How to extend the "candy-bouquet" period. Candy-bouquet period in a relationship: stages, features and interesting facts

The candy-bouquet period is considered to be the beginning of any relationship. The stage when the girl is overwhelmed by the attention from the man. Representatives of the male sex every now and then fill their beloved with gifts, flowers, compliments, going to restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theaters. In their arsenal there are thousands of beautiful ways to win the heart of their beloved. The period that all women love so much, and then remember with sadness, when a new stage begins in a relationship, as a rule, not so romantic, more everyday and down-to-earth.

It is difficult for women to reconcile that the endless signs of attention have disappeared somewhere, there are fewer affectionate words, and the beloved gives bouquets of flowers only for the holidays. Unintentionally, thoughts begin to arise in my head that the beloved has lost interest in you. But do not make hasty conclusions, most likely the end of the candy-bouquet period in your relationship has come. Using female tricks, it is quite possible to prolong the wonderful stage, moreover, you can make it so that it does not end at all. How to make it happen? Follow these 6 rules to help bring the romance back into your relationship.

1. Start with yourself... If you do not want the candy-bouquet period to end, then you should take the initiative. Most women are used to thinking that surprises and other signs of attention should come exclusively from a man, but this is not so. Surprise your loved one with a pleasant surprise. Organize an unexpected romantic dinner at home by candlelight or a picnic in nature, present tickets to a concert or theater, leave a nice note on the fridge. Show your imagination, your significant other will really like it.

2. Thank the man... Having made a gift, he expects positive emotions from the chosen one. Do not deny him this pleasure. Make it clear that you really liked the surprise, thank, praise your man. It is likely that he will want to see the sparkle in the eyes of his beloved again as soon as possible, and surprises will be repeated.

3. Be worthy... You should not turn from a luxurious, interesting woman into a domestic gray mouse. This does not mean at all that you should not do household chores, it only means that you need to be able to leave time for yourself. A woman needs to try to make a man want to take care of her, take a walk in beautiful places, and not just spend time in front of the TV in the evening. Any representative of the stronger sex wants to see a well-groomed and beautiful girl next to him.

4. Be interesting... The life of a woman should not be completely fixated on a man; leave room for hobbies and hobbies. Find, read something new to tell a man about at dinner. Do not rearrange to amaze him, it is not in vain that they say that "a woman should have a mystery." Open up to your loved one from new sides, this is a sure way to ensure that your relationship does not lose its former fire.

5. Develop relationships... Let them not stand still. Find a new common activity, go on vacation, make repairs, get a pet, in a word, anything, just not to plunge into a routine.

6. Speak... At dinner, before going to bed, while walking with your child, do not forget to ask about the affairs of your soul mate, his successes, troubles, joys and worries. Tell us what is bothering you. If it seems to you that your relationship has cooled, do not be afraid to subtly hint about this to your loved one, for sure you will find a way out together.

The candy-bouquet period is not just an initial stage, but a feature of your relationship, which, with a little effort, can be preserved together until a ripe old age.

Today, seven stages of the development of relations between a man and a woman are known, the first of which is How does each stage of the relationship develop? What features is customary, according to tradition, to endow the first stage? How long does the candy-bouquet period last?? You can find answers to these and other equally exciting questions while reading this article.

Stages of relationship development

Modern psychologists today distinguish the following periods of love:

  • Candy-bouquet period.
  • The stage of satiety.
  • Absolute disgust.
  • Patience.
  • The stage of respect and duty (this stage is the first stage to true love).
  • Friendship.
  • Real love.

In the following chapters, each of the stages is discussed in more detail, but will receive maximum attention.

Common features of the candy-bouquet period

How wonderful it is when a woman and a man fall in love for the first time. Then, in their body, certain hormones are produced, which endow the world with the brightest shades. It was at this time that absolutely everything in another person seems beautiful: voice, appearance - and even flaws in character seem so confident and mysterious.

Candy-bouquet period as if introduces a person into a state of drug intoxication. That is why, at this stage, psychologists do not recommend making important fateful decisions, because the effect of the “drug” will, unfortunately, end someday, and everything will be as it was before.

Nevertheless, the period under review is one of the most touching and romantic stages in the relationship between a man and a woman. The candy-bouquet period lasts approximately eighteen months. It would be advisable to divide this stage into several parts and analyze each of them in the smallest detail.

The first stage of the candy-bouquet period

As it turned out, candy-bouquet period too, in turn, can be divided into several stages. The first stage of the most vivid and romantic time in a relationship suggests that two people begin to get to know each other. They are crazy about being around and always surprise each other.

After the first date, people immediately set up a second. Moreover, it does not matter at all where they go and what they see there. It is important that they will be together for some time - how little is needed for happiness! By the way, this is exactly what the charm of the considered stage of relations converges to.

When can we judge that the relationship has risen to the second stage of the candy-bouquet period? Everything here is extremely simple: as soon as a woman independently takes the initiative in terms of meetings, dates and spending time together, then she moves to the next level.

Next stage

The second stage of the candy-bouquet period is different in that it becomes completely unimportant who calls or writes first. And you shouldn't "drive it into your head" that a woman, on principle, should not "be imposed". She can calmly take the initiative in terms of a meeting or call to just chat. This is correct and absolutely not ashamed. Nevertheless, she must make sure not to overdo it, because with her calls a woman can simply bore her lover, especially if they are "not on business."

If a man did not pick up the phone, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to call him again and again - he is simply busy and will definitely call him back. It is important to note that women often make a lot of mistakes at this stage. It will be advisable to consider them in more detail in the next chapter.

Errors in the second stage of the candy-bouquet

What are the most widespread mistakes related to the second stage of the candy-bouquet period? Firstly, women often cheat themselves that a man does not need them. Secondly, despite this, they behave extremely intrusive.

Women often cannot think that a man is busy at work or has a business meeting. A thousand pictures of a man's betrayal flicker in their heads. By the way, today it is at this stage that very good couples break up due to female illiteracy, so it is worth considering and, if necessary, changing the course of events.

The third stage of the candy-bouquet

At the previous stages of the candy-bouquet period, the man and woman had enough time to learn everything about each other and draw appropriate conclusions. The third stage is devoted to getting to know the friends of both partners. It's not a secret for anyone that it is his social circle that draws the clearest picture about a person.

The most competent advice when meeting your partner's parents and friends is ease. You should never seem to be what a person really is not, because this only causes disgust when all the cards are revealed. When communicating with relatives and friends of a partner, it is very important to treat them respectfully and try to establish contact, because it is so great when the family is friendly and friends are common.

Relationships after the candy-bouquet period

It is important to note that the relationship following the candy-bouquet period is somewhat aggravated. This suggests that the next period is coming, called the stage of satiety. It is then that feelings are pacified, a person inadvertently sees not only the pluses, but also the minuses of a partner. A kind of getting used to each other begins. A more natural and relaxed behavior is appropriate here, which is more an advantage than a disadvantage.

The third stage in a relationship is considered the most risky, but it is inevitable in any case. At this stage, countless quarrels begin, people see only each other's shortcomings, as a result of which they often part. However, this is not an option, because with a new partner it will be the same. Undoubtedly, there are people who fundamentally get hung up on the three stages considered, but life is much more colorful and interesting than it seems at first glance.

Patience and respect

When and the next two, the stage of patience takes the leading role. In accordance with it, quarrels and quarrels between partners, of course, happen, but they are no longer endowed with such a fatal character, because both are confident that the quarrel will end - and everything will return to normal. By the way, when partners make some efforts related to the development of patience, wisdom comes along with the latter, which is very important today.

The fifth stage is the stage of respect or duty. It is important to add that this is also the first stage of high feeling. By the way, in reality, there was no love before. At this stage, human egoism seems to fall asleep, everyone begins to sincerely think and care about their partner. It's so nice to do something for the good of a loved one!

Friendship and love

The sixth stage in the development of a relationship between a man and a woman is a strong friendship. How delightful it feels when people become truly close! They trust each other. That is why friendship is considered a very serious preparation for true love, because no love can live without trust and a year.

The seventh (and final) stage on such a bright path to perfection is true love. You need to know that real feeling is not easy. People go to him for a very long time. It is important to note that learning to love occurs through all kinds of life situations that find place in close and long-term relationships. A true feeling is not at all something that suddenly falls on a person's head. Although some people believe that this is how it happens in life. For an adult, true love, a person matures through the rejection of selfishness and their own prejudices. Perhaps this is the most important thing, without which it is impossible to love.

People choose their wife or husband, however, in order to experience a sublime feeling in family life, it is necessary to get to know each other well, then make friends and only then fall in love. Today, many couples confuse the candy-bouquet period with love. However, as soon as romance and brightness leave them, and rose-colored glasses are broken, the first tests in terms of relationships and the first difficulties begin, which not everyone can overcome. Often they think that this love has passed, which is very funny and ridiculous.

Any story of a relationship between M and F begins with an acquaintance. It can be fabulous, romantic, boring, memorable, or inducing a desire to get partial amnesia - the first date can often be the last. How the plot will develop in the future: whether it will turn into a love story or end with a friendly song, as a rule, it becomes clear after the end of the first meeting. And if it turns out that you want to meet each other again, then prepare your tickets and go to the incredibly interesting and exciting "LOVE TOUR".
Candy-bouquet period.

Everyone can imagine what it is! But few people can describe in words, let alone predict the course of events, because it is practically impossible, and it is impossible to act "on a piece of paper" in most cases. In today's world, courtship can be varied. The main thing is that they achieve the desired goal.

And here are all the signs on your face: an exciting, unpredictable period that makes your hearts beat faster, a flying gait, an indelible smile, a sparkling look and thoughts of only one thing - about the next meeting: to see, hear, feel. It would seem that, being in a state of euphoria, everything does not care! But then, loving friend, you may encounter some difficulties:

How to avoid awkward pauses and hiccups? Your thoughts flow in an endless stream, you start to confuse words! Embarrassment?! Oh yeah! The first signs that you, my friend, are interested in impressing your fair half!


It is necessary to intrigue the interlocutor with something, to arouse his genuine interest! Remember all your hobbies, ask your partner about them! We are looking for points of contact!

Not only about myself. I understand that you are still a talker, but it is necessary to give a person the opportunity to speak, carefully memorize the answers. “Be more attentive! His name is Lesha, not Sasha! "

Do not interrupt. Make eye contact when talking. Didn't your mother teach you this as a child?

There are some topics to avoid when talking. In our time, everything is available for discussion, you yourself must understand from the conversation what jungle you should not crawl into! Remember: everything has its time and place.

Positive. It is worth talking about what you like, grandmothers on the tram can also complain about life, and you have a date.

Mat. Now I'm not talking about a move on a board of 64 squares, I'm talking about obscene expressions! We exclude!

Are you a humorist? Don't overdo it, this soup can cause indigestion!

Our brains are built in such a way that we idealize our other half. Both the guy and the girl may have some complexes, which will make you feel a little tense.

Remember, the more expectations you have about an event, the higher the likelihood of crushing disappointment. Reinforced concrete! There were no exceptions! Relax, put the questions “what” and “how” out of your head, enjoy communication!

You are faced with an unpretentious, at first glance, task: plan your dates for two weeks. You won't go to the movies with him (her) every day. The plan is the key to the future development of your story! Now there are a lot of different ways to spend time with benefit.

Many guys like it when a girl takes the initiative and offers herself where to go. But the right to invite to the next meeting should be reserved for the man.

If after a beautifully spent date, saying goodbye and expressing his sincere satisfaction with the past evening, he did not write / call you again, forget it and move on. And if, nevertheless, the next day you receive an invitation to a meeting, think about it and share your thoughts with him. Or maybe he will pleasantly surprise you by inviting "spleen" to the concert, because he remembers how you spoke about their work.


Cinema. BUT! At the first meetings, you should not go to the cinema, two hours of the film, in a hall full of people, conversations will be reduced to a minimum, and you still know so little about each other! Or maybe you have the opportunity to take it to the Cinema Parking lot, where you can use the comfort of your car's private space?

Picnic. Just do not think about inviting her to breakfast, the girl may misinterpret your train of thought. Plaid, fruit basket, bottle of wine, eh ... romance. Just remember to look at the thermometer!

Theatre. An excellent reason to understand about the tastes of your chosen one! Or maybe it will be a circus?

Tea room. These Chinese teas, soft pads, pleasant music, atmosphere will make you more relaxed, just what you need!

Sport. You found out that your girlfriend is a fan of your favorite soccer team! Forward! Crowds of fans, charged air and a lot of emotions!

Horseback riding. Moderately extreme, moderately romantic. What girl would refuse the opportunity to ride a horse next to ... well, you could say, and a prince. And that all the ingredients are in place, what is not a prince?

Aquapark. Girls, you have the opportunity to show yourself in all its glory in this damp, cold season!

Night walks in the urban area! There is an opportunity to learn a lot about each other. We are all mostly visuals, we perceive information in the form of visual images. There will be something to stop your eyes on, which will give an impetus to the development of any topic.

And remember, the number of ideas put forward is limited only by your imagination!

You always want to surprise your darling, be it a gift or a place where you invite your potential soul mate! But suddenly, you found a void in your wallet!

70% of the men surveyed indicated the lack of funds as the main difficulty in the candy-bouquet period! And it’s a seemingly recognized fact that if a girl says that she doesn’t need anything, she’s still waiting for something! And he will be glad to any little thing from you, toffee or mink coat!

Here you need to use your ingenuity, there are many ways to arrange a surprise without spending countless treasures!

And so on a note to you guys: 20% of girls indicated the same reason! Let me explain! By agreeing to go with a guy somewhere, not knowing either himself or his intentions, the girl will need to have a certain amount with her. She doesn't want to get into an awkward situation when you only buy one movie ticket! And you will have to pay for the taxi with something, if suddenly there is a reason to leave you as soon as possible!

Sparkling eyes are the beginning of an inexplicably high feeling, and the touch of the palm is the soaring of thoughts even higher!
At first, there may and should be tactile contact, but not overstepping the boundaries. Of course, the girl may not be able to resist under the influence of your charms, but at the first meeting you should not be so assertive. Excessive initiative can alienate or lead to a different development of the relationship.

It is worth taking a closer look at the girl, choosing the right tactics of behavior. And when access to the body is open - act as your desire tells you!

“Tomorrow the project will be delivered, the boss will tear me to pieces!”, “Today we are going with my friends, this is our tradition!”, “I am sick, fever, weakness, but I will not leave the house!” - well, that can still be understood. But ... "I'm so tired, now I only need a bed", "I would like to go to the store, buy new shoes, otherwise the previous twenty-two pairs are already tired," - and a ton of reasons that cannot be considered valid!

When you have to be ready to spend 25 hours a day with someone dear to you, are you suddenly absorbed by the routine of everyday affairs? And not only you, but also your half? Canceling dates regularly for no good reason is infuriating. Still: if during the candy-bouquet period you cannot find time for it, why wait then?

- If you feel tired, get some sleep before the meeting, think about it in advance!

Eat fruit, wash it down with vitamins! If you go for a walk, and on the street "minus", put on a hat, otherwise tomorrow you will sleep with a sore throat! You have chickenpox .. hmm .. it's better to stay at home anyway - for a good reason it will do!

At work, an emergency and the bosses are atrocities, the planning has not yet been canceled! Come to work early, spend less time chatting with colleagues, you will have time to get more done!

You've met your girlfriends a thousand times already, and you've gone to the gym three times this week! Think! Perhaps you can skip once or twice and change your regime! How often do we then say: "Everything went awry, it would be better if I canceled everything and we met with you!"

The eternal question: "To call or not?" How often have we recently come across the fact that people are afraid to show their emotions, to show their feelings. But you are tempted to write some pointless sms. It seems like they just said goodbye, but I want to see each other again, then the phone or the Internet comes to the rescue, where you can continue the ended date.

- Call as long as you like, but if only you have already successfully passed a couple of dates!

If the chosen one, suddenly do not answer, you do not need to put the phone in auto-dialing mode! He will call you back himself. He's just busy. It is now 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he is at work and as soon as he is free, you will hear his voice.

Concentration. Do not be distracted by your girlfriend when you are talking to him on the phone, if he called at the wrong moment, it is better to call back as soon as the right one is.

Replays. You shouldn't lead a lot of stories about yourself on the Internet or on the phone, think, you are running out of stories when you meet in person.

Not only our condition affects our appearance, you can teach your mind to act and vice versa. Attractive appearance will convey the picture to your condition. Remember, you are always in a good mood when you leave the hairdresser.

In turn, through the outfits, you can express everything that you would like to make clear about yourself. And although many argue that appearance is not the main thing, nevertheless, it will initially either attract or repel.
And here, the girl may have a problem. Don't overdo it! Why did you put on never-worn shoes, now your thoughts are only about how your feet "buzz". Try to choose an outfit for the occasion, it is desirable that the clothes are comfortable, in a state of discomfort, you will not be able to completely plunge into the sea of ​​emotions.

Guys, too, do not forget about some rules, after training, do not forget to go to the shower, and an ironed T-shirt will still fit better. Shoes must be in perfect condition, girls pay attention to these kinds of little things.

BE YOURSELF. After all, if you present yourself differently, in the future it will be a surprise for your half and not the fact that it is pleasant.

Candy flowers! Flowers can be given for no reason, and they will always delight her and will come in handy! Did you know that according to the rules of etiquette, you should not present a wrapped bouquet? Think about it, where are you going to give it? Hang around with a bouquet, then you have to.

It is not recommended to donate animals. Just imagine, where will she keep that beautiful dove that brought her the message from you? At that moment you thought it was extremely romantic. But you had no time to think about the subsequent use and content of the gift.

Girls, I hope it's not news to you that men are also pleased to receive gifts! Just be careful with expensive "gifts", it can hurt a man, especially when he is not able to give you something of equal value.

It is worth listening to each other, often your significant other talks about what you would really like.
And don't forget to give compliments!

A wish
"The stumbling block". You are elated, you fly to meet her, and she only takes your desire for an opportunity to escape from her previous relationship. And in order not to start playing with one goal, it is worth taking a closer look. In this case, let her take the initiative, because your pressure will only repel.

Remember that men do not start a relationship with the idea that they will take you to the registry office. And he doesn't need to know that you are already choosing a dress for yourself!

And in conclusion!
An interesting fact, romantic love lasts a little over a year, perhaps because the brain cannot maintain a state of romantic bliss forever. And the most difficult thing is to admit that this period is over. But here, too, do not worry, your relationship will just move to the next stage.

About candy and bouquet and 6 more stages.

1. The candy-bouquet stage lasts approximately 18 months
When a man and a woman meet each other and fall in love, their bodies produce certain hormones that contribute to the perception of the world in bright colors. At this moment, everything in a person seems beautiful: appearance, voice, even character flaws seem amazing. The person seems to be in a state of drug intoxication. During this period, in no case should you make any fateful decisions, since the effect of this drug will end sooner or later, and everything will fall into place.

2. The next stage is satiety
The storm of feelings and emotions subsides, you begin to soberly assess the pros and cons of your partner. You begin to get used to each other, behave more naturally and relaxed.

3. Stage three - disgust
It is a must for any long-term relationship. In the disgust phase, quarrels begin, as if you are concentrating exclusively on each other's shortcomings. The easiest and at the same time the worst way out is separation or divorce. What's bad about it? You will abandon a time-tested relationship and, in addition, soon enter the candy-bouquet stage with another partner, and everything will start all over again.

4. The next step is patience
Quarrels and disagreements between partners happen, but they are no longer so fatal, since both know that the quarrel will end and the relationship will be restored again. When partners make an effort to develop patience, then wisdom comes along with patience. This is the law of nature. So, at this stage, partners acquire wisdom.

5. The fifth stage is the stage of duty or respect. This is also the first stage of love!
In fact, there was no love before that. At this stage, each partner begins to think not about what they owe him, but about what he himself should do for his loved one. Understanding your responsibilities develops a person.

6. Sixth stage - friendship
You have truly become close and dear to each other. You trust each other as your closest friends. Friendship is a serious preparation for love.

7. Seventh stage - love
True love is not easy. People go to her for a very long time. Love is taught through all kinds of life situations in long-term and close relationships. True love is not something that suddenly falls on your head, as is commonly believed. For real, adult love, a person matures, abandoning selfishness and prejudice.

People choose their own husband or wife. But to experience true love in family life, you need to get to know each other well, then make friends, and then fall in love. Many couples consider the first candy-bouquet period to be love. But as soon as the romance leaves, and the rose-colored glasses fall off, the first difficulties begin, the first tests of the relationship. And someone thinks - love is gone.

Love has all tastes: sweet and salty, tart and astringent, bitter and even sour. Devotion and patience are the main qualities of love. If you decide that "love is over" in your relationship, be sure that it has not begun yet.


Candy-bouquet period. When is it time to start having sex ?!

Darling, if you kiss me again, then I will be yours all my life!
- Understood! Thanks for the warning.

How long should it last candy-bouquet period and when is it time to start having sex? !!

Each girl decides this issue for herself, but some, in their youth, probably so want to get some advice on when it will be decent to switch to sex ?! Well, let's discuss.

Of course, one cannot say that in candy-bouquet period must include three bouquets, four boxes of chocolates, five visits to a cafe, two visits to a restaurant, one visit to the theater and two to the cinema.

If two people really like each other, they can, after a few days of dating, feel either soul kinship or the attraction of bodies, and then have sex. And no one will consider anyone too persistent or compliant. Unless, of course, we are talking about normal adults who respect each other.

On the other hand, you can meet for several months, visit during this time all places of cultural, less cultural and completely uncivilized rest, but the desire to have sex will not appear. Then don't. Duration of courtship does not at all oblige to switch to sex. Although if one of the partners realized that there would be no sex, the other must be informed, and not continue to give hope. We are all human, and everyone wants to be treated like a human being, do you agree ?!

So, on the first dates, wonderful enchanting sex can happen, and after several months of communication it may or may not happen at all.

But all this is closer to extremes. Most, of course, during candy-bouquet period recognition of each other occurs, mutual sympathy, trust and everything that brings people closer together is strengthened and growing.

And it is better not to force this process artificially, and not to delay unreasonably. Everything should be in moderation.

Let's read which of the girls, what they think about it:

We have candy bouquet period lasted about six months. I still remember how romantic it was !!! Meetings, cinemas, restaurants, walked around Moscow and all by the hand, and only kisses. We had nowhere to rush, we enjoyed communicating with each other.

Everyone has it candy-bouquet period lasts in their own way. It lasted for about a month, and then everything happened by itself. And there was such a case when candy-bouquet period and remained so, because a man did not interest me precisely as a man, he was interesting to me as a person and a friend. So there can be no definite criteria here. Although I think this is the most wonderful time, so romantic and exciting.

I can only judge by myself. And judging by itself, then sex is possible when there are feelings, mutual, warm, affectionate. When there is attraction, but not just physical attraction, but something deeper. If this is, of course, a serious relationship. And here it is important to feel, feel yourself, your loved one and the relationship itself, and then it is immediately clear when to switch to sex. I think, even on the third date, if there is a feeling of closeness, affection, a desire to get to know each other even closer. You can, of course, discuss this for a long time, or you can just feel the "very" moment and it will happen by itself, you just need to surrender to your feelings in time.

But I can't for a long time (a month, six months, a year) meet with a man to whom I am madly drawn. My maximum was three months. And that is only because before that man I had no one: this time was spent on overcoming the fear of the first sex. I was almost 18 years old.
If I am not attracted to a man, I do not meet with him at all. Interesting friends, in my opinion, are quite enough without him.

- Candy-bouquet period is probably the most interesting and exciting in the relationship of two people. It happens to me in different ways. Sometimes I deliberately stall for more fire, and sometimes I pass candy-bouquet period generally! It happens that he passes like that, because he does not pull towards a man and that's it. But in any case, I always remember this time with a smile and sometimes I even want to repeat it.

I have a long time - 8 months. This is only because it was before my first time - I was 17 years old. But I do not regret it, my man did not press, waited until I began to absolutely trust him. My opinion is that it's not about time - a week, a month, a year. It's about relationships, about trust. And the main thing is to understand: what do you want to get from this relationship?

I have candy-bouquet period lasted about a month, it's hard to say for sure, since everything happened by itself. There was a feeling that we have known each other all our lives, and it, this feeling, still does not go away.

It is interesting to read how everything happens differently for everyone!
With my last man (he is now my husband), this period lasted exactly six months! Smooth! It seems to me that he calculated this time on purpose. we knew from the first day of our relationship that we would be husband and wife. And it happened! After 5 years! This is probably why they were in no hurry - they knew that the whole life was ahead!
Our relationship was not like any that I had before! He was even afraid to take my hand, even kiss me on the cheek. It was so touching!
I didn't mind moving to sex, but the young man kept his distance. Now I have no regrets. Candy period we had a long, romantic one. There is something to remember. Then, when there was already the first sex with him, we could not tear ourselves away from each other at all - we were so happy! And now we are happy! It's just different.
If we talk about other young people, I can say that I had sex at the first meeting. But it was all frivolous, entertainment ...
Everyone should decide for himself - it's time or it's too early!

I don’t understand why it’s necessary to delay it on purpose. Some kind of masochistic pleasure? My maximum was 4 months before the first time. And then from three days to 3-4 weeks. More than a month, in my opinion, has never been. When, how much and how, in my opinion, then does not affect the depth and seriousness of the relationship. It depends on people. As proof, I have received bouquets more than once after the first sex. I jokingly call it the sign "don't think it was just sex, you mean more to me." It’s always very pleasant for me.
If I think that there can be a serious relationship, then usually it is 3 dates, and either on the 4th meeting the bed, or I am not drawn to it. Then bye.

How long it lasted, I do not remember. But this period was nervous, constant expectations, difficult farewells, intervention of mothers, and it was a long time ago. I like a stable relationship when we live for ourselves, the way we want. And the elements of that period are still there.

I have a funny case! There was none candy-bouquet nor any other period. We went straight to sex. We met on a dating site, talked for a little less than a month, quite politely without any special revelations. Then, when we met again on the Internet, I asked him if he was very busy at work. It turned out that it was not strong, he came straight to my house in the middle of the day. The sex was just great! Almost a month has passed since then. There is no magic story with a happy ending, but we have very good, even, friendly relations, although we continue to regularly sleep with each other. Neither I, nor he lost interest in each other.
And I don't really need sweets and bouquets. That's it.

I also had a case. Candy-bouquet period passed, since at first there were some kind of friendly relations, and then immediately and sex. Almost. And how can I get all the missing candy flowers now? Eh ... After all, now you will not ask.
So flowers first, flowers and flowers again. With sex, with mutual desire, will have time. But if the desire to conquer and give disappears, this is somehow not very good.

- Candy-bouquet period needed in cases of long and moderately serious relationship, and so, in fact, you can just have sex without sweets.

But I wonder, did anyone manage to ask for flowers after sex? I mean, when there were no special flower displays of attention before him. And then I have such a need for this, and it seems like you won't ask for no reason at all. And he does not seem to be burning with desire. How could I hint so delicately that it should be ?!

In my mind, candy-bouquet period- these are not just sweets and bouquets. This is courtship in general, all kinds of romance.

It was like this: we met on the Internet, and talked for a long time before the first meeting. But when they met, on the first day, sex happened. And then - solid candy-bouquet period... Together with sex.

I have with my boyfriend happened to candy-bouquet period kind of weird. When we started dating, he, this period, was not really. He appeared later when there was sex. And now we have been together for more than two years and it has not ended, candy-bouquet period continues.

I did not have candy flower period, as our relationship developed in a very strange way. We have known each other for 2 years, studied in the same group. He had a girlfriend, I changed a lot of guys, mostly one-day. We talked to him very often. They could talk for hours, quickly found the right topics. But I was sure that his girlfriend was forever, and I was not drawn to him in a closer relationship. But on his birthday, he quarreled with his girlfriend, we were in nature, and the girl didn’t take time off from work for him, but arrived in the evening, angry, tired and did not really love his friends, that is, us. He sent her to sleep in the car, and then we were literally thrown towards each other. We call this day with humor - the holiday of the first blowjob. And it so happened that no matter how this period was and could not be. But I cannot say that our relationship is devoid of romance, he manages to bring a fairy tale into every day of communication. On my last birthday, he brought me an armful of roses - I don't really like cut flowers, but it's still amazing. And this year he gave me a star, as it should be, with a certificate and exact coordinates. The star is named La Gata, which means Cat in Spanish.

Earlier it also seemed to me that if you want to build a really serious relationship with a man, then you should bouquet and candy period tighten up, tease him so that he would value what he had obtained with such difficulty, but ... We knew my beloved for two weeks only, when he suggested that we come to him in the evening with a suitcase. "In the meantime, I'll empty your closet" - he said then. I was in some confusion, I thought that it was somehow strange and frivolous, such an important decision to make so soon! But then I succumbed to him and never left him again. Since then we have been living together, and bouquet and candy period continues. There is even more romance now than when we first met, because we already know what someone likes and how to make each other pleasant. This is also important! For example, I somehow managed to give him a rose ... I thought that he would appreciate the depth and tenderness of such a gift! He was at a loss !!! He said that he was a man and he didn’t like such gifts! I was upset then, of course. But I just resigned myself to the fact that he did not understand me then. But now I know that he doesn't like it, and I make him other pleasant surprises. He's not lagging behind either. Gives flowers, although at first he was even surprised - they say, do you like it so much? For my birthday, I put a present in my car in the garage in the morning - it was doubly pleasant from such a surprise.
So it is difficult to determine exactly how long this period should last and when it is time to move on to sex. I think everyone should feel that it's time! Good luck!

And it seems to me that you should not take the leap in a relationship and give yourself up to a guy on the first, second date. He must strive to conquer the girl. Although if you just want sex, without feelings, then why not.
I myself believe that bouquet period should continue as much as possible and not stop altogether. Otherwise, the young man will stop in his desire to win his beloved, and feelings will cool down.

For example, I have this period and it is difficult to determine, a week, probably, if you can call it that. There was no need for us to delay sex, since we are already quite adult people.
But sweets, flowers, restaurants did not stop, and together we decide how best to spend the evening.
What does it depend on? To be honest, I still cannot understand myself, although there have already been different situations in my life. Much depends on the man. Definitely! From parenting too!
But the most important thing, girls, what I would like to note is not that important!
It's nice, of course, but if, instead of a bouquet, it gives affection and tender attitude, I think this is more important! Not everyone can afford to throw money, but attention and tenderness are more important than a collection of expensive gifts?

Gifts and flowers don't have to be expensive. But how many pleasant impressions from the gifts!

I would not differentiate at all candy-bouquet courtship and sex. You can combine it successfully.

My husband and I had a week from the beginning of meetings to the first sex.

Until the first time I thought that the very minimum - six months should pass. But after 2 months and 20 days I gave up! I could not resist, although now looking back and comparing our relationship now and then, I think that it could turn out to be a terrible stupidity, it was not at all the same relationship. But! Everything is fine to this day, and we have been together for exactly 8 months !!!

My husband and I had sex on the third day of our acquaintance. We have been living together for 8 years and are very happy.

But I have it right now candy-bouquet period... We meet for 3 weeks and everything is just great! In general, not for long, but I already want this bright, long-awaited moment ... Everything is very magical. But that's just scary for some reason. I don’t know myself - I’m afraid of some kind of disappointment.

And my biggest period was about two years. This was my first man, my first love. He was much older than me. So touchingly courted! He wore flowers, strawberries, rode a motorcycle with him everywhere, he was a protector for me. And after sex somehow everything began to fall apart. Most likely, he simply ceased to interest me.
And the shortest period was 1 day. This is how we met, talked and immediately some kind of attraction went between us.
There are absolutely no regrets, under no circumstances! It's nice to remember what happened and how!
And we met my husband over the Internet. I didn't think about anything like that at all. But he began to slowly conquer me. Through children. And the first sex we had with him was 3 months later, on New Year's. And somehow the courtship period came to naught. But sometimes it's our own fault. I've always made claims to him about the flowers - either expensive or sluggish. And that's all. Now I say directly that I want flowers, but he doesn't. Holidays only. So, sometimes you have to think with your head.
In general, everyone decides for himself when and after how much!

Everything does not depend at all on the amount of time spent together after meeting. I had my first sex on the fifth day after they met, and after almost four years after they met, and for four years they met each other in all seriousness, gave flowers gifts, but in terms of sex they were not ready.

But mine never gave me flowers or sweets. In general, I myself do not really like flowers, only live ones in pots, but I would not refuse sweets. And on March 8, he didn't even give anything, saying that there was no money, but I didn't ask for something expensive. Well, why was it not possible to give even just a postcard? Yes, even homemade! It's even better than what you bought. But no...
And so I want at least some kind of present ...

We have candy-bouquet period lasted two months. It so happened that I moved to live with him, slept together, but did not have sex for almost a month. He even kissed me for the first time only after 3 weeks. And I so wanted it! Just right up to the pain in the stomach. We go to bed, I was already spinning and spinning, I put my lips on it. There was zero effect. But then, for the first time, it turned out so long-awaited and desired by both, that it was simply torn with feelings! Beyond words!

- Girl, I want you. Ugh, damn it, it's me! Please forgive me. Girl, what's your name?
- Lena.
- Lena, I want you!

The girl was so thin and fragile that she did not break for long.

You know, I wanted to propose to you.
- Finally! For five years you have been gathering your courage.
- Why, today I was going to propose to you - let's part in an amicable way.

Two friends meet:
- How are you and your friend?
- Yes, I think to leave ...
- Why? You were at her brother's wedding the day before yesterday, was it all right?
- It was. Until she caught the bride's bouquet.
Vasilyeva Natasha and Valentin Denisov-Melnikov specially for the site

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