How to sew a light cocoon sleeping bag yourself. How to sew a sleeping bag with your own hands? Master class: do-it-yourself sleeping bag for a newborn

Anastasia Sergeeva

Why do lips crack and jams appear? Getting rid of the problem

To look well-groomed, you need to take care not only of the skin of the face and body, but also of the sensitive skin of the lips - and this applies to both women and men. Cracks on the lips and jams in the corners of the mouth look unaesthetic, but most importantly, they can indicate various diseases. Why do lips crack, what is the reason? What to do if cracks have already appeared, and how to avoid them in the future? We answer further.

Cracked lips: causes

  • Cold. The most common reason why lips crack is cold, temperature changes between the street and rooms, windy weather. At the same time, moisture begins to evaporate from the surface of the lips, the vessels shrink, the skin becomes thinner, stretched, becomes fragile and easily vulnerable to damage. And after that, cracks on the lips can form while eating, talking or smiling.
  • Heat. But lips can crack not only from cold, but also from heat, or rather, from hot, dry air. It begins to dehydrate the body, giving us a feeling of dryness in the area of ​​​​the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, as well as on the lips. As a result, their skin becomes brittle and cracked again.
  • Lip licking. This bad habit causes cracked lips in many young children who love to lick their lips, but adults are no exception. The fact is that when we lick, we cover the skin with saliva, and it begins to evaporate along with the natural moisture of the lips themselves, which leads to the formation of cracks.
  • Food. There are certain foods and types of food that contain high amounts of acids and spiciness, which can dry out the skin of the lips and cause cracks. Examples include vinegared salads, preserves, very salty foods, spicy dishes, and acidic fruits like kiwis and citrus fruits.

Cracks in the corners of the lips

Another question that worries no less often is why jams appear, that is, cracks in the corners of the mouth. Despite the fact that the above factors can also provoke their appearance, cracks in the corners of the mouth are a more serious cause for concern, as they may indicate some other diseases and conditions of the body, for example:

  • diabetes mellitus, as well as other diseases directly related to metabolic disorders;
  • oral allergy syndrome, which appears as a reaction to certain products and their combinations;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity, in particular dental diseases, for example, untreated caries or pulpitis;
  • orthodontic diseases, in particular malocclusion, which provokes abundant salivation;

  • weakened immunity, lack of iron, vitamins A and / or B2, caused by improper or insufficient nutrition;
  • the use of antibiotics, as well as cytostatic and corticosteroid drugs;
  • mechanical damage, for example, when wearing braces, prostheses, etc., as well as in the absence of some teeth.

How to treat chapped lips

If the trouble has already happened, and you notice that your lips or their corners are cracking, try resorting to the following treatment methods:

  • Moisturize your lips. In stores and pharmacies, you can find a wide variety of special lipsticks, gels and balms that are designed specifically to moisturize our sponges. Give preference to natural products based on sustainable ingredients

Tip: if you are not sure that the cracks are caused precisely by weather conditions, then it is better to moisturize them with a product that is squeezed out of a tube, or one that can be applied to the lips with a finger, after washing it with at least soap. This is done in order not to carry bacteria around the mouth and the agent itself.

If you can’t find a store remedy, use the advice of our grandmothers and alternative medicine. Try lubricating cracks with butter or vegetable oil with glycerin, natural bee honey (if you are not allergic to it), petroleum jelly, coconut oil, almond oil, calendula oil, aloe gel. It is best to apply such products at night before going to bed so as not to lick them. And in the morning you can make lip masks from fatty sour cream. Another folk remedy is gruel made from cottage cheese and fresh carrot juice.

Prevention of cracks

Of course, in order not to have to continue to find out why lips crack and how they can be cured, it is better to remember about protective measures. For prevention, follow these rules:

  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature. Cover your mouth with a scarf when you go outside from a warm room.
  • Avoid dehydration: drink plenty of water. Do not bring to the point where you begin to feel unpleasant dryness in your mouth.
  • If your home has dry and hot air, get a humidifier.

  • Use lip moisturizers, lip balms, and lip balms daily. Do not forget about sun exposure - use a lip cream with an SPF factor.
  • Buy only those cosmetics that can boast of high quality.
  • Periodically, but infrequently, you can scrub the skin of the lips with soft scrubs or a toothbrush to remove peeling.
  • Watch your diet, eat right, do not overdo it with spicy and highly acidic foods.
  • Avoid stress and take care of yourself so that you do not have impulses to bite your lips.

We also suggest watching the following video, which will tell you about the causes of seizures in children, why they are dangerous and what to do with them:

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In cold windy weather, many people face such a problem - lips constantly burst. The feeling is, frankly, disgusting. If they burst, then they heal for a very long time and, as a rule, because we do not treat the wound with any means, but wait for everything to heal itself. And this is not correct.

First aid for cracked lips

Firstly, the wound spoils your appearance, and secondly, microbes can get into the wound, not to mention pain.

If you have them bursting, then you can give yourself first aid already at home. Lubricate the wound with any natural oil, almond oil, cold-pressed olive oil, wheat germ oil, petroleum jelly are good. Honey helps a lot.

How to lubricate lips if they burst

The crack can be lubricated with an oily solution of vitamin A or vitamin E, which can be bought at a pharmacy. For more serious cases, when they burst constantly, you can buy Bepanten regenerating ointment at the pharmacy. The main active ingredient of the ointment is provitamin B5, which forms pantothenic acid, and the latter, in turn, stimulates skin regeneration. The ointment is applied to a dry wound several times a day with a thin layer, preferably after meals. The wound heals quickly. The course of treatment is individual, depending on the size of the crack.

You can also use D-panthenol ointment or cream. These products also contain pantothenic acid. D-panthenol is applied in a thin layer on skin cracks, lightly rubbed. The more often you perform the procedure, the better.

How to lubricate the bursting lips of an allergic person

If you are allergic, it is better not to resort to the use of chemicals. Pure lanolin can be used on a wound or as a prophylaxis. Lanolin is an animal fat that is obtained from the wool of sheep. Lanolin is used as a basis for various ointments and creams, but is sold in pharmacies and in its pure form. Lanolin is well absorbed into the skin and has a noticeable softening effect even after the first application.

For the wound to heal faster, do not open your mouth wide when eating, talking or laughing. You even have to smile in moderation. Do not forget, otherwise the wound will open again.

In more serious cases, it is better to consult a specialist. Very often, people do not attach much importance to the frames on the lips, and this may not be just a cut, but already erosion that spreads in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners, dermatosis is also possible.

So that the lips do not burst. Prevention

As a preventive measure, I advise you to lubricate your lips with hygienic lipstick or a fat lip balm before going out. It is good to buy fish oil in a pharmacy and replenish the body with vitamins A and D.

At night, lubricate your lips with a fat cream, it is better if the cream contains sea minerals. If they often burst, do not lick them on the street, even if you really want to. On the street in the cold season, lips should always remain dry.

The thing is that lips are not always cracked because the skin dries out due to wind, sun or frost. Often the cause lies within the body ...

Why do lips crack

  1. Cracks on the lips often occur due to a decrease in immunity. Microbes and fungi that live in the sinuses of the nose, tonsil cavities, carious cavities of the teeth spread to the skin of the lips. When the crack becomes infected, swelling, severe pain, pus and bleeding occur. Stress, malnutrition, dysbacteriosis, a viral disease, etc. lead to a decrease in immunity.
  2. A lack of vitamins in the body can lead to cracked lips and jams. Especially with a deficiency of B vitamins.
  3. The habit of licking or biting lips, malocclusion, ill-fitting dentures, the habit of holding foreign objects in the mouth (pencil, toothpick) can provoke the appearance of cracks on the lips.
  4. Microcracks occur as a result of increased dryness of the air in the room, with dehydration: insufficient water intake, vomiting, diarrhea, fever.
  5. In some cases, cracks in the lips are a manifestation of an allergic reaction: to food, metal during lip piercing, cosmetics, even toothpaste.
  6. Lips crack with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: dysbacteriosis, gastritis, etc.
  7. Smoking provokes the formation of cracks on the lips.

Fight cracked lips

  • If the crack is deep, bloody, pus is released from it, or it recurs, you need to see a doctor to determine which pathogen caused it to appear. For this, an analysis is taken from the affected area, the pathogen is detected and its sensitivity to antibiotics is determined. If the lips are cracked due to fungi, antifungal ointments are prescribed.
  • In parallel, multivitamin preparations are prescribed - to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, especially vitamins A, B, C and minerals - zinc and iron.
  • With a tendency to cracked lips, it is useful to include oatmeal, greens, unrefined vegetable oil, malt, red and orange fruits and vegetables, cheeses, sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs, fish and meat in the diet.
  • Simple carbohydrates and sweets should be abandoned (at least temporarily) - they provoke the reproduction of fungi.
  • It is necessary to choose a good moisturizer for the lips and not to use decorative cosmetics.

Prevention of cracked lips

To prevent cracks you need:

  • heal dental caries, remove tartar, take care of the oral cavity;
  • take a stool test for dysbacteriosis and correct it if it is detected;
  • check the iron and sugar levels in the blood. Iron deficiency and diabetes mellitus (or pre-diabetes) can cause cracked lips.

Lip Moisturizing Methods

If the cause of the cracks is the drying of the skin under the influence of adverse factors, then daily care and folk or cosmetic products will help.

Once a week, you need to peel the skin of the lips with a mixture of crushed oatmeal, cottage cheese and olive oil. For chapped lips, you can apply tea tree oil compresses for 5-10 minutes. It is best to do this twice a day until the skin is smooth.

If there is no allergy, you can use moisturizing lip creams or hygienic lipstick.

The skin on the lips has a special sensitivity, it is not without reason that it is an erogenous zone. The skin is delicate, thin and completely unprotected from various external adverse factors. Improper care, strong winds, cold or summer heat often lead to painful cracks, peeling and discomfort. What to do if the lip is cracked, how to quickly get rid of this condition and prevent relapse, we will consider in this article.

The condition when the lips are cracked is familiar to many. First, small cracks appear in the middle, at the corners of the mouth. They are accompanied by excessive dryness, soreness, and sometimes bleeding. Treatment largely depends on the cause of the crack in the middle of the lip. In most cases, this is avitaminosis. Vitamins of group B, as well as A and E, are responsible for the elasticity and health of the skin, and if they are not enough, this leads to the appearance of various problems: dryness, peeling, cracks.

1. Violations in the work of the intestines, as well as from the endocrine system, lead to a lack of vitamins. Pathogenic microflora significantly reduces the activity of immune cells. As a result, the skin, as a protective organ, cannot cope with microorganisms and viruses. A small microdamage to the mucous membrane in the mouth can cause a painful crack in the middle of the lip.

2. Another reason is the presence of multiple caries. A damaged filling and/or diseased tooth are breeding grounds for bacteria that infect any resulting cracks and wounds. The lip can crack in the middle if you do not monitor the condition of the teeth and treat them in a timely manner.

3. An improperly formed bite also leads to the appearance of pathogenic microbes. With this pathology, saliva accumulates in the corners of the mouth due to the lack of outflow. Constant humidity is a favorable condition for the reproduction of microorganisms. If the lower lip is cracked, this may be a signal of a strong slagging of the body. In this case, you will need to check the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

4. Rigid diets, smoking, the habit of licking lips, eating on the street cause a violation of their optimal moisture content. The feeling of severe dryness provokes tightness of the skin, and the lips crack.

5. A common cause is the presence of a disease such as diabetes. The condition of the mucous membranes worsens due to pathology in the work of the endocrine system. In addition, constant thirst leads to dry skin. In this case, it is necessary to take special drugs and replenish the amount of fluid.

6. If the lips are cracked in the middle after applying lipstick or hygienic lipstick, then this may indicate a low quality product or an expired shelf life. An allergic reaction to decorative cosmetics can also be accompanied by the appearance of cracks and wounds.

7. Active sun and strong cold wind damage the thin skin of the lips. Chapping is a common cause of chapped lips. Cracks due to constant facial expressions and conversations heal for a long time, but this process can be accelerated.

What to do and how to treat?

1. First of all, you need to find out what caused the lesion of the lip. If the cause is a fungus, then antibacterial ointments and gels are needed. Therapy may include the use of tetracycline or methyluracil ointment, Vishnevsky balm or Levomekol. When the lip is cracked and does not heal in any way, then purchase Purelan-100 at the pharmacy. This is a lanolin-based antiseptic that perfectly moisturizes the skin and copes with various cracks. The treatment will be much more effective if you disinfect the crack before applying. Try to disturb the area of ​​the lip that is damaged in the middle as little as possible. When a crust forms, do not tear it off. This will allow you to quickly cope with the painful condition.

2. And what if the lip does not heal for a long time even when using pharmacy products? In this case, folk recipes can help to completely cure. In the absence of an acute reaction of the body to honey and its derivatives, lubricating the wound in the middle of the lip with honey will be an excellent option. It promotes rapid healing of the skin due to its bactericidal and softening properties.

3. When lips crack, make a mask, which includes sour cream and 2-3 drops of olive oil. Treatment will be more effective if left overnight. Butter will also be a good helper in the fight against cracks. If there is petroleum jelly at home, then it is recommended to use it as protection before going outside.

4. If the lip is cracked, use a mixture of kiwi and vegetable oil. Keep it for no more than 20 minutes, then wash off the remnants, dry the lips with a paper towel and apply any moisturizer, starting from the middle. In especially advanced cases, make a compress from an oil solution with vitamins A and E. To do this, purchase Aevit at a pharmacy.

5. If a crack occurs on the lip of a child, especially in infancy, the mother should reconsider her diet. Include more vitamins in meals. For treatment, choose fatty creams without dyes and fragrances.

6. Lips will stop cracking if you resort to tea tree ether. Put a couple of drops into any base oil (almond, peach) and simply apply to cracks. In the absence of positive dynamics within a few days, you should consult a doctor. Poor healing can occur due to the inflammatory process that has already begun, when the lip is cracked right in the middle.

Preventive actions

Be sure to protect your lips with lip balms or hygienic lipstick with UV protection before going out. By constantly moisturizing them with special products, you do not have to lick your lips, as they will not dry out.

The necessary nutrition will provide the use of various oils (olive, vegetable). Acquired propolis will restore damaged skin and help avoid cracks. Take regularly, especially in the autumn-spring period, mineral-vitamin complexes. Increase the amount of fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits in your diet. Make masks several times a week at night. Their constant use will not allow your lips to crack even in the cold.

Smoking and drinking alcohol, especially on the street, does not have the best effect on the condition of the lips. Give up these habits, especially since they are not included in the list of fashionable hobbies now. Choose your cosmetics carefully. Before buying, check the composition and expiration date. Do not use other people's lipsticks.

Constant proper care of sensitive skin will help prevent the appearance of not only cracks, but also early wrinkles. Remember that treatment will require more trouble and expense than prevention.

Now there are many types and types of sleeping bags on sale, but it is quite possible to make it yourself. In the manufacture of sleeping bags, the following requirements should be observed: light weight and good heat retention, comfort, the possibility of ventilation and drying, ease of transportation. They are answered by multi-seat double (two-layer) sleeping bags.

Comfort depends on the size of the bag. Previously, in pursuit of weight loss, they tried to minimize the size of the bag and sew it at the rate of 40 cm per person. Naturally, in such sleeping bags, participants could only sleep on their side. Practice has led to a sound recommendation to increase the width of the bag at the shoulders to 60-65 cm per person.

A sleeping bag made up of two also contributes to better heat retention due to the air gap between them. In addition, its halves can be quilted, as long as the stitching lines of the two halves do not line up. It is more convenient to transport such sleeping bags in two backpacks; they are quickly dried or ventilated even when traveling during the polar night. Such bags are of no small importance in extreme situations: a half of the bag will allow you to organize an overnight stay for those who have it, or when the group had to split up.

Double sleeping bags can be sewn from thin nylon. As a heater, it is best to use a synthetic winterizer (nylon wool in the form of batting): it does not require partitions, but is only stitched in several places along the length and width.

A multi-seat double-layer sleeping bag is sewn in the following sequence: cut eight panels according to the sizes indicated in the figure, two of which are sheathed with calendered nylon or bologna on one side and at the legs; lay 2-3 layers of insulation between two panels and quilt in 20-30 cm; sew the blankets together so that two layers form on the sides; sew a strip at least 30 cm wide in the legs - then during sleep the feet can be positioned vertically.

When traveling without a stove or on particularly frosty nights, to protect the head from cold air, it is necessary to sew a nylon cloth to the upper edge of the upper half of the sleeping bag (the bike is moistened and does not dry well) so that you can cover your face and press the cloth with your head. You can sew a long bag of light nylon to the bottom of the sleeping bag for things put under your head.

When using insulation in the form of cotton wool (nitron), you can use the proven method of pocket sleeping bags, when partitions are sewn between the panels. Some tourists recommend laying out the nitron on a nylon cloth with the desired layer and stitching it together with the material through special paper (you can also use a regular newspaper), tear off the paper and connect two such layers with insulation to each other, but the stitching layers should not match.