How to make a man remember you. An effective love spell to make a guy fall in love with a girl. An effective conspiracy to make a guy very bored - read at home without any consequences in his life


Girls tend to fall in love with the image of a mysterious stranger, planning a joint future after. However, most pragmatic men do not encourage such impulses, delaying the moment of declaration of love. The stinginess of guys for compliments and rare telephone conversations give rise to insecurity in a partner in a woman's mind. A union in which the interest in the development of events comes exclusively from the girl is doomed in advance.

It happens that a relationship ends before it starts. In such situations, a woman, inspired by a feeling that has arisen, has to involuntarily look for reasons in herself, lowering her own self-esteem. The man you like does not call back, disappears from sight, stops writing on social networks. Unlike a woman, the interest in communication among a representative of a strong half of humanity is gradually disappearing. In moments of despair, motivated girls who want to solve a problem that have arisen ask themselves the pressing question: How to make a man think about you?

Some guys consider such thoughts to be overly selfish, because it is impossible to control a person's consciousness. Girls in love believe that any means are appropriate in the struggle for happiness, therefore, in rare cases, the chosen ones are even exposed to magical love spells.

However, there are more humane techniques with which you can thoroughly "settle" in the mind of a man. Useful recommendations of psychologists advising to develop the ideal tactics of behavior in the society of your beloved:

Restrain impulses by not showing interest in developing the relationship. By nature, men are hunters, which means become a cherished "goal" that a guy will have to achieve.
Get distracted by chatting with friends, work or hobbies. The chosen one should understand that your attention is not focused on one candidate - you have a busy and interesting life.
Do not forget to flirt with your lover, awakening sexual attraction in a man.
Show your guy gratitude. Let the chosen one know how dear and valuable are signs of attention.
Be interested in the same hobbies as your beloved - become a man's faithful and reliable friend.
Regularly remind of your presence in his house with irrelevant little things. Slippers and a toothbrush are an inexpedient solution, it is enough to simply “accidentally” forget a hairpin or stole in a conspicuous place.
Do not open up to the guy to the end, remain mysterious, periodically "refreshing" the relationship with an erotic photo shoot or a romantic dinner, which the man did not know about.
Provoke a manifestation of jealousy - just do not overdo it, a light flirting with a representative of the stronger sex will be enough, do not "rush" to extremes.
Make the man worry. Did you promise to call back, but don't get in touch? A guy interested in a relationship will definitely show concern.
Take care of your body, do not forget about make-up, wear sexy outfits to meetings that awaken sexual attraction in the chosen one.
Present your man with a body accessory that will regularly remind of you.
Impress your boyfriend's friends with sociability and openness - the opinion of reliable companions in male society is highly valued.
Prepare hearty and tasty meals, help with cleaning and household chores - your presence in the house will be associated with coziness and comfort.
Periodically change your attitude towards your beloved - let it come a little closer, and then move away to an attainable distance.
Borrow money from a man so that the pragmatist will always remember about you (first analyze the guy's wealth so as not to provoke an uncomfortable situation).

Visual changes or an unusual image of mystery, a feigned loss of interest in the chosen one, or the awakening of jealousy in a man are harmless ways to influence a guy's consciousness. Having chosen a method that matches the individual characteristics of the stronger sex, a woman can be sure of the success of the experiment. The result directly depends on the closeness of partners and the man's marital status (such manipulations will not work on married guys).

Magic techniques and energy practices

Turning to the sorcerers and witches for help, the girl dooms the future union. For the service of the higher powers, women "pay" not with material values, but with health and the format of created relationships. There is no need to talk about harmony and love in such families. In order to "settle" in the thoughts of the chosen one, the fair sex can use effective isoteric techniques and energy practices that are not related to black magic:

Dream about your lover before bed, imagining the image of the man next to you. Recreate in your thoughts a possible joint future, project telephone conversations and lengthy correspondence on social networks.
Hang a portrait photo of your chosen one in a conspicuous place in your apartment, be inspired, idealize and admire the image of the desired partner (in order not to destroy the energy connection, it is not recommended to touch the picture with your hands).
Draw or order an image from an artist in which you and your beloved are present. In the illustration, it is important to recreate a situation from the future, where you go shopping together, watch TV hugging or go ice skating.

Recommendations are based on the power of thought, because dreams tend to come true. If a girl is in love and sincerely dreams of her chosen one, then the cosmos, in the opinion of astrologers and mystics, will necessarily "reciprocate" by fulfilling her cherished desire.

In an attempt to "settle" in the thoughts of the chosen one, girls should not forget about their dignity. Confident and socially successful representatives of the fairer sex attract the attention of guys much more often. Men do not like weak and annoying women, so the lover should not be “belittled” and “annoyed”. Use the tips above to help make a man think of you.

December 30, 2013

Men, like women, are capable of first feeling interest and then forgetting about the object of their lust. But a woman can not only support a man's interest in herself, but also significantly increase it. After all, male thinking lends itself to cunning psychological tricks.

How to make a man miss you

You need to know that when there is a lot of your presence, when you are constantly around, and you do not have your own life, the man will not miss you. He just won't have time to do it. But if you do not lose yourself as a person, lead an active social life, and only spend some time with a man, he will not only miss you, but also wonder where and how you spend time without him.

Men are hunters, and if their prey is always at hand, then it makes no sense to hunt. Remember this.

How to make a man run after you psychology

A man can be forced to be the first to show attention and even run after you. First, the last time you meet a man, it should be interesting to you. Use all your feminine tricks for this: look perfect, apply an extraordinary perfume on your hair, flirt and flirt unobtrusively. All this must be natural and flawless.

After the meeting, do nothing. Often, anger is a good motivation for men. Therefore, when he himself calls and writes, then you can behave as if nothing happened at all. A man will be confused: he may think that you did not attach any importance to what was happening, and, most importantly, that you underestimated him!

Male pride will be hurt, while the man himself is still impressed by the last meeting. These conflicting feelings will make him think about you and seek out meetings.

How to make a man call

It happens that a woman wants a call from a man because of a prolonged breakup or because of a quarrel. In any case, of these two, the woman practically hysterically turns the phone in her hands and imagines how the conversation could have developed, in what voice she would answer, etc. But the man himself never calls.

If your man is late at work, and you have a fairly close relationship, then perhaps it is enough on your part to write him a message about how pleased you would be to hear him. If a man appreciates you, he will definitely call you soon.

You can also dial his phone number and wait for the dial tone to drop the call. Any man will call back, but not immediately, as a man will not miss the opportunity to create the appearance of his employment.

You can also prepare for a meeting and "accidentally" bump into a man on the street, in a store, in a cafe. If you look great, the man will definitely be interested and want to call. It is best to look joyful at such a meeting, but not to pounce on a man with questions and stories. On the contrary, be somewhat restrained, perhaps even cold.

How to force a man with the power of thought

Thought power is a great and effective way to get a man to do something. For example, call. Think of it as a given. Do not even think that you will have to take the initiative first.

Remember constantly about your importance and how a man needs you, that this is his chance to get you. Do not wait for a call, but know that it will definitely happen, and calmly go about your business. The confidence that a man wants to achieve you and will do so is the most powerful thought to get a man to do something.

In this case, the situation will be considered when a guy and a girl are familiar and, perhaps, even spend time together, that is, they intersect somewhere. To make a guy think only of himself, you should use these tips and suggestions.

The easiest way would be to constantly remind yourself. The effectiveness of such an action is not in the first lines of the rating, but you cannot do without it. After all, if a young man does not yet show the necessary interest in you, then he will forget about you if he does not appear in his field of vision. Only now the appearance should be quite effective. The right choice of wardrobe will help in this. Dress sexy. Guys do not remain indifferent to short dresses or tight jeans, which favorably emphasize a well-formed figure. Do not forget that for the most part, guys perceive the world through their eyes.

You need to find a way to give him some little thing that will remind of you. Any holiday can be a reason for this. A gift can be a chain or a pendant on the neck, a bracelet, a keychain. And if this little thing becomes a beautiful mug, then willy-nilly every morning a young man, drinking a cup of coffee or tea, will begin with the memories of the one who gave it.

If you have the courage, you can send an SMS in the morning wishing you a good day. After all, it cheers up any person, regardless of age and gender.

For many guys, the opinion of friends is decisive. The situation will be more advantageous if you and your boyfriend have mutual acquaintances, including his friends. An almost surefire way to get his close attention is to impress his fellows. Try to be at least something useful to them, admire your erudition or beauty. In communicating with friends, there are also additional bonuses - you can learn a lot about the subject of your dreams.

The next tip should be used very carefully, as it will be suggested to make the guy jealous. Try to demonstrate this insidious technique only once, regardless of the effect, positive or not. Try flirting with his friend. Naturally, this must be done so that the guy can see everything. If everything works out, then jealousy will make you think about you constantly. You should not overdo it, otherwise the result may be not only negative, but even the opposite of the desired one. Everything is within reason.

Do not forget the oldest rule about the relationship of the male stomach with the heart. If you know how to cook, then this is a great opportunity to treat people who are in the same company with something tasty. If you don't know how, it's a good reason to learn. Believe me, this dignity will be noticed by everyone, without exception, and his friends will always have a reason to say about what you are cooking. If he likes your treats, then it is quite possible to invite him to dinner somehow. Just call and tell me that you have prepared something delicious, but it's boring to eat alone. This dinner can turn into a romantic evening, and the guy is unlikely to forget about it.

Common affairs, common interests, occupations bring together very much. It remains only to find out for yourself the circle of his hobbies. It can be anything - doing any kind of sport: morning jogging, rollerblading or skating, skiing, hiking, rafting. This can be collecting something, or maybe just watching films of a certain subject, maybe he is a book lover and loves to read (which, alas, has become a rarity in our time). In general, keep him company, but don't just show that you are doing it because you are interested in him. You are fond of it by itself, but together it is much more interesting.

Take it on board: people love to be listened to. Guys especially. If you still do not know how to be attentive, interested in your interlocutor, this is a reason to master this art. Communicate with him as often as possible just in a friendly way. There is no need to fear that the relationship will not move to another level. First, friendship, common interests, and then with the help of women's secrets of seduction, you can easily make a guy think of himself constantly.

How to make a guy think of himself using magic

If there is faith in the power of magical rituals, then you can try to summon to yourself with the help of magic. Why not? Indeed, since ancient times, there have been healers, witches (from the word "Vedas") and sorceresses. Our great-grandmothers also used their services. If you think that all means are good to achieve the goal, then you can try to bewitch the guy. But this method is only suitable for those who believe in the power of magic.

The simplest thing will be to contact the witch. She will do everything much more professionally, but then the money question arises. Not a single fortune teller or soothsayer renders her services cheaply. If this is the only snag, then simple rituals will help to make the guy think of himself constantly.

You will need a photo in which the subject of sighing is depicted up to the waist. Another needle with a red thread threaded into its eye. On the photo you need to write the guy's name and your name. Then the heart of a young man needs to be stitched with a red thread, while at the same time it is said: “Act, love spell, and love me, son of God (the name of the guy is pronounced). Your heart is forever connected with my red thread. Darling (pronounced name), feel the prick in your heart, think about me. " Words should be spoken in a whisper. After that, the photo is burned, and the ash is rubbed in hands. If possible, after the ritual, you should talk to the guy on the phone. The conversation should be on any non-binding topic.

If there is no photograph, then you can perform another rite, for this you will need lemon balm. An infusion is prepared from the plant. You need to wake up before dawn, take a few sips of lemon balm infusion and wash yourself with a miracle cure. Performing all actions, one should think about the adored object, there should be a very strong concentration of thought. Then the spell is pronounced: “Fly, fire of love, fly. Fly to him, whoever your heart beats. Let him think only about me, and his thought is that the ribbon is twisting. "

Do not be shy - ask his friends what he thinks of you. And one evening, his friends will say to him in close company: “Man, she's so cool! Pay attention to her! ”. And he will really think about meeting.

  • Make him jealous! Jealousy is a very bad feeling, but in extreme cases it can be used for our insidious purposes. Give him the opportunity to be jealous of some young man - this can have a positive effect! But only within reasonable limits. The human psyche is so arranged that jealousy makes you think about a person constantly, comparing yourself with the object of jealousy. Play on a guy's feelings! Flirt with his friend before his eyes.

    Put on a revealing outfit at the disco where he will be. Not only will he not find a place for himself from the desire to talk to you, at the same time you will raise yourself.

  • Invite him to dinner. For some reason, it is customary in our country that a guy should invite a girl to dinner. Break stereotypes! Call him and tell him that you cooked something delicious today, and you will be very happy if he dines with you today. No man will not give up delicious food, it is a fact! And the old wisdom says - the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, there is a grain of reason in this. And if you add here another bottle of champagne, which he is more likely to bring with him, then you can arrange a real romantic eveningthat your boyfriend is unlikely to forget!
  • Method: closer, further. A very effective way to make a guy go crazy with you. What do I need to do? Nothing fancy - keep the guy at arm's length. Create the impression that you allow him everything, that he has achieved everything, everything, but abruptly start to become "cold". Let him puzzle over your behavior! Conversely, when he feels a little indifference from you, show that he is dear to you.

    Flirt with him, induce a good disposition, and again continue your closer-further game.

    With moderate play, the guy will naturally be confused, and he will constantly think about it.

  • Get down to common business. Perhaps he loves to run in the morning. Or go fishing in the evenings. Find out all about his addictions and try to play on it. Run with him in the morning, believe me, no one has done this before. This will make a positive impression on him. On the one hand, you show that you are not indifferent to him, you express your interest in his hobby. On the other hand, you still do it "for the company", that is, by yourself. This attitude will certainly cause interest on his part, he will want to get closer himself, and after such runs he will remember pleasant moments for a long time.
  • Pay attention to him, listen to him. Most people, especially girls, talk only about themselves. I can't even insert a sentence into their monologues. But how pleasant it becomes to a person when a girl shows a sincere interest in his life. When she knows everything that worries him. Supports in all dreams and endeavors. Therefore, do not spare your time to communicate in a friendly way with a guy. Without any flirting and hints. Let him completely relax in your company. And don't be upset if he treats you like a friend now. This is where it all starts. Show him what a good friend you are, and he'll figure out what a great lover you are.
  • A new method that has been working reliably for more than a year is the so-called "hypnosis".You can read from him. Everything is detailed there. We receive a lot of reviews about this technology; a couple is even uncomfortable in front of the opposite sex. Since you can attract any guy or adult man to yourself. They will be absorbed in thoughts of you, you will learn about this after the first days of practice.
  • As you see, using these methods and ways, you can easily make a guy think of you. Most importantly, do not retreat and do not despair if it does not work out right away. After all, everything takes time.

    And he needs time so that the thought that you are gradually becoming a part of his life is firmly established in his head.

    But there are situations when it is impossible to be close to a person due to the great distance. And what if you are in different cities, or just far from each other?

    The easiest way - make him miss... When a person is not around for a long time, without knowing it, you start to get bored. This is psychology. What can you do to make a guy miss you and think about you? Get lost for a while. Let him call, find the strength not to pick up the phone. This simple method will definitely work! The guy will start to worry, mentally come up with reasons why you do not answer - this is what we need.

    Bide your time. Call the guy back in a few days. He will be happy with your call! Ask if he missed him? Remember together some of your joint meeting, pleasant memories will have a positive effect. After such a conversation, he will toss and turn in bed for a long time, thinking about you and unsuccessfully trying to sleep.

    When you have already tried everything, and you think the situation is hopeless, try some non-standard methods to make the guy think about himself:

    Borrow money from him. Do not just ask, but estimate how much he can lend you. Set the deadline right away. Remember, the longer you say, the longer he will subconsciously think about you. Of course, the debt must be repaid on time. When you give back the money, thank you with the most affectionate words and look as if he did not lend you, at least saved from the clutches of the dragon.

    He should feel like a hero, like in a fairy tale. But if he is a hero, then you are his princess, right? Well, at least you will soon.

    The purpose of this trick is to attract attention and leave pleasant feelings.

    Even if you do not need money, do not deny the guy to discover new qualities in him in relation to you.

    One “but”. Don't borrow money for him yourself. Refuse under a plausible pretext, almost with tears in your eyes. Psychology also plays a role here. Remember that we take strangers and give ours. This is how it will be difficult for him to give back his money, even if borrowed a little earlier. Do not make him subconsciously feel that his money has flowed into your wallet. After all, you should only evoke romantic impulses in him.

    This is already from the realm of fantasy or special education and daily training, but nevertheless - if you strongly believe, it will certainly work out.

    • Lie on your back and relax. Think about it ... Try to mentally imagine the energy channel between you. How your thoughts slowly rise high into space and, in oscillating waves, descend to it. Thought streams join together in a sweet dance, just like you dance, slow dance with each other. Imagine what he thought of you now. Has your soul gotten warmer? Perhaps he really remembered you. Imagine that he is texting you now ... Do you hear the sound of an incoming message? It was your boyfriend who wrote to you, which means you did it!
    • Another interesting method. When you are with a guy in the same room, mentally draw an invisible ray between your heads. As ridiculous as it sounds, direct this beam straight into his forehead. Say to yourself the phrase “You will constantly remember me,” repeat it over and over again until you feel the power of these words.
    • You can make a magnificent anchor on his mind. Let's say, accustom a guy to the fact that you send him an SMS every morning or walk past him in the office, greeting and smiling. You can think of more suitable options yourself. The main thing is to make them a habit. Do it every day, so you hook the guy on a certain reaction from his side. He gets used to these actions. This does not take much time, a week or two. Then abruptly stop doing it. You will knock the guy out of the so-called "comfort zone". He, perhaps, not realizing this himself, will begin to think about you and be lost in conjecture what happened. This is called a direct method of influence.
    • There is also an indirect method. Here you need a proven person who communicates in the same circle with your boyfriend. The role of this person is to constantly remind the guy of you. There are a lot of ways to do this unnoticed. We can say that yesterday you helped him a lot. Or say that you have the right disk. You can call you with some question with this guy. There are really a huge number of ways. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the incessant talk about you will set the poor guy on edge and he will shudder from your name alone.

    What if you add a pinch of magic here? Say that this is all fiction for little girls. But why, then, hundreds of witches around the world are engaged in all kinds of love spells? Using magic, you can try to make the guy think about himself. To do this, you just have to believe in it.

    How to do it? Ask a professional witch - usually they do not refuse to help anyone, for a far from symbolic amount they can make any love spell. And if you want to try to make a conspiracy yourself, then here are some recipes:

    • You can try to hold own magic rite... What is needed for this?
    1. A picture of your boyfriend is waist-deep.
    2. Red thread with a needle.

    Write your names on the photo. After that, with a red thread, the heart of your boyfriend in the photo, while uttering the words in a whisper:

    “Love spell, act, and love me, oh (guy's name), son of God. Your heart is connected with mine forever. Think of me, feel a prick in your heart, honey (boyfriend's name). "

    After you finish, you need to burn the photo and rub the ashes in your palms. After that, it is advisable to call the guy, talk to him about something neutral.

    Love spell from photography is one of the most powerful and reliable, according to magicians and sorcerers. Magic has been popular at all times, even our grandmothers tried to lure guys into their nets with conspiracies and witchcraft tricks. So, you can try - all means are good for us.

    • Another effective rite will push the guy to think about you. To perform this ritual, you need to make an infusion of lemon balm. In general, melissa plays a role in many conspiracies that are associated with love longing. Sorcerers claim that this plant has an amazing ability to attract love to the person who uses it.

    We must get up before dawn, wash with this infusion and drink a few sips. While you wash and drink the infusion, think about this guy as much as you want him to think about you. Then say the words: “Fly, fly, fire of love! Fly to whoever your heart beats. Let him think about me, let his thought twist like a ribbon. "

    Thus, it becomes clear that there are a whole bunch of ways to get a guy to think about you, from the simplest to the unconventional. The main thing is to put in diligence and effort, but do not forget about your own dignity - and you will succeed!

    Every woman dreams of becoming a real obsession for a young man she likes, the one and only one he constantly thinks about. For some girls, this desire is realized, while for others it remains an impossible dream.

    How to make a man think about you? There are really many recommendations for this question: banal advice and psychological tricks, as well as magic! With their help, you will find the very levers in your boyfriend's head, pressing which, you can direct his thoughts in the direction you need.

    The most important advice is simple enough in theory and rather difficult to implement. It sounds like this: so that all the guy's thoughts are only about you, he needs to be liked. Someone easily achieves such a result, but others have problems with this.

    Feminine behavior either attracts or repels the opposite sex. So, young ladies chasing men look easily accessible and not too attractive. And, naturally, guys will not think and dream about such girls.

    The next extreme is the touchy ones, who push guys away with their isolation.

    The ideal option is a moderately inaccessible young lady who challenges a man, as a result of which he constantly thinks about her.

    Here are some ways to make your boyfriend miss you and direct his thoughts in the right direction.

    Method number 1. Reason for jealousy

    Of course, jealousy is not the best and most correct feeling, but it can be a wonderful assistant in winning a man.

    It is only important to understand how the “object” is subject to this emotion and how it reacts to the appearance of a rival on its territory.

    Anyway, don't go overboard, just flirt a little with the other guy. Or inadvertently mention that you met a pleasant stranger online. Jealousy (or possessiveness) will make a man think about you regularly.

    Method number 2. Ability to listen

    The ability to listen and hear is truly a woman's dignity. Do not talk about your problems, about your past personal life, but listen to a man you like. Not only girls need a kind of "vest" in which it is so nice to "cry".

    The same advice assumes the ability to maintain a conversation, because you will not constantly sit with your mouth open, listening to your man. Take an interest in his hobbies, work, so that you can then skillfully enter the conversation and thereby create a pleasant image of an intellectual.

    Method number 3. Disappearance

    Another effective method of making a person think of you is as follows - disappear for a while after a successful date, crazy kiss, long and pleasant conversation. Just stop calling and picking up the phone. Wait a few days for men's thoughts only to revolve around your person, and then be the first to call him or write in social networks.

    Method number 4. Close, far

    This method of making a guy miss you works in the right hands. Try to keep the man in love at some distance, playing a kind of cat and mouse. At first, you are hot with him, and then a chill appears in the relationship.

    The guy is simply forced to constantly replay this situation in his head, naturally, remembering about you. Just play skillfully: with one man, more hotness in a relationship is preferable than cold, the other is crazy about inaccessible young ladies.

    Method number 5. Romantic dinner

    The phrase that it is through the stomach that the path to the male heart passes is not without reason. Why don't you use this worldly wisdom? But just delicious food is indispensable here, since the main "dish" in this situation is you.

    Your task is to create in the guy as many pleasant associations with you as possible, so dinner should be accompanied by romantic music, candles, stunning aromas of dishes. You take the center stage - in your most seductive outfit. After such dinners, a man willy-nilly will return his thoughts to you and wish for a repeat of such an evening.

    The opinion of psychologists

    To evoke thoughts or memories of you in a man, use the method of "anchors", or stimuli, which trigger a reaction in response to any stimulus. They are of several types:

    • kinesthetic;
    • auditory;
    • olfactory;
    • visual.

    There is no need to run after a man, showing yourself that you are beautiful. It is enough to occasionally send an SMS to your beloved, which will be a kind of friendly poke. It is only important to choose the right time for the message, for example, you should not distract the guy from the work meeting. Just wish a good day by hinting at a desire to chat in person.

    Another variation of the visual "anchor" is a small gift that you can hang on your hand, a phone (keychain), or put in a purse (your own photo). Or present your man a coffee cup so that he starts every morning with the thought of you.

    Auditory "anchor"

    To get a man to think about himself as often as possible, you need to come up with a word that will switch him to you. For example, after sex, you can say such a long-awaited word for guys: "great!" Yes, and hearing this word from another person, the man's thoughts will be with you.

    Important! To make this method work, repeat this magic word at least seven times. In addition, you should rarely use this passphrase in normal conversation.

    Olfactory "anchor"

    Think of the supermarket trick that flavors tangerines into your premises. The installation works: we associate the smell of citrus with the New Year, so we are starting to purchase more goods.

    Choose a unique perfume or aromatic oil that a man will associate only with you. You can also place an aroma lamp in your bedroom to enhance the effect. Just be careful when choosing a scent so that the guy doesn't get a headache.

    Important! To enhance the positive reflex, do not conflict in the bedroom, do not quarrel with a man when you are wearing your favorite perfume. Let a pleasant smell evoke only positive associations in a young man.

    Kinesthetic "anchor"

    Psychologists advise touching a certain place (neck, elbow) of your lover when he experiences strong positive emotions (laughter, happiness). Just touch it and hold your hand for a few seconds. It takes an average of 10-30 touches to create a habit.

    Such an "anchor" will help you create a good mood in a man, even if he was furious 10 minutes before. This kind of emotion management makes the guy constantly think about you and believe that it is with you that he feels good and carefree.

    Thoughts are material! You can agree with this statement, but you can consider it stupidity. Magic and other esoteric methods can also be used in love relationships. Let's say a man disappeared for a while. And in a woman's head, the question immediately arises, how to make a man think about you from a distance? Before dismissing any "witchcraft", let's find out all the details.

    Ritual number 1. Setting up for sleep

    Is it magic or just a certain attitude? Both, it is quite possible to remind of oneself by the power of thought, the main thing is just to want. Before falling asleep, think about the man you love who you want to dream about. Just think only good things about him, remember the most pleasant moments.

    Close your eyes and say something like an incantation: “See, Peter, bright dreams with me, Katerina. Let it be so!" The words are actually not that important, the main thing is your confidence in the end result and attitude. Say this "conspiracy" to yourself 2-3 times and address all your own thoughts to your loved one.

    Ritual number 2. Welcome call

    Do you want to force a man to call you by the power of thought? And again "magic" comes to the rescue. Concentrate all your attention on the image of the young man from whom you are expecting a call. Imagine it in great detail: full-length, with all the details of the clothes. Pay special attention to the emotions on your face - keep him in a good mood.

    Pick up a cell phone and imagine the feelings that a guy should have when he wants to call you. Look at your cell phone and continue to imagine the man, remember his voice. Of course, it may not work the first time, so practice often.

    Ritual number 3. Energy channel

    This is not really magic, but rather the materialization of thoughts. To use this ritual, lie on the floor and relax. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly.

    Then imagine your beloved and mentally guide the energy channel from yourself to him. Imagine how this connection becomes wider and stronger with each passing second. Imagine how it begins to pulsate, connecting you tightly. Lie a little like this, smiling and thinking about him.

    So, there are really many ways to make a young man think about you, and they are completely different: psychological techniques, everyday advice and even magic.

    The main thing is not to dwell on this desire, but to continue to live and be interested in the world around you. And if you are also curious, charming and moderately mysterious, then you will not need any tricks. How can you not think about such a beautiful girl ?!

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.