How does the nervous state of a pregnant woman affect the child? Stress and tension during pregnancy

The tranquility of the expectant mother is the key to a successful pregnancy and easy childbirth. Therefore, a woman in a position should take care of her emotional state. However, not every girl understands why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry. Today we will try to answer this question and talk about how stress affects the baby, why pregnant women have nervous breakdowns and how to avoid it.

Causes of nervous breakdowns

Many do not understand why pregnant women are nervous, because they are on the eve of a wonderful event - the birth of a baby. And instead of enjoying their position, women turn any small problem into the collapse of the universe and accompany this process with violent emotions and tears. Even leaking mascara from the eyelashes or the absence of something tasty in the refrigerator can cause them a real tantrum.

The answer to this question can be absolutely unambiguous - hormones are to blame for everything. At the time of the development of pregnancy, a hormonal surge occurs in a woman's body, which is due to the acceleration and increase in the production of hormones. They, in turn, are extremely necessary for the development of the fetus. And it is they who are responsible for the fact that the mood of a pregnant woman can change several times per hour.

The danger of nervous breakdowns

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the hysteria and crying of a woman in a position is not a consequence of her capriciousness or spoiled character. But not everyone knows why pregnant women should not be nervous, and what consequences nervous breakdowns can have. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Modern research suggests that if you are nervous during pregnancy, you can increase the risk of complications during gestation. The stressful state in which the expectant mother is located negatively affects her weakened immunity. Therefore, the female body ceases to resist viruses and bacteria, which inevitably leads to an increased risk of morbidity. In addition, nervous imbalance begins to manifest itself in the form of headaches, limb tremors, tachycardia, dizziness, skin rashes, and even hair loss. An increase in toxicosis can also be noted, especially in the early stages. In addition to the state of health of the pregnant woman herself, the stressful condition also negatively affects the health of the unborn baby. The increased nervousness of the mother can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, and this is already dangerous not only for the health of the baby, but also for his life.

During a change in the hormonal background against the background of hysteria and crying, the tone of the uterus involuntarily increases. At the very beginning of pregnancy, this can lead to spontaneous abortion. But for a period after 30 weeks, this can provoke premature birth.

If you do not stop worrying a lot in the second and third trimester, then this will lead to the fact that your baby will suffer from a lack of oxygen. And hypoxia does not in the best way affect the physical and mental development of the child.

In the third trimester, nervousness can trigger the birth of an underweight baby. Such babies do not gain weight well after birth, they often get sick. The respiratory and nervous systems are particularly affected. Therefore, the increased emotional load of the mother can cause many chronic diseases of the unborn baby.

Nervous Breakdown in Pregnancy: Elimination Methods

You shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy - it would seem that this is difficult. But hardly anyone knows how to avoid nervous breakdowns and stay calm when you are simply bursting with the inside from the desire to scream and cry. In fact, there is more than one way out of this situation.

Many women try to find a safe nerve remedy during pregnancy. And after a long search, some of them make the wrong conclusion - a sedative is better for a baby than his nervous mother. In fact, any drug, even the most harmless at first glance, has a number of side effects. Therefore, it is possible to resort to medications only in extreme cases and only after consulting your doctor.

Some experts advise mothers to take drugs such as Glycine, Persen, Valerian tablets, motherwort, etc. But it is better to leave all this until the moment when the baby is born.

If the above methods of complacency do not help, then you can start visiting a psychologist or use folk remedies.

Folk recipes for strong nerves

We all know that not only sedatives, which are highly undesirable during pregnancy, help to calm down. There are a number of products that do not require ingestion.

  1. Warm bath with chamomile decoction and sea salt (if there are no contraindications).
  2. Aromatic oils with a soothing effect. In this case, you need to choose individually, since each pregnant woman has her own favorite smells. Lavender and lemon balm oils usually work well.
  3. Warm milk with honey, if there is no allergy.
  4. Nice music or reading books to help you relax.
  5. Walking in the fresh air is especially useful for those women who cannot sleep.

If the expectant mother thinks about how dangerous her nervous breakdowns are for her beloved crumbs, she will definitely find the strength to stop being nervous. Only this does not always entirely depend on the woman herself. People around you must also make an effort and create all the conditions for a favorable bearing of a child.

Pregnancy is a great time, but also a difficult test. Indeed, colossal changes are taking place in the body of the expectant mother. And this is primarily due to the hormonal background and the preparation of the woman's body for future childbirth. All organs and systems are involved here. As a result, not only the physical, but also the psychological state of a woman changes, she becomes more vulnerable, capricious, nervous. You will learn how to cope with these conditions by reading the article to the end.

Why is it important not to be nervous during pregnancy?

The calmness of the expectant mother is the key to the health of the baby. This is not a secret to anyone. But why is it so important?

Yes, because stress and nervous overload during pregnancy can provoke the most unexpected consequences. This is especially dangerous after 20 weeks.

What is the danger of a mother's nervousness for an unborn child:

  1. Constant stress can cause hypoxia (suffocation) of the fetus, this is fatal.
  2. There is a risk of premature birth or low birth weight.
  3. If mom is often stressed during pregnancy, chances are that the baby will have lung problems.
  4. A child may be born hyperactive or over-excitable, restless, and subsequently he may develop nervous or mental disorders. The first sign of such deviations in a baby is a violation of sleep and wakefulness.

How to move from anxiety to peace of mind:

There are many ways to do this, and you don't have to take medication or perform complex exercises. The tips that you will read below are taken from practice, they are completely harmless and have been tested by no generation of women. Most importantly, they are amazingly effective.

- plan your actions

Everyone knows that planning is the key to calmness, the more predictable your environment, the calmer you are. Try to plan not only your day, but also finances, meeting friends and other things. After all, it is easier for those who plan to keep calm.

Focus on what needs to be done before the baby is born, make a to-do list, shopping list, activities, add dates, prices, deadlines, etc. The more detail you write, the easier it will be for you.

Try to refrain from spontaneous actions during this period in order to avoid nervous overload.

- find out as much as possible about pregnancy

The more information - the calmer, because there is nothing worse than ignorance. And indeed it is. The more the expectant mother knows about pregnancy, intrauterine development, and the course of childbirth, the calmer she will be. Forewarned is forearmed, says popular wisdom. Visits to the school of expectant mothers help very well in this, since there is absolutely no time left for experiences and "scrolling" of negative details. Experienced specialists are able to dispel all fears and doubts. In such schools, the expectant mother can talk with obstetricians, psychologists, pediatricians, neonatologists and get comprehensive information. By the end of the class, she can already speak with doctors in their language.

- find support

Yes, it is support that is more important for a pregnant woman than ever, and it should be not only moral. You may need help around the house, or some other outside help. After all, a woman in an interesting position is vulnerable. And here relatives come to the fore, especially mom. It is the mother who can prompt, calm, help, like no one else. Feel free to ask her for help.

If you have a sister or girlfriend who already has, then you can turn to her. Her experience can be invaluable to you, and communication can help you calm down and mentally prepare for childbirth.

But the most important support for a pregnant woman is a loving husband. Who else, if not he, can instill confidence and calmness in the expectant mother? Therefore, do not be shy, tell your loved one about your condition, your desires and needs, let him take full care of you.

Attention! In this case, it is very important not to go too far. Do not abuse your condition and do not upset your loved ones without good reason.

If it is especially difficult for you, and there is no way to ask loved ones for help (this happens), contact a psychologist. It is very good if it is a specialist with a special focus (specifically for working with pregnant women). There are such consultants in almost every antenatal clinic or maternity hospital. Talk to him, get advice, share your experiences. And if the consultant gives you a recommendation, be sure to follow it, so you will minimize all stressful situations.

- talk to your baby

Many people know that one should communicate with a baby even before birth. And many people practice it. But why? Scientists have long proven that the baby inside the womb reacts perfectly to the sounds, emotions and state of the mother. Even before birth, he is familiar with the sound of her voice and the vibration of the body (heartbeat, the work of internal organs, etc.).

In addition, communication with the unborn child establishes a spiritual connection between him and his mother. You get to know your child even before birth, and the gentle sound of your voice stimulates the baby's brain reactions and its sensory systems. Children who were spoken to before birth are believed to have higher IQs to learn and grow better with more talented individuals. In addition, communication with the unborn child calms the mother herself, stress, anxiety, fears go away, the soul and thoughts calm down.

- pamper yourself

What does it mean? And the fact that it's time to allow yourself what you did not allow before pregnancy:

  • Go to the spa or visit the massage parlor.
  • Buying something that you could not afford before.
  • Go to the opera, museum, theater, etc.
  • The trip you've been dreaming of for a long time.
  • Nice music, kind book or handicraft.

In one word, everything that brings joy will be very useful during this period.

- have a rest

Rest is a very important part of a pregnant woman's daily routine, especially during the third trimester. During this period, the woman's weight increases, swelling and heaviness in the lower abdomen often appear, laziness and fatigue appear.

Someone will say - pregnancy is not a disease and you should not attach excessive importance to it. On the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, pregnancy is a special state in which a woman is.

Her body is undergoing a colossal transformation:

  • The hormonal background jumps.
  • The emotional state suffers.
  • Weight gains and edema appears.
  • The state of the mammary glands is changing.
  • The load on the kidneys and the spine increases several times.

And this is only a small part of what happens to a woman during pregnancy.

And this means that a pregnant woman simply needs rest.

In no case should you overload yourself with physical activity or a busy work schedule. Remember, now you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of the unborn child.

- eat right

According to some psychologists, one of the reasons why pregnant women are nervous is unhealthy diet. The diet may contain a lot of tea, coffee, fatty or fried foods, unhealthy sweets and fast feet. Condiments and spices can be distinguished in a separate category, which have a particularly strong effect on the sensitive nervous system of a pregnant woman.

Needless to say, these foods should be avoided.

What a pregnant woman needs to consume:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Lean meat and fish.
  • Dried fruits, nuts.
  • Chocolate in moderation.

Attention! No matter how you try to eat right during pregnancy, in any case, do not force yourself to eat what you do not like.

- think about the future

In other words, visualize happiness, try to imagine the best moments that you will spend with your baby:

  • Walking.
  • Joint games.
  • Rest at nature.
  • Swimming in the sea, etc.

All of this will help you tune in a positive mood and give you moral strength. At the same time, the pictures that stand in front of your eyes should be as clear and realistic as possible. Let the child in your imagination look happy, cheerful, contented and so it will be.

Performing such exercises, you will get rid of clamps and blocks in the body, increase the level of happiness hormones, and change the perception of the world for the better. Such exercises are especially helpful if the woman is prone to negative thoughts, anxiety, and fear.


A baby is the most wonderful gift given from above. However, it should not be forgotten that the first pregnancy will have a serious impact not only on the nervous system, but also on your relationship. Before planning a pregnancy, try to get rid of rose-colored glasses and be ready for a change.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

There are well-founded facts about why pregnant women should not be nervous. When we are worried, upset, or when we are afraid, cortisol and adrenaline enter the blood in large quantities. And everything that is contained in the mother's blood also enters the bloodstream of the fetus. For a tiny organism, a large amount of these substances can become intolerable, because then instead of throwing all his strength into the formation of cells, organs and structures of the brain, he will have to deal with the loads that accompany stress.

Maternal experiences, accompanied by the release of certain hormones into the bloodstream, primarily affect the development of the baby's cardiovascular and nervous system. This increases the child's risk of developing arrhythmias, anxiety, or hyperactivity. In addition, expectant mothers, whose pregnancies are under constant stress, have an increased uterine tone, which can lead to premature birth.

Many pregnant women have a reasonable question - why shouldn't pregnant women cry, because it is much worse to restrain emotions, and tears give way to tension? And they are right - if you have already lost your temper, it is better to cry so as not to accumulate negativity in the body. This is very harmful from the point of view of physiology, because it leads to stress, which can adversely affect the work of internal organs and, of course, the health of the fetus. But it's even better to try not to bring yourself to tears at all.

The fact is that from a certain moment the child understands the emotions and experiences of the mother, and if something touches her strongly, he experiences with her. If you know that you are too sensitive, sentimental and prone to violent expression of feelings, it will be more useful to muffle your sensitivity during pregnancy - for example, take valerian or other herbal sedatives. Cry if you feel such a need, if something really serious has happened and there is simply no other way. But if you know that tears will not bring relief, and that this is only winding yourself up, you should find a way to avoid it.

Why do pregnant women experience changes in character?

Many men notice that with the onset of pregnancy, women have increased, sometimes inadequate requirements for those who are nearby. Sometimes they literally demand the impossible and throw a tantrum from scratch. Young people, be patient - hormonal changes are to blame.

The fact is that the body of a pregnant woman includes a specific protective reaction. The pregnant woman's brain knows - now there are two of them, and they need an increased level of care. Naturally, they begin to demand it from the closest person who is always there - from the spouse, the father of the child or the future head of the family. Because a woman needs to know that she and her baby are reliably protected, that there is someone next to her who will help her preserve the offspring.

Often, especially if a woman in life felt lonely or not very confident, she goes too far, regularly demanding proof of her security. That is why you can be accused of inattention, even when you are constantly around, and demand to bring oranges at three in the morning, knowing that you will get up early tomorrow.

Sometimes it even seems that the young ladies are deliberately provoking conflicts, but this, of course, is not so. The mind of a pregnant woman is clouded, and her psyche works in such a way that first of all she sees only the child. This is a purely physiological response that cannot be consciously controlled. Alas, this is why pregnant women should not be denied - anyway, sound arguments will not work on them and will be interpreted through the prism of animal instincts that dominate a woman during this period.

It’s a paradox, but tension and anxiety intensify when expectant mothers remember why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry. This usually happens if the conflict has already occurred. Alas, this may be the basis for new accusations. And, by the way, it well demonstrates that pregnant women are not able to control themselves (I know that this is impossible, but I do it anyway).

How to deal with a pregnant woman

This is all understandable, you say, but what to do when it suddenly became so difficult with your beloved? You must be wise enough so that an innocent and completely resolvable misunderstanding does not turn into a vicious circle. Be patient and show all the love you can. Remember that there is a scientific explanation for her behavior. Hormones speak in a pregnant woman - remind yourself of this more often, no matter what creepy things she says.

Along with an increase in the level of hormones in the blood in women who are in position, the susceptibility increases. So it is quite obvious why you shouldn't offend pregnant women even in jest - they can misinterpret the most innocent jokes. Consider these features and treat the whims of the expectant mother with understanding!

Why you can't offend pregnant women

Also, think carefully before rejecting a pregnant woman. Sometimes it is not at all necessary to run for the unfortunate oranges in the middle of the night (although it is better to run away if there is a convenience store in the area). But you certainly should not poke the poor thing in the face with the fact that she completely drove you, constantly whines, is capricious and at the same time does not at all appreciate what you are doing for her. Sometimes for a pregnant woman your attention is much more important than the fact that you bring her fruit. Sit with her, talk about something, distract her from worrying thoughts. Look for a special approach. And also often kiss, hug and pamper your spouse with or without reason!

Remember that both parents are responsible for the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, it is in your power to make sure that the pregnancy proceeds calmly and favorably.

The human body is arranged in an amazing way: nature has created an almost ideal mechanism that regulates not only all systems of the human body together, but each separately, forcing people to grow, age, develop physically, psychologically and emotionally. Even more work needs to be done by the female body - pregnancy, carrying and giving birth to a baby - these are natural mechanisms that are laid down at a deep level of the subconscious. Nevertheless, one should not be careless and let the "interesting situation" go by itself. For the child to be healthy, the expectant mother needs to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and try not to react too emotionally to a variety of life circumstances. Why shouldn't a pregnant woman be nervous? What is so terrible that can happen from fear or stress, a strong manifestation of joy or anxiety?

First difficulties

At the very first stage of gestation, a woman's body experiences maximum stress. The formation of the embryo, the intensive growth of the unborn child, which appears literally out of nothing, developing from several cells into a person, is an incredibly complex process, during which the baby transforms and changes every day. Central to all these metamorphoses is the growth of the nerve cells that form the baby's brain and spinal cord. Violation of the psycho-emotional state of the mother can lead to disorders and pathologies of the neurological nature of the fetus. This is the main reason why a pregnant woman should not be nervous.

Any failure in the normal state of the mother can entail irreversible consequences: a lag in the subsequent development of the child, and according to recent data, even autism. It turns out that a lot depends on the sex of the fetus, and nervous shocks affect girls and boys in different ways. Since this effect is in any case colored in negative tones, it becomes clear why pregnant women should not be nervous and worried, and it is simply necessary to try, if you do not exclude various factors that badly affect mood, then at least minimize them.

Small miracle

It has been clinically proven that at first the body perceives the child as a foreign body, and if a woman does not have time to adapt to the new conditions of existence, the changed hormonal background, bursts of emotions, and toxicosis, and general ill health arise.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a difficult period. A woman may not even guess about such significant changes in her body and about what is expecting a child, therefore she does not always understand the nature of irritability, fatigue, what happens to her in general and why. A pregnant woman should not be nervous throughout all nine months of carrying a baby, but it is at the initial stage that excessive emotionality often becomes the cause of abortion.

Give in to your instincts

For those who are going to become a mother, they plan their every step, it is easier to prepare for future difficulties, but they can also expect many frightening changes for which the girl simply will not be ready. What can we say about expectant mothers, for whom the new position was a surprise, and in addition to realizing the shocking fact of the upcoming birth, the body sends various incomprehensible messages that need to be correctly interpreted and deciphered.

In fact, pregnancy is not a disease, the body prepares for this every month, and ideally everything should go naturally. The most important thing is to listen carefully to what the subconscious mind, sensations and emotions suggest, then there will be no problems and worries, and the question of why pregnant women should not be nervous and cry will not bother either expectant mothers, or fathers, or their leading doctors. ...

Strong man

Western doctors love to do all kinds of research, including with expectant mothers. One of the last works of pundits was the observation of 500 pregnant women. The task of the doctors was to study the influence of stress on the process of bearing a fetus, as well as on subsequent childbirth and the psyche of babies in general.

In the course of research, doctors have received curious results. It turns out that stress in a mother, if she is carrying a boy, can cause such problems:

    overburdening of the fetus;

    prolonged labor;

    psychological disorders in the baby (nervousness, tearfulness, autism).

The most dangerous consequence, explaining why pregnant women should not be nervous, is a possible miscarriage. During stress, the strongest pressure surges occur, blood circulation, air circulation in the body, and the supply of substances necessary for vital activity are disturbed, which as a result leads to very serious pathologies.

Cute baby

With girls, things are a little different. Scientists argue that the increased nervousness of the mother can provoke premature birth, entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord, possibly asphyxia.

The adverse effect on the psyche of the newborn, which brings nervous tension to the mother during gestation, subsequently manifests itself in a variety of neurological and psychological problems.

The greatest impact of stress as a factor affecting the baby is manifested in the late stages, starting at 28 weeks, but why should pregnant women not be nervous in the first trimester? This period is significant, up to 12 weeks the fetus is so fragile and tender that even the strongest emotional stress can provoke its death. Therefore, after learning about an interesting situation, it is important to avoid any stress.

Woe from happiness

What does the phrase "any stress" mean? What is stress anyway? This is the reaction of the human body to a variety of external stimuli, which can be not only bad emotions or impressions, fatigue or overstrain, but also good, joyful events, moments of strong happiness.

Some people, with positive emotions, experience such strong feelings that they can cause serious, albeit short-term, disturbances in the body. For a pregnant woman, this can result in her contractions, spasms or even premature birth, and the baby will experience mother's delight in the form of a lack of oxygen and discomfort, sincerely not understanding what is disturbing his peace and why. A pregnant woman should not be nervous, but what to do if a stressful situation nevertheless happened, how to recover faster?

How to deal with stress?

Many moms recall the slight feeling of lethargy they experienced during pregnancy. In this way, nature protects both mother and her baby, creating a natural barrier to all kinds of stress. Such a measure is sometimes not enough. How can a woman in this case help herself to find a sense of peace and tranquility?

    soothing herbal teas;

    environment favorable for relaxation;

    light sedatives, tinctures and fees (as recommended by a doctor);

    foot massage;

    if the term is not late, you can take a warm bath, go to the pool, rinse under a contrast shower, but without sudden temperature changes, this perfectly relieves irritation and fatigue, tones the body.