How to choose a shampoo for normal, dry and oily hair. What does the PH of a shampoo say? Acidic and Alkaline Shampoos Ph Shampoo for Oily Hair

The beauty of hair depends not only on a fashionable haircut and coloring, but also on the shampoo that you use most often. When choosing cosmetics for hair, be sure to pay attention to pH. Why do this and what does this indicator affect?

What is shampoo pH?

Surely you have noticed that when choosing a shampoo recommended by friends or advertising, you are faced with the fact that it does not suit you. For example, hair roots become greasy the next day, hair dye is washed off quickly, or dandruff appears. If so, then it's time to figure out what acid and alkaline shampoos are.

Shampoo and mask Bonacure pH 4.5. Neutral Shampoo Natura Siberica.

Normal pH

It is important to know that such an indicator as pH affects not only the hair, but also the scalp. The fact is that the normal pH of healthy skin is 4.5-5.5. And shampoos with this indicator are only suitable for normal and sensitive hair. Their "trick" - they allow you to normalize the acid-base balance of the hair. For example, the Natura Siberica line.

Alkaline pH

If the number exceeds 7, then the pH balance of the scalp is shifted to the alkaline side. This contributes to the opening of the hair cuticle, they become porous and fluffy. It is also possible the appearance of dandruff, due to the reproduction of fungi.

Most often, the shift to the alkaline side occurs after dyeing, hair straightening and perming.

Alkaline shampoos are recommended for oily hair, in addition, they are used for the detox procedure - deep cleansing. Again, due to the fact that they contribute to the opening of the cuticle scales of the hair. Hair detox is a recently popular procedure that can be performed at home (once a month). It not only cleanses the scalp, rids the hair of styling residues, but also facilitates the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, detox shampoos tend to have a pH above 7, but are not suitable for permanent use.

Acidic pH

Why do you need acid shampoo or acid shampoo? If we talk about acidic products, they help smooth the cuticle scales. Therefore, acid shampoos are used after hair coloring, which allows you to close the color inside the hair. As a result of the use of "acidic" shampoos, the hair looks healthy, smooth and shiny.

  • Most often, shampoos with an acidic pH are well suited for owners of damaged and dry hair.
  • After a radical change of image. For example, the procedure for changing from dark to light is very aggressive, the pH balance becomes higher than normal.
  • After unsuccessful chemical exposure.
  • It is equally important to choose the right shampoo for owners of curly / wavy hair structure.
  • Still useful after highlighting and staining.
  • In the presence of dandruff. In this case, it is worth using products with an acidic acidity level - less than 7.

How to find out the specific pH of a shampoo

Unfortunately, in Russia this task is not an easy one. The thing is, it's not necessary. But there are manufacturers who indicate the pH on the packaging. For example, Subtil, Bonacure line, care level 4.5.

There is a way out: purchase indicator test strips. They are sold in pharmacies and even on AliExpress. Such litmus papers are useful not only for shampoos. They are indispensable when checking the pH level of balms, hair masks and even facial cosmetics. Conclusion: it is desirable to know the pH level in order to correctly choose cosmetics for yourself, keep the color of staining longer and not suffer from brittle tips.

  • Recommended

If you have ever dyed your hair at a hairdresser, you probably noticed that after this procedure, the master washes his hair with a special shampoo - technical, with a low pH. Why is it needed at all, is it possible to do without it and what is fraught with - all these questions previously did not particularly interest me. The main thing is that after salon dyeing, the hair became well-groomed and beautiful, and everything else is the business of a specialist, I thought.

However, when I started dyeing my hair at home, I decided to do everything according to the rules, and looked for information about technical shampoos in general and specifically about the “sour” shampoo. And, judging by the information found, this tool is really necessary and useful.

***Why do I need an "acidic" shampoo?***

I will not give quotes, I will write in a simple way, from myself. In general, take a look: during staining and bleaching, a chemical reaction begins - alkaline. It is thanks to her that the “scales” that make up the hair open, “letting in” the pigment that contains the paint into the hair, or, conversely, washing out the pigment (during bleaching). At the same time, this reaction is very aggressive, and it destroys the hair, violating the integrity of their structure, due to which, after the above procedures, the hair becomes thinner and more fragile.

And here is the surprise - this reaction can last for hours after (!) Washing off the paint and destroy the hair if it is not stopped. In terms of effect, it’s the same as, for example, walking all day with hair on which dye has been applied. Imagine what will happen to the hair? Tow, straw, brittle hay, and loss. At the same time, you can stop the alkaline reaction with an acid, in our case, a hair product, which will have a pH below 4.5.

So, an "acidic shampoo" with a low pH is used to stop the alkaline reaction that destroys the hair, on the basis of which the dyes work.

***Why not use regular shampoo and are there alternatives?***

It turned out that The pH of conventional shampoos is rarely below 4.5, therefore, with the help of such a tool, it will not be possible to completely neutralize the harmful effect of the paint. Secondly, immediately after dyeing, it is not advisable to use an alkaline shampoo - it just washes out the pigment, and it turns out that, having just dyed your hair, after half an hour you lose a certain part of the color that you strive to keep (especially ashy shades).

About budget substitutes. In principle, a long-known recipe with vinegar diluted in water, or citric acid, is also suitable for use. I tried this way. He copes with the main task, but he has significant disadvantages:

Such a solution is aggressive for the scalp, which has already become thinner after staining (if there are wounds on it, it hurts very much);

If it gets into the eyes, on the skin of the face, severe discomfort is felt;

Unlike shampoo, the solution does not wash the hair and does not get rid of paint residue, so you will first have to wash your hair with regular shampoo (which is undesirable for the above reasons), and then mess with the solution.

***About Ollin Shampooservice 3,5 pH***

From the manufacturer

Shampoo-stabilizer pH 3.5 Ollin Service Line Shampoo-Stabilizer Ph 3.5 with a caring formula containing fruit acids, for hair that has undergone active effects (coloring, bleaching, straightening, perm). Provides gentle cleansing of the scalp and hair. Shampoo normalizes the pH of the skin and hair after the procedure of dyeing, lightening, perm. Smoothes hair scales and stabilizes the color molecule.

Price and volume

This shampoo is sold in two formats - small bottles of 250 ml (230 rubles) and large bottles of 1 liter (480 rubles). If you color your roots every month, a large volume will be very useful, and if you decide to dye your hair only once and stop, it is better to choose a small volume - it's a pity, such a bottle is completely unprofitable for the price, as you can see above. In addition, you can’t find a small bottle in our town during the day with fire, so I, who didn’t want to order it on the Internet and wait, had to take a large one.


A bottle with a dispenser made of plastic is very convenient, by the way. Detailed information about the shampoo is on the back.


I don't know much about ingredients, to be honest. Of the listed components, I am familiar with two - sodium lauryl sulfate, as far as I know, is not the most useful component for hair, and glycerin, which, on the contrary, is able to moisturize the hair and scalp and have a pronounced beneficial effect on them.


The shampoo is completely transparent, looks like a gel:


I really liked him! Alas, it is useless to describe it, it cannot be compared with anything, so I will put it this way - expensive and captivating))


Thick, gel-like, smooth and silky. No oily creamy texture, like many caring shampoos, and no liquid "water" flowing through your fingers and not caring for your hair.

***When to use the shampoo, and how to get the most benefit? Can I use it regularly?***

When? Shampoo must be used after each coloring procedure (bleaching, curling, etc.) to complete it.

How? According to the manufacturer's recommendations, for a good result, the shampoo should be kept on the hair for at least 2 minutes, so the product can have the maximum stabilizing effect on the hair. For the hurried, I will say that in 30 seconds, during which you apply and quickly wash off the shampoo, the acid-base balance will not be fully restored. It is supposed to wash off the shampoo with warm water, and even with the help of cool water I managed to do it with a bang - there was no product left on my hair.

Regular use. This shampoo is one of the technical ones - that is, in fact, it is not intended for permanent use, it should be resorted to only after staining. Why? Because the imbalance of the acid-base balance in one direction or another equally adversely affects the hair. If shampoo is used every day, both the scalp and the hair itself can suffer - imagine what will happen if you dip your hair into a vat of acid every day? (rough but revealing comparison).

***Impressions received during application***

dispenser the shampoo is very convenient, it seems like a trifle, and salon products bribe with this item - you don’t need to wash your hands to squeeze the shampoo out of the bottle without the risk of smearing it in foam. Pressed with the edge of the palm - ready!

Distributed shampoo is very easy and fast - like a thick gel, but melts on the hair like butter.

Half a minute after applying the shampoo, I felt that hair is softer and silkier, like I put a balm on them. Considering that my repeatedly dyed and even bleached hair was far from ideal, plus the paint, no matter how high-quality and careful it is, still thins the hair, the effect of the shampoo impressed me.

head remedy did not sting at all. On the contrary, irritated skin calmed down already during hair washing. There is nothing surprising in this, because it is the correct acid-base balance, which the shampoo should restore (and with which it does an excellent job, judging by the sensations), and is the primary guarantee of scalp health.

Foam the shampoo gives a very plentiful, thick one - while I was waiting, I managed to build a couple of hairstyles on my head from foam and hair a la Madame Pompadour, and it looked like this around the house, because the foam did not think to flow down the neck or forehead = D

Regarding flushing I already wrote - the shampoo “leaves” the hair easily and simply, without leaving stickiness, oily film and without forcing you to pour a ton of water on your head.

***Does the shampoo fulfill its main function?***

Definitely yes. Although initially I did not think that this would somehow affect the condition of the hair. I was expecting something like “since it didn’t get worse, then it’s effective” - you yourself understand that this tool is not designed to work miracles with hair, like a restoring mask, it is rather intended to prevent hair destruction, if in a simple way.

Two facts testify in favor of the effectiveness of the shampoo.

The first- as I already wrote, already while washing my hair with this shampoo, I felt that my hair was no longer tangled. And after washing, even without the use of oils, the hair was in very good condition.

I'll show the effect of the shampoo in the photo of the experiment that I arranged (I love it!).

In the first and second photos - just well-washed with water, freshly dyed hair. They dried naturally, did not apply any means. Do you see how they fluff, bristle and look terribly porous, lifeless and there is no shine? Which is not surprising - after so many dyeings, then = _= Do not be surprised at the blue-green tint of hair - it was shot under a cold light lamp, their real color will be visible in the following photos.

The third and fourth photos are the same hair that I just took and washed with Ollin shampoo. This time I also dried them without using a hair dryer, I did not apply any care products. As they say, find the differences)) The hair does not lie like a “dead weight”, it is elastic, shiny, soft, there is no fluffiness left. And all because the “flakes” of the hair were smoothed out thanks to the shampoo!

Second- wash out color. Acidic shampoo, smoothing the scales of the hair, not only improves its quality, but also “seals” the pigment inside it, preventing the color from washing out. Again, I can compare it with the durability of previous stains (as you know, ashy is washed out in record time) - the color really has become more resistant. Of course, you don’t need to have illusions either, washing your hair once after staining with acidic shampoo, you can’t extend the color for six months, but at the moment the ashes are still with me, although about 2 months have passed since the last staining.

***Cleansing properties***

The second time I dyed dirty hair (did not wash for 4 days, which is a lot for me), so I can say with confidence that the cleansing properties of the shampoo, despite the very sodium lauryl sulfate, are rather weak. It’s not that it doesn’t cleanse at all, but the hair still remains not very fresh. It is also unreasonable to wash your hair with regular shampoo, washing out the pigment immediately after dyeing, so I prefer to dye clean hair, having previously treated the scalp with D-panthenol spray to protect it from the action of the dye, and then wash it with shampoo - in this case, the result of me completely satisfied.

***Effect on the scalp and hair***

Dandruff. The shampoo didn't cause it.

Itching. This attack also bypassed me.

Dropping out. This is hard to assess, because in fact I do not use shampoo alone, only after the colors, which can be the true cause of hair loss. To summarize, I didn’t notice any changes for the worse - how much fell out (fortunately, not enough), so much falls out with each new staining. Based on this, I conclude that with the prescribed (irregular) use, the remedy does not cause prolapse.

Harm from regular use. I myself prefer to follow instructions, sometimes out of sanity, sometimes out of cowardice. However, my friend decided to take a chance, because she really liked the quality of her hair after using the shampoo. I generously gave her half, 1 liter is useless to me.

Girlfriend's hair, quite strong, thick, blond, dyed red. This is me to the fact that initially her hair was even healthier than mine, she did not have distortions from a brunette to a blonde. However, after three weeks, she admitted that for some unknown reason, her hair became thin and brittle “like pasta”, and more and more of them remained on the comb. and indeed, the hair was so-so - for the first time I saw them in such a state. Then more problems were added in the form of severe dandruff and the same itching. I can always run to the doctor, she thought, and decided, and rightly so, that shampoo was to blame for her troubles.

By the end of the week, dandruff and itching had disappeared. Of course, the abolition of shampoo could not save already damaged hair, but it was possible to avoid major problems like increased hair loss.


Given that the shampoo is thick and perfectly distributed through the hair, it is very economical - one “dose” is enough for me, with medium hair length.


Ollin Survice pH 3.5 shampoo is quite cost-effective and economical, smells good, is easy to use, gives excellent results, and when used correctly, does not have a harmful effect on the hair and scalp. There are two minuses for me - the shampoo is not sold in sachets for a single use, which is why I have to spend money on weighty bottles, plus the cleansing properties are very weak. But the disadvantages are not as significant as the advantages, so my assessment of this product is “good”, I recommend it!


Maintain the optimal balance of hair and scalp! We offer professional pH shampoos for delicate cleansing and hair care. ✓ Delivery by courier in Moscow and St. Petersburg. ✓ Departures to any region of Russia.

What does the acid-base balance in cosmetics indicate?

The hairline and epidermis of the head have a certain level of acidity, which varies from 4.5 to 6.7 in different people. In general, pH values ​​vary from 0 to 14, while values ​​below 5 indicate an oxidative reaction, from 5 to 7 - neutral, above 7 - alkaline. Strong acids, like strong alkalis, destroy the hair structure and adversely affect the surface of the skin.

Since moisture is retained in the hairs, their environment is initially slightly acidic. But dyeing or salon increases the alkaline level, so the strands become dry and naughty, and the ends split. Immediately after these procedures, choose shampoos that are close to pH 3-4 to stop and neutralize the alkaline chemical reaction. And for subsequent care, you can choose higher rates of these values.

How to maintain a neutral pH balance of hair and scalp?

If the product used causes excessive dryness or, on the contrary, makes the hair heavier, then the shampoo is not suitable for you. To improve hair structure, choose products that maintain a neutral pH:

  • Damaged and dry strands need acidic products with a level of 5.5-7 or non-alkaline (values ​​​​4.5-5.5). This choice is explained by the fact that aggressive products during dyeing and waving alkalize the hairs, drying them out, so it is necessary to “shift” the balance towards an acidic environment.
  • For women with sensitive scalp and dandruff, it is also advisable to use cosmetic products with a lower pH.
  • Owners of oily hair will suit a neutral pH or slightly alkaline (level 6-8).

In addition to studying the packaging of professional products that indicate pH, be guided by your own feelings. If the curls after washing and soon become oily, the pH of the washing base is too low (acidic). If, on the contrary, they are hard, rough to the touch, hard to fit - the product is excessively alkaline.

The Hair Market online store has various types of professional shampoos, the pH of which is suitable for different types of hair. The goods are delivered to all corners of Russia!

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Surely you have noticed that when choosing a shampoo recommended by friends or advertising, you are faced with the fact that it does not suit you. For example, hair roots become greasy the next day, hair dye is washed off quickly, or dandruff appears. If so, then it's time to figure out what acid and alkaline shampoos are.

Shampoo and mask Bonacure pH 4.5. Neutral Shampoo Natura Siberica.

Normal pH

It is important to know that such an indicator as pH affects not only the hair, but also the scalp. The fact is that the normal pH of healthy skin is 4.5-5.5. And shampoos with this indicator are only suitable for normal and sensitive hair. Their "trick" - they allow you to normalize the acid-base balance of the hair. For example, the Natura Siberica line.

Alkaline pH

If the number exceeds 7, then the pH balance of the scalp is shifted to the alkaline side. This contributes to the opening of the hair cuticle, they become porous and fluffy. It is also possible the appearance of dandruff, due to the reproduction of fungi.

Most often, the shift to the alkaline side occurs after dyeing, hair straightening and perming.

Alkaline shampoos are recommended for oily hair, in addition, they are used for the detox procedure - deep cleansing. Again, due to the fact that they contribute to the opening of the cuticle scales of the hair. Hair detox is a recently popular procedure that can be performed at home (once a month). It not only cleanses the scalp, rids the hair of styling residues, but also facilitates the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, detox shampoos tend to have a pH above 7, but are not suitable for permanent use.

Acidic pH

Why do you need acid shampoo or acid shampoo? If we talk about acidic products, they help smooth the cuticle scales. Therefore, acid shampoos are used after hair coloring, which allows you to close the color inside the hair. As a result of the use of "acidic" shampoos, the hair looks healthy, smooth and shiny.

  • Most often, shampoos with an acidic pH are well suited for owners of damaged and dry hair.
  • After a radical change of image. For example, the procedure for changing from dark to light is very aggressive, the pH balance becomes higher than normal.
  • After unsuccessful chemical exposure.
  • It is equally important to choose the right shampoo for owners of curly / wavy hair structure.
  • Still useful after highlighting and staining.
  • In the presence of dandruff. In this case, it is worth using products with an acidic acidity level - less than 7.

A scale showing the pH level of different hair products.

A certain indicator of the acid-base environment in shampoos, as well as in other hair products, is achieved by adding special stabilizers to them. Depending on their type and quantity, their pH may vary.

As follows, according to these characteristics, shampoos can be divided into:

  • alkaline;
  • acidic
  • neutral.

A shampoo with a neutral pH has an acid-base level of 5 to 7. When this parameter is 1-5, then such a detergent can be attributed to an acidic composition, and if it is 7 or higher, it can be classified as alkaline.

The last option with the highest pH is not recommended to use, especially if the alkaline environment was already overestimated on the hair when exposed to dyeing or perm.

Typically, such products are designed for deep cleansing, so they can be used only in exceptional cases. For example, with a very oily structure or with seborrhea (these reasons indicate an extremely active work of the sebaceous glands).

Ollin Peeling Shampoo pH 7.

In addition, due to the ability to penetrate deeply, shampoos with the highest pH can prepare curls for perming if they are very thick or oily. These products perfectly remove styling marks and can even affect how peeling.

A low pH shampoo is great for helping to restore damaged, brittle, dry and weakened hair. Such products can also restore the acid-base balance of curls by applying immediately after staining.

Especially if it contains such nutritious ingredients as jojoba or avocado oil, egg yolk or collagen. Also, these funds are recommended for use in the presence of dandruff, and even in cases where there is a high threshold of sensitivity to neutral options.

Ollin Stabilizing Shampoo pH 3.5.

Neutral shampoos are almost always burning (suitable for both children and people with awake hair), therefore they are the most common. Such funds can be used once a day, because in addition to maintaining the acid-base environment in the norm both on the scalp and on the hair, they do not cause any side effect.

Shampoo pH 6-8. pH balance in shampoos

The result of washing your hair with a new shampoo (usually expressed in the first assessment of “shampoo suits me” or “this shampoo is not for my hair”) depends to a large extent on the level of acidity of the shampoo, denoted by pH. The acidity level shows the balance between an acidic and alkaline environment. The pH level is indicated by a number from 1 to 14. At the same time, pH 7 is a neutral balance. This pH is, for example, pure water. pH 7 shampoos are neither alkaline nor acidic. pH levels below 7 are acidic shampoos, the lower the number, the higher the acidity. pH levels above 7 are alkaline shampoos. Each of us, like our skin, also has its own pH level. The hair contains some moisture, so in the normal state, the hair has a slightly acidic environment, the normal level of the acid-base balance of the hair is in the pH range of 4.5-5.5. Shampoo affects the acid-base balance of the hair when washing the hair. By choosing the right shampoo, matching the pH level of the shampoo and the pH of your hair, you can noticeably improve the condition of your hair and scalp. The secret is very simple: you need to choose those shampoos that can bring the pH of your hair closer to a neutral level. For dry, weakened and damaged hair, acidic shampoos are recommended: with a low alkali content with a pH of 5.5-7 or generally alkali-free with a pH of 4.5-5.5. This is due to the fact that hair coloring and perm change the balance of the hair to the alkaline side, the hair becomes brittle, begins to split. Also, acidic shampoos are suitable for eliminating and preventing dandruff. For oily hair, it is recommended to use shampoos with a neutral or alkaline balance, pH 6 -8. For children, you should choose only neutral shampoos with a pH of 6-8. Very few manufacturers indicate the pH level on the packages, apparently considering that instructions to use products for hair types are enough. But it is not so. For example, shampoos "for normal hair" sold in ordinary (non-professional) stores should have a neutral balance, but in most cases they are strongly alkaline. How can you determine the pH of a shampoo if the pH is not indicated on the packaging? Unfortunately, in addition to laboratory experiments inaccessible to ordinary people, only the trial and error method remains. If the hair after washing is hard, rough, difficult to comb, then you have chosen too alkaline shampoo. If the hair gets dirty quickly, becomes greasy, the shampoo is too acidic.

Judging by the numerous user reviews, children's shampoo has a beneficial effect on naughty and thin hair, strengthens curls, greatly facilitates combing, and significantly moisturizes the skin.

Shampoo “without tears”

Shampoos "without tears" are especially popular with adults. In addition to the fact that washing is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, the preparation contains only soft ingredients that moisturize the skin. That is why adults often use this shampoo as a shower gel or bath foam.

Cosmetics for babies, as a rule, are hypoallergenic, so adults who are prone to allergies can safely use it. Cosmetologists also recommend these products not only for hair, but also for washing.

Baby shampoos are perfect for owners of short haircuts. Short hair length makes the scalp more susceptible, so girls with short haircuts often suffer from dryness and flaking of the scalp.

At the same time, you should not count on the magical effect of baby shampoo: this remedy will not revive hair and will not restore it after dyeing or perm. Shampoo for crumbs will provide soft washing, lightness and volume, however, fans of gels, mousses and other styling products should choose specially designed shampoos, balms and conditioners. Users of flat irons and flat irons will also have to forget about soft baby cosmetics.

Hair styling products

For owners of oily hair, cosmetics for children will not only not be beneficial, but will also aggravate the situation.

Shampoos for crumbs will not save you from hair loss, dandruff and various fungal diseases of the scalp. To combat such ailments, you should choose specially designed cosmetics.

Splash-mask for cleansing the skin of dead cells and normalizing the production of sebum Blithe Soothing & Healing Green Tea Soft exfoliating and moisturizing peeling for the face Dr. Jart+ Dermaclear Micro Milk Peel Konopka's Face Peeling Brightening

Alas, for all our love for chemical exfoliation of the skin, dermatologists agree that the correct use of products with a pH below 3.5 is possible only in a beauty parlor, since when the acid-base balance decreases to this level, the irritating potential for the skin increases greatly. “There is an opinion that acids only work at low pH levels (less than 3.5), but this is a misconception. If we are talking about professional procedures that are carried out by a cosmetologist under strict control with the obligatory subsequent use of a neutralizing tonic, then the pH of such peels can indeed be lower than 3.5. But for home treatments, low pH is very undesirable and even dangerous. A pH level below 3.5 irritates the free nerve endings (C-fibers) in the epidermis of the skin, which in mild cases is felt as itching, tingling and burning, and in severe cases, if the acid could not be neutralized, provokes an inflammatory reaction of the skin. The lower the pH, the more likely this inflammation is. This does not mean that acid peels cannot be used at home. To avoid negative effects on the skin, but to maintain the effective exfoliating and renewing properties of acids, the pH in home peels is artificially high - this is done by introducing a special buffer substance into the formula. Thus, the irritating properties of acids are reduced while maintaining their sufficient effectiveness,” says Anastasia Malenkina, Head of Product Development at Natura Siberica.

We have already discussed how pH can affect hair health. If you have problems with your hair, especially if it's been chemically treated, then it might be the pH that's causing the problems.

Unfortunately, manufacturers are not required to list pH on product packaging. In a recent study, 38% of 123 shampoos studied were found to have a pH below 5.5. The rest are over 5.5. If you remember, the pH of the scalp is 5.5. Ideally, you want to ensure that the pH of the shampoo is about the same to avoid imbalance.

Low pH is great for hair because it brings hair closer to its isoelectric point at around pH 3.67. The cuticles are flattened and the hair does not swell in the water, resulting in a shinier and smoother hair.

High pH, ​​on the other hand, can cause hair to swell too much. The cuticles become weak and are very easily removed or damaged during grooming procedures. Hair looks dull and weak.

There are cases where raising the pH closer to neutral (7.0) is beneficial. For example, some baby shampoos have a pH around 7, which allows the shampoo to not irritate the eyes.

Testing the pH of your shampoo (or other products)

pH test strips can be used to measure pH. If you are using liquid shampoo, pour a small amount onto the strip. Wait a minute for the color change to finish.

If you are using a creamy shampoo, also apply it to the strip, but leave it there for a few minutes. Usually pH is measured in liquids. It takes longer for thicker products, and with less precision. But such a test can give you a rough idea of ​​the pH level of your shampoo.

Use the chart on the box to compare the color the strip gives. Each color corresponds to a pH number.

Since you don't even know the approximate pH of your shampoo, take strips that can be used to determine the entire range.

Also, do not dilute the shampoo before using the pH strips. from 0 to 14.

Why do your hair products contain acids and alkalis?

Ingredients can be misleading. Among the various ingredients, we often see that acids and alkalis are also used in formulating hair products. Many people get worried when they see these chemicals in a product, probably because acids and bases are corrosive in nature. So why are they considered safe for consumer use and why are they used in hair products?

A bit of chemistry: what is pH?

When we talk about acids and alkalis in foods, we are indirectly discussing the pH value in them. Often we hear that acid closes hair cuticles (low pH) and alkalinity opens them (high pH).

pH is a way of measuring acidity and alkalinity, and is related to the net amount of hydrogen ions (H+) present in a solution. Water itself can dissociate into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxide (OH-) ions, which, when present in equal amounts, make the water neutral: pH = 7.

When other substances are added to the water, the pH can change. Acids lower the pH (less than 7), providing more hydrogen ions. Alkalis raise the pH (greater than 7) by removing hydrogen ions or adding more hydroxide ions.

Eliminating the Confusion About Acids and Alkalis

Some acids used in hair products are citric acid, HCl (perchloric acid), benzoic acid, etc. Some alkalis include sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide or even ammonium hydroxide.

These chemicals in their pure form are indeed corrosive. Even citric acid, which is found in lemons or other citrus fruits, is dangerous if swallowed in its pure form.

However, only a few drops of dilute acids and bases are used during preparation. They are not as corrosive as concentrated acids and alkalis. In addition, after being added to the preparation, these acids and alkalis will dissociate in water and instantly respond to changes in pH.

Once the acid or alkali has dissociated, changingpH, they no longer act as acids or alkalis. They will form water and salt.

The pH is monitored with a pH meter to ensure that the final value is acceptable for skin and hair health.

By law, the package must list all the ingredients added to the drug. That is why in the composition you will see sodium hydroxide or citric acid. But the fact is that these acids or bases are no longer present as such in this product after they have reacted with other ingredients. (See image below).

Keep in mind that there are certain cases where alkalis can affect the hair. These can be chemical treatments such as hair coloring or perming, for example where the pH of the hair needs to be raised with alkalis such as ammonium hydroxide. The amount of alkali used in these formulations is significant enough to irritate the skin and damage the hair.

So what do acids and alkalis do in hair?

During the preparation of the product, some ingredients may need to be neutralized. In other words, when added to water, they make the solution too alkaline or too acidic. Those. ingredients that lower the pH will require the addition of alkalis such as sodium hydroxide to bring the pH back to neutral.

Similarly, some ingredients may raise the pH of the entire solution. They need to be neutralized with acid to lower the pH to neutral.

The image illustrates a simple neutralization reaction:

In other cases, changing the pH can change the property of the material. One example is the use of Carbomer acrylic polymer. This ingredient becomes acidic in water. If neutralized with alkali, it swells and takes on the consistency of a gel (often used in hair gels).

When it comes to hair products such as shampoos, stylers, etc., finished products are usually in an acid-neutral pH range (5-7) to help keep hair healthy.