Games trainings acquaintance at a parent meeting. Homework for parents. Exercise "As a child, I dreamed ... ..."

Interactive methods: exercises and training for parents

"Happy to school"

In order to form a culture of family relations, preserve and strengthen family values, prepare students for family life through the implementation of the "Family and School" program, we offer interactive methods for use in the work of a psychologist with parents (Appendix 1), training for parents "To school with joy" (Appendix 2).

Annex 1

Interactive methods

in the work of a psychologist with a parent audience

Exercise "Bag of associations"

The presenter invites the parents to have a task: to present their association in connection with the subject, the phenomenon indicated on the card, which they take out of the bag. The presenter asks that this association be associated with family, family relationships in their distant childhood.

(Cards: parental home, family vacation, family holiday, traditions, evening at home, belt, affectionate word, family quarrel, guests, punishment, play, TV, relatives, older generation, etc.)

Exercise "Bank of parental wisdom"

The moderator distributes leaflets to the participants and offers to write wise advice on family education on a particular problem. Tips are voiced, discussed and posted on the information stand.

Exercise "Symbolic drawing of the family"

The moderator invites the participants to depict the family in the form of symbols on a sheet of Whatman paper and offer their interpretation.

Exercise "Envelope of everyday questions"

The presenter invites parents to write problematic issues of family education, which are then discussed in a wide audience. Psychologist's comment.

Exercise "Flower"

The presenter offers the parents (a group of parents) a flower of seven petals, on which are written advice (questions) on a particular problem of family education. Parents give their interpretation of advice or questions. Psychologist's comment.

Exercise "Flower-seven-flower"

At the meeting with the children, which precedes his work with the parents, the moderator distributes flowers with seven petals to them and invites them to write their wishes in the sphere of relationships with parents. Similar flowers are distributed to parents. They are encouraged to think and write what their children dream of. Then the parents are presented with the flowers of the children and they can compare their results with those of the children.


Exercise "Theater"

The moderator invites parents to discuss a topic related to family education from the point of view of representatives of various social roles. The envelope contains cards with social roles. The presenter hands out cards to the participants and invites them to think about the point of view of their character on this issue: a child, teenager, young man, a representative of one of the youth subcultures, teacher, dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, policeman, psychologist, liberal, democrat, communist, clergyman, etc. etc.

Exercise "Free microphone"

The presenter holds a microphone. The one from the audience, in whose hands the microphone falls, shortly, within 30 seconds

a) expresses his point of view on a particular issue, shares his memories, experiences, etc .;

b) recalls a fact from his childhood that caused stress, made him suffer and suffer, etc.

The form of the dispute involves addressing problematic topics that cause conflicting judgments of parents. The wording of the topics should be “sharp”, “touching the heart”. "Ideal parents - myth or reality?", "Is it easy to be young?", "How to live without conflicts with children?", "Is it worth punishing a child?" etc.

"Contest of Proverbs"

The moderator invites the participants to recall as many proverbs as possible about family education.

"Fairy tale competition"

The presenter invites parents to recall fairy tales that reflect the problems of family education and tell how the heroes found a way out of this situation.

Exercise "The Tale of Education"

The presenter offers parents a scheme for drawing up a fairy tale. Within 20 minutes, they must compose a fairy tale in which one or another problem of the relationship between parents and children finds a solution.

Exercise "Piggy bank of errors (problems)"

Collage making

"Modern youth", "This strange adult world"

Youth magazines are needed.

Competition "You are for me, I am for you"

Teams come up with several conflict situations between parents and children. Situations are exchanged. Parents choose one of them, which they beat.

Psychologist's comment.

Competition "Youth of my parents"

Children, together with their parents, talk about the youthful hobbies of their parents.

Exercise "Ways of solving conflict situations"

The moderator invites the participants to draw up a program of action in a particular conflict situation.

Exercise "Perceiving the feelings of a child"

Children tell us much more than is expressed in words. Feelings are always behind the word. After reading the child's statement, the participants need to perceive his feelings about this situation as accurately as possible. Some statements can express different feelings of the child.

The child says: “I don’t know what the mistake is! I cannot solve this problem. Maybe I shouldn't try to solve it? "

The child feels: a) Feels stupid; b) feels the urge to give up the decision, c) feels annoyed.

Exercise "Directory of Forbidden Expressions"

Participants are invited to compile a catalog of prohibited statements in relation to the child.

Exercise "Childhood Memories"

Exercise "Poetry"

The presenter invites parents to compose a quatrain about the relationship between parents and children according to a given rhyme.

For example: a) I love it will sweep

I can stand to respond

Exercise "I am the message"

The moderator invites the parents, using the “I-messages” technique, to resolve the situation so that both sides are satisfied.

Appendix 2

Training for parents "To school with joy"

Purpose: assistance in the successful adaptation of parents of first-graders.

create conditions for parents to calmly pass the period of the beginning of their child's schooling;

Help build confidence and relieve anxiety during the transition from preschool to primary school;

explain the reasons for possible psychological difficulties in first-graders and ways to prevent them;

to compose a psychological portrait of a successful first grader.

In the life of each of us there are stages, steps that are very important for the future. One of these stages is preparation for learning in a school setting. This is a very difficult period for a child, especially a six year old.

Our child goes to first grade. How can you help your child adapt successfully? How to prevent the occurrence of psychological problems?

It is difficult for a child during this period, just as it is for us when finding a job for a new job.

The general task of teachers and legal representatives is to help the child learn with pleasure, to help him maintain a direct natural interest in learning about the world.

The child and the parent make up a single emotional space. Our excitement, anxiety and anxiety are transmitted to our children. Therefore, it is very important to first learn how to manage your psychological state, and then help the child to overcome the "entry into a new position" without loss.

Today we tried to measure your idea of ​​a child entering first grade using color. Each color carries a certain meaning.

Exercise "What color are your ideas about a child's admission to school?"

Red - the idea of ​​school as an active activity.

Yellow - you are happy to think of school as an exciting life stage.

Orange - joyful representations of the child's school life.

Green - a calm attitude towards school life.

Blue - school is a concern.

Purple - anxious expectations.

Black - gloomy ideas about school everyday life.

Anxiety and anxiety in the face of the unknown are quite normal, unless they go down to pathology. It is necessary to help the child to perceive education as a vital, interesting and creative process. This is the only secret of success.

What are the reasons for the parents' concern?

This may be a loss of faith in oneself, insufficient knowledge of how to prepare a child for school, excessive demands on the child, or, conversely, excessive love for him.

Often, when meeting, parents ask the question of how to prevent the emergence of difficulties. It is very important to observe the following points here. Talking about school, about its everyday life and holidays is calm. It is important to create an atmosphere of calmness and goodwill at home, not to scold or punish the child for mistakes and ignorance, because he came to school to study, and not in order to shine with his knowledge.

The second question is how long can the adaptation process take? Differently: from one month to one year. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child. And this is where your patience is important. The adaptation was successful, if there are no tears, no “I can’t” and “I don’t want to”.

Exercise "Difficulties of a first grader"

Parents are encouraged to think about and write down the possible difficulties of the first graders.


Let us dwell on the most typical problems faced by the parents of first graders.

The child has no desire to go to school or is afraid.

What are the reasons? The child thinks that he will be scolded, punished for bad behavior. Fear can be transmitted from parents who share their experiences, fears in the presence of children. The child hears "scary" stories about the school from his family. What to do? First of all, eliminate the causes. If the fear persists, then you should seek help from specialists.

The child is restless. What is the reason? First of all, it lies in the physiological immaturity of the child's body. A first-grader child can hold attention for a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes. Motor restlessness is a protective reaction of the body. It allows you not to bring your body to overwork. It should also be remembered that even short-term illnesses disrupt the performance of children for a considerable time. The highest efficiency of first graders is from 8.00 to 11.00 in the morning. In the second half of the day from 4 pm to 5 pm there is an increase in working capacity, but it does not reach the morning level. How can I help my child? Interruptions in educational activities after 15 - 20 minutes in the form of physical education, outdoor games, as well as a change in the type of activity, help to relieve physical stress.

The child is bullied at school. It is important here to listen to the child to the end and teach him to forgive insults without taking them to heart. Having found out together the motives of the abuser, it may turn out that our child is wrong. If so, then we can teach the child to respond to resentment with a joke. Laughter is a great healer and comforter.

The child is breaking discipline.

The reason is to get attention. Often, adults pay attention only to the negative qualities of the child, taking the positive for granted. But nature abhors a vacuum. If positive qualities develop poorly, then negative ones arise. For a child to become embittered, it is enough that a sense of kindness is not nurtured by the example of adult behavior. If a child hears about kindness only in the form of moralizing and teaching, then even minor troubles can cause anger, aggression, cruelty.

What needs to be done for a child to be successful? What qualities should a successful first grader have? Let's try to answer this question together by compiling a psychological portrait of a successful first grader.

Exercise "Psychological portrait of a successful first grader"

Parents are invited to draw up a psychological portrait of a successful first grader.


We wish you to successfully prepare for school, painlessly go through the adaptation period. During this period, it is very important, when seeing the child out of the house, not to read lectures, threaten or scold, but best of all, confidentially, with love and faith, say to him: “I am really looking forward to you, we will meet in the evening for dinner. I'm sure you can handle it, you're a fine fellow! "

And then the school will become a school of joy for you and your baby.

At the end of the training session, parents are given reminders "Good advice to parents": "If the child has no desire to go to school", "Self-diagnosis for parents", "If the child is restless", "If the child is offended?", "What should the future know and be able to do?" first grader? ”,“ How to develop the creative imagination of a child ”,“ How to praise a child? ”,“ How to punish a child? ”,“ Useful games ”.


If the child has no desire to go to school

or is he afraid?

Possible reasons:

* Children are afraid that they will be scolded at school, punished for bad behavior, that they will come across an evil teacher.

* There are older children in the family who share negative things with the younger ones.

* Sometimes fear is transmitted from parents who, in the presence of a child, experience: "I am afraid that it will be,

when my child goes to school - he is like that

vulnerable, and the teachers are so freaked out, and if he falls behind the desk with the same detachment as our neighbor Vanya, he is his

will offend ".

* Sometimes grandparents share "scary"

stories from the lives of their children.

* One of the most important conditions for successful adaptation is the child's conscious desire for school,

a real interest in learning activities,

those. the formation of educational motivation.

It includes:

* the presence of cognitive interests (the child likes

reading books, solving problems, doing others

interesting tasks).

* understanding the need for teaching as

obligatory, responsible activity.

* Emotionally safe attitude to school.

How to better and more correctly help your child

in the first months of school?

* A good summer vacation is required.

* Calmly talk about school: its everyday life and holidays.

* It is advisable to take a vacation and be

next to the child.

* Create an atmosphere of calmness and friendliness at home.

* Greet your child from school with a smile.

* Do not scold or punish the child for mistakes and ignorance.

He is just starting to learn.

* Be sure to walk after school.

* Lovingly equip your home school space.

* He can take his beloved to school, not very

a great toy.

* When he returns from school, ask for details

about what was interesting at school.

* Don't forget that your child needs recognition and praise.

* Rejoice at his successes and victories.

* The child cannot adapt quickly. This period

can last from 1 month to a year.

* Try to be patient. And if you see that everything

"straightens up", bounces back, becomes smaller

tears, "I can't" and "I don't want", that means it's small

victory is yours and your child's.

What to do if your child

bully at school?

* First of all, listen to the child to the end, without interrupting.

* After listening to him, be sure to say that everything will change soon. People grow up and become wiser.

* It is important to teach your child to forgive these grievances and not take them to heart.

* Try together to find out the motives of the abuser. It may turn out that your child was wrong.

* If this happens, teach your child to respond to resentment with a joke. Laughter is a great healer and comforter.

* Think about whether you are touchy. Indeed, for a child, a parent is the most worthy role model.

If the child breaks the discipline?

Often, adults indicate only the negative qualities of the child, his transgressions, and forget about the positive ones. But nature abhors a vacuum. If positive qualities develop poorly, then negative ones arise. For a child to become embittered, it is enough that a feeling of kindness is not fostered. If kindness is not brought up purposefully, if a child hears about it only in the form of moralizing and teaching, then even minor troubles can cause anger, aggression, cruelty.

The main thing is to bring up positive qualities in all possible ways by your own example, by examples from the surrounding life, art, culture, history.

What to do if your child enjoys going to school

but is he doing poorly?

* Let the child feel that he is not worse than others.

* Give an opportunity to believe in yourself.

* Understand what he likes best, what he does best, and, based on the positive, try to interest him in what is more difficult.

* The child is not always to blame for the fact that he does not study well. He has not yet switched from kindergarten to school: he missed something, misunderstood. The main thing is that the teacher does not stigmatize the child: a bum, stupid, lazy.

* "Get in" into his difficulties and together with him understand, resolve, explain.

What to do if the child is restless

twirls and can't sit for 15 minutes?

A first-grader child can hold attention for 15-20 minutes maximum, because his capacity for work is not great. Then he starts spinning, playing, making noise.

Motor restlessness is a protective reaction of the child's body. At this time, there is a kind of disconnection, a short rest. This allows you not to bring your body to overwork.

Signs of overwork:

* handwriting deteriorates

* the number of errors increases

* slows down the rate of speech

* "stupid" errors appear

* the child becomes absent-minded, inattentive, whiny, lethargic and


The best option is to have breaks in educational activities every 15-20 minutes, which will help the child to regain their strength. During breaks, physical activity is useful: physical exercises, outdoor games, dancing.

If the child is slow?

It is wrong to consider such behavior of a child as disobedience or stubbornness. He may have some peculiarities of the nervous system,

manifested in a slow pace of activity. Given enough time, these children cope with tasks. Such children should not be rushed, demanding from them to quickly do something - this further inhibits them. Parents should definitely consult a doctor, warn the teacher about the peculiarities of the child.

A passive child will certainly have difficulties, it will be more difficult for him to complete tasks in the classroom, when there are time constraints, it will be more difficult for him to react to a changing environment. Such a child adapts much longer than an active child.

However, sluggish children have their own advantages: as a rule, they perform tasks more efficiently, diligently, thoughtfully.

Self-diagnosis for parents

We offer you a test, by answering the questions you will be able to estimate the level of development of your child. Each question requires an affirmative answer. The more of these answers, the higher the level of development of your child. If any of the evaluated criteria did not receive affirmative answers, you have the opportunity to pull the child up in this direction.

Assessment of the development of cognition

  1. Does the child know basic concepts such as right / left, large / small, in / out?
  2. Is the child able to understand the simplest cases of classification, for example, things that can roll and things that cannot?
  3. Can a kid guess the ending of an uncomplicated story?
  4. Can the child remember and follow at least three directions?
  5. Can a child name most of the upper and lower case letters of the alphabet?

Assessing the child's basic experience

  1. Did the child have to accompany you to the post office, to the savings bank, to the store?
  2. Was the kid in the library?
  3. Has the child ever been to a zoo, a village, a museum?
  4. Do you have the opportunity to regularly read to your baby, tell him stories?
  5. Does the child show an increased interest in something, does he have a hobby?

Assessment of language development

  1. Can the child name and identify the main objects around him?
  2. Is it easy for a child to answer questions from adults?
  3. Can the child explain where the objects are located: on the table, under the table?
  4. Can the child explain what different things are for: a brush, a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator?
  5. Is the baby able to tell a story, describe some incident that happened to him?
  6. Does the child pronounce the words clearly?
  7. Is the child's speech correct in terms of grammar?
  8. Is the child able to participate in a general conversation, act out a situation or play in a home play?

Assessment of the level of emotional development

  1. Does the child look cheerful (at home, among friends)?
  2. Has the child formed an image of himself as a person who can do a lot?
  3. Is it easy for a kid to "switch" when changes in the usual daily routine, to move on to solving a new problem?
  4. Is the child able to work independently, to compete in completing assignments with other children?

Assessment of communication skills

  1. Are other children involved in the game, does it share with them?
  2. Does the child take turns when the situation calls for it?
  3. Is the child able to listen to others without interrupting?

Physical development assessment

  1. Does the child hear well?
  2. Does he see well?
  3. Is he able to sit quietly for some time?
  4. Does he have developed motor coordination skills, for example, can he play ball, jump, go down and climb stairs?
  5. Does the child look cheerful and enthusiastic?
  6. Does the child look healthy, well-fed and rested?

Visual discrimination

  1. Can a child identify similar and dissimilar forms, for example, find a picture that is unlike the others?
  2. Can the child distinguish between letters and short words, for example, b / p, cat / year?

Visual memory

  1. Can a child notice the absence of a picture if he is first shown a series of three pictures and then removed one?
  2. Does the child know his own name, home address, telephone?

Visual perception

  1. Is the child able to arrange in order (in a given sequence) a series of pictures?
  2. Does the child understand that they are reading from left to right?
  3. Can he put together a picture of fifteen elements on his own, without outside help?
  4. Can the baby interpret the picture: formulate the main idea, trace the connections?

Hearing ability level

  1. Can a child rhyme words?
  2. Is he able to distinguish between words starting with different sounds, for example, wood - weight?
  3. Can a child repeat a few letters or numbers after an adult?
  4. Is the child able to retell the story while maintaining the main idea and sequence of actions?

Assessment of attitudes towards books

  1. Does the child have a desire to look at books on their own?
  2. Does he listen attentively and with pleasure when read aloud to him?
  3. Does the child ask questions about words and other printable characters?

Do I want to go to school? (test for preschoolers)

  1. When I go to school, I will have many new friends.
  2. I'm wondering what lessons we'll have.
  3. I think I will invite the whole class to my birthday.
  4. I would like the lesson to last more than a break.
  5. Wondering what the school offers for breakfast?
  6. When I go to school, I will study well.
  7. The best thing about school life is the holidays.
  8. It seems to me that there are more interesting things in school than in kindergarten.
  9. I want to go to school, because many children from my home are already studying.
  10. If I had been allowed, I would have gone to study already last year.

Ask your child: "If someone spoke for you, would you agree with the following words?" and record his answers on the plate.

Let's calculate the results:

1 - 3 points- Your child thinks that she lives well without a school. You should think about it.

4 - 8 points- The child wants to go to school, but it should be clarified why. If there are more points in the first line, then the child basically dreams of new games for his friends. If there are more points in the second line, then he fully understands the main purpose of the school.

9 - 10 points- It is good if your child maintains a positive attitude towards school for the years to come.

What should a future first grader know?

  1. Your name, names and patronymics of your parents.
  2. Your address.
  3. The name of the country, city in which he lives.
  4. Rules of conduct at school in the classroom and during recess.
  5. How to properly organize your workplace.
  6. Rules for landing at a desk and organization of the workplace.
  7. The names of the seasons and their signs, natural phenomena.
  8. The names of the days of the week, the name of the current month.
  9. The names of animals and plants found in our region.
  10. Number series from 1 to 10, forward and backward counting.
  11. Numbers.
  12. Signs +, -, =.

What should a future first grader be able to do?

  1. Behave correctly in class and recess.
  2. Prepare everything you need for class.
  3. Sit correctly at the desk.
  4. Hold a pen, pencil correctly.
  5. Listen carefully to the teacher, perceive what he says.
  6. Fulfill the teacher's requirements.
  7. Switch from one activity to another.
  8. Correctly react to your failures and victories, to the successes and failures of your classmates.
  9. Slow down your physical activity.
  10. Make up sentences of 3-4 words, divide them into words,
  11. Compose stories from pictures.
  12. Tell about what you saw and heard.
  13. Express your thoughts clearly.
  14. Distinguish between sound, word, sentence.
  15. Pronounce sounds correctly and be able to distinguish them by ear.
  16. Determine by ear with the help of claps the number of syllables in a word.
  17. Type your name, familiar letters and words.
  18. Count to 10 and back.
  19. Recognize numbers and use them when referring to a number.
  20. Compare and equalize sets by adding and subtracting.
  21. Recognize items by description,
  22. Recognize simple geometric shapes.
  23. Navigate in space and in a notebook.
  24. Perform simple graphic dictations.
  25. Color the pictures carefully.
  26. Shading in different directions.
  27. Draw pictures in half.
  28. Redraw and copy graphic drawings, shapes, elements.
  29. Solve labyrinths, be able to distinguish between seasons, natural phenomena, animals.

How to develop creative imagination


Creative imagination must be developed from early childhood. Everyone needs it.

* Start by playing "What's it like?" Try to guess the images in the clouds, frosty patterns, multi-colored blots, unusual roots, twigs, leaves.

* Ask your child more often: "how what?"

* The same fluffy - how what?

* The same prickly - like what?

* The same funny - how what?

The child will learn to compare and find a suitable image.

* Accept the child's fantasies, do not reject them. About chocolate trees and snow frogs, about sweet rain and a blue apple ... By fantasizing, he will learn to compose fairy tales, stories, sketches.

* Try to paint on large sheets of paper: paints, chalk, prints of leaves and candy wrappers, palms and fingers. Try to ask: what happened? What does it look like? Even if it turned out to be nonsense in your opinion, ask the child: "What is this?" And he will definitely answer. Accept his "creativity".

* Give him plasticine and clay.

* Give empty boxes and plastic cups. Simulate, invent, build ...

Let all the child's fantasies spill out.

* Create your own "typography" at home. Try to publish your own newspapers, books. Teach and learn with your child to design, compose, draw.

* Try to create a home "gift fund", where you will put all the interesting crafts that you can give your family, friends and acquaintances on occasion.

* Try to compose carnival costumes together.

* Try to involve your child in the decoration of the festive table.

* Teach your child wit. Teach him to find funny, funny in the world around him. A sense of humor fosters a creative attitude towards life.

* Read funny and witty poems by D. Harms, O. Grigoriev, G. Oster and A. Usachev.

* Remember! Creative, gifted, capable children often stand out for their unusual behavior and original actions.

* If you want your child to grow up internally free, independent, to strive for future success, develop creative imagination from an early age.

How to praise a child?

Praise has the property of a drug: more and more. And if there was a lot, but it became little or not at all, a state of deprivation arises.

When and whom to praise more?

* Lagging behind, sick, too peculiar, too shy,

slow, clumsy, fat, stutter, bespectacled, redhead. If a person in these states is not supported by rewards, approval, a person can go to the extreme, to hopelessness.

* Healthy, cheerful, capable, everything is easy, in everything first. Praise only for the labor of development - for exceeding your norm.

* Sufficiently healthy and developed. Not without ability. Quite well. But sharply heightened sensitivity to estimates. Can't stand the slightest disapproval, gets upset. As few estimates, comparisons as possible.

How not to praise?

* Do not praise something that has not been achieved by your own labor: physical, mental or spiritual.

* Strength, dexterity, health, ingenuity, ingenuity, intelligence, talent, good disposition are not subject to praise; easily given good marks, toys, things, clothes.

It is advisable not to praise:

* more than two times in one and the same;

* out of pity;

* out of desire to please.

You are good already because you live in the world! Such (oh) as you have never been, is not and will not be. You are a dewdrop that has time to reflect the sun, and this is a miracle. You are a miracle!

Is it worth punishing

child and how to do it?

To punish or not to punish, how to do it - everyone decides for himself. Sometimes psychological punishment can be more severe than physical punishment.

* When punishing, think: why?

* Punishment should not harm health - neither physical nor mental.

The punishment should be helpful.

* If in doubt - to punish or not to punish, do not punish. No punishment "just in case."

* One at a time. Even if a great many misdemeanors have been committed, the punishment can be severe, but only one - for all at once, and not one by one for each.

* Statute of limitations. Better not to punish than to punish too late. Delayed punishment reminds the child of the past, which prevents the child from changing.

* Punished - forgiven. Not a word about old sins! Do not interfere with starting life over again!

* No humiliation. Punishment should not be perceived by a child as a triumph of our strength over his weakness.

* With a deficit of love, life itself becomes punishment, and then punishment is sought as the last chance for love. You cannot punish with lessons, reading, cleaning.

These "out-of-order" outfits can instill an aversion to work.

You can not punish and scold:

* When sick, experiencing some kind of ailment or has not yet recovered from an illness: the psyche is especially vulnerable, the reactions are unpredictable.

* When eating, after sleeping, before going to bed, while playing, while working.

* Immediately after physical or mental trauma (fall, fight, accident, bad grade, any failure, even if he himself is to blame for this failure) - you need to wait until the acute pain subsides.

* When he does not cope with fear, inattention, with any shortcoming, making sincere efforts; when he shows inability, awkwardness, stupidity, inexperience - in short, in all cases when something does not work out.

* When the internal motives of an act are incomprehensible to us.

* When we are tired, upset, annoyed for some reason.

Which games will benefit the most

for the intellectual development of the child?

* All constructors. They develop fine motor skills (and hence speech), design skills, the ability to analyze, attention, geometric representations.

* Developing games B.P. Nikitin and V.I. Krasnoukhova.

* All mosaics. Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, fine motor skills, color perception, creative imagination, etc.

* All lotto. They introduce you to the world around you, develop memory and attention, the ability to analyze and compare, etc.

* All dominoes. Introduce numbers and numbers, letters and syllables, teach to compare, analyze and be attentive, develop communication skills.

* All plane games develop memory and attention, geometric representations, logical, figurative and spatial thinking, fine motor skills, perseverance and independence.

* Paired pictures (Pekseso). They introduce you to the world around you, history, develop memory and attention, communication qualities, concentration, perseverance, etc.

* Puzzle games from the "Little genius" series ("Little genius",

"Happy Cube", "Marble Cube", "Profi Club".

Develop logical thinking, design skills, skill

analyze and synthesize, precision and accuracy, etc.

How do you make smart games useful?

* It is important not to impose, not force them to play.

* Do not prompt the child with solutions, do not make for him, do not rush him, do not reproach if he suddenly did something wrong. Give him the opportunity to "win."

* If you do not have any games, they can be made together with the child (the benefits of this are double).

Parent meetings

Health-saving parenting support

January 16, 2008

Parents' meeting in grade 8-B,

Cl. headKarimova Tatiana Viktorovna

The development of modern society puts the educational process of the school on the path of transformation and a new understanding of the goals and objectives of training and education. V recent times there is an acute issue of health preservation of all subjects of the educational process: students, teachers, parents. The influence of stress factors force a person to constantly be in a state of stress, tension, aggression, which cannot but affect somatic and mental health. In order to find harmony with the outside world, knowledge is needed to help solve emerging problems and, accordingly, preserve the health of the individual. In this regard, we have developed a program of health-saving parenting support, which provides the necessary knowledge that makes it possible to obtain maximum results in raising children at minimal cost.

Developing a parent meeting in grade 8.

Preparing for the parent meeting:carrying out techniques:

a) "Your nerves";

b) "Alarm definition";

c) "Psychogeometric test";

Goals :

acquaintance of parents with each other and the class teacher;

rallying the parental team;

familiarization with the peculiarities of adolescence and the peculiarities of the development of their children (using the above methods);

optimization of child - parental relations.

Form: training.

Office design and equipment: desks are arranged in the shape of a circle, a tape recorder with audio recordings of calm, classical music. (Music can be played throughout the entire meeting.) Talisman: Candle.

Time spending: 1 - 1.5 hours.

Meeting progress.

Stage 1.

What is training

Exercise "Bag of problems"

Setting goals for parent meeting.

Exercise "Acquaintance".


to acquaint parents with each other, with the class teacher and educational psychologist;

unite those present at the parent meeting.

Submission plan(written on the board):

1. Name

2. Character adjective

3. My job.

4. Hobbies

(Practice shows that this plan is a very good helper for both parents and the class teacher and psychologist, as it helps each participant in the training to open up and unites everyone present.)

After this exercise, a warm atmosphere is felt, an atmosphere of openness and trust is established, which is important for further work.

Before moving on to the main part of the meeting, we conduct a psychological warm-up.

A word from the teacher at the end of the quarter.

Exercise "Snowflake"

Now we are going to perform an interesting exercise. The main condition: close your eyes and listen to my instructions. Everyone has a sheet, all sheets are of the same shape, size, quality, color. Listen carefully and do the following:

1. fold the sheet in half.

2. tear off the upper right corner

3. fold the sheet in half again

4. tear off the upper right corner again

Continue this procedure as long as possible. Now open up your beautiful snowflake. Now I ask you to find among the rest of the snowflakes exactly the same as yours. Conclusion - children are all different. Their abilities, capabilities and personal qualities are different.

Exercise "Diplomatic reception".

Target: to create an emotionally warm atmosphere in communication, conducive to openness and trust.

1. Participants stand in a circle and settle for "first - second".

2. All the "first" numbers acquire the status of "foreign guests" in the game, the "second" numbers - diplomatic workers.

The following scenario is set: "You meet a foreign guest from a friendly country at the airport. Within five minutes you need to make your guest feel comfortable, in the center of attention and care."

The group members are divided into pairs and a conversation begins in each pair. The time is strictly fixed (2 minutes each - roles are reversed).


In what role was it more pleasant for you to be and why?

What were you talking about?

Did you feel free in the conversation, or were you embarrassed by something?

Exercise "Palm, monkey, elephant"

Palm - hands up

Monkey - close your eyes with your hands

Elephant - put your hands on your stomach.

Main part.


1. Conversation about the peculiarities of adolescence.

2. Individual psychological characteristics of adolescents in this class.

In adolescence, children resemble those same foreign guests, in the role of which you have now been. And in order to establish a warm relationship with them, you need to make efforts, surround them with care and attention.

The adolescent period is a period of changes, transformations in the life of a child. During adolescence, everything changes: body, character, thinking, ideals, norms, values, etc. The changes cover four areas of development: body, mind, social life, self-awareness.

The change in bodily forms and his internal structure entails the need to restructure the consciousness of a teenager, it is important for him to take his new look.

One of the neoplasms of this period is the feeling of adulthood. This means that during this period itself, the adolescent does not have a sensitive sense of "who is he?" He has yet to figure it out. He already feels himself "not a child", but not yet an adult. And this factor is one of those that make a teenager enter into conflicts with adults, as he (the teenager) strives to try to be an adult. To try for himself, it is not enough for him what he sees around him.

Social sphere. The teenager needs to take a certain place in his reference group. The influence of the family is gradually being replaced by the influence of the peer group, where the young person acquires new forms of behavior and, accordingly, receives a certain status. It is during this period that adults, in particular parents, take offense at their children, thinking that they are completely moving away from them, feeling themselves indifferent to their children. This is not entirely true. An adult is important for a teenager, his recognition, understanding, support is important for him, however, it is also important for a person growing up to understand by what standards people live in the adult world. Therefore, some begin to smoke, especially if there is a smoking parent in the family, some try alcoholic beverages, "disappear" somewhere late. Thus, they reproduce the model of behavior of an adult (maybe one of the family members behaves in this way, maybe this model of behavior is seen by a teenager somewhere from the environment, taken from a film ...). But with his behavior, the teenager also studies your reaction. It is important for him to know how you will behave in a given situation in order to draw a conclusion for himself whether he wants to be like you or not. This is the path of individuality formation.

And here parents make the first mistakes in raising their children, telling the child: "Do not show yourself, be like everyone else." And the child does not want, and cannot be like everyone else. He strives for individuality, and everything around him is in the same state. What should he be? This is the first reason for disagreement between teenagers and parents.

Secondly, during this period, the child is especially acutely perceived verbally transmitted negative prescriptions of adults. These prescriptions are destructive. They are like curses that bewitch a teenager, especially if he is very susceptible. Among the verbally transmitted prescriptions, one can single out spells, curses, negative prophecies, stoppers.

Spells - negative definitions such as: "You are dirty!", "Dumb!", "Dumb!" etc.

Curses - wishes for damage, which have the character of a direct order: "So that you fail!", "We would be much better without you!", "Why can't you be human!"

Negative prophecies- the child is told what awaits him in the future: "Nothing sensible will come of you!", "The prison is crying for you!", "You will never achieve anything!", "You will never become a real man!" ! ".

Stoppers (from the word stop)- messages indicating in one form or another what should not be done: "Don't be smart!", "Don't be angry!", "Don't think about ...", "Don't touch, you still won't succeed! ".

Match these phrases with those you are saying to your child. Do you really want everything you say negative to come true? But it is no coincidence that in the Russian language there is a saying "The word, but it does not go by"! You probably know these lines as well:

"You can kill with a word,

You can save with a word

In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you! "

Be careful with the words spoken to your children. They can come true!

Team Drawing Exercise

Agree on a drawing

Relaxation "Walk along the seashore"

“Imagine that you are going for a walk to the sea. Before you stretches a white endless sandy beach. You stand barefoot and feel the fine warm sand under your feet. You are completely relaxed and calm, you breathe fresh, clean sea air deeply. You kneel down and pick up the sand. Slowly, you spill fine, sparkling sand through your fingers. You sit here on the warm sand and hear only the sound of the sea. You get up again and move on calmly. A light pleasant breeze blows. You feel how he caresses your face. You well. You fall into the warm sand and it engulfs you. You lie still, not moving, and feel the warmth of the sand beneath you. Memorize this picture and take it back to class with you. You are completely relaxed, calm and happy. You are full of fresh energy and ready to go. "

Stage 2.

Working with parents based on the results of the methods carried out. Each parent receives an individual psychological map of his child, where the data of the methods are entered.

Exercise "You and I are alike ..."

Parents survey

(micro-study on the normalization of the study load)

Exercise "Telegraph"

Pass the clenching of the hand in a circle. At the end, the squeeze should reach the leader.

Stage 3.


What is most important for a teenager in such a difficult period of his life? I think that, firstly, a teenager should know that his parents love him. Love creates trust in each other. Trust is the foundation of understanding and support.


Psychologists advise parents of teenagers:

All comments should be made in a friendly, calm tone;

Do not use shortcuts;

Help the child find a compromise between body and soul;

Remember that the child needs not so much independence as the right to it;

The independence of the child should not be seen as a threat to lose him;

Do not overload the teenager with care and supervision;

If you want a teenager to do what you need, do it so that he himself wants it (Carnegie);

Learn to listen and hear your child.

Exercise "Collective counting from 1 to 10"

Stage 4.


"Candle of Confidence"

Getting feedback from everyone present at the meeting.

A talisman is passed in a circle and each participant shares his thoughts, impressions, discoveries, draws conclusions, gives advice ... Suggestions can be expressed.

Tatiana Konovalova
Parents' meeting in the form of a game

Target: Rally parental team through playing tricks

Tasks: Develop a supportive relationship between parents, cultivate a feeling of love and respect for your child, teach parents create a craft from cotton pads "Good chicks".

Event progress:

Good evening dear parents!

I thank you for coming to the meeting. The topic of our meeting "Kindness" it will take place in the playroom form... In a family, a child learns to comprehend the secrets of communication between people, learns to love, care, kindness. A family is our relatives and friends, those whom we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness. Forget for a while that you are adults, become children and let's play. We take you on a trip to the city "KIND!"

Let's start spinning!

I will give you ribbons (distributes elastic bands, hairpins)

I will give you bows!

Dressing up quickly and going for the trip!

The locomotive has been waiting for you for a long time,

The country of Kindness is lucky!

(The teacher puts on the driver's cap, parents become a locomotive)

Knock, knock, knock of the wheel, the steam locomotive rushes,

He brought all the children to the country of Kindness!

Attention! Our train arrives at the station "Kindness"

1. Street "Magic glasses"

There are magic glasses through which you can see only the good that is in a person, even that which a person sometimes hides from everyone. Let each of you try on glasses, and say something kind and pleasant to your neighbor, who is standing next to you. The one to whom praise is meant is talking: "I am very pleased thank you"... And then he says a compliment to the next one "

Was it pleasant to hear when kind, affectionate words were spoken about you?

Output: It is even more difficult for children to speak, because they rarely say good, kind words. And we must teach them this. "A kind word and the cat is pleased"

And we continue our city tour with you.

2. Street "Good deeds"

Items: sunflower seeds, a flower, a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen, a broken toy, a torn book.

What good deeds can be done using these items (show one item at a time).

Output: it is very important for the child to feel the reality of someone else's suffering and empathize with it as early as possible, so that he can love, regret, forgive, help. Folk wisdom reads: "If there is kindness, humanity, sensitivity, benevolence in a person, then he has become a person as a person."

Let's sit on the bench and talk. Time flies fast, children grow up and the time comes when they become adults will come to you for advice on raising their children. What advice would you give?

Please take one case from the basket, open it, read it carefully and into place ... finish the sentence with one or two words, adding the word - he is learning.

The child is constantly criticized (he learns to hate)

The child grows up in reproach (he learns to be aggressive)

The child is constantly supported (he learns to value himself)

The child is constantly ridiculed (he becomes withdrawn)

Output: "How childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, depends on what kind of person today's baby will become"

We pass with you to the next street

4. Street "Mirilki"

And at home, in kindergarten in the process games children often fight and quarrel. Teaching a child to put up is not an easy task for parents and caregivers... I suggest you "Mirilki" can be used at home too. After all "Mirilka" will always be with you, and this is a guarantee of peace and friendship. Tell your child that using "Mirilki" very comfortably (and most importantly, fun) put up with girlfriends and friends.

The sun will come out from behind the clouds

A warm ray will warm us.

And we can't swear,

Because we are friends.

Let's put up with you

And share everything.

And who will not put up

We will not get along with that.

Enough for us to be angry

Everyone is having fun!

We will forget all the insults

And we will be friends as before!

Output: "Best form of inheritance left parents to their children, this is not money, not things, and not even education, but upbringing, which is one of the most important conditions for human happiness. "

We are approaching the final destination

5. Street "Chicks are kind" (making birds from cotton pads)

Manufacturing: For the manufacture of each bird, take 4 cotton pads. We will cut one of them in half, and leave the remaining 3 intact. We fix whole cotton pads on a wooden skewer with glue, having formed of them the head and torso. We glue the cut disc - wings to the body on both sides. Glue a beak cut out of colored paper and plastic eyes to the head.

Take care of each other!

Warm me with kindness!

Take care of each other,

Let’s not offend.

Take care of each other,

Forget the vanity

And in a minute of leisure

Stay near together!

Output: "Chicks of goodness" can be used when talking about the conducted day: how many good deeds we have done.

We went through the entire excursion that we had planned. We return back to kindergarten. We take places in the carriages.

Knock, knock, knock of the wheel

A steam locomotive is racing

He's in kindergarten.

He brought all the children!

They quickly got up in a circle

Let's start spinning

And turn into adults.

And now I want to give you beads. I will go to each one and you will choose the bead that you like the most. See what wonderful beads we got. See how tightly the beads fit together, as if they are very friendly with each other. I want you to be close-knit and friendly in the group.

I would like to know your opinion on today's event.

To each parent it is proposed to choose a herringbone of a certain color, following principle:

Red - it was interesting and useful, I hope for further meetings;

Yellow - it was informatively but further meetings are optional;

Related publications:

"Auction of useful advice". Parents meeting in an unconventional way"Auction". The meeting takes place in the form of "sale" of useful advice on a chosen topic in a playful way. For example, a three-year crisis. Educator.

Parents' meeting in an unconventional form of the "Minute of Glory" competition Fanfare sounds. Children and two presenters come out to the soundtrack. Presenter # 1: The sun ray makes us laugh and teases. Today we have fun in April.

Parents' meeting in the form of a business game "Development of the personality of a preschooler" Objectives: 1) to reveal in the course of the game the ideas of parents about the problems, ways, forms and ways of promoting the development of the personality of a preschooler; 2) contribute.

Parents' meeting in a non-traditional form "Pedagogical culture for every family" Parents' meeting of non-traditional form on the topic "Pedagogical culture for every family." Form of interaction: thematic discussion.

Parents' meeting in the form of a master class "Rainbow" 1. R - development (Children develop an interest in art). A - abstractness (Seeing the unusual in simple things). D - decorativeness (Skill.

Parents' meeting in an unconventional form "His Majesty the Bread" Purpose: inviting parents and children to think about the topic "Raising a respectful attitude to bread in children." Objectives: to facilitate the formation.

Parents' meeting - training "Together"

Target: rallying the parental team and building effective team interaction.


  • Formation and strengthening of a common team spirit by rallying a group of people;
  • Development of responsibility and contribution of each participant in solving common problems;
  • Getting emotional and physical pleasure from the training results;
  • Self-awareness as a team.

During a child's stay in kindergarten, we (children, teachers, parents) make up a triangle. At the head of the triangle is, of course, a child. He, learning new things, discovers himself (what I can, I can, what I am capable of). The task of adults is to help him in this difficult task; one should not forget about society, which plays a big role in the development of the child. What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks? (falls) That's right, falls! Or let us recall Krylov's fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike" - "When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, nothing will come of it, only flour!" Hence the conclusion that we have to unite our efforts to make children comfortable and interesting in kindergarten, and here it is very important to have mutual understanding and support. You and I will live for 4 years as one, I hope, a friendly family.

The team needs a positive microclimate, mutual understanding and interaction ... Therefore, we decided to devote our today's meeting to a closer acquaintance, rapprochement and rallying of our team of parents. After all, cohesion is an opportunity for the entire team to become a single whole in order to achieve specific goals and objectives. And the close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories. Therefore, we will have an interesting time with you today. And let's play and think.

"Group rules"

Purpose: to define the rules for effective group work.

Materials: Whatman paper with already written rules.

A single form of addressing each other on “you” (by name). To create a climate of trust in the group, offer to turn to each other on “you”, including the coach. This psychologically equalizes everyone, including the leader, regardless of age, social status, life experience, and contributes to the liberation of the training participants.

Communication according to the principle “here and now”. During the training, everyone talks only about what worries them right now, and discusses what is happening to them in the group.

Confidentiality of everything that happens. Everything that happens during the training is not disclosed or discussed outside the training under any pretext. This will help the trainees to be sincere and feel free. Thanks to this rule, participants will be able to trust each other and the group as a whole.

Personification of statements. Impersonal words and expressions such as “Most people think that ...”, “Some of us think ...” are replaced by “I believe that ...”, “I think ...”. In other words, we speak only on our own behalf and only personally to someone. Sincerity in communication. During the training, say only what you think and feel, i.e. sincerity should replace tactful behavior.

The inadmissibility of the transition "to personalities." We should not talk about personalities, any negative qualities of a person, but about his actions.

"Feedback". Each participant should make others feel how he relates to them.

Participants name the rules that must be followed for successful work at the training. The main rules of group work are discussed and adopted: the rule of activity, the rule of time control, the rule of organized communication, the rule of sensitivity to oneself and others, the rule of information and discipline being closed.

Now sit in a circle and now we will repeat the conditions, i.e. principles of training.

“Here and now” - a conversation about what is happening in the group at any given moment; exclusion of general, abstract reasoning.

The personification of statements is the rejection of impersonal judgments such as "usually considered", "some believe here."

Emphasizing the language of feelings - avoiding value judgments, replacing them with a description of one's own emotional states.

Activity - involvement in intense interpersonal interaction of each of the group members, the research position of the participants.

Trusting communication - sincerity, open expression of emotions and feelings.

An acquaintance game.

Participants sit in a circle, each one in turn pronounces his name and adds a characteristic quality to the first letter of the name. Each subsequent participant names the names and features of the previous ones, so that the latter names all those present. This allows you to remember the names of all parents well, introduces an element of the game, relieves tension and confusion, sometimes stiffness.

Exercise "Switch places who ..."

Purpose: inclusion in work, removal of accumulated stress.

Group members sit on chairs in a circle. The driver is standing in the middle of the circle. He says: "Swap places those who have two children"; “Works all his life in one institution”; "Swap places for those who love ice cream"; "Who was born in the spring"; “Change places in dresses”; "Swap places those who sing well"; "Loves his job"; “Who has a pet at home”; likes to chat on the phone; who loves red; who loves ice cream; who likes to go to the movies; who loves to sing; who loves to dance; who participates in the training for the first time; does he like to watch TV series, etc.

Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become a single whole in order to achieve specific goals and objectives. And for this we and ourselves, I think, should be a little friendlier, closer to each other.

Atoms and molecules (leave in pairs)

Acquaintance in pairs.

All parents are paired by coincidence when moving in the outer and inner circles. For 10 minutes of communication, going to different places, so as not to interfere with each other, they try to find out as much information as possible about the other child (name, what he loves, what he values, what he enjoys, who are friends, interests outside the home and school). Then all the parents gather again in a common circle, and each represents the child of his partner.

We learned a lot about each other, and in the next exercise I want to see how attentive you are to each other.

Exercise "Who looks like" (for observation)

Participants are divided into pairs, stand with their backs to each other and describe what the person behind their back looks like.

Cohesion is:

coincidence of interests, views, values ​​and orientations of the team members;

an atmosphere of psychological safety, benevolence, acceptance;

active, emotionally rich joint activities aimed at achieving a goal that is significant for all participants.

Exercise "Building up"

Purpose: learning the ability to distribute roles in a team, to compare oneself with another member on similar grounds.

Time: 10 minutes.

The course of the exercise: "Now we will see how your common features are manifested in each of you individually!" The task of the participants is to line up in one growth line. At the same time, you cannot talk. Then the task becomes more difficult - they need to line up by date and month of birth, by hair length, by the distance from their place of residence from college, by the colors of the rainbow in their clothes.

Psychological meaning of the exercise: Participants get to know each other better, learn effective interaction in a team.

Discussion: Was this exercise difficult for you? Why? What role have you chosen for yourself? What was the most effective execution strategy?

"Individuality" Time: 10 min.

Procedure: Playing with the help of which you can get to know each other better. The situation is called, to which the participants, when playing, should answer.

Options for statements:

Anyone who has a brother must snap his fingers. "

Who has blue eyes - wink three times;

Whose height is more than 1m 70cm, let him shout "King Kong";

Whose height is less than 1m 70cm, let them shout "Hurray";

Anyone who ate a delicious breakfast this morning, pat his belly;

Who was born from January to May, let him take the hand of one member of the group and dance with him;

Who was born from April to December, let them join hands and lead a round dance, first in one direction, then in the other;

Whoever loves dogs must bark;

Loving cats will say “Meow!”;

Those who have red clothing details receive a special task: they must tell the neighbor on the right that he looks great today, and in different forms;

Whoever has a married sister, let him tell the neighbor on the left that I advise you this too;

Who drinks coffee with sugar and milk, stand tall;

Let the only child of his parents climb into the chair;

Those who are glad to be in this group will loudly say “Ah!”;

Whoever considers himself an inquisitive person, let him swap places with the one who thinks the same;

Those who occasionally dreamed of becoming invisible will hide behind one of the participants;

Anyone who knows how to play some musical instrument, let him show how it is done;

Those who have a chocolate bar, gum or candy with them will kiss loudly three times.

Exercise "My highlight"

On a piece of paper, each participant writes his quality, his own peculiarity, which clearly characterizes him. Then the leaf is folded into an "airplane" and launched into the center of the circle. Each participant takes one airplane, once again launches it in the center of the circle, again the airplanes are disassembled and deployed. In turn, what is written on the pieces of paper is read, and the group guesses who this person is.

At the end of the exercise, it is discussed whether it was easy to find a quality-"zest" in oneself, "as far as I know myself", "how others perceive me", what it was like when other people's qualities were attributed ...

It is impossible to do all the work alone from time to time you still have to resort to the help of another person. In a close-knit team, mutual assistance is the key to success; without support, only a small goal set by everyone will be achieved, but the goal of the team will remain at a zero level.

Why cohesion is important: the ability to become one team that feels, supports and inspires new actions and deeds.

Exercise "You and I are similar in that ..."

Purpose: to get to know each other, how they are similar, in order to find friends with the same interests.

Course of the exercise: Participants line up in two circles - internal and external, facing each other. The number of participants in both circles is the same. The participants in the outer circle say to their partners on the contrary a phrase that begins with the words: "You and I are similar in that ...". For example: that we live on planet Earth, study in the same class, etc. The participants in the inner circle answer: "You and I are different in that ..." For example: that we have different eye colors, different hair lengths, etc. Then, at the command of the leader, the participants of the inner circle move (clockwise), changing partners. The procedure is repeated until each member of the inner circle meets each member of the outer circle.


What emotions did you experience during the exercise? What have you learned about others?

What interesting things have you learned?

Let's think about what you could give your group to make the interaction in it even more effective, and the relationship in it - more cohesive? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust. Further, each of the participants expresses what he would like to give the group.

Training discussion

The parable of the ancient Greek sage Aesop.

The Sun and Wind argued over who is stronger, and the Wind said: “I will prove that I am stronger. See, there is an old man in a raincoat? I bet I can get him to take off his cloak faster than you. "

The sun hid behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow more and more, until it turned almost into a hurricane.

But the harder he blew, the tighter the old man wrapped himself in his cloak. Finally the Wind died down and stopped; and then the Sun peeped out from behind the clouds and smiled affectionately at the traveler. The traveler warmed himself up under the hot rays of the sun, cheered up and took off his raincoat. And the Sun told the Wind that affection and friendliness are always stronger than rage and strength.

- Well, all the gifts have been presented, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and well-coordinated as a team. Do not forget that you are one whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are power! Thank you all for your participation!


MBDOU "DS No. 6" Buratino "city of Megion, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

Educator-psychologist Kotova Yulia Viktorovna

Parents' meeting in the form of a game

"Do I know my child?"

Form of conduct: game

Audience: parents of children of the 1st group.

Number of participants: four pairs of parents of the children of the group.


    to generalize the ideas of parents about the individual characteristics of their children;

    develop parenting self-awareness;

    develop a constructive parenting view of their children;

    provide an opportunity for parents to analyze the character traits of their children;

    to form the correct attitude of parents to the individual characteristics of their child;

    to interest parents in the results obtained, to make them think;

Participants. Educator, parents.

Leading. Educator.

Preliminary work.

1. Design a poster with quotes “The most valuable thing that parents can give is education”; "Our kids are like candy, but what's inside?" etc.

2. Issue an invitation to a meeting, prepare tests for parents, prepare background music, talk with children for play, prepare a presentation.



Hello dear parents! Do you know your child? Of course. Almost every parent will answer. Polish teacher Galina Filipchuk answers this question in the following way: “We have been taking care of our children from the first days of our lives. It is we, the parents, who feed them, dress them, bathe them, put them to bed, teach them to take their first steps and pronounce the first words. It is we who introduce them to the world around them, we console them, we are on duty at their bedside when they are sick. Can anyone know their child better, his mother and father - the people closest to him, the most loving and selfless? " many parents sincerely believe that they know their child very well. The smaller our child is, the better we really know him. But already in preschool age, we notice that our judgments about him are becoming more and more approximate. And perhaps in 10-12 years we will find an absolute stranger in the face of our own child. The question naturally arises: "Do we know our child?" let's, dear parents, talk about it. Today we will hold a parent meeting with you on the topic “Do I know my child” in the form of a game.

And I am pleased to represent the families who have agreed to participate in this event. This is family…..

Stage 1.

"A portrait of my family".

I asked the guys in advance to tell about their family, I will now read all the children's answers, your task is to determine in which of the four options I spoke about your family.

I read it without names and professions:

my mom ... .. (what?), she loves to do ... ...

my dad …… (which one?), he loves to do ……. myself… .. (which one?), I love …….

We look at the correct answer on the screen, where the child himself says it.

Stage 2.

"Question answer".

Here are some multiple choice questions for your attention. Your task is to guess your child's answer.

What is the favorite food for your child in kindergarten?

Which board game does your child like?

What is your child's favorite role-playing game?

What does your child like to do on the site while walking?

What is your child most afraid of?

What kind of reward does your child prefer?

What does your child think might upset a mom?

Is it easy to be an adult and why?

What does it take to make your family completely happy?

What is it impossible for a person to live without?

If you found a treasure, what would you do?

Stage 2.

"Artist's handwriting".

I asked the children to draw a drawing in advance on the theme "how I imagine adult life." Your task is to find out your child's work.

Stage 3.

"Through the mouth of a baby."

Children define words, parents guess the word

(family, pain, fear, happiness).

This concludes our game part, let's summarize:

Educator. Now let's assess ourselves: what kind of parents are we? Sometimes we are right, and sometimes we feel guilty before the child, but we do not show it. Who doesn't want an answer to this question, "What kind of parent am I?"

Please mark those phrases that you often use in communication with children (distribute questions).

1. How many times should I tell you? (2 points)

2. Please advise me. (1 point)

3. I don’t know what I would do without you! (1 point)

4. And who are you so ugly? (2 points)

5. What wonderful friends you have! (1 point)

6. Well, who do you look like? (2 points)

7. I at your age ... (2 points)

8. You are my support and helper (1 point)

9. What kind of friends do you have? (2 points)

10. What are you just thinking about? (2 points)

11. What a smart guy you are! (1 point)

12. What do you think? (1 point)

13. Everybody has children like children, and you ... (2 points)

14. How smart you are! (1 point)

Now calculate the total number of points.

5 to 7 points... You live in perfect harmony with your child. You respect your child and he truly loves and respects you. Your relationship builds his personality.

8 to 10 points some difficulties are outlined in the relationship with the child, lack of understanding of his problems, attempts to transfer the blame for the shortcomings in his development to the child himself.

11 points or more... You are inconsistent with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

This is just a hint of the actual state of affairs, because no one knows what kind of parent you are better than yourself.

So let's summarize our meeting.

What does a child need for full development? In short, these are normal parents, good living and upbringing conditions, full-fledged communication with peers and adults, constant, active, age-appropriate activity. Violations of the normal development of a child occur when there is no agreement between mom and dad, between parents and teachers. And then what is called personality disintegration happens. To put it simply, a child is like a cart being pulled in different directions. Then the development slips or deviates to the side. The line of deviant behavior often originates in early childhood and, under the confluence of unfavorable circumstances, leads to persistent indiscipline, misconduct and other forms of antisocial behavior in adolescence. First of all, we need to eliminate our adult mistakes. With a kind, reasonable, sparing attitude, take the child out of the state of discomfort (feelings of uselessness, insecurity, abandonment, inferiority, joylessness, hopelessness) and only then (or at the same time) help him achieve success in the most difficult business for him, arouse the desire to become better, to form faith in yourself, your strengths and capabilities.

I would like to conclude our meeting as follows. I am sure that you, the parents, are very interested in what your children are doing in kindergarten. Interesting? Therefore, I want to bring to your attention a small presentation. Attention to the screen.

Show presentation.