What is energy efficiency. Energy efficiency. Energy efficiency in Russia

In accordance with the dictionary of the Russian language, efficiency is identified with the property of being effective, efficient. In turn, the word "effective" is derived from the word "effect". If we are talking about the economy, then the effect is, as a rule, savings, additional income, etc., and efficiency in the economy is efficiency and it is expressed by the ratio of the effect to the costs necessary to obtain this effect. That is, efficiency is a relative value, since the numerator and denominator are of the same dimension, but different in economic nature.

In economics, there are many economic concepts related to efficiency, for example, investment efficiency, the efficiency of fixed assets, etc. That is, we are talking about the effectiveness of something. If we are talking about energy efficiency, then in this case we mean efficiency in terms of energy use, since the energy supplied to a particular power plant can be used with varying degrees of efficiency. For example, electricity supplied to incandescent lighting lamps is used with an efficiency of 5-6%, that is, only 5-6% of the supplied energy is converted into light energy. In fluorescent lamps, this efficiency is 40%, and in LED lamps, it reaches 80%. Thus, we can say that the latter are more energy efficient. Thus, from this example, it can be seen that energy efficiency expresses the degree of efficiency of using the energy resource supplied to the installation that consumes it. It should be noted that this does not mean the efficiency of energy use in general, that is, for production. No production can do without energy.

We are talking about the degree of completeness of using the supplied energy for the purpose of producing a particular product or performing work.

When studying the concept of energy efficiency, it is necessary to distinguish between power plants that produce energy by consuming energy resources and power plants that consume energy.

The former include power plants that produce electricity and boiler houses that produce thermal energy. In these installations, the primary energy contained in energy resources can be expressed in the same energy units that are produced in this installation. The ratio of the energy produced to the supplied energy is a relative value called the efficiency of a power plant. It can be expressed as a percentage if it is multiplied by 100. This indicator characterizes the energy efficiency of a generating installation, that is, the degree of useful use of primary energy. Various generating plants for this purpose can be compared with each other in this indicator, and this gives a basis to judge the comparative energy efficiency of these plants.

The second includes power plants that consume energy and convert it into other forms and types of energy. The most typical example of such installations are electric motors that consume electricity and convert it into mechanical energy, which is used to drive various machine tools, equipment, mechanisms, etc. The energy efficiency of such installations is also expressed in terms of efficiency. The lower the energy losses in these installations, the higher their energy efficiency.

Thus, energy efficiency is the degree of beneficial use of the primary energy supplied to a particular power plant. Various indicators are used to quantitatively measure it. One of them is the efficiency mentioned above. Other metrics may apply. For example, for thermal power plants such an indicator as the specific fuel consumption for the supplied electricity is used. This indicator is used to compare the economy, the efficiency of various power plants. For example, for thermal power plants with subcritical steam parameters, the specific consumption is 365 g of fuel equivalent / kWh, with supercritical parameters - 320 g of fuel equivalent / kWh, for modern combined cycle power plants - 260 g of fuel equivalent. t / kWh It is clear that these indicators characterize the energy efficiency of thermal power plants. For electric grids, energy efficiency is determined by the amount of electricity losses in the grids, which is currently about 11% of the energy supplied to the grid, and can be expressed in the efficiency of transmission and distribution of electricity. For the power system as a whole, the indicator of specific fuel consumption for all power plants can be used, attributed to the useful electricity supplied to consumers.

For industrial enterprises, the indicator of specific energy consumption for manufactured products is used as an indicator of the energy efficiency of their functioning, or, in other words, the indicator energy intensity. It shows how much energy or energy is spent on the production of a unit of production of an enterprise. Comparing these indicators for various enterprises producing homogeneous products, we can conclude about their comparative energy efficiency. The lower the energy consumption per unit of product, the more energy efficient the enterprise is. It should be noted that energy efficiency in this case depends not only on the efficiency of the power plants used at the enterprise, but also on the technology used, which can be both wasteful in terms of energy use and energy saving. In the latter case, the effect of energy use, expressed in terms of the volume of products produced, will be much greater than for an outdated technology that consumes the same amount of energy.

Based on the above, a broader definition of energy efficiency can be made. Energy efficiency is the degree of beneficial use of the primary energy supplied to a particular power plant and depends on the technology used for the production of products, performance of work and provision of services.

It should be noted that energy efficiency should not be equated with energy efficiency. The most energy efficient installation may not always be the most cost effective, since achieving high energy efficiency may require significant investments, the return on which in an acceptable time frame cannot always be ensured by the resulting energy savings. Achieving high energy efficiency usually requires significant investment costs and the resulting energy savings must be weighed against the corresponding investment costs. Thus, we can talk about optimal energy efficiency.

The energy intensity indicator used to measure energy efficiency can take different forms, depending on what type of energy is being calculated. The following indicators can be distinguished:

Electrical capacity of products, determined by the ratio of the amount of consumed electricity E to the size of the output

eu = E / P.

Heat capacity of products, determined by the ratio of the amount of consumed heat energy Q to the size of the output P,

Fuel consumption of products, determined by the ratio of the consumed fuel B to the size of the output P,

By = b / n.

Fuel capacity can be differentiated by type of fuel (natural gas, liquid fuel, coal), and heat energy can be differentiated by type of heat (steam, hot water).

The generalizing characteristic of energy efficiency is expressed by the energy intensity indicator calculated for all types of consumed energy, and is determined by the formula:

E = (E-k + Q-k + B) / P,

where k 1 and k 2 are the coefficients that convert, respectively, electricity and thermal energy into fuel units of measurement,

example in tons of fuel equivalent. The numerator can also be expressed in units of electrical or thermal energy.

There are various approaches to determining the indicated coefficients. One of them is on a fuel equivalent basis. So for example, if the numerator is expressed in fuel, then the fuel equivalent for electricity will be determined as k 1 = 860 kcal / kW-h: 7000 kcal / kg of fuel equivalent. = 0.123 kg of fuel equivalent / kW-h, for thermal energy k 2 = 1/7000 kg / kcal = 0.0001428 kg of fuel equivalent / kcal = 142 kg of fuel equivalent / Gcal.

The second approach is based on the use of fuel use ratios in energy production. For example, the value of the specific fuel consumption in the power system for the production of electricity can be used as the coefficient k 1. For each specific power system, this may be its own value, for example, 0.3 kg of fuel equivalent / kWh. This coefficient will always be greater than the value found for the fuel equivalent. For the coefficient k2, this will be the specific fuel consumption for the production of heat energy. If heat energy is produced in a boiler room with an efficiency of 90%, then we get k2 = 142: 0.9 = 158 kg of fuel equivalent / Gcal.

Energy intensity can be determined for individual enterprises, industries, for the entire industry and for the country as a whole. If the calculation is carried out for an enterprise, industry or industry, then the volume of output is taken as an indicator P. If the calculation is carried out for the country as a whole, then the gross domestic product is taken as P.

What is energy efficiency in buildings? This is an indicator of how efficiently a residential building uses any type of energy during operation - electric, heat, hot water supply, ventilation, etc. To designate an energy efficiency class, one should compare the practical or calculated parameters of the average annual energy consumption (heating and ventilation system, hot and cold water supply, electricity consumption), and the normative parameters of the same average annual value. When identifying the energy efficiency of buildings and structures, as well as other construction projects, it is necessary to take into account the climate in the region, the level of housing equipment with utilities and the schedule of their work, take into account the type of construction object, the properties of building materials and many other parameters.


Electricity consumption is controlled by house metering devices (meters), and is adjusted in accordance with regulatory requirements. Adjustment of the calculation includes indicators of real weather conditions, the number of residents in the house, and other factors. This approach to controlling energy consumption forces residents to actively use metering and control devices for all types of energy in order to obtain more accurate data on the consumption of basic types of energy. In addition, common house metering and control devices are installed in apartment buildings, which additionally help to determine the energy efficiency class of the building.

Determination of energy saving classes for public buildings and residential buildings is carried out in accordance with SP 50.13330.2012 (old designation - SNiP 23-02-2003). The classification of the assessment of energy saving and energy efficiency is reflected in the table below - it takes into account the percentage deviations of all calculated and actual characteristics of the consumption of all required types of household energy from the standard values:

ClassDesignationThe error of the calculated parameters for the consumption of the heating and ventilation systems of the building in% of the standardRecommendations
When developing a project in the commissioning of new and renovated facilities
A ++Very high class≤ -60 Funding for events
A + -50/-60
A -40/-50
B +High class-30/-40 Funding for events
V -15/-30
C +Normal class-5/-15
WITH +5/-5 No financial incentives
WITH - +15/+5
During the operation of the building
DMiddle class+15,1/+50 Conversion based on a business case
ELow class≥ +50
FLow class≥ +60 Conversion based on a business case or demolition
GLowest grade≥ +80 Demolition of the object

Average annual energy consumption

The main indicators of the specific average annual energy consumption are presented in the table above as an example, and have two fundamental indicators: number of storeys and values ​​of the heating season in degree days. This is a typical reflection of heating and ventilation, DHW and electricity costs in public places. Ventilation and heating costs should be determined for each facility by region. If we compare the defining values ​​of the costs of energy resources in regulatory parameters, with the basic indicators, then it is easy to find out and allows you to determine the energy efficiency classes of buildings, which are indicated in the Latin alphabet by symbols from A ++ to G. Such a division into classes occurs in accordance with the rules developed according to European standards EN 15217. This set of rules has its own gradation according to energy efficiency classes.

Regarding energy consumption for electric heating of a house and the operation of multisplit systems, the relevant regulatory documentation and a set of regulatory rules have not yet been completely adjusted, therefore, certain difficulties may arise when determining the energy efficiency of a residential or industrial building with such characteristics. All electricity costs bypassing general house meters are considered individual costs, but how to properly redistribute and take into account is not fully defined. Such energy costs are not taken into account when it is necessary to find out the energy efficiency classes of the building with the predominant energy consumption.

Energy efficiency classes of new and existing construction projects

New multi-storey and apartment buildings, as well as their individual premises, receive their own energy efficiency class on a mandatory basis, and already operating buildings are assigned energy efficiency classes at the request of the property owner, in accordance with Federal Law No. 261 FZ RF. At the same time, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation may recommend that regional inspectorates determine the class after fixing all meter readings, but this can also be done by local authorities on their own initiative and using an accelerated method.

The new building object differs from the one already in operation in terms of energy consumption in that the building shrinks for some time, concrete shrinks, the house may not be fully populated, and therefore the current energy consumption should be periodically confirmed by meter readings, or rather, within five years, according to Order No. 261 During this time, the warranty liability of the construction company remains for the warranty period for the object. However, it is necessary to confirm the existing energy efficiency class of the building before the end of the developer's warranty. If, during this period, deviations from the project are discovered, homeowners may require the guarantor to correct errors and deficiencies.

Functionality of the objectInternal temperature of the heating season a 0 jw, ° СSummer indoor temperatureArea per inhabitant A 0, m 2 / personHeat generated by humans d 0, W / hHeat dissipation of internal sources g v, W / m 2Average monthly daily indoor stay t, hAnnual electricity consumption for E, kWh / (m 2 year)The part of the building where electricity is consumedOutside air consumption for ventilation v c, m 3 / (h m 2)Annual energy consumption for hot water supply % w, kWh / (m 2 year)
Single and two-family residential buildings20 24 60 70 1,2 12 20 0,7 0,7 10
Multi-apartment residential buildings20 24 40 70 1,8 12 30 0,7 0,7 20
Administrative buildings20 24 20 80 4 6 20 0,9 0,7 10
Educational buildings20 24 10 70 7 4 10 0,9 0,7 10
Healing buildings22 24 30 80 2,7 16 30 0,7 1 30
Public catering buildings20 24 5 100 20 3 30 0,7 1,2 60
Trade buildings20 24 10 90 9 4 30 0,8 0,7 10
Sports buildings, excluding swimming pools18 24 20 100 5 6 10 0,9 0,7 80
Pools28 28 20 60 3 4 60 0,7 0,7 80
Cultural buildings20 24 5 80 16 3 20 0,8 1 10
Industrial buildings and garages18 24 20 100 5 6 20 0,9 0,7 10
Warehouse buildings18 24 100 100 1 6 6 0,9 0,3 1,4
Hotels20 24 40 70 1,8 12 30 0,7 0,7 20
Service buildings20 24 20 80 4 6 20 0,9 0,7 10
Transport buildings20 24 20 80 4 6 20 0,9 0,7 10
Leisure buildings18 24 20 100 5 6 10 0,9 0,7 80
Special buildings20 24 40 70 1,8 12 30 0,7 0,7 20

In the bill № 261 FZ RF it is indicated that with a high class of energy efficiency of the building (classes "B", "A", "A +", "A ++"), the stability time of energy consumption parameters should be at least 10 years.

How the energy efficiency class is assigned

For a newly built building, the energy efficiency class should be determined by the State Construction Supervision Service in accordance with the submitted declaration on energy consumption. After submitting the declaration together with other documentation established by the standards, Gosstroynadzor assigns an appropriate class to the building and issues an opinion on this with the assignment of an energy efficiency class. The correctness of filling out the declaration is also controlled by the State Construction Supervision Service. The construction objects subject to classification are industrial and residential buildings.

Determining the assignment of a class is simplified if the building has been in operation for some time: the owner of the home or the management company file an application with the State Housing Inspectorate, and also deliver a declaration in which the meter readings for the current year must be indicated. This is done to be able to control the correctness of the meter readings.

Since the standards are currently being revised in order to move to European standards, the energy efficiency classes assigned to the objects earlier will be revised and they will be assigned a class according to the model of the European standard EN 15217. For example: There is a normal energy efficiency class of a building according to EN 15217 - D, normal energy efficiency is the arithmetic mean for half of the housing stock of buildings.

Class indicators and energy-saving technologies

On the facades of apartment buildings, plates must be attached indicating the energy efficiency class of the building. In addition, according to Law No. 261 FZ, additional information on the classification and its indicators must be present at a special stand at the entrance of a residential building.

Also, the information on the plate, in addition to the class symbols, must contain the value of the specific energy consumption per square meter of area, written in a large, easy-to-read font. Next to these numbers, the standard indicators of these values ​​should be indicated.

One of the wishes of the Ministry of Energy of Russia is to add to the Order some requirements for energy efficiency, in addition to indicators and methods. There are different approaches here: some experts disagree with this.

In the future, the Ministry of Energy provides for new regulations on the use of some effective and cheap energy-saving technologies in housing and industrial construction. These regulations will oblige to assign the highest class to a building constructed using such technologies.

Today, two technologies are of interest, which can correspond to the highest class: lighting of the building with the help of LED lamps, and the equipment of individual heating points (ITP) with automatic weather and even frontal control. These technologies reduce the energy consumption of the house tenfold, while providing a comfortable living. The northern and southern facades of the house must operate in different thermal regimes, which can be realized with the help of ITP.


One of the most urgent strategic tasks in the Russian economy at the present time is to reduce its energy intensity. In this regard, on the basis of an overview analysis, a theoretical review of the existing definitions in this area is carried out, the conclusion is substantiated that in scientific information sources there is no unambiguous point of view, chosen by the majority of scientists, in terms of the definitions of the concepts of "energy saving" and "energy efficiency" today. And the author's content and form of expression of the definitions of the concepts of "energy saving" and "energy efficiency" are given, where energy saving is a way to implement a set of measures to reduce energy consumption, ensuring at least the preservation of the previous possibilities for the production and sale of goods (works, services) of the required quality, volume and assortment. And energy efficiency, in turn, is the degree of correspondence of the effect (end result) of a specific type of activity to the applied or consumed energy resources, taking into account their energy saving at a point in time or for a certain period. The criterion of energy efficiency can be formulated as the achievement of either a certain result of an activity with the least expenditure of energy resources, or the greatest result of an activity with a certain expenditure of energy resources without overspending.

energy saving

energy efficiency

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.rg.ru/2009/11/27/energo-dok.html.

2. PP without hands. Problematic transition to a new level: the positions of science, legislators and heads of state and departments do not yet coincide [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.vce34.ru/press-center/103.

3. Efremov, V.V., Markman, G.Z. "Energy saving" and "energy efficiency": clarification of concepts, the system of balanced indicators of energy efficiency // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. - Tomsk: TPU, 2007. - No. 4. - T. 311.

4. The concept of energy efficiency [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://comecoen.com/ru/2012-03-04-18-14-31/2012-03-04-18-15-58.html.

5. What is energy efficiency? Kyivenergo [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://kyivenergo.ua/ru/shco_take_energoefektivnist.

6. Electronic journal of the energy service company "Ecological systems" // [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://esco-ecosys.narod.ru/2009_5/art145.htm.

7. Energy saving in Ukraine [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://max-energy-saving.info/index.php?pg=handbook/32.html.

8. Zubova L.V. Assessment of the effect and effectiveness of the consequences of the risks of an economic entity, taking into account the provision of admissible risk resistance and the necessary competitiveness / L.V. Zubova, D.E. Davydyants // Business within the law. Economic and legal journal. - 2010. - No. 4. - M .: Media-VAK, 2010. - P. 186-190. - 0.34 pp (including ed. - 0.16 pp.).

One of the most urgent strategic tasks in the Russian economy at the present time is to reduce its energy intensity. By 2020, the energy intensity of the domestic economy should be reduced by 40%, which will require an improvement in the energy management system to improve energy efficiency.

In a market economy, the target setting, the incentive for entrepreneurial activity is the extraction of profit, the desire to achieve its maximum value in the specific conditions of production and sale.

Obviously, before proceeding with the definition of directions and specific ways of solving this problem, it is necessary to understand what is meant by energy saving and energy efficiency.

In scientific information sources, there is still no unambiguous point of view, chosen by the majority of scientists, regarding the definitions of the concepts of “energy saving” and “energy efficiency”.

In the Law of the Russian Federation "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" on the concepts under study, the following interpretations of their definitions are given:

  • energy saving - the implementation of organizational, legal, technical, technological, economic and other measures aimed at reducing the volume of energy resources used while maintaining the corresponding beneficial effect from their use (including the volume of products manufactured, work performed, services rendered);
  • energy efficiency - characteristics reflecting the ratio of the beneficial effect from the use of energy resources to the costs of energy resources produced in order to obtain such an effect, in relation to products, technological process, legal entity, individual entrepreneur.

Within the framework of the Russian-German project "Complex ecoenergy", the following definitions of the concepts of "energy saving" and "energy efficiency" are given:

  • energy efficiency - efficient (rational) use of energy resources - achievement of economically justified efficiency in the use of fuel and energy resources (FER) at the current level of development of technology and technology and compliance with environmental protection requirements;
  • Energy saving or efficient use of energy, or "fifth type of fuel" - the use of less energy in order to provide the same level of energy supply to buildings or technological processes in production.

From which the developers of the "Complex ecoenergy" project conclude that:

  • there is no single unambiguous interpretation of the term "energy efficiency"
  • the price of the issue for the "fifth type of fuel" is very high and is calculated in figures with many zeros.

V.V. Efremov, G.Z. Markman, analyzing the definitions of the concepts of "energy saving" and "energy efficiency" give their own point of view. By energy saving they mean the implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of energy resources, electrical and thermal energy. Energy efficiency is considered by them as a technically possible and economically justified quality of energy resources and energy use at the current level of development of technology and technology. The authors directly link the two concepts of "energy saving" and "energy efficiency", defining energy saving through increasing energy efficiency. In our opinion, the definition of energy efficiency as the quality of the use of energy resources looks not entirely successful. Energy efficiency is an estimate and nothing more, for example, 12 or 15% profitability characterizes not only the quality of energy resources use.

P.P. Bezrukikh defines energy conservation as the implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, production-technological and economic measures aimed at energy-efficient production and use of fuel and energy resources. This definition is a modification of the definition given in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"

The position of scientists from the Republic of Belarus on the problem under consideration. Energy saving is an organizational scientific, practical, informational activity of state bodies, legal entities and individuals aimed at reducing the consumption (losses) of fuel and energy resources in the process of their extraction, processing, transportation, storage, production, use and disposal. Efficient use of fuel and energy resources is the use of all types of energy in economically justified, progressive ways with the existing level of development of technology and technology and compliance with legislation. In the definition of energy saving, there is no connection between the reduction of consumption (losses) of energy resources and the quality of the produced and sold end product. In the second definition, effective use is again interpreted as use.

The point of view of scientists from Ukraine:

  • energy saving - organizational, scientific, practical, informational activity of state bodies, legal entities and individuals, aimed at reducing the consumption (losses) of fuel and energy resources in the process of their extraction, processing, transportation, storage, production, use and disposal. Implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, production, technical and economic measures aimed at the efficient use of energy resources and the involvement of renewable energy sources in the economic circulation;
  • energy efficiency is an area of ​​expertise at the intersection of engineering, economics, law and sociology. It means the rational use of energy resources, the achievement of economically viable efficiency in the use of existing energy resources at the actual level of development of technology and technology and compliance with environmental requirements;
  • energy conservation includes changes in people's behavior, such as turning off electrical appliances instead of leaving them in standby mode. Efficient use of energy leads to energy savings, reduced utility bills and environmental protection. As a result, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are reduced;
  • efficient use of energy resources - achieving an economically justified efficiency in the use of energy resources at the current level of development of technology and technology and compliance with the requirements for environmental protection.

The definition of energy saving of scientists from Ukraine has something in common with the point of view of Belarusian scientists. As for the concepts of energy efficiency, they define it as rational use, i.e. through a way, although efficiency in itself is not a way. A way can be, for example, efficient use, but not efficiency: profitability as a form of efficiency is not a way, and the profitable sale of goods means a way to meet the population's demand for consumer goods by exchanging goods for money, making a profit for the market trader.

Based on the review analysis of the above and other scientific information sources on the problem under consideration, in our opinion, the content and forms of expression of the concepts under study can be defined as follows:

  1. Energy saving is a way of implementing a set of measures to reduce energy consumption, ensuring at least the preservation of the previous possibilities for the production and sale of goods (works, services) of the required quality, volume and range.
  2. Energy efficiency - the degree to which the effect (end result) of a specific activity corresponds to the applied or consumed energy resources, taking into account their energy saving at a point in time or for a certain period.
  3. The criterion of energy efficiency can be formulated as the achievement of either a certain result of an activity with the least expenditure of energy resources, or the greatest result of an activity with a certain expenditure of energy resources without overspending.


A. Gorbunov, Doctor of Economics, Vice-Rector for Science and International Affairs, ANO VPO "Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education", St. Petersburg;

Pilyavsky V.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship, St. Petersburg.

The work was received on July 23, 2014.

Bibliographic reference

Davydyants D.E., Zhidkov V.E., Zubova L.V. TO DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPTS "ENERGY SAVING" AND "ENERGY EFFICIENCY" // Fundamental research. - 2014. - No. 9-6. - S. 1294-1296;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=35057 (date of access: 12.05.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Energy efficiency - efficient, rational use of energy.

Energy efficiency and energy saving program. Energy efficiency of buildings.

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Energy efficiency is, definition

Energy efficiency is a complex of organizational, economic and technological measures aimed at increasing the importance of the rational use of energy resources in the production, household and scientific and technical spheres.

Energy efficiency is the efficient (rational) use of energy, or "the fifth type of fuel" - the use of less energy to ensure the specified level of energy consumption in buildings or during technological processes in production. This branch of knowledge is at the intersection of engineering, economics, law and sociology.

For the population, this is a significant reduction in utility costs, for the country - saving resources, increasing industrial productivity and competitiveness, for the environment - limiting the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, for energy companies - reducing fuel costs and unreasonable construction costs.

Unlike energy saving (saving, saving energy), mainly aimed at reducing energy consumption, energy efficiency (usefulness of energy consumption) is a useful (efficient) use of energy. To assess energy efficiency for a product or process, an energy efficiency indicator is used, which estimates the consumption or loss of energy resources.

Energy efficiency in the world

Since the 1970s. many countries have implemented energy efficiency policies and programs. Today, the industrial sector accounts for almost 40% of the annual global consumption of primary energy resources and about the same share of global carbon dioxide emissions. The international standard ISO 50001 has been adopted, which regulates, among other things, energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency in Russia

Russia ranks third in the world in terms of total energy consumption (after the United States and China) and its economy is distinguished by a high level of energy intensity (amount of energy per unit of GDP). In terms of energy consumption in the country, the manufacturing industry ranks first, followed by the residential sector, with about 25% each.

Energy efficiency and energy saving are included in 5 strategic directions of priority technological development, outlined by Russian President Dmitry A. Medvedev at the meeting of the Commission for the Modernization and Technological Development of the Russian Economy on June 18.

One of the most important strategic tasks of the country, which the president set in his decree, is to reduce the energy intensity of the domestic economy by 40% by 2020. For its implementation, it is necessary to create a perfect energy efficiency and energy saving management system. In this regard, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation made a decision to transform the subordinate Federal State Institution "Association" Rosinformresurs "" into the Russian Energy Agency, with the assignment of appropriate functions.

The main incentives are federal subsidies and benefits. One of the leaders among the regions is the Krasnodar Territory. International and federal banks MBRD and VEB are also implementing their projects in Russia.

Energy efficiency and energy saving are included in the five strategic directions of the priority technological development of Russia, named by the President of the Russian Federation, and are a huge reserve of the domestic economy. Energy saving is a nationwide task, the process of modernizing the Russian economy includes not only economic entities, but the whole society as a whole, public organizations, political parties, and special attention is paid to the issues of energy conservation and energy efficiency.

Russia has one of the world's largest technical potential for increasing energy efficiency - more than 40% of the level of energy consumption in the country: in absolute terms, it is 403 million tons of fuel equivalent. The use of this reserve is possible only through a comprehensive policy.

Currently, there are three fundamental basic documents in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency: “Energy Strategy for the Period up to 2030”, the Federal Law “On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” and the State Program “Energy Saving and improving energy efficiency for the period up to 2020 ”.

The Federal Law “On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency” is the basic document that defines the state policy in the field of energy saving. The law is aimed at resolving issues of energy conservation and energy efficiency in the field of housing and communal services.

To organize the efficient operation of housing and communal services, the introduction of energy certificates is envisaged, a set of measures has been determined that provide consumers with the right and the opportunity to save resources, having made a choice in favor of energy-efficient goods and services. As a first step, a ban is introduced on the production, import and sale of incandescent lamps with a power of 100 W or more, since 2013 - lamps 75 W and more, since 2014 - 25 W or more.

The second block of the law combines a set of tools that stimulate energy conservation in the public sector, including the obligation of budgetary organizations to reduce the volume of energy consumption by at least 3% annually for 5 years, and the budgetary organization retains the funds saved through energy saving and energy efficiency measures. as well as the possibility of their redistribution, including to the wages fund.

The law also establishes the obligation to develop energy saving and energy efficiency programs for state-owned companies, budgetary organizations and institutions, as well as for regions and municipalities, and this is linked to the budgetary process.

The next important aspect is the relationship between government and business. To stimulate the transition of businesses to an energy efficient policy, economic levers have been established, including the provision of tax incentives, as well as reimbursement of interest on loans for the implementation of projects in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency.

A large role in improving energy efficiency is assigned to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are already endowed with appropriate powers. Each region, each municipality should have its own energy saving program with clear, understandable targets and an assessment system.

Department of Energy Efficiency of the Russian Federation

The Department of State Regulation of Tariffs, Infrastructure Reforms and Energy Efficiency is an independent structural unit of the central office of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the main activities of which are:

Improving energy efficiency

The energy efficiency of the Russian economy is significantly lower than the energy efficiency of developed countries. The President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev has set the task of reducing the level of energy intensity of GDP by 40% by 2020 in relation to the level of 2007. Taking into account the climatic features and the industrial structure of the Russian economy, this task is ambitious and requires large-scale and well-coordinated work of the entire Government of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Economic Development coordinates this work, develops, together with other Ministries and departments, the main part of the regulatory legal framework, accompanies the activities of the Energy Efficiency working group under the Commission for Technological Development and Modernization of the Russian Economy under the President of the Russian Federation.

Tariff and price policy in the branches of natural monopolies

The Ministry of Economic Development, together with sectoral Ministries and the Federal Tariff Service, develops and implements uniform approaches to regulating prices (tariffs) for the services of natural monopolies. The purpose of the state tariff and price regulation of infrastructure sectors is to provide consumers with goods and services of natural monopoly entities and organizations of the communal complex of an established quality at an affordable price.

Restructuring of natural monopoly sectors

The Ministry of Economic Development, together with sectoral Ministries, is carrying out reforms in the sectors of natural monopolies aimed at reducing infrastructural barriers to economic development, stimulating an increase in the efficiency of such sectors and promoting competition.

Energy efficiency policy at Russian Railways

Russian Railways is one of the largest consumers of electricity: the company annually uses more than 40 billion kWh of electricity, or about 4% of Russia's total consumption. The main volume goes, of course, to the electric traction of trains (more than 35 billion kWh). Such a large consumer could not stay away from federal measures to improve energy efficiency, enshrined, in particular, in the “Energy Strategy of Russia until 2030”.

The directions of the energy efficiency policy in the Russian Railways are determined by the Energy Strategy of the Russian Railways Holding for the period up to 2015 and for the long term until 2030, developed as part of the Strategy for the Development of Railway Transport in the Russian Federation until 2030. The strategy envisages two stages: 2011-2015. - the stage of modernization of railway transport; 2016-2030 - the stage of dynamic expansion of the railway network (it is planned to build 20.5 thousand km of new railway lines, 25% of which will be cargo-generating lines, laid in sparsely populated regions that do not have energy).

As part of the strategy, the holding intends to actively participate, including in the development of state legislative acts in the field of innovation and energy development in the interests of railway transport.

It is planned to increase the energy efficiency of the main activities of Russian Railways through: the use of energy efficient technologies for managing the transportation process, the transition to the use of highly efficient means of light signaling and lighting, primarily based on LED technology and intelligent lighting control systems, improvement of energy resource management systems based on databases of energy surveys, certification and metering for the consumption of energy resources, the introduction of energy efficient technologies at infrastructure facilities.

The program has already shown itself in action. According to Russian Railways, in 2011, more than 4 thousand resource-saving technical means were introduced in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles. For 12 months of 2011 from the implementation of resource conservation measures in 2009 -2010. an economic effect was achieved for a total amount of about 1.2 billion rubles. These indicators could be achieved by saving fuel and energy resources, material consumption of technological processes and increasing labor productivity.

In the period 2003-2010. Measures to improve energy efficiency have already led to a positive result: with an increase of 16.2% in the volume of transportation work in relation to 2003, the balance of resource consumption decreased by 6.3%, and the decrease in the energy intensity of production activities was 19.3%.

The targets for the medium and long term are equally ambitious. Thus, Russian Railways plans to increase the volume of passenger and freight transport by 2030 by an average of 52.3%, and an increase in the consumption of fuel and energy resources (FER) and water by 32.1%.

It is predicted that the savings in fuel and energy resources of JSC "Russian Railways" in 2015 and 2030. in relation to 2010 it will be, respectively: electricity - 1.8 and 5.5 billion kWh; diesel fuel - 248 and 740 thousand tons; heating oil - 95 and 182 thousand tons; coal - 0.7 and 1.4 million tons; gasoline - 15.0 and 32.5 thousand tons; heat energy purchased from outside - 0.56 and 1.2 thousand Gcal. In this regard, the cost of purchasing fuel and energy resources in 2015 should decrease by 9.9 billion rubles, in 2020 - by 16.9 billion rubles, in 2030 - by 27.4 billion rubles in 2010 prices.

Energy efficiency in the EU countries

In the total volume of final energy consumption in the EU countries, the share of industry is 28.8%, the share of transport - 31%, services - 47%. Considering that about 1/3 of the energy consumption is spent on the residential sector, in 2002 the European Union Directive on the energy performance of buildings was adopted, which defined the mandatory energy performance standards for buildings. These standards are constantly being revised towards tightening, stimulating the development of new technologies.

EU energy service companies use a range of 27 different energy efficient technologies. The fastest growing segment is lighting - 22% of all projects are related to the replacement of lighting equipment with energy efficient ones and lighting management measures. In addition to them, energy management systems (ENM) are being introduced, behavioral aspects are being investigated, boilers are controlled, their efficiency is increased and their modes are optimized, the introduction of insulating materials, photovoltaics, etc.

Energy efficient heating of the subway in Minsk.

It is possible to build and operate metro stations without connecting to heating networks, using the metro itself as a source for heating station premises. At a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council for the construction of metro and transport infrastructure, the specialists of Minskmetroproekt OJSC presented a new heating technology, which has been successfully used in Belarus for several years.

The metropolitan subway is currently overheating due to heat release from the rolling stock and from the passengers themselves. In addition, heat comes from lighting fixtures, as well as from plant, power and ventilation equipment.

According to the calculations of the specialists of Minskmetroproekt, using the example of one of the terminal stations of the metro in the south of Moscow, in the cold season, it is necessary to remove excess heat in the amount of 3.5 MW using tunnel ventilation. At the same time, the station receives 1 MW of thermal energy for heating the premises from external engineering networks.

A logical question arises: why, having a heat source, additionally purchase heat energy? Why is it impossible to use waste heat for technological needs? The specialists of Minskmetroproekt suggest transferring heat energy from places with surplus to places with deficiencies using modern heat pumps.

Belarusian experts assure that the use of an autonomous heat supply system at metro stations, where there is a surplus of heat all year round, will reduce energy consumption. In addition, the costs for the construction of additional underground station premises, in which the heat supply networks are located, are significantly reduced.

Independence from city heating networks is another obvious plus from the use of an autonomous heat supply system. On behalf of the Deputy Head of the Construction Department Vladimir Shvetsov, Minsk colleagues will work out technical and economic calculations for the application of innovative technology using the example of heat supply to two metro stations in the capital and will present them at the next meeting of the council.

Construction and buildings

In developed countries, about half of all energy is spent on construction and operation, in developing countries - about a third. This is due to the large number of household appliances in developed countries. In Russia, about 40–45% of all generated energy is spent on everyday life. Heating costs in residential buildings in Russia are 350–380 kWh / m² per year (5–7 times higher than in EU countries), and in some types of buildings they reach 680 kWh / m² per year. Distances and deterioration of heating networks lead to losses of 40-50% of all generated energy directed to heating buildings. Alternative sources of energy in buildings today are heat pumps, solar collectors and batteries, wind generators.

In 2012, the first national Russian standard STO NOSTROY 2.35.4–2011 “Green Construction” was put into effect. Residential and public buildings. The rating system for assessing the sustainability of the habitat ”. The most famous standards of this kind in the world are: LEED, BREEAM and DGNB.

Energy efficient skyscraper

Recently, the architectural company UNStudio presented a new project for the construction of a high-rise complex in Singapore, consisting of two interconnected skyscrapers, one of which is intended for commercial use, and the other will accommodate residential apartments.

The new complex, called V on Shenton, will be located in Singapore's Central Business District (CBD) on the site of the famous 40-story UIC Building and will be part of the city's redevelopment as part of its affordable housing program for urban residents. ... The building is energy efficient and boasts many of the latest energy efficient technologies, but the main distinguishing feature is its facade, which consists of hexagonal panels and looks like a honeycomb from a hive.

However, these panels not only provide the aesthetic appeal of the complex, but also perform a purely practical function - they maximize natural light and minimize the flow of heat into the interior, thereby contributing to a significant reduction in energy costs. Well, the lush horizontal gardens that "divide" the buildings into three parts will be a great place to relax and walk, as well as make the surrounding air fresher and cleaner.

Complex V on Shenton consists of two separate buildings, connected by a large hall on the ground floor, which contains an entrance portal and a large restaurant. The 23-storey office building is in keeping with the scale of the surrounding buildings, while the 53-storey residential tower stands out sharply from the rest of the city. The entire eighth floor will be occupied by the first heavenly garden, two more of the same air-purifying gardens will be located in the residential part of the complex.

The corners of the buildings are also interesting from an architectural point of view - they have a rounded shape, they are covered with curved glass panels, which optimize the flow of sunlight into the buildings, but at the same time protect it from overheating. The volumetric walls of the balconies of residential apartments, exactly repeating the shape of the hexagonal panels, create an additional visual effect of the depth of the structure. Completion of the V office / residential complex at Shenton is slated for 2016.


Energy-saving and energy-efficient devices are, in particular, systems for supplying heat, ventilation, electricity when a person is in the room and stopping this supply in his absence. Wireless sensor networks (BSNs) can be used to monitor energy efficiency.

Measures to improve energy efficiency are taken with the introduction of energy-saving lamps, multi-tariff meters, automation methods, with the use of architectural solutions.

Heat pump

A heat pump is a device for transferring thermal energy from a source of low-grade thermal energy (with a low temperature) to a consumer (heat carrier) with a higher temperature. Thermodynamically, a heat pump is similar to a chiller. However, if in a refrigerating machine the main goal is to produce cold by extracting heat from any volume by an evaporator, and the condenser releases heat into the environment, then in a heat pump the picture is the opposite. The condenser is a heat exchanger that generates heat for the consumer, and the evaporator is a heat exchanger that utilizes low-grade heat: secondary energy resources and (or) unconventional renewable energy sources.

Like a chiller, a heat pump consumes energy to implement a thermodynamic cycle (compressor drive). The conversion factor of a heat pump - the ratio of heat output to power consumption - depends on the temperature levels in the evaporator and condenser. The temperature level of heat supply from heat pumps can currently vary from 35 ° C to 62 ° C. That allows you to use almost any heating system. Saving energy resources reaches 70%. The industry of technically developed countries produces a wide range of vapor compression heat pumps with thermal power from 5 to 1000 kW.

The concept of heat pumps was developed back in 1852 by the outstanding British physicist and engineer William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) and was further refined and detailed by the Austrian engineer Peter Ritter von Rittinger. Peter Ritter von Rittinger is considered to be the inventor of the heat pump, as it was he who designed and installed the first known heat pump in 1855. But the heat pump acquired practical application much later, more precisely in the 40s of the twentieth century, when the enthusiastic inventor Robert C. Webber experimented with the freezer.

One day, Weber accidentally touched a hot pipe at the outlet of the chamber and realized that the heat was simply being thrown out. The inventor thought about how to use this heat and decided to place a pipe in a boiler to heat the water. As a result, Weber provided his family with so much hot water that they could not physically use, while some of the heat from the heated water got into the air. This prompted him to think that one heat source can heat both water and air at the same time, so Weber improved his invention and began to drive hot water in a spiral (through a coil) and, using a small fan, distribute heat throughout the house in order to heat it.

Over time, it was Weber who came up with the idea to "pump out" heat from the earth, where the temperature did not change too much during the year. He placed copper pipes in the ground, through which freon circulated, which "collected" the heat of the earth. The gas condensed, gave off its heat in the house, and again passed through the coil to pick up the next portion of heat. The air was set in motion by a fan and circulated throughout the house. The following year, Weber sold his old coal stove.

In the 40s, the heat pump was known for its extreme efficiency, but the real need for it arose during the Arab oil embargo in the 70s, when, despite low energy prices, there was an interest in energy conservation.

The compressor consumes electricity during operation. The ratio of the generated thermal energy to the consumed electrical energy is called the transformation ratio (or heat conversion ratio) and serves as an indicator of the efficiency of a heat pump. This value depends on the difference between the temperature levels in the evaporator and the condenser: the larger the difference, the smaller this value.

For this reason, the heat pump should use as much energy as possible from the low-grade heat source without trying to cool it down too much. Indeed, this increases the efficiency of the heat pump, since with weak cooling of the heat source, there is no significant increase in the temperature difference. For this reason, heat pumps are designed so that the mass of the low temperature heat source is significantly greater than the mass to be heated. For this, it is also necessary to increase the heat exchange area so that the temperature difference between the heat source and the cold working fluid, as well as between the hot working fluid and the heated medium, is less. This reduces energy costs for heating, but leads to an increase in the size and cost of equipment.

The problem of tying the heat pump to a source of low-grade heat with a large mass can be solved [source not specified 1556 days. introducing a mass transfer system into the heat pump, for example, a water pumping system. This is how the central heating system of Stockholm works.

Even modern steam and gas turbine plants at power plants generate a large amount of heat, which is used in cogeneration. Nevertheless, when using power plants that do not generate associated heat (solar panels, wind farms, fuel cells), the use of heat pumps makes sense, since such a conversion of electrical energy into heat is more efficient than using conventional electric heating devices.

In reality, the overhead costs of transmission, transformation and distribution of electricity (that is, services of electrical networks) have to be taken into account. As a result [source not specified 838 days] the selling price of electricity is 3-5 times higher than its cost, which leads to financial inefficiency of using heat pumps compared to gas boilers with available natural gas. However, the inaccessibility of hydrocarbon resources in many areas leads to the need to choose between the usual conversion of electrical energy into heat and using a heat pump, which in this situation has its advantages.

Heat pump types

Compression heat pump diagram.

1) condenser, 2) choke, 3) evaporator, 4) compressor.

Depending on the principle of operation, heat pumps are subdivided into compression and absorption. Compression heat pumps are always driven by mechanical energy (electricity), while absorption heat pumps can also use heat as an energy source (electricity or fuel).

Depending on the source of heat extraction, heat pumps are divided into:

1) Geothermal (use the heat of the earth, ground or underground groundwater

a) closed type


Horizontal ground source heat pump

The collector is placed in rings or twisting in horizontal trenches below the freezing depth of the soil (usually from 1.20 m or more). This method is the most cost-effective for residential buildings, provided there is no shortage of land area for the contour.


The collector is placed vertically in boreholes up to 200 m deep. This method is used in cases when the area of ​​the land plot does not allow placing the contour horizontally or there is a threat of damage to the landscape.

The collector is placed sinuously or in rings in a reservoir (lake, pond, river) below the freezing depth. This is the cheapest option, but there are requirements for the minimum depth and volume of water in the reservoir for a particular region.

b) open type

Such a system uses water as a heat exchange fluid, which circulates directly through the ground source heat pump system in an open cycle, that is, after passing through the system, water returns to the ground. This option can be implemented in practice only if there is a sufficient amount of relatively clean water and provided that this method of using groundwater is not prohibited by law.

2) Air (the source of heat extraction is air)

Types of industrial models

Brine-to-water heat pump

By the type of coolant in the inlet and outlet circuits, the pumps are divided into eight types: "soil-water", "water-water", "air-water", "soil-air", "water-air", "air-air" " freon-water "," freon-air ". Heat pumps can use the heat of the air discharged from the room, while heating the supply air - recuperators.

Extraction of heat from air

The efficiency and choice of a particular source of heat energy strongly depends on climatic conditions, especially if the source of heat extraction is atmospheric air. In fact, this type is better known as an air conditioner. There are tens of millions of such devices in hot countries. For northern countries, heating in winter is most relevant. Air-to-air and air-to-water systems are also used in winter at temperatures down to minus 25 degrees, some models continue to operate down to -40 degrees. But their efficiency is low, the efficiency is about 1.5 times, and during the heating season, on average, about 2.2 times compared to electric heaters. In severe frosts, additional heating is used. Such a system is called bivalent, when the capacity of the main heating system by heat pumps is insufficient, additional sources of heat supply are switched on.

Extraction of heat from rocks

Rock requires drilling a well to a sufficient depth (100-200 meters) or several such wells. A U-shaped weight is lowered into the well with two plastic tubes forming a contour. The tubes are filled with antifreeze. For environmental reasons, this is a 30% ethyl alcohol solution. The well is filled with groundwater in a natural way, and the water conducts heat from the stone to the coolant. If the length of the well is insufficient or if you try to get an oversized power from the soil, this water and even antifreeze can freeze, which limits the maximum thermal power of such systems. It is the temperature of the returned antifreeze that serves as one of the indicators for the automation circuit. Approximately 50-60 W of thermal power falls on 1 running meter of a well. Thus, to install a heat pump with a capacity of 10 kW, a well with a depth of about 170 m is required. It is impractical to drill deeper than 200 meters, it is cheaper to make several wells of shallower depth 10 to 20 meters apart. Even for a small house of 110-120 sq.m. with low energy consumption, the payback period is 10 - 15 years. Almost all installations on the market operate in the summer, while heat (essentially solar energy) is taken from the room and dissipated in the rock or groundwater. In Scandinavian countries with rocky soil, granite acts as a massive radiator, receiving heat in summer / day and dissipating it back in winter / night. Also, heat constantly comes from the bowels of the Earth and from groundwater.

Extraction of heat from the ground

The most effective but also the most expensive schemes provide for the extraction of heat from the ground, whose temperature does not change during the year already at a depth of several meters, which makes the installation practically independent of the weather. According to [unspecified 897 days] in 2006 in Sweden half a million installations, in Finland 50,000, in Norway 70,000 were installed per year. 50 cm below the level of soil freezing in the region. In practice, 0.7 - 1.2 meters [unspecified source 897 days]. The minimum distance between the collector pipes recommended by manufacturers is 1.5 meters, the minimum is 1.2. No drilling is required here, but more extensive excavation work is required over a large area and the pipeline is more at risk of damage. The efficiency is the same as when extracting heat from a well. No special soil preparation is required. But it is advisable to use an area with wet soil, if it is dry, the contour must be made longer. The approximate value of the thermal power per 1 m of the pipeline: in clay - 50-60 W, in sand - 30-40 W for temperate latitudes, in the north the values ​​are lower. Thus, to install a heat pump with a capacity of 10 kW, an earthen contour with a length of 350-450 m is required, for laying which a plot of land with an area of ​​about 400 m² (20x20 m) is required. With the correct calculation, the contour has little effect on green spaces [source not specified 897 days.

Direct heat exchange DX

The refrigerant is supplied directly to the earth's heat source through copper pipes - this ensures the high efficiency of the geothermal heating system.

Heat pump Daria WP using DX direct heat exchange technology

The evaporator is installed in the ground horizontally below the freezing depth or in wells with a diameter of 40-60 mm drilled vertically or at a slope (for example 45 degrees) to a depth of 15-30 m. requires the installation of an intermediate heat exchanger and additional costs for the operation of the circulation pump.

The approximate cost of heating a modern insulated house with an area of ​​120m2 Kaliningrad region 2012. (Annual energy consumption 20,000 kWh)

Energy efficient street light

Concern OSRAM has developed an LED module for decorative street lighting and lighting of architectural objects. Street lighting and architectural lighting in most municipal properties account for a significant portion of the city's total energy consumption.

The new Oslon SSL module of the latest generation of LED fixtures allows to reduce energy consumption by at least 60% compared to luminaires previously operated with mercury discharge lamps. New products allow you to transform classic lighting devices into LED ones. The construction kit, consisting of an LED module and a support plate, is attached by specialists directly to the lighting device, and a public service employee can subsequently easily install it in the desired place, without using any additional tools.

The ease of the installation process is comparable in ease with the usual replacement of an electric cartridge or lamp. In addition, the lifespan of such light sources is extremely long. This, in turn, reduces the operating costs of the entire system.

Unlike traditional outdoor lighting, decorative lighting, with the use of new technologies, allows for complex centralized control over lighting. For example, if there is no need to maintain constant lighting on certain parts of the streets, then the use of an LED system in this case can not only save electricity, but also get rid of excess light that interferes with local residents at night.

The introduction of modern intelligent lighting controllers contributes to increased energy efficiency. For example, thanks to the AstroDIM light control system, the lighting devices go out on their own, according to the programmed mode. Thus, at night and in the morning, lighting can be switched to lower volumes of electricity consumption in order to further save energy resources.

Cooling system for buildings in the desert

Solar panels and other sustainable energy sources are widely used as efficient cooling and heating systems in buildings around the world, but the new 25-story buildings in Abu Dhabi have used unique innovations to help effectively manage building temperatures.

The automated solar screen systems have been developed by the renowned architectural firm Aedas. These solar screen systems are located on the periphery of the building and open and close based on the intensity of the sun's heat. The solar screen systems in the Al-Bahar buildings bear a striking resemblance to large screens to origami triangles.

Solar screens are positioned two meters from the periphery of the building on a frame that looks like a mashrabiya - the Arabic equivalent of the shadow-generating nets that are prominent in Middle Eastern architecture. "Mashrabiya" covers most of the outer facade of the building.

The umbrella triangles are fiberglass coated and programmed to open and close based on the glare of the sun to help shade the interior of the building from heat. As the sun moves further downward along its daily trajectory and the intensity of its heat decreases, the triangles move out of its path and the devices close automatically at dusk.

As a result of the efficient operation of the giant screens, the Abu Dhabi Investment Council, which owns the Al Bahar Towers, is expected to dramatically reduce their dependence on air conditioning, compared to their counterparts.

The other side of the innovation includes heavily tinted glass and artificial interior lighting. Photovoltaic cells located on the south side of a roof or tower continue to generate about five percent of buildings' total energy needs. It is they who power the equipment that opens and closes the shading system.

The project, which is scheduled for completion in the next few months, most recently received the prestigious innovation award from the Council for High-Rise Buildings and Urban Environments.

aenergy.ru - Comprehensive support for the development of the market for renewable energy sources and the market for energy saving technologies in the Russian Federation

Energy efficiency

"... 4) energy efficiency - characteristics reflecting the ratio of the beneficial effect from the use of energy resources to the costs of energy resources produced in order to obtain such an effect, in relation to products, technological process, legal entity, individual entrepreneur; ..."

A source:

Federal Law of 23.11.2009 N 261-FZ (as amended on 10.07.2012) "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"

Official terminology... Academic.ru. 2012.

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    Energy efficiency- - is a characteristic reflecting the ratio of the beneficial effect from the use of energy resources to the costs of energy resources produced in order to obtain such an effect in relation to products, technological process, ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

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    The ratio of the electricity supplied to consumers to the energy consumed for this purpose from non-renewable sources; ... Source: Federal Law of March 26, 2003 N 35 FZ (as amended on June 29, 2012) On the electric power industry ... Official terminology

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    distribution efficiency (energy efficiency of the distribution system)- 3.1.53 efficiency distribution ratio of the consumed energy of the distribution to the supplied energy, taking into account the corresponding heat losses and the auxiliary ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    3.1.49 energy efficiency of the source (efficiency, generation) ratio of the amount of energy generated by generating installations for the preparation of the consumer, taking into account the corresponding heat losses to the amount of energy used ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    energy efficiency of processing equipment- 3.1.1 energy efficiency of processing equipment: Characteristics reflecting the ratio of the beneficial effect from the use of energy resources to the costs of energy resources produced in order to obtain such an effect, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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