What to do if your dog smells bad. Natural and pathological reasons why a dog smells. The main reasons why a dog smells

Pets, especially canids, have a specific odor. The degree of its intensity depends on the physiological characteristics of the structure of the skin and the frequency of water procedures. It is subtle, but in most cases it makes itself felt immediately upon entering the room. How to get rid of the smell of a dog in an apartment, read on.

In the animal kingdom, smells are tools for protection and communication. Every animal has a unique scent that can be identified by another predator. The domestication of canids did not contribute to the extinction of this marker.

Often, four-legged owners are faced with an unpleasant odor emanating from pets. Studying the mechanism of its formation will help to solve the problem. The excessive sweating theory does not work for dogs because they sweat little. The only exception is the area of \u200b\u200bthe paw pads. In most cases, a repulsive scent is formed in the glands in the epidermis.

Any animal has scent glands that produce certain substances. Depending on the state of the organism, the degree of their intensity changes.

Table 1. Varieties of glands

Type of glandCharacteristic
DermalProduces a lubricant for the hairline. The total number and sensitivity determine the level of "odor" of the pet. Pets living in extreme environmental conditions have more fat glands. The skin of short-haired pets also has a dense layer of fat. Dogs lacking undercoat develop a large number of grease, which makes the smell of wet wool richer.
SweatLocated between the pads. Many owners note the specific aroma of the limbs, which intensifies in summer and winter. It resembles popcorn at best, dirty socks at worst. These sweat glands produce odorous substances that form the individual trace of the animal.

The skin of animals is lined with hairs that interact with hair follicles. Each root is connected to the sebaceous glands, with the help of which toxins are removed from the body. If the animal is sick or undergoing a course of medication, the smell increases. Also, these glands produce pheromones - products of external secretion that attract the opposite sex.

Causes of the unpleasant odor

The ability to perceive smells is individual for each person. The degree of sensitivity to certain aromas depends on the acuity of the sense of smell. Therefore, before deciding to buy a dog, you should take into account the specifics of the work of the glands of some breeds.

During normal functioning of the body, the pet should not exude an unpleasant odor.

Any animal has a smell produced by the activity of the sebaceous glands. This does not apply to puppies under 4 months of age. A unique aromatic sillage appears with the onset of puberty. It is more pronounced in males than in females.

Sterilized animals do not produce pheromones

A repulsive pet smell appears due to the development of diseases, lack of hygiene, breed predisposition and seasonal factors. In the house, the characteristic smell of a dog arises from unscrupulous owners and when the dog copes with the needs of the room.

Provoking pathologies

Since harmful decomposition products are excreted through the glands, a pungent odor is often a symptom of infectious pathologies, cancer or diseases of the respiratory system. The aroma of rotten fish emanating from the body indicates the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With renal failure, the composition of urine changes. This process is accompanied by the emergence of a pungent ammonia odor during urination. In diabetes mellitus, carbohydrate and protein metabolism is disturbed, which also impairs the quality of urine.

Features of hygiene and diet

Every dog \u200b\u200bsmells like a dog. The factor that determines odor tolerance is the degree of its saturation. The implementation of the necessary hygiene measures and a balanced diet contribute to the leveling of unpleasant odors.

Table 2. Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor from a dog

CauseExplanation of the mechanism of formation
Ears conditionAccumulation of sulfur in the absence of ear cleaning once every 2 weeks.
ConjunctivitisFestering mucous membranes.
Work of the sweat glandsInflammatory process or excessive secretion of secretions produced by the glands between the fingertips.
Poor oral hygieneEnhanced growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Physical exerciseStimulation of the excretory system as a result of the acceleration of metabolism.
Allergic reactionSkin irritation as one of the symptoms of allergy to chemicals and poor-quality feed leads to a violation of the integrity of the epidermis. As a result, harmful bacteria enter the skin and begin to multiply. Chicken allergy is most common.
Blockage of the paraanal glandsAn inflammatory process in an organ that produces an odorous substance to mark the territory.
Seborrheic dermatitisDysfunction or intense work of the sebaceous glands.
Lack of water treatmentsThe accumulation of natural fats in the hairline and the formation of numerous colonies of yeast fungi.
Dirty litterThe presence of larvae living in the folds of the dog's blanket.
Old ageDisruption of fat metabolism leads to the formation of bad smelling chemical compounds.
Incorrectly selected detergentsThe use of human shampoos with inappropriate acidity leads to overdrying of the skin and coat.
EstrusFeatures of the hormonal system affect the saturation of the smell.
Power supply errorsThe presence of a large amount of protein food or a mono-fish diet disrupts nitrogen metabolism, which gives urine a nitrogenous odor.

Seasonal reasons

The smell emanating from the pet always increases with the onset of summer. This phenomenon is due to several reasons:

  1. To cool the body, animals often bathe. After water gets on the hairline, its molecules evaporate, taking hair particles with them. As a result, microorganisms living on the surface of the coat begin to exude a rich aroma. Separately, the substances that form the pungent sour smell of a wet dog are quite fragrant. For example, acetaldehyde smells like fruit, phenylacetaldehyde smells like flowers and honey, and 2-methylbutanal smells like nut butter. However, in combination, they create a repulsive scent.
  2. Microbes thrive in humid environments. With the growth of bacterial colonies, the unpleasant odor increases.

In winter, the pet's coat becomes wet on contact with snow. Consequently, the mechanism for the formation of a repulsive odor is identical to the principle described in the warm season.

Breed predisposition

Almost all breeds with shedding or hard hair have an intense odor. The skin glands of molossians, sled dogs, hunting species, hounds, greyhounds, shepherd dogs, and cops produce more odor secretions than other species.

The following types do not exude an unpleasant odor:

  1. Pets with non-shedding hair.
  2. Indoor and decorative breeds.
  3. Some hairless animals.

Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, hairless breeds smell. To compensate for the lack of hairline, the skin glands produce a lot of fat with a specific aroma. In addition, unlike pets, whose skin is covered with hair, they sweat.

Table 3. List of breeds, representatives of which are devoid of obsessive aroma

West Highland White TerrierOriginally from Scotland, this snow-white pet is odorless. The hairline consists of 2 layers. The outer is thick, hard, resistant to bad weather conditions. The inner one is soft, protecting the dog from the cold.
PoodleOne of the most widespread breeds in the world. The animal with German-French roots does not shed and is suitable for living together with people prone to allergic reactions.
The homeland of this African dog is Congo. She is the owner of short hair. The hair practically does not fall out. In addition, she does not bark.
Interesting Croatian breed. Despite the fact that it sheds almost all year round, a repulsive scent does not emanate from the body.
A French pet with a unique coat that, like human hair, grows throughout its life. There is no seasonal molt.
Shih tzuChinese miniature dog. The coat covers the entire surface of the skin abundantly. The hair is hard, thick and long. The bangs fall over the face, forming a mustache and beard.
PapillonIndoor and decorative breed, bred in France. In appearance it resembles a butterfly. Owner of a long, silky coat.
Chinese CrestedDogs resemble ponies. This is facilitated by the presence of vegetation on the head in the absence of hair on the body.
SchnauzerShaggy pets originally from Germany practically do not shed. Wire-haired breed with a coarse undercoat.
Xoloitzcuintle or Mexican nudeA rare species native to South America. A characteristic feature of the breed is the presence in the DNA chain of a dominant gene responsible for the absence of hair. Several hairs grow on the tail and legs. The rest of the body is not covered with hair.
Miniature pinscherGerman miniature pets. Indoor ornamental type with short, tough, tight-fitting hair.

Breeds with a characteristic doggy smell:

  • english and American Cocker Spaniels;
  • boxer;
  • st. Bernard;
  • shar Pei.

There is an opinion that representatives of small varieties do not smell. However, the owners pamper miniature pets with forbidden delicacies and frequent bathing. This increases the intensity of the odor.

Special cases

In addition to lack of proper care, breed predisposition and seasons, there are a number of special situations in which a dog can smell unpleasant:

  1. Some four-legged friends like to wallow in carrion or rotten stuff. If you do not wash the animal in time, it will give off a pungent odor. Strongly perfumed detergents are not recommended. The obsessive scent of shampoo will only increase the desire to return to the source of the stench.
  2. Sometimes a nasty smell comes from overly fluffy individuals. This is due to the fact that during bowel movements, the remains of feces or urine remain on the wool.

How to remove bad smell from a dog

To make communication with your pet as enjoyable as possible, with the help of simple manipulations you can forget about the smell of the dog.

Tips from experienced dog lovers:

In order to prevent the development of chronic diseases, it is necessary to examine the dog in a timely manner by a veterinarian. A healthy animal smells, but does not stink. A repulsive odor is primarily a symptom of a serious pathology.

How to eliminate unpleasant smell in the room

To prevent a repulsive odor in the apartment, you need to monitor the condition of the pet. A well-groomed animal leaves little to no nasty scent on carpets and sofas. Regular walking and not having a dog's toilet at home will increase your chances of success.

If a pungent dog smell appears in the apartment, it is recommended to use the following tips:

Alternatively, you can use cut apples, cornstarch and essential oils. They absorb strong odors well. To always smell good in the apartment, it is necessary to regularly vacuum the areas of accumulation of wool, which is also a source of a strong aroma.

Video - How to get rid of the unpleasant odor of cats and dogs

In fact, each tailed beetle has its own normal, natural, subtle smell, of course, provided that it is properly cared for. It cannot be removed by bathing, changing food, or applying cosmetics. If the smell haunts you, then to reduce its intensity, there are special preparations that are made on the basis of plant chlorophyll. You can buy them at your veterinary pharmacy. When using such products, strictly follow the instructions on the package.

It is much more problematic if your always normally smelling four-legged friend begins to exude a pungent unpleasant odor, which is almost impossible to remove. This should alert you.

What are the causes of the disease?

Wool. This primarily happens when dog hygiene is not given sufficient attention... The coat should be brushed and washed regularly. If you do not do this on time, then the natural protective oil accumulates on the skin and begins to exude a pungent rancid odor. You can use any dog \u200b\u200bshampoo to remove it. Recommended washing frequency is best obtained from the breeder when purchasing the animal or from your veterinarian. Modern shampoos and rinses are harmless, they can be used often, which will quickly fix the problem.

If a natural doggy smell remains after bathing, this is normal. Moreover, when wet, it can intensify. However, if the animal still smells pungent and unpleasant, then this may be due to the multiplication of yeast on the skin... Such a nuisance must be removed with a veterinary shampoo, which one is best to find out with a doctor.

Many of you may ask: “What about the“ perfume ”for dogs? After all, they were created for this ... ”In fact, not everything is so obvious and safe. Firstly, eau de toilette and other perfumery products for animals are applied to pure wool, otherwise they do not suppress the natural smell, but mix with it, making it even more unpleasant. Secondly, look, as if such fragrances did not cause the strongest allergic reactions in our smaller brothers.

In addition to wool, pets can cause an unpleasant odor dental problems, more precisely plaque and tartar. In the absence of oral care, a thick layer of plaque builds up on the teeth, which is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. You need to regularly brush your pet's teeth, if the plaque on the teeth is already dense, then it will be removed by a veterinary dentist.

And of course, it's no secret that we are what we eat. This also applies to our pets. Bad body odor can be the result of improper feeding... In this case, you need to change the diet of the tailed beast. For starters, try feeding him only high quality, biologically appropriate food. Biologically appropriate food meets the anatomical and physiological characteristics of carnivores, their natural, natural diet. Sometimes it is enough to exclude unnecessary porridge from the dog's diet or choose food with a low carbohydrate content. It is worth paying attention to the problems of food intolerances and food allergies. Among biologically appropriate foods, you can choose a formula with a composition suitable for your pet, which will help improve the general condition of the pet, and, as a result, solve the problem of unpleasant odor from inflamed skin.

If you follow these simple precautions, it will be much more pleasant for you to spend time with your beloved Tuzik or Mukhtar!

You can't help but love dogs. These devoted four-legged ones bring so much joy into the house that boredom and despondency leave it on the same day and never return. True, along with the joy, the dogs also bring a specific smell, but now the owners cope with it without difficulty.

Read and memorize!

We identify the cause of the smell of a dog in the apartment - why does it smell like a dog?

First of all, you need to find out - where, in fact, smells?

The smell may appear, both from the pet itself and from its bed ... And also from furniture, carpets and other corners where you can sleep, bury a chicken leg or lift a paw. The same goes for.

Well, and of course, it is equally important to find the reason for the appearance of this smell.

You will be surprised, but the most common reason is the laziness of the owners.

So, the reasons for the appearance of a "doggy" smell in your home ...

  • "The odor of the breed." Yes, it also happens. Not all dogs, alas, smell like flowers and vanilla shampoos. Actually, such dogs simply do not exist. If only immediately after a shower and only for a few hours. In general, dogs are very odorous and almost odorless. For example, spaniels and shepherd dogs are the most "odorous" of all breeds, but in crested Chinese pebbles, the smell appears only if the dog has not been washed for 1-2 months.
  • Hygienic reasons. Again, you will be surprised, but the dog should be washed. Optimally - once a month, if your affectionate and gentle animal is indoor. Less often, if the animal lives on the street. Natural fats accumulated in the wool give off a very unpleasant odor over time. And yeast living on the skin and multiplying aggravate this trouble. Teach your pet to bathe from "infancy", and the smell problem will be solved by 50%.
  • Wrongly chosen bathing products. Not everyone knows, so take note of the owners: human pet shampoos are not suitable! The acidity of these products is not for the wool and skin of tetrapods. Choose a shampoo for your pet personally. Don't skimp on shampoo! Cheap products do not remove odors well, dry out the skin too much and spoil the coat. And in addition to the shampoo, buy a special product that will restore the structure of your friend's coat and eliminate the unpleasant odor. The choice of such funds is quite wide today. Remember that a powerful alkaline bathing agent (and even without balm) disrupts the production of sebum and, as a result, a strong odor.
  • Blockage of the paraanal glands. If you notice that the pet is intensively licking the area around the anus, riding on the priest, trying to bite itself for it, or itching for no reason - it's time to clean the glands. Otherwise, inflammation may start. The smell with this phenomenon always appears, and, of course, not the most pleasant.
  • An abundance of sulfur in the ears or otitis media. If the dog is not accustomed to cleaning its ears, then the smell from them will haunt you constantly. But even worse, if otitis media begins - this smell is very specific, it is difficult to confuse it with the usual "sulfuric". If you have any doubts, it is better to consult a veterinarian.
  • Smell from the mouth. Again, the dog should be trained to brush its teeth. In addition, special toys, food and treats can be used to remove plaque. But only a specialist can remove tartar.
  • Seborrhea. It is peculiar to specific breeds and gives a rather intense smell "at the exit". Seborrhea is noted, as a rule, in all hunting breeds. The reason is simple - intensive work of sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as increased production of sebum (approx. - 30% stronger than in other breeds), as protection against getting wet.
  • Improper digestion. Feed your dog right! From irregular and illiterate feeding, inappropriate feed, human products and "nibbling", allergies and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract begin. And, accordingly, skin problems. Everything is like with people: if you eat all kinds of "nonsense", then pimples on the face, excess weight and heavy sweating will follow endlessly. Often there is a smell from dogs that are fed with fish or "fish" food.
  • Seasonal reasons. The smell of the dog is always intensified in the summer. First, the pet is hot. You can put on shorts and a T-shirt, but the dog has nowhere to undress. In addition, in summer, dogs often plunge into all rivers, shallow bodies of water and even puddles near the house to cool off. And when wet, wool always smells sharply sour. And various microorganisms multiply more actively in wet wool, which also does not add aroma.
  • Physiological reasons. For example, hormonal surge, obesity, metabolic disorders and other human "sores". However, it should be noted that males are initially more odorous than girls. An exception is the period of heat. Therefore, if the bitch has a smell outside the estrus period, consult a doctor (this is a symptom of serious problems in the "female line").
  • Diseases. If you bathe your pet regularly with medicated shampoo, dry it properly, feed it, walk it, and it still smells, see your doctor. A strong foul odor can be a symptom of infection, liver or gastrointestinal tract diseases, ears, allergies, abscesses, and even cancer. Remember that a sweet or "antifreeze" smell from the pet's mouth is a reason to urgently go to the veterinarian.

As for the reasons for the smell of a dog directly in the house, there are two of them:

  1. The pet has arranged a toilet for himself in the apartment.
  2. The hosts do not clean the house often or thoroughly enough.

Dog Bad Smell - 14 Ways to Eliminate Dog Hair Smell

For a dog's coat to smell - if not flowers, then at least just cleanliness - you need ...

  • Wash your dog with special "doggy" products every 10-30 days, according to the breed. Wash out the shampoo thoroughly and be sure to use a conditioner.
  • Dry your dog after washing or bathing in ponds with a hairdryer or a special microfiber towel that absorbs water as much as possible.
  • Brush your pet's ears and teeth regularly. Preferably, using a special paste.
  • Wipe your pet's hair with a vinegar solution a (approx. - 1 tbsp / l per 1 liter of water). Hairless dogs can be wiped with chlorhexidine (at the same time treat all skin inflammations).
  • Brush your dog regularly , remove undercoat that accumulates moisture and spreads an unpleasant odor.
  • After the walk it is imperative to wash the paws, muzzle, belly and area around the tail.
  • Trim under the tail so that fecal particles do not adhere to the wool in this area. Don't forget that even the smartest pet can't use toilet paper.
  • Feed your dog right , taking into account the balance of all nutrients. Remember that the lack of certain substances with food leads to metabolic disorders and, as a result, disruption of the work of the sweat glands. Change your dog's diet completely - for a correct and balanced one, give up allergic foods, and, perhaps, this step alone will significantly reduce the size of the odor problem. Do not feed your pet raw meat / fish - cook without salt and steamed. This will save your dog from worms and the following problems with them, including smell.
  • Timely examine the dog at the veterinarian and take tests. Remember: a healthy dog \u200b\u200bsmells, but does not stink. The unbearable smell of "dog" is a signal of the body about ill health.
  • Be a caring host. That is, treat the dog carefully, paying attention to its mood swings. The smell can also be a protective reaction to stress or fear, in which the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce an unpleasant "odor". Eliminate the causes of stress and fear. Do not scold your pet, and even more so do not use force.
  • Use additional products when bathing your pet. For example, Doctor shampoo (by the way, it perfectly heals inflammation on the skin).
  • You can also pay attention to dog "deodorants": OdorGone, Smart Spray, Loyal Friend, Essential 6 spot on dermoscent drops.
  • Wash your pet's clothes and mattress cover / bedding often. At least once a week! And also wash his toys and remove the "stash" in the corners.
  • Walk your dog more often and longer so that she does her natural needs not on the carpet in the apartment, but under a bush on the street.

How to remove doggy smell from carpet and furniture - 10 effective ways and means

It should be noted that the smell appears on carpets and furniture in 2 cases:

  1. The dog lifts its paw more often in the apartment than on the street.
  2. The dog is rarely washed, and the smell from it "eats" into furniture and carpets.

Follow the steps above before removing odors from your apartment. Otherwise, any cleaning will be meaningless.

  • Remove puddles as soon as they appear. Smells of urine stuck in the upholstery or carpet only get worse over time. Do not smear the puddle - soak it up with paper towels as much as possible, and then treat with special / means and after half an hour remove the remnants of the product with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Spread a thin layer of baking soda on the carpet (piece of furniture) , after 4-5 hours, remove with a vacuum cleaner.
  • For non-woven surfaces you can use a mixture of baking soda (2 tbsp / l), peroxide (20 ml) and regular dishwashing detergent (1 tbsp / l). This mixture should be applied to the "odorous" area, rub in and rinse off after a couple of hours.
  • Wash the stain with a solution (approx. - weak and without grains!) Of potassium permanganate. It helps neutralize ammonia.
  • Use household products to remove odors. For example, whiteness, Domestos or Vanish, as well as Mr. Muscle and Mr. Proper. You can drop a couple of drops of citrus essential oil into chlorine products.
  • Dilute vinegar 1 to 1 , process the desired area, after drying, repeat.
  • We dilute 15 drops of iodine in 1 liter of water , we process the wooden surface, wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • Rubbing alcohol can also be used ... We spray it from a spray bottle to the desired area, rub it in, soak it in with napkins until the alcohol is completely eliminated.
  • For fabric surfaces, you can use household / soap ... We rub it on a grater, mix it with water until it becomes "gruel", apply it to the fragrant area and wash it off after 10 minutes.
  • Lemon juice or peel from fresh lemon. We just wipe the furniture with juice or a crust, and after 15 minutes - with an ordinary damp cloth.

How to Get Rid of Dog Smell in an Apartment - 9 Methods to Get Rid of Dog Smell in Rooms

To remove the smell of "dog" from the rooms, you need ...

  • Regularly do wet cleaning with the addition of disinfectants.
  • Vacuum all areas of the apartment where wool accumulates (one of the sources of odor).
  • Wipe the floor after washing with a vinegar solution.
  • Wipe furniture with ammonia or vinegar solution.

You can also use the following tools:

  1. Apples. The recipe is simple: cut an apple in half and put it on an area where there is an unpleasant odor. The absorption of aromas by fruit lasts up to 6 hours.
  2. Sprinkle cornstarch on the floor , vacuum after 3-4 hours. It absorbs odors as effectively as baking soda.
  3. Add 4-5 drops of essential oil to a spray bottle with warm water (scent - according to your "taste"), spray in the room - on curtains, carpets and floor. The advantages of the product are a pleasant aroma, as well as an antiseptic and antifungal effect.
  4. Use furniture covers. They are easier to wash than upholstery.
  5. Use special products from vet / pharmacies that remove organic odors. These products do not mask, but completely remove microorganisms that are sources of odors. For example, Vaportek and Le Artic, BIO-Zh and Zoosan, Bio-GM, UF2000, Ultrasan, Nature's Miracle Pet Stain & Odor Remover or ORANGE-OXY. These products are safe for both your pets and your household.

Dog smell or what if my dog \u200b\u200bsmells like dog?

All dogs smell, and, accordingly, the smell of a dog is the normal smell of a dog, which is formed as a result of the vital activity of its body. Most often it is visible after rain, swimming or when snow melts on the fur.

In different dogs, it manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent: some individuals naturally have a stronger smell than others (like humans - there are "odorous" people, especially some men, no offense will be told to them). Also, people have different sense of smell: for people who have it, almost every dog \u200b\u200bwill smell like a dog. And, of course, it is not unimportant how a person treats animals - if this is a beloved member of the family, then this smell is perceived as “native”.

However, sometimes the smell changes, appears or intensifies, which causes concern for the owners.

In this article, we'll look at the reasons why dogs smell most often and how to deal with them.

The reasons can be conditionally divided into:

- pedigree;
- food;
- seasonal;
- physiological;
- pathological.

Hygienic reasons for dog smell.

The most common reason. In dogs, the most common source of unpleasant odors is their coat and skin. Natural oils on your pet's skin sometimes accumulate in the coat, become rancid and give off an unpleasant odor. Yeast also lives on the skin, which sometimes grows too much and causes infection and odor. Regular washing eliminates this problem. The optimal frequency of bathing the animal is once a month if the animal is indoor. If it lives on the street, then less often.

It is necessary to try to teach the dog to wash, so that it can calmly endure the procedure, because fear intensifies the smell. The result is a vicious circle: the dog seems to say: "I smell strong when I am worried, the owner does not like the smell, he bathes me in the bath, and I am so worried, so worried when I am bathed and smell even more!"

You cannot use "human" shampoos and balms when bathing - their acidity is not suitable for a dog's coat. Special shampoos take into account the characteristics of dogs and cats. Along with shampoo, it is good to purchase a special conditioner, especially for long-haired pets. It helps to eliminate unpleasant odors and restores the structure of the coat, making it soft, silky and shiny.

The quality of washing and the condition of the coat after bathing largely depends on the quality of the cosmetics. Groomers note that inexpensive shampoos do a poor job - and the smell remains, and dries the skin, and the wool "does not lie."

To increase the effectiveness of bathing for dogs with a thick undercoat, it is recommended to rinse the pet with a weak solution of vinegar: two tablespoons of a 9% solution per 3 liters of water.

The Doctor shampoo has proven itself very well - with or without tar - both are very effective. But they need to be used exactly as written in the instructions - lathered, washed off, lathered again and held for at least 7-10 minutes before re-washing.

Rinse off shampoo and balm as thoroughly as possible. Remains of these can irritate the skin. It is important that the water temperature is comfortable for the animal, otherwise it will try to finish the procedure as soon as possible, starting to break free and run away.

Do not use an anti-flea shampoo unnecessarily - it is ineffective against fleas and can cause allergies.

After bathing, dry the animal's coat with a hair dryer (the regulator should be set to a gentle mode) or with a soft towel. A pungent sour smell may appear from undried wool - this is a common situation in the summer, when the dog constantly swims in open reservoirs or just runs and walks a lot.

Blot your ears very thoroughly - water that gets in them can cause problems.


Regular brushing with a comb or brush removes a thick undercoat that accumulates moisture, melts and causes an unpleasant odor. It will also save the house from an abundance of hair, especially during the moulting period (owners of Labradors and Shepherds know about this more than others!). A damp terry towel will help remove loose hairs after the procedure.

Trim animals in time.

There are other reasons for the odor related to hygiene.

Since animals do not use toilet paper, in dogs and cats (especially long-haired ones), foul-smelling particles sometimes stick to the fur around the anus. We recommend cutting or trimming the hair under the tail and periodically washing the back of the animal with a sponge and warm water.

Also, the dog may smell due to blockage of the paraanal glands.
Signs: the dog begins to actively lick the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus, growl at it, bite itself in this area, ride on the priest and itch for no reason - it means that the glands are clogged and need to be cleaned, otherwise inflammation and abscess will begin. Cleaning, if desired, can be carried out independently, but the first time is better in the clinic, so that later the procedure can be repeated correctly.

If frightened, the glands can empty on their own - then just wash the pet.
We advise you to pay attention to the ears! Veterinarians will tell you how often unkempt, uncleaned, with an abundance of sulfur on the unpicked hairs in the ear canal give simply a suffocating odor. Ear conditions such as otitis media or ear mites can produce a very unpleasant odor. Also, breeds with long ears (spaniels, bassets, blindhounds, etc.), due to poor ventilation of the ear canal, often have problems with them, and smell is the first symptom.

Bad breath comes from tartar. Buying special toys for cleaning teeth is very good for the prevention and removal of soft plaque. Alas, they do not remove tartar, soaked in mineral salts. Only doctors can do this: mechanically or with an ultrasonic scaler. After cleaning - please, we recommend toys, bones from veins, and special food, for example, "Hills t / d".

Finally, folk way to get rid of dog odor, well-proven:

Since it is often impossible to bathe the dog, try making a mixture of vodka and vinegar in equal parts and using a tampon or rags to wet the dog with this mixture, avoiding contact with the eyes-ears-nose-mouth, and then carefully wipe with a lump from the newspaper as the coat grows The dog will shine and there will be no smell, but if you do not find out the reason, then after a while it may appear again.

Pedigree reasons for the smell of a dog.

It is believed that more other breeds smell: American Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, West Highland White Terrier and Basset Hound. They can smell all year round. This is associated with their predisposition to seborrhea - this is a pathological condition associated with a violation of the keratinization of the skin.

All hunting breeds smell very strong - especially dogs for working in water. Their sebaceous and sweat glands work very intensively and, accordingly, their sebum production is 30% more - this is a protective layer from getting wet.

Dogs often smell and get dirty, which are washed with highly alkaline agents without the use of balm. Their production of sebum is simply disrupted.

Nutritional reasons.

Improper digestion is also an important cause. Allergies are a common cause of skin and coat problems. The appearance of a rash, itching, otitis media is often the result of pieces thrown away from the table.

Perhaps you should transfer the dog to special food, because natural food is not always balanced. The smell can be from general ill health: if the dog does not receive nutrients, the metabolism in its body will be disrupted.

An unpleasant odor is often noticed when using feed with fish (tuna, salmon, etc.)

Seasonal causes of dog smell

Often the smell intensifies in the summer, in the heat, especially if the dog is swimming in water.

Reasons for increased odor from dogs:

Non-drying of the coat.

In wet wool, microorganisms multiply faster, the debate process is accelerated and the smell increases.

-A microfiber towel is very helpful for drying a dog. it absorbs moisture well.

Physiological reasons.

In everyday life, it is believed that a dog always smells more than a bitch, except for the period before estrus - then the hormonal bursts of the bitches intensify the smell. Then the "ladies" smell of some kind of rotten fish, and strongly. In nature, this smell attracts males. Change her "panties" or special diapers often and wash her.

The odor at the end of heat is due to the normal increase in bacteria in the genitals. But if estrus has already ended, and then a smell has appeared, and it is accompanied by bloody discharge, an increase in the abdomen in volume, depression, fever, weakness, vomiting, refusal to eat, but increased thirst - immediately consult a doctor - these are signs of a formidable purulent inflammation of the uterus - pyometra - which in almost 100% of cases requires emergency surgery.

A sudden smell in an elderly, non-castrated bitch is often a sign of problems with the "female" part - hurry to the doctor.

In young animals, during puberty, the smell can sharply increase - this is normal, it usually goes away after estrus or by 1.5 - 2 years on its own.

Our recent example: Siberian Husky, female, 9 months old. In the summer, they complained about a newly appeared smell. No pathology was found. Prescribed: washing with shampoo with "Doctor" tar, alternating with shampoo with chlorhexidine, thorough drying after washing, vitamins for wool. The smell has diminished sharply. A month later, estrus began, during which the dog was especially "fragrant", despite the treatments. After the end of heat, the smell disappeared completely.

Pathological causes of dog odor

Be wary and consult a doctor if, despite the exclusion of the above reasons, the smell intensifies, the pet smells of wet hair, even when it is dry, and even after bathing with medicated shampoos, the smell remains, decreases slightly or quickly returns.

It can be caused by serious problems: infections, gastritis, allergies, cancer, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, mouth, gums and ears. Also, the dog may have problems with the skin or the presence of abscesses ... "Sweet" odor from the mouth is often indicative of impaired kidney function. The smell from a pet of gasoline, antifreeze is a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor.

Preparations used to combat animal odors.

It is strictly forbidden to use "human" perfumes and deodorants in dogs! Their sense of smell is much more subtle, these smells are too harsh for them and will irritate them. There is a known case when, during a vacation, a family took their dog on an excursion to a perfume factory. And there the dog almost died, from the onset of an attack of suffocation, similar to asthmatic.

There are "doggy" eau de parfum, deodorant and dusting powder. These funds only mask the smell from the dog, but are actively used by the owners. You can use them, but remember that they do not eliminate the cause of your pet's foul odor. In rare cases, fragrances can cause severe allergic reactions.

Short review:

"OdorGone" - odor neutralizer. It is designed to successfully combat any unpleasant odors, as well as bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. An unsurpassed result is achieved due to their destruction at the molecular level.

“SMART SPRAY. Dog smell eliminator " - helps to get rid of the smell of an unpleasant dog without drowning it out with flavors, but eliminating it at the molecular level thanks to its natural enzymes. The spray is effective even for removing the smell of "wet dog" - for treating the animal after a walk.

In addition to removing odor, the agent also cares for the skin and coat of the animal: it protects the coat from the adverse effects of the external environment, regulates the natural hydrobalance, prevents brittleness of the coat, the appearance of tangles. Does not make wool oily or greasy, protects against dandruff, serves as an antistatic agent. Indicated for frequent use.

"Faithful friend - dog odor eliminator" (spray)
The deodorizer contains microencapsulated enzymes, sodium salt, tea tree oil, purified water, fragrance.

The principle of using the product is based on the absorption of molecules of a specific dog smell by microencapsulated enzymes, decomposition and neutralization of the very source of the smell.

After applying the product, the coat becomes silky and shiny, and the skin is clean with a slight smell of freshness. Recommended for all types of dogs, as well as for sick animals. The product is non-toxic, anti-allergenic.

Vitamins and supplements containing fatty acids are also very useful - this will help improve the quality of the skin and coat in general, and also help eliminate toxins in the body that have an unpleasant odor.

Drops on the withers "Essential 6 spot on" prescribed to dogs and cats for skin and hair care, to moisturize and reduce skin flaking, to eliminate unpleasant odors from animal hair, to reduce shedding and stimulate hair growth.

Health to you and your pets!

Golneva Tatiana Nikolaevna,
Veterinarian at the Vasilek clinic.

Photo courtesy of the breeder Margarita Berzhitskaya.

2007-2017: Network of Veterinary Clinics in Moscow "VASILYOK": 10/4/17

Four-legged pets bring joy and fun to any home. They are active, kind and always loyal to their owners. But any dog \u200b\u200blover understands perfectly well that along with all the known advantages, there are also many difficulties in caring for a baleen-tailed creature and for the apartment as a whole. These include the characteristic odor from the secretions, which appeared in the room where the dogs live. How to get rid of the dog smell and at the same time provide your pet with full comfort? Read about it below.

The smell of a dog in an apartment is a common problem among baleen owners. However, if you turn to proven and very effective tools, you can easily eliminate this kind of nuisance. Among the variety of natural remedies that get rid of the characteristic strong odor, vinegar is distinguished first of all. Moreover, he himself is well eroded from the room after the treatment of the dog.

How exactly do you apply vinegar? As a rule, it is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Use a spray bottle, if you can't find one, a regular rag will do. The vinegar solution must be applied to the stain left by your pet (spray or wipe with a rag soaked in a mixture of vinegar and water). After a while, you can get rid of the stain with a regular detergent (the smell will overpower the vinegar scent). Citric acid is used in a similar manner.

Another versatile blend that will allow you to remove the pungent dog smell is hydrogen peroxide. However, be careful not to apply this product to carpets or woolen floors, as you can ruin your favorite item. Instead, hydrogen peroxide does a great job of "smelling" on linoleum or tiles. Preparing a peroxide solution to remove odor is easy. To do this, take a small plastic container and add 20 ml of hydrogen, 1 tbsp. l. regular detergent, as well as 2 tbsp. l. soda. Mix all components thoroughly and the cleaning solution is ready to use. Apply it on the stain and leave it on for about an hour. After that, rinse everything off with warm water (you can use a detergent or with the addition of aromatic oil).

The list of effective remedies for dog urine odor does not end there. The following folk methods have shown their effectiveness in practice:

How to remove odor in a different way? Among the additional products that are effective in the fight against dog odors, there are also laundry soap and lemon juice. The choice of the best option is directly yours. If you want to enhance the effect, alternate the methods you like best or use them in combination, and the dog smell present in the house will disappear from your home once and for all.

Video "Methods of struggle"

From the video you will learn how to deal with unpleasant odors in the house.

Rules for the use of funds

Your pet's discharge can be a nuisance, so you need to know how to get rid of dog odor quickly and effectively. Remember that it is necessary to remove the smell of dog urine before the stain has eaten in and the "aroma" itself has not acquired a persistent ammonia tint after exposure to oxygen. Therefore, the speed of getting rid of traces of dog urine is so important. In addition, dog lovers very often do not attach much importance to the need to quickly eliminate odors that a shaggy pet leaves everywhere. But believe me, persistent ammonia "fragrances" will not go unnoticed by your guests.

In addition to learning about the most popular methods for cleaning up odorless canine secretions, you must adhere to the key rules for caring for your dog and the room in which it lives. For example, if you are a happy owner of a small puppy, try to take him outside more often. An adult, however, must be accustomed to correcting needs in the fresh air. There are situations in which an unpleasant smell of your dog's fur occurs during a period when your pet is sick and you should never take him outside. However, here's a solution to the problem, take care of the presence of special diapers or wear an absorbent diaper on the dog. There is certainly plenty of fuss, but such measures will prevent the spread of stench throughout the apartment and private house.

To avoid buying or handcrafting a canine odor remedy, try not to leave carpet in areas where your pet usually spends time.

In addition, the dog can "take a fancy" and other fabric surfaces, for example, a sofa or pillows. Therefore, all this should not appear on the floor. If you cannot avoid troubles and at the same time your personal belongings have suffered, add a small amount of baking soda to the powder during washing, so you can get rid of the dog smell without much difficulty.

It is necessary to be able to remove the smell of the dog without harm to yourself, to the apartment and household members. Clean up dog secretions with rubber gloves, there are many effective remedies for combating unpleasant odors, but some of them can even harm the skin of the hands. To make sure that there is no risk, apply moisturizer to your hands before putting on gloves. Remember that not all excretion products are universal; in no case should iodine and potassium permanganate be applied to fabrics, and varnished surfaces may suffer from hydrogen peroxide. Knowing about the most common methods of getting rid of harsh canine odors today, you thereby maintain comfort in your home, even though there is a four-legged friend in it.

However, even the most effective folk remedies and professional drugs will not be able to
to provide freshness in the cleaned room on a constant basis. therefore special attention pay attention to the reasons for this kind of trouble. If your puppy is still young, he should be toilet trained as soon as possible. But such behavior of an adult dog can signal illness and lead to bad consequences. In this case, it is worth contacting a specialist.