifies this situation in their own:

There are typical clinical situations when, it is possible that an assessment of the situation and assistance in the organization of breastfeeding is needed, but the introduction of a doctoctor is not recommended, including [next situation: - Prim.per.] ... The child rests itself in the evenings or continuously sucks chest for several hours.

Why do kids restlessly behave in the evenings?

One popular explanation of this behavior is that the amount of milk is somewhat declining in the evening due to the natural daily hormonal cycle. However, Dr. Peter Hartmann, who conducted many studies in the field of breastfeeding, says that the amount of milk has studied for women not It was low during this day. Even if the volume of milk decreases in the evening, the fat content is usually rising in the evening (especially if the child controls the applied to the chest, that is, when feeding it in need), as a result, the number of calories that the child receives should not be very different. In the evenings of milk canit is slower from the breast slower that, perhaps, upset some children.

Doctors often associate evening caprises with the immaturity of the children's nervous system (after all, such behavior passes when the child is growing up, usually by 3-4 months). However, Dr. Catherine denselor (which conducts studies of breastfeeding in traditional communities from different peoples) argues that, for example, in children from tribes in Mali (Western Africa) and in other traditional societies there are no colic and concerns in the afternoon and in the evenings . These babies are worn on themselves all day and usually applied to the breast several times a hour.

Thus, it is likely that none of the explanations presented does not give a full response to the question of evening whims. It seems that many kids such behavior express the need for frequent applying, when they can receive milk small portions, as well as in motion and to keep them a lot on their hands and pressed towards themselves. Children who give a released milk or a mixture of a bottle as much as they can eat (note: feeding with reclining milk from a bottle reduces the production of your milk!), Often behave in the evenings. The kid sucks a bit of a little milk (or a mixture) and plunges into a shallow sleep (and worried), then drinks some more and so on. Perhaps the children "remember" that during pregnancy Mom was very active in this watch, and they want to be worn again, they ignore, and continuously fed.

Perhaps children simply need to make them more often attached to the chest at this time - and not to eat milk more.

How to calm the child in "Restless" watch

  • Wear a babyin sling or other carrying. It will free you one or both hands for other affairs (cooking dinner, care for other children), while you wear, calm and feed your infant.
  • Take away from routine. Let the dad spend time with the child until mom takes a shower or just resting and comes to himself after a long day
  • Go out on the street. Stroll, it will help you relax and you, and the baby; And you can just sit on the street and enjoy the fresh air. Try to make it a little earlier than the usual "restless" time of your baby will begin.
  • Comfort the sounds. Put, pour, purr, teept, listen to music or use "white noise". Try different sounds, music styles and singers with various types of votes.
  • Console with rhythmic movements. We go, download, jump, dance, you can even try to ride by car.
  • Console touching. Wear a baby on your hands, or pay it, make him a soft massage
  • Remove the stimuli. Come on the light, reduce the noise, the baby's dump.
  • Change poses for feeding.Try to feed lying on the side, lying on the back so that the baby suck the chest, lying "belly to the stomach", etc.
  • Feed in motion(While you are swaying it, baubage, go, etc.)
  • Combine rhythmic movements and soothing sounds.
  • Avoidfeeding by regime , especially in restless evening hours
Still resorrow about restless babies

@ Kellymom website

  • My Baby is Fussy! Is Something Wrong? What is Normal, ReaSons for Fussing, And Comfort Measures for Baby.
  • My Baby Is Gassy. Is this caused by Something in My Diet?
  • Is Your Baby Nursing All the Time?

@ Other sites

  • Fussy Babies - Is IT The Arsenic Hour? From the Australian Breastfeeding Association
  • Cluster Feeding by Lisa Hassan Scott, from the september 2014 Breastfeeding Today.
  • Infant Fussiness from
  • The Pitfalls of Supplementing a Breastfed Baby by Cheryl Taylor White

Children's hysteries before and after a walk

Around the first year of life, children begin to express their own opinion: someone more persistently, someone less. Sometimes, this is manifested in the form of hysterics. Mom in panic! Recently smiling calm baby - began to make such a ...

In fact, in the restless time of the child's behavior, there is nothing surprising. The baby grew up, and to express, fully, his emotions and correctly conveying them to Mom, he still can not. He cannot explain - what and why he does not like. Mama, in turn, there is no time to understand and pay attention to how it seems to her, some little things, a baby discontent.

And you try to look at the ritual of daily walks, from the child. The baby is dressed for a walk, almost always when it is still in a half-alone state and does not waste forces on indignation.

Closer to the year, the child is perplexed: why does he need a hat or jacket, because at home and so good.He begins to capricious. Moms strongly breathe children, not paying attention to their indignation. Although, at this point, it is possible and necessary to come easier.

Take the baby to another, more interesting occupation, be it a cheerful poem, a story about a fictional dog, a cat that already walks and is waiting for a "capricious" on the street. We can say that you need to quickly dress for a walk, and then cry, otherwise the night will come, and the baby will miss something interesting.

Often kids are capricious after a walk. For this reason, it is impossible to feed and calmly lay for lunch. Here you need to understand that the baby is tired, transported; Street walk - heavy workflow for crumbs. In no case, no need to scold it. Better talk to the child, hear his discontent and regret. The kid is able to understand perfectly, every word uttered by you.

You can enter the process, "sprinkling" baby with baptic water to the family tradition. Drip three drops on the head of the child, so as not to scare it, and let's drink a few sips. Babies very quickly get used to this procedure. She likes it. It becomes for them - a good entertaining game. Over time, they themselves will ask to repeat the procedure by saying "Cap" and showing the head.

In any case, when the baby is crying does not need to scold, but it is impossible to inactivate. Otherwise, tantrums can become commonplace for a child. The baby can and need to distract from his worries and fears, and how much, to solve you.

Cannal conversations, centuries, tits - depending on your imagination. We can say that on the bird window, ask to listen to noise from the street, look out the window. The baby will definitely calm down, albeit for a moment, he is curious that there flew in the bird, and who is noise there. You can call a bear or other, a favorite child, an animal - a toy that will take with him all "whims". You can ripped a little, laughing the child, or, on the contrary, calm it, putting it.

Change in your tone, with a calm in fast and cheerful, also attracts his attention: Talk during fees for a walk, a fairy tale or surprised by his patters. The baby is always silent at that moment, because it can not say so quickly and say a lot.

This time, also, is a good segment to teach the child to the main syllables. So it will be clear to you what the baby wants: "Pi-Pi" - to drink, "Nam-Nam" - to eat, "Bo-but" - hurts, well, and where it hurts, he will show you himself. And of course, to heal any sore, the magic mother's kiss is capable of.

But most importantly, the guarantor of the healthy development of the baby is a calm, reasonable and restrained mother.

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Any ban on the child aged 1-2 years is almost impossible to explain. Permanent unreasonable refusals to the wishes of the child, spasms give rise to both psychological and physiological. They, also negatively affect the speech development of the baby, contributing to the emergence of fears, closets, contradiction with their parents. The baby either completely closes in himself, or becomes naughty, seeking his own ways.

... My baby is applied to the chest and capricious all evening. What to do?

Transfer articles "Cluster Feedings and Fussy Evenings" With the author's permission
The author of the original text - Kelly Boniata, BS, IBCLC

Restless behavior and frequent applying to the chest in the evenings are characteristic of babies, especially in the first months of life.

My daughter capricious every night for a few months (yes, it really passes!). I spent the weeks, essay, approximately from 18:00 - 22:00, spending on the edge of the sofa and constantly feeding and / or soothing the child.

My son did not allow us such a luxury - to sit. At this time, Alex was unhappy and cried, if he was not held in a vertical position and did not move with him (and sometimes it helped him to be only less dissatisfied). Sometimes he was very capricious and during the day too. Feeding rarely helped calm his nervousness (unlike my daughter), so I could not take advantage of this way of calm (although I always tried). He was so capricious that I was looking for other reasons for his concern (such as sensitivity to food), But we did not find them, especially since the rest of the time he only did that he smiled. Between 3 and 4 months, restless behavior gradually went on no, as it usually happens, but the first few months were difficult. Currently, a typical comment, which I hear about him: "He is always so funny?". So remember: And it will pass ...
Very frequent feeding (approx. or cluster feedinghow does Kelly call them) It is that at certain times the day the intervals between feeding baby breasts are much shorter than the rest of the time. This common phenomenon and most often occurs in the evenings. And often - but not always - accompanied by a longer period of sleep than usual: perhaps the child "refills" in front of a long sleep. For example, your child can be applied to the chest every hour (or in general - constantly) between the 6th and 10th evening, and then make a long break for sleep or even sleep all night.

Cluster feedings often coincide with the evening restless clock. A child can make a breast for a few minutes, let go of the chest, shook / cry, to make a few minutes, let go, shook / cry ... again and again ... for many hours. It can very disappoint: Mom begins to wonder if the child receives enough milk, maybe she eats something that worries a childMaybe everything she does is worried about the child ... It can really destroy your self-confidence, especially if there is someone else who asks the same questions (your mother, husband, mother-in-law).

This behavior is normal! It has nothing to do with your breast milk or motherhood. If the child is pleased with the remaining part of the day, does not look like painful (like colic, for example) during a restless period - just keep trying to calm the child and do not blame yourself in what is happening. Let the child suck the breast so long and so often as he wants. Take advantage of the dad (or other assistant) to bring you food / drink and other things (book / remote / phone, etc.) while you feed and reassure the child.

Does this mean that the child needs more milk than I can provide?

Not. Do not let The baby bottle is to recover only to signal your body that you need a smaller amount of milk at this time, which will not help in this situation. In addition, keep in mind that babies feed on the mixture are also capricious in the evening. Restless evenings are characteristic of all kids, no matter how they eat. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) writes about it black in white in their recommendations for feeding:
There are situations that require the analysis and reorganization of breastfeeding, but not the prescription of reconciliation, including ... a child, whining at night or constantly nursing within a few hours.
Why babies capricious in the evening?

A common explanation for the child's concern in the evenings is that the volume of milk in the evening tends to reduce due to the natural hormonal cycle. but dr. Peter Hartman, breastfeeding researcher, says among women surveyed not There was a decrease in the volume of milk at this time of day. Even if the volume of milk and lower in the evening, the fat content is usually higher in the evening (especially if the child feeds on demand), thus the number of calories obtained by the child should not be significantly different. Flow of milk canbe weaker in the evening and it annoys some kids.

Doctors often attribute the evening capriciousness to the immature nervous system of the child (and this phenomenon really ends usually at 3-4 months, because the child becomes older). But, dr. Catherine Deatsayler (which explores breastworking in traditional societies) declares that babies in Mali, West Africa and other traditional societies have no colic or evening capriciousness. These babies wear a whole day and breastfeed several times per hour.

So perhaps, none of these explanations gives a complete answer to the evening restless behavior of the child. For many babies, restless time seems to be characterized by the need for not large amounts of milk through short intervals and need for intensive physical contact, hugs and motion. Infants who offer so much release milk or mixture, how much they can eat from the bottle [Attention: this practice will reduce your milk production!] Often behave in the evenings similar. The child eats a small amount of milk and sleeping (and capricious), then eats a little more and so on. Perhaps the babies "remember" that mom during pregnancy was active at this time and again want them to constantly wear, swing and fed.

Perhaps babies just have tomore oftenapply to the chest at this time, and not consume more milk.

Methods of soothing in "Capricious" time:

  • Wear a child In a dug or backpack. It will free one or both hands for other cases (cooking dinner, care for other children), while you swing, calm and feed the child.
  • Change the rhythm of life. Let the dad chat with the child, while mom takes a shower or simply allows himself to relax and rebuild after a long day.
  • stroll. Calm the child (and mom too), walking on foot, or sit on the street and relax. Try this way shortly before that time when the child usually begins to capricious.
  • Soothing sound. Sake, buzz, talk, whisper "Shshsh", listen to music or use "white noise". Try different types of sounds, various musical styles and singers with various types of votes.
  • Soothing rhythmic movement. Walk, swaying, bouncing, dance, circling. Or try a car trip.
  • Physical contact. Hug or bathe a baby, try massage.
  • Reducing exciting factors. Muffle the light, reduce the noise, the baby's dump.
  • Change breastfeeding poses. Try breastfeeding lying on my side, on your back, belly to the stomach, etc.
  • Feed breast in motion (Rash, go, etc.).
  • Combine a rhythmic movement with soothing sounds..
  • Avoid feeding by the clock, especially in the evening when the child is capricious.
  • Additional ways to calm.

How to be if the child is capricious in the evenings, what can cause a toddler discontent at the end of a prosperous day? Why does a child climbs in the evening and what to do about it?

The evening whims of a child is a daily test for parents. Another day the baby had fun and felt perfectly well, but as soon as the time was sent to sleep, the crying and protests begin.

Why a child climbs at the end of the day

Protesting against sleep, the baby is trying to demonstrate his independence.

At the end of the day, an assessment of the received information is evaluated for the day, and if something has not satisfied something during the day, in the evening he can worry about this.

He starts abdominal pain, if it is a breast child. If the baby has reached the age of six months, then they can hide and sore gums.

He does not like evening rituals, such as swimming or evening food.

If the relationship between the parents is not the warmer, and in the evening the father returns from work, the child can react to the increasing voltage in the house.

What to do if the child is capricious in the evenings

Check if everything is in order with the health of the baby. If the breast child is tensile tensions, he sweats, sucks with legs, then it is colic. In the first-aid kit there should always be a medicine from abdominal pains for the baby - "Bebinos", "Bobotik" or "Espumizan". Fennel tea is suitable or dopey driver.

If chad has a period of teething, it is worth stocking gels for gums that contain lidocaine in its composition, for example, it can be "Calgel". It has a sweet taste, is well applied to the mucous membrane, acts mainly locally. Also facilitate the condition of the child special teethers.

When the baby is growing up and wants to be independent, you do not need to resist this and make it sleep with threats or blackmail. It is better to understand why the child is capricious in the evening and give him a choice of sleep time, for example, now or ten minutes. You can offer a baby to choose from a different bed linen, pajamas, toys for sleep. This will not break his regime, but will allow the child to feel a full-fledged person.

When bathing does not give the baby pleasures, you need to come up with any games in the water, buy a circle for swimming in the bath, make a lot of foam, give the baby interesting bright floating toys. If everything is done correctly, the child will be happy to anticipate the evening procedures.

As for the mental state of the parents, in any case, it is not necessary to demonstrate their negative emotions to the child, when communicating with him it is better to try to forget their resentment and fully tie into the game with the baby.

Many babies in the evening become very capricious, more often than the day they cry, demand chest. What is it connected with?

Kid on the hands of dad (photo fotolia)

Nervous child system

In kids up to 3 months, such behavior is expected. And most likely, the problem is not in mom's milk. The fact is that the nervous system of children of the first 3 months of life is very vulnerable and easily overloaded. Many Moms of Breasts say that in the evening children are becoming more and more "manual", they are increasingly wanting to suck her mother's chest, they are better not to let her go at all.

Babies are capricious if they are trying to sleep separately from mom. And this is understandable: unlike intrauterine experience, the outside world is very diverse, and all the impressions that surround the child are tired by the evening, the children's psyche overload.

Joint sleep and breastfeeding

The child wants to return to a state where is comfortable and calm. And such a place for a baby are mother's hands and sucking breasts. What to do? While to indulge the needs of the baby. Usually after 3 months, the nervous system of the child becomes more mature and the child stops so sharply to need mom.
Of course, with such a "swing" on his chest, mom can feel that the chest becomes completely soft, and someone even says that. This is a normal situation. The breast is still working on the principle of "demand offer", and the next morning of milk will be as much as a child needs. The main landmark for you is a weekly weight gain: if the kid is in full breastfeeding dialing from 125 g per week, then you are on the right track!

Night breastfeeding baby after a year

The quality of milk with the age of a child does not deteriorate, there are studies that speak about the opposite: immunoglobulins becomes more, the milk becomes even more fat, the number of trace elements and vitamins remains the same. Therefore, from the point of view of the benefits of breastfeeding, the child after a year is only a plus. If you breastfeeding a baby after a year not in a burden, continue to feed. ? There are 2 options: leave everything as it is and wait, when a child himself grows out of breast feeding. Either, if you are ready for more efficient methods, quarrel sniffs, try not to give the chest at night. When you see that the child coped with it normally and he himself no longer wakes up for night feedings Teach the child to fall asleep without a chest.

Child in the crib next to mom (photo: fotolia)