How to use dried rose petals. Healthy rose tea. Rose petals in cosmetology - interesting recipes

In my favorite store iherb (where I buy natural bases for masks and shampoos) are sold dry rose petals(they are organic!), which are very popular, hundreds of customers order them daily. Surely you yourself know how to use them for their intended purpose, I just want to offer some interesting options.

Luxury bathroom with rose petals

If you have a little time to spare, treat yourself to a luxurious rose petal bath. Light candles and an aroma lamp, turn on your favorite music, pour a handful of petals into warm water ... I assure you, you will feel like in a good spa salon. Or maybe remember your recent vacation trip. Such a bathroom works wonders and relaxes well.

Fragrant potpourri or sachet

Production of natural cosmetics

With dry rose petals, you can make a fragrant and beautiful bath salt. Mix the petals with sea salt or epsom salt and use for a relaxing bath that relieves sore muscles. If you do not like the fact that the petals float on the surface of the water, then next time put the rose petals in a small muslin bag and tighten it with a string.

You can make a cleansing Ayurvedic ubtan for skin with rose petals, see its recipe here

Dried rose petals are also useful for decorating gift bath truffles, for example

Persian rose petal tea

Make an antique Persian tea from dried rose petals. I recently tried this on vacation and I liked it so much and seemed amazing that upon returning I had to urgently look for a recipe. I love two Persian tea recipes - with rose petals here and rose water and cardamom here. Both recipes are in English, but written easily and clearly.

Add romance to your relationship

Decorate your bed with rose petals. The main advantages of dry petals are that they do not stain fabrics and are available all year round. Dried petals can be used as packing material for a small and romantic gift. They can be put in a postcard or letter.

Where to buy dry ro call petals

Frontier Natural Products, Red Rose Petals

Where to buy components and essential oils for DIY cosmetics:

click on the banner!

Remember that picking a rose that you will use for medical, cosmetic and even culinary purposes is best done in the early morning, in dry weather. You can dry them by tying them in a bun and hanging them down in buds in a dark, cool, ventilated place. After a couple of days, the petals can be removed from the buds, if you collect them for future use, then it is better to store them in a closed glass jar.

Petal composition

It was the rose petals that absorbed all the most valuable and became a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. And we are talking about any rose, even if it came out of the usual vegetable garden in Russia, and even some kind of overseas variety. The rose petal contains organic acids, glucose, sucrose, fructose, it is rich in pectin and tannins, as well as flavonoids and pheno acids.

Also rose petals are rich in vitamins. Moreover, in addition to vitamins of group B and PP, they contain a rather rare vitamin K. And some varieties, for example, French or Damask rose, are rich in resinous substances, it is from these roses that rose oil is prepared.

Rose in cosmetology

Perhaps the most popular way to use roses is cosmetology. And this is not surprising, because rose petals have a colossal anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. Today MirSovetov offers to get acquainted with effective ways of using the petals of this beautiful flower at home.

Pink water

An excellent cleanser, it can be used as a lotion every day, morning and evening. There are two main ways to prepare it:

  1. For oily and combination skin, you will need 50 g of vodka or alcohol, 1 liter of cold boiled water, 50 g of fresh petals. Mix everything in a ceramic or glass dish, cover and let it brew for 24 hours. Then strain the mixture - it is ready to use. Store in the refrigerator.
  2. For dry skin, pour 50 g of fresh petals with 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for a day. You need to store it in the refrigerator too.
  3. It is also very beneficial for the skin to freeze the petals, making them pink ice. To do this, mash a handful of petals, pour two glasses of boiling water, let cool. Then pour into ice cube trays and freeze. It is most effective to use such ice in the morning, it tones the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles.

Mask for the face

You can find a huge variety of recipes for face masks, but in reality most of them boil down to one. To put the skin of any type in order, smooth out wrinkles, tone up and give it a healthy look, you need to grind several petals (from 5 to 10, no more) and pour two teaspoons of any base: any cosmetic oil or honey, sour cream, fermented baked milk. Mix the resulting mixture well and apply on the skin for 15-20 minutes.

By and large, rose petals themselves have tremendous potential, so they can be used without any cosmetic foundation. For example, you can just lightly steam your face and put a few petals on slightly damp skin. Let this compress sit on the skin for 30 minutes, while you relax and rest well.

For hair

You can also "prescribe" your hair with a rose petal treatment. Make 5 to 10 times the mask that will be provided below, and you will see how your hair has changed. Take a handful of petals (dried or fresh), chop well (for this purpose it is suitable) and pour 1 glass of milk.

The resulting mixture must be boiled for several minutes and then cooled. Apply the mask to clean hair and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For hands

Mix equal proportions of rose water and lemon juice. Mix the resulting mixture well and send it to the refrigerator for storage. You can use it in the morning and in the evening, lubricating your hands well.

You can also make another hand lotion. Mix 40 ml of rose water and glycerin with 5 ml of alcohol, 5 ml, 5 ml of ammonia and juice of one lemon. It is very useful to wipe your hands with this lotion in the morning and in the evening before using the cream.

For body

Of course, the well-known rose petal baths did not leave anyone indifferent. On the one hand, this is such a romantic moment in the application of rose petals, and on the other hand, such a bath makes the skin velvety and silky, it is quite possible to use it just like that, for yourself.

You can also add various mixtures to the bath. For example, 1 liter of hot milk mixed with 200 g of honey and the addition of rose oil (2 tablespoons) will turn your skin into velvet. Taking such baths regularly, you will significantly rejuvenate your skin, give it tone.

Application in medicine

The rose is widely known in medicine, both modern and folk. Rose water is highly sought after by dentists for treating gums. In pediatrics, it is used to wipe inflamed areas caused by or other irritants. It is recommended to drink rose tea in case of kidney and liver diseases.

Very popular. It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and anti-allergic effects. Therefore, it covers a huge range of diseases that can be treated. It is used both internally and externally, because, in addition to everything, it has bactericidal properties.

You should also know that rose infusion has a laxative, hemostatic effect. Its important properties are anthelmintic and sedative. They can gargle and make lotions for inflammation. It can even be taken internally by pregnant women as a sedative or laxative.

Cooking applications

Rose petals are widely used in cooking. Rose petals are very edible, because they can often be seen in a candied form on the counters of pastry shops.

You can make a refreshing, healthy drink from rose petals. To do this, you need to pour 1 kg of selected petals with 1 kg of sugar and put in a warm room. After about a week, the liquid will settle at the bottom of the jar, and the petals will rise to the top. Strain the syrup and dilute with sparkling or still water.

Rose petal jam is not only a delicious product, but also incredibly healthy. After all, it has all the properties that we described above, therefore, even serving it for tea, you can be sure that you will receive a lot of benefits.

There are several common recipes for this jam.

Method one: prepare sugar syrup (400 g of sugar in 2.5 cups of water) and pour over 100 g of the picked petals. Bring to a boil, then cook until tender: until the leaves lose their firmness.

Second way: Rinse the petals thoroughly, add sugar to them in a 1: 1 ratio, rub well until gruel is formed. Add 2 g of citric acid diluted in water. Prepare sugar syrup at the rate of 0.5: 1 water and sugar, respectively, pour over the petals and cook until tender.

Rose is perhaps the most popular flower on the planet. An unchanging symbol of love and beauty. Who doesn't like a luxurious bouquet of "a million scarlet roses"? The tradition of growing roses in gardens dates back to ancient Rome. But besides bouquets, a rose, or rather its rose petals, finds application in various fields.

Rose petals are good not only in a bouquet

The most important value of this flower is not its beauty, the variety of shades of buds, not the leaves and thorns, but the rose oil contained in the petals. It has a delicate aroma as well as anti-inflammatory properties. The process of its distillation is quite complicated and painstaking, which requires a huge amount of rose petals. Application in cosmetology and perfumery is the most common way to use roses. But not only, it is in demand in cooking (in particular, confectionery), interior design and decor, medicine. Let's dwell on each area of ​​application in more detail.

Rose in perfumery and cosmetology

As mentioned above, the value of rose petals is in the essential oil they contain. On an industrial scale, it is mined in Bulgaria, Persia, India, on the pink plantations of the Crimea in Ukraine, Germany and the United States. Rose oil is the main ingredient in perfumes, colognes, eau de parfum and eau de toilette. This sweetish delicate scent cannot be confused with anything, it is considered a symbol of femininity and charm.

Delicate and beautiful skin

In addition, rose oil is included in many cosmetics - creams, lotions, face masks, both as an active ingredient and as a perfume.

  • Rose petals are actively used in home cosmetology. Their most common use for the face is in the form of a lotion. To do this, the buds of dried roses or their petals should be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for several days. The resulting infusion can be used to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté - it remarkably narrows pores and refreshes the complexion.
  • It can also be poured into ice cube trays and frozen. It is necessary to wipe the face with pink ice cubes in the morning to relieve puffiness, reduce bruises and bags under the eyes. In general, rose oil is one of the most important components of cosmetics for the care of aging skin, as it effectively tones and tightens it.
  • It is also good to use rose petals for the body - they should be dried, ground in a blender and added to bath salt, body scrub.
  • You can make lemon pink eau de toilette for skin care. Its recipe is extremely simple: 150 grams of petals should be poured with heated distilled water in an amount of 0.5 liters. Let stand for two days, then strain and add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to the resulting water. The interaction of lemon juice and rose makes the skin smooth, supple, brightens it and removes age spots.

Rose body bath

Of course, the most famous way to use rose petals is in a body bath. In the old days, there was even a special recipe for a bath of roses for the bride. First, the bride's body was covered with a layer of body paste, which included crushed orange peel (2 tablespoons), almond and wheat flour (2 tablespoons each), a pinch of salt and allspice, crushed rose petals, ground thyme and a little almond oil. 15-20 minutes after applying this paste to the body, the bride should take a bath with rose, chamomile, rosemary and mint petals. After such a procedure, the skin becomes thin, smooth, acquires a pleasant aroma of flowers and herbs for a long time.

To make your hair shine

Find rose petals for hair. In particular, they are used to make masks for dry hair. To make them soft and obedient, such a mask should be repeated several times at intervals for a couple of days. It is very easy to prepare it: a handful of fresh rose petals should be finely chopped, covered with one glass of milk, and then boiled. After the mixture has cooled, it must be applied to the hair for 10-15 minutes, and then rinsed with running water. You can also add rose water or the rose petal lotion described above to commercial rinses, or mix them with herbal infusions to rinse your hair after washing.

Rose petals in design and decor

Due to the fact that dried rose petals retain their characteristic aroma for a long time, and with proper drying and color, they are often used for decorative purposes. In particular, they are used to fill sachet pillows, which are placed around the house as natural air fresheners. You can also often find dried rose petals as filler for decorative glass vases. They can be mixed with dried whole buds, beads, sea pebbles for an original composition. Also popular are mixtures with other fragrant dried flowers - petals of lilies, mint, lemongrass, citrus zest, spices.

Culinary flower

If we talk about the use of roses in cooking, then this is rose jam. It is usually prepared from tea rose petals. To do this, fresh roses are collected from the bushes, remove the petals and grind them with sugar. Then the jam can be boiled, or you can leave it fresh, just put it in sterilized jars and put in a cool place. Rose jam is put in baked goods, served with tea. It is also a good folk remedy for treating inflammation of the gums and wounds in the mouth.

Petals are a wonderful decoration for pastries. In a candied form, they, like violet flowers, can be seen on the tops of cakes in the most famous Viennese and French pastry shops. They are quite edible, have a delicate taste and smell.

Rose water is also used in cooking - it is the basis of many desserts in Indian cuisine, and is also included in creams, mousses, and liqueurs. And dried petals are added to tea, which, by the way, is also used for medicinal purposes.

Medicine and rose

Rose flowers are actively used as a medicinal raw material. Rose water is used in dentistry, to remove worms, in pediatrics to relieve inflammation and allergic reactions in children. Rose tea is used for scarlet fever, inflammation of the liver, kidneys, and diseases of the bladder.

Such a multifaceted flower is a rose. And before throwing the buds out of the bouquet, you should think about whether you need petals.

What to do if a bouquet of roses presented to you begins to crumble, and you would so much like to extend the life of these beautiful flowers? Most of you have thrown these bouquets into the bucket, because what else can you do? Did you know that rose petals can be used to make rose oil, face and body care and hair care products? Below we will tell you about the most popular beauty recipes in which rose petals are the first and most important ingredient. From now on, you will receive bouquets of roses with double pleasure!

Rose petal lotion

Pour boiling water over the entire number of rose petals that you have (about 200 ml) and leave to infuse for 2 hours. After this time, strain the resulting liquid with petals and pour the infusion into a container convenient for you. As a result, you have obtained a healing face lotion that gives the skin freshness, tones it up, makes it possible to leave the inflamed area, dries pimples and intensely tightens enlarged pores.

This rose lotion should be kept in the refrigerator. It should be enough for you for 3 days of intensive use.

If you want to extend the life of the lotion, then initially fill it in ice cube trays and freeze. In the morning, rub over your face as a versatile tonic.

Cosmetic powder from roses

Did you know that you can get a natural aromatic healing powder from dry roses? No? Then this recipe is for you.

Take dry rosebuds (if there are no dry ones, then place the petals in the oven or dry in the sun) and then grind them in a blender or in a coffee grinder (wherever it is more convenient for you).

As a result, you will get the finest rose flower powder. It can be used as natural, mixed with your cleanser, or mixed with bath salt for a pleasant aromatherapy experience.

Rose oil at home

Rose oil has been famous for its healing properties for decades. Rose oil is very difficult to find, and it is quite expensive. But it doesn't matter! You can easily make rose oil at home at no extra cost.

To do this, you will need any base vegetable oil. It can be olive, castor, almond, grape seed oil, chamomile, avocado, etc.

To prepare rose oil, be sure to thoroughly dry the petals. You can do this as described in the method above - place the petals in the oven or dry in the sun.

Step-by-step recipe for making rose oil

So, take a liter glass jar and put all the number of rose petals that you have on the bottom. Now, they need to be filled with 100-150 ml of oil.

Further, we put this mixture, or rather the jar, in a water bath for about 3 hours. The fire should be very weak. Be sure to cover the jar with rose petals and oil with a lid on top so that the healing and unique essential oils do not evaporate.

After 3 hours, you need to remove the jar with rose petals, cover it on top not with a lid, but with a thick cloth and put it in a cool dark place so that the rose oil can infuse. Thus, it is necessary to withstand rose oil for 4 weeks.

After 3-4 weeks, open the jar and strain the rose oil through cheesecloth - the petals separately, and the oil separately. The oil should be infused for about 2 hours. During this time, keep an eye on the oil. It is important that as a result it is whole, and not divided into 2 fractions - oil and water.

When dividing the oil into 2 fractions, carefully separate them so that only the oil is left in the end. If there are impurities of water in the pink oil, then it will turn sour very quickly and will not last as long as it can.

After you have made sure that there is no water in the rose oil, pour it into a container that will be more convenient for you to use here 2 tsp. vitamin E in oil (available at the pharmacy). In this recipe, vitamin E acts as a preservative.

A simple recipe for making rose oil

Here is another, simpler, cooking recipe. So, to prepare rose oil, you will need to mix dry olive oil and rose petals in equal proportions. It is advisable to mix the components in a regular glass jar.

The beneficial medicinal properties of rose oil will last for 12 months.

How can rose oil be used?

Beauticians recommend adding rose oil to your favorite skincare products, such as creams. Just 1 drop of rose oil is enough to soften the skin, moisturize and fill with vitamins and essential oils.

Cleopatra's bath with rose petals

Feel like Cleopatra - a real queen! Indulge in a truly luxurious bathtub with rose petals, sea salt and essential oils.

Fill your bathtub with hot water, pour a handful of rose petals into it, dissolve sea salt, add your favorite aromatic bubble bath, play pleasant relaxing music and plunge into the world of a real spa.

Cleopatra's rose petal bath has an intensely relaxing effect on the skin. After such a SPA procedure, you will feel rejuvenated.

Fragrant rose petal sachet

If the holiday has already passed, and the bouquets of roses are beginning to crumble unpleasantly, then make a fragrant sachet out of them for your home. Take a beautiful open vase or bowl, put rose petals there and add literally a few drops of rose oil on top. You will be amazed at what a pleasant enchanting aroma your home will fill!

"! You recently had an anniversary, birthday or other celebration, and now the whole apartment is filled with bouquets of flowers, or is it just that roses are fragrant on the garden plot ?!

Over time, they begin to fade, and the hand does not rise in any way to take out the flowers? Rose petals remain, what can you do with them? How else to please yourself with these amazing flowers? After all, the beauty of roses is not only pleasing to the eye, but can also benefit your health and skin.

Since ancient times, rose petals have been used in anti-inflammatory, healing and tonic agents, used in all kinds of cosmetics, and so on.

When used in homemade recipes, it is best to use fresh petals, garden-grown roses are ideal. The most common rose petal cosmetics are rose essential oil, tincture, rose oil, and rose water (tonic). So what health benefits can you make from rose petals? Here are some of the easiest to use, wholesome home remedies for rose petals.


Rose Petal Bath will help relieve fatigue, stress, tone and soften the skin. Just fill the tub halfway with warm water, add dried or fresh ten rose petals (you can substitute petals for jasmine, rose hips, or peonies), then fill the tub to the end.

You can drip a few drops into the bathtub, decorate the bathroom with candles, turn on relaxing music and pour yourself a glass of freshly squeezed juice, and you will get tremendous relaxation after a hard day while softening and moisturizing your skin.

Sea salt for baths

Put 200 grams of salt (preferably sea salt) and the petals of five roses in a glass container, close the lid tightly, shake well and remove to a warm place. After two weeks, homemade rose petal bath salt can be used as directed. Just dissolve 6 tablespoons in a liter of warm water and add to the bath before bathing.

For morning wash

Pour two handfuls of petals with two liters of warm water and leave overnight. Use this water to wash your face in the morning.

For breast and décolleté care

Take two tablespoons of chopped rose petals and a tablespoon of cream. Mix and apply the resulting mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with running water.



Pour freshly picked rose petals with approximately equal amount of alcohol and leave to infuse for a month in a cool, dark place.


Pour a glass of rose petals with a glass of vodka and leave to infuse in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Then strain and your lotion is ready to use.

Rose oil

Place two glasses of rose petals in a sterile glass container and fill them with a glass of olive or peach oil. Close tightly and leave to infuse in a dark place for three weeks, shaking occasionally. After that, strain and use as directed: as an oil after a shower, for silkiness and moisturizing the skin, for cleansing the face and removing cosmetics, as an oil for massage, as a basis for making masks, creams, etc.

Cosmetic ice

Brew a handful of rose petals with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave to brew for twenty minutes. Cool, strain and pour into ice cube trays. Wipe your face and décolleté with the resulting cosmetic ice morning and evening.



To prepare a face mask, pour a handful of crushed rose petals with a small amount of water and heat in a porcelain cup in a water bath (10 minutes), cool. The optimal exposure time of the mask is 30 minutes.

Nourishing for dry skin

Mix equal amounts of rose flour (ground rose petals) and nourishing cream (can be substituted with butter). The duration of the mask is one hour. Or you can take equal amounts of pink flour, sour cream and honey. Apply this mask on your face for twenty minutes. Then rinse off with running water.


Tea rose petals can be used to ennoble (aromatize) tea by adding them, for example, to green tea, or by brewing them separately.


Pour two teaspoons of petals with a cup of hot (80 degrees) water. Let it brew for five minutes.


Natural sachets can be made from petals. Just put dry rose petals in a beautiful linen bag and tie with a string. You can add other aromatic herbs to it, such as cornflowers and spices.

To scent a room, you can put a similar fragrant mixture in a stylish plate, and drop a few drops of rose essential oil into it.


Decor from petals - there is no limit to the imagination, you can make a picture from natural materials, handmade soap with petals, a composition of dry petals, and the like.