Children's paper crafts (104 photo ideas). Methodical development of a lesson with the use of ICT "School of the cheerful gnomes". The topic of this lesson is acquaintance with the history of the appearance of paper, making paper crafts

Daria Matyashova
Abstract of a lesson on manual labor "Crafts from paper"

State budgetary institution of the Saratov region "Krasnoarmeyskiy center for social assistance to families and children "A family"

Lesson summary


Prepared by a psychologist

emergency psychological services

help by phone

"Helpline" D. V. Matyashova

Target: organization employment of children in manual labor.


1. To teach how to make origami.

2. To consolidate and expand skills of working with paper... Fix the rules for working with scissors, glue; the ability to prepare your workplace for occupation, put it in order at the end of the work.

3. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end. To foster efficiency, creative interest in the work performed.

4. Develop fine motor skills, broaden horizons, develop an eye, cognitive interest, oral speech.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Good afternoon, dear guys! I am glad to see you all today. I see you all are in a good mood today. I think that everything will work out for us.

2. Work on the topic

Our theme with you classes today« Origami» .

Questions for children:

Introductory word:

Paper- this is the most versatile and accessible material, familiar, ordinary and at the same time amazing! Traveling the world paper you can see truly amazing things: ancient figurines "Cutouts"(vytsynanki, graceful silhouettes of old portraits, openwork paintings, silhouette shadow theater, toys and much more.

Any work with paper not only exciting but also educational. This is a real artistic creation. Several multi-colored paper sheets allow you to create a fun, colorful toy country, decorate the house on weekdays and holidays, make gifts, souvenirs to relatives and friends.

Guys, tell me, are you pleased to receive gifts? But gifts are pleasant not only to receive, but also to give. You agree with me? It's nice when a loved one is in a good mood, but not always there are enough funds for gifts. In this case, the gift can be made by hand, which we will now do.

Getting started, first of all, you need to draw up a plan and sequence of the upcoming work. Let us now draw up a plan of our work.

Making a flower

1. Prepare the petals: from colored paper cut strips 0.5 - 1.0 cm wide, 9-10 cm long; cut out the petals on a stencil.

2. Prepare the middle flower: cut 2 pieces of 1 piece from colored paper and cardboard.

3. Prepare flower leaves by stencil: cut strips 0.5-1.0 cm wide.

4. Prepare the stem flower: Cut the stem base out of cardboard using a stencil.

5. Glue the flower leaves onto the base.

6. Glue the flower petals to the base of the center. Then glue the second part of the middle of the flower on top.

7. Stick a colored strip on the base of the stem (green, brown) from paper... Connect with the flower ladders.

Making a cat

1. Cut the strip paper 3-4 cm wide, 40-50 cm long.

2. Outline the locations of body parts.

3. Glue along the marked lines.

4. Cut out paper mustache strips.

5. Outline the location of the parts faces: draw nose, mouth with a felt-tip pen or pencil.

6. Cut out the eyes and ears according to the stencil and stick along the marked lines.

Well done boys! We have drawn up a work plan. Now I will ask you riddles, and you tell us what we need for work?

1.doesn't look like a man, but it has a heart (pencil) Ivashka, a wooden shirt, where he leads with his nose, puts a note there (pencil)

3.two brothers, one heart (scissors)

4.The multi-colored sisters are bored without water, a long, thin aunt carries water for them, sighing (paints and brush)

5.I love straightforwardness, I myself am direct, I help everyone to make a new line (ruler)

Children's answers

Well done! These are the tools and accessories we need today. Guys, what do you need to know when getting started?

Children's answers

That's right, we must repeat the safety rules when working with glue with scissors.

Well done! You all know the safety rules very well.


Everyone is tired of sitting for a long time

And now the girls are up

And now the boys are up

We will do the exercises

Slowly everything in order

All leaned forward

And then back

Leaned left, right

Turned left, right

They looked in front of them,

They looked to the ground, to the sky

Hands raised up

And quietly lowered

Once bent down, two bent down,

Unbent stretched

They smiled. We sat down quietly.

Exercise helped us to continue our business.

Now let's get our hands ready for work:

So that the hands can do everything

And owned the skill

We will warm up our palms

Stretch each finger.

Rotate inside the brush

Raise our hands up

And we quietly lower

And we begin to work.

Guys, you can start making paper craft... Select you can do it yourself using the literature that I prepared for our occupation... We have also prepared an exhibition paper craft, which you can use as a sample for making your own crafts.

IV. Consolidation of knowledge

Guys, our class is coming to an end... Let's remember what we learned new about today paper what under the tree did you make today? What should be the workplace at the end of the work?

Children's answers

V. Summing up

Guys, today at occupations you were all very active, everyone did a great job and you did great crafts... Thank you for your attention and good work.

Evgeniya Chumova
Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Making paper crafts" Sunny Bunny "

Synopsis of an integrated lesson

on the topic:

« « Sunny bunny» .

Additional education teacher Chumova E.V.

Theme: Application of health-preserving and gaming technology, and technology of developmental education during integrated lesson on the topic: « Making paper crafts« Sunny bunny» .

Age group: children 4-5 years old

The form classes: integrated

Form of organization: group

Target: Create conditions for the formation of skills of pupils at occupations fine arts when working with non-traditional techniques (napkin technique).

Tasks: To acquaint with the technique of working with napkins.

To develop creative skills and abilities according to the idea proposed by the adult.

To develop the perception of means of musical expression, song and play creativity; facial expressions, pantomime, emotional responsiveness.

Evoke an emotional response, a feeling of empathy for the mood conveyed in the music. Foster friendly relationships between children. Arouse joy from the result obtained, improve the skills and abilities of the fine arts.

Equipment: computer, projector, music center.

Materials (edit): Cardboard, paper, napkins, scissors, glue.

Musical row: Soundtrack of the song by Y. Shainsky "Smile", V. Muradeli « Sunny bunny» , music by P. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop".

Visual row: presentation of the show of the master class on making crafts from napkins, funny and sad emoticons, demo material.

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Motivation for activity

Educator: Hello guys. Today it is gloomy and damp outside the window. Let's show what the mood is when the weather is bad outside.

(Children show a sad smiley).

You know, but I want everyone's mood to improve a little. Remember the song " share your smile, and she will come back to you more than once ... "So let's share smile with each other, and may she certainly return to us on any day when sunny and clear, and when it is cloudy and gloomy, when you have fun, and when you feel sad.

(The soundtrack of the song by Y. Shainsky is played "From a smile")

So you all smiled, and the room immediately became light and warm. You know, I'll tell you a fairy tale about a smile, about Sun.

(Phonogram by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds "Snowdrop")

In the fairy forest there lived and there was a little gray bunny... He was very kind and smiling, always trying to help everyone. The forest dwellers did not understand him, often laughed at him and even offended him. Bunny he often hid from everyone and cried bitterly. Only the sun felt sorry for the little hare... It stretched out its rays to him and warmed him when it was chilly; it gently stroked his head and tickled his tummy while he slept. And one day the sun offered to the bunny: “Run to me, gray! You will be mine bunny, otherwise I am also sad to shine alone in the sky, together it will be more fun. " AND bunny ran along the descending ray up to sunshine and while he was running along a bright beam, his coat became completely golden. That's how it became bunny gold, sunny! From time to time he comes down to us to play pranks, play, amuse us. Let's make it with you too bunny.

Organization of productive activities

Look, on your tables are the materials and tools we need in our work. Think about how you can make from these materials bunny? (I listen to the suggestions of the children)

(show 1 slide)

Rides bunny on the wall

And winks at me.

Jumped over to the picture

Stopped on the boot.

Danced on the ceiling

Hidden in a corner.

Here he hid in the crib

He plays hide and seek with us.

Independent activities of children.

(show 2 slide)

In order to do bunny we need the following materials:

Thick cardboard paper napkins, stapler, scissors, pencils and glue.

(show 3 slide)

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half.

Now we need a simple pencil.

Let's draw a circle.

Then draw the ears and legs.

So our template is ready.

(show 4 slide)

Cut out carefully.

Now we take 4 napkins, fold them, fasten them with a stapler and point out a circle with a pencil.

(show 5 slide)

Now carefully cut out two circles.

Then we make small cuts along the edge.

And carefully collect layer by layer in the middle.

(show 6 slide)

We'll have two fluffy pom-poms.

Then we take our workpiece bunny and glue small pieces on the ears.

(showing 7slide)

Now we will draw a face for bunny on a piece of the remaining cardboard.

We spread the cardboard with glue and glue the pompom first, and then the muzzle.

We glue the pom-pom on the back.

Our bunny is ready!

Surprising moment.

(The sun bunny is jumping on the tables, by the faces of children)

Educator: Ouch, the bunny came down to us from the sun! He wants to play with us!

Physical minute.

Jump-jump, jump-jump

Bunny jumped on a tree stump.

He beats the drum loudly

Calls us to play with him.

Feet up, feet down

Stretch on your toes!

Then sit down

So that the heels do not freeze.

Oh, how good is our bunny! There is a wonderful song about him. It is called that « Sunny bunny» .And now we will learn it with you.

(the exercise "Cockerel")

Learning and performing a song by V. Muradeli « Sunny bunny» .


Guys, let's make an exhibition of our works and admire them.

Tell me, did your mood improve at the end of the lesson? Show what mood you are in now. (Children show a funny smiley.)

Well done! Our the lesson is over... We hope that sunny bunny will help you maintain a good mood for a long time.

Resources used: ›photo / dlja_prezentacij / 23, ›Animashki.


Open lesson on the topic:

« Paper craft "Dog" using origami technique»

Prepared by:

additional education teacher

Vereshchagina Anna Sergeevna


Goals: To study the sequence of making crafts using the origami technique.


1.Repeat paper properties, color names, geometric material.

2. Development of the ability to fold a sheet of paper in given directions, to accustom to precise movements of the fingers under the control of consciousness. Correction of imaginative thinking, fine motor skills of the hand, attention, visual perception, eye.

3. Education of the accuracy of thrift, aesthetic taste.

Equipment and materials: Colored paper, scissors, pencil, glue, napkin.

Course of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

Hello guys! Guests have come to our class today. Let us turn to them, smile, and start our lesson in a good mood.

First, let's play the game "Guess Who?"

a) Clap your hands when you hear the name of the animal.

Table, cow, board, bucket, ram, cat, bag, hare, horse, window, chalk, dog, wall, door, pig.

b) Working in folders. Determine the names of animals along the contour (pig, horse, cat, dog). Give the names of the colors.

2. Communication of the topic and purpose

Which of these animals is guarding the house? (dog)

Today in the lesson we will make just such a dog, using the origami technique.

3. Sample analysis


Basic and additional details.

Connection of parts.

The purpose of the craft.

4. Preparation of the workplace

What materials and tools are needed to make the work?

Colored paper, glue, napkin, pencil, scissors.

Check if everything is in place.

Among these items is a dangerous tool (scissors).

Rules for working with scissors. (slide)

5. Physical education.

Game "Please"

Before we start, let's check if you are confusing colors (task on screen). Pink, scarlet, orange, brown.

I will name the colors of the sketchy men, and you, having determined the desired color, repeat their pose.

6. Practical work

(Phased production of crafts in the presentation).

7. Creative page

Our dog is ready. Now you yourself, in the form of an applique, add parts of the muzzle to your work.

8. The bottom line. Evaluation

See what all differently good dogs turned out. There are also redheads, fluffy, lop-eared, funny, sad.

Each dog must have its own name.

Give your dog a nickname.

Ginger, Fuzzy, Rex, Sharik.

Yes, the most popular dog name is Ball. Probably because dogs are animals - active, cheerful, very fond of playing.

This concludes our lesson, I ask you to remove your jobs and remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Methodical development of an extra-curricular lesson in manual labor.

Topic: "Paper Crafts"

Purpose: the organization of the employment of children in manual labor.


  1. To teach how to make paper crafts.
  2. Reinforce and expand paper handling skills. Fix the rules for working with scissors, glue; the ability to prepare your workplace for a lesson, to put it in order at the end of the work.
  3. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end. To foster efficiency, creative interest in the work performed.
  4. Develop fine motor skills, broaden horizons, develop an eye, cognitive interest, oral spoken language.

Course of the lesson

  1. Organizing time

Good afternoon, dear guys! I am glad to see you all today. I see you all are in a good mood today. I think that everything will work out for us.

  1. Work on the topic

The topic of our lesson with you today is "Paper crafts".

Questions for children:

Introductory word:

Paper is the most versatile and affordable material, familiar, ordinary and at the same time amazing! Traveling around the world of paper, you can see truly amazing things: ancient figures "cutouts" (vytsynanki), graceful silhouettes of old portraits, openwork paintings, silhouette shadow theater, toys and much more.

Any work with paper is not only exciting, but also rewarding. This is a real artistic creation. Several multi-colored paper sheets allow you to create a cheerful, multi-colored toy country, decorate the house on weekdays and holidays, make gifts and souvenirs to relatives and friends.

Guys, tell me, are you pleased to receive gifts? But gifts are pleasant not only to receive, but also to give. You agree with me? It's nice when a loved one is in a good mood, but not always there are enough funds for gifts. In this case, the gift can be made by hand, which we will now do.

Getting started, first of all, you need to draw up a plan and sequence of the upcoming work. Let us now draw up a plan of our work.

Making a flower

  1. Prepare the petals: from colored paper, cut into strips 0.5 - 1.0 cm wide, 9-10 cm long; cut out the petals on a stencil.
  2. Prepare the middle of the flower: cut 2 parts 1 each from colored paper and cardboard.
  3. Prepare flower leaves according to a stencil: cut strips 0.5-1.0 cm wide.
  4. Prepare the stem of the flower: cut out the base for the stem from the cardboard using a stencil.
  5. Glue the leaves of the flower onto the base.
  6. Glue the flower petals to the base of the center. Then glue the second part of the middle of the flower on top.
  7. Glue a colored strip (green, brown) of paper onto the base of the stem. Connect with the flower ladders.

Making a cat

  1. Cut a strip of paper 3-4 cm wide, 40-50 cm long.
  2. Mark the locations of body parts.
  3. Glue along the marked lines.
  4. Cut strips out of paper to make a mustache.
  5. Outline the location of the parts of the face: draw the nose, mouth with a felt-tip pen or pencil.
  6. Cut out the eyes and ears according to the stencil and stick along the marked lines.

Well done boys! We have drawn up a work plan. Now I will ask you riddles, and you tell us what we need for work?

1.doesn't look like a man, but it has a heart (pencil) Ivashka, a wooden shirt, where he leads with his nose, places a note there (pencil)

3.two brothers, one heart (scissors)

4. the multi-colored sisters are bored without water, the aunt is long, thin carries water for them, sighing (paints and a brush)

5.I love straightforwardness, I myself am direct, I help everyone to make a new line (ruler)

Children's answers

Well done! These are the tools and accessories we need today. Guys, what do you need to know when getting started?

Children's answers

That's right, we must repeat the safety rules when working with glue with scissors.

Well done! You all know the safety rules very well.


Everyone is tired of sitting for a long time

And now the girls are up

And now the boys are up

We will do the exercises

Slowly everything in order

All leaned forward

And then back

Leaned left, right

Turned left, right

They looked in front of them,

They looked to the ground, to the sky

Hands raised up

And quietly lowered

Once bent down, two bent down,

Unbent stretched

They smiled. We sat down quietly.

Exercise helped us to continue our business.

Now let's get our hands ready for work:

So that the hands can do everything

And owned the skill

We will warm up our palms

Stretch each finger.

Rotate inside the brush

Raise our hands up

And we quietly lower

And we begin to work.

The guys can start making paper crafts. You can choose the craft yourself, using the literature that I have prepared for our lesson. We have also prepared an exhibition of paper crafts, which you can use as a sample for making your own craft.

IV. Consolidation of knowledge

Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Let's remember that we learned new things about paper today, what kind of craft did you make today? What should be the workplace at the end of the work?

Children's answers

V. Summing up

Guys, today in the lesson you were all very active, everyone did a great job and you got wonderful crafts. Thank you for your attention and good work.

Theme: Working with paper. Making New Year's crafts "Fir-tree".


1. To deepen the knowledge, skills and abilities of students related to the initial techniques of paper processing (marking) using a template, cutting paper with scissors;

2. To improve skills in paper cutting along the contour;

3. Develop fine motor skills of hands.

Teacher equipment: finished product sample, product step-by-step samples, student templates, one demonstration template, lesson card, hole punch, cardboard sheet, scissors, pencil, glue.

Equipment for students: a sheet of cardboard or thick green paper, colored paper, pencil, glue, scissors.

Lesson steps

During the classes

I ... Organization of the class.

Hello guys. Today I will give you a technology lesson. Sit down in your seats.

II ... Statement of the topic of the lesson.

Listen carefully to the poem:

May the New Year and the holiday of Christmas

Will give a feeling of magic!

Let the candle light warm the house

Let the smell of fresh needles be in it!

May close friends be near

Let the family be happy!

What holidays does the poem talk about? (New Year's and Christmas)

Right. New Year is the most favorite holiday for many people. On this day, we all want to believe in a fairy tale. Children and adults are preparing for the coming of the New Year in every home. They decorate the house with colorful garlands, toys, balls. And who knows what the most important symbol of the New Year on this holiday is in almost every home? (Christmas tree)

How many of you often have a real spruce or pine at home, raise your hands?

And who usually has an artificial tree in the house?

Both real and artificial Christmas trees are very beautiful when dressed up. What do Christmas trees usually decorate with? (Garlands, balls, toys, rain, tinsel)

Topic of our lesson: Working with paper. Making New Year's crafts "Fir-tree".

(Lesson topic on card on chalkboard)

III ... Preparation of the workplace.

1) Safety precautions.

- Today we will make a paper Christmas tree and decorate it. To do this, we need thick paper or thin green cardboard, scissors, glue, pencil, colored paper. Check that you have all the necessary appliances on your desk. If something is missing, get it or ask your classmates.

Let's remember the safety rules with scissors. Who wants to remind you of these rules? (Answers of children)

Store the scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box. Putting scissors with closed blades away from the worker; while passing, hold them by the closed blades. Do not leave scissors with open blades. Observe the movement and position of the blades during work.

2) Correct arrangement of parts and tools.

Place a sheet of thin cardboard or thick green paper in front of you. Place the scissors to your right. Place the pencil on the top of the table. Place colored paper on the edge of the table.

IV . Planning for upcoming labor activities.

Consider a sample.

What shape is our product? (Cone)

What parts does the product consist of? (The basis is thick paper, decorations are circles, decorations are garlands and a fringe of colored paper)

Look at the blackboard. The algorithm for making our Christmas tree is illustrated here.

What are we going to do in stage 1? (Mark a semicircle on the back of the cardboard, leaving space for gluing)

What should we do to make a sheet of cardboard become a cone-shaped Christmas tree? (Cut a semicircle and glue)

What are we going to do to decorate the tree? (Cut out decorations from colored paper and glue them on the tree)

We have identified an action plan with you. By the end of the lesson, you should all have such beautiful Christmas trees.

V ... Practical work.

Let's get to work. I am distributing templates to you. Let's remember how to use a template, how to overlay it on a sheet? (Gently, you need to press the template against the paper. Use paper sparingly, overlay the template close to the edge)

Place the template close to the edge of the cardboard.(Demonstrating template overlay)

Hold the template with your left hand, grab a pencil with your right hand and trace around the template.

Did everyone get it neat? Now you need to cut out the template with scissors. Remember the safety rules when working with scissors.

We've got a detail - a semicircle with a place for gluing. Bend the part around the edge of the bonding area.(Demonstrating template bending)

Apply glue to this area.(Demonstrating glue application)

Quickly, until the glue is dry, join the edges of the part. Swipe your finger across the bonding area several times, applying pressure.(Demonstrating gluing a part)

We've got a Christmas tree, but it's not dressed up yet. You can decorate it with colored circles, stars, garlands, fringes. Cut decorations out of colored paper and stick them onto your Christmas trees. Get creative and get creative with this job.

(I walk through the rows, helping the students. I cut out circles for them from paper with a hole punch)

VI ... Analysis and evaluation of work.

An exhibition of finished products is arranged at 1 desk, their quality is discussed together (accuracy, accuracy, strength, elements of creativity).

Vii. Lesson summary.

What materials did we make today? (From paper and cardboard)

What is the name of our craft? (Christmas tree)

What new have you learned in the lesson, what have you learned?

What knowledge and skills have helped you to do the job accurately and beautifully today?

VIII ... Cleaning of the workplace.

Please remove your jobs.