What is positive thinking or the law of attraction. Thought is material: how the law of attraction works

The law of "gravitation" in physics and the law of "attraction" in spiritual practice are united by the fact that they are both the laws of the Universe. The laws of physics are intensively studied at school, and one has to wade through the laws of mental states all my life, without having manuals and textbooks. Positive thinking or the law of attraction is neutral. For him, there are no concepts "bad" and "good". But a person can endow the law with these concepts depending on the circumstances. The benefit of studying the Law of Attraction is precisely to apply it correctly in practice, improving your life.

Law concept

What is the Law of Attraction? The essence of the law is that like attracts like. What a person constantly thinks about and what he imagines is what ultimately happens to him. If he begins to worry about possible troubles that may yet happen, then this will happen.

You can attract troubles into your life or into the life of significant people. If, on the contrary, a person begins to think about the happy changes in his destiny, then they will happen.

Therefore, a fuller name for this law would be "the law of attraction and the power of thought." Of course, almost everyone understands that it would be nice to think positively, but this requires efforts and not everyone succeeds. Those who are more advanced, or just got fed up with life, begin to apply these practices. And their desires suddenly begin to come true. Therefore, another appropriate name would be "the law of attraction and the fulfillment of desires." In order to visually understand the essence of this law, one can imagine oneself as a magnet to which everything is attracted.

Positive thinking

A person's task is to "listen" to their thoughts. Nature has not laid such a habit in us, or has laid it down, but in the process of evolution we have lost it. We'll have to restore. The life we ​​live is the result of our past thoughts. The way we thought, we got it. After analyzing the life of any person, you can imagine how he thought to get just such a life. It doesn't have to cover all aspects of life.

But, here's the bad luck - he is very dissatisfied with his appearance and is ashamed of himself. When an opportunity arises to meet a girl you like, thoughts immediately arise that he is not worthy of such happiness and that he will be rejected, which is very unpleasant for a proud person. Instead of stopping thinking in such negative ways, this comrade stubbornly anchors them in his subconscious.

Even if a woman sincerely loves him (why not - he is so smart, and for women it is very attractive), then the young man will decide that she has some kind of mercantile intentions, because it is impossible to fall in love with such an unattractive man. It turns out that the most essential side of a person - personal life, remains unsatisfied. And the reason for this, again, is the lack of positive thinking.

Each of us has examples of people who are very unattractive in appearance, but have deep self-confidence. They are practically not familiar with defeats, or they do not react to them by lowering their self-esteem. Interestingly, there are also a lot of such artists among the artists, and inner confidence allows you to get the roles of hero-lovers. The law of attraction and the power of thought work in this case for them.

A responsibility

You have to take responsibility for your life. The choice takes place every day. Sometimes he is conscious, sometimes not, but life develops according to this choice. The force of attraction works whether you're thinking good or bad.

Like attracts like. Irritable people attract irritable people. Those who are dissatisfied with everything in the world will meet the same dissatisfied. The law of attraction and the power of thought should play a positive role in your life. Be cheerful and happy people will be drawn to you, which, you see, is much more pleasant. Think so that you will be in pleasant company as a result.

Each person, in contact with others, involuntarily influences them. Meeting each other, people leave a mark in their lives. Therefore, when the force of attraction helps you to be in the company of successful people, everyone will begin to influence each other, increasing the effect.

The habit of thinking right is developing gradually. Well-mannered people often make a common mistake. They believe that if they did not pour out their negativity on others, then they remained good for them. But the negative does not disappear anywhere, it remains inside and changes the character of a person. So there is only one way out: do not forget what the law of attraction is, and use it correctly.


Without health, many desirable things remain unattainable. Many books have been written by highly respected doctors about the influence of psychological health on physical health, based on their many years of practice and observations. Of course, not everyone reads such books, but much is perceived on an intuitive level.

The only pity is that intuition is connected even when something has to be corrected and very urgently. Prevention would certainly not hurt, but when young, everyone thinks about something else.

Do you want to be healthy? Remember more often about the law of attraction and the fulfillment of desires. With negative thoughts, muscle spasm occurs. Blood circulation is impaired. All organs in the human body receive nutrition from the blood that washes them. If blood circulation is impaired for a long time, irreversible processes may occur. Thoughts become even more negative and things get worse.

Thought control

As a rule, it seems to us that thoughts come to mind on their own and it is impossible to control them. This opinion is erroneous. It is possible and necessary to control thoughts. We can say that this is our duty. After all, we can worsen the quality of life not only for ourselves, but also for our loved ones, who are forced to endure us. Needless to say, how disastrous such an example is when raising children.

Imagine yourself more often than not as happy, successful, healthy, and able to easily overcome the problems that arise. Monitor the quality of your thoughts: if you catch yourself on the negative, immediately change it to positive thinking. When putting into practice the law of attraction and fulfillment of desires, remember one nuance. Our subconscious mind does not perceive the "not" particle. Therefore, it is very important to formulate your desires correctly. “I don’t want to be fat”, the subconscious mind will understand how the desire “I want to be fat” and will immediately helpfully begin to fulfill it. In this example, the correct wording would be “I want to be slim”.

To increase cheerfulness, it is worth watching less programs on TV, especially many times experiencing the tragedies shown around the world. Yes, there will always be some kind of trouble. But, if an earthquake occurs in a distant country, take it simply as information. You cannot change the effect of physical laws, but you can easily harm yourself. It is a great art to divide all the information that you receive into those where you can do something, and those where you are powerless.

Attraction rules

There are rules for the attraction of love, happiness, health, wealth.

The attraction of love

  • When you wake up, smile. Imagine what a successful day full of interesting events is ahead of you.
  • Enjoy every little thing.
  • Make sure only positive people are around you, the frown is contagious.
  • First of all, you must be interesting to yourself. This is much more important than pleasing others. Try not to stand still, but constantly develop. Improve your appearance. You shouldn't be bored with yourself.
  • Try, as much as possible, to do only what you like. rather than prompted or ordered by others. Even the order of the chief can be carried out in different ways, bringing your own identity to this business. Don't forget to be happy when you finish your job. The force of attraction will then begin to attract only interesting things to you.
  • If communication with people who are not very pleasant to you is inevitable, then remember that in everyone there is something interesting that is worth learning. In terms of its development, this may be even more valuable than communicating with your old friends with whom you have already talked about everything.
  • Look for positive moments in routine activities as well. When you wash a pile of dirty dishes, think about how you enhance their appearance. When you cook dinner, imagine that a mouth-watering dish will soon appear from unassuming ingredients, beautifully served, with an alluring smell. Yes, you own the art of magic!
  • Don't react to criticism. At least negatively. Sometimes you can get useful information from what has been said that sensitive people will not tell you. But don't let yourself get in a bad mood. Remember that all people are unique - both you and the person you are talking to. It’s probably wiser to live without trying to diligently understand the actions of others. Better to be proud of yourself, your uniqueness.
  • Make sure not to lose inner harmony. If you suddenly feel irritation, and maybe even hatred, quickly switch to bright events. A kind of box with pleasant memories should be kept in your mind, which you can get out of there as needed.
  • Put an end to past relationships if they remain unfinished. Let go of feelings of resentment. Then you can be open to new relationships. Just don't repeat the same mistakes. The law of attraction and wish fulfillment still implies intelligent behavior.
  • One must dream of love. Engage in visualization, play plots. Just make sure that it is not your person, whom you simply idealized, is not attracted to you. Article:" ".
  • You can write your “order on a piece of paper. List the qualities that are really important to you and what is unacceptable to you. Just be realistic - and the nicest and nicest people have a bad mood. Therefore, writing “I want my loved one to be cheerful every day” is unreasonable and will lead to disappointment.
  • Don't make finding love a constant activity. This is easily read by others in their facial expressions and can scare away rather than attract. With the right behavior, happiness will find you on its own.

The attraction of health

  • You should not be guided by the figure in the passport that speaks of age-related changes. Create your own schedule for how you should feel as time goes by. Of course, in their favor.
  • Avoid stress in every possible way. Positive strong impressions can also damage your inner harmony. Be philosophical about everything. Buy yourself a ring and order to make an engraving on it: "Everything goes away."
  • Show condescension to people. Not so much for them as for their own benefit. It is impossible to re-educate anyone, and it is competent behavior to stop being upset about the imperfection of the world.
  • Do not hurry. Hurry leads to an adrenaline rush and heart palpitations. Of course, distinguish between: it's one thing not to run after the departing vehicle so as not to be late for work, and another thing is to jump if a car rushes at you.
  • Remove from your arsenal of feelings such as anger, resentment, past grievances.
  • Laugh more often- it is pleasant and healthy.
  • Relax completely from time to time. Removing muscle clamps is in your power. You should enjoy peace, not worry during relaxation that time passes and you will not have time to do something.
  • Your deviations from health need to be analyzed. The body sends a signal that you are doing something wrong. Fix it.
  • Smile at your reflection in the mirror. Train your muscles to be fixed in this position.
  • Talk about your illnesses only with your doctor.
  • Don't diagnose yourself. The law of attraction and the power of thought can work in such a way that you will program your future illnesses.
  • Never forget the need for deep calmness.

Attraction of money

  • Getting rich is easier for a happy person. The "When I get rich, I will be happy" attitude is incorrect.
  • Every person is worthy of wealth. Many people were brought up with the belief that it was immoral to have a lot of money. "It is impossible to earn them in an honest way." "Having a lot of money, you deprive others of it." As an adult, it's time to change those attitudes. The Law of Attraction and Desire Fulfillment says that this is your merit, and not negative actions.
  • Don't make wealth an end in itself. Think of money as freedom.
  • Do only what you like. Even if you graduated from college, but you do not like this profession, do not be afraid to change your life.
  • Don't expect instant results... There will be obstacles and stops on your way. Have patience. The main thing is not to quit what you started.
  • Remove negative phrases from your vocabulary: "I will never be able to achieve financial well-being", "I will never have a lot of money."
  • Don't scold yourself for unplanned spending. especially if you enjoyed it.
  • Remember to give thanks to life.

Film "The Secret"

This documentary is one of those worth watching. And a good half of humanity has already watched it. The film makes an absolutely mesmerizing impression. It is worth watching it several times, because it turns your mind over and makes you think.

The filmmakers found many famous people with difficult fates and interviewed them. Throughout the film, the main characters take turns talking about their problems and what helped them cope with them. The bottom line is that it was this secret that they learned about turned their lives upside down. The secret in this movie is called attraction.

The filmmakers structured the development of the film in such a way that it would gradually become clear to the viewer what a great role the power of attraction plays in everyone's life. On the screen, characters appear in turn, telling their story. The directorial trick is that they are not all alike. These are people of different professions and from different social strata of society. They have different personal development. They are not of the same race. There are both men and women at different ages.

Each of them tells their own personal story. At the same time, it turns out that their life changed dramatically for the better when they learned that there is a law of attraction and the fulfillment of desires. The finding of the filmmakers was that this group of different representatives, as it were, personified all of humanity. It turns out that the force of attraction is all-encompassing and has an effect on everyone, without exception.

The plot of the film traces the connection between the way of thinking and the quality of life. The film, which had a great public response, provides instructions on how you can rebuild your type of thinking.

The power of thought

Any thought that appears in a person's head is endowed with energy. In life, something is realized in which a stronger energy is invested. That is, it is not what a person wants, and not what he does not want, but what he thinks about more often and with greater force in life.

Everyone knows cases from their own life or the lives of their friends: when a very strong desire arises, which has become a dominant, as if the whole Universe begins to help him. This starts to work the force of gravity. It is interesting that what a person is most afraid of and constantly thinks about it also bursts into his life, although not asked.

The conclusion is clear: if you want a good life - think about the good... When you catch yourself on anxiety, unfounded fears, immediately replace them with positive thoughts. You can't just stop thinking about the bad. We all have an internal dialogue in our heads. You have to think about something - hence the advice: do not stop, but replace.


Follow the advice in this article and watch The Secret movie.

Many people are completely dissatisfied with their lives, they are sure that they never succeed, they have not achieved anything, and in general, on their life path, there are only trials and failures. However, this way of thinking is not correct. After all, a negative attitude can attract unpleasant events. But in reality, learning to think positively is not easy - this process takes both time and effort. Although the result is worth it. Let's talk about what is positive thinking or the law of attraction, and also figure out how to change negative thinking to positive.

Does a positive person's thinking attract all good things?

Everyone has the right to choose - to be successful, or to stagnate in one place, to think positively, or to be in permanent negative. And as the practice of many people who have changed their attitude towards life shows, a positive attitude really has a direct impact on the quality of life.

Experts say that thinking about happiness helps add happiness to your life. And focusing on sadness makes it even larger in everyday life. Thus, we can confidently say that the basic life law “like attracts like” really works.

The essence of positive thinking

If we take it as an axiom that our thoughts are material, then when we receive the required share of energy, they are transformed into reality. Accordingly, thoughts of love help us to form a space of light as well as blissful feelings. In the event that hatred reigns in our thoughts, then it manifests itself in the life around us. This is why it is extremely important to try to make your thinking positive. Always assure yourself that everything is fine with you and that everything will be fine with you over time. Think about what you really want, not what you don't want. You don't need a million, you need to be a happy person. Reread the words in this paragraph as many times as necessary and think it over.

How to change negative thinking to positive?

- Control yourself

Try to analyze your thoughts from time to time. When you notice that you are thinking about negative things again, try to change your mindset to a positive one yourself.

- Open up to humor

Try to be a little simpler and relaxed. Learn to smile more often, to joke, and just to laugh sincerely.

- Lead a healthy lifestyle

Try to include a little physical activity in your daily routine. Exercise or sports will automatically change your mood and affect your overall well-being. Try to eat healthy, this habit will also affect your thinking. In addition, learn to remain calm in all circumstances, without succumbing to various stresses.

Try to spend more time in nature. Unity with the world around you will help you get rid of negative thoughts and give you the opportunity to find harmony, calmness and positiveness in your soul.

- Be surrounded by people with positive thinking

Choose your social circle carefully. People with positive thinking will always be able to support you, cheer you up and add confidence. If your friends and acquaintances think negatively, you run the risk of falling under such influence that it will make you worry and doubt, as well as come up with negative options for the development of events.

- Control your inner dialogue

Remember to keep track of how you talk about yourself. Try to become more confident, optimistic and decisive. And when negative thoughts appear, quickly replace them with positive ones.

So, instead of saying that you do not know how to do this, it is better to assure yourself that you have the opportunity to learn something new or interesting.

You shouldn't admit to yourself that you are not smart enough for some task, it is worth saying that you can consider all the solutions and find the best one.

- Try to practice positive thinking systematically - every hour, every day.

If you have lived with negative thinking for many years, of course, you cannot change it to positive immediately. Changes always take a certain amount of time. Over time, you will be able to treat yourself with less criticality, then you will be more loyal to those around you.

Positive words and negative words

In order for your thinking to have a positive effect on your lifestyle, you must definitely get rid of words and phrases with negative connotations. You should not use phrases like “I can’t,” “I forgot,” “I’m a loser,” “I’m afraid,” “I’m unlucky again,” “Bad weather again,” “I’m bad.” I look ”and so on. From the vocabulary, you also need to cross out the words poverty and poor, pain and sick, hopeless, stupid and guilty and other words with negative connotations. It is imperative to exclude mat from your speech.

At the same time, it is imperative to actively use the words-friends of positive thinking: have fun, benefit, opportunity, health, beauty, smart, success, smile, valuable, investment (instead of spending), etc.

You should not use phrases and words with double (including negative) connotations: “it hurts to see”, “there is a stone in my heart”, “it makes me sick”, “a bunch of diseases”, “you are my headache”, etc. NS. All these phrases are perceived by our subconscious mind literally, and can attract negative to themselves, according to the law of attraction.

Positive thinking every day is what you need to have in your head the first time in order to control yourself. Over time, you will do this unconsciously.

Just a few of the habits we've listed above will help you make your mindset positive. And after positive thoughts and emotions, positive changes in your life will catch up very soon.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

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I continue to talk about the principles by which the "School of Fairies" lives.

Principle number 2. Law of attraction

“Our thoughts become reality” is the basis of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is one of the strongest laws of the Universe, thanks to which you can get whatever you want from life. Like attracts like, your thoughts become reality. Everything that you have today, you pulled into your life with the help of your thoughts and emotions.

Every person is a magnet. He attracts money, people and success, or failures, troubles and troubles, everything that he thinks about in his head. He gets what he thinks about in the most natural way. If it's money, he can find it on the road, or through a promotion, or win the lottery. If these are people, he can meet the right person on his way, or hear a long-awaited phone call, or meet a person who can connect him with the right people. If these are situations, then the circumstances around him will develop in such a way that the situation he needs gets his ticket to life.

But in order to attract something with the help of the law of attraction, there is not enough simple thinking about the desired result; there are a lot of subtleties here.

Just saying, "I want this!" Is not enough. You need to know certain rules for working with a dream. What kind of dream is it, is it yours or is it imposed by someone, check your dream for environmental friendliness, be able to visualize it, etc. And constantly practice, changing methods, finding your own, individual path to the dream.

For many years I have been living by the rules of the Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking, so my material desires come true very quickly. Wanted - received. It’s very simple, and I don’t think about how and in what way what happens. I just wished ... and then all the circumstances develop in such a way that this thing comes to me. I repeat, now I am talking specifically about material things. These dreams come true most easily.

Well, for example, just a month ago an employee came to my office and said that she had purchased a cool muscle strengthening machine.

I became interested and thoughtful ... At home, my husband and I discussed and decided that it would be nice to get such a thing.

Firstly, spring is coming and I would like to pump up my muscles and get in shape. Secondly, elliptical training replaces morning jogging, skiing and gymnastic exercises, which significantly saves time. Thirdly, this is a cardio trainer, and in addition to training the muscles of the arms, legs and abs, it also has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.

Everything is fine, but at the moment we had other plans and the purchase of a simulator was not included in them. We talked and forgot. But I nevertheless launched my desire into the Universe ...

And that's where the magic began! I drive to work - I see a billboard with this very simulator! I very rarely watch TV, turn it on somehow - show this simulator. I leaf through a women's magazine - I come across a photo of this very simulator. The universe directly pushed me to the fact that I needed this thing!

Two days ago I was asked a question at work: "What would you like for your birthday?" "Elliptical trainer", I answer without hesitation!

This is how the Law of Attraction works :)

Thus, knowing the principle of the Law of Attraction, it becomes clear why one needs to think positively. If you do not think about the bad, try to control your thoughts, celebrate joyful events, focus on your successes and successes, etc. Your life will begin to be filled with amazing events and miracles. The main thing is to notice and celebrate them!

Keep a diary of your joys and successes. I recommend which is very convenient for these purposes

Anna Savchenkova, the one who helps to work miracles.

Share with your friends!

Was last modified: November 2nd, 2015 by Anna Savchenkova

Friends today I will talk about what positive thinking or the law of attraction is and try to figure out why some people live happy and fulfilling lives, while others are losers and losers, or rather, they just think about themselves like that, think about themselves in this way.

Everything that happens to a person is the result of his thinking and actions. How we think and act determines our success or failure, joy and happiness or pain and disappointment. Failure-focused and insecure people tend to be in a league of losers. And they constantly have to find excuses for what happens to them.

Such people always have someone to blame. They constantly complain, blame others and are not happy with their lives. Of course we are not like that, but just a little confused. However, people with a positive mindset magically attract good luck and success. Even if for such people that either does not work out, it does not matter.

It didn’t work out today, it’s sure to work out another time. What if I try to do it tomorrow, for example? What if it works out? If something didn’t work out for me, then I don’t know enough of something, I’m not professional enough in this matter, but I must figure it out and I will definitely figure it out, get to the very roots, to the very depth.

These are fundamental differences, but often they are not enough. Something is not enough to start changing your life and building at your own will. If you want to learn how to think positively, then let's work a little in this direction.

Often people say that all this is nonsense I still won't succeed, why bother to work at all, to cognize and learn something, it's so difficult for us. It is much more accustomed not to think, to go with the flow of gray everyday life and let my difficult life pass, it is still not interesting and long anyway. And who knows how long our life is?

For example, I know with 90% accuracy that the next minute I will definitely live, and in 10 minutes, and in a day? This is too long to guess. Most likely I will live, but I'm not sure =) There are no problems and conflicts, I do not control whether I can live for the next 10 minutes, the quality of the 10 minutes I live depends on me.

In ten minutes you can jump from a parachute, you can become a millionaire, or nothing can happen. This is usually what happens, nothing happens in the next 10 minutes. Whether or not you read to the end of this article will change your next 10 minutes.

We ourselves choose how we think, positively or not.

There are two types of people. Some get joy and pleasure from relaxation, while others, on the contrary, from tension. With relaxation it is understandable, it is more customary to relax. But how to enjoy the stress is not quite. Now I will explain.

It's all about how we relate to what we do and what attitudes we set ourselves. Whether we think positively or negatively. For example, I do my favorite thing, write this blog, and I also love to program and create sites, promote sites.

All these actions make me tense, the only difference is that I do not force myself to do it by tense, I like to do it. I seem to be tense, but at the same time I get joy, pleasure and relaxation. Further, when I began to understand this and ask myself questions, I noticed that lying on the couch, I do not get those positive emotions, as from writing articles or programming.

Then I began to figure out why I get pleasure from some cases, but I do not get from others. It turns out that it is not what we do that is important to us, but what emotions we experience. Our emotions are divided into two types, pain and pleasure. And naturally, if we start to experience pain, then we try to avoid it.

As an analogy, we are chasing pleasure and trying to avoid pain. This is where the answer lies. For some people, pleasure is sitting and doing nothing, while for others, on the contrary, it is pain.

Let's figure out why it is more effective to think positively.

When I understood this issue, it became clear why for some people it is pain, and for others it is pleasure. It's all about the way people think. Whoever thinks how, he experiences such emotions.

For example, if you have been thinking for years about how good it would be to come home in the evening, lie down in front of the TV and relax. It is from this that you will experience pleasure. If you smoke cigarettes, you will enjoy smoking cigarettes. You can say that whatever you do all the time and focus on it, as a rule, it will start to bring you pleasure.

But the pain will bring you everything that you need to change in yourself. If you start smoking, then not smoking will be a pain for you. If you overeat and chase after pleasure, then giving up overeating will immediately hurt. Confusion begins in your head and you are no longer able to distinguish between what is pain for you and what is pleasure.

This is where positive thinking comes to the rescue, and thinking itself attracts positive and joy, happiness and good luck to you. If you start to think positively, you attract more pleasure. If you think negatively, then you attract more pain.

And pain is a kind of indicator, an internal thermometer so that you change your attitude towards what hurts you now.

If your husband left you and you think. Then you do not want to return him, but to return the pleasure that you experienced when he was with you. Or, on the contrary, that pain.

The question arises, what to do? The answer is simple. You need to change your focus and direct it to what will actually bring you pleasure. There are several criteria by which one can recognize what brings pleasure and what brings pain.

  • Any addiction, if in the beginning it can bring pleasure, then gradually destroying a person, will bring pain.
  • Relationships with the other half, if you do not work on them, at the beginning bring pleasure, but after years, they can begin to bring pain.
  • Knowing ourselves and the world, understanding what we live for, what we are able to change and improve in the world. If we don't focus on this, then we will experience pain.
  • I do not train my body, thinking that everything is fine, but I ran all day at work. It will also respond with pain.

These are the main criteria, there are, of course, more, I will talk about them in my other articles.

Let's sum up what we have from positive thinking.

From positive thinking, we begin to experience more pleasure and more joy in life. If we think positively, then we have more energy and strength to implement our plans.

We become more energetic and happy. We make more correct decisions and achieve the results that we planned. Be healthy and live with passion.

So, welcome - the law of attraction. It sounds something like this: "You attract into your life what you think about the most." It's simple. And, as a consequence, the secret of using the law of attraction: "think about what you want and ignore, do not think about what you do not want." On this, in principle, it would be possible to end his presentation. But as experience shows, you have to expand the topic a little.

Every thought, whether positive or negative, has energy. Life realizes what has great energy, not what we want or don’t want. You have noticed more than once that a lot of things that you did not want, were afraid, and did not love were realized. Why it happens? The answer is that you don’t want this to happen so badly that you’re constantly wondering how to avoid it. Through this approach, you focus all your attention on exactly what you don't want. You put energy into what you don’t want, and therefore it is attracted to you. The rule of thumb for using the Law of Attraction is simple:

Think about what you want

Ignore what you don't want

It turns out such a vicious circle: an object evokes a corresponding thought, thought activates emotions, emotions create reality, we observe reality, and unconsciously create a new object of the same nature (negative emotions create a negative object, positive emotions create a positive one) or continue working with the previous object. This continues until you consciously change the object. Until you do this, you will move in a vicious circle. If this circle is positive, then no problem, keep doing it, everything is fine. You attract positive things, people, events. When the circle is negative, you must consciously break it.

Then another question arises. Why is it somehow more complicated with positive things than with negative processes?

First, these are the features of our psychophysiology.

Secondly, we were raised that way. We are used to taking and taking all good things for granted and, as a result, not investing energy in good events. We just accept them, we rejoice and that's it. Without energy, the law of attraction does not work.

And about everything bad, we very often take an active position: we are indignant, think, analyze, in one word we feed and invest energy, which triggers the law of attraction. And therefore, the further it goes, the worse it gets. We are joining the ranks of negative thinking people.

Your environment and the media often carry a pronounced negativity and cause unpleasant feelings. Don't believe me? What about the crisis? Have you heard at least one saying that a crisis is good !? What is this opportunity to develop, what is the key to new heights? Have you heard? And what about crime, and what about currency jumps? It is very difficult for an ordinary person to ignore this whole stream of negativity.

Try to keep your head clean, try to avoid negativity. Concentrate on the desired events and outcomes. Look for opportunities for training and growth in every difficult situation. Perhaps your colleagues will stop understanding you: How do you care? There is a war going on! How is it, you don't watch the news?

It's very simple - you can't change anything there, why watch them. You can change a lot in your life, in the lives of people who are near you. This is where you should direct your creative forces.

In conclusion, a few simple rules on this topic that will activate the positive facets of the Law of Attraction in your life.

Learn to thank life for all the good things that happen to you.

Just learn. This is the same skill as brushing your teeth. Take a break from reading right now and write down at least 10 points for which you are already grateful to Life. Don't skip this exercise. It has a powerful, transformational character. Although in essence it is very simple. But as they say, everything is ingenious, simple!

I'm glad _____________

I'm glad _____________

I'm glad _____________

I'm glad _____________

I'm glad _____________

Continue the list yourself.

The second rule of the Law of Attraction - Correct attitude towards experience

If something goes wrong:

Analyze, why did this happen.

Draw conclusions... Memorize them and bring them into your experience.

Let go of the situation, shift the focus to the positive.

The third rule of the Law of Attraction - Run from negativity

Ignore negative information that unwittingly comes to you:

If possible, move away from the source negative information.

Translate the topic of conversation, if possible.

Transfer your thoughts to another area.

Make a decision today not to watch the news, crime news, “murder prediction for tomorrow”. Make a decision and just don't. You will see how your life begins to clear.

Remember, you must deliberately cultivate positive information in your mind. You cannot completely protect yourself from negativity, therefore, learn to react to it in a certain way and direct your attention to what you want.

It's simple. This is how the Law of Attraction works. Similarity is drawn to similarity.