Changes in the body during pregnancy. The condition of a woman during pregnancy. Changes in the body during pregnancy: cardiovascular system, blood pressure and blood composition

During the period of bearing a child, a woman changes dramatically in physiological and psychological terms. All organs and systems, appearance, well-being undergo changes. What do you need to know about the upcoming changes when pregnancy occurs?

When do changes begin in a woman's body during pregnancy

The expectant mother does not yet know about her interesting position, and her body is already rebuilding its work. Changes in the body begin from the first days after successful conception. This is fine. The expectant mother still does not feel toxicosis, and chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a pregnancy hormone, is already beginning to increase in her blood. It is his doctors who call the main identification mark of a successful conception. HCG starts the process of carrying a baby, preparing the body for childbirth.

It is worth noting that internal changes are felt in different ways. Some already from the first weeks of bearing a child begin to vomit, constantly fall asleep. Others may not experience signs of either early or late toxicosis at all, despite the fact that everything inside the body is changing. There are women who, almost without feeling physiological changes, change greatly psychologically. They become touchy, whiny, angry, nervous. And these are also symptoms of hormonal changes.

How the body changes during pregnancy by month

If we talk about the first two months of gestation, then the external parameters of the female body have not yet changed. Weight gain is not felt in the early stages. More often the opposite. Toxicosis leads to the fact that the expectant mother loses a kilogram or two.

At the end of the second or third month, some pregnant women are worried about increased urination, which is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the bladder and a general increase in the volume of fluid in the body.

Also, in the first two months, a woman may feel swelling of the mammary glands. This is due to an increase in the level of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. Also, the area around the nipples darkens and increases. Breast sensitivity increases. In some women, the vascular network may even protrude. This is how the mammary glands prepare to supply the baby with milk.

In the first two months, women sometimes experience bleeding. Only a doctor can determine the degree of their danger.

By the end of the third month, the external parameters of the body hardly change. If a woman had early toxicosis, then her health improves. She continues to go to the toilet more often, but already due to the formation of the baby's excretory system.

The first constipation and heartburn may begin. As for the weight, the increase can be a kilogram and a half. Until 12 weeks of the term, many women notice from their clothes that their pelvis has expanded.

An inconvenience in the third month of carrying a baby can be caused by a lack or, on the contrary, an increase in appetite, headaches, pigmentation on the face.

From the fourth month of marriage between the fetus and the mother, it is time to think about looser clothes. The tummy begins to grow, but those around it do not yet notice. By the end of the fourth month, the fundus of the uterus is 17-18 centimeters above the pubic bone. It is during this period that a woman's gait begins to change. The upper body is tilted back slightly and the belly is tilted forward.

The inconveniences of this period are indigestion, bleeding gums, fainting and dizziness, nosebleeds, mild swelling of the feet and ankles.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, many women experience a lack of calcium in their bodies. This is manifested by dental problems. If a woman consumes little calcium-containing products, then fillings can fall out, teeth crumble.

Another symptom of calcium deficiency can be leg cramps.

The growth of the uterus is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, constipation, and increased urination at night. Gums may bleed, varicose veins of the legs or hemorrhoids appear.

Another thing that happens in a woman's body is skin pigmentation on the abdomen.

By the end of the fifth month of carrying a baby, a woman feels the first movements of her baby. Her growing tummy is visible to others. And she herself sees how the hips are rounded, fat deposits appear on them.

At the sixth month of the term, there is a risk of compression of large veins. This is manifested by progressive varicose veins, pain in the legs, and their edema.

By the 24th week of intrauterine development, the baby has filled the entire uterine cavity. It increases, stretches, which is felt by all organs of the small pelvis. The woman becomes noticeably round.

During this period, many pregnant women can feel training contractions (or, as gynecologists also call them, Braxton Hicks contractions). They are neither painful nor dangerous.

Seventh month of pregnancy. The uterus rises high and already supports the diaphragm. The whole body feels the load and regular swelling appears. Many women complain of lower abdominal pain, increased vaginal discharge, ear congestion, itchy abdominal skin, back pain. During this period, sleep problems usually begin, and colostrum may also appear. Most women notice stretch marks on their bodies by this time.

At the eighth month, the uterus is very sensitive to the baby's movements. The woman feels it by the tension of the muscles. Many develop late toxicosis. The amount of blood in a woman's body increases by approximately one liter.

By the 36th week, the uterus moves away from the diaphragm, it moves forward, because the baby's head is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis.

Discomforts of the eighth month - shortness of breath, increasing constipation, swelling of the face and hands, difficulty sleeping, heaviness when walking, fatigue. Visually, the woman becomes clumsy.

The ninth month is the period of maximum increase in the load on the body of a pregnant woman. The stomach goes down. The placenta has developed its resources, so the baby "insists" on life outside the womb.

The expectant mother is experiencing severe pain in her back, legs, lower abdomen. To maintain balance, the pregnant woman is forced to walk, leaning back. She walks more slowly, more carefully.

The mammary glands are greatly enlarged, and the appearance of colostrum already portends childbirth.

The load on the woman's body during pregnancy

The cardiovascular system adapts to additional stress. It does this by increasing the mass of the heart muscle. By the seventh month of the term, the volume of blood in the body increases by one liter. In the last trimester, many women are worried about high blood pressure. The activity of the lungs also increases. The increased volume of air that is inhaled makes it easier for the fetus to move carbon dioxide out of the placenta. The respiratory rate increases slightly towards the end of the term.

The kidneys are a huge burden during pregnancy. A pregnant woman excretes up to 1600 ml of urine per day, 1200 of which leaves during the day, the rest of the portion - at night. The tone of the bladder decreases, and this can lead to urinary stagnation and contributes to infection.

Under the influence of hormones, intestinal tone also decreases, which leads to frequent constipation. The stomach is compressed, some of its contents are sometimes thrown into the esophagus, which causes heartburn in the second half of pregnancy.

The main barrier organ, the liver, also works with a double load. It neutralizes the metabolic products of the expectant mother and the fetus.

The pressure on the joints increases. The joints of the pelvis become especially mobile under the influence of the growing body weight.

In the mammary glands, the number of lobules and the amount of adipose tissue increase. The breast can double in size. The greatest changes are experienced by the uterus, which complicates the work of all organs of the small pelvis. The volume of her cavity for childbirth increases by about 500 times. It does this by increasing the size of the muscle fibers.

The position of the uterus changes in parallel with the increase in its size. By the end of the first trimester, the organ “leaves” the pelvis. The uterus reaches the hypochondrium closer to childbirth. She is in the correct position thanks to the ligaments that stretch and thicken. But the pains that pregnant women experience in the third trimester are just caused by the tension of these ligaments.

Since the blood supply to the genitals increases, varicose veins may appear on the labia. The growth of the fetus in the womb contributes to an increase in her body weight.

By the end of pregnancy, a healthy woman's weight increases by an average of 12 kilograms. But an increase from 8 to 18 is allowed. In the first half of the term, the weight may increase by 4-5 kilograms. In the second half of bearing a baby, this figure is twice as large. Usually, visually, weight gain in obese women is not visible, but thin women are noticeably rounded. They are more difficult to withstand the increasing load on the body.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Pregnancy radically changes the usual state of a woman: she has new taste preferences, toxicosis pesters her, her belly grows in the end! Comprehensive information about these metamorphoses today can be found in any specialized online magazine. Meanwhile, the psychological state of a woman during pregnancy is no less important than the physiological aspects. Our article will tell you about the neuropsychic preparation for the upcoming motherhood.

A miracle happened: the pregnancy test "gave out" two strips! From that moment on, life changes to become even better and more beautiful. Only now, the expectant mother is not yet able to comprehend the obvious at once - for this she will need a lot of time, namely 9 months.

The inner world of a woman in a position is so complex and deep that her mood can change more than a dozen times a day: a minute ago she was laughing merrily, but now her eyes are in a wet place, and there is nothing strange about it. Sensitivity, susceptibility, impressionability - all types of reactions to the outside world during pregnancy are exacerbated to the limit. All expectant mothers, from the moment of conception to childbirth, live according to special rules of psychology.

Physiology divides the period of pregnancy into three fundamental stages, or trimesters. The same can be done from a spiritual point of view.

Features of the psychological state during pregnancy by trimester

First trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most emotionally unstable period for a mother-to-be. The female psyche is doing a tremendous job to adapt the pregnant woman to her new position. The condition of a woman during pregnancy is precarious and vulnerable, so she is often thrown to extremes: joy replaces regret and vice versa.

Moreover, the expectant mother is worried about an unclear excitement. This is not yet fear of childbirth and not fear for the health of the baby, no. Rather, it is the anxiety of having to let go of the old life in order to open the doors for change.

The state of health during pregnancy in the first trimester also adds fuel to the fire: nausea, poor sleep at night and sleepiness during the day, severe hunger or a complete lack of appetite make the newly-made mother-to-be feel overwhelmed and tired. How not to be sad here? At this time, it seems to a woman that she is insolvent, dependent on outside circumstances and other people. But she is unlikely to find the strength to resist this feeling: on the contrary, she wants to become an object of increased attention and care.

The psychological mood during pregnancy is so changeable that it is really difficult for the expectant mother to put herself together: she often wants to cry, she is almost sure that no one cares about her, she is more and more often visited by sentimentality, and what she wants most is she and she herself does not know.

The reason for such an emotional "kaleidoscope" lies in the fundamental restructuring of the body's hormonal system. It is hormones that are to blame for the fact that the way of thinking of a pregnant woman at the beginning of her new position acquires some features of a child's psyche. Psychologists believe that nature arranged it this way for a reason: such a kind of correction of consciousness will help a woman in the future to find a common language with her child. This period is necessary for the successful development of motherhood.

At the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the state of the expectant mother is still not stable: a carefree life will not give way to the inevitable growing up in one day. This duality of the situation is not always obvious to the pregnant woman herself, so she can take offense at loved ones for no reason, and also break down at them in moments of sudden outbursts of anger.

At this stage, fertile ground for the development of depression appears in the life of a pregnant woman: even the most harmless disagreements with her husband can emotionally break the expectant mother. At the same time, she needs family support more than ever.

Second trimester

A woman who is in a state of pregnancy in the second trimester rests in mind and body. The energy flows in her body are flowing as usual, and the great state of health helps to tune in for the best. The expectant mother sleeps well again, has a healthy appetite and gives others her radiant smile.

At this stage, what she was waiting for with great excitement finally happens - the baby gives the first signs of life and pushes! The pregnant woman is no longer able to hide her joy, now she knows exactly how much she wants to become a mother. Self-confidence and rational thinking return to her.

Third trimester

At the final stage of the "interesting" situation, a sobering-up sets in. In the first trimester, being pregnant was new for a woman, so she could not perceive the child as a reality. Now that childbirth is just around the corner, the baby is becoming the center of her universe. All desires and thoughts of the expectant mother are associated with him.

Smoothly approaching the most important event in her life, a woman pushes everything that does not concern her position into the background. Hobbies, work, even a beloved man - everything pales before the all-consuming desire to prepare your "nest" for the arrival of a son or daughter. If you answer the question, what is the state of pregnancy in the third trimester, then the word "immersion" characterizes it better than others. Immersion in yourself and in your unborn child is a hallmark of late pregnancy.

The woman is again subject to excruciating mood swings: in general, she is most often seized by unreasonable irritability and anxiety. In fact, the subconscious mind of a pregnant woman is already living with anxiety before the upcoming birth and potential pain.

The state of the body during late pregnancy weighs on the expectant mother, and she endures the last weeks of waiting for the baby with great difficulty: it's hard to lie, hard to walk, it's hard ... In addition, the woman's feelings are in great confusion: she wants to see her baby as soon as possible, but at the same time, he is very worried about how the birth will go.

The last trimester of pregnancy is considered the most unique period in a woman's life - it is so unusual and amazing in terms of the complex of sensations.

What is the expectant mother afraid of

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman is tormented by fear of the unknown and change. A woman will need a lot of strength to get used to her new position, which will undoubtedly affect her studies, work, and life in general. The most correct step at the beginning of pregnancy is to accept yourself and the baby who caused such emotional confusion. As soon as a woman can do this, she will feel incredible relief and a desire to learn to coexist with the child she carries under her heart.

Mothers who really wanted to get pregnant, from the first days of this wonderful condition, often begin to worry about the health of their future baby. A long-awaited child will be born strong or weak, will he have any unforeseen deviations, will the unknowingly taken pill of a strong anesthetic affect his development, how to protect himself from the harmful radiation of a computer monitor…. What terrible pictures the expectant mother will not paint, sorting through various situations in her memory when, in her opinion, she stumbled.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, all expectant mothers tend to fall prey to social superstitions regarding pregnancy. For example, which of the women has not heard that in position it is impossible to cut, sew and put on patches, otherwise the child will have many moles? And every woman will most likely remember how she, a pregnant woman, was warned to raise her hands so that the child would not get entangled in the umbilical cord. Such beliefs do not bring anything good and useful, except for increased anxiety. The surest way to get rid of them is to perceive these collective "fairy tales" as nothing more than a given of pregnancy, as one of its natural phenomena.

If unconditional trust in omens does not give a pregnant woman peace, it is better for her to turn to a professional psychologist, regular conversations with whom will put everything in its place and lead the expectant mother to peace of mind.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman, consciously or not, begins to fearfully think about the upcoming test in the form of childbirth. The most interesting thing is that these fears are not groundless: childbirth is a powerful physical and psychological experience, so all women's fears are absolutely natural. For example, a pregnant woman may be afraid not so much of painful sensations as of the development of certain complications during childbirth. There are frequent cases when the expectant mother is afraid to seem ... unattractive in the eyes of a loved one and medical staff at the time of childbirth.

However, most often a woman is afraid for her life and for the life of her child. Psychologists interpret these fears in their own way: a pregnant woman worries about her baby in advance, who, when born, inevitably goes through the stage of psychological death. He dies for the intrauterine world to be born in another, external world. Birth is the strongest experience in all human life, and in strength it is comparable only to death.

At the same time, one cannot discount the subconscious delusion that a woman should give birth in pain. Even all the latest research and methods in the field of obstetrics and gynecology taken together will not be able to drown out the human ancestral memory with which we come into this world. It remains to hope only for the reason and adequacy of the pregnant woman herself.

To ease the moral discomfort that complicates the last weeks before childbirth, you need to properly prepare for the process of giving birth to your baby: sign up for special courses and think over the scenario of your childbirth to the smallest detail - choose a maternity hospital, get acquainted with a doctor who will help in delivery.

The influence of the state of the expectant mother on the intrauterine development of the fetus and childbirth

All scientists agree that an increased degree of maternal anxiety and regular experiences affect the child's health in the most negative way. Also, emotional stress can cause complications during childbirth.

From the second third of pregnancy, the circulatory system of the growing organism begins to actively form and improve. Through the placenta and the umbilical cord, the fetus receives the lion's share of hormones whenever its mother succumbs to anxiety or depression. The negative perception of her condition by the expectant mother leads to the development of real functional disorders in the child's body. Prolonged irritation or anxiety of a woman makes the child just as upset, which he immediately informs mom about with a series of indignant pushes in the stomach.

An emotionally unstable pregnant woman has a high probability of miscarriage and premature birth, as well as serious abnormalities in the course of labor, even if they started at the right time. Most often, on this basis, there is a weak birth activity, intrauterine oxygen starvation of the child, pathology of blood supply to the placenta.

A woman's positive attitude towards pregnancy works wonders - proven by medicine. When a pregnant woman happily feels like a vessel filled with precious contents, all chronic diseases recede, physiological malaise is more easily tolerated, and there is no room for fears and doubts in her mind. A mother's faith in herself, her unconditional admiration for the miracle of the birth of a new life also charges the baby with positive energy, gives him a feeling of security and confidence that somewhere out there, in another universe, he is loved and awaited.

Psycho-emotional state during pregnancy: asking questions to a psychologist. Video

Everyone knows about some changes - for example, about the growth of the abdomen or nausea in the morning hours at the beginning of pregnancy. However, there are changes that are not so obvious, and they often catch pregnant women by surprise and cause certain inconveniences.

Changes in smell and taste

How does it manifest? Many women pay attention to the change in taste preferences that occurs almost from the first days of pregnancy. For example, the expectant mother begins to "pull on salty" (pickles, marinades, spices, salting of everyday food). Sometimes, on the contrary, a woman wants something sweet all the time (pastries, jam, chocolate). It happens that the expectant mother, completely indifferent to fish before pregnancy, in the first weeks suddenly discovers a taste for seafood and fish dishes. Someone begins to eat a certain type of meat (for example, only beef or lamb), someone relies on fruits, someone stocks up on nuts - desires may be different, but the specifics of the diet appear in almost all pregnant women.

Why is this inconvenient? Such changes in addiction can be very uncomfortable. Habitual dishes suddenly turn out to be insipid and absolutely tasteless, your favorite perfumes, which always created the right mood, are now annoying, and an attempt to go into the kitchen when food is being prepared can even lead to an attack of nausea. Instead, the woman suddenly wants to inhale the fragrances of nail polish remover or eat oranges instead of a normal meal.

Sometimes, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman has very unusual taste preferences. Doctors call such phenomena a perversion of taste. For example, a young healthy woman suddenly wants to ... chew on chalk or suck on an iron nail. Agree, a very extravagant desire that can surprise not only others, but also greatly perplex the expectant mother herself!

What is the reason? This uncomfortable "pregnancy sign" has a very simple explanation. An increased interest in certain products at the beginning of pregnancy is associated with a deficiency of certain substances in the body of the expectant mother. We are talking about vitamins, minerals, trace elements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates required for the full development of the fetus and the successful course of pregnancy. Sometimes our daily diet lacks any nutrients due to the rejection of certain foods. In normal times, the lack of a specific vitamin or protein may go unnoticed, but when pregnancy occurs, the body immediately "declares" its needs. During the first month of embryonic development, the fetus forms the rudiments of all organs and systems, the primary skeleton, the primitive digestive tract, blood vessels and even nervous tissue!

Depending on what kind of substance necessary for the development of pregnancy at the moment is not enough in the mother's body, and her taste preferences are formed. With a lack of phosphorus and vitamin D, necessary for the development of the fetal neural tube, the expectant mother wants fish, love for sweets is explained by the body's energy needs for glucose, craving for "salty" - lack of sodium chloride, which ensures cellular metabolism. Dairy products contain calcium, which is required to build a baby's skeleton, lean meat and nuts are rich in easily digestible protein, and fruits are rich in various vitamins. Even such unusual culinary preferences as a rusty nail or chalk can be explained as simply: like all taste preferences at the beginning of pregnancy, they are caused by a lack of essential nutrients (in this case, calcium and iron).

Aversion to certain foods or smells is explained by the phenomena of early toxicosis. Toxicosis occurs as a result of a protective reaction of maternal immunity. The immune system of the expectant mother takes the embryo for a foreign substance and begins to secrete protective cells - antibodies. For a baby, this attack of the immune system is practically not dangerous: it is protected by the maternal hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. However, half of the genotype of the embryo coincides with the genotype of the expectant mother, and the antibodies produced against the cells of the fetus begin to “fight” the cells of the mother, adversely affecting the functioning of the central nervous system. As a result, the expectant mother may temporarily change the sensitivity of taste and olfactory receptors, which will lead to a sharp rejection of any smells or food.

How to deal with toxicosis

  • The main principle of nutrition for any manifestation of toxicosis is that we eat often, little by little, and only what we want. It is necessary to abandon the traditional breakfast-lunch-dinner system for a while and divide the daily ration into parts, snacking on small portions every 1.5-3 hours. It is worth discussing with the doctor the emerging taste preferences for the formation of the correct diet.
  • If persistent taste preferences appear (oranges, sweets, cottage cheese) or taste perversions (chalk, rusty nails, etc.), discuss with your doctor the need to take vitamins and trace elements.
  • When olfactory habits change - for a while (until the symptoms disappear), abandon perfumery, avoid direct participation in cooking and, if possible, do not even go to the kitchen during the cooking process.
  • Ventilate the room more often.
  • Discuss with your doctor the need for mild sedatives (DESERT, VALERIANA, PERSEN, NOVOPASSIT).

Sleep disturbances

How does it manifest? Sometimes the first sign of a possible pregnancy is ... weakness. In the first weeks of pregnancy, many women complain of increased fatigue. Changes in well-being are especially noticeable in expectant mothers who work or study intensively. These women more often notice a decrease in performance, distraction of attention, problems with concentration and memory. However, in most cases, changes in well-being are more general. Almost all expectant mothers are worried about the constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness.

There is another, directly opposite variant of sleep disturbance in the first months of pregnancy - insomnia. Many women during this period cannot fall asleep for a long time and wake up too early, while the dream itself becomes very superficial, often accompanied by disturbing dreams and is easily interrupted.

Why is this inconvenient? Sleep is one of the most important functions of the human body, it is absolutely necessary for the "reboot" of the nervous system, rest for the skeletal muscles and the musculoskeletal system.

As a result of any form of sleep disturbance, a woman may experience constant weakness, irritability, muscle and joint pain. Against the background of drowsiness or lack of sleep, problems inevitably arise with attention, memory and acuteness of reaction: this creates significant problems in studies, work, and driving a car.

What is the reason? The feeling of drowsiness at the beginning of pregnancy is associated with a decrease in blood pressure in a woman's body. From the first days of pregnancy, a large amount of venous blood accumulates in the vessels of the pelvic organs. Venous congestion in the uterus and external genital organs is caused by the action of progesterone - the "pregnancy hormone", which begins to be secreted by the ovary immediately after fertilization. Venous congestion of the pelvic organs helps to reduce the tone of the uterus during implantation (attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus). Hypotension (a decrease in blood pressure), characteristic of the onset of pregnancy and manifested in the form of weakness, drowsiness and dizziness, is a consequence of insufficient cerebral circulation against the background of venous stasis.

Insomnia is explained by the increased emotional excitability of a woman, caused by the consciousness of a new status - a future mother. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own dominant, i.e. a number of different emotional states that dominate (dominate) in a woman over all other everyday experiences. The first dominant of pregnancy can be called “adaptation”. During this period, the expectant mother learns that she is pregnant, she tries to realize that a new life is being born within her, a small person is developing. The woman is insanely happy and wants to tell the whole world about this joyful news. Then euphoria is replaced by the first worries and fears. The expectant mother begins to doubt her own abilities, worries about the baby's health, is afraid of new sensations. Early toxicosis during this period of pregnancy plays a significant role in the appearance of the "alarming note": weakness, nausea and poor appetite do not add optimism to anyone! In addition, it turns out that making forced changes in habits associated with a "special situation" is not as easy and pleasant as it seemed before pregnancy ... insomnia.

How to normalize sleep

  • go to bed no later than 22:00;
  • before going to bed, take a daily walk in the fresh air for 20–40 minutes;
  • ventilate the bedroom for 10–20 minutes before bedtime;
  • before going to bed, take a warm shower or bath with relaxing essential oils,
  • you;
  • try not to drink, eat salty, spicy and fruits 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Discuss with the attending physician the feasibility of medication correction of sleep disorders using light sedative herbal preparations - VALERIANA, NOVOPASSIT, PERSEN, POSTYRNIK.

In case of severe sleep disorders, take a sick leave.

Forced abandonment of habits

How does it manifest? Everyone knows that pregnant women should lead a healthy lifestyle. However, not everyone clearly understands what is meant by this. A healthy lifestyle means giving up bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol. This is the exclusion of work in "harmful" production, including noise, vibration, temperature and pressure drops, the use of chemicals and radiation. This is a refusal from overtime work, travel and business trips, sleepless "club" nights. This is a limitation of physical activity, a rejection of many of the usual joys of life. A healthy lifestyle is a bet on the naturalness of food, rejection of your favorite heels and shapewear in favor of the comfort of clothes. Finally, a healthy lifestyle is a well-organized daily routine.

Why is it inconvenient? Many of these habits were actually a way of life before pregnancy. Habits are what streamlines and brightens everyday life, small joys and at the same time - a subconscious evidence of the stability of life. Therefore, a situation in which one has to abandon old habits, and even several at once, is always psychologically traumatic. A woman, deprived of the opportunity to “use” her habits, has “empty spaces” in her mode of life; from this, anxiety, excessive irritability, disturbances in appetite and sleep may appear.

For example, earlier the day began with a cup of strong espresso with a cigarette, and ended with a hot bath; the night from Friday to Saturday was spent at the club with friends, and Sunday at the mountaineering school. By themselves, these repetitive actions may not be particularly important - you can do without them perfectly; however, for this woman, it was these habits that were the highlight in her daily life. It often happens that the forced abandonment of habits that are incompatible with the period of pregnancy is natural and completely painless; however, it happens that such a drastic change in lifestyle gives the expectant mother significant psychological discomfort.

What is the reason? Of course, pregnancy is a special period in the life of any woman. This is a time of colossal responsibility - not only for yourself, but also for the baby. The life and health of the child largely depends on what kind of life the expectant mother leads.

Bad habits (smoking, alcohol) during this period are absolutely unacceptable, since they can directly provoke pathologies of fetal development. Many sports are excluded due to the high risk of injury (wrestling, mountaineering, acrobatic dancing, alpine and water skiing, skating, snowboarding, etc.), excessive forcing blood flow in the pelvic region (bicycle, exercise bike, running and treadmill) , the load on the press (power trainers and many types of gymnastics). Due to the negative effect on the tone and blood supply of the uterus, the large temperature difference, pressure and vibration have to abandon the steam bath (hamam, Russian), dousing or swimming in ice water, scuba diving and skydiving. During pregnancy, due to the pathological effect on the activity of the central nervous system, night entertainment (clubs, discos, parties), overtime work, business trips with flights and changing time zones should be abandoned (the last two points are legally enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - i.e. from all situations that disrupt the normal sleep and wakefulness of the expectant mother. Thus, all the listed changes in the usual rhythm of a woman are dictated by the necessary care for the successful course of pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus, therefore they are justified and completely natural.

What to do? Since habits are an integral part of a lifestyle that is subject to change, it makes sense to start forming new habits! For example, replace strong coffee in the morning with freshly squeezed juice, which also tones and lifts the mood. Before going to bed, go for a walk with your spouse every day, and on your return take a shower instead of a hot bath. So that Friday evening is not empty - to support the tradition of meeting with friends, but already, for example, at home or in a cafe, or you can purchase a subscription to a concert hall, go to theaters or cinema. And Sunday mountaineering should be replaced by swimming in the pool or family outings in the countryside. Strength machines are successfully replaced by Pilates or yoga, break dance by belly dancing, and so on. One has only to show imagination, and with the onset of pregnancy new habits will enter your life, which are quite acceptable for the expectant mother and much more beneficial to health. After all, what is useful during pregnancy will be beneficial after it. So, the emergence of "pregnant" habits is the key to establishing a healthy lifestyle and taking care of yourself for many years!

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Already from the first weeks of waiting for the baby, the skin of the future mother's face seems to be transformed - it becomes even, smooth and silky. During pregnancy, all the defects that usually cause so much trouble and grief disappear. Pimples, blackheads on the nose, peeling, tightness and oily skin shine disappear. The expectant mother owes these pleasant changes to the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy.

The main reason for the appearance of acne, boils, blackheads, acne on the skin is an increase in the woman's blood androgens - male sex hormones. These substances, normally present in the blood of both men and women, regulate the acid-base balance of the skin and the secretion of the sebaceous glands. With an excess of androgens, the secretion of the sebaceous glands becomes too thick and clogs their excretory ducts - thus blackheads and small pimples appear on the skin. In addition, with an excess of androgens, the pH (acidity) of the skin is disturbed; this leads to a decrease in its barrier function, that is, to a loss of protection against infection. In this case, bacteria penetrate into the formed sebaceous plugs from the surface of the skin, which begin to multiply and cause an inflammatory process of the sebaceous glands. As a result, acne may appear.

During pregnancy, everything changes for the better due to the fact that the hormone progesterone begins to be released from the expectant mother. This substance is often called the "pregnancy hormone" because it is it that regulates all processes aimed at bearing the fetus.

Progesterone from the first days of pregnancy significantly suppresses the production of male sex hormones, since, among other things, they cause an increase in the tone of the uterus - a very undesirable "side effect" for the expectant mother. Hyperandrogenism, or an excess of male sex hormones, is the main risk factor in the development of the threat of termination of pregnancy. Therefore, normally, the hormonal system of the expectant mother is rebuilt in the direction of reducing the production of androgens and increasing the synthesis of estrogens.

Estrogens are female sex hormones secreted by the ovaries; it is they who are responsible for such properties of the skin as elasticity, silkiness and smoothness. Due to the predominance of these hormones during pregnancy, most women lose the feeling of tightness and peeling of the skin, as well as an unpleasant oily sheen on the "problem" areas of the face. Vitamins A and E play an important role in the synthesis of estrogen; they determine the state of elastin and collagen fibers in the structure of the skin, the amount of fluid in the cells of its uppermost layer - the epidermis, which means its silkiness and elasticity.

It is important that the expectant mother can influence the condition of her skin with the help of a properly selected daily menu: vitamin A is found in nuts, butter, eggs, milk, carrots, avocados and the liver of marine fish. Vitamin E, perfectly absorbed from food, necessary during pregnancy and also affecting the health of the skin, comes to the body from vegetable oils, olives and olives, avocados, nuts, beans and peas. A lot of vitamin E is found in buckwheat and oatmeal, lettuce and spinach, as well as animal products - kidneys, liver and milk. The inclusion of these products in the daily diet ensures good tone, smoothness and silkiness of the skin of the expectant mother, and also helps in the prevention of stretch marks.

With a pleasant complexion, expectant mothers are obliged to improve the blood supply to tissues during pregnancy. During this period, the blood becomes less viscous and moves faster through the vessels. In addition to an increase in the speed of blood flow, with a safely proceeding pregnancy, a greater saturation of blood with oxygen is noted; this occurs due to the release of reserves of hemoglobin - a substance that ensures the transfer of oxygen to cells. Such a restructuring of blood circulation is necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby, because nutrition and oxygen come to him through the smallest vessels of the placenta. Improving the microcirculation of blood flow through small-diameter vessels provides not only full life support for the fetus, but also a good blood supply to the mother's tissues, including her skin. As a result, the skin acquires an even, healthy color, becomes radiant and looks even younger than before pregnancy. The female sex hormones estrogens also do not stand aside: they provide a charming blush on the cheeks of expectant mothers. Estrogens slightly dilate the vessels of the capillary bed, which the skin of the face is rich in. Therefore, during pregnancy, many women stop using concealer, face tone and blush - they are simply not needed!

There is another cosmetic tool that often remains unclaimed during pregnancy - a corrective agent against dark circles under the eyes. While waiting for the baby, the body of the expectant mother spends a lot of energy on life support, growth and development of the fetus. To recuperate and replenish the body's energy reserves, you need good nutrition and, of course, good sleep. The need for rest during pregnancy always increases, so the time of night sleep in the expectant mother is significantly increased compared to what it was before pregnancy. A woman gets tired much faster, goes to bed earlier and sleeps soundly at night, so dark circles also remain in the past, because they are companions of chronic fatigue and eternal lack of sleep.

Hair during pregnancy

Changes are also taking place with the future mother's hair, which literally transforms - it becomes thick, strong, shiny and silky.

With the onset of pregnancy, problems such as dullness, greasy hair and the formation of dandruff disappear. All these unpleasant phenomena belong to the concept of seborrhea and are caused by an excess of male sex hormones in a woman's body. Since androgen production is normally significantly reduced during pregnancy, the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp usually returns to normal. These hormonal changes immediately affect the condition of the expectant mother's hair: dullness and oily content remain in the past.

Against the background of improved blood supply and nutrition of epidermal cells, the scalp during pregnancy ceases to irritate and flake off. Many women notice that dandruff, which previously could not be dealt with with the help of various means, disappeared on its own almost from the first weeks of the "interesting situation". The result, as they say, is obvious: hair grows faster, does not split or fall out, easily fit into the hairdo and stay clean longer. Such pleasant changes occur due to improved nutrition of hair follicles against the background of hypermicrocirculation - acceleration of blood flow in the capillaries of the scalp.

Nails during pregnancy

Much less problems during pregnancy and manicure. An increase in the production of female sex hormones has a positive effect on the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body of the expectant mother. The nail plates become smooth, transparent and shiny, stripes and ugly white dots associated with a lack of calcium and iron in the body disappear.
Positive changes concern not only the nail plates themselves, but also the cuticle, the nail bed, as well as the adjacent skin of the fingertips. Improving microcirculation and nutrition of the skin of the nail bed contributes to the appearance of a natural pink shade of nails and getting rid of hyperkeratosis, which is the main culprit of increased keratinization of the cuticle and the formation of burrs around the nails. As a result, the hands and nails of the expectant mother look healthy and well-groomed - often without much effort on the part of the “mistress”.

Breast during pregnancy

Increasing the size and shape of your breasts is another pleasant change associated with pregnancy. The mammary glands undergo a number of characteristic metamorphoses that all pregnant women pay attention to.
External changes and changes in well-being usually appear already on the fifth or seventh day from the moment of conception. Expectant mothers pay attention to slight aching sensations in the chest, accompanied by a feeling of fullness. Touching the mammary glands during this period can cause a slight discomfort, and the nipple and areola can become especially sensitive.

Soon, the unpleasant sensations disappear and external, more pleasant changes appear, which also cannot go unnoticed. The chest increases in size, becomes firm to the touch; the shape of the breast, the outline of the areola and the size of the nipple may change slightly. The skin on the nipple and areola becomes denser and brighter in color; sometimes the skin of the nipple darkens. These changes are associated with the release of progesterone by the corpus luteum of the ovary in the first days after fertilization, and at a later date - with a similar hormonal function of the placenta. Thus, the body prepares for the upcoming lactation - breastfeeding.
By the end of the first month, the discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary glands gradually disappears, but external changes can persist throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The breast becomes fuller, increases by one or two, and sometimes even three sizes, the shape of the mammary gland becomes rounded and more feminine. In order for the breast to remain beautiful after pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to carefully care for it during these periods. For this purpose, you can use contrast douches and other hardening procedures, apply daily cream for stretch marks on the breast skin and use special underwear for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Movement during pregnancy

During pregnancy, not only the appearance changes pleasantly, but also the manner of movement. Proud posture, feminine gait, flowing gestures are characteristic of a woman in an "interesting position." The new role subconsciously makes the expectant mother move more smoothly and carefully, so angular movements and sharp gestures disappear from everyday life. Changes in the woman's posture and gait are especially noticeable; they are associated with a shift in the center of gravity relative to the spine due to the growth of the pregnant uterus. As the gestation period increases, and with it the load on the dorsal spine, the expectant mother involuntarily straightens her shoulders and throws her head back.

Pleasant indulgences

In addition to changes in appearance, the very lifestyle of the expectant mother is changing and, as a result, the attitude of those around her. During pregnancy, even the strongest and most purposeful business woman can give herself a break, feel tender, fragile, weak. Friends, relatives, and just the people around them begin to treat the expectant mother with increased attention: I want to take care of her, protect her from stress and worries, everyday problems.

The expectant mother has every right to refuse boring duties, harmful work and work overload. An employee in an "interesting position" has every right to refuse to work seven days a week and at night. And business trips with all their "charms": railway stations, trains, planes, change of time zones and questionable hotels - can be given up to non-pregnant colleagues. And perhaps the most pleasant thing is that during pregnancy a woman really has the right to these concessions: it is even backed up by the relevant articles of labor legislation.

The same applies to household chores, which - to be honest - are not loved by all women! In this area, the expectant mother is also entitled to many pleasant indulgences. A pregnant woman should not clean using household chemicals, inhale dust and washing powder, stand at a hot stove or ironing board for a long time, carry heavy bags of groceries. All these unpleasant responsibilities can be transferred with a pure heart to the rest of the family.

Pregnancy is the perfect time to pursue long-delayed cultural activities. It is here that one should expect a lot of positive emotions needed by a pregnant woman. Perhaps a visit to a fashion exhibition or a concert of jazz music does not directly affect the spiritual development of the child, but the indirect positive effect of cultural leisure activities is obvious: the expectant mother relaxes, rests and enjoys, which means that all this is good for the baby.

While waiting for the baby, you can finally pay attention to yourself. This time can be used in different ways - the main thing is that the activity is enjoyable. Someone starts to visit spas and beauty salons more often, someone finally decides to go in for sports or health. During pregnancy, even the busiest women find time for a full-fledged medical examination, visit a dentist, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, cardiologist and other specialists. During pregnancy, many begin to visit the pool for the first time, do gymnastics and walk in the fresh air.

The expectant mother has wonderful opportunities for self-education, expanding the range of interests and acquiring new useful skills. During this period, many women have increased creativity. It is during pregnancy that many women learn knitting and embroidery, singing, belly dancing, start doing yoga, and learn to make funny toys for the baby with their own hands. Someone is enthusiastically engaged in re-arrangement of the house and design of a children's room, someone is fond of photography or learns a foreign language during maternity leave.

And what excellent shopping opportunities this interesting position provides! After all, this is a real reason to update your wardrobe, and not once, but several times during pregnancy! This is the purchase of a dowry for the baby and furniture for the nursery, the choice of a stroller, playpen, carrying, toys, a highchair and a lot of wonderful things that are so pleasant to look at, compare and buy. Nothing raises a woman's mood and self-esteem like high-quality and successful shopping - especially if the purchases are really necessary and no one will reproach the customer for spending extra money.

Pregnant women are given a place in transport, skip the line at the cashier, help carry bags. And most importantly, everyone, even complete strangers, begins to smile at her. And this is not at all surprising: the expectant mother carries a new life in herself, which means that she herself is a symbol of life and pleasant changes!

Oddly enough it sounds, however, it is true: in women during pregnancy, almost everything changes, from taste preferences to character. I would like to immediately warn and reassure loved ones and relatives, this is fixable, as it was written on the ring of Solomon: "Everything will pass", and from the inside: "This will also pass." So there is no reason for concern, it is only necessary to be more attentive and tender towards the expectant mother, especially if she is expecting her first child. Especially changes in a woman's character, and not for the better, affect husbands. Poor fellows, they are the ones who take the blow. So it remains for them to wish patience and good luck in fulfilling the whims of his wife.

Why character changes during pregnancy

If we consider this question from a physiological point of view, the answer is quite simple. In the brain of the expectant mother, the so-called dominant of pregnancy is formed, which is subsequently transformed into a generic dominant. The dominant function of pregnancy is simple and obvious. It protects a woman from all sorts of stresses while carrying a child, activates such an animal instinct as the protection of offspring, and inhibits the work of the central nervous system.

Brain inhibition negatively affects a woman's intellectual abilities. But this is only temporary. The pregnant woman becomes forgetful, absent-minded, inattentive. It is already difficult for her to concentrate on a specific task, especially if she is still working. It is good if colleagues and the boss are aware of such changes taking place in the body of the expectant mother, and close their eyes to all the shortcomings and blunders in the work. And if the other way around? Scandals, reprimands, threats are inevitable, which further traumatize the woman and shatter her nervous system. All of these changes that occur with the mental abilities of a woman, doctors call encephalopathy of pregnancy or mamnesia (from the word amnesia, which means forgetfulness or loss of memory).

The following factors affect mamnesia:

  • woman's age,
  • her marital status,
  • relationships with relatives (primarily with mother and husband),
  • chronic diseases,
  • fatigue,
  • constant fatigue,
  • financial situation and much more.

In addition, in pregnant women, the volume of circulating blood increases, especially in the later stages, which leads to inevitable cerebral edema. No, not to that terrible diagnosis that everyone has heard about, but to mild edema (pregnant women are generally prone to edema, for example, during the production of a cesarean section and a subcutaneous incision of fatty tissue, blood flows from the vessels, almost half diluted with water).

Psychological reasons for "spoilage" of character

Changes in the character of a pregnant woman can be explained by commonplace reasons. Well, who can understand the expectant mother that she cannot open the refrigerator and get what she wants from there? Or suddenly any dish became disgusting? But insomnia, negative thoughts and fears about the upcoming birth, worries about the test results or just going to the antenatal clinic make a woman nervous.

Being in a state of constant stress, a pregnant woman is getting old to get rid of it, merging a negative reaction on loved ones. In addition, the whirlwind of thoughts about the future child and his dowry, about the place where he will sleep, and so on completely knocks out all the other seemingly no less useful thoughts (pay the rent, cook dinner for the husband, wash). Any reproach, even if justified, will be perceived by a woman as a hint of her failure, and even a mockery, which will only aggravate the situation.

First of all, much depends on loved ones, and the most important thing for this period of a woman's life is a husband. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions, coziness and warm atmosphere for the pregnant woman. Free a woman from unnecessary matters, let her take care of herself and the baby, think about the beautiful and exciting (the birth of a child).

For mothers-to-be, a few tips:

  • get a notebook where you can write down all cases and questions that arise;
  • more being outdoors, walking, swimming and special exercises for pregnant women
  • try to rest more, especially after service (lie down with your favorite book - why not?);
  • review your diet, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, do not forget about vitamins for pregnant women;
  • try to avoid conflict and stressful situations.

Anna Sozinova, obstetrician-gynecologist