Holiday romance ended with a wedding: stories from life. A life story - a holiday romance with an Italian with a mysterious ending

Summer is the time to start holiday romances. Just be careful: the experience of our heroines suggests that some of them are not forgotten for years.

To be continued

My story would be incredibly banal if not for its ending. He is a nice boy from the reception of a Greek hotel, I am an aspiring sales manager from Moscow. On that vacation to Crete, I was supposed to fly with a friend, but at the last moment she fell ill and stayed at home.

My grief knew no bounds: I was preparing to spend the most boring 10 days of my life. Instead, a week full of romance and adventure awaited me. Before flying home, of course, I was terribly sad: I had no doubt that we were saying goodbye to the “Greek of dreams” forever. But a month later he flew to me in Moscow, and after another six months of a long-distance relationship, we got married. I still work as a sales manager, only in the hotel industry and in Crete. Well, he is no longer a boy from the reception, but a manager. Still cute. Masha, 27.


My Italian boyfriend invited me to visit him in Rimini. Once we had a big fight, and I went for a walk around the city alone. That's how I met Sergey, who came on vacation with friends. It was a sunstroke: it seems that I have never experienced such a feeling for anyone. I returned to the Italian only for things, but I have been happy with Serezha for 8 years. Not in Italy, really, well, to hell with it. Nelly, 32.

With a colleague

Once I was sent on a business trip with a colleague from a neighboring department. At work, we almost did not communicate, and I did not like him at all. But during the trip, I got to know this person from a completely different perspective. In general, I fell in love. Our relationship was limited to sex on the last night in Sochi. After returning to Moscow, he told me that he was happily married and was not going to leave his wife. I had to change jobs. Anya, 34.

For a day

We met on a beach in France. He is a long-haired surfer like in the picture, I am also long-haired, but much more prosaic. I don’t know why he chose me out of all the girls on vacation, but he just came up to me and asked if I wanted ice cream. And I looked into his green eyes and realized that I was gone.

We spent one day and one night together. The next morning a plane to Moscow was waiting for me, and a train to Paris was waiting for him. We deliberately did not exchange phone numbers and did not friend each other on social networks. I don't know his real name, and he doesn't know mine. We never saw each other again, but I know for sure that if fate wishes, she will bring us together again: you just need to trust her. Zhenya, 23.

Not like in a fairy tale

If you think that holiday romances always leave good memories, then I hasten to disappoint you. Once in Bulgaria, I had an affair with a local resident. We spent a lot of time in my room, but in the morning he almost never went to the beach with me, referring to the fact that he sees the sea every day, and he wants to sleep longer. When I was leaving, I was charged a kilometer bill for international negotiations with Turkey. Well, my "bell pepper", of course, disappeared without a trace. Marika, 35.


Before the wedding, I decided to have a bachelorette party in Cyprus. I rented a villa, invited 5 friends. During one of the parties we met a group of German guys. One of them, Marcus, began to show me signs of attention. I decided that there would be no trouble in my “farewell tour”, so I responded to courtship. But everything went much further than I thought: not only physically, but also emotionally. The bachelorette party ended with my hysteria and my friends trying to comfort me.

Returning to Moscow, I broke off the engagement because I could not deceive my future husband. We correspond with Marcus, but I strongly doubt that our story will continue. Although, I would love to. Katya, 25.

“... Where is the openwork foam, where the city crew is rarely found. The queen played in the tower of Chopin's castle, and, listening to Chopin, fell in love with her page ... ”, - with a mocking howl, I quoted Igor Severyanin’s verse and sternly pulled my friend: - Enough. No holiday romance. I'm just going to rest, swim in the sea and eat wrong, but abundantly.

Semyonov's friend, incorrigibly amorous and therefore in her third marriage a la "together forever", sadly brought into a single line:

Alan, it won't hurt, will it? A tiny little romance so that the body and soul are young!

In the original source, for the youth of the soul and body, it was proposed to temper, and not to twist novels with handsome men from Dagomys. No men, you understand: I am in mourning for my husband.

So you didn’t bury, - the literal Semyonova was frightened, - you got divorced!

It doesn't matter, I muttered. He almost died for me.

Well, okay, - the accommodating Semyonova sighed, - eat fruit and swim in the sea. Just do not wrap yourself in long skirts, wear those short ones that I gave you.

I swore to Semyonov that vacationers had no chance on the Koktebel coast: whether they like it or not, they would have to appreciate my long legs and white shorts as a gift. Semyonova was filled with grace and took my gluttonous cat "for a stay".

And I was packing my suitcase and gloatingly talked about such a vulgar phenomenon as. What do we know about him? Mostly this happens in the city of Sochi, where "barbecue with cognac is very tasty." The heroines are women in a white dress, standing on the shore, while their family is waiting for them at home.

Women are confused and the true path of men, the owners of a certain number of sons in distant non-resort cities. Then a hairless plump performer sings about their short drunken happiness, people order a hit on socially oriented radio stations. A tall singer with glasses and pathos works in the same direction.

A fresh clip based on Chekhov's motives came to mind: a sufferer, “all in white”, wanders along the coast, obviously in search of adventure, clings to an aunt with a Pomeranian under his arm and sadness in his eyes ... Well, “and wrap ...”, as they say. Then the singer yearns in the family circle, the woman convincingly portrays either remorse or heartburn ... No, thank you, this “happiness” does not shine for me. Down with men, only seasonal, swimming behind buoys and excursions.

Act one. Loyalty to the word

... Actually, there are not so many sights in Koktebel: Maximilian Voloshin, Kara-Dag, a bay, a rock with a through hole, so to speak. And my white shorts, somehow ... On the third day of rest, there was a disappointment in the concept of "velvet season": if the sun is so hot at the end of August, it is safe to come to the resort only in November. The owner of the apartment where I temporarily lived, vigilantly monitored the consumption of electricity. Every time I turned on the air conditioner in the room and went out into the common kitchen while the room was cooling down, he frowned all over and started educative conversations - they say, “cool to your health, but not so often.”

Neighbors in the resort hostel, a company with a different number of representatives of the stronger sex and the beautiful sex, persistently urged to join them. I steadfastly declined invitations to a feast, but "broke down" when "citizens vacationers" offered to take part in a motor rally along the Crimean coast. On three cars, the goal is to see all the best in a short time. By that time, I was fed up, white shorts had become familiar to vacationers, a confrontation with the owner about the air conditioner risked turning into hand-to-hand combat. Let's go!

Act two. As a navigator

Alena, you get into the car with Andrey, - the unceremonious, sociable young lady laughed, - he is a divorced man, you are a free woman - God himself ordered!

I smiled tightly and obeyed. Andrey is a tall, thin man who seems to be the most reasonable of those present and not so ardent admirer of Crimean wines.

Turn on the air conditioner? the “pilot” suggested amiably, and I shuddered: he was clearly aware of the conflicts over the cool atmosphere.

If possible, - I muttered and vowed to maintain deathly silence.

Point one. Sevastopol, Balaklava, - Andrey announced.

And then, apparently, because of the desired coolness in the cabin, I lost my vigilance and allowed myself to be carried away by conversations. Wow, how many people know about Crimea! He talked about the sad glory of Foros, where the first Russian president and the instigator of perestroika sat in the country. About the village of Simeiz, where slender handsome guys flock for summer holidays, but the girls have nothing to do there. About the cave city of Chufut-Kale, which was founded by the Karaites, but then left the fortress. About the frescoes of the southern Mangup. About the cave monastery of Inkerman. About the most beautiful tall Cape Fiolent, which, thanks to frivolous vacationers, regularly delivers tragic reports: a steep 70-meter cape generously collects human tribute. Boys and girls do not take into account that the cape is crumbling, they do not take into account dizziness from the sight, even more so if their heads are already spinning, and their consciousness is expanded ...

When we were standing in the Balaklava Grotto, looking at the old submarine and the jellyfish hanging in the sea emerald, Andrey suddenly took my hand:

It's cold and dark here. Shall we go to a cafe? And then ours will join.

And I did not take my hand away, so, hand in hand, and stomped into a fishing restaurant.

Can I order myself? He smiled and I almost cried. - I know the menu well, we won’t run into a “hell knows what” dish.

And we didn't run into. I ate flounder and shrimp salad, thinking about how nice it is sometimes to let a man decide for himself. When they left, his hand lay on my waist. Or did it seem, dreamed because of a sudden surging melancholy? ..

Act three. Closer to the sun...

And I said - I will not go! And do not pull me, it hurts me! - I resisted, cursed, because in their right mind no person would agree to ride the cable car to the top of Ai-Petri.

Silly, it's not scary, - Andrei continued to ruin the woman, - imagine what a view opens from a bird's eye view!

Terrible, terrible sight! I yelled. “I told you, if I decide, I won’t go for anything!” I've been afraid of heights since childhood, even on the "boats" I only swung once!

... Half an hour later, hiccuping and drinking mineral water in small sips, I was swinging in the funicular trailer. Andrei hugged my waist (it didn’t seem! I didn’t dream!) and reassured us by talking about how, upon arrival, we would go to the most delicious Tatar restaurant. I didn’t want to think about food ... But I didn’t want to think about a possible fall, the deceit of men, and even my ex-husband. It happens like this: suddenly - rrraz! - and you are no longer afraid. With a recently unfamiliar person, it is reliable and calm. So, what are we going to have for dinner? I want a cake and wine, a lot of wine, I deserve it.

Act four. Just together

... What happened there, on the Crimean highways? Why did I leave one person and come back completely different? Why am I no longer wearing white shorts, wrapping my waist in romantic wrap skirts, and sitting in the dorm kitchen since early morning, waiting for a single person from a rowdy neighborhood crowd? Nothing can happen to me that is destined for ordinary women, holiday romances are not to my liking. And yet, like a stubborn volunteer sentry, I hang out in the kitchen early in the morning. Moreover, we parted with the object of emotional unrest only three hours ago ...

This night, when we were sitting on the burned-out Koktebel hill, he again held my hand. Asked:

Why such an obsession with the phrase “I decided”?

I sighed, took a sip of wine, took a bite of a juicy barrel of a peach and decided again - to tell it like it is, anyway random ones will lead to nothing. So only the truth.

Because for the last seven years, everything has always been decided by me. She made a scientific career for her husband. When I needed a Ph.D., I took two part-time jobs - there are no breadwinners among the scientists-teachers. When it was necessary to cover the clearing after defending his dissertation, I decided to take a loan. Then he took up his PhD, and I had to decide to wait with the baby. Along the way, while the husband was writing the work, various decisions were made: not to buy a fur coat, a car, not to go to a resort, not to pay attention to the calls of graduate students and students ... As a result, he defended his doctorate, received the coveted professorship, department and for the first time made an independent decision: to delete what reminded of the difficulties, his slippage. That is, delete me. I decided to agree with him.

Andrew was silent for a long time. Peaches, wine remained untouched. I don’t know what he was thinking, but I cursed Semyonov’s white shorts, reproached myself for the trip to the Crimea, for being like everyone else: I was standing on the shore in a white dress, and “the kebab with cognac is very tasty.” Holiday romance, honest mother!

He got up and held out his hand to me.

Come on now, you won't make any decisions. Just trust me...

He left my room before dawn. I finally turned off the air conditioner, now I look forward to the woeful cries of the owner. Why am I stuck in the kitchen? For what? Today I am leaving for my city, he, too, at a distance of only two hundred kilometers from me. A whole two hundred kilometers.

The final

For two whole weeks now, the gluttonous cat has forgiven me for separation and sleeps in the same bed. For two weeks, as the invincible Semyonova, she looks reassuringly: “But it was great!” Fourteen days, as I do not remember the former wife of a professor. Everything is bad, very bad. I listen to romantic songs, I don’t get annoyed by stupid clips “preaching” swimming in the sea and easy amorous relationships. How to force yourself to make decisions to forget about everything? ..

During an unbearably long working day, a message arrives on the mobile. Ten digits of the number, to which the text is attached: “In ten minutes I will call. Please make the final decision. Pick up the phone and answer me."

Without a signature. I sit in a stupor, then, waking up, I look at the clock: father, he will call in three minutes! And I rush for a cosmetic bag to make up my lips, comb my hair. As if the caller can see me...

“An ordinary story called “holiday romance” happened to me.

At least I am overwhelmed with a sea of ​​delight, joy, and I want to keep in my memory all that I have experienced forever. I just arrived from Gelendzhik a week ago, rested with my sister Sveta. How amazing it is - a real resort town, where you forget about all the problems, you become so calm, peaceful, happy. The sun's rays caress and even burn the body, and the sea gently cools, there comes a harmony of soul and body.

But we didn't need a relaxing holiday! We wanted to have fun every day! And there are enough places for that. In the evenings there are a lot of discos, life is in full swing until the morning!

One evening we went to a disco in one of the local cafes. There were a lot of people, mostly all came from other cities. There my sister and I met Oleg and Sergey, they were friends. We met in a dance, and then he suggested taking a walk along the embankment. At first glance, we realized that we were very drawn to each other, the evening was so romantic. We talked for a long time on various topics, he came from St. Petersburg, he is 25 years old. He turned out to be a very interesting person, he talked about his work, his city, about the adventures in his life. And at the end of the evening he said that he really likes me and he hopes to meet tomorrow.

The next day, the four of us went to the sea together, his friend Sergey began to communicate with my sister Sveta, and everything was fine with them too, they swam together, they constantly joked, told funny stories, were very cool guys!

From the very first glance, Oleg seemed to me a very elegant, charming man. In his company, I flourished, he understood me like no one else. Probably the atmosphere of the city itself influenced me, because in life I am much more serious, more reasonable. Our romance continued until the end of the vacation, i.e. 6 more days. During these days we had fun as we could! We walked along the embankment all the time, sometimes drinking champagne, we were overwhelmed with happiness.

My sister was having an affair with Sergei, and I was with Oleg. We kissed, hugged, talked heart to heart, and, of course, we went further ... .. everything was just super! I melted in the gentle hands of Oleg, he was such an experienced man who knew how to please a woman! We spent several unforgettable nights together, one of which was even under the open sky, just us and the moon.

Now I am in Moscow, he is in St. Petersburg, we called up several times, but I doubt that we will continue. Although all our conversations are very tender and reverent. We say that we miss him, he invites me to visit him. But I won’t go, because this is just a holiday romance ... "

Sea, sun, naked bodies. How not to fall in love? Can something serious come out of a fleeting romance and is it worth starting such a relationship at all?

Julia, 29 years old

I went with a girlfriend after a working summer, in early September for a week in Odessa. On the first evening we met two guys. Relationships and romances were not very interesting to me, I wasn’t looking for one-time sex either, I came in general to relax from the men and here you are.

There were two guys, I was not interested, but my friend persuaded me to spend the evening with them. We sat with them on the terrace in a cafe, then went for a walk along the embankment, it was already late, we walked, chatted with a guy, let's call it C, then somehow turned around and realized that my girlfriend and his friend were gone. We came to the conclusion that most likely they went to one of us in the room.

It started to rain, we started running towards the house, I slipped, scratched my leg and tore my ballet flat, the guy had to carry me in his arms, because I could not step on my foot.

Wet and covered in blood, we came to my room, started knocking, but no one opens the door, we stood for about half an hour.

As a result, I was very cold and had to go to C's room to take a shower, to a stranger. After I had to put on his things - I washed mine. We sat on the balcony until morning, chatted under a bottle of rum.

Girlfriend finally showed up and in the morning we went to the beach. By evening, the security guard handed me a stack of notes: the guy with whom I spent the night was looking for me, but did not remember which room I live in. But I didn't go to the meeting.

The next day, he was already waiting under the building, as it turned out a very long time ago, he invited me to the opera and I agreed.

It was a very cool evening, not just an opera - there was a table under the roof of the opera, with a beautiful view, pleasant music. After that we rode horses. It was exciting and bright, in such moments you don’t think about anything. It is difficult to call our relationship a romance, but there were very beautiful courtship.

On the day when I was leaving, we didn’t even say goodbye, we didn’t exchange phone numbers. I just got into a taxi and left.

In the morning in Kyiv, he stood on the platform. In the same T-shirt and shorts as yesterday. I asked the conductor to settle him somewhere, paid extra and arrived in Kyiv by train, on which I was traveling.

We spent the day together again, and then a friend drove home through Kyiv, took him away, and so our short relationship ended. We sometimes talked on social networks, about nothing serious.

But two months later, I left work for lunch, and I saw him with 51 roses. He came to me, or rather, moved. We lived together for two years, and then our paths diverged. But I still have the fondest memories of this novel.

Anya, 33 years old

Sometime in 2005 or 2006, I was a young, ambitious lawyer for the Europa Plus radio network. And I was sent as part of networking and advanced training to the international forum on intellectual property in Alushta.

It was my first time in Crimea. Therefore, I paid a little more of my money and stayed not for 5 working days, but also for 2 days off after - to combine business with pleasure. On the first day, I accidentally met a guy from Lithuania, Paulus, a representative of the Lithuanian patent office.

We immediately liked each other, and he introduced me to the rest of the Lithuanian delegation, after which we went to the Massandra store to taste Crimean wines.

Before that, I had met a couple of girls from Kyiv law firms, and we had a pleasant evening by itself. Throughout the evening, the handsome Lithuanian Paulus did not leave me a single step, he showed his sympathy in every possible way, and I answered the same - it was mutual.

We went to the room together, and from the first day I appeared in my legal room only to change clothes.

The sex was wonderful, Paulus tried (or maybe not, maybe he always is) to be gentle and sensitive, not forgetting about the means of protection.

We escaped from boring lectures on the protection of plant varieties and microchips and spent time on the beach, swimming in ice-cold water and wiping each other with towels to keep warm (the water was +11)

In 5 days we went all over Alushta on foot up and down, drank liters of Massandra wine, smoked tons of cigarettes and talked about everything in the world!

We parted at the bus station with the idea of ​​seeing each other again soon, exchanged emails and even wrote off a couple of times. I was going to come to Lithuania, but there were difficulties with visas, it didn’t work right away, and gradually everything came to naught.

But I still have those fond memories.

Lera, 31 years old

I vacationed in Bali, do freelancing and travel a lot to exotic countries. Once, next to my sunbed on the beach, I heard Russian speech. Two buff guys were discussing... my appearance.

I didn’t even have time to get indignant and answer the boors in their key, as one of them (I must say, the one that is prettier) came up to me to get acquainted, in English.

It was the third month in Bali and my tan did not betray me as a Slav at all, so I decided to play along. The guys looked like they were from the 90s: gold chains, strange greenish tattoos, fingertips.

Between themselves in Russian, they constantly discussed how to seduce me with this one, which is prettier, what a cool figure I have, exchanged greasy jokes.

On the third day, I no longer had the strength to build a Latin American, and I answered some regular remark about my chest in pure Russian.

To say they were confused is an understatement. But we somehow turned it all into a joke, the guy immediately became modest, shy and became much more courteous. We spent together (a friend was not invited to our company anymore) for about a week.

Behind his muscles was the heart of a touching guy, and the sex was good. I remember this rather than with a romantic mood, but as a fun adventure.

Psychotherapist Yuri Voynich

In a holiday romance, the entire candy-bouquet period, the most pleasant thing in a relationship, takes place in a concentrated manner. Sex also turns out to be more vivid than usual. But it is better to perceive such a hobby as temporary. You are different people and there is no need to spoil the memories of everyday life and showdown. And, of course, take care of contraception!

- Lena, I fell in love, - was heard in the receiver instead of a greeting. - He is such a! Such! One word, the best ... That's it, I'm gone.

“Wait, Natasha,” Elena tried to stop her friend. - What about the husband? And where did you find it?

- In Truskavets. Remember, I called you then. But she didn't want to say anything. Because I wasn't sure yet, but now...

- Oh, Natasha, be careful. It's just a holiday romance.

- No no. This is Love. He loves me and I love him.

“Still, don’t get carried away, so that you don’t have to be bitterly disappointed later.

- Everything will be fine. You'll see.

They arrived in a small resort town almost at the same time. Nurse Elena is from Western Ukraine, and teacher Natalia is from the East. Having settled in one room, the women immediately found a common language.

“You know,” Natalya once said, “my husband sent me to a sanatorium. He is very sick. I spend most of my free time from work with him. I didn't want to go, but he still insisted. He bought a ticket for me.

We got married late. God never gave children. I'm already forty, but it seems that I was about sixteen. That's exactly how I feel. Since in youth you want to have fun, dance, twist novels. And I know it's too late. Yes, and conscience will not allow ...

“Natasha, you seem to be making excuses to me,” Elena said. - You're not doing anything wrong. Just think, I drank coffee with a boyfriend or danced ... It's normal. Especially here, where the very atmosphere contributes to this.

The days spent among the noisy white-winged gulls, green cypresses, the sound of the surf and sea romance came to an end, and it was necessary to return home.

“You know, Lena,” Natalya said, zipping up her suitcase, “I have been to almost all corners of Ukraine. And I haven't been to the West yet.

“Then come visit. You know my address. And the phone too. I will be glad to see.

- Thank you for invitation. You will be a welcome guest in my house. Hope we meet again sometime.

Women called up often. Elena did not change her place of rest. Crimea remained a pearl for her. But Natalia is the opposite. Every time she called, she announced a new place of rest, laughing.

“Lena, I am getting closer to the west,” she said. - Now I'm resting in Morshyn. Next time I will choose another place. So I will stay with you.

Truskavets was next. From there, the woman called and said that she had met true love.

“I’ll tell you the details later,” she said at the end of the conversation.

For several weeks, Elena lived through her entire story from beginning to end over the phone. Natasha met Oleg upon arrival at the sanatorium. A stately, black-haired man with brown eyes immediately drew attention to the woman.

And she sympathized with the fact that he was divorcing his wife, with whom he had lived for fifteen years, because she turned out to be a traitor. And so he is now forced to live with his parents. And still there were problems with work. The company he worked for went bankrupt.

The woman was so imbued with his problems that she allowed herself to treat him in a cafe, although he was against it. I went shopping with him, where she also paid for everything. And when he did not have enough for cigarettes, she gave him money.

And he thanked her with passionate hugs, passionate kisses and gentle words.

The time spent together was coming to an end. Natalya was packing her suitcase with a heavy heart, and Alexei was comforting her.

“I will write and call you every day,” he said. - And when I get a job, I'll come to you.

Throughout the year they corresponded and talked to each other on the phone. And she flew on the wings of love, and every time she asked when he could come to her.

“My dear, I’m about to get a job ... And then wait for me,” he answered.

She waited. A whole year. Until I decided to make a gift to my beloved, and come myself. But so that he does not know. Just getting off the bus, I called Alexei. He did not pick up the phone for a long time, but after several calls, she heard a familiar voice.

“Beloved, I am here,” the woman blurted out instead of greeting.

Silence reigned at the other end. And in a minute a surprised voice asked: “Where, here?”

- In Truskavets. I came to you. Please meet me.

In response, short beeps were heard ...

Time passed, but Alexei was not there. She dialed his number again. And a female voice said that the subscriber could not receive the call. She tried several more times to call, but the result was the same.

It was getting dark outside. It was necessary to think about lodging for the night. The grandmother came in handy, who herself came up and offered a room.

The next day, she again tried to get through to her beloved. But the phone was stubbornly silent. Understanding nothing, Natalya went in search. I just wandered around the city.

Memories of those days brought her back to the past. After wandering around the city for several hours, she went to a store to buy food. And… I saw him. He stood near the shop window, and had a nice conversation with the saleswoman.

“Alexey,” she almost exclaimed. The man jumped in surprise and turned his head in her direction.

Natalya rushed to him with hugs, but he reservedly and even coldly accepted her appearance, offering to go outside to talk.

Once in the fresh air, Natalya looked at him in surprise, not understanding anything, and waited for an explanation. But the beloved silently stomped on the spot, not knowing where to start the conversation. Natalya decided to take the initiative, and she had a lot of questions.

Why didn't you meet me? What's happened? Where did you disappear to? Questions were pouring in.

“You see,” he tried to explain, without raising his eyes to Natalya, “I have problems. I can't... children... wife...

The woman listened to his explanation, and did not understand anything. What wife? What is he talking about? And when the man, having mastered himself a little, began to talk about his life, Natasha's eyes darkened and her breath caught.

God! It's a holiday romance with a gigolo! How could she be so naive to believe this rascal? Silently, without saying a word, she turned around and walked away. Only at home gave vent to tears.

She felt guilty before her husband, who believed her so much, and she ...

I packed my things and went to the bus station. Well, that's what she needs! You are the one to blame. It was the Lord who punished her for betraying her husband so cruelly.

Swallowing tears on the bus, she vowed never to look the other way again.

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