What paint to paint over the green hair color. How to remove the green tint of hair after dyeing - the best recipes

It just so happens that the expectation of staining does not always coincide with reality. This is due to the inexperience of the master, the inability to work with the color wheel, or, most often, the love of home experiments with paint. For example, if the hair initially has a yellow pigment, then when applying paint with a blue pigment, dirty green strands may turn out. Why is this happening? How to prevent the incident? Let's figure it out!

Hairdressers-colorists identify 9 of the most common reasons for the appearance of green hair:

  1. Multiple clarifications with aggressive oxygen... Most hair lightening products contain hydrogen peroxide, which negatively affects the structure of the hair shaft, lifting the scales that hold the pigment. As a result of repeated bleaching, the hair becomes very thin and it is almost impossible to predict how the new color will fall.
  2. Staining with paint immediately after bleaching- the reason for the green color, again, lies in hydrogen peroxide. After lightening, particles of the substance remain on the hair and, reacting with a new dye, can give a dirty green color.

Note! A green color can appear if the hair is lightened immediately after dyeing.

  1. Swimming in chlorinated water. Coming out of the shower or pool, the blonde beauty does not expect to see green curls in the mirror at all. This is due to the chlorine contained in the water. To prevent this, you need to get a special shower cap.
  2. Dyeing immediately after a perm. The green color is the result of a combination of chemical reagents for curling and permanent dye. This can be easily avoided by waiting 2-3 weeks after curling before dyeing.
  3. Use of expired dye- over time, paints lose their properties and oxidize.
  4. A sharp transition from a warm blonde to an ashy one. The paint for the first contains yellow pigment, and for the second - blue, which, according to the laws of color, in combination, give green.
  5. Using henna or basma before painting. Persistent dyes of natural origin stick to the hair very firmly and are rarely subject to high-quality repainting.
  6. Rinsing hair with nettle decoction. This recipe was also used by our grandmothers to strengthen curls. But it only works on unpainted or dark hair. On a blonde, a similar tool can leave greenish stains.
  7. Lightening naturally dark hair, followed by toning in ashy blond. Hair that is naturally black or dark brown has more yellow pigment than blond hair. When applied to lightened hair, an ash colorant can result in a boggy shade.

By its structure, the hair is three-layer. To understand what happens to him when painting, you need to familiarize yourself with each layer in more detail:

  • Medula(hairy core) is a soft and spongy substance.
  • Cortex- a hard shell covering the medula.
  • Cuticle- the outer part of the hair, consisting of keratin scales that are superimposed on each other. If the hair is healthy, the cuticle adheres tightly to the hair shaft.

The chemical dye lifts the hair scales, thereby damaging the cuticle. The dye components penetrate the hair and replace or supplement the existing pigment.

Reference! The most traumatic type of staining is considered to be discoloration, since the natural pigment is completely destroyed, thereby disrupting the structure of the hair.

How to prevent the problem?

Preventing greens in your hair is much easier than getting rid of them. If your hair is dyed in cold blonde shades, then adhere to the following rules:

  • Wash your hair immediately after swimming in a chlorinated pool... This is necessary in order to get rid of the chemical residues. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the shower immediately after swimming, take a bottle of clean water with you and rinse your hair.
  • If your curls are colored brown or red, first go to shades of red, and only then gradually move to ashy.
  • If you are familiar with the rules for mixing shades, add a little red mixton to the desired shade.
  • If you are just planning to switch from warm to cold blonde shades, seek the help of a professional colorist.

How to remove green hair tint?

If you didn't succeed in preventing the appearance of greenery in your hair, then you should try to block it. There are 2 options! Take advantage of one of them!

Use a tinted shampoo or toner

A tint shampoo-neutralizer or toner with a bias in shades of purple or red will help to quickly solve the problem if there is no time or desire to go to the salon.

  • Shampoo. Wash your hair with shampoo as you would with your usual remedy. Try to rinse the strands thoroughly. Blow dry your hair. The green color should fade or lighten a few tones. Substitute a neutralizer for standard shampoo until you achieve the desired result.
  • Tonic. The green color can be covered with a tint balm with purple, pink or red pigments. The product must be displaced in equal proportions with shampoo or diluted in water (depending on the original hair color and the severity of the problem).

Note! Most toners cannot be used in their pure form, as they have a very corrosive pigment. In some cases, instead of a pure blonde, you can get extremely pink or lilac.

Go to the hairdresser salon

If you no longer want to experiment at home, contact a professional colorist for help at the salon. This is the most correct decision if you have no idea how to work with the color wheel and you urgently need to tidy up your hair.

Most often, masters use special professional neutralizing balms with red pigment, which, in addition to correcting the color, nourish and moisturize the hair.

Cosmetics for neutralizing the green tint

You can get rid of unwanted greens on your hair using products from a professional cosmetics store. The following products are in greatest demand and popularity among customers:

Professional product for deep cleaning of the hair shaft from particles of chlorine, iron and copper, which are responsible for the development of unwanted green pigment.

Tinted balm, the composition of which is enriched with a keratin complex. Enveloping each hair, it creates a protective film, making the curls softer and smoother to the touch.

Note! To neutralize the green color it is recommended to use the pearl 10/65 shade.

A tint balm with a pronounced pastel pink pigment, due to which it is often used by girls who want to get cotton candy hair. To neutralize green, it is recommended to dilute with plenty of water.

Is it possible to get rid of green color quickly and effectively at home?

What if there are no color neutralizers in the nearest cosmetic stores, and you don't want to radically change your look and repaint? You can use folk recipes! You will probably find everything you need in the refrigerator or first aid kit.

Acetylsalicylic acid

The familiar aspirin tablets not only relieve pain and fever, but also have a slight brightening and neutralizing effect on the hair. To prepare the solution, you will need:

  • Aspirin - 3 tablets;
  • A glass of warm water;

Throw the tablets in a glass and fill with warm water. Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Apply to green hair or all over your head. Wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse with running water without using shampoo.

Tomatoes contain acids that can neutralize the green tint without changing the basic tone of the hair. For the procedure you will need:

  • Tomatoes - 2-3 ripe, large fruits (depending on the length of the hair, you can take more or less);
  • Blender or grater.

Grind the tomatoes into a homogeneous gruel. Spread the mixture through your hair and put on a plastic cap. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off with water without using shampoo.

Apple cider vinegar in 9% concentration is perfect for home beauty treatments.

To prepare the solution, you will need:

  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp l;
  • Boiled water - 200 ml.

Dissolve the vinegar in a glass of water, then rinse your hair with the solution. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with water.

Important! High concentrations of apple cider vinegar can cause dry hair and skin burns.

This recipe is used not only to neutralize the green color, but also to get rid of yellowness, as well as light lightening by 1-2 tones. The effect will be especially noticeable on naturally light hair.

You will need 1 to 3 lemon fruits (depending on hair length). Squeeze out the juice and pass it through cheesecloth to separate the seeds and pulp. Apply the resulting liquid to clean, dry hair and leave to dry completely. Rinse off with water and apply a moisturizing mask.

This recipe is also often used to neutralize greens, yellowness, and homemade lightening.

You will need:

  • Baking soda - 10 teaspoons
  • Table salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Warm water - 200 ml.

Dissolve baking soda and salt in water and distribute the mixture over the entire length of your hair. If desired, you can gently massage the roots to nourish the hair follicles. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse hair thoroughly with water.

While olive oil is often used to moisturize and nourish dehydrated and weakened hair, this herbal remedy is completely unsuitable for treating colored hair. The fact is that olive oil strongly leaches out the artificial pigment, which is very useful for neutralizing greens. To prepare an oil neutralizer, you will need:

  • Olive oil - 1 glass;
  • Lemon juice - 1 glass

Combine the ingredients and spread the mixture from roots to ends. For maximum effect, warm your head with a hairdryer or natural sunlight (for example, standing on a balcony or by a window). Leave the mixture for 2 hours and then wash off with shampoo.

Softer than undiluted lemon juice. Suitable for the correction of minor pigmentation. To prepare the solution, you will need:

  • Lemon juice - 150 ml. But a concentrate made from citric acid is also suitable.
  • Water - 100 ml.

Mix liquids and distribute to dry hair. Leave it on for half an hour and then wash off with water without shampoo.

A solution in a lower concentration is suitable for neutralizing minor green hairs. For cooking you will need:

  • Baking soda - 1 tablespoon
  • Warm water - 200 ml.

Spread the mixture through dry hair with a spray bottle and leave to absorb for 20 minutes. After the hair is slightly dry, rinse off the mixture with warm running water.

Healing oil wraps

Burdock, olive and sea buckthorn oils are considered the most effective oils for hair.

You can choose one of the oils or make a mixture. For wrapping, heat the required amount of oil in the microwave or in a water bath to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Spread warm oil over your hair, hide under a plastic cap and wrap with a towel. Leave it on for an hour and then wash your hair with shampoo.

Features of care after staining

After the unwanted shade has been removed, it is time to think about the health of your hair. The following guidelines will help restore a healthy and attractive look to your curls:

  • Use care products for bleached and colored hair- they are enriched with keratin and proteins that help restore the structure of the hair shaft and retain the acquired color pigment.
  • For a while, give up the hair dryer, iron and curling iron. Lightening, coloring and neutralizing the green color is a serious stress on the scalp and hair. Give them time to recover.
  • For a while, give up staining and toning.


Do not despair when you see green strands on your head. Of course, this is an unpleasant, but not at all hopeless situation. Contact the salon, or try to solve the problem yourself! The cosmetics market provides a wide range of products for this purpose! Moreover, if you wish, you can get rid of the unpleasant swamp hue with the help of folk remedies!

Video: How to remove greens from colored hair?


How are you going to fight the green tint?

The coloring in the salon is not always perfect, inexperienced craftsmen are not able to calculate the final shade, since they do not know the color wheel well. The same applies to performing the procedure at home. If your hair originally contained yellow pigment, and the applied paint had a blue tint, you will end up with green hair. Now the question "How to remove greens?" becomes extremely relevant, let's figure it out together.

The reasons for the appearance of a green tint:

  • contact with chlorinated water immediately after the procedure;
  • incorrect staining;
  • the use of expired or low-quality dyes;
  • hair coloring with natural dyes (basma, henna) shortly before the procedure.

How to remove a green tint with cosmetics

If you failed to prevent the consequences, and the pigment has crawled out, use professional cosmetics. Here are some common and well-proven drugs:

  1. Estel "Love Nuance". The product is a tint balm that, in addition to stretching the greenery, restores the structure of damaged hair. The product is often used by artisans and has gained popularity among consumers because it contains natural oils and esters, liquid protein, keratin. The choice should be approached thoroughly, give preference to the pearl shade marked "10/65".
  2. Cutrin "Anti-Green". Shampoo designed to remove dye from hair, eliminate green, remove copper, iron and chlorine from the structure of the hair. Perfect for girls whose strands have acquired a green tint due to contact with chlorinated water.
  3. Roccolor "Pink Pearl". The tool is similar to Estel products, the product is a tint balm. However, it has a rather saturated shade, due to which it is not always possible to guess the result. In order not to get into a mess, do a preliminary test on the lower strand of the neck. If the color is too bright, dilute the composition with water in equal amounts.

Method for removing a green tint

Take a printed color wheel or download it from the Internet. You will see that opposite the green hue is red, and we will add it to it. Don't be afraid to use a bright color, your hair won't turn crimson. It is only important to take into account the correct proportions. Purchase a red mixton in advance, it is also called a corrector.

To correctly connect the components, you need to measure the corrector in centimeters. For example, you decide to repaint in a light blond color, which has a shade of 6. You need to subtract this number from the highest number of the pigment range. Suppose this number is 10. Subtract 6 from 10, and the output is 4. Therefore, you need to squeeze out 4 cm of the red corrector. If you are performing the procedure for the first time, reduce the amount by 10-20%, monitor the reaction of the hair and start from this.

How to remove a green tint using folk methods

Let's calculate the amount of ingredients for medium-length hair. Double or triple the ingredients as needed.

Apple vinegar
Purchase apple cider vinegar with a concentration of no more than 9% from a specialty nutritional store. Read the section "Composition", it should not contain components that you do not understand. Mix 45 ml. product with 330 ml. warm water, soak your hair in the mixture. Wrap your head in a plastic bag, wrap yourself in a thick cloth. Turn on the hair dryer and warm up the composition for 7 minutes. After the expiration date, remove with shampoo and apply conditioner.

Acetylsalicylic acid and grapefruit
Take 4 aspirin tablets, crush them in a convenient way, pour 270 ml. cool water. Mix well. Squeeze out the juice from 1 grapefruit, chop the zest in a blender. Combine the compositions, make a mask, put on a plastic bag. Wait about 20 minutes, then remove the mixture with shampoo and balm. If the result is insufficient, repeat the procedure after 4 hours.

Tomatoes and lemon
Peel 3 tomatoes, grind the fruits in a meat grinder or blender. Squeeze the juice out of the citrus, combine with the tomatoes. Distribute the composition evenly, rubbing it well into the strands for 5 minutes. Apply balm on top, rub again. Wrap the head with foil or foil, wait about 25 minutes. At the end of the time, rinse the mixture with cool water, make a nourishing mask.

To prepare the solution, pour 30 g. soda 270 ml. warm water and wait until the granules are completely dissolved. Then add 100 gr. To the mixture. your regular balm and apply the mixture to your hair. Keep it on for no longer than 20 minutes, as baking soda makes hair brittle. After the procedure, be sure to use a regenerating mask or serum.

Perhaps at the moment it is already too late to talk about methods of preventing the consequences of staining. However, they are worth mentioning in order not to make mistakes in the future.

  1. If you are a dyed blonde who decided to switch to your native hair color (light brown, ash), follow the rules of the color wheel. Add red mikston to the dye, its amount should not exceed 10% of the total mass of the paint.
  2. Don't try to dye your hair greenish using blue pigments. Carry out preliminary staining in a copper color, only then proceed to the second stage.
  3. If you have recently dyed and wish to visit the pool, wear an appropriate headgear. Always rinse your hair after contact with chlorine.

Use a professional series of products that are in every line of conscientious manufacturers. Give preference to products used in the work of craftsmen. Do not neglect folk methods, they eliminate the green tint no worse than cosmetics.

Video: how to remove green from colored hair

After the dyeing procedure or after a while, there is a chance to see an unpleasant greenish-gray tint on the hair. Don't panic. The first step is to find out the reasons for the result obtained and, starting from this, understand how to remove the green tint from the hair.

  • 1. Why does it appear
  • 2. How to avoid the appearance
  • 3. How to restore hair before the next color
  • 4. Remove with cosmetics
  • 5. Remove folk remedies

Why does it appear

The main reason is the wrong color combination. When mixing yellow and blue pigments, the same hated greenish tint is obtained. The range of colors includes such series as gold (yellow-orange pigment) and ash (blue-violet pigment). That is, during dyeing from golden to ash blonde, there is a high probability of getting a boggy shade of hair.

The next reason is the use of low-quality or expired paint. Unfortunately, cheap products cannot guarantee an excellent result. In production, color combinations may be incorrectly defined initially. The picture shown on the package does not yet speak of the authenticity of the color obtained in the dyeing process.

The use of natural dyes - henna and basma, before or after the hair lightening procedure. Natural ingredients tend to bite into the structure of the curls, because of this, the dyes are not washed out for a long time. The interaction of natural ingredients with chemical elements can give unpredictable results. In addition, the structure of the strands will be damaged.

Chlorinated water can also be a nuisance. The dye reacts with chemistry, which leads to irreversible consequences.

How to avoid the appearance

  • intermediate coloring should be carried out in tones containing copper pigment to avoid mixing yellow and blue shades. After that, you can change the color to a more natural one;
  • when moving from blonde to natural shades, you must follow the rules for combining colors. When preparing the dye, a red mikston should be added to the mixture, strictly following the manufacturer's instructions;
  • when visiting the pool, observe safety precautions by wearing a tight-fitting cap. Hair should be rinsed thoroughly after contact with chlorinated water.

Do not forget that hair condition worsens without constant gentle care. Before any experiments on color, it is necessary to carry out a set of procedures to restore the structure of the curls. Preventing the consequences of unsuccessful staining is easier than fixing them.

How to restore hair before the next color

The desired result from coloring can only be achieved on healthy hair. Otherwise, the chemical composition of the paint will only aggravate the condition of the length and ends, making them lifeless, and the color will turn out dull, not natural. In order to regain vitality, elasticity and healthy shine, you should conduct a weekly course of homemade masks on a natural basis.

Olive recovery

The mask gives a natural shine, elasticity, making them smooth, manageable and crumbly.


  • olive oil - 5 tablespoons;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • essential oil of lavender, rosemary, tea tree - 5 drops.


Heat olive oil in a water bath, add essential oils and lemon juice, mix thoroughly. Spread the mixture evenly on the hair, insulate. After an hour, wash off with shampoo. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week.

Remove with cosmetics

If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of unwanted hair color, it is worth resorting to specialized means to eliminate it. There are many professional tools for this, such as:

  • Anti-Green is an immediate deep cleansing shampoo. Eliminates particles of chlorine, copper and iron from the hair structure.
  • Estel Love Nuance is a tinted balm containing a keratin complex for restoration. Pearl tone 10/65 masks the green color of the strands with red pigment. At the same time, it creates a light conditioning effect that makes it silky.
  • RoColor Pink Pearl is a tint balm. The colors of the manufacturer's palette differ in their saturation, therefore, before proceeding with toning, it is necessary to conduct a test on one strand. If the tone is too bright, it can be diluted with water in proportions 1: 1.

In order to understand how to remove a green tint from hair using paint, you need to understand well the specifics of the combination of shades. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation. Persistent paints with a red tint will do.

Remove folk remedies

Granny's advice on how to remove greens from hair after dyeing sometimes seems incredible. However, there are indeed effective home remedies to combat the unwanted tint.

  • soda. It is required to prepare a solution: add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. a spoonful of baking soda, and apply the mixture to your hair. Rinse after 20 minutes;
  • lemon juice. It is recommended that you mix lemon juice with half a glass of water and rinse the strands. After 15 minutes, wash off with clean water;
  • aspirin. You need to crush 5-7 tablets, pour into a glass of water and apply the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Rinse the curls without using shampoo.

Hair is our wealth, it needs constant gentle care. In order not to have to look for instructions on how you can, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  • competent mixing of colors;
  • use of quality products;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the strands.

After enjoying a lot of blue or green hair color (and maybe both at once), you might decide that it was time for a change. Of course, you can always go to the salon to have your hair dyed. However, if you prefer to rinse off the paint yourself, this article will provide you with several different ways to do this using readily available products that you may already have on hand. Whichever method you choose, remember that it will take a while for you to get all the dye out of your hair.


How to wash off paint with shampoo

    Consider if a deep cleansing shampoo is right for you. This deep cleansing shampoo is great for removing semi-permanent dyes from your hair. However, if you have dyed your hair with permanent dye, then the strength of such a shampoo may not be enough to somehow affect the dye. In this way, you can only lighten the resistant paint a little, but this will take quite a long time.

    Buy a deep cleansing shampoo. You will need to buy a cleansing shampoo that is not recommended for color-treated hair. It is this shampoo that will help wash hair from the dye. You will also need a hair conditioner. You can get the least expensive air conditioner from the entire price range.

    Consider adding some baking soda to your shampoo. Baking soda is a natural bleaching agent, so adding it to your shampoo can speed up the process of washing out the dye from your hair.

    Dampen your hair with hot water. Turn on as hot water as you can handle. Hot water opens hair follicles and cuticles, which helps wash out the dyes. Dampen your hair well before shampooing it.

    Lather your hair with a cleansing shampoo. Squeeze some shampoo into your hand and apply it to your hair. Use your fingertips to rub in the shampoo well. Squeeze out excess foam from your hair (which should already be colored with the color that you are washing off). Make sure all hair has been treated with shampoo, but don't rinse it off just yet!

    Gather your hair up and pin it up. If you have short hair, you can leave it loose. Place an old bath towel over your shoulders (shampoo and dye will drip and may stain the towel).

    Place a plastic shower cap over your head and apply warmth to your hair. Make sure that the cap completely covers all of your hair and is securely attached to your head. Use a hair dryer to heat your hair through the cap, but do not bring it too close, otherwise there is a risk of melting the polyethylene. The heat will help the shampoo remove the dye from your hair.

    • If you don't have a plastic shower cap, you can use a plastic bag instead. Wrap it around your head and secure it in front with a hair clip.
  1. Leave your hair under the cap for 15-20 minutes. When the indicated time has passed, rinse your head thoroughly with warm water. Shampoo your hair two more times, rinsing your hair each time. At the last rinse, a barely colored lather should leave the hair.

    Condition your hair thoroughly, making sure you don't miss a single strand. If you have long hair, pin it up; otherwise, leave it loose.

    Heat your hair with a hairdryer. Once your hair is half dry, leave it alone for 25-30 minutes. Then rinse your head with cool water and rinse out the hair conditioner completely.

    Rinse your hair with cold water. To close hair cuticles, pour ice water over your hair. This will help keep the nutrients that the conditioner gave it to the hair. After the first procedure, you should notice that the paint is two-thirds discolored. Let your hair rest for one day and then repeat the procedure.

    Add shampoo to vitamin C. You need a good shampoo to keep your hair soft and healthy. Add a generous amount of shampoo to the vitamin (more than you would normally use) and stir the composition. Make sure to stir the powder thoroughly without leaving any lumps.

    Dampen your head with warm water and apply the resulting composition to your hair. Warm water helps to open the hair cuticles well, which makes it easier to remove the dye. Apply shampoo with additives to hair. Lather it up to work into the strands and cover them completely from roots to ends.

    Pin up your hair and put a shower cap over your head. It is very important to put on a shower cap while you wait for the composition to take effect in order not to stain anything. You should also throw an old towel over your shoulders, as paint can drip. You will have to use a shower cap O Most of the drops, but it's always better to take precautions than to regret later.

    • If you don't have a shower cap, you can wrap your head in a plastic bag and clip it in the front, or slip the remaining end under the layer of plastic that's already wrapped around your head.
  2. Leave the composition on hair for 45 minutes. Within 45 minutes, the vitamin C shampoo will work to remove the dye from the hair. As soon as the indicated amount of time has passed, rinse your head.

    Condition your hair. This is important to prevent your hair from drying out and becoming unruly. This method works on both semi-permanent and permanent dyes, but everyone's hair is different and may react differently to it. If paint is still visible after the first procedure, you may need to repeat the procedure.

With the help of household tools

Use hairspray. Cover colored hair with a thick coat of strong hold hairspray and sit in the sun for as long as possible. Then brush out the hairspray and wash your hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo, then condition your hair to restore its softness.

Sit in the sun after swimming in a pool of chlorinated water. Although contact with bleach will not wash off your paint immediately, regular swimming in chlorinated water and subsequent exposure to the sun will cause the paint to fade. However, remember to always shampoo and condition your hair after swimming. Avoid sun exposure for too long to prevent sunburn, which can lead to skin cancer.

  • If you are unable to correct your hair color on your own, consider seeking help from a hairdresser who can solve your problem professionally.
  • Always wear old clothes and a towel when dyeing your hair.

Hello girls! My today's review is more likely not a review, but advice to all desperate ones.

I want to tell you about aspirin, not as a pain reliever or anti-inflammatory agent, but as a tool that will help neutralize the green tint from the hair in case of unsuccessful dyeing.

By nature, I have medium-blond hair with redhead. Recently produced a color tone of golden dark blond. At first, the color was very beautiful and natural, but as it was washed off, it began to fade into green.


Why it happens?

If you use a dye of a natural range of shades (or shades that contain a blue dye) on yellow or red hair, it is quite natural that mixing these shades give green.

What does he advise us to do?

Having discovered one fine day that my hair gives off a boggy shade under certain lighting conditions, I quickly climbed through various forums in search of salvation. Of course, there were many tips on how to get rid of greens by repainting, what tone to take, what percentage of oxidizer ... I needed to do something urgently, from scrap materials. Such advice was also available.

For example, it was proposed to remove the green tint with the help of soda or lemon juice, as well as making an aspirin mask. The first two options could dry out the hair a lot, so I settled on the third. I share with you the method of making a miracle potion

We take the most common aspirin.

Prepare a plate, a glass of water and a spoon to knead the tablets (at the rate of 4 tablets per glass of water)

Knead the tablets well.

Pour in water, let stand a little more so that the aspirin dissolves and mix.

Then everything is simple. We wet the hair well with the resulting solution. We leave for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off thoroughly with just warm water. The water flowed from me was really green-marsh color. This is the kind of sediment on the bath after washing.

The result was visible after the first procedure, but some strands remained a little green, so after the hair was dry, I repeated. Not a hint of a green tint. He disappeared completely!


Once a friend told me that after painting she regularly encounters greens (she is painted in light blond) and removes the swamp shade tomato juice! I then, to be honest, thought she was kidding! But when I myself faced such a problem, I found on the Internet that this is a very real story and that many are saved in this way. It is advised to apply tomato juice on dry hair for 10-15 minutes and rinse with shampoo, then use a balm. I have not tried that, but maybe someone in a fit of despair will find this method useful.

And another way from my friend who dyes her hair dark. If she has a green tint, she uses a coloring balm of pearl shades (tonic, estel, etc.). She also found this method once on the Internet, tried it and it turned out to be very effective. On wet hair, apply pearl balm in half with a regular conditioner balm for 1-2 minutes and rinse with water. Who knows, maybe he will be a salvation for you too.

I wish you successful coloring and may your experiments with hair color never lead to unexpected results!