How to wash a bone bone in washing. How to whiten a white bra: rules of manual and machine washing. How to keep bra after washing

Each woman in the morning puts the bra to feel confident, beautiful and feminine all day. He is like the second skin, and therefore requires a special care - to wash the bra with a bone needed delicately. Make it can be manually or automatically machine. The main thing is to correctly set the temperature regime and comply with some other rules.

Features of the washing of bone bustrs

Models with bones are the most common. They best keep big breasts, collect it and give a beautiful rounded shape. For the correction of the female bust, the bra often sew with inserts from foam rubber or silicone. Beautiful underwear is made of lace, complement it with all sorts of laces, ribbons, metal jewelry, lightning. All this makes the washing of the bra extremely difficult. In order for the product to be clean and at the same time, a delicate approach is needed.

To understand whether it is possible to wash the bra machine automatic, you need to look at the designation on a label or tag. The manufacturer always indicates how to properly care for the thing. The ban on the machine washing symbolizes the basin with hand. In this case, only manual washing is possible.

There are 7 rules for washing brakes with bones:

  1. No soak! First, many bras contain metal parts that can rusted. Secondly, delicate fabrics with long-term finding in water lose strength and easily deformed.
  2. Water is only a slightly warm. Wash the bone leaf at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, not higher.
  3. Only simple products can be sent to the washing machine without complex decor elements (casual underwear). Beautiful bras with ruffles, rhinestones, etc. erased by hand.
  4. Examination of the bra on damage. It is important to make sure that the bones are firmly sewn, and there are no holes and traces of wear on the fabric.
  5. Using a washing gel or shampoo. Powder spoils satin, silk and mesh tissue, they become "oak", lose shape.
  6. There is no strong friction, twisting, exhaust. Bush with bones correctly erase with neat stroking movements. You can use a soft brush. For washing in a washing machine, you need to use a special bag with holes or sphere. Any definition is prohibited, you can only rinse the product with a terry towel or any well absorbing cloth.
  7. Drying in the fresh air and with natural temperatures. Brands need to be dried on a rope on the balcony, without the use of clothespins. Do not turn out the product, otherwise there will be chances. Also under the ban ironing and drying on the battery, hairdryer, near the heating devices.

Frequent problem of bone bras - damage fabric from the inside. With incorrect washing, the bone does the hole and begins to scratch gentle skin, prick chest. In a typewriter, she can completely get out and even lead to breakdown of technology.

How to wash your hands?

To quickly and effectively wash the dear set of linen or a beautiful bone bra, use the simple instruction.

  1. Before washing, make sure that the fabric from the inner and the outside does not have hooks, holes or other damage. If necessary, perform repairs.
  2. Pour into a small pelvis about 2-3 liters of warm water in it, in it a washing gel according to the instructions (or 3 tablespoons of the shampoo).
  3. Place the bra on soap water and leave to mock for 5 minutes.
  4. Further with your fingers or a soft brush, spend the location of the contaminants.
  5. Sighty the bra in warm water 2-3 times.
  6. Place it between the two terry towels and slightly press, without twisting.
  7. Rail to dry onto the balcony, hanging in a straightened form on the shoulders for underwear or rope.

If you notice that the bone broke the cloth, it should be fixed correctly. On the sharp end of the bone, you need to wear a protective gum or form a head of silicone glue. Then the hole is kept strictly along the breakthrough site, small and frequent stitches. If the bone does not fit, it can be shortened by nippers. It is better replaced by a new bone with a new one (sold in "All for sewing" stores).

Washing Instructions in the washing machine

Machine washing chooses most of the modern owners. It allows you to significantly save precious time. But to get bras with bones from the machine not only clean, but also integer, it is advisable to get a special device - a bag for delicate washing (optimally in the form of a box) or a special sphere. The latter allows you to conveniently and reliably place the bra between plastic clamps so that it does not twist and not in contact with other things during the washing process. But be careful: many women complain that the device is revealed in a typewriter, so it is better to choose a model of sphere with tight latches.

And now we turn to step by step instructions:

  1. Inspect the bra for damage - if they are, first fix it.
  2. Butt the product on the hooks, straighten the straps. If there is a bag for delicate washing or sphere, place the bra on it.
  3. Pour the laundry gel in the standard dosage.
  4. Install the Manual Washing program or Delicate Washing. As an alternative, you can choose a temperature of 40 degrees and remove the spin.
  5. Wet a wet bra towel and hang to dry in a well-ventilated room.

Do not use air conditioners and softeners for brake bras. They shorten their lives, as the elasticity of the fibers reduce the elasticity (hence the burst gum, stretched fabric).

In conclusion, we note: better at the time of purchase, pay attention to how to properly care for the product and is it possible to wash it in the typewriter. Then the bra will delight his mistress for a long time and will serve the year, or even one!

09/13/2017 3 2 295 views

How to erase a bra with bones? - Actual question for every girl. Some women go crazy on dear shoes, others have in their arsenal a huge collection of bags, the third is preferred to beautiful and high-quality liny. The more expensive bra, the more careful relationship he demands. Such a thing will not throw in a washing machine along with dirty socks or jeans. But even a high price is not a guarantee that bones will not fall out, only careful care and proper storage will avoid a similar problem.

How to wear and store bra?

In order for the favorite thing to serve as long as possible, you need to follow some rules:

Do not wear a bra every day, even if he is the most convenient. He should be replaced at least one more, and better steam. Daily wearing will lead to the fact that even the most expensive and durable fabric does not serve such a load. It is necessary to regularly change the bra also because during the socks it is a little deformed and acquires the smell of the body, so the rest does not hurt him.

For the storage of underwear, a separate shelf must be selected. In no case do not put a bright bra and, for example, jeans nearby. The second can be very easy to paint, after which it is extremely problematic to bring the spot. In addition, the bra is still underwear, which contacts directly with the skin, so it is not entirely hygiene to store upper clothes next to it.

To make a lung, pleasant and fresh fragrance on the shelf, you can put a fragrant soap of your beloved smell.

Try on the shelf with the lower linen to divide everything in colors and store white with white, dark with dark. So it will be possible to avoid accidental staining, from which it will be possible to get rid of only by bleaching, which greatly reduces the lingerie service.

Wear bright underwear under light clothes, and under the dark - dark.

Do not forget about regular washing. Ideally, the underwear should go to the washing machine after 4-5 times wearing. This is especially true for white bras that are very quickly losing color.

How to erase the bra manually

If you want to keep the appearance of your beloved underwear on as much time as possible, you need to remember one simple rule - to wash the bras, especially from thin and gentle tissues, with bones or push-ups you need only manually. Having spent a rather large amount of money on the purchase of expensive linen, you can find 20-30 minutes on washing manually to make a beautiful bra to please you and your man as long as possible.

Rules of hand washing bra:

  1. In a small pelvis, pour warm water, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  2. In water, dissolve the detergent, it is desirable that it has a liquid shape, because it makes it easier to penetrate into the fibers, therefore, gives a better result and is much easier to be smashed.
  3. No need to use a washing ball, a rough mechanical impact spoil expensive underwear. Such a ball use better for more resistant materials.
  4. In order for underwear after washing possessed a pleasant aroma, you can add several drops of your favorite essential oil into water.
  5. For washing the underwear very often use baby soap, because in its composition it does not contain aggressive cleaning substances.
  6. Deciding with the detergent, immerse the bra in the water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Only after this time, proceed directly to the mechanical washing itself.
  7. If there are any pollution on the product, then for their removal, the material can be lost with a soft sponge or toothbrush. Highly polluted underwear can be left per hour and a half.
  8. Often, traces of sweat remain on the bra, which is not always removed in the usual way. To remove such stains, soak the product in the sodium salt solution for 15-20 minutes, then proceed to the usual washing.
  9. If you need to wash several sets of underwear, then you first divide it in color scheme to avoid staining. Color bra need to be washed with the type of linen, which corresponds to the brightest color on it.
  10. For daily washing, it is enough to use a few drops of an ordinary hair shampoo.
  11. After washing, underwear need to carefully rinse in running water.
  12. Press the bust cannot be pressed, as cups can be deformed and break the bones. To get rid of extra moisture, the underwear wrap up into a dense towel and slightly compress that water absorbed.
  13. Dry the bra can be dried both in the horizontal position and on the heated towel rail. If the drying happens in a hanging position, the bust must be hung over the center, and not for straps. It is very important that the underwear is dry in a ventilated room, otherwise there will be an unpleasant smell.

How to wash a bone bra in a washing machine?

Unfortunately, it is not always for washing, it is possible to find even twenty minutes, so you have to resort to the help of a washing machine. However, before you decide on such a step, carefully examine all the information on the product tag, where the allowable temperature regime will be specified and the presented type of washing. For machine wash, models from gentle and openwork fabrics are not suitable, with embroidery and push-ap. For such models, it is better to distinguish separate day. The remaining models can be wrapped in a washing machine, but subject to certain rules:

  • underwear, like shoes, it is necessary to wash in a special case, which can be purchased in a specialized store. If there was no such device in the house, you can replace it with a conventional pillowcase, suitable color;
  • before starting washing, divide the dirty underwear in colors: Light place to light, dark to dark;
  • together with the lower linen, it is impossible to erase the coarse product, the maximum can be put on pillowcases or sheets suitable in color scheme;
  • before the start of washing, soak the product in warm water with a soft detergent, wait 15-20 minutes;
  • after the time, remove the underwear and put in a special bag, button zipper and upload to the drum;
  • for laundry laundry, it is necessary to use only a liquid detergent, which easily penetrates the fibers, and it is easily flashed;
  • the wash mode must be delicate, while the spin and drying should be turned off;
  • after the washing is completed, the laundry must be put on a tight terry towel and hang on the dryer.

Is it possible to press the bra?

Washing a bra without protecting protective tools, it is necessary to disconnect the pressure mode and dry the product is already manually. If the washing process occurs with the use of special bags, then it is enough to set the mode and wait for the cycle termination.

However, much better for linen, if it is not pressed at all, and allow moisture to drain it yourself. Usually it is laid on the horizontal surface on top of the terry towel when the main moisture is absorbed, the bra hang on the dryer so that the center of the product serves as a support.

When choosing a machine pressure, in no case should not be erased the product without a special bag. At the same time, you can not worry about the temperature, as the washing machine exhibits it automatically and, as a rule, it is not more than 40 degrees.

How to choose the right container for washing bras?

Lingerie drying containers can be of different shapes, sizes and colors. The choice must be made based on the bra, its material, forms and the presence of Push-APA.

The container can spherical shape or a bag with a plastic frame. The first option of the container is convenient because the cup can be put in each part, so it will not be deformed and damage.

If the stores of your city did not work out to find the desired container, and there is no delicate mode in the washing machine, then you should resort to hand wash and do not risk an expensive product.

Proper drying of the bras

In order for the product to look like a new one and did not lose form, it is important to care for it: to wash and dry. After washing, the bra needs to be straightened and wrapped it with a dense towel or simply put on top to the horizontal surface. It should be perficing underwear in a well-ventilated room or on a special dryer, while hanging it should so that the center is on the support. It is not worth hanging a bra for straps, as they are easily stretched and deformed. Dry all bras should be equally no matter if there is a push-up in it, they have a silicone filler or have white.

VIDEO: How to wash a bone brain in a washing machine?

Several tips that will preserve the appearance of the beloved and expensive product:

  1. Do not wash the bra from gentle tissues at high temperatures.
  2. Washing should be carried out regularly, do not postpone the dirty things for later.
  3. You can wash only things of one shade, do not try to download all dirty underwear into the washing machine.
  4. If there is a need for bleaching, then together chemical aggressive substances use a conventional cook salt.

How often wash bra?

In order for the bra to remain fresh and beautiful for it, you need to regularly care, that is, the washing should be carried out with a certain periodicity. If you often wear a bra, then erase it after 4-5 socks. At the same time no matter what plan is this underwear, the usual homemade or invisible bra.

How to quickly dry the bra after washing?

If it is necessary that the bottle on velcro is dry as soon as possible, then for this it is necessary to soak it well with a terry towel, then placed on the electric dryer or in a well-ventilated room. Do not try to dry the product with a hairdryer, an unpleasant and resistant smell may appear.

How to straighten the bra after washing?

If, during the washing, the favorite bra has been deformed and lost his form, then it is not worth it to stroke it or put under the press, it is enough to straighten it with his hands and hang on the rope or dryer, so that the product holds for your center. In order to prevent such situations to continue, it is expensive for the bottom underwear only in special capsules or bags.

From expensive underwear will not be able to refuse, perhaps, not a single woman. Such a thing in the wardrobe not only makes it more painful and more attractive, but also raises self-esteem. It is not necessary to buy on beautiful underwear, which you can appreciate the advantage of not only you, but also your man.

Snow white lace lingerie makes a woman sexy and desired. Even if it is hiding under the clothes, his owner, knowing that a beautiful set is dressed on it, will feel confident and attractive. But even with a neat use on a bra over time, a yellowness appears, and it looks untidy. If you want to correct this situation, try one of the advice of experienced housewives.

Synthetic bleach

If your bra sews from synthetic tissue, you can safely soak it in the bleach. Look for a means marked for delicate tissues and nothing will happen to the lower linen. Divide the bleach in warm water, according to the proportions recommended by the manufacturer, and put the brain in it. After 30-60 minutes, check how much yellowness disappeared. If the bra beat, then carefully rinse it and inscribe on delicate mode.

Remember that it is impossible to keep underwear in the bleach longer than 2 hours, since the active components will begin to damage thin fabrics. The prohibition stands on boiling or just hot water. Guipure and silk can only be washed at temperatures below 30 degrees.


This method also knew our grandmothers, but many enjoy it so far, due to its effectiveness and availability. Pour 5 liters of warm water in a basin, add 5 tablespoons of the ammonic alcohol and mix. Then, soak in the solution underwear and leave for 2-12 hours.

After the time expires, get the bra, rinse it in clean water and put it in the usual way. If you have several white linen sets, it is better to soak them separately or add more water. The ammonia alcohol then should be breeded at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.


It is not just white to give linen, and a snow-white hue will help the usual blue. It is added along with the powder, or soaked in it underwear after washing. Determine how much you need to put blue, you can only experiment, since the tissue perceive this dye in different ways.

Start from one chopping on a liter of water and gradually increase the dose to achieve the desired effect. The same properties have a manganese, if it is used instead of blue. But since it has become difficult to get it in recent times, the Xinka remains an indispensable tool.

Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known clarifier. When there were no modern dyes for hair, blondes became only with her help. Today the peroxide is used exclusively for its intended purpose, well, for bleaching linen.

Dissolve in a liter of cold water 2 tablespoons of the means and soak the bra for 2 hours. For greater efficiency, you can add a teaspoon of ammonia alcohol. After that, we rinse the underwear and post in soapy water. If the smell of funds remain, post the bra to ventilate the balcony.

Baking soda

Another indispensable assistant in the kitchen is ready to cope with yellow on underwear. On 1 liter of water you need to add 2 tablespoons of salt and soda. Then soak in the resulting mortar underwear and rinse in 2 hours.


With this means you need to be very neat and use it only for cotton fabrics. Before soaking, it will not be superfluous to put on gloves. In 3 liters of water, add a bit of a washing powder, fooled it and fill 1 tablespoon of whiteness.

Put in the water bra for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse it well. White is very effective against a yellow and gray shade, but it can only be used in extreme cases. Frequent impact of funds on delicate fabric will lead to their thinning.

Today in stores you can find a white economic soap, for example, the brand "Duru". It is very effective in the fight against yellowing and stains. In contrast to the usual economic soap, it has a stronger, but delicate composition.

Stodit a little means on the grater and dissolve in water. Soak the bra for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse. To get rid of strong yellowness, gently drain the bra and leave it for 20 minutes.

Proper White Lower Line Care

To your bras are not grathers as long as possible, follow the advice of experienced owners. Then you do not have to expose delicate fabrics to frequent aggressive whitening:

  • do not wear white underwear under dark clothes;
  • using a deodorant, wait until it is absorbed, and only then put on the bra;
  • choose powders intended for white linen;
  • do not erase at temperatures above 40 degrees, it provokes the appearance of gray;
  • white things stored and erase separately from color;
  • do not lay the machine different types of fabrics at the same time.

You will not believe how effective these tips will be in practice. Your lingerie will always be snow-white and beautiful, and you are confident and attractive.

Lower lingerie is a very delicate part of the wardrobe. Women usually do not refuse themselves the pleasure to acquire a beautiful and high-quality set of linen, and such things are cheap are cheap.

In order not to bring the most expensive purchase, women try to find out more detail how to escape bra. After all, the preservation of the shape, the elasticity of the strapless and the neat type of fabric are the components of the beauty, the convenience and attractiveness of the ladies' bras. Proper care is the key to a long service life. Compliance with certain rules in this case must.

Drying Total Lingerie Arsenal

Washing female underwear should begin with learning tags with information about the rules of washing. The delicacy of certain types of materials, of which bras are sewn, does not allow washing in the automatic machine.

For example, lace models, products with decoration or from gentle tissues, it is preferable to erase manually, and models with push-ups and bones can be trusted with a washing machine when the safety rules are performed.

For the washing of bras there are four fundamental rules:

  1. All clasps and hooks are required to fasten or secure. This action will save things from hooks and damage during water procedures.
  2. Maximum water heating for washing - 40 ° C of degrees. The high temperature will affect the elasticity of tissues and rubber straps, the foam Push-AP is able to acquire a yellow shade, which will especially be noticeable on white lingerie, and the cup itself can give shrinkage.
  3. It is impossible to wash bras together with heavy things (towels, denim stuff, etc.).
  4. During machine washing, it is necessary to use the use of delicate products from additional friction and contact with other things.

Some models of underwear do not suggest automatic washing

Hand-made washing version

From a hygienic point of view, the washing with the hands of the top of the underwear is not desirable. After all, friction, crumpled and twisting such things are contraindicated, and it is rather difficult to remove the absorbed sweat and dirt without mechanical exposure. If the manufacturer allows the use of a washing helper to be used, then it is necessary to use such an opportunity. Exceptions are particularly delicate models with expensive lace or embroidery by delicate threads. It takes care of them extremely manually. For them, it is necessary to arrange gentle water procedures.

How to erase a bra manually and bring it into a clean state without changing form and quality? Everything is enough just to carry out:

  • It will take soaking in a warm soap driver for a quarter of an hour, and then a thorough rinse with clean water.
  • Prepare a soap solution is better based on detergents in liquid state. Replace them permitting shampoo, children's or special substances for lower linen. Such drugs are easier to eliminate fibers of fabrics from pollution, and the remnants of the means will pass much easier.
  • With daily linen refreshments, and this is often happening in the summer, the use of detergents must be minimized. Sometimes simple rinsing in fresh water is quite enough.
  • The presence of sweat traces is cleaned with soaking in salt-soda aqueous solution. The prescription is as follows: 1 liter of water, 1 large spoon of food soda and salt soda. But during soaking, it is necessary to observe the color compatibility of products.
  • Immediate washing should be carried out gently, light muffled movements. Most of the pollution is on straps. They should pay special attention with the help of a soft sponge. Next follows a scrupulous rinse to the ideal transparency of water.

Manual washing applies to most bras models

Press the bra is prohibited. Records can damage the filler of the cups and bend bones. Draining with a towel is the best way to save the bra on an extra moisture. Next is drying under natural conditions.

Using a washing machine

Modern models of washing machines are very delicately relate to gentle products. Wash the bra in a washing machine - it means to save the time and effort of the hostess. Therefore, subject to all recommendations, the washing will pass safely.

No need to forget that gentle fabrics with the presence of decor or lace, things with a filler in cups from the gel is better not to wash the machine.

First of all, the owners take care of how to wash the bra with bones in the typewriter. After all, randomly dropped iron item can lead to a breakdown of washing helper. To solve the voiced problem, special devices are used: mesh bags on zippers or plastic spheres, capsules. They stacked bustik for washing. In this form, he is not afraid of hooks, blows about the wall of the drum, friction about neighboring things, etc.

Preparation for automatic washing is similar to manual procedure. For a quarter of an hour before washing, the bra fastens all the fasteners, it is desirable to soak it in a soap warm solution for softening the dirt, then put into a special appointment (bag from the grid on the lock, sphere of plastic, the usual pillowcase) and are sent to the washing machine.

Capacity for automatic washing of delicate underwear

The program is set to the most delicate of the available in the machine, the temperature is set to an indicator of 40 ° C of degrees. Washing agents - liquid, intended for underwear or children's clothing. It will contribute to the best rinsing. After all, poor-quality getting rid of detergents will provoke the attraction of the dirt faster than usual.

It is impossible to carry out a joint washing cycle with gross, heavy things. It is also desirable to sort them in a color travelery.

Dry underwear preferably with fresh air. After contact with the water, the cups can give a slightly shrinkage, so they should be strained in the wet state and give the correct shape.

The bra launches on a terry towel, or a dryer. You can also place a thing on a linen rope, running through the central part. Hanging for straps or clipping clips is unacceptable due to the possibility of stretching strapless. Busts with Push-APA inserts require longer and thorough drying. Drying a hairdryer, in the drum of the automatic machine under the ban.

Recommending how to protect the bra in various ways to erase the bra, you should still explore the useful tips to help preserve the beauty of items of women's individual clothing:

Wrong way of drying underwear

  • In summer, bustics are fresheged daily, at another time the recommended washing frequency - every 3-4 socks.
  • The use of chlorine bleach preferably not allow. Preferably use of ordinary peroxide. The leaf is soaked in a solution of 2 tablespoons of peroxide dissolved in a liter of water.
  • It is undesirable to use air conditioners and softeners. Such preparations affect the reduction of the durability of the elasticity of the fibers.
  • It is impossible to turn the brake of the bra on the wrong side after washing and drying. This action deforms the shape of the cups, will lead to folds, beds, wrinkles. Hide such a defect will not succeed, it will be visible from underwear, distorting the shape of the chest.
  • Prolonged soaking is contraindicated with bone products and color models. Rusty stains from a metal object can spoil your favorite thing, and colored things will lose saturation.
  • Storage of leafers is organized. Products are laid out in painting on each other, combining the cup of each thing. Bright, dark and color models are stored separately. Such a location will contribute to the preservation of form when stored.
  • Next to stored bustics, it is recommended to place aromatic sachets or a piece of toilet soap to maintain good aromas.

In this article, we figured out how to protect the bra right and what subtleties exist in the rules of care. By fulfilling the proposed recommendations in everyday practice, the loss of shape and color does not threaten expensive subjects of the pride of women. In clean and attractive underwear, women will look flawlessly, and admiration for the male half will become an additional reward for regular efforts to care.

In terms of care and washing, the bra can be called the most demanding subject of the female wardrobe. Complex structures with liners and "bone", delicate fabrics, an abundance of lace and embroidery, the most diverse decor. In order for the underwear through a pair of turbid to turn into a shapeless cloth, you will have to study all the subtleties of washing.

Alas, not all mistresses know how often the bra is erased. Major rule: Do not eat a thing! Erase the bra no less than every 3-4 days socks. Not only is fat, sweat and dirt do not go advantage of delicate tissues - wearing the same bra weekly weeks just unhygienically.

If there are solar pollution on the bra, then, guided by the recommendations for the lamination of the bra handy, pre-soam the thing. But if you forget the bra in water for a couple of hours, the metal parts will have time to rusted - the linen will deteriorate.

Automatic laundry laundry

Sports bras, as well as bras of dense tissues, without "bones", decor and tabs with the "Push-AP" effect can be wrapped in a typewriter (of course, provided that it allows the manufacturer).

1. Before you send the brake brake, button to all hooks, buttons, lightning. Otherwise, metal parts can break a thin fabric or at least leave the tightening.

2. Product with molded cups Place in a special round grid container. Soft models can be put in a mesh bag. Such prudency will help to avoid product deformation during washing.

3. Washing bra in a washing machine requires a careful choice of mode. Most often, linen manufacturers recommend using "delicate" or "manual wash".

4. If you wipe out very "capricious" things, turn off the spin. In the extreme case (for washing sports or dense cotton models without "bones"), choose the lowest speed.

5. Among the powders, pay attention to the packaging with the mark "for delicate fabrics", as well as liquid (gels). Use means with bleaching granules, and even more so with chlorine, it is impossible.

6. The air conditioner is not needed. Such funds are designed to soften the fabric, which will inevitably lead to the loss of form of cups.

Hand wash bra

Wash the bra with bones, foam or silicone inserts, lace, rhinestones, sequins, embroidery is exceptionally hand.

1. Prepare warm (the water temperature should be no more than 30 ° C) soap solution.

2. Special liquid powders for delicate tissues will be suitable as active tools. For white cotton bras, it is possible to use a household soap.

3. Soak the bra in the solution for half an hour, no more.

4. Carefully read the contaminated places (straps, the inner part of the cups) with hands or an old soft toothbrush.

5. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

6. Carefully rinse underwear in cool water.

7. Give excessive water drain or carefully laughing the bra on a white terry towel.

8. Spread the product for drying.

Than to remove stains on the bra

Since such things are most often sewn from thin and gentle fabrics, all sorts of bleaching is prohibited. Of course, for one wash, even the chlorine bleach will not be able to "Draw" the material, but if you use aggressive tools constantly, then with time the fabric will thread. This greatly shortens the life of the product.

Yellowed cotton or synthetic bras "refresh" food soda. Soak underwear in soda solution (the liter of cool water will need 2 tbsp. Spoons of soda) per hour and a half. After the procedure, post.

Spots from sweat on the bra leads the ammonia alcohol. Soak the bra in a little warm water by adding 1 tbsp. Spoon of alcohol for each liter. Leave for the night, in the morning post in the recommended mode.

Gray raid on lace and guipure will remove 3% hydrogen peroxide. The liter of cool water is enough two st. Packing spoons. Time soaking should not exceed half an hour.

  1. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations (pictograms on the label). Pay attention to the water temperature, washing mode, the possibility of bleaching.
  2. Machine and even more so, erase bras separately from other things. Color underwear - always separate from white.
  3. Never squeeze and unscrew the fabric. Give excess water drain, and then spread the bra on a horizontal surface. Dry in the fresh air, but in a half or shadow.
  4. In no case hang in foam inserts in any way hang on the rope: wet liners are mounted under their own weight.
  5. Store underwear neatly folded (optimal option: cup in a cup). If you are going on vacation, then buy a special bump case.

Bras with foam inserts can not be dried on weight