How often can you dye your hair. Optimal frequency of hair dyeing

To keep your hair healthy and beautiful, it is important to know how often you can dye your hair?

The permissible frequency of staining is influenced by many factors: this is their condition, the choice of dye, the presence or absence of additional care, etc.

In this article, we will analyze them all, and also deduce the optimal frequency of dyeing, which will be safe for hair.

Both at home and in the salon, you can be offered several types of dyes, which differ in the content of active chemical substances and affect the health of the strands in different ways.

You need to dye your hair, guided, first of all, by how much the curls are already damaged, so as not to worsen their health.

All paints can be divided into two types: with and without ammonia.

Ammonia damages hair, because it penetrates into their very structure and destroys not only the pigment, but also the bonds between the fibers.

However, it also contributes to a more saturated color, which lasts longer on the hair.

When dyeing with ammonia paint, the color will have to be renewed no more often than in two to three months, while many do not paint all the strands entirely, but only regrown roots in order to even out the color.

The use of dyes with ammonia is permissible, but only on healthy hair.

If they are already damaged, then each dyeing procedure will only worsen their condition, and, as a result, the strands will become dry and thin and may begin to fall out.

The tips especially suffer from such staining - they split and become thinner.

Usually, only constant trimming of the strands can help here, because it is almost impossible to restore them after staining.

Dyes with ammonia vary in intensity: some of them damage hair much faster than others.

For example, white henna, although inexpensive, can significantly spoil the condition of the strands, especially if you use it constantly.

Those who dye their hair with dye with ammonia, as a rule, do it regularly, at least tint the roots.

To minimize the harm from staining, it is best to carry out this procedure in the salon - since this will not have to be done more often than once every 2-3 months, it will not take a lot of money from you.

Dyeing with ammonia-free paint will be much less harmful - it will not be able to radically change the color of the hair, but it will not do them much harm.

Dyeing with such a remedy, or with a tonic, should be chosen by those whose hair has already been damaged by dyeing or improper care.

In terms of the degree of influence, coloring with a tonic or ammonia-free paint is not too different from the usual one: you can effectively paint over gray strands, give them a new shade or a healthy shine, but the effect will not last so long - about a month.

Only roots or gray hair can be tinted with tonic - this will also preserve the health of the hair. Staining with tonic and ammonia-free paint can be repeated every 2-3 weeks.

The last type of dye is natural dyes.

Unlike the rest, they do not contain chemicals in the composition and are not only safe for the hair, but even benefit it - they make it strong and shiny.

Natural paints include henna and basma, the main disadvantage of such products is the small range of colors that can be obtained after dyeing.

However, even such dyes should not be used more often than once every 2 weeks, because more frequent use clogs the scales of the strands and makes them dull and lifeless.

Which type of stain is best?

How often you can dye your hair also depends on the type of dyeing that is used.

As already clear, the most harmful coloring is with the use of paints containing ammonia and other chemicals.

It is better to use cheap aggressive products as rarely as possible, and it is better not to overuse even the full hair coloring procedure.

If the hair color has changed dramatically, for example, from light to dark, then blondes can be advised not to dye their hair completely every time, but to tint only the roots - this will keep the hair healthy.

Toning is also preferred. It is especially effective to dye gray hair with it, which reappears rather quickly.

Tonic dyeing can be done more often than paint, so it will help maintain the health of the hair and at the same time hide the gray strands that appear.

In addition to the classic dyeing of all hair, there are also other popular methods, most of which are not so harmful to the hair, but make the hairstyle no less stylish.

One of these methods is hair highlighting, which today can be done not only in the salon, but also at home.

At home, highlighting is completely safe, of course, it will not work, because you still have to use ammonia paint.

Nevertheless, such a procedure is safer, because not all hair will need to be dyed, but only some strands.

Highlighting is also good because after it the overgrown roots are practically invisible, which means that you can repeat the procedure much less often than full-fledged staining, or you can just wait until the color has completely disappeared.

Highlighting in the salon, unlike a home procedure, will look much better on your hair, in addition, today you can carry out this procedure safely and not damage, and even strengthen your hair, making it shiny and adding volume.

But highlighting is not the only modern gentle coloring. Its analogue is, for example, the coloring procedure.

In this case, the hair is dyed in different colors, both close to the main tone and contrasting.

Coloring, like highlighting, makes the hairstyle brighter and more original and at the same time harms it much less than coloring the entire head of hair.

The effect of coloring can last up to 6 months, during which time additional tinting is usually not required, because the regrown roots are not visible.

It is also not necessary to repeat the coloring, you can just let the color gradually fade.

There are other techniques of gentle coloring, for example, bronzing or "painting", which combines highlighting and coloring.

The difference between all of them is that they harm the hair much less and you need to repeat highlighting and similar techniques no more often than once every 3-5 months, and if the strands have lost their health, then you can not repeat them, gradually returning the hair to its natural shade.

How to properly care for your hair?

Even once colored hair requires additional care - how you take care of it directly affects how often you can dye your hair.

First of all, you need to correctly carry out the staining process itself, especially if you do it yourself.

Follow the instructions clearly, and do not forget to use a balm after staining (usually it is in the kit).

It is necessary to use the balm on dyed hair constantly, and not only after the direct application of the paint, because it softens them and nourishes them with moisture, which washes out the paint.

In addition, high-quality balms and conditioners effectively cope with smoothing the scales - thanks to this, you will get rid of ugly bristling strands, your hair will become smooth and silky.

Some balms also contribute to a longer retention of color on the hair, which means that re-staining can be postponed and the health of the hair can be maintained, because frequent staining will noticeably weaken it.

When re-staining, if possible, do not apply paint over the entire length of the strands - only tint the overgrown roots.

If the color has washed out along its entire length, a more gentle combination painting method can be used.

In this case, only the roots are treated with aggressive paint with ammonia, and a tonic or other ammonia-free agent is applied along the length of the strands.

So you can restore color, paint over gray hair, but at the same time preserve their health.

It is also a good way to return to your curls color after dyeing - with a tonic, you can maintain a shade that will become lighter, and pick up a more resistant paint on the roots.

In this way, staining can be carried out up to twice a month (tonic) and once every 2-3 months, the roots can be tinted.

It is very important to choose a quality product - this applies to both paint or tonic, as well as balm and other hair care products.

Better not to buy cheap shampoo, because such products, in addition to ammonia, often contain other "heavy" chemical components that kill pigment and hair health.

If you overexpose such paint on your head, then the hair can simply be burned, and also get burns.

More expensive, professional paints, on the contrary, usually contain emollient components that neutralize the effects of aggressive particles and keep the strands soft, manageable and healthy.

It is advisable to buy paint, shampoo and balm after staining from one company - so you can be sure that all the products are combined in the best possible way.

The most effective care and color products can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialist store.

They will cost a little more, however, the color on the hair will last longer, which means that you will not have to dye them again so soon.

Do not forget about additional care products: these can be therapeutic masks, vitamins and other drugs that improve their growth and restore health.

Changing the diet can also help the hair - you need to include more foods rich in vitamins A, B and C, which are necessary to restore and maintain the health of the hair.

In some women, hair grows slowly, they can rarely tint the roots. Others suffer from the fact that after a week their color shines through on the crown. And how awful it looks for natural blondes who dye their hair a dark color: from a distance it seems as if bald patches have appeared! One solution comes to mind - to dye your hair again. Let's see how often you can dye your hair according to experts.

Hair dye

How often can you dye your hair? Hair dyes are different: soft, unstable and long-lasting dyes. The first type of hair dye does not contain ammonia, and the percentage of hydrogen peroxide is low (higher than in tint shampoo, balm, but lower than in persistent dye). Such hair dyes give the same bright, saturated color as persistent ones, but they last only 1-1.5 months. After this period of time, the color can be updated. Very often these dyes are used by those women who do not want to change their hair color, but simply want to make it richer.

Permanent paints, on the other hand, usually contain ammonia or much more hydrogen peroxide. It is logical that this type of hair dye acts much more strongly on the hair. After the first dyeing, the hair should be given time to recover. You cannot dye your hair with permanent dyes more often than once every 2 months! We draw your attention, dear girls, in no case keep the dye on your hair longer than indicated in the instructions! The burn is guaranteed, the color, as a rule, differs from the intended one, you will not have to wait for any shine, the hair will begin to break. Hair can be damaged by dyeing it frequently.

If a woman needs to tint the roots, but the regrown hair has faded, and you want to refresh their color, then try this. Touch up the roots with your usual permanent paint, and walk along the entire length with a tint agent, which we will write about below.

Tint products

How often can you dye your hair with tint products? Tint products are nothing more than shampoos, balms, tonics. Some women share with their friends that you can dye your hair with tint products at least every day. The smart ones will go and ask a specialist or just look on the Internet to be convinced of such dubious advice. And they will do the right thing, because this is far from the case! Any hairdresser will say that there is really very, very little hydrogen peroxide in tint products for hair; infrequent use of such products will not cause any negative effect. And if you dye your hair with a tint shampoo more often than once every 10 days, then the harm will accumulate, in the end it will be as strong as from overexposure to ordinary hair on the hair. Therefore, we kindly ask you to heed the advice of experts in the field of hair beauty and health and not to dye your hair with tint shampoo more than once every 10 days.

Natural dyes

How often can you dye your hair with henna and basma? Natural dyes - henna and basma - will not only give a beautiful, shiny shade of hair, but also take care of them, keep them healthy. We warn you right away that you cannot use basma separately, the hair color will be green. Basma is mixed with henna. Basma stimulates hair growth, strengthens the roots and effectively fights dandruff.

The proportions of henna and basma depend on the desired shade of hair. Chestnut hair color can be obtained if henna and basma are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. When basma is put in 2 times more henna, the hair is black. To make your hair bronze, mix 1.5 times more henna with basma.

How often can you dye your hair with these natural products? It is a mistake to assume that henna and basma can be painted very often. The fact is that with their frequent use, henna clogs the hair scales. From this, the hair becomes dull and coarse. You can dye your hair with henna and basma no more than once every 2 months, and tint the roots - please!


How often can you dye your hair

To keep your hairstyle fresh and healthy, you need to know the rules and how often you can dye your hair. It all depends on what product you use and what method of coloring you use (highlighting, lightening, changing the natural color to several tones).

In terms of fastness, paints are divided into the following types:

Persistent (ammoniacal)

They contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Ammonia loosens the cuticles and the dye penetrates deep into the hair. The staining result is persistent and lasts up to 4 months. Hair dyeing is recommended a maximum of 1 time in 4 weeks.

Cons: ammonia increases fragility, destroys hair structure, affects the formation of split ends, and can cause dermatitis. Peroxide is aggressive: it can cause scalp burns and hair loss.

Semi-resistant (ammonia-free)

Semi-permanent paints contain no ammonia, but they contain peroxide and other harmful chemicals (parabens, methyltoluene). "Cocktail" turns out to be more gentle than in ammonia counterparts. The coloring pigment creates a sheath without penetrating deep into the hair.

Manufacturers often add herbal extracts, oils and waxes to these products to retain moisture. You can renew the color with the help of such paints 1 time in 4-5 weeks.

Cons: The color is washed off after 3-5 weeks. You can lighten up to two tones.


The arsenal of tint products includes balms, shampoos, tonics. They contain no hydrogen peroxide or contain a minimal amount. The tone is washed off after 7-8 times. In addition to the coloring component, the bottle may contain a conditioner.

Cons: if hydrogen peroxide is among the ingredients, then with frequent staining, this component slowly accumulates, drying out the curls. After perm and clarification, you should wait at least two weeks, otherwise the tonic will lie unevenly.


Natural dyes include henna and basma - powders from dried plants. The coloring effect of these funds lasts 3-4 months.

These natural dyes have a healing effect (dandruff and scalp inflammation disappear). Despite such an organic "bouquet", hair should not be dyed more often than 1 time in 4 weeks, as due to tannins the curls can become hard and dull.

Cons: It is impossible to correct the unsuccessful result with the help of chemical dyes. In addition, synthetic substances can cause unexpected reactions, for example, pink or green shades, so it is safer to return to ammonia and ammonia-free products when the natural pigments are washed out.

Dyeing frequency

The timing of color correction depends on the dye and the type of staining. It is important to consider how aggressive the paint you intend to use is.


Regardless of whether you are using supra or brightening paint, it is recommended to use them no more than once every 6-8 weeks. During this time, the roots will grow and after that it will be easier to update the color. Try not to treat previously bleached areas, as they are already damaged by the previous procedure.

Coloring in a lighter shade

Due to the aggressive effect of ammonia dyes, it is better to use them only on regrown roots, and apply ammonia-free formulations to previously dyed hair. Or use the same paint as on the roots, just apply it to the full length 5 minutes before washing off the dye from the roots. The minimum interval between lightening procedures is once a month.


The dyeing interval is 2-3 months (depending on how close the natural hair color is to the dyed strands). This procedure is repeated so rarely due to the fact that during highlighting the hair is dry.


Multi-tone color can be freshened up after 6-8 weeks, so any means can be used for this (supra, persistent, semi-permanent, lightening paints). The interval is quite long due to the fact that the dye makes the hair coarse and dry. In addition, the contrast between previously dyed and growing strands becomes noticeable late when coloring.

Tone on tone

You can correct this staining in a month. For this, you can use any of the above means of chemical and organic origin. But for long-term use, it is still better to stop at ammonia-free products or henna and basma. But natural dyes will not work when it comes to gray hair. Henna and basma will not paint it evenly.

Darker color

In three weeks, regrown roots will begin to appear. This is especially noticeable if the hair is gray. Use permanent or semi-permanent paint after this period of time only on the roots. Hair is dyed over the entire length every 2-3 months, more frequent procedures will weaken them.

Bright color . Toners and special coloring shampoos can be used no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Persistent means 1 time in 4 weeks, semi-permanent - in 3, henna and basma - in 4. This interval allows you to maintain the optimal gentle regimen for the hair and refresh the appearance in time.

How to avoid frequent staining

Dyeing your hair with any existing means is harmful. To reduce the negative effect it is enough to know how different products “work” and how often it is necessary to correct the appearance with different painting methods. This will allow you to maintain the minimum required period of time, during which the curls will have time to recover.

It is rare to find a girl who is happy with her natural hair color. In an attempt to change their appearance, beautiful ladies resort to all kinds of cosmetic procedures. One of the transformation technologies is the dyeing of hair with ammonia compounds, tinting agents and natural dyes. As a result of the harmful effects, the hair becomes dull and lifeless. Girls are wondering how often they can dye their hair without affecting its structure. Let's try to figure it out together.

To answer the question: "How often can you dye your hair?", You need to understand the available types of pigments. The answer depends on a number of factors, such as dye retention, hair type, product quality.

The coloring composition can be ammonia-free and ammonia-free, it is also called semi-permanent and persistent.

Semi-permanent paint. As a result of hair treatment with non-mummy dye, you will get an intense shade, while the effect of the chemical composition on the hair will be negligible. As the name implies, the composition does not contain ammonia. The base is developed using a solution of hydrogen peroxide (in small quantities).

In most cases, girls and women resort to semi-permanent dyes who want to change the image in a non-dramatic way. By using the pigment, it is easy to emphasize the natural shade of the hair, to give brightness and shine to the hair.
The disadvantage of using the composition is considered a small exposure of the pigment in the hair structure. As a rule, the dye is washed out after 15 days after painting. It can be reapplied after about 3 weeks.

Permanent paint. Ammonia or persistent paints, on the other hand, are extremely hard due to the high concentration of ammonia. At the same time, the amount of hydrogen peroxide increases, which dries out the hair and makes it brittle (in the case of light colors).

When using permanent paints, pay attention to the interval between staining procedures. Reapplication of the pigment can be done only after 2 months after the previous procedure. This period is allotted to the hair for restoration.

When dyeing with an ammonia composition, do not overexpose the product on the hair (the exact duration of exposure is indicated in the instructions). Otherwise, the hair will become brittle and lifeless.

If you need to touch up the root area, apply a persistent dye to the roots, and treat the entire length with ammonia-free pigment. This move will allow the hair to retain its vitality. Most importantly, choose a permanent and semi-permanent paint from one manufacturer.

Toning composition
These types of products include shampoo and balm for washing hair, liquid tonics and sprays. The listed products are rightfully considered an excellent alternative to ammonia dyes. The only difference is the relative harmlessness of the components.

Some women say that you can dye your hair with tint compositions every day. However, this statement is extremely erroneous! For all the "harmlessness" the products still have a negative effect on the hair, drying out and damaging them.

An important aspect with regards to the composition of tinting agents is the fact that hydrogen peroxide (the main coloring component) is quite small. However, if you dye your hair daily, the chemical will build up in the hair shaft, causing a negative reaction.

For this reason, experienced hairdressers do not recommend using toner, balm or shampoo more than once every 12 days. At the same time, after the procedure, it is recommended to use nourishing masks to maintain color so that the pigment does not wash out of the hair core longer.

Natural dyes
Many have heard about the miraculous natural dyes - henna and basma. Legends can be made about the properties of this product. When combined, they form a full-fledged dye, heal hair from the inside and maintain color.

The positive features of regular use include accelerated growth of hair, strengthening of hair follicles, an increase in the volume of the head, and an improvement in the structure of the hair. However, you will be making a big mistake if you dye your hair with these products too often.

If we talk about basma, it cannot be used as an independent dye. Otherwise, the hair will turn green. The product is used only in combination with colored or colorless henna.

Depending on the desired end result, you can vary the proportions as you see fit. To obtain a chestnut shade, mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio. If you take basma with henna in a ratio of 2: 1, you get a black color. If you want to get a bronze shade of hair, mix henna and basma in a ratio of 1.5: 1.

If we talk about the frequency of using natural formulations, you can dye your hair once every 2 months. However, one should not mistakenly believe that during this period the pigment will be washed out of the hair structure. Henna and Basma are fairly persistent natural paints that do not contain chemicals.

Staining techniques
An important criterion that directly affects the frequency of dyeing is, of course, the technique of distributing the dye over the hair surface. Let's consider each type in order, highlight the main aspects.

  1. Balayazh technique. The dyeing technology includes the use of 3-4 shades at the same time. Moreover, each color is chosen closer to the native tone of the hair. The Balayazh technique creates the effect of curls burnt out in the sun, which in itself looks impressive. The main feature of the procedure is that the area of ​​the roots is not affected during painting. As a result, the reuse of pigments is carried out after 2-2.5 months.
  2. Technique "Highlighting" and "Coloring". As a result of hair dyeing with these methods, the composition is applied not to the entire surface of the hair, but to individual strands. In the case of highlighting, a light dye is used; when coloring, specialists apply different shades. The main area of ​​the mop remains intact, as a result of which the regrown roots are practically invisible. The repeated procedure is carried out 2 months after the previous staining.
  3. Technique "Ombre". Hair coloring technology is the treatment of the ends, starting from the middle of the length. The composition is applied in such a way that the border of the native color and the painted ends is smeared. This kind of procedure is quite in demand, since it allows you to update your hairstyle without drastic measures. If we talk about the frequency of dyeing, the hair does not need to be processed again. The roots grow back and the pigmented hair is easily cut.

After using any dye composition, the hair needs proper care, and this is not surprising. To reduce the frequency of the procedure, it is enough to adhere to the practical recommendations.

  1. Try to color your hair in a color that is as close as possible to your native hair shade. As a result of following this advice, you will reduce the frequency of root dyeing to a minimum.
  2. Check with a professional after dyeing your hair. As a rule, there are a lot of folk and cosmetic products that preserve the pigment in the hair structure.
  3. Consider multi-faceted toning technology. The technique consists in treating hair with tinting compounds of different colors. The technique allows you to avoid clearly visible overgrown roots, as a result of which the frequency of staining will be reduced.

The frequency of dyeing directly depends on the selected pigment. To maintain your hair color after your procedure, get into the habit of using a moisturizing serum, spray, nourishing gel and conditioner. When doing this, also consider a shampoo and balm labeled "maximum moisture saturation."

Video: how often can you dye your hair

Coloring helps to transform the faded shade, protect from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. How often you can dye your hair with ammonia-free paint or any other dye depends on the growth rate of the strands, the selected shade of the composition and other nuances.

How often can you dye your hair

Fans of a sharp change of image are ready to experiment, repaint several times in a row in order to find a suitable shade. It is not worth making such manipulations, because after them nothing but dry, weakened strands is simply not realistic to get. But if the desire to change the color prevails over the rest, it is better to observe the frequency of such manipulations, take care of the scalp and curls after painting, reduce the use of a hair dryer, ironing, and styling products.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of how often you can dye your hair with paint. The decision taken depends on:

  • on the composition of the product chosen for the procedure (natural, chemical);
  • condition and type of hair (damaged, normal, dry);
  • type of coloring material (paint, shampoo, natural dye).
  • do not abuse dyes, make a radical color change. It is better to use natural coloring compounds.
  • properly care for the scalp and curls (apply balm, make masks);
  • in the case of rapid regrowth of roots, you can tint them without affecting the length;
  • observe the frequency of procedures.


It is known that such a product is produced in several types: ammonia-free and containing ammonia. A distinctive feature of the latter is the content in the composition in large quantities of chemicals (ammonia, hydrogen peroxide), which give a stable result and it lasts for a long time. Ammonia-free cosmetics are considered gentle.

Ammonia-free products do not stay on the strands for long (a month and a half). It is necessary to decide how long it will take to dye your hair again, so as not to disturb its structure, on the basis of the selected product. In the case of a safe dye, re-staining can be carried out after a month, when choosing a chemical composition - after two.

Natural dyes

These include basma, henna, chamomile infusion, which give color to the strands, improve their appearance, the condition of the scalp. Do not think if the dye is of natural origin, then it can be used often. An excess of natural ingredients makes the strands heavier, making them rough. In order not to damage the structure, you need to withstand a month's break between staining. If during this time the roots grow back quickly, you can tint them separately, without distributing the solution along the entire length.

Shading agents

Washing your hair with tint shampoos to change the color of the strands should be done no more than once a week. Such products contain the active ingredient - hydrogen peroxide, which dries the strands, makes them brittle. To protect the curls from damage, to preserve their beauty, you must strictly observe the frequency of the procedures and do not leave the paint to act longer than stated in the instructions.

Is it harmful to dye your hair

To apply a dye to the strands is to change the natural beauty of the human image. The procedure for dyeing hair at least violates its structure. The composition of the tint products includes hydrogen peroxide, which brightens the pigment of the hair follicle, negatively affecting the condition of the strands. In contrast, the active ingredient in classic color-changing agents is ammonia.

To solve the problem of fragility, damage to strands and their loss, using various coloring compositions, you need:

  • strictly follow the instructions;
  • use specialized products designed to care for damaged strands (balms, sprays);
  • repeat the procedure not earlier than the time recommended in the instructions.