Zirconium is the magical properties of a stone for the signs of the zodiac. Fianite is an artificial twin of zircon. cubic zirconia or cubic zirconia

Zircon is one of the most famous gems from antiquity. Its feature is the accumulation of positive energy, which is used by magicians and healers.
The popularity of the stone is due to its beauty and properties to be an amulet or talisman, as well as affordability.
The beauty of zircon can be compared with - it is transparent, has similar refraction properties.
The yellow-colored mineral was the first to be found and became popular. It is because of the golden color that it was named so. From Persian "zircon" is translated - "golden" or "sunny".

However, the stone can have other shades: red, blue and even black. In the jewelry world, it is customary to ennoble zircon. By heating it is given various shades, not only its main, "golden".

Many people confuse the mineral with zirconium. This is due to the similarity of the names. Outwardly, they are completely different.
Zircon is a transparent, very beautiful mineral that can have different shades.
Zirconium - resembles steel in appearance, an opaque, gray metal. It exists in nature as an admixture.


The rarest, and therefore most desirable for jewelers, is a transparent stone. It has its own name - matur-diamond. Also sometimes matura diamond is called "white zircon".

Colored zircons can be rendered colorless by gamma irradiation.
The red hue of the mineral is called hyacinth. It can be from bright crimson to dark orange.

Blue zircons are almost never found in nature. They are also called hyacinths. Instances of the blue-hued mineral were found in Thailand many years ago. The blue tint, popular with buyers, is “made” in the jewelry world by heating natural minerals of other shades.

Starlites are blue zircons. Such minerals do not occur in nature. A bright blue color, similar to sapphire, is achieved by heating hyacinths. Over time, the blue hue may lose its saturation.

The green shades of the mineral do not have a separate name. This variety contains decaying uranium and is therefore radioactive. Actually, uranium gives the gem a green color. Small specimens with a pale shade of green are not dangerous. But bright green can be dangerous to human health.

Zircon of brown-black shades has a name - malakon. It is also, like green, but to a lesser extent, radioactive.

Jargon (from the Persian “zargun”, “golden” or “sunny”) is the name of a stone of yellow hues. The richest deposit of jargons is Sri Lanka.
It was from the Zargons of Ancient Persia that a person began to get acquainted with this gem.

Jewelers are accustomed to achieving bright shades of stone by processing at high temperatures.
Therefore, it should be borne in mind that if stored improperly, for example, in direct sunlight, the insert into a piece of jewelry with zircon may change color.

Physical Properties

Formula ZrSiO4.
According to the chemical composition, the mineral is zirconium silicate, as well as impurities that determine its color.
Impurities of uranium and rhodium make the mineral radioactive. Green ones have an admixture of uranium and are the most dangerous for humans.
May contain impurities of hafnium, aluminum, iron and other metals. In specific gravity, impurities can be up to 4%.
Solid mineral, on the Mohs scale - 7 points.
In nature, the mineral has an unusual structure in the form of a double prism. There may be a fluorescence effect (glow with ultraviolet radiation).

Place of Birth

In Russia, it is mined in Yakutia and the Urals.
Sri Lanka is the birthplace of yellow zircons, Cambodia and Thailand are blue.
It is also mined in India, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, USA, Brazil and Norway.
Jewelry-quality specimens are quite rare. The size of the stones is usually 2 carats. Larger gems are very rare and therefore have a high price.

Medicinal properties

Due to the variety of color species, we can talk about the variety of medicinal properties.

So, hyacinth or zircon of red shades is “indicated” for diseases of the heart and circulatory system. It can be used for ischemic disease and hypertension.
The healing properties of hyacinth are especially useful for bleeding or after surgery. It helps wounds heal faster, because. has a hematopoietic property.

For the treatment of heart disease, a pendant with hyacinth is suitable, and for healing wounds, a ring on the middle finger.

Zargon or jargon has medicinal properties that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver. It is used to treat poisoning, including alcohol. Zargon helps to remove toxins and poisons from the body.

Matar diamond is indispensable in the treatment of the nervous system. Also, lithotherapists claim that it is easier to get rid of excess weight, depression, and insomnia with it.

The healing properties of the mineral are due to its unusual structure - a double pyramid. Lithotherapists believe that in itself this form is curative. The healing and magical properties of the "gold" mineral increase due to the color and the presence of impurities in the natural mineral.

magical properties

Magicians at all times revered this stone. It is considered a symbol of truth and justice. In addition, the gem enhances intuition.

The magical effect of zircon of the "classic" yellow color is such that it can only be worn by honest people and with righteous intentions. A stone can bring dishonest people to clean water and even bring them to justice (and this is not a phraseological unit).

The gem helps to focus and is therefore especially useful for athletes and everyone who is engaged in activities that require patience and attention.
The ability to enhance intuition is useful for politicians and educators.

In practical Indian yoga, zircon, like diamond, stands at the highest level of the energy hierarchy. The stone is able to accumulate and then transfer positive energy to the owner. Yogis use the gem for meditation.

This is due to the dipyramidal nature of its shape. The double pyramid is a rare natural form of the mineral. The magical properties of the dipyramidal shape are endowing with confidence, positive. Intuition is enhanced because a person becomes more sensitive to the signs sent to him by the Universe.

In Ancient Russia, the magical properties of red zircon - hyacinth - were especially valued. It was the stone of travelers and merchants. He protected them from trouble and served as an amulet, because. endowed with wisdom and foresight of the future.

The ancient Greeks believed that zircon makes a woman more attractive in the eyes of a man. If you listen to the opinion of the ancient Greeks, then in order to be more sexy and seductive, a woman should wear zircon earrings. And it doesn’t matter what shade the gem will be.

In addition to all these magical properties, it is worth highlighting the special properties inherent in some shades of the stone.

So, blue zircon serves as protection against fraud and loss of property. The problem is that natural blue stone is impossible to buy. Only artificial ones are sold. A very rare specimen of the blue mineral was found in Thailand many years ago.

A red-hued gemstone or hyacinth is not best suited for women. It is so difficult for women's happiness and love that it is better not to risk it. He can upset love or harm in some other way.

For men, hyacinth is an assistant in stressful situations. It helps to overcome insecurities and fears. It is also indispensable in unhappy love.

Magicians and public people use zircon amulets to protect themselves from ill-wishers. Some of them argue that a zircon ring is enough for such protection, someone insists that it is necessary to carry out a conspiracy. Then the stone will become a powerful amulet.

Who suits the zodiac sign

Does zircon suit all signs? To answer this question, you need to know that zircon is the stone of December, as well as its patron Jupiter.

Stone and should be used with caution. can become aggressive under the influence of the magical properties of the mineral. But tearfulness “threatens”.

All other signs of the Zodiac can safely use the properties of zircon. The only rule is to know the effects of a certain shade of stone.
If you wear a ring or bracelet with zircon on your left hand, you can protect yourself from the aggressive influence of Jupiter (except for and, of course).

How to distinguish from a fake

Natural zircon, unfortunately, has been supplanted in the jewelry market almost completely due to a synthetic "substitute". Cubic Zirconia is an artificial stone, which is often passed off as natural.

Fianite - an artificial stone

It is quite difficult to distinguish a fake. Stone specialists offer the following methods:

  • Natural stone cannot be completely transparent. It will definitely meet voids, blotches and other "irregularities". Fianite will be perfectly transparent.
  • Large transparent zircon is rare. It will have a corresponding price. In addition, due to its low density, it will be much lighter than cubic zirconia of the same size. The point is small - to find zircon and cubic zirconia of the same size, weigh them and compare. The one that is heavier is cubic zirconia.
  • The last way to identify a natural mineral is to measure its radioactivity. If the stone is at least a little, but radioactive, then you can rejoice at your discovery of a natural mineral. Unless the desire to acquire such a gem can suddenly disappear ...

Zircon stone is a rare and underestimated mineral. It has been known since ancient times, but fate did not treat zircon quite fairly. It was so often confused with other stones, in particular, it was passed off as a diamond, that the characteristics of the zircon itself were forgotten. Now it is much more difficult to find it for sale than a more expensive diamond.

History and origins

First of all, let's define the terminology.

Zircon is a stone, a natural mineral, which is zirconium orthosilicate - a salt of this metal, a compound with silicon.

Zirconium is a silver-white metal, soft, corrosion-resistant. In its pure form, it does not occur in nature, it is present in the form of various chemical compounds. For the first time, zirconium metal was obtained from zircon stone.

Faceted and uncut zircon

Fianite - artificial zircon. Zirconia. In jewelry, it is used as a budget substitute for a diamond. It is often called zircon even by jewelry store sellers, but it has nothing to do with its natural counterpart. The cost of cubic zirconia is much lower than the cost of zircon.

Zircon is a natural mineral of magmatic origin. It may contain up to 4% of the even rarer hafnium metal. Often found in granite, pegmatite, syenite rocks.

The composition of zircon may contain radioactive elements - radium and uranium (in small quantities). The latter is a chromatophore that gives the stone a green color, so green zircons should not be kept at home.

All zircons have a radiation background above the earth average, but only in green ones it can be harmful to health.

The name of the stone goes back to the Persian “zargun”, which means golden color, the color of the Sun. Mined in Persia (modern Iran), the stones were predominantly yellow.

The ancestral home of this gem is Persia and western India (modern Pakistan and the Indian state of Punjab). Zircon has been mined in these regions since the beginning of the first millennium. Hindus and Persians greatly appreciated this gem, they considered it “the younger brother of diamond”, since the stone is similar to diamond in hardness (although inferior to it) and at the same time has a characteristic diamond brilliance.

Other names for the mineral are hyacinth, jargon, azorite.

In Europe, it has been known since the end of the 16th century, but was not considered as an independent precious or semi-precious stone. It is often confused with other gemstones. Fame came to zircon at the beginning of the 20th century, when both industrial and jewelry applications were found for it.

Physiochemical properties

Zircon is a slightly colored or colorless crystal. Hardness - 7.5–8 units on the Mohs scale. It is harder than glass, is on the same level with corundums - ruby ​​and emerald. Characteristics:

  • Inferior to diamond.
  • Fragile, breaks easily.
  • Glitter is diamond.

It contains many impurities of other metals, both harmless: iron, titanium, aluminum, and relatively dangerous: uranium, strontium, radium, hafnium. The composition may contain oxides of iron and calcium.

Place of Birth

Sri Lanka is currently the main supplier of zircon to the world market. It is also the main compromiser of the stone, since island jewelers tend to give out brilliant-cut zircons for diamonds. Large deposits are being developed in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Norway and Madagascar.

There are few zircon deposits in Russia, it is mainly mined as an accompanying mineral in the development of diamond mines in Yakutia and some deposits of semi-precious stones in the Urals.

Mining is carried out either in placers of granite and other igneous rocks, or in kimberlite pipes. Less often - in a career way.

The stone is rare. Most of the specimens found are very small, less than one carat. Large specimens of zircon are very rare.

Colors and subspecies

The main color of the stone is reddish brown, ranging from ruby ​​to dark brown. The degree of transparency varies: opaque, translucent, transparent. The worse the transparency, the more impurities of other metals in the stone.

Visible blotches, dots, stripes, sparkles are absent. After grinding and cutting, zircons acquire the pure appearance of noble crystals.

In addition to red, the following varieties of the mineral are found in nature:

The natural yellow subspecies of zircon is called jargon. Red or red-brown - hyacinth. Dense brown, to black - malacone. Colorless - matar diamond. In addition, blue-blue zircon, which is similar to sapphire, is used in jewelry, which is never found in nature. It is called starlit, it is obtained by annealing hyacinths. Over time, starlites lose their density and brightness of color, so sapphires are less valued.

The green variety of stone does not have its own name. In jewelry, green zircons are not used because of their danger to health.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists believe that the healing properties of a stone are primarily due to its internal structure. The zircon crystal has a dipyramidal shape in structure, that is, it repeats the contours of a double pyramid. It is this that influences the properties of the zircon stone.

They are most fully manifested in hyacinth. The red stone is inextricably linked with the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Partially responsible for regeneration, that is, the body's ability to heal itself after injury. A ring with a hyacinth insert, worn on the middle finger, helps to recover from surgery or injury, accelerates tissue fusion in case of external and internal injuries.

A pendant with hyacinth or just a stone brought closer to the face helps to stop nosebleeds. The same pendant or necklace with red or red-brown zircons helps the body maintain good health in case of coronary heart disease.

Jargons, that is, stones of yellow shades, are associated with the liver.

They help the liver to better cope with natural duties - to remove toxins and poisons. Ring with jargon relieves symptoms of poisoning, including alcohol.

Dark brown malacons help fight colds and inflammation in the nasopharynx and bronchi. They alleviate the patient's condition with pneumonia, advanced sinusitis, acute rhinitis and sinusitis.

Colorless matar diamonds promote weight loss and muscle tone. In addition, all without exception, zircons have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

magical properties

In the world of magic, the "younger brother of the diamond" has a reputation as a truth-seeker and a fighter for justice. Like pearls, he does not like deceitful people, but unlike him, he helps the owner to identify liars. Zircon endows its owner with a flair for lies, hypocrisy and unjustified flattery. If it ends up on the hand of a person engaged in fraud, it can bring its owner to prison.

The properties of zircon are strongly associated with money and high-risk business. Zircon jewelry should be worn by the owners of venture capital companies, where it is not clear to the last whether the development will be successful or not.

Hyacinth and jargon love innovators who honestly risk their money, develop new products, discover new lands - in a word, people who create new things. Therefore, zircon is an ideal talisman for a traveler, researcher, businessman opening foreign markets, an inventor or designer.

This is a specific "male" stone, but it also suits some ladies. Earrings made of gold with transparent zircons (not cubic zirkonia!) will bring a clear mind to female scientists, enhance logical abilities and help to look at a well-known problem from a fundamentally different angle.

Among the magical properties of zircon during the Renaissance was the ability to keep a soldier in battle. Red and yellow stones were popular as amulets among European mercenaries - Genoese, Swiss, Germans. It was believed that they give good luck to those who honestly fight in the forefront, but do not like cowards.

Zodiac Compatibility

The magical properties of the stone are most fully revealed in the people of Water and Earth - zircon belongs to these elements. But each element has one zodiac sign that zircon does not like. Water is too soft and feminine Pisces, Air is too selfish Libra, Earth is not a good stubborn Taurus, Fire is impulsive and fickle Sagittarius. Neither hyacinth nor any other variety of this mineral is suitable for representatives of these signs. Everyone else can wear it without fear, only fiery signs are recommended gems of the darkest shade possible.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - categorically contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

The meaning of the “younger brother of diamond” in terms of belonging to the elements is the union of Earth and Water, in astrological terms it is under the auspices of Jupiter. This stone is picky about its neighbors. He categorically protests against the company of the "big brother" - a diamond or a diamond, and does not like rubies, which shine brighter than himself. The Union of Earth and Water sees Fire as its main enemy, so grenades are also “in flight”.

Ring with zircon

The best neighbors for this gem are Earth and Water minerals, except for morion. It is incompatible with Morion due to a planetary mismatch.

Zircon goes well with:

  • with agates and chalcedony of various types;
  • jasper;
  • heliotrope;
  • malachite;
  • turquoise;
  • emerald;
  • opal;
  • aventurine;
  • serpentine;
  • melanitis;
  • labrador.

The combination with the minerals of the Air is doubtful. It is impossible to predict how each of these stones will behave. Therefore, the personal choice of everyone whether to wear zircon at the same time:

  • with crystal;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • smoky quartz;
  • amethyst;
  • amazonite;
  • chrysoprase.

Scope of application

The scope of jewelry-quality zircons of all colors is inserts in jewelry. Yellow gold is considered the best setting, silver is found, platinum is not used. There is expensive, elite jewelry with hyacinths, malacons and starlites.

Ring with clear zircon

Among the jewelry made of zircon are earrings, rings, pendants, less often - diadems and pendants. Necklaces are rare.

The main role assigned to transparent crystals is to be substitutes for diamonds. They are cheaper than a diamond, but more expensive than cubic zirconia.

The main types of cut are brilliant or cabochon.

The price per gram of this mineral starts at $50, depending on its quality.

Ways to recognize a fake

Ironically, zircon itself often serves as a fake for a diamond to unscrupulous jewelers. The appraiser can recognize it by examining it under a magnifying glass - a diamond has a single, not a double refraction of light. Also, the younger brother of diamond, posing as an older one, helps to determine the heat-conducting probe.

In turn, zircon, using a play on words, is often given out by cubic zirkonia (cubic zirconia is zirconium oxide). At the same time, cubic zirconia is heavier.

The only reliable way to independently distinguish cubic zirconia from zircon is to check the stone under a magnifying glass in bright light. You will notice an optical illusion - a double brilliance on the edges of the crystal. It gives a dipyramidal structure - a signature feature of zircon.

How to wear and care

The traditional place for a hyacinth ring is on the middle finger. If in gold, then on the right hand, in silver - on the left.

Product with zircon

The stone is very hard, but brittle. Does not withstand impact: after an accidental impact with a wall or other object, a crack or chip may form on the surface of the stone. Therefore, you need to wear any jewelry with this gem very carefully, avoiding blows. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is also not recommended, especially for starlites - under their influence they gradually lose their color saturation.

You need to wash earrings, a ring or a pendant with zircon with a simple soapy solution.

With severe contamination, gentle kitchen “chemistry” is acceptable, but the best cleaning tool is a hard toothbrush with toothpowder.

Purchase period

By the time of purchase, zircon is undemanding. If the stone recognizes you, then it will serve faithfully, no matter what time you acquire it.

Zircon is a natural stone that many compare to a diamond. It has a beautiful shine and has a large number of shades. Each of them has unique properties and is appreciated by lovers of unique jewelry, as well as collectors.

Since zircon is very similar in appearance to more expensive minerals, it was called “diamond's younger brother”. These minerals are very easy to confuse with each other.

The name of the stone comes from the word zargun, which means golden color. Although the shades of the stone may be different.

In some sources, the names hyacinth or starlite can be found, but zircon is used much more often.

Historical data and legends

The oldest representative is over 4 billion years old. It was found in Australia.

Dragon stones - such an unusual name was given to zircon several millennia ago. The ancient inhabitants of India believed that this stone has great power and can control the moon and the sun.

The stone was at any time a symbol of power, and many wanted to see it in their homes. So the owner of the house showed his strength and power.

Although the price of zircon is much lower than other gemstones, it looks very expensive.

One of the legends about zircon

There is a myth that says that a guy died in ancient Greece. His name was Hyacinth. The god Apollo threw him into the competition, and the young man died from the disk. Drops of blood turned first into flowers, and then into gold-colored stones.


For a long time, zircon was not appreciated, and only in the 16th century did Europeans like it. It began to be used for various types of jewelry in large quantities.

"Starlit" is a representative of blue or transparent color. It is the most expensive compared to other colors. It turns out in the process of roasting.

"Jargon" is a stone of yellow, straw or golden color.

Hyacinth is a brown stone with a red base. Sometimes, it can also be with an orange tint.

Zircon, cubic zirconia and zirconium. What is the difference?

Many people confuse several of these stones and do not know how they differ from each other. It's very easy to figure this out.

Since the cost of a diamond is quite high, scientists from many countries wanted to get it synthetically. It turned out that this is not so easy to do. But in 1968, scientists from the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences succeeded. The whole world was shocked that it was they who figured out how to create a similar stone at a budget price. They created an analogue with the refraction of light, like a diamond. This stone was called cubic zirconia by the first letters of the institution.

Zircon is a natural stone, while cubic zirconia is a synthetic counterpart. The cost of the latter is much lower.

In 1976, the Americans copied cubic zirconia, but called it cubic zirconia. This was a marketing ploy and therefore many buyers thought they were buying natural stone, but they were not.

Cubic zirconia is another name for cubic zirconia, while zirconium is a chemical element.


Physical and chemical properties

Chemical formula - ZrSiO 4

Zircon is a mineral that has a transparent structure. It can be orange, yellow, gold, red, green or even purple. It depends on the amount of impurities that are in its composition. Jewelers value transparent gems the most, and their cost is the highest.

The main possible impurities are copper, calcium, zinc and titanium.

The main shape is prismatic or pyramidal. The stones have a high dispersion and are distinguished by a well-pronounced birefringence effect.

An unusual feature of zircon is the change in hue during thermal exposure. You can change the blue color to turquoise. But the new shade fades over time and then the stone becomes a natural color.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists believe that zircon has a positive effect on the human body and can help with some ailments. It must be borne in mind that stones of different colors help with different problems.

  1. If a person wants to lose weight for a long time, but he does not succeed, then you should pay attention to a transparent stone. It helps to get rid of excess weight by helping to restrain oneself, and not to eat extra calories. So a person has willpower, and he goes to his goal.
  2. If a person suffers from anorexia and wants to get better, then you should look at the yellow mineral. It improves digestion and stimulates appetite. The owner of the stone stops forgetting to eat and feels hunger much brighter.
  3. With colds and their prevention, dark-colored stones help. They are especially recommended to wear in the cold season.
  4. For stomach problems, blue stones will help.
  5. Traditional healers believe that this stone is necessary for problems with the endocrine system or thyroid gland. Zircon also improves the functioning of many organs.
  6. Zircon can be ground into powder and mixed with ointment. The resulting remedy helps well with pain in different parts of the body and even cure infertility.
  7. Helps normalize blood pressure. Moreover, it helps how to reduce it if necessary, and vice versa.
  8. Helps with allergies and skin problems.

Although scientists have not proven the healing properties of the stone, many people are satisfied with the positive result after using it.

magical properties

Magical properties also depend on the color of zircon.

  1. For those who like to travel and constantly be in motion, a stone is definitely needed. It helps to return home, protects from many problems and theft.
  2. Hyacinth should be used as a talisman for people who teach in schools or universities. It stimulates mental activity and helps to cope with stress more easily. As well as businessmen who need it to think well and make the right decisions.
  3. Fortune tellers and clairvoyants often use a transparent stone because it helps to see the future and correctly interpret it. It is also believed that it helps to influence other people and helps develop the qualities of a leader.
  4. Lonely people should carry a stone of yellow or gold hue with them. They will be able to quickly find a soul mate and create a strong family. It also helps with depression and nervous disorders.
  5. An orange stone in a gold frame helps a girl look much more attractive in the eyes of men. Earrings or pendants are best.
  6. For financial problems, a green stone is best suited. It attracts new opportunities and money to life.
  7. Blue color attracts peace and harmony. A person ceases to be nervous over trifles and his character becomes much calmer. All problems are solved much faster and do not cause unnecessary anxiety.
  8. It is better for farmers to give preference to brown zircons. So the work will be done much faster, and the harvest will be much better.

A stone of any color will give a person self-confidence and striving for the best. Such a talisman is ideal as a gift for a dear person.

Zircon is suitable for people who want to know the world around them. It helps to expose deceit and protects from people who wish evil. It is especially recommended to use it for politicians and church workers.

But do not forget that any stone can not be used too often. In large quantities, it can have the opposite effect and harm a person.

How to distinguish a fake?

The gem can easily be confused with more expensive stones - Matara or Ceylon diamond. Therefore, when buying, you must carefully study the stone.

Be sure to look at the label, but very often you can find the abbreviation "circus." or "zircon". How to understand if it is cubic zirconia or zircon?

  • It is very difficult to do this with the naked eye. It is best to use a magnifying glass or microscope. In natural stone, you can see inclusions and small voids, cubic zirconia is made just perfectly and is completely transparent.
  • Synthetic stone with the same volume is heavier than natural stone.
  • It is best to buy jewelry in trusted stores that value their reputation and choose reliable suppliers. So the risk of buying a fake will be minimal.

Place of Birth

The stone was first found in the Middle Ages.

Now it can only be found in African countries and Asia:

  • Madagascar;
  • Thailand;
  • Sri Lanka.

The source of production is Tanzania, Brazil, Australia and Canada.

In Russia, zircon can be found in Yakutia and the Urals.

Scope of application

Jewelers appreciate this precious stone and create with it unique jewelry that won the hearts of most ladies. Many even consider it outwardly more beautiful than a diamond. More often they buy small stones weighing 1-2 carats. Their cost is only 10-15 dollars. But you can meet natural stone in jewelry stores less and less, they are being replaced with good fakes.

In order to ensure the integrity of the stone, it is better to choose jewelry with a protective frame.

Jewelry attracts with its price and unique look. But when choosing a gift, you should be careful, because this gem is not suitable for everyone due to its properties.

It is also used for the production of refractories and dental crowns.

stone care

Although zircon is a hard gem, it is very fragile and therefore, jewelry should be treated very carefully. Do not drop, scratch or throw a stone. Zircon does not like proximity to other minerals. It should be stored separately from other stones in a soft bag or box with a fabric base.

You need to take care of him constantly, because he collects all the dust. Jewelry can be cleaned under running water without the use of harsh soaps or other products. A mild soapy solution and a soft cloth work best. You can also use a flannel towel.


Aquarians should pay special attention to jewelry with this gem. They need it to develop intuition and pragmatism. It also acts as a protection against misfortunes and envious people. Improves mental activity and instills a craving for new knowledge. Zircon enhances positive karma.

Aries fit rings with this stone. The color of the stone is better to choose a red or yellow hue. They will help Aries become more attentive to loved ones. Zircon also trains endurance and helps control aggression. The owner of such a talisman can look at the situation from different angles and easily make the right decision. Helps to set the desired goal and quickly move towards its achievement.

For Capricorns, zirconium will help to become more calm and give peace. The color should be gold or blue. Rings are best worn on the left hand, middle finger. So the effect of the amulet will be the best. Such an amulet will help to believe in yourself, add optimism and help realize what you want.

Who should not wear zircon?

People born under the sign of Libra, Sagittarius and Taurus should refuse such a talisman. It can negatively affect and make these people more withdrawn.

Zircon is also not suitable for Cancers and Pisces.

Zircon brings good luck and saves from a lot of trouble. It strengthens the physical and emotional state of a person. Until the end, the gem has not yet been studied by man and hides more than one riddle in itself.

Zircon is a unique stone that is very popular because of its beauty. There are a large number of shades, and each of their stones has unique healing and magical properties. Although its cost is not great, there are incredibly many fakes. Finding an original stone is not so easy, and therefore, when choosing, be sure to take into account the external signs of its naturalness.

Zircon (zirconium) is a precious stone of the highest quality. The word "zircon" from the Persian language is translated as "golden". This name was given to the mineral due to its beautiful golden hue. However, zircon can have a different color. In nature, there are stones of red, blue and even black.

Zircon is a zirconium metal silicate, a classic, transparent mineral that is actively used in jewelry. Zircon is characterized by the presence of impurities: iron, hafnium, copper, zinc, titanium, etc. Radioactive zircons are also found due to the content in their structure of impurities of rare earth and radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium. When cut correctly, zircons can mimic diamonds.

Varieties of zircon

The following varieties of zircon are distinguished by color.

Hyacinth is a transparent zircon of honey-yellow, red-brown, pink color, a precious stone. Hyacinth is often narrowed in color, defining it as a transparent red-brown zircon.

Jargon, yargon, yargun is a colorless, pale gray or pale yellow variety of zircon. Often "slang" is a trade name for yellow zircon.

Characterized by dark brown color. Malacon is a variety of the mineral zircon found in Norway and is a slightly decomposed, opaque zircon.

Matara diamond is a transparent mineral with excellent diamond brilliance. It is very rare in nature. However, some colored varieties of zircon become transparent when treated with gamma rays.

Starlite is blue zircon. Often this color is the result of artificial heat treatment of the zircon mineral or its analogue.

Engelhardite is a milky-white aggregate of small bipyramidal zircon crystals found near Tomsk.

The magical properties of Zircon

Since ancient times, various magical properties have been attributed to zircon. In particular, it is believed that zircon has a positive effect on the mental abilities of its wearer: it increases intelligence, sharpens the craving for knowledge and enhances charisma. This last property allows the owner of the zircon to gain power over others - therefore this stone is useful for politicians and public figures who want others to see them as a leader.

Noble zircon helps against melancholy and hallucinations. It was believed that he saves from evil spirits. The mystics believed that zircon had the highest magnetic power, it was credited with the properties to lose its luster before a thunderstorm. Dark red varieties of zircon were considered the stones of courtesans, which saved them from conception. Yellow zircon has the most significant impact on human life. He determines the weakest point and directs his magical influence precisely there. That is why such a stone is suitable for absolutely everyone.

The healing properties of Zircon

Zircon is considered a universal healing stone that is able to cleanse the entire body of its owner. It is a remedy for many poisons and types of pain, improves liver function, and helps with insomnia. Multi-colored zircons tend to correct various body systems. Starlites are indispensable for overcoming depression. Hyacinths optimize the function of assimilation of food and the functioning of the excretory system. Yellow stones help to solve endocrinological problems.

Talismans and amulets

Regardless of the shade, zircon bestows protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft. Esotericists recommend wearing zircon in a ring. It will protect from the evil eye, damage, hatred, envy, gossip and intrigue. It is believed that it is the ring that can absorb all the negativity, preventing harm to the owner of such a talisman. Zircon of any shade gives a charge of positive energy. Thanks to this, a person abstracts from all gloomy thoughts. He tunes in a positive way and stops making rash acts and making mistakes. Zircon contributes to the development of intellectual abilities and intuition. Thanks to this stone, a person begins to recognize lies and deceit. In addition, zircon develops the gift of eloquence and helps the owner find arguments in any dispute and win it.

Zircon in astrology

Zircon of any color is recommended as a talisman for. The mineral will help the representatives of this zodiac sign to gain self-confidence. zircon is also suitable as a talisman. However, representatives of this zodiac sign are best to opt for red and yellow minerals. Other zodiac signs can safely wear jewelry with this stone. He will fully reveal to them all his magical and astrological abilities.

Compatibility of zircon with zodiac signs

Zircon for

Representatives of the zodiac sign Aries are characterized by sharpness, irascibility and impulsiveness. Such people are ambitious and ambitious. However, in order to achieve their desired goals and overcome obstacles along the way, they need a large supply of energy. Zircon will help Aries to gain strength for new achievements, as well as keep the body in good shape.

Zircon for

Zircon will charge Taurus with an excellent mood, give confidence and “lead” with a proudly raised head and a life-affirming smile. With zircon, Taurus' life will be restored by touching any side. With zircon there is no place for something bad, even fleeting sorrows. Romantically, Taurus is also a born winner.

Zircon for

Gemini are conflicting personalities with a dual nature. They especially need inner comfort and peace. The mineral will be able to give the Gemini the desired feeling of harmony. In addition, the stone will make the Gemini's pace of life more measured and will help them subdue their pride and anger.

Zircon for

Cancer stone will bring special benefits. Those born under the auspices of this sign always prefer to retreat, preventing their partner from realizing sexual fantasies. Among Cancers, women are considered the most restrained and conservative in intimate relationships. Zircon will slightly correct these qualities, and will also enhance sexual attraction to people of the opposite sex.

Zircon for

Majestic and a little selfish Lions stone will help overcome pride, irritability and intolerance. Thanks to zircon, representatives of this sign will be able to better control their emotions. The stone has a beneficial effect on women. A gift of jewelry with a gem will contribute to unexpected changes in the character of its owner, for example, make her softer and kinder. The magical properties of zircon will most clearly manifest themselves if it is received from a loved one.

Zircon for

For representatives of the Virgo sign, who are characterized by practicality, kindness, perseverance and hard work, zircon will be a great amulet. These people are prone to melancholy, sadness, and when it is necessary to make a choice, they often doubt the decision made. Zircon will give Virgo positive energy and an optimistic attitude, help to cope with depression and focus on achieving significant goals.

Zircon for

Zircon stone is suitable for bright and versatile personalities, which are representatives of the Libra zodiac sign. These people often experience indecision and doubt, which become the causes of internal struggle. The gem will help them feel balance and balance, and with the help of the sexual energy hidden in it, will make Libra desirable in the eyes of others.

Zircon for

For Scorpions, zircon will serve as a faithful assistant in strengthening family ties. In the house of Scorpio, thanks to zircon, comfort and a certain idyll is formed, felt by any guest. Like another fiery, rather aggressive sign, zircon keeps its wearer from rude words and harsh actions.

Zircon for

Sagittarians are always in the center of events. And this is not surprising, because the representatives of this sign are ready to help everyone: to assist in finding a job or to lend money. However, because of this, they have almost no time for themselves. With the help of zircon, good deeds done by Sagittarius will bring good luck and happiness to the representatives of this zodiac sign.

Zircon for

Zircon will help Capricorn financially. Capricorns, with the help of zircon, have business acumen and skillfully "resolve" more difficult situations. With zircon, Capricorn is happy in his personal life. With him calmly and reliably. Zircon also increases energy. Capricorns are advised to choose jewelry with blue or golden zircons and wear them on the middle finger of their left hand. Such an ornament will show magical properties in full force and become an indispensable talisman for its owner.

Zircon for

Aquarius zircon enhances intuition, develops thinking. Zircon contributes to the mental improvement of Aquarius. Aquarius with zircon can easily master science or become a specialist in the field of investigation and research. For a similar result, for greater action, Aquarius should wear zircon in the form of a pendant or pendant - any jewelry that is worn around the neck.

Zircon for

The gentle, refined and vulnerable nature of Pisces needs to maintain a friendly atmosphere. The stone will not only delight this zodiac sign with beauty, but also make his life measured, give faith in his own strength and life wisdom. Zircon will also protect its owner from diseases and the evil eye and help maintain a good mood.

Zircon - the magical properties of the stone

Zircon is the only natural stone that, due to its physical properties, is able to compete with the most expensive gemstone - diamond. Its noble brilliance and variety of shades are simply amazing.

History of the stone

Zircon is one of the oldest minerals on earth, as evidenced by Australian zircon, which is estimated to be 4.4 billion years old.

Despite its beauty, unique physical properties, special brilliance and rich color palette, zircon has not been appreciated by mankind.

In the ancient world, it was constantly confused with other stones similar in color - citrines, rubies, topazes, sapphires, tourmalines. For a long time, colorless zircons were passed off as diamonds, calling them Ceylon and Matara diamonds.

Only in the XV-XVI century zircons were appreciated in Europe. True, they were not called zircons. Yellow stones were called "slang", brown-red - "hyacinths", and blue, the most valuable - "starlites". These names were not particularly liked by wealthy nobles, so the stone did not have due success.

The fate of zircon became even more complicated after the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences artificially created cubic zirconia - an artificial substitute for diamond, which got its name from the abbreviation of the institute that created it - FIAN of the USSR. In English, the name of the artificial stone sounds like this: "Zirconia". And although artificial stone is not related to zircon, natural stone has become confused with artificially grown cubic zirconia (zirconium). Thus, zircon has become a kind of "victim of science", although in terms of its parameters it can be among the most expensive gemstones.

Description of the mineral

Zircon is a beautiful gemstone that is often referred to as the "little brother of diamond" because of its resemblance.

The name of the stone "zircon", as scientists suggest, comes from the Persian word "zargun" and translates as "golden color". There are other names for this stone and its varieties: starlite, jargon, iacinth, hyacinth, Ceylon jargon, etc.

Externally, zircon is a transparent stone of green, grassy, ​​dark red, purple, yellow, golden, blue, brown or orange. However, most jewelers appreciate its transparent varieties.


Depending on the color and deposit, the following types of zircon are distinguished:

  1. Matara Diamond- transparent colorless zircon, called Matara by the name of the deposit in the south of the island of Sri Lanka (Matara), where it is mined.
  2. Jargon (Siamese zircon)- yellow shades: golden, straw, smoky yellow.
  3. Hyacinth- transparent zircon of orange, red or red-brown color with delicate pink, raspberry or yellow hues.
  4. Malacon- dark brown in color, containing small amounts of impurities of radioactive elements.
  5. starlit- transparent, blue or blue hue obtained as a result of firing.

Chemical composition and physical properties

Zircon belongs to a subgroup of island silicates and is a zirconium silicate. Its chemical formula is ZrSiO4.

Quite often, zircon contains hafnium, which isomorphically replaces zirconium in the crystal lattice, as well as zinc, iron, copper, titanium, and calcium in the form of impurities. Depending on the content of these impurities, the color of the stone also varies - from golden yellow to brown-brown.

There are also radioactive zircons containing impurities of radioactive elements, in particular uranium and thorium.

It usually crystallizes in the form of dipyramidal and prismatic crystals with an expressive diamond brilliance, and the birefringence effect and excellent dispersion (colour decomposition) make it especially memorable.

When heated, zircon changes its color, so that as a result of heat treatment, zircons of various shades can be obtained - from blue "tourmaline" to bright turquoise. But over time, the acquired shade fades, and then completely disappears.

Zircon is a rather fragile mineral, although its hardness on the Mohs scale is 7-8 units, and its density is about 4.70 g/cm3.

Place of Birth

The main zircon deposits are in Australia, Thailand, Brazil, Cambodia, Vietnam and Sri Lanka.

Zircon is also mined in Russia, Burma, Korea, Norway, Mozambique, Myanmar, Tanzania, Nigeria, Korea and Madagascar.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists consider zircon to be a universal healing stone, the healing properties of its varieties are different.

  1. Blue stimulates the intestines and helps to get rid of constipation.
  2. Dark colors relieve colds caused by hypothermia.
  3. Yellow-red improve appetite.
  4. Hyacinths help in cleansing the body.
  5. Transparent help fight excess weight.

Many traditional healers attribute to all zircons the ability to positively influence the endocrine system and the functioning of the thyroid gland.

magical properties

Depends on its color.

  1. Hyacinth is considered the best talisman for scientists, aristocrats, travelers and merchants. Attributed to this stone and the ability to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Transparent zircon is able to help make the right decision and stimulate the intellectual abilities of its owner, setting it in a philosophical way. Activates the gift of clairvoyance.
  3. Yellow zircon is credited with the ability to increase sexual energy and attract love, as well as rid its owner of depression.
  4. Orange zircon is able to make its owner especially attractive in the eyes of others. Setting in gold can increase the strength of the stone.
  5. Green zircon will help to "attract" money and properly dispose of it.
  6. Blue zircon will bring harmony to life.
  7. Brown zircon will be the best talisman for farmers, helping them to increase their crops.

Regardless of the color, it instills optimism and faith in one's own strengths in a person.

Zircon and zodiac signs

According to astrologers, zircon is most suitable for people born under the signs of Aries, Aquarius and Capricorn. It will help them develop intuition and creativity.

But this stone is not suitable for Pisces and Cancers, as it can aggravate the isolation of Pisces and the selfishness of Cancers.

Application of the mineral

Due to its properties, zircon is used in various fields:

  1. In the jewelry business. Zircon is used to make beautiful inserts in gold and silver jewelry. Usually, a brilliant cut is used to process zircon, but sometimes a mixed cut is also used - brilliant at the top, stepped at the bottom.
  2. in the chemical industry. It is used as a feedstock for the extraction of such rare and valuable chemical elements as zirconium, hafnium and uranium.
  3. In technology. As a result of special processing, zircon is made into an excellent insulating material.
  4. in mineralogy. Used for uranium-lead dating, which determines the age of minerals.
  • An interesting legend of the origin of one of the names of zircon - "hyacinth", according to which the stone appeared from the drops of blood of Hyacinth, killed during the competition of the gods by the Zephyr wind.
  • There is an opinion that as a symbol of chosenness, a ring with zircon is worn on the left hand by the leader of the Masonic lodge.
  • Zircon is also recognized as a stone of power in some eastern countries. That is why politicians, preachers and public figures wear jewelry with it.
  • In Tsarist Russia, zircons of red and orange shades were worn by artists, merchants and travelers.
  • Indian yogis believe that due to the effect of the double pyramid, zircon is able to concentrate the most powerful energy and highly appreciate this stone.

How to distinguish natural zircon from a fake

Zircon has a special diamond brilliance, which makes it possible to unmistakably distinguish this stone from others.

Another feature of zircon is its low radioactivity, so if you can measure the level of radiation, you can more accurately determine the authenticity of the stone.

Also, considering zircon and determining its naturalness, you should pay attention to:

  • wear of the edges;
  • the presence of natural voids and inclusions characteristic of natural stone;
  • bifurcation of the cone of the mineral.


Zircon is a rather fragile stone, so its care requires compliance with certain requirements.

  1. It is necessary to purchase jewelry in a strong frame that can protect the mineral.
  2. You can not store jewelry with zircon in a common jewelry box, especially metal ones, as it can deteriorate.
  3. Do not subject to strong mechanical stress.
  4. It is necessary to protect from exposure to chemicals, including household chemicals.
  5. Clean only with a soft flannel or woolen cloth using a mild soap solution.

Zircon jewelry photo