What to do if the disinfection is over. Is there a worthy replacement for deodorants and which one will be the best

By going to the portal site you will find out how to replace the armpit deodorant if it is absent or hypersensitive. Sweating increases in the summer. It is necessary to observe hygiene - fresh sweat does not have a strong unpleasant odor. It manifests itself after a few hours and is associated with the activity of bacteria. If you sweat heavily, you need to undergo a medical examination - this may be a symptom of a disease. To avoid the unpleasant smell of sweat and wet stains on clothes, an antiperspirant is used, which blocks the work of the sweat glands. It is highly effective, but during pregnancy and breastfeeding, women are afraid to use products that contain aluminum salt, zinc, parabens, and other synthetic components.

  • Crystal
  • Lemon
  • Talc
  • Essential oils
  • Baking soda.

Alternatively, Crystal deodorant is used. It does not contain parabens, aromatic fragrances, so it is more suitable for people prone to allergic reactions. The base of this deodorant is aluminum alum. They were formed as a result of the breakdown of volcanic rocks. Depending on the manufacturing method, a fused and one-piece deodorant crystal is isolated. It is used for armpits, for the body.

The peculiarity of crystal deodorant is that it has antibacterial properties, but does not suppress perspiration. Suitable for those who are not shy about wet circles on their clothes, have sensitive skin, are prone to allergic reactions.

Boric alcohol is used for the legs and palms. It dries the skin slightly and destroys bacteria.

An affordable replacement for antiperspirant deodorant

If you run out of deodorant, you can easily make a substitute yourself using regular baking soda. Add a small amount of baking soda to a container filled with warm water, stir. In this solution, a napkin is moistened, armpits and other parts of the body subject to increased sweating are lubricated. If you add a few drops of lavender and orange oil, then this composition will have a pleasant aroma. The only drawback is the short duration of action. It is necessary to lubricate the armpits several times a day.

If you smell sweat in a public place, a pack of deodorant wipes will help out. They remove unpleasant odors and prevent the growth of microorganisms. These wipes are often odorless. They are easy to use in the bathroom or public toilet. I only recommend using them in place of deodorant for emergencies.

How to replace sweat deodorant at home

Natural remedies do not inhibit sweating, but they can neutralize bacteria that cause bad odor. If you run out of deodorant, regular lemon can replace it. This method is suitable for the hot season. The acidic environment does not allow microbes to multiply.

Armpits, feet, palms, and other parts of the body prone to increased sweating are wiped with lemon wedges or a napkin dipped in lemon juice. If not, then a weak solution of apple cider vinegar will be a substitute.

These products should not be used immediately after shaving the armpits - skin irritation may occur.

If there is talcum powder or baby powder at home, then they are applied in a thin layer on the armpits. These products absorb excess moisture and absorb unpleasant odors. Starch has a similar effect. The disadvantage of these products is that they leave white spots, so they should not be used if dark clothes have been chosen.

A decoction made from peppermint leaves has a pleasant aroma. A cotton pad is moistened in it and the skin is wiped in the morning and evening. A product made from cosmetic and essential oils has a pleasant aroma. They have antiseptic properties. A few drops of tea tree oil, orange, lavender are added to the base oil (wheat germ, almond, jojoba).

Important! This substitute is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Recipe 1

You will need:

  • 3 tablespoons plain baking soda
  • 3 tablespoons of any starch
  • A few drops of tea tree oil
  • A couple of drops of any essential oil

An equal amount of soda and starch are mixed, tea tree oil and any essential oil are added. The resulting product is poured into a jar with a tightly screwed lid, stored in a dry place. This mixture is applied to dry skin.

Recipe 2

  • Oak bark
  • Lemon juice
  • Glass of water

Boil the water, cut the oak bark into pieces, add to the water, wait until it cools. Add squeezed lemon juice and pour into a spray bottle. This spray can replace deodorant if it is not available. This composition has an anti-inflammatory effect.

DIY solid deodorant

The site contains information on how to make an analogue that can replace a deodorant at home.

Recipe 1

  • Solid coconut oil - 150 gr
  • Soda - 0.75 cups
  • Potato starch - 0.75 cups

Pour baking soda and starch into a container, mix thoroughly, add melted coconut oil. Stir until smooth, put in an empty bottle of used deodorant. Put in the refrigerator. This formulation is used in place of the regular roll-on deodorant.

Recipe 2

  • 0.5 cups of baking soda
  • 50 ml of cocoa butter
  • 50 ml Shea butter
  • 0.5 cups starch
  • Any essential oil

Stir all components until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Place in a small container and refrigerate.

This composition does not cause itching, protects against sweating.


  • A self-made solid deodorant is applied in a thin layer to the armpits. It contains natural fats, so it is easily absorbed without leaving any residue;
  • Owners of sensitive skin will need to double the amount of starch and reduce the amount of baking soda.

It is no secret that many of the products we use, be it items for personal hygiene or cosmetics, contain far from harmless substances. So, stumbling across the Web on the next "research of British scientists", I was horrified. It turned out that allergy to a common antiperspirant is far from the worst of the possible consequences of its use. In addition, a side effect is blockage of the sweat glands and disruption of the body's natural cleansing. Add to this the destruction of the important female hormone estrogen, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and the formation of tumors ... On the other hand, avoiding hygiene products is also not an option. But surely there must be some kind of alternative?

The search for a safe and effective personal hygiene product led me to an online eco-goods store, where I bought crystal deodorant. It does not block sweat ducts, does not contain aluminum, preservatives and parabens. Even allergy sufferers and pregnant women can use alum stone. An undoubted advantage for me personally is also the fact that it absolutely does not have any smell, which is so annoying in conventional deodorants. Another advantage of salt deodorant is that it will last for a long time. I bought mine last spring and judging by how slowly it “melts”, it will last for two years. True, it should be used carefully, since my friend during the same time simply broke three of these "crystals", dropping them in the bathroom. Salt deodorants have already gained popularity due to their effectiveness, convenience and safety, but they are far from the only alternative to conventional antiperspirants. There are at least 5 more ways to combat sweating with the help of the available remedies. Which ones?

1. Essential oils

Lovers of everything home and natural can try to prepare a deodorant based on essential oils, of course, provided that they are not allergic. To do this, first warm up beeswax (1.5 tablespoons), coconut oil (1 tablespoon) and cocoa butter (0.5 tablespoons) to a liquid state. A few drops of castor oil and ethers are mixed into the mixture - 15 drops each of thyme and rosemary, and 25 drops of lavender. The resulting mass is cooled and used as a conventional deodorant.

You can do it easier by diluting the essential oils of sage and eucalyptus in a glass of water in equal amounts. The resulting solution remains only to wipe dry armpits.

2. Oak bark

Oak bark is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes due to its high content of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds. Its ability to normalize the function of the sweat glands is also used with increased sweating. So, baths with a decoction of oak bark reduce sweating of the legs and hands, they also wipe the armpit area after taking a shower and use it throughout the day to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. To prepare such a decoction, chopped bark in the amount of 5 tbsp. pour a liter of cold water, bring to a boil and boil in an enamel bowl under a lid over low heat for half an hour. After that, they insist for another two hours, wrapping the saucepan with a towel. The finished broth is filtered, poured into a glass container and sent to the refrigerator, taking out as needed.

3. Lemon

Bacteria that cause unpleasant odor in sweat will retreat in front of the acids in lemon juice. This property of citrus has been noticed for a long time and has been successfully applied long before the advent of modern personal care products. To eliminate the "natural body aromas", the lemon wedges were held under the armpits for several minutes in order to provide a feeling of cleanliness and freshness for the whole day. You can do it even easier by wiping the clean, dry area of ​​the armpits with a napkin soaked in lemon juice. By the way, you can get the same effect using natural apple cider vinegar.

4. Baking soda

Some people also recommend using an aqueous solution of regular baking soda to neutralize germs. A teaspoon of soda is diluted in a glass of boiled water and the armpit area is wiped with the resulting composition. You can also pour the solution into a container with a spray bottle and apply it as a spray. The disadvantage of such a tool can be considered that its action is not enough for the whole day, and it will have to be applied every 5-6 hours. But no aluminum salts, which are considered the most dangerous elements in most antiperspirants. If desired, you can add a drop of your favorite essential oil to the soda solution. Dry baking soda can also be used by simply dusting the armpit with it. An important point when using baking soda as a deodorant: it should not be used if the skin is damaged.

5. Pasta Teymurov

Teymurov's paste received many flattering responses, although there are no less disputes about its absolute harmlessness. It contains components such as zinc oxide (which has an antiseptic effect), talc (for drying the skin) and boric acid. Thanks to these substances, Teymurov's paste is considered an effective remedy for hyperhidrosis. The main controversy is the content in it, albeit in small quantities, of lead and formaldehyde.

What do you think of the above tools?

Salvation from wet armpits is hard to imagine without the help of an antiperspirant. Especially without such funds it is impossible to do in the summer. Despite the fact that they are effective for excessive sweating, their prolonged use can harm a person. There are many controversies on this topic, some studies show that such cosmetic products cause tumor diseases due to their harmful composition. How to replace a deodorant so that the armpits remain dry for a long time and the characteristic smell of sweat does not appear? An excellent solution would be conventional products that are not only harmless, but also affordable financially.

You can also fight sweating with home remedies.

Antiperspirant natural remedies

Products of natural origin have long been used in the struggle for the beauty of skin and hair. Homemade masks, lotions, creams - all this can be done right at home without investing large funds.

Not all cosmetic products are based on safe ingredients - most of them include synthetic substances that can harm a person. Of course, the cosmetic market today offers consumers organic cosmetics, but not everyone can afford it, because it is not cheap. Certain foods can be used in place of deodorant. More about each of them.


This fruit has long been shown to be effective in the treatment of infectious diseases. All this is achieved through its antibacterial agents. Lemon is no less effective for hyperhidrosis. Sweat itself does not smell, because it consists of water and salt, but amber occurs due to the multiplication of pathogenic microbes in the secreted fluid. Lemon, on the other hand, removes this odor and dries out problem areas, so it can be called a good alternative to synthetic deodorants. Using it is quite simple: you need to take a fresh slice of lemon and apply it to your armpits for a couple of minutes. It is permissible to use it for sweat on all places that sweat profusely. Palms, feet, armpits - all these areas can be treated with lemon. This natural remedy not only fights off the suffocating odor of sweat, but also refreshes and tones the skin.

Lemon nourishes and tones the skin

There is another easy way to use lemon for sweating. To combat hyperhidrosis, you can take a dry napkin and soak it in freshly squeezed lemon juice, then squeeze it lightly and wipe the sweating area. Such an express tool can be adopted when sweating is caught by surprise and urgent action is needed.

Apple vinegar

You can get rid of excessive sweating with apple cider vinegar 5-6%. It contains substances that contribute to the normalization of perspiration. It can be applied to any place, be it feet, palms, armpits. You can fight hyperhidrosis with vinegar in various ways:

  • Rubbing. For such a procedure, it is necessary to soak a cotton pad in vinegar and treat the problem area. You need to be careful if the product is applied to the armpits - the skin in these areas is delicate and sensitive, compared to the feet and palms, so even the usual concentration can be very powerful for it. As a result, itching and irritation may occur. If a negative reaction appears after the lotions, they should not be carried out in the future.
  • Baths. They can be done when not only armpits, but also limbs sweat profusely. It is necessary to prepare a vinegar solution from 1 glass of the main component and 5 liters of water. Pour the composition into two basins, lower your legs into one of them, and your hands into the other. The duration of the procedure will be no longer than half an hour. The composition can be flavored by dripping essential oil into it. After 2 weeks of regular procedures, you can forget about hyperhidrosis for a long time and not use antiperspirants.
  • Lotions. The most concentrated solution is prepared for this procedure. It is tedious to dilute 500 ml of vinegar with 200 ml of water and moisten cotton pads or a piece of gauze in the composition. Apply to sweating areas for 20 minutes. You can use lotions not only for the armpits. This method is also suitable for sweating palms and feet. After the procedure, the treated area must be well dried.

Apple cider vinegar can be used for wipes, trays, and lotions

Vinegar is a product with a pronounced odor, so it is not worth carrying out procedures with its participation before going outside. All of them should be done at night - by the morning all the smell will disappear, but sweating will not bother you throughout the day.

Baking soda

Baking soda is another remedy that can be considered a good alternative to deodorant. It is very simple to use - just apply it on heavily sweating areas. Doing this is permissible only after taking water procedures. The skin must be dry. A little powder product is taken into the palm of your hand and spread to problem areas with patting movements.

Soda can be used to make deodorants

You can make homemade deodorants based on baking soda. In addition to the main component, potato or corn starch, essential oils are taken. Soda with starch must be combined in equal proportions and a couple of drops of essential oil must be added to them. The finished product can be poured into a cream jar for further convenient use. You can apply the product to the skin no more than 2 times a day.

Homemade deodorants

Homemade deodorants are completely safe to use. Different products can be used for them, so you need to choose the option that suits you best and fight underarm sweating.

Deodorant with beeswax

A remedy such as beeswax has beneficial properties, due to which it is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Due to its antiseptic effect, beeswax has found its application in hyperhidrosis.

Beeswax is often used in cosmetics

To make a deodorant, you need to combine 2 tsp. coconut oil with 0.5 tsp. beeswax. Add a couple of drops of two different essential oils to the components.

In another container, mix baking soda and cornstarch in a 1: 1 ratio and combine with a mixture that is made from beeswax. Place the container with the finished product for half an hour.

Astringent Herbal Deodorant Toner

Chamomile deodorant is a great homemade product that can be poured into a spray bottle for easy application.

To cook it you need to take 6 tbsp. l. chamomile and pour 2 liters of boiling water over them. Let it brew for about an hour, then filter through a sieve and add 2 tbsp. l. soda. With a ready-made product, treat the armpits 1-2 times a day.

Antiperspirant from oak and lemon bark

This solution can safely replace an antiperspirant due to its components. It is necessary to fill in 1 tbsp. l. oak bark with a glass of hot water and dilute the mixture with the juice of one lemon. The resulting tonic reduces sweating and gives a feeling of freshness all day long.

From folk remedies, oak bark helps very well

There are many remedies to combat sweating and its effects. Gels, creams, sticks, roll-on deodorants and sprays of refreshing and bactericidal action have become an indispensable attribute of body care. When none of the above is suddenly at hand, there is always something to replace the deodorant from the store.

Natural food products

When choosing a remedy for sweat, many prefer natural ones. This is logical, because they are harmless, effective and affordable. Often, even food is used to combat hyperhidrosis. More on this later, but first about other ways to reduce sweating and its consequences.


Is a natural mineral, a soft crystal, which is mined on Russian territory in the Middle Urals, Transbaikalia, Primorsky Territory and Amur Region. It has properties that are beneficial to the skin, therefore it is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

As a remedy for perspiration, alum stone is used in a solid crystal, which is sold under the name "Alunite" or "Crystal of Freshness".

Its advantages are that the composition:

  • does not suppress the function of sweat glands;
  • cleans the surface of the skin from fungi, viruses and bacteria;
  • promotes healing of small wounds and skin regeneration;
  • eliminates the unpleasant smell of sweat.

Using the crystal is simple: moisten one edge with water and wipe the previously washed surface of the skin with it where it sweats the most.

The undoubted advantages of the product are in its naturalness and harmlessness, as well as in the fact that the alum stone is hypoallergenic and does not smell. Among the disadvantages is the fact that it does not reduce perspiration and has a considerable cost, although many tend to justify the high price by being economical in use.

The average cost of a crystal is about 400 rubles for a stone weighing 100 g.

Burnt alum

- a natural product that occurs naturally in the form of white crystalline particles. They were used to combat perspiration long before the invention of modern deodorants and antiperspirants. Alum has a beneficial effect on the skin, as it has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, they:

  • do not interfere with the secretion of sweat secretion;
  • do not clog the glands;
  • effectively eliminate heavy body odor that inevitably occurs with hyperhidrosis;

The advantage of the product is that it disinfects the skin, heals small wounds, while it does not contain harmful substances, does not cause allergies and is suitable for almost everyone. It is applied to previously cleansed and dry skin.

It is sold in powder form, which is not very convenient to use. A jar of funds costs from 50 to 80 rubles in pharmacies.

A practical remedy for sweat replacement. The main advantage of deodorant wipes is their compactness and ease of use. Their effectiveness against sweat and its effects is based on the properties of the impregnation, which:

  • clears the skin of secretions;
  • destroys bacteria;
  • gives a feeling of freshness.

As for the scent of napkins, it may not exist, but more often they are decorated with light floral fragrances.

This is not to say that such a remedy for sweat is absolutely harmless and does not violate natural physiological processes. So the product of the Dry Dry line suppresses the action of sweat glands, so that the skin remains fresh for up to two days. Frequent use can cause dry skin.

The average price for a pack of 10 napkins from well-known manufacturers is about 600 rubles.

Essential oils

They improve the condition of the skin and are often used in antiperspirant and anti-irritant products. Extracts are best suited for this task:

  • lavender and tea tree;
  • cedar and bergamot;
  • orange and pine.
  • disinfect and tone the skin;
  • normalize sweating;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • give a long-lasting, pleasant aroma.

Essential oils can quickly reduce excessive sweating of the feet. For this:

  1. The extracts are rubbed into clean and dry skin of the feet.
  2. A composition for foot baths is made on the basis of oils, adding no more than 5 drops per liter of warm water.

The main advantage of essential extracts is their 100% naturalness. The disadvantages include the inability to use:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy.

You can buy fragrant formulations at pharmacies or specialized stores. The cost of a bottle with 10 ml of the product on the Internet is from 70 rubles.

What can replace unexpectedly run out deodorant exclusively at home?

The situation when the deodorant is over and there is no way to buy a new one can upset anyone, especially if the product is required here and now. Fortunately, there are many popular recipes to solve this problem with the help of products that are in every home. You can even replace deodorant with food.


This bright and aromatic citrus is not only good for tea. Its many beneficial properties make it an excellent skin care product. Lemon juice:

  • effectively fights viruses, bacteria and fungi;
  • has a drying and softening dermis effect;
  • refreshes the surface of the body, giving the skin a bright and fresh scent.

It is convenient and easy to use as a deodorant. There are different ways to do this, the simplest of which are to:

  1. Wipe the armpits with freshly cut circles or hold them briefly under your hands.
  2. Use homemade lemon wipes - moisten a dry handkerchief with juice and wipe the skin. As a "travel" option, a cut lemon is suitable, which you can put in a waterproof bag and take with you - it will not take up much space in your purse, but it will save you from worrying about a stale body odor. You can always put yourself in order, if necessary, in the ladies' room: squeeze the juice onto a napkin and wipe the problem areas.

Lemon is not suitable as a deodorant for those with allergies. If there are cuts and scrapes on the body, citrus juice will cause a burning sensation.


Ordinary baking soda is famous for its cheapness and a wide range of applications, including for the fight against skin pathologies. Its beneficial effect on the dermis is due to the fact that the product:

  • cleans and disinfects;
  • relieves inflammation and gives the skin a natural, healthy scent.

Exists . Here is some of them:

  • lightly rub the powder into the skin of the armpits;
  • make compresses for the legs. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of hot water, moisten clean socks in the composition and put them on for an hour.

If, after using the product, the skin turns red, you should refuse to use it.

Apple vinegar

Eliminating sweating, it normalizes the function of the sweat glands, improves the condition of the epidermis, as it contains a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins.

For sweating, apple cider vinegar is used in different ways:

  1. Foot baths... Pour a glass of the product into a container with 5 liters of water and lower your feet for a quarter of an hour. If you do the procedure twice a week, the sweating of the feet will decrease, and the stale smell will go away. It is important not to forget about the cleanliness of your shoes. It is also recommended to periodically wipe it from the inside with vinegar.
  2. Armpit treatment... The folk way to wipe the armpits to remove the smell of sweat has been known for a long time and is popular to this day - the composition is applied to the skin under the hands with a cotton pad. There is a lot of controversy about the concentration of the solution: some believe that store-bought vinegar should be used in its natural form for greater effect, others say that it should be diluted 1: 1. In this regard, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the skin: if it is thin and sensitive, it is better to reduce the density of the composition.

Not suitable for people with allergies and children under 12 years of age.
DIY solid deodorant preparation

At home, you can prepare not only liquid, but also solid deodorant, which will fully protect the sweaty skin from irritation and unpleasant amber. This will take half a cup of baking soda, coconut oil, and cornstarch:

  • mix soda and starch, add oil;
  • Put the resulting paste in a soap dish or an empty stick from a store deodorant. Put in the refrigerator.

Excretion of sweat, especially in the hot season, brings many inconveniences, the main of which are an unpleasant odor and a spoiled appearance. For this reason, deodorants and antiperspirants have become firmly established by many people. However, not everyone wants to use these tools. Some do not accept their composition, which is rich in various chemical compounds, others are frightened by the presence in them of substances that can cause serious diseases if accumulated in the body, for example, aluminum salts. Such people are looking for a replacement for the above hygiene products and the answer to the question "how to replace deodorant and antiperspirant?"

There are many products that can be used to replace modern deodorants and antiperspirants. Some are worse, some are better in this direction. The first thing you need to pay attention to is substances or products that are found in almost every person in the house. And sometimes the most commonplace.

Among them may be:

  • boric alcohol;
  • lemon;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • baking soda.

Knowing how you can get a sweat remedy with these tools at hand, it will always be possible to have an inexpensive natural-based deodorant.

The properties of this substance, which is sold in any pharmacy and, for sure, is found in almost every home medicine cabinet, allow it to effectively fight bacteria and dry the skin. However, it is powerless against sweating. Therefore, it is advisable to use it to get rid of the smell. Most often, the feet, palms and sports shoes are treated with boric alcohol.


This product has not only nutritional value, but also, as it turned out, cosmetic. The acid contained in it allows you to effectively fight bacteria that multiply in the secretion of the sweat glands. This helps to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat. Also, its action helps to reduce the intensity of sweating. Latin American women still use lemon to reduce sweating and get rid of sweat odor.

There are several ways to use lemon:

  • in the morning, put a slice of lemon in the armpit and hold for a few minutes;
  • problem areas are wiped with cotton wool or a napkin dipped in freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, in addition, it contains many useful substances, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the function of sweating. However, there is a serious drawback - not very pleasant and rather persistent own smell. Therefore, it is better to limit its use geographically to your own home. There are several ways to use apple cider vinegar to combat excess perspiration: rubbing, soaking, and soaking. To minimize the negative properties of this remedy, all procedures are advised to be carried out before bedtime, and after sleep, wash the body with soap. The intensity of sweating after such procedures is significantly reduced.

Baking soda

As intrusive as it sounds, regular baking soda is used in a wide variety of situations. It is also effective for sweating. The easiest way to use it is to lubricate the armpits with a soda solution (1 teaspoon per 150 g of water). In some cases, it is advised to use sodium bicarbonate altogether as talc. However, not everything is so rosy - the fragility of the effect suggests repeated use of such procedures during the day.

On the basis of soda, there is one of the recipes for making a natural deodorant at home. In addition to sodium bicarbonate, ingredients include starch (potato or corn), tea tree oil and essential oil with the desired flavor. Soda and starch should be mixed in proportions one to one, and then add oil and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture, which resembles talc in consistency, should be stored in a tightly closed container, since soda has the property of "pulling" moisture from the environment, which can subsequently complicate the application of deodorant.

Do-it-yourself deodorants and tonics

Homemade deodorants, of course, are inferior in effectiveness to products produced in an industrial environment, but there will be no doubt about their environmental friendliness and useful properties in some cases.

These "home deodorants" are prepared on the basis of herbal decoctions and, in addition to their main function (getting rid of odor), have medicinal properties. Once prepared, they can be used on a daily basis by pouring into a spray container.

Here are some recipes:

  • Chamomile tonic. About 50 grams of chamomile flowers are added to 1 liter of boiling water and infused for an hour. 30 grams of baking soda is added to the strained broth. This tonic is used to treat heavily sweating areas of the skin several times a day.
  • Oak bark tonic. In 200 grams of boiling water, 20 grams of oak bark is brewed. The juice of one freshly squeezed lemon is added to the strained broth. This tonic perfectly removes inflammation on problem skin, reduces the intensity of sweating, and the lemon in it gives a pleasant smell.

Sprays for alcohol

In this case, the property of alcohol is used to destroy bacteria, therefore, in the composition of such sprays, it acts as an antiseptic. The herbs that act as an additional ingredient in the following recipes have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

  1. Astringent tonic. A tincture is prepared, the ingredients of which are horsetail or walnut leaves, in a ratio of 1 part of leaves to 10 parts of vodka. It is necessary to insist for at least 10 days in a dark place. All problem areas are wiped with a tonic, which reduces the intensity of sweating and gives the skin a light woody scent.
  2. Rosemary-based tonic. Add 10 grams of dry, well-crushed rosemary to 250 ml of boiling water and infuse for 10 minutes. After this, the broth is filtered and mixed with 95% alcohol in a one-to-one ratio. You can also add your favorite essential oil to add the desired scent. After pouring the resulting liquid into a container with a spray bottle, you can use the toner on a daily basis as a deodorant.

Solid deodorants

There are also recipes for making homemade solid deodorants. Their properties will also become ecological cleanliness and usefulness.

  1. Based on coconut oil. Ingredients: coconut oil (200 ml), soda, starch. A glass of soda and starch is thoroughly mixed in the desired container and then coconut oil is added. The resulting mixture is mixed to a paste consistency. It can be used to fill a used deo-stick bottle and refrigerate. Once completely cured, this deodorant can be used in the same way as a commercially available deodorant.
  2. Based on cocoa and shea butter. Ingredients: Shea butter (100 ml), cocoa butter (100 ml), soda (100 g), starch (100 g), essential oil (for flavor). All ingredients are mixed in one container until a homogeneous pasty mass is obtained. The resulting product should be stored and used in the same way as the previous one, that is, instead of a purchased deodorant.

Answering the question "what can be used to replace a deodorant?" People who do not want or, for any other reason, cannot use the products of the cosmetic industry, it is quite possible to make their own deodorant at home and enjoy the creation of their own hands.