Physical education is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Physical self-education and self-improvement in a healthy lifestyle. Physical education in a healthy lifestyle for students of the Faculty of Physical Education

Physical education

Criteria for the physical education of a person:

1) appropriate age opportunities students' indicators of physical development (motor skills and abilities, endurance, agility, the ability to withstand loads in running, pulling up, etc.);

2) health and hardening of the body, adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, systematic exercise, refusal to adhere to bad habits;

3) indicators of moral and aesthetic development (consistent manifestation of moral adherence to principles and intolerance to evil, the ability of aesthetic enjoyment of the content and form of beauty in physical activity person).

The physical education system at school includes:

1. Physical education lessons.

2. Extracurricular forms of physical culture and sports. In primary grades, these are groups of general physical fitness, physical culture circles, in the middle and senior classes - sports sections, sports competitions, hiking trips, the military sports game "Zarnitsa", etc.).

3. School-wide physical culture and sports events (monthly health and sports days, sports holidays etc.).

4. Physical culture and recreational activities, which are carried out during the school day. These include: morning hygienic gymnastics, short pauses, physical exercises, control of the correct landing at the desks, various sanitary and hygienic measures).

Out-of-school physical culture and sports work with children and youth is carried out in children and youth sports schools ah (CYSS), in sports societies and clubs, various public organizations, specialized sports camps... A significant contribution to the organization of physical education of children and youth is made by the media - radio, television, print. A large role in the physical education of children belongs to physical culture and sports life in family.

It is necessary, however, to remember the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "You cannot turn sport from a means of physical education for all children into a means of struggle for personal success, you cannot divide children into those capable and incapable of playing sports, you cannot stir up unhealthy passions around the struggle for the imaginary honor of the school."

Formation healthy way life

An important component of physical education is the formation of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren.

According to the Charter The World Organization Health (WHO), "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects."

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) includes the following basic behavioral components, which, from the first days of a child's life, parents should instill and educate, showing a personal example in everything:

Complete, varied, balanced nutrition.

2. Rational mode of work and rest.

It is the responsibility of the family and school to plan and arrange for proper rotation. different types activities of the child. This means:

a) provide the child with prolonged sleep with a strictly set time for going to bed and waking up. A good sleep- sufficient in time and flowing in good conditions(fresh air, silence). The activity of night sleep should be at least 10 hours for younger students, and at least 8.5 hours for older students;

b) regular food intake;

c) time for preparing lessons;

d) sufficient, not less than 2.5 hours, leisure in the fresh air.

4. Physical activity and hardening.

5. Compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene.

6. Favorable moral and psychological climate and positive mood.

7. Prevention bad habits and addictions (tobacco smoking, drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling addiction, etc.).

The system of upbringing a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren at the state level includes:

1. A set of measures for the protection of mothers and children, the creation of modern children's medical and preventive institutions, medical offices in educational institutions, sanatorium-type schools, correctional centers and points, summer health camps.

2. Strengthening the material base for physical education and sports (creation of stadiums, ice palaces, children's and youth sports schools, tourist centers, increasing funding for sports and tourism in the country).

3. Creation and expansion of a network of innovative general education "schools of health", in which it is created in a special way organized environment, favorable for strengthening the physical, mental and spiritual health students and teachers.

4. Creation of educational programs and manuals for students to study the basics of healthy lifestyles, as well as a methodological library on the problem of healthy lifestyles for teachers and educators.

At the school level, healthy lifestyle education involves the implementation of the following activities:

1. Inclusion of the health block of questions in the content of academic subjects (first of all, physical culture, biology, chemistry, the basics of life safety, pre-conscription training).

2. Extracurricular work on the formation of healthy lifestyles of students (conversations with health workers, meetings with athletes, walks and excursions in nature, hiking native land, games on the ground, etc.).

3. Providing conditions for physical activity in the schoolchild's day mode.

4. Prevention of bad habits and addictions.

5. Education of correct, moral attitudes towards the opposite sex.

6. Joint work of the school and the parent community, improving the general and physical culture of families.

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More on the topic 44. Physical education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students .:

  1. 100. Hygienic foundations of physical education and hardening. Medical groups for physical education enrollment. Organization of classes and requirements for building a physical education lesson. Healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene issues
  2. Healthy lifestyle, definition of the concept. Social and medical aspects of a healthy lifestyle (HLS).
  3. 9.Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children
  4. 103. Medical and social aspects of the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  5. 30. Physical education and physical development. Raising a healthy child. Tasks, means and methods of physical education

Physical education - pedagogical process aimed at creating conditions conducive to achieving good health, physical and motor development child. The teacher carries out this process from the standpoint of integrity and harmonization of the tasks of versatile development (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor). Physical education is based on the data of examination of children of the level of physical development, its harmony, compliance with age-related physiological indicators is determined.

PHIZ-E VOS-E- ped. a process aimed at improving the forms and functions of the human body, development physical qualities, abilities, the formation of motor skills and abilities, special knowledge in the field of physical culture for sports.

Healthy lifestyle (HLS)- a person's lifestyle aimed at preventing disease and promoting health.

The purpose of physical education is the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children.

The purpose of physical education- protection and strengthening of children's health.

I. Wellness: 1. To maintain and strengthen the health of children. 2. Develop the functional and adaptive capabilities of children and improve their performance. 3. To form the ability to maintain correct posture. 4. Satisfy children's need for movement. 5. Promote the development of all morphofunctional systems child's body, correct functioning internal organs... In a group health tasks a special place is occupied by the protection of life and health promotion of children, their all-round physical development, the focus of all participants in the educational process is the natural biological basis of the child's body.

II. Educational tasks: 1. To form ideas about your body, about health. 2, Introduce children to different ways performing basic movements. 3. To form an idea about the regime, about the relevance of rest. 4. Create conditions for the child to show agility, speed and other physical qualities. Educational tasks provide for an active position of the teacher on the implementation of the content of the physical development of children.

III. Educational tasks: 1. Raise interest in active physical activity. 2. Develop moral and volitional qualities child (organization, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, independence). 3. To educate the child's subjective position in various games and exercises. 4. To educate cultural and hygienic qualities. Educational tasks are aimed at the versatile development of children, the formation of interest and the need for systematic physical exercises.

Fixed assets nat. education preschoolers are:

I) hygiene factors(daily routine, hygiene of clothes, shoes, hygienic conditions, cultural and hygienic skills). They increase the effectiveness of the effect of physical exercise on the child's body, and also contribute to the normal functioning of all internal organs and systems.

2) Natural forces of nature(sun, water, air) enhance positive impact physical exercises on the body and increase the performance of the child, are used to harden him.

3) Physical exercises- the main means of physical education. They are used to solve health-improving, educational and educational tasks, contribute to the implementation of mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education preschoolers, and are also a treatment for many diseases.

The modern approach to the organization of physical development involves taking into account the natural scientific, psychological, pedagogical foundations.

Natural Science Foundations are based on the teachings of I.M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlova and their students. This position is about the threefold unity of the organism: the unity of the physical (bodily) and mental; the unity of all body systems; the unity of the body with the environment. This is the doctrine of the reflexes of the brain, the importance of the development of the cerebral cortex, the central nervous system. Teaching about the relationship of two signaling systems (which is reflected in the combination of showing actions and verbal instructions). The doctrine of a dynamic stereotype of behavior, when conditioned formations of stable reflexes are created for time and its content. Hence, preschool regime... the group is built on this principle.

Modern physiologists (P.K. Anokhin, N.M. Amosov, I.A.Arshavsky, M.I. - the biological basis of the body to perform certain physical activities.

Psychological foundations modern physical education reveal the importance of developing children's interest in the physical "I"; the formation of the need-motivational sphere (lines of awareness, consciousness, stability of motives, inclinations, etc.); the formation of the child's ideas about himself as a subject of motor activity; development physical abilities; taking into account the theory of installation by D.N. Uznadze, as a specially motivated "trigger" mechanism (LN Bozhovich, N. G. Morozova. LS Slavina. AL Venger, AN Leontiev, VA Petrovsky, D.N.

Uznadze, etc.).

Pedagogical Basics include the goal and objectives, factors and principles, means, content, conditions.

Thus, modern approaches to the physical development of children are based on scientific and theoretical foundations, recognition of the importance of preserving and strengthening the health of children, the formation of their habit of a healthy lifestyle, the integrity and harmony of physical development determines the specifics of the content of tasks, technologies of purposeful teaching activities... The presence of complex and partial (author's) programs creates software and methodological support for the implementation of the tasks of physical development of children.

Message from the work experience "Physical education as the basis of a healthy lifestyle"

Health - this is a state of complete physical,

spiritual and social well-being,

and not only the absence of disease and physical defects

(World Organization

health care)

Raising a healthy preschooler is a priority task in our kindergarten, and, by the nature of the activity, it is the main one for me. In accordance with modern requirements, the concept “ healthy preschooler”We must include not only the physical health of the child, but also the level of his general culture and social development... The integration of educational areas makes it possible to optimize wellness work.

In achieving this goal, I had to solve certain problems:

* protection and strengthening of children's health. Reducing morbidity, increasing the defenses of the child's body.

* Improvement of physical qualities. Prevention and correction of negative trends.

* Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, interest in physical culture and sports, the need for self-improvement

Speaking in a trinity, they, at the same time, share the work in certain areas, demanding different approaches, techniques and technologies.

A healthy child is considered by us as an integral bodily-spiritual organism, and health improvement is interpreted as a form of development, expanding the psychophysiological capabilities of children.

In my work, I test and apply effective techniques innovative health-preserving technologies, non-traditional gymnastics. I include rhythmic elements with fitballs in the system of individual lessons.

According to the results of work in 2016, our kindergarten was awarded the first place in the competitions for the city "Merry Starts", "Star Galaxy". In this achievement great place was assigned to health-improving work.

There are excellent opportunities for the implementation of the tasks of strengthening the health of children in our kindergarten. Includes: a gym and a sports ground, allows a diversified approach to the development of health.

The conditions of the developing environment of the preschool educational institution make it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of preserving and developing the health of children, making my work relevant in all directions:

Improving the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution

* Diagnostics, prevention, correction of deviations in the physical development of children

* Optimization of children's physical activity

* Hardening

*Integration work of the preschool educational institution and parenting families healthy child

* Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in children, interest in physical culture and sports

* Improving professional skills

Thus, the directions of my work as a physical education instructor are quite diverse. But I am sure that they will not be effective without developing healthy lifestyle habits in children. It is necessary here and now to lay the foundation for personal responsibility for one's health and awareness of the dependence of the world around us on the lifestyle and moral culture of each of us. Therefore, I determined this for myself as requiring special attention direction.

Scientists have shown that age under 7 years is the most favorable for acquiring the habit of being healthy. Modern reality dictates that being healthy is fashionable. I strive to show children the prestige of an active life position, body aesthetics, health conservation and development.

In solving this problem, I was supported by all the specialists of the preschool educational institution, educators and parents. Joint work plans included high-quality interaction in the promotion of physical culture and sports, the development of physical culture knowledge by children and related skills and abilities, which form the basis of the intellectual values ​​of physical culture. Integration of the efforts of all teachers to foster healthy lifestyle habits helps me to achieve certain success in this work.

Together with a speech therapist, we are working on correct breathing kids. The work of everyone in their classes on the same tasks helps to help problem children cope with their shortcomings faster.

The choreographer teaches children how to convey thoughts, feelings and impressions through rhythmic dance moves. The musical director creates scenarios and musical accompaniment for sports events and entertainment, prepares the artistic part of sports competitions with children.

I would like to note the close cooperation with preschool psychologist... With her suggestion, I apply the psychology of corporeality in my classes. This helps a lot to overcome the problems of children's lack of confidence in their own strengths and the capabilities of their bodies. The formation of arbitrary movement is based on the use of creative imagination. The so-called “meaningful” motor skills appear. The effect of the development of “meaningful” motor skills can be enhanced in an individual lesson if the child enters into a kind of dialogue with the organs of his own body as independently acting “persons”.

For example, I work with a child who has significant difficulties in throwing a ball with one hand and trying to catch it with the other. "Does not work? It's okay, I tell him. - You still have a little rest, and let your hands work for you. You just watch them. Give them names. Are they sisters or girlfriends? What do they like to play? How old are they - five, six? ... How skillful and dexterous they are! Praise them, stroke them. They can teach you how to throw and catch a ball so cool ... ”The result is that the effect of a separate health-improving measure is fixed in the form of a stable, holistic psychosomatic state, which can then be reproduced in the mode of motor self-development.

Thus, interdisciplinary connections help me to solve my profile problems.

In cooperation with educators, I carry out work to educate children about the need for a healthy lifestyle, interest in physical culture and sports. Implementation of a system of integrated complex lessons, for example, the cycle "I and my body", made it possible to stimulate the students' need for self-improvement and self-development, the formation of adequate self-esteem

Each cycle ends with shared leisure time with parents, where the acquired knowledge and skills are demonstrated by children and consolidated in games and competitions. Children and their parents show their sports training at the competition “Dad, Mom and I are a Sports Family”.

I explain to the children that sometimes the safety of their lives can depend on the ability to run, jump, climb, fall correctly. I use gaming problem situations, outdoor games-tasks, collective interaction.

I pay special attention to increasing the physical activity of children in the air. Summer is folk games(small towns, pioneerball ...), in winter - skiing and sledging.

Every winter, a skating rink is flooded on the territory of the kindergarten, which becomes a favorite place for sports games.

I promote physical education and sports not only in classes with children, but also by example of my own life. I am deeply convinced that adherence to a healthy lifestyle can be achieved from pupils only when you yourself lead one.

I stimulate children's interest in sports achievements by participating in annual competitions “ Fun starts”. We hold competitions between groups of senior preschoolers and between the teams of our kindergarten and the neighboring preschool educational institution.

My motto: “If not me, then who? And if I am, then everything is after me! ” Among my colleagues and parents of pupils, I have a lot of like-minded people.


physical education teacher

MBOU "Sarmanov Gymnasium"

Sarmanovsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Physical education and healthy lifestyle of students.

"Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, full and joyful life. " The ancient dictum of Hippocrates in our age of penetration into all spheres of scientific and technological progress becomes extremely relevant.

A sedentary lifestyle makes the human body defenseless with the development of various diseases. The situation with this is especially alarming for our children. For example, every tenth child suffers from obesity. In order for children to grow up healthy, proper physical education is necessary, as well as adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

Our children began to move less. Where did motor activity disappear? There were serial detective stories on TV, someone came up with "quiet games", and children - obedience itself! They play different puzzles, do not interfere with anyone and, to be honest, please adults with the fact that they can do their own thing ...

How does it all start? With a wonderful invention like a stroller. There tightly tied small man... You can’t say anything, it’s convenient! Now figure it out for yourself, the child sits in a stroller for two or three hours. If you observe from the side, you can see how the age of the stroller is gradually increasing. Sometimes up to 4 years old! He would have to run, barely keeping up with his parents, and he, a sort of Oblomov, rides, dangles his head, sleeps ... They bring him to kindergarten, and there music lessons spend sitting. And if a restless soul, hearing cheerful sounds, breaks into a dance, he immediately - sit!

Pay attention to which of the children is most convenient for educators in a nursery or kindergarten? Of course, the one who sits still. Plump, ruddy, obedient and sedentary are sitting in place.

Physical activity- biological need. For each age, it has its own optimum. If today you parents move less than yesterday, then tomorrow your children will move even less.

The child came to school. He is seated at a desk, and physical activity is reduced by 50 percent. When physical education teachers hinted that children with overweight(if it’s not a painful manifestation!) Who creates these instructions?

Today is a normal high school student's day - six lessons at school plus two to three hours at home for self-study, three to four hours of TV plus reading books. Children stand at stops, waiting for the tram to pass one or two stops. Children wait for the elevator to go up to the second or third floor.

Physical activity is essential for children! She not only trains the heart and blood vessels, preparing for life, but also develops muscles - the peripheral heart - which, if necessary, come to the aid of the body.

It is only natural that children school age get tired in time educational work... This is explained by the fact that monotonous work causes prolonged irritation individual parts of the cerebral cortex, protective inhibition occurs, which leads to a decrease in the attention and performance of children.

Physical education should be carried out in the second half of the lesson. It is advisable to carry out physical education one or two times in each lesson. Depending on the peculiarity of fatigue, it is necessary to select complexes. So, in the event that the students were sitting in the same pose long time, it is advisable to use complexes aimed at relaxing locally loaded muscle groups, as well as aimed at normalizing cerebral and peripheral circulation. In the third - fourth lesson, complexes should be applied to stimulate the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. In the event that children are overly excited, complexes should be used aimed at reducing the excitation of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

If children read for a long time, exercise minutes should be used to restore tired eyes.

1. To restore the eyes. If the eyes are tired, then it is necessary to perform several eye gymnastics exercises according to the scheme: light stroking of the eyebrows and eyelids closed eyes- blink frequently (10-15s) - shift your gaze to distant objects - complete circular motions eyes (10-15 s).

2. To restore tired muscles. If some parts of the body are tired separately (hands, legs, back, neck), then you need them relax and perform several exercises on these particular parts of the body: shaking, swinging, rotating, rubbing. These exercises can help relieve pain in tired muscles.

3. To reduce arousal. To do this, you need to perform several breathing exercises with extended inhalation and exhalation, several exercises breathing exercises requiring concentration, and sit for 20-30 seconds with your eyes closed.

As studies of domestic and foreign authors show, one of the powerful means of preventing and strengthening the health of the growing body of children is mass sports, physical culture in its various forms and combinations, including recreational, which do not require large material costs, but with the correct methodology for conducting classes, they give a person health, and, consequently, confidence and optimism in achieving the goals set by him in life.

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Samara, 2014


1. Health, healthy lifestyle and its components

2. Physical self-education and self-improvement is a condition for a healthy lifestyle




Health is the most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for cognition of the world around, for self-affirmation and human happiness. Active long life is an important component of the human factor.

Protecting one's own health is the direct responsibility of everyone; he has no right to shift it to others. It often happens that a person in the wrong way life, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating by the age of 20 - 30 brings himself to a catastrophic state and only then remembers about medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. Man is the creator of his own health, which must be fought for. WITH early age it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, temper, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene, that is, achieve harmony of health.

Scientific evidence suggests that most people, when they follow hygiene rules there is an opportunity to live up to 100 years or more. health self-education physical moral

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity, causing premature aging, others overeat in food with the almost inevitable development of obesity, vascular sclerosis, and in some - diabetes mellitus, others do not know how to rest, be distracted from work and household worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous internal diseases organs. Some people, succumbing to the addiction to smoking and alcohol, actively shorten their lives.

· Physical health- this is natural state organism, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.

· Mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities.

· Moral health determined by those moral principles that are the basis social life a person, i.e. life in a certain human society. Distinctive features the moral health of a person is, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of cultural treasures, active rejection of morals and habits that contradict the normal way of life. A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral "freak" if he disregards the norms of morality. That's why social health considered the highest measure of human health.

Only a healthy and spiritually developed person is happy: he feels great, gets satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, thereby achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty.

1 . Health, shealthy lifestyle and its components

Health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. When meeting, parting with loved ones and dear people we wish them good and strong health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of full and happy life... Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve basic life tasks, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, then significant overloads. Good health, reasonably maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures him a long and active life.

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a set of forms and methods of daily cultural life of an individual, based on cultural norms, values, meanings of activity and strengthening the adaptive capabilities of the body. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, labor, tempering and, at the same time, protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, allowing you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until a ripe old age.

Lifestyle refers to socio-biological factors, the components of which are a triad of indicators: level, quality and lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle - certain type behavior of an individual or a group of people, fixing steadily reproducible traits, manners, habits, inclinations of cultural life in specific social conditions.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: productive work, rational regime work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, balanced nutrition, etc.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the use of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle has a wide positive range of effects on various aspects of the manifestations of the body and human personality. In behavior, this is manifested in greater vital energy, composure, good, sociability; feeling of their physical and psycho-emotional attractiveness, optimistic mood, ability to ensure their full and pleasant stay, a holistic culture of life. In the psychological aspect, the advantages of a healthy lifestyle are found in the quality mental health, good health, in neuropsychic stability, the ability to successfully endure the consequences mental stress; in a well-expressed volitional organization (self-control, purposefulness, persistence in achieving the set goal, determination), self-confidence, less susceptibility to depression, hypochondria, suspiciousness. In functional manifestation, it can be noted: more high quality health, improvement of adaptive processes, increased efficiency and fitness; decrease in morbidity and painful sensations; faster and more complete course of recovery processes after physical and mental activity; strengthening of the body's immune defense mechanisms; the activity of metabolic processes in the body; increased sexual potency, normalization of the ratio of body weight and height; good posture and ease of gait.

2 . Physical self-educationand self-improvement is a condition for a healthy lifestyle

Physical self-education is a process of purposeful, conscious, systematic work on oneself, focused on the formation of a person's physical culture. It includes a set of techniques and activities that determine and regulate the emotionally colored, effective position of the individual in relation to his health, psychophysical state, physical improvement and education.

Physical education and education will not give long-term positive results if they do not activate the student's desire for self-education and self-improvement. Self-education intensifies the process of physical education, consolidates, expands and improves the practical skills and abilities acquired in physical education.

Self-education requires will, although it is itself formed and consolidated in work, overcoming difficulties on the way to the goal. It can be associated with other types of self-education - moral, intellectual, labor, aesthetic, etc.

The main motives for physical self-education are: the requirements of social life and culture, the claim to recognition in the team, competition, awareness of the discrepancy between their own forces and the requirements of social and professional activity. Criticism and self-criticism can act as motives, helping to realize their own shortcomings.

The process of physical self-education includes three main stages.

First step associated with self-knowledge of one's own personality, highlighting its positive mental and physical qualities, as well as negative manifestations that must be overcome. The effect of self-knowledge is due to the student's demands on himself. Self-knowledge methods include self-observation, introspection, and self-esteem.

Introspection - universal method self-knowledge, the depth and adequacy of which depend on its purposefulness and the ability of the subject to see, systematically observe on the basis of the selected criteria for the qualities or properties of the personality.

Introspection requires consideration of the committed action, deed, the reasons that caused it, helps to find out true reason action and determine the way to overcome unwanted behavior next time.

Self-esteem is closely related to the level of claims, i.e. the degree of difficulty in achieving the goals that the student sets for himself. The discrepancy between claims and real possibilities leads to the fact that the student begins to assess himself incorrectly, as a result of which his behavior becomes inadequate. Self-esteem depends on its quality (adequate, overestimated, underestimated). If it is underestimated, then it contributes to the development of uncertainty in their own capabilities, limits life prospects. Its adequacy is largely determined by the presence of clear criteria for behavior, actions, development of physical qualities, state of the body, etc. The first stage ends with a decision to work on oneself.

Stage II based on self-characteristics, the goal and program of self-education is determined, and on their basis a personal plan. The goal can be generalized and is set, as a rule, for a long period of time - years (for example, to achieve high level physical culture of the individual); private goals (tasks) - for several weeks, months. An approximate program - a guideline for physical self-education can be presented as follows. The goal is the formation of a person's physical culture. Activity objectives:

1. Include in a healthy lifestyle and promote health.

2. To activate cognitive and practical physical culture and sports activities.

3. To form the moral and volitional qualities of the individual.

4. Master the basics of the method of physical self-education.

5. Improve physical development and physical fitness in accordance with the requirements of future professional activities.

The general program should take into account the living conditions, the characteristics of the person himself, his needs. On the basis of the program, a personal plan of physical self-education is formed, an approximate view of which is presented in table. 1.

Table 1. Personal plan of physical self-education

Means and methods used

Days of classes

Strengthening health, hardening the body, inclusion in a healthy lifestyle

Morning exercises, exercise, hygiene and natural factors, daily routine

A set of 10 exercises (their description); cold and hot shower, air baths; adherence to the daily regimen, sleep, nutrition; a walk before going to bed 30 minutes; moving from the hostel to the university and back on foot


Developing persistence

Mandatory implementation of the scheduled for the day, week

Wake up at 6:30 am, bedtime at 11:00; physical exercises for 45 minutes at 18 hours; self-study from 19 to 21 h

Fostering coordination skills

Exercises to develop coordination of movements

Description of exercises, number of series and their repetitions

Building endurance

Running, hiking, biking, etc.

Running alternating with walking gradually reducing it for 30 minutes; hiking, cycling for 2 - 4 hours

2 times a week on weekends

Stage III physical self-education is directly related to its practical implementation. It is based on the use of methods of influencing oneself with the aim of self-change. Self-action methods aimed at personal improvement are called self-government methods. These include: self-command, self-hypnosis, self-belief, self-exercise, self-criticism, self-encouragement, self-commitment, self-control, self-report. Filling out a self-control diary systematically is like a self-report of what was done during the day. By being accountable for his actions, deeds, the student realizes deeper (and sometimes suddenly learns) what qualities he needs to form in the first place, what shortcomings to get rid of in order to improve his personality, what changes to make in his personal plan of work on himself.

There are two types of self-report: final and current. The final is summed up over a fairly long period of time - several months, a year. It is based on self-analysis of factual material characterizing human behavior in different situations and its circumstances and its results, which are reflected in its morphofunctional, mental, psychophysical state. The current self-report is summed up in a short period of time - a day, a week, several weeks.

Forms of physical self-improvement I am:

- NSearly hygienic gymnastics

Morning hygienic gymnastics contributes to a faster bringing the body into working condition after waking up, maintaining a high level of performance during the working day, improving the coordination of the neuromuscular apparatus, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. During morning exercises and subsequent water procedures, the activity of skin and muscle receptors, the vestibular apparatus is activated, the excitability of the central nervous system increases, which helps to improve the functions of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

- skiing

This type of cyclic exercise is used in northern regions with appropriate climatic conditions and is not inferior to running in terms of its health-improving effect. When skiing, in addition to the muscles of the lower leg and thigh, the muscles of the upper limbs and shoulder girdle, back and abdomen are also included in the work, which requires additional energy consumption. The participation in the work of almost all major muscle groups contributes to harmonious development elements of the musculoskeletal system. This type of cyclic exercise has a beneficial effect on nervous system, as it is performed in the fresh air. The specificity of the motor skill in skiing increases the sense of balance (very important for the elderly) as a result of training the musculoskeletal and vestibular apparatus. The hardening effect is also clearly manifested, the body's immunity to colds increases. It is no coincidence that Cooper puts skiing in first place in terms of its health-improving effect, evaluating it even higher than running.

The stress on the joints and the risk of injury when skiing is much less than when running. However, the technique of skiing is more complex and for untrained beginners of middle and old age can present certain difficulties, the likelihood of injury (including fractures) increases. In this regard, for skiing, you should choose relatively flat trails without a large height difference. Steep climbs put additional (sometimes excessive) stress on the circulatory system.

- hardening

An important preventive measure against colds is a systematic hardening of the body. It is best to start with childhood... The easiest way to harden is air baths. Water procedures are also of great importance in the hardening system. they strengthen the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure, improve metabolism. It is useful to be in the fresh air as much as possible, sunbathe, swim. Physically healthy and hardened people, subject to certain conditions, can carry out water procedures outdoors and in winter. Well-tempered people can swim even in 30-degree frost.

- health walking

In mass physical culture, health-improving (accelerated) walking is widely used: at an appropriate speed (up to 6.5 km / h), its intensity can reach the zone of the training regime (heart rate 120 - 130 beats / min). In the United States, for example, 53 million Americans are engaged in brisk walking (according to the Gallup Institute). Under these conditions, 300 - 400 kcal of energy is consumed per 1 hour of walking, depending on body weight (approximately 0.7 kcal / kg per 1 km of distance traveled). With daily health-improving walking exercises (1 hour each), the total energy consumption per week will be about 2000 kcal, which provides a minimum (threshold) training effect to compensate for the energy consumption deficit and growth functionality organism. This is supported by the results of the study of maximum aerobic performance. So, after 12 weeks of training in recreational walking (1 hour 5 times a week), the subjects showed an increase in BMD by 14% compared with the initial level. However, such a training effect is possible only for untrained beginners with low UEF. For more trained athletes health-improving effect walking decreases, since with an increase in fitness, the intensity of the load becomes lower than the threshold. An increase in walking speed of more than 6.5 km / h is difficult, because it is accompanied by a disproportionate increase in energy consumption. That is why when moving at a speed of 7 km / h and more slowly, running is easier than walking fast.


Thus, vivid convincing examples from scientific literature and life make it possible to be convinced of huge role the person himself to maintain his own health; develop skills negative attitude to bad habits. The recommendations address five major risk factors: smoking, poor diet, alcohol abuse, sedentary behavior and obesity. A person who has one or more of these risk factors is much more susceptible than other people diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and mental illness.

Without an active and constructive attitude of a person to his own health and the health of other people, without forming a habit and striving for a healthy lifestyle in everyone, without active participation population in carrying out sanitary, hygienic and preventive measures, hope for success in protecting and strengthening individual and public health it is forbidden.


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2. Balsevich V.K. Physical culture for everyone and everyone. - M .: FiS, 1988 .-- 208 p.

3. Berezin I.P., Dergachev Yu.V. School of Health. - SPb, 2001.

4. Grinenko M.F., Efimova T.Ya. How much do you need to move? - M .: Knowledge. Ser .: Physical culture and health, No. 2, 1985. - 63 p.

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6. Kutsenko GI, Novikov Yu.V. "A book about a healthy lifestyle" - M .: Profizdat, 1997. - 256 p.

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