How to make curls short. Detailed instructions on how to properly wind short hair on the curling iron. Formation of large curls

If you are a fan of not too long hair, this does not mean that you should deny yourself the opportunity to create a wide variety of hairstyles, including interesting styling with curls. The latest trends in couture catwalks show us that this year, careless light curls remain at the peak of popularity. And if you still don't know how to wind short hair without the help of professional stylists, we will teach you this.

We twist short hair on a curling iron - the easiest way

Some representatives of the fair sex do not even know how to wind it on a curling iron, because it seems that the hairstyle after such manipulations either will not turn out lush, or will not be neat. In fact, the algorithm for performing such a procedure is quite simple, you just need to strictly adhere to it:

Before starting any manipulations with hair, it is imperative to apply thermal protective agents. It can be both gels and mousses. They do not weigh down the hairs, but they perfectly protect each of them from aggressive high temperatures.

In no case should you spray your hair with hairspray before starting curling. This is the most common mistake that makes the curl look more like an icicle than a lush, playful lock.

Before winding short hair on a curling iron, it should be divided into several separate strands (segments), which will be proportional on both sides of your face, so that the hairstyle as the end result of the work does not spoil the image.

A curling iron for working with short hair should have a diameter of up to 2.5-3 cm, then the curls will turn out to be quite small and elastic. If you take a curling iron with a large diameter, then you are more likely to achieve beautiful waves, but not curls.

Have you ever understood how to curl short hair beautifully? Just start this procedure not from the face, but from the lower strands near the neck, and slowly move up. By the way, it is this method of winding that allows you to achieve the most voluminous, lively styling.

Depending on the thickness of the strands and the temperature of the curling iron, keeping one curl on it costs from five to fifteen seconds. After that, carefully remove the hair from the device, without twisting it with your hands or trying to straighten it. The strand should look like a serpentine, it is in this form that it should cool down.

After all the hair is curled and cooled, gently, without the help of combs or combs, separate the strands with your fingers, styling them the way you like, and at a distance of 30 cm, gently sprinkle the finished hairstyle with varnish.

Comfortable curling iron Babyliss

Today, a new generation of "independent" Babyliss curlers has become very popular among lovely ladies (that is, those that have a rotating element and twist their hair without unnecessary effort on the part of a person). As a result, you get a fairly fast and neat curling. Babyliss is safe for hair, but thermal protection should not be neglected. Before starting the styling procedure, in which instead of the usual curling iron you will use a modern one, treat each strand with such a mousse or gel.

The algorithm of your actions should be similar to those described above, if you want to get a voluminous and beautiful curl. For hair, Babyliss is more suitable than a regular curling iron. This is because the duration of the process itself is significantly reduced, which means that the hair will not be so affected by exposure to high temperatures.

With an iron you can not only level, but also curl your hair

If you want to achieve really beautiful ones for this procedure, you will need a model with sufficiently thin heating surfaces. The process of creating such a styling is just as simple and accessible to perform even by a non-professional:

We treat the hair with thermal protection, no varnish should be used before styling;

To finally understand how to wind short hair with an iron, remember the golden rule: we start curling from the roots, gently grabbing a strand with an iron, slowly scrolling it in our hands, moving along the strand to its very end;

If it did not work out the first time to achieve the correct curl, divide the strand into smaller ones, wait for the hair to cool down, and slowly repeat the procedure done;

We disassemble the cooled strands with our fingers, lay them to our liking and spray them with our loved ones

We create curls without damaging the hair with high temperatures

You do not want to harm your beautiful hair with curling irons, irons, and do you have enough time to create with curls? We will show you how to curl short hair without the aforementioned accessories.

Professional secrets of creating curls with curlers

Stylists know that when working with different types of curlers, the algorithms for performing such a procedure vary.

Consider the process of creating styling with the help of everyone's favorite Velcro curlers:

They are ideal for creating or body waves on short hair;

You need to wind clean, slightly damp hair;

Be sure to make sure that the strands are not too large, otherwise you will not get really beautiful styling;

Having fastened all the hair on such curlers, we begin to dry them with a hairdryer;

When the hair is completely cool, carefully remove the curlers, style the hair as you like and fix it with varnish.

Little secret: if you want to achieve tighter curls, or if you want your hairstyle not to lose shape all day, before winding the strands on Velcro curlers, treat them with a small amount of mousse or foam with an appropriate degree of fixation.

Boomerang curlers

If you don't know how to curl short hair so that you get small and very playful curls, then you just have never seen a boomerang curler. They are also wrapped around slightly damp hair, which can be pre-treated with foam. Whether to dry your head with a hairdryer or wait 3-5 hours until they dry on their own is up to you, but in any case, the result will be a pleasant surprise.

Remember: you cannot wind such curlers on too damp hair, even if you plan to go to bed with them, because there is a high probability that the strands simply will not dry out, and in the morning you will get a spoiled hairstyle instead of a beautiful styling.

We twist hair with improvised means

You probably still don't know how to curl short hair at home with improvised means to get a hairstyle that looks like you just left the salon. I would like to clarify that a tool that replaces a curling iron or curlers can also be such thin objects as pencils, cocktail straws and similar devices. Using them, you will get almost African fine curls. The process will not differ from winding on curlers.

Can be twisted even on a headband for a Greek hairstyle

Surely each of you has a special headband that is suitable for creating a Greek hairstyle. Only not everyone knows that if you make it on slightly damp hair and walk like that all day, then for the evening you will get a wonderful and stylish styling with elastic curls.

Before winding short hair with such a bandage, treat it with mousse or foam to better form spirals. Putting on this and grabbing one thin strand in the forehead area, we wrap the rim with it. After that, we take another strand, grab the tip of the previous one, and again repeat the manipulation done.

Since it is quite simple to wind short hair at home on such a bandage, you can do it even every evening, and in the morning surprise others with a perfect styling.

How to create beach curls

Many girls are interested in the process of creating light curls, such as we see with top models on the set of swimwear advertisements on the seaside. No matter how hard you try, such styling can never be achieved with the help of ply, because it should be very light, natural. It is even more difficult to imagine how to create a similar styling on the hair just below the shoulders, or how to wind short hair. You shouldn't pin your hopes on curlers either when creating such a styling.

Professional stylists have revealed the secret of creating such beauty on your hair. Everyone can perform simple manipulations even at home:

We treat wet hair with foam or mousse with a high level of fixation;

We divide the hair into several strands proportional to the face (2 or 4);

We twist each strand into a tight tourniquet and use invisibility to fix them on the head;

We are waiting for the hair to dry on its own, or we help them with a hairdryer;

Having carefully unfastened each invisibility, we untwist the bundles, divide the hair into strands;

We spray the finished styling with varnish quite a bit and enjoy the attention and admiration of everyone around.

The curling iron will help you to make curls according to your wishes., but for this you need to know a few rules on how to use this device correctly. In any case, there are many types of curls that determine what kind of curls or curls you end up with.

The diameter of the curls depends on the size of the strand you will be using for curling. To get neat and beautiful curls, they must be wrapped in one direction, otherwise the hairstyle will turn out to be sloppy. Also, the hair should be proportionally divided on both sides, and the curling iron itself should be no more than 3 cm in diameter, otherwise you will get waves instead of beautiful curls. If you follow all these tips, then the styling will turn out good and will not spoil the image.

There are several types of curlers that are suitable for curling short hair.:

  1. Cylindrical- forms large curls.
  2. Conical- gives the curl the appearance of a stretched spring.
  3. Double-barreled- forms two curls at the same time.
  4. Triangular- makes the effect of a broken strand.
  5. Three-barreled- forms three curls.
  6. Spiral- twists hair into a spiral.

Nowadays, there are a lot of different curling irons and their manufacturers, so many are asking the question: what kind of curling iron to choose to curl short hair beautifully? To begin with, you still need to decide what effect you want to get for your hairstyle, and only then choose the appropriate tool.

Advice! There are a lot of varieties of curling iron, but it should be noted that today the Babyliss curling iron is famous for its immense popularity, it has a rotating element and twists the hair without unnecessary movements. Babyliss is absolutely safe for hair, but it is still not worth using it often.

At the moment, this curling iron is one of the most popular in all countries of the world and is in great demand among adolescent girls. So even those girls who are still in school can easily make beautiful curls for themselves.

How to make curls?

Preparing hair for curling is an important process., therefore, people who have not done any hairstyles for themselves should remember a few tips:

Reference! For short hair, almost no tools are required to help curling, but if you are still a beginner who has no experience or even an idea of ​​how a hairstyle should turn out, you should divide your hair into several equal parts and secure them with clips so that everything the curls turned out to be the same.

Many people ask the question, what should be the hair in order to achieve a beautiful hairstyle? Dirty, clean, or maybe even wet. Of course, the hair must be clean. Do not apply hairspray first, this is the biggest mistake many girls make. The varnish must be applied after the hair has already been wrapped. If you do the opposite, then it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Cylindrical forceps

Effect with a cylindrical curling iron:

  1. Separate the strands by an equal amount.
  2. Gently wraps around the curling iron.
  3. We keep a certain time, which is written in the instructions.
  4. We fix the curls to our liking, but without using a comb.
  5. Spray with varnish to fix the effect.

It was one of the easiest ways to curl your hair with a cylindrical curling iron. With the help of different curls, you can achieve a different effect of your hairstyle..

Cone styler

  1. We wrap a strand around the curling iron.
  2. We wind the strand over its entire surface.
  3. We wind each strand on one section of the working surface.
  4. We give the curls a splendid effect with the help of the hands.

That's all, curling curls with a conical curling iron is also not so difficult as it seems at first glance.

Triangular forceps

  1. Separate the strands and wrap them around the curling iron.
  2. We wind it on the curling iron so that we get the effect of a spiral.
  3. With the help of our hands, we give the curls a carelessness and fix with varnish.

Styling with triangular tongs will really appeal to creative girls... If earlier hairstyle with tongs was associated with lordly curls, now many girls use this tool to give their hair a slight carelessness, which was and still remains in fashion.

Important! On average, curls made on short hair last from 2 to 6 hours, which is much longer than long and thick hair can withstand.

Also, many girls are interested in the question: "Curls curled on which curling iron will last longer?" Let me tell you right away that, for the most part, your hairstyle does not depend on the type of curling iron. Basically, hairstyle can deteriorate from damp places, the very structure of the hair, its length, volume and the products that you use.

Fix curls after styling easily and quickly! Just after you finish twisting the curls, sprinkle them with varnish, but first apply a gel or mousse to your hair, this will serve a greater effect and keep your hairstyle safe and sound until the evening.

Don't go overboard with nail polish, especially if you're doing your hair for an afternoon event. Firstly, the varnish spoils the condition of the hair, and secondly, it looks unnatural.


Remember that your hairstyle is a reflection of your personality, and it is especially important for a girl to show herself beautiful and attractive. Curling curls is a versatile option for all hair types, it will give you an elegant look, as well as accentuate any of your looks and makeup. Be beautiful!

Many women who have chosen a short haircut envy the owners of long hair in their souls. However, this is not at all a reason to be upset or worried. There are tons of great hairstyles for short lengths.

In contact with

Lush and romantic curls give a special chic to the appearance. It's easy to make them yourself right at home. With practical tips, you can get beautiful curls.

It is easy to achieve the desired effect with a variety of hair accessories. In order to learn how to make curls on short hair at home, you need to have quite a bit of patience. It is enough to set aside time for yourself, your beloved, and the reflection in the mirror cannot but please.

Curls look especially impressive on short hair. They can make the look more playful and add a touch of cockiness. Curls in some way even rejuvenate women, and they give girls lightness and positiveness.

You just need to choose curls that match the type of hairstyle. This is ideal for those girls who are trying to gradually grow long hair. Beautiful curls on short hair are also a great way to add volume.

How to make curls at home

There are tons of ways to curl short hair now. To do this, you absolutely do not need to visit a salon or call a master at home. A couple of dexterous movements - and beautiful and elastic curls on the head.

In order for the hair to become obedient when styling and not to deteriorate, it is worth taking on a few tips. They will help you get a great hairstyle:

  • for washing, you need to select exactly the shampoo that is suitable for the hair type;
  • conditioner or balm will moisturize your hair and allow you to get soft curls;

For tight and elastic curls, it is better to wash your hair with shampoo only, and do not use caring products.

  • before winding it on curlers, wrap the hair with a towel to remove excess moisture;
  • if the strands are wound on a curling iron or iron, then they must be dry and treated with a thermal protective agent;

To keep the curls on short hair longer, treat the strands with foam or mousse in advance.

An arsenal of the following tools will help you get a great curl at home:

How to make curls with hairpins

  • The pinned strands can be left overnight. Then a hat or a bag is put on top. For a quick effect, the head is dried with a hairdryer.
  • When the hair is dry, remove the bobby pins with care. To create natural curls, it is worth shaping with your hands. Fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Voluminous and large curls

It is easy to make lush hair with a round brush. Slightly wet strands are styled with a hair dryer. You will also need a spray or gel to make your hair look voluminous.

  1. Starting at the roots, apply a small amount of styling product over the entire length.
  2. The strand must be wrapped around a comb and dried with warm air.
  3. In this way, go over the entire head.
  4. Fix the finished curls with varnish.

You can do without a hair dryer. Wrap hair treated with mousse on the brush and keep it for a few minutes. Each strand is done separately and the effect of wavy hair is obtained.

There is also a very simple and proven method for obtaining volumetric styling. Wind a strand onto your finger, and then sprinkle it with varnish. Then you need to hold it for a few minutes, and then slowly release the curl.

Short hair curler

  1. Wrap curlers on the moistened strands, and then dry them with a hairdryer.
  2. When the hair is dry, gently release the curls and fix with varnish.

The fastest effect is given by electric curlers. It should be used less often, as hair may deteriorate. Apply modern curlers to the treated strands and wait until the curls under them dry themselves.

Fabric knots

Instead of papillotes, you can make rag curlers yourself.

How to make large curls with an iron

There are tons of great ways to get romantic waves. Special styling devices can be considered one of them. With the help of an iron, it is easy to make beautiful curls.

This option can be perfect for even the shortest lengths. Follow the steps you need to get the perfect result.

This hairstyle is suitable for every day, and for an evening out or a significant event.

How to quickly make beautiful curls

Sometimes circumstances cannot wait. And you need to become attractive and well-groomed instantly. Curls for short hair are made as easy as for any other length.

  • Modern stylers have a lot of handy attachments. This allows you to make curls of different diameters. Previously, it is advisable to spray the strands with cosmetics that protect from heat.
  • The curling iron will be able to cope with this task perfectly. Depending on the diameter, you can get large or small curls. It is worth treating your hair with a thermal protective agent in advance.

To begin with, a strand is taken and captured with a curling iron. The degree of winding depends on what kind of curls you need to get.

In order for the curls to be light, it is necessary to wind each strand a little. For tight curls, the hair is rolled over its entire length and kept for the right amount of time. The process of working with a curling iron is the same all over the head.

If you want to achieve an original hairstyle, then you can do different curls. The effect of a wave will look beautiful on the face, and light curls will appear all over the head. Side parting on a square or just short hair looks very attractive.

It happens that the hair does not fit well. In this case, you can apply foam or other means in advance. When the hairstyle is ready, it is worth using hairspray.

For the summer, this hairstyle option will look great if you use a gel. It will give a light wet hair effect. It is enough to take a small amount of styling product and apply it to the strands, and then squeeze them slightly.

Curls for short hair with bangs

If a girl has short hair with bangs, then she can experiment with her own hairstyle. There are several spectacular and original options.

Styling curls for short hair with bangs - video:

  • Often with curls, the bangs are laid to one side.
  • Depending on preferences and desires, as well as the length, it depends on how the hairstyle will look. If the bangs are long enough, then they can also be wound with all the rest of the strands.
  • Short bangs are usually straightened with an iron and laid with a gel.
  • This part of the hairstyle can be wound in the same way as all the strands. An option is also available when the bangs go obliquely, and they give it a small wave with an iron or curling iron. In this case, you do not need to keep it for long.

It is best to do a side parting, then the bangs will look more organic. It will merge with the total mass of curls. Laying must be fixed with varnish.

  • The bangs with small curls look original. It can be wound with small curlers, papillotes or cloth. Such bangs look good with both small curls and large curls on short hair.

For short hair, there are many modern and attractive hairstyles. Among them there are charming curls that are easy and simple to do.

It is enough to learn a couple of tricks in order to quickly and nimbly wind the strands. This, undoubtedly, will be able to give a good mood and great emotions. After all, it is always nice to feel beautiful and effective.

Simple and straightforward ways to create curls are great for both weekdays and holiday parties. Using your imagination, you can add a little originality to each hairstyle. And then you can always notice admiring glances on yourself!

"Women have two problems: wind up an even head of hair, and even out a curly head." This humorous remark of the famous comedian actually reveals some aspects of female predilections. The truth is different: a woman / girl / girl cannot be the same every day, she strives to change her image in search of a better option.

In addition, it is always fashionable and stylish, especially if these are natural wavy curls (they even suit a man). And this goal is achieved in all available ways: a varied wardrobe, hairstyles, styling, makeup, changing colors (a dark brunette can easily dye it red, etc.), etc. Today we propose to talk about how to make curls for short hair without attracting specialists. We will discuss what methods may exist and watch videos and photos for free.

How to make curls for short hair at home?

Modern beauties ask themselves the question: how to make curls at home step by step instructions, photo ... It is not at all difficult to achieve the desired result, having at hand special devices and after a short period of time the reflection in the mirror will reach the desired ideal. But before that, you must follow some conditions:

How to make curls for short hair without curling iron and curlers?

Another topical question: how to make curls without curling iron and curlers in 5 minutes for short hair? The easiest way is to use styler , the main thing is to choose the right nozzle. This method allows you to make beautiful curls already during drying and takes a little time.

Another way is diffuser iron ... This method allows you to make light broken waves not only along the entire length, but also on its part (on selective strands). Both methods are harmful and therefore require the use of protective cosmetics.

Light curls for short hair

How to make curls for medium hair with bangs or curls for medium hair on the side (for example, when cutting a cascade)? Note that for owners of medium length (this is considered to be the length from back to shoulders), it is easier to make curly curls (classic or original), since they keep curls in the best way precisely due to their volume (long ones quickly unwind under their own weight). To create irresistible soft and feminine image for medium lengths, it is better to use hot rollers, and then apply a fixing agent (their effect is not long-term, therefore, the use of fixators is recommended).

But the simplest option is electro curl (retro tongs). At the same time, this special tool does not have to be supplied with clamp... Curls are twisted in a spiral and are held for a short time(no more than a minute), after which they are carefully unwound. The short bangs do not twist, but the longer one is slightly twisted in the same way as the whole head of hair. The result is elegant, soft curls. For more volume, you can use a light bouffant at the roots. This type of promotion is most often used by stylists. Olga Buzovoy, which has recently returned to its length, giving up long overhead strands.

Today, the most popular girl in our country, Olya Buzova, wears medium-length hair and often appears in front of fans with curls. These can be large or medium curls.

The stylists of the actress, TV presenter, singer often put curls on one side, while opening the look and making it more effective.

Do-it-yourself large curls for short hair

How to make curls for short hair at home without a curling iron? The most reliable option will require a certain amount of time and ... an unnecessary thing (old socks can be used as rags), which can be cut into small rags (about 1 cm wide, 15 cm long). This simple device will help to create a unique image with minimal costs and graceful coughs. The strands are wound like a curler, but they do not cause discomfort even during sleep. You can practice on a doll.

Curvy or Afro curls?

Trending today african curls ... They can be seen everywhere, even Hollywood (American) stars regularly pamper fans with their hairstyles in this style. It is easy to make them yourself at home using braids. : braid as many small braids as possible and leave in this state overnight or speed up the process with an iron, then unravel and fix the result with a cosmetic product. Before weaving, it is advisable to slightly wet it. With the daytime method, the pigtails can be bundled.

A more time-consuming process to create elastic and lush afro curls using hairpins (the method gives a long-term effect):

  • curls should be wet(not wet!);
  • the process should start from the bottom of the back of the head gradually moving up;
  • wind each separate and thin strand by the type of figure eight on a hairpin from roots to ends;
  • pin each hairpin invisible;
  • long-lasting curls will be ready in a couple of hours.

When unwinding, it is advisable to lay every curl and give the desired shape on the head ... If you want to create a playful image (also suitable for children, you can make an original version for a child for a holiday, for example, for a wedding event in the form of a cute angel, this image is suitable for boys and girls) you can lightly shake the spirals and fix with mousse or make a gentle waterfall from lush curls .

Small curls for short hair

How to make beautiful curls for short hair at home? You can, of course, injure the curls and select a suitable nozzle for the curling iron for curling, but we recommend considering a gentle option using a dense thread: twist a small strand until it turns into a small lamb, wrap the result with a thread and secure ... If the lambs are staggered, the partings between them will not be noticeable after unwinding, so it is advisable that someone could help you.

On meek hair with bangs yourself

Curls for long hair with bangs, as well as short ones, are made based on the length of the bangs itself:

  • long bangs curl in the same type as all curls;
  • short most often left in an even state and fixed with cosmetics;
  • oblique bangs or middle length you can lay it on one side, upward or make small curls (an original and relevant option for today).

How to wind short hair: video?

Without resorting to the help of specialists at home, this can be done with a curling iron. (the most common option, allows you to use different attachments), an iron, flaps, boomerang curlers (flexible curlers of various diameters), a babyis curling iron (with a movable working part), a hair dryer and even improvised means (a pencil or a cocktail tube). We have already talked about some of the methods, we will touch on some below. ... And now we suggest watching video lessons from YouTube on the topic (curl for short curls):

Curls for medium hair:

Curl short hair with an iron

How to wind your hair with an iron on short hair video? The iron can be used not only as a straightener, but also for winding beautiful curls: take one strand and place between the ironing blocks(if you take wide strands, the waves will be light, for small curls, take thin strands), wind the rest of the curl around the working blocks, then very slowly move the iron along the strands down to the very ends. The result is very elegant twisted curls (you can make chaotic, airy or broken). This can be clearly seen in the video:

How to style short hair with a hairdryer: video - lesson

Another option for creating a light wave on short hair and creating stylish hairstyles is blow-dry ... We suggest watching a master class from masters in Russian (how they will create perfect images):

How to make highlights at home for short hair

Another process that many are used to doing exclusively in salons is highlighting. But it is not difficult to make it yourself using foil (you can replace it with a special cap or using parchment paper) and a good clarifier paint. This technique allows you to smooth out age-related manifestations, refresh the image, make it lighter and more attractive. The proposed video describes in detail process of highlighting at home on a hat :

On foil:

Hairstyles for curls for short hair: photo

There are always a lot of hairstyle variations, even if you have short hair and a model haircut. Any masterpiece of stylists can be transformed by making light waves or small curls. This passage always looks gorgeous. Curls can be the same and even, spiral or vertical, but can be absurd and careless (scattered). The presence of bangs further diversifies the image: it can be done on its side, straight or also curled. Using such a solution, you can diversify your image and always look new. In the presented photos and pictures, you can see all the variety from the masters in the creation of evening, festive, solemn (for example, for a wedding) or everyday options.

Curling on short hair looks very feminine and sexy. There is nothing surprising in the fact that many girls prefer this style. Curling on a curling iron is very easy, and the shape of the curl depends on the type of device chosen. However, not everyone knows how to properly make curls with a curling iron on short hair.

Which device should you choose?

Manufacturers offer a large number of all kinds of devices for styling curls. It's easy to get confused trying to choose the best one. The most important thing to remember when choosing a curling iron: each type allows you to create a certain type of curls. Decide what kind of hairstyle you want to see in the end. This will allow you to easily find the right device. Whichever curling iron you end up choosing, remember to choose a curling iron with a thermostat. These models are a little more expensive, but they will help keep your hair healthy.

It is worth considering suitable types of curls for short hair. First, decide on how you see your curls:

  • To create curls, you need a large diameter curling iron. For small curls, it makes sense to buy tongs with a small diameter. Professional options are much more expensive, but they will allow you to create a very large curl.

When choosing a large diameter device, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. Often the heating of such forceps does not reach a temperature higher than 150 degrees. This means that after curling with their help, you will get light waves.

  • An alternative is a tapered curling iron. Its diameter differs at the tip and at the base, which allows you to adjust the size of the curl as you wish. Moreover, curls wrapped on such a curling iron look more natural. As a rule, a cone curling iron is not made in the form of tongs (there is no way to "pin" the hair with a valve). Be careful when working with such a device, there is a risk of scalding your hand. Many manufacturers supply a special glove to protect the hand from scalding. If you purchased a curling iron without such a glove in the kit, it makes sense to buy it separately.
  • A triple curling iron is perfect for curling short hair. With its help, you can create beautiful, even waves along the entire length. Such a device is not used for a pixie haircut. If the hair length allows (bob, bob haircuts), this device will allow you to create an interesting feminine look.

Currently, there are a large number of pans, differing not only in shape, but also in the type of coating. Try to give preference to devices with a ceramic coating, they are less traumatic for hair. Iron tongs are cheaper, but very harmful.

If you wear a “boyish” haircut that requires correction every month, an iron curling iron is the option for you, since spoiled hair is cut regularly anyway.

What types of curls are best for you?

It would seem that there are not so many options for styling short hair, but this is not so. There are several suitable methods for styling this length:

  • Large curls... This styling will perfectly fit into a casual look, and is also suitable for going out. In addition, large curls will be a salvation for girls growing out hair, as they will allow you to hide uneven ends. Large curls can be made both glamorous Hollywood and more natural.
  • Waves... Curly hair looks very attractive on short hair. A delicate look, complemented by such styling, will not leave anyone indifferent. It doesn't take long to create a hairstyle, and hair styled in waves looks as natural as possible.

  • Small curls... The semblance of a perm came back into fashion not so long ago and has already won the hearts of many girls around the world. Mischievous naughty curls perfectly emphasize the oval of the face, but this styling is contraindicated for chubby girls.
  • "Hollywood Wave"... The bob, laid on one side in the form of a Hollywood wave, is a classic of the genre for the red carpet and not only. Such styling looks very elegant, sophisticated - and at the same time, it does not require a lot of effort to create it.

Preparing hair for curling

When you are going to start curling, you need to properly prepare your hair so that minimize the negative impact of styling devices:

  • Wash your hair using a moisturizing balm, dry the strands with a towel.
  • Use a heat protectant. It's a must-do every day - even if you don't use a hairdryer and curling iron every day. A heat protectant protects hair from UV rays, protecting it from burnout and dryness.
  • Apply styling mousse. Choose a product based on the original texture of your hair: if you have curly or wavy hair, a product with a minimum degree of hold is suitable for you, but if your hair is heavy and straight, choose a high hold mousse.

  • Now dry your hair with a hair dryer using the diffuser attachment. If you don't have one, dry your hair with your head down. This will add volume to your hair. Do not use a comb, as wet hair is very easy to injure. You can only comb your hair after it is about 70-80% dry.
  • Divide the hair into zones(occipital, temporal, parietal), to make it easier to wind the hair.

After all these preparations, proceed to curling the curls.

Classic curls

Getting classic curls with a curling iron is not that difficult. It is worth studying the step-by-step guide, and then you can do everything as beautifully and quickly as possible:

  • Decide what kind of effect you want to get in the end. Curl your hair in a random order to create natural, messy curls. For a more glamorous look, stick to a specific curling direction: towards the face or away from the face.
  • Start curling from the back of the head. Hold the curling iron horizontally for a classic curl. Turning the tongs vertically, you get a curl-spiral.
  • Separate a small strand, comb it well and wind it on a curling iron. Heat the strand for 20 seconds, no more, so as not to dry out your hair. Try not to curl too much hair in one go, as this is unlikely to curl into the correct curl, and you end up with only small waves.
  • Roll up the entire mass of hair and let the curls cool.
  • Now tilt your head back and fix the finished styling with hairspray. You should not comb your hair - this way you risk ruining the entire styling structure. Better to mix curls with your fingers (for a more casual look).

Laying using the "tourniquet" technique

Hair styling is very popular, but not every girl knows how to curl her hair this way. By the way, just such a technique is used when laying the famous "Hollywood wave". It will take a little more time to style your hair using the “tourniquet” technique, but you will be very pleased with the result. The procedure is as follows:

  • As with classic curls, start curling from the back of the head.
  • Separate the strand a couple of centimeters wide and twist it into a loose flagellum.
  • Now wind the flagellum on the curling iron and let it warm up - for 15-20 seconds.
  • Neatly remove the curl from the curling iron (without unfolding) and let it cool in this state.

  • Screw in the same way the whole shock of hair.
  • As a result, you will get tight curls. Fix the hairstyle with nail polish.
  • If the option with tight curls does not suit you, do the following. Sprinkle some hairspray on your hair. Now gently comb your hair with a large-toothed comb. You will get big, glamorous waves that fit perfectly into an evening look.

Curling using the "tourniquet" technique opens up scope for experimentation. Styled in this way, hair can look fresh and interesting if you leave tight curls. On the other hand, luxurious waves will make your look more solid.

Ideas for different hairstyles

There are many styles for short hair that are very easy to replicate. Of course, the best way to find out about them is to spy on the stars. Here are the most interesting options.

  • Kristen Stewart chose a daring look with curled bangs laid on one side. This styling is perfect for her face, emphasizing the sophistication of his features.
  • Lily Collins opted for careless curls. It seems that the stylists of the star did not spend a lot of time on styling, but this impression is deceiving. The secret lies in the texture of the hair, which looks perfectly healthy, shiny and silky. In this look, the stylists of the actress achieved a grunge effect, styling her hair in small waves right from the roots. The side parting emphasizes the daring nature of the hairstyle.

  • Jennifer Lawrence prefers to wear her hair parted in the middle. Curling starts at eye level, drawing attention to them. This look is more classic. The actress's stylists have done her hair for the red carpet, which consists of small curls. It is important to note that there is no root volume at all. This is very unusual for hairstyles with curls, but it looks quite interesting and elegant.
  • Selena Gomez with a naturally round face, does not hesitate to wear wavy hair. Careless curls look very fashionable and stylish, a straight cut of hair makes the look more interesting.

  • Rose Byrne, the owner of a triangular face, prefers to wear a wavy bob with bangs. Waves "round" the face, making it more attractive, and oblique bangs always look relevant.
  • Jessica Alba often turns out to be one of the founders of trends. This time was no exception. Light waves in the hair, deep side parting and deliberate splendor - an ultra-fashionable light image is ready!