Why is premature maturation of the placenta dangerous? Causes and consequences of premature aging of the placenta Early maturation of the placenta by 32

The placenta is an organ that appears in a woman's body only for a short time, during pregnancy.

For 11 days after fertilization, the egg grew and increased, and starting from the 12th day, it attaches to the wall of the uterus. From this moment, the placenta begins to form - an organ that becomes an intermediary between mother and child, supplying the baby with blood, nutrients and oxygen. The placenta also promotes the elimination of toxins and waste products from the fetus.

The formation of the placenta lasts approximately until the end of the third month, after which it continues to grow until the 8th month, when this organ reaches its maximum parameters. After this, the aging process of the placenta begins.

The aging process of the placenta is natural and consists of 4 stages:

  • 0 degree lasts until the 27th-30th week;
  • I degree called "active growth", it falls on the period of 27-34 weeks;
  • II degree is the period of maturity, it lasts from the 34th to the 39th week;
  • III degree, aging, begins from the 37th week and before the appearance of the baby.

Diagnosis of the disease

Paradoxically, a woman cannot feel such a rather serious pathology of pregnancy as premature maturation of the placenta.

Despite the fact that the child suffers at the same time, the woman is not able to understand that the pregnancy is proceeding abnormally.

It is possible to establish whether the state of the placenta corresponds to a certain period of pregnancy only during a routine ultrasound examination.

If the maturity of the placenta, its size or aging processes are ahead of the established dates, they speak of premature maturation of the placenta. In this case, the second degree is considered a pathology, which occurs before the 32nd week or the third degree - up to the 36th week.

However, according to the data of ultrasound studies alone, such a diagnosis is not made. It is advisable to undergo CTG of the fetus in order to find out whether the child receives enough nutrients and oxygen, because it is on the condition of the fetus that the premature aging of the placenta is reflected.


The main reasons that provoke the occurrence of accelerated aging of the placenta include the following:

  • the effect on the woman's body of various toxic substances (including from smoking);
  • the presence of chronic diseases, especially disorders of the excretory and cardiovascular systems;
  • endocrine diseases of a pregnant woman;
  • a history of difficult labor or abortion that preceded pregnancy;
  • improper nutrition of the mother;
  • late toxicosis;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the presence of injuries or infections of the uterus and its cavity;
  • mismatch of the Rh factors of the pregnant woman and the child.

Premature aging of the placenta: why the diagnosis is dangerous

Aging of the placenta involves a change in the volume of blood flow. If, at a certain stage of development, the child cannot receive the substances he needs in full, then the formation of the baby will be incorrect.

Metabolic disorders are one of the main problems associated with placental insufficiency. If you do not take any measures to improve the work of the placenta, the child may not only slow down his growth and development, but even die from suffocation.

At the same time, the woman herself does not feel the change in her condition. The only thing she can pay attention to is a change in the number of fetal movements. Moreover, the child can both begin to move more, feeling uncomfortable, and reduce the number of his movements.

Premature maturation of the placenta: standard treatment

Treatment of such a pathological condition during pregnancy as too active aging of the placenta is carried out mainly in a hospital setting.

First of all, a pregnant woman with such a diagnosis is prescribed a number of examinations, for example, Doppler or CTG of the child, tests for infections will be taken.

The placenta is an important organ directly involved in the development of the unborn child. Through it, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the fetus, as well as the removal of carbon dioxide and other waste products of the crumbs. In addition, a protective function is assigned to the placenta - it is she who protects the baby from all kinds of infections and reactions of the mother's immune system. The formation of this organ begins about 12 days after fertilization, and only by 37 weeks of gestation, the placenta reaches maturity. Aging of the placenta is a natural and inevitable process. The stage of her maturity is determined by the doctor during an ultrasound scan.

There are the following degrees of maturity of the placenta:

  • 0 degree - up to 30 weeks;
  • 1st degree - from 27 to 34 weeks;
  • 2nd degree - from 34 to 39 weeks;
  • Grade 3 - after 37 weeks.

But in practice, the degree of maturity of the placenta does not always correspond to the gestation period: for example, it so happens that the 3rd degree is diagnosed in the expectant mother at an earlier date up to 37 weeks. In this case, they talk about premature aging of the placenta. Why is this happening, what is the danger of this condition and how to cope with it: the answers to these questions can be found in our article.

Causes of premature aging of the placenta

There are many factors that can trigger the development of this pathology. Doctors identify the following causes of premature aging of the placenta:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders);
  • Traumatic damage to the uterus (previous abortion or difficult labor);
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and other organs;
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • Toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and child;
  • The presence of infectious diseases (toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, etc.);
  • Little or polyhydramnios;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Blood clotting disorder.

Diagnosis of premature aging of the placenta

Signs of premature aging of the placenta can be seen during ultrasound, as well as in the results of histological examination of the tissues of this organ after childbirth. However, it should be noted that ultrasound cannot be called an objective research method. It so happens that one doctor can see the 2nd degree of maturity of the placenta, while another on the same device diagnoses the 3rd degree and speaks of aging. Remember that ultrasound data are only the basis for an additional examination and CTG of the fetus, if the revealed changes do not correspond to the gestation period.

With premature aging, ultrasound clearly shows that the tissues of the placenta have become denser. New vessels no longer appear, and the boundaries between the placenta and the uterine wall are more and more clearly traced. Sometimes calcium begins to be deposited in the organ, which ultrasound shows as small white blotches. As it develops, the thickness and width of the placenta increases, and by the end of the gestation period, its size is somewhat reduced.

What are the consequences of premature aging of the placenta

The consequences of premature maturation of the placenta can be very different, but this pathology does not always end sadly. If aging begins a little earlier than the expected date, then there is nothing dangerous. Sometimes the earlier onset of this process is due to the physiology of the woman, so no treatment is required.

If the maturation of the placenta began before 36 weeks, and its growth is observed earlier than 30 weeks, most likely, we are talking about premature aging of the placenta. What is it fraught with? The organ no longer copes with its tasks in full - the baby begins to receive less oxygen and nutrients, which can result in malnutrition (low weight of the child) or intrauterine hypoxia.

Another consequence of premature aging of the placenta can be a violation of the blood supply to the fetus. This pathological condition can result in early rupture of amniotic fluid, miscarriage, placental abruption, etc. To prevent this, it is necessary to take appropriate measures in time.

Features of the treatment of premature aging of the placenta

Therapy for such a pathology as early maturation of the placenta should be prescribed only on the basis of the results of a comprehensive examination and the conclusion of the gynecologist that there is still a problem. It is impossible to completely get rid of this, therefore, the actions of doctors will be aimed at maintaining the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

As a rule, the treatment of premature aging of the placenta involves the elimination of risk factors, as well as complex drug therapy aimed at improving organ function and preventing intrauterine hypoxia. The expectant mother may need to lose weight, quit smoking, cure infections and preeclampsia, or take drugs that reduce the toxic effect on the fetus.

It is also possible to restore blood circulation in the placenta and ensure the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus with the help of drugs. You should not refuse if, for all the manipulations, the doctor invites the woman to go to the hospital. Hospitalization is needed to provide the expectant mother with full assistance. 4.6 out of 5 (30 votes)

The placenta forms during pregnancy. It is on it that the production of hormones, a sufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus, and nutrients depend. There is a certain scheme for the maturation of the placenta, which was laid by nature. Premature aging of the placenta has negative consequences for the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Premature maturation of the placenta

The placenta provides nutritional functions for the baby's circulation and respiration. In a baby, these processes cannot occur on their own until all organs are formed. Respiratory and nutritional functions are supported by the mother. The placenta protects the baby from various infections.

The placenta, like other organs in our body, is aging and is preparing to leave the body by the 37th week of pregnancy.

But often, with a woman's frivolous attitude to her health during pregnancy, early maturation of the placenta occurs. The development of this organ ahead of time, is a pathology, and entails various consequences. If the placenta begins to ripen a little ahead of time, this does not mean that the situation is critical. This may be due to the characteristics of the woman's body. If the placenta matures before 36 weeks, this indicates early maturation, which must be stopped.

Accelerated maturation of the placenta threatens:

  • Lack of oxygen;
  • Lack of nutrients;
  • Detachment of the placenta;
  • Termination of pregnancy is not excluded.

Insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients, often leads to a low weight of the child, hypoxia. Aging prematurely the placenta can lead to the birth of a child with brain pathologies, to damage to the organs of the mother or child. It happens that leads to death. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to stop the premature maturation of the placenta in time.

Aging placenta: stages

Maturation and aging of the placenta is a natural process. We can talk about the pathology of this process if the placenta begins to age earlier than expected. Aging of this organ leads to a decrease in its functions. The second stage of maturity stops growing and cannot provide oxygen and nutrients to the baby in full during its development. Signs of premature aging are diagnosed by ultrasound and CTG.

Placenta development goes through four stages:

  • The placenta is formed from 2 to 30 weeks;
  • Growth occurs from 30 to 33 weeks;
  • From 34 to 36 weeks, the placenta matures;
  • At 37 weeks, the placenta is aging.

In some cases of too rapid aging of the placenta, doctors may advise to terminate the pregnancy.

Causes of aging of the placenta during pregnancy and what to do

The causes of pathology in the development of the placenta in pregnant women can be very different. This may be an individual feature of the body of a pregnant woman, or the effect on the placenta of any pathologies and infections.

Common causes of aging of the placenta:

  • Endocrine system disease;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • Alcohol;
  • Smoking;
  • Genital and uterine infections;
  • Severe toxicosis;
  • Excess weight;
  • Previous abortions or difficult labor.

The placenta works to protect the baby from negative external influences. With improper nutrition of the mother, the placenta has to protect the fetus from harmful substances with a vengeance. This leads to more rapid development of the placenta, and aging earlier than expected. This development also occurs due to smoking, alcohol consumption, if the placenta has to protect the fetus from infections. In addition to aging of the placenta, infectious diseases can lead to polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

Early maturation of the placenta: why and who

Early maturation of the placenta is diagnosed by ultrasound and the diagnosis is determined solely by ultrasound. If the degree of maturation of the placenta does not correspond to the timing of pregnancy, then rapid maturation occurs, and as a result, aging of the placenta.

If, based on the results of ultrasound, a diagnosis of early maturation has been determined, one should not panic ahead of time.

Early maturation of the placenta does not always indicate any pathologies. You need to undergo treatment that will help normalize normal blood flow, and monitor the child's condition using CTG. In the first months of pregnancy, early maturation of the placenta can lead to abortion or abnormalities in the baby. Due to the lack of oxygen, the death of brain cells is possible. It can also lead to early placental abruption.

Early maturation of the placenta causes oxygen deprivation in the baby. The baby's heart begins to work faster to speed up blood flow and provide oxygen to the tissues. In this case, the child begins to show sharp activity, or vice versa, calms down. Such manifestations should alert a woman.

If the diagnosis of early maturation was made on time and appropriate treatment was prescribed, then premature maturation does not threaten either the child or the mother. It is dangerous if fetoplacental insufficiency is allowed. This leads to dire consequences.

Treatment of Premature Placenta Maturation: 32 Weeks of Pregnancy

At 32 weeks gestation, the baby noticeably gains weight and height. Its development largely depends on heredity transmitted from parents. During this period, subject to normal development, the placenta stops growing and begins to age after a month.

But if the third degree of maturation of the placenta is reached at 32 weeks, then we can say that premature aging occurs.

Symptoms by which one can determine the premature maturation of the placenta do not appear. It is not possible to independently understand that the development of the placenta does not correspond to the timing of pregnancy. These signs are detected only by ultrasound and CTG. Based on the results of ultrasound, it is concluded that the child lacks oxygen and nutrients. Tests for infections are prescribed. Drugs for treatment are prescribed if the child's condition has worsened.

Treatment is carried out only in a hospital. Taking medications and droppers is under the supervision of doctors. It is during hospitalization that assistance can be provided in full. Premature maturation of the placenta often gives rise to medically assisted delivery and premature delivery. If doctors are concerned about the baby's health, they can decide whether to give birth by caesarean section ahead of schedule.

If the diagnosis is not made on time and treatment is not prescribed, premature aging can lead to the fact that the child may suffocate from lack of oxygen. There is no definite treatment regimen for premature maturity of the placenta. When treating, as a rule, vitamins, rest are prescribed, and the causes that led to the premature maturation of the placenta are eliminated. Prescribe a medicine such as Actovegin and Curantil. It is not possible to cure the placenta. The prescribed treatment is aimed at maintaining the placenta in order to facilitate its work and improve blood circulation.

Timely measures taken and compliance with all recommendations helps to give birth to a healthy baby on time, and to avoid the consequences of premature aging of the placenta.

During pregnancy, the placenta matures, develops, ages. These are all natural processes. But if the development of the placenta does not match the timing of pregnancy, this deserves special attention. Blood flow studies using modern methods allow accurate diagnosis and timely diagnosis. Thanks to this, the results of treatment become higher, and the chosen tactics of pregnancy management, if the placenta is old, allows you to achieve the most favorable completion of pregnancy and childbirth.

Causes of premature aging of the placenta (video)

Early aging of the placenta can also begin in late pregnancy. If this process does not happen too quickly, then the pregnancy ends with the birth of a child in a natural way with low weight. If the placenta is aging too quickly, doctors may decide to give birth by caesarean section. Such a decision is made if it is necessary to preserve the life and health of the child. Prevention is very important.

The key to a successful pregnancy and normal development of the fetus in the womb is the normal functioning of the internal organs of the expectant mother and the absence of any pathologies. The same applies to the placenta - the organ responsible for the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The people also call this organ a "children's place". If, for some reason, the placenta does not cope with its functions, then doctors talk about its failure or early maturation. What kind of threat can this pose to the baby?

Reasons for the early maturation of a child's place at 31-36 weeks

Normally, the placenta has 3 degrees of maturity and the fourth is zero. Until the 30th week of pregnancy, zero organ maturity is optimal, which means that the placenta copes with its functions and the pregnancy develops normally. As a rule, when screening a pregnant woman at 31-36 weeks, she is given 1 maturity of the placenta, which is also the norm. If at this time the "child's place" has a second or even third degree of maturity, then this indicates that the body is not coping with its functions and there are a number of reasons for this. These reasons most often include:

  • leading an unhealthy lifestyle - smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking too much coffee;
  • frequent stress;
  • lack of sleep and significant physical or emotional stress;
  • self-administration of medications, in particular antibiotics or analgesics;
  • transferred viral infections and other diseases during pregnancy.

Dangerous consequences of early aging of a child's place at 31-36 weeks

It is the placenta that is a kind of "mediator" between the mother's body and the body of the unborn baby, therefore it is extremely important that this organ copes with its duties before the birth itself - this will ensure the birth of a healthy baby. At a period of 31-36 weeks, the fetal cerebral convolutions are improved, and with the early maturation of the "child's place" at this time, the child receives an insufficient amount of oxygen, which can lead to negative consequences:

  • premature birth;
  • , as a result of which death may occur;
  • lag in mental and physical development against the background of insufficient blood supply to the placenta and the transfer of oxygen and beneficial nutrients to the fetus;
  • infection of the fetus, since the placenta can no longer fully protect the child and "filter" substances that enter the uterus.

Aging of the placenta: treatment at 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 weeks

If the early maturation of a child's place is detected on an ultrasound scan, a woman should be under the constant supervision of doctors. Now the antenatal clinic will have to visit much more often, and, perhaps, even go to the hospital for a while. You should not refuse hospitalization if the gynecologist insists so, because every expectant mother is interested in having a healthy baby on time.

Doctors can in no way restore the original functions of the placenta during its early maturation, however, their actions are aimed at resuming optimal blood flow in the vessels of the organ and maintaining the condition of the fetus in the uterus. For this, the patient is prescribed:

  • intravenous administration of a glucose solution with vitamins to feed the fetus;
  • antispasmodics - to relax the blood vessels and provide better access to nutrients and oxygen to the fetus;
  • if necessary, prescribe drugs used for respiratory failure.

In addition to medication supportive therapy, a woman should exclude nervous stress, try to rest more and breathe fresh air.

Aging childbirth at 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 weeks

In order to assess the degree of risk to the fetus during early maturation of the placenta at 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 weeks of pregnancy, a woman, in addition to ultrasound, undergoes special studies - and. If the developmental fetus does not correspond to its gestational age and lags behind by 2 or more weeks, then the woman is sent to hospital for treatment without fail. With the progression of pathology on the part of the child's place and clear signs of fetal hypoxia, doctors can offer the patient a cesarean section operation earlier than the due date - this will save the baby's life and leave him in the intensive care unit.

Irina Levchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site site