Summer entertainment "Colorful Day, or Rainbow Day

"How the children saved the rainbow"

Summer holiday for children 4-6 years old

Target: the formation of emotionally positive relationships in the children's team.


Develop children's communication skills;

To instill in children a sense of empathy;

Contribute to the cohesion of the children's team.

The holiday takes place on the street. The sports ground and each section are decorated with colorful balls, each section has a certain color.

Children of all age groups gather at the main playground of the kindergarten. Music sounds. Veselushka comes out.

Veselushka. That's great! How many children came to visit me. Hi guys! familiar, I'm Veselushka, you can play with me, have fun. Guys, imagine that you and I are in the mountains, where there is an echo. Let's play echo.


Get it together, kids! ... ra, ra!

The game starts! … ra, ra!

Don't spare your hands! ... lei, lei!

Hit your hands more fun! ... lei, lei!

What time is it! … an hour, an hour!

How much will it be in an hour! … an hour, an hour!

And it's not true, there will be two! … two, two!

Think, think head! … wah, wah!

How the rooster sings in the village! … wow, wow!

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! … wow, wow!

Are you sure it is? … well well!

But really how? … how how!

What is twice two? ...two-two!

The head is spinning! ... wah, wah!

Are you always good? … Yes Yes!

Or just sometimes! …Yes Yes!

Tired of answering? ... ah, ah!

Let me be quiet!

Veselushka. That's great, well done friends!

On a holiday of cheerful love and kindness

We want to invite all our friends to visit!

It's time for everyone to welcome summer!

A golden summer goes along the path, fords the river

A bird is whistling somewhere. He walks and wanders through the dew, through the colored meadow,

She wears a rainbow in a tightly braided braid.

Music sounds, Summer appears.

Summer: How much joy, fun, how much laughter and undertakings,

I am preparing bright colors of mood for children!

I came to you kids, it's time to sing and dance!

Merry: And now we will sing a cheerful song to the summer!


Summer: You sang a good song, friends,

Now I invite you to dance!


At the end of the dance, a parrot flies out.

Parrot: Guard! You dance here and don't know anything! Guard! And I saw everything and I know everything! Guard!

Summer: Kesha, Kesha don't shout! What happened, tell me!

Parrot: I shout: "Sentry!" The holiday is canceled - the Rainbow is gone! And without it, there will be neither happiness nor joy! Guard!

Summer: And where did she disappear to?

Parrot: Guard! Save my feathers! She was captured by pirates, she is on a pirate island! Said everything!

Summer: What can we do, how can we save her? After all, without it there will be neither happiness nor joy.

Merry: I know what to do! We will now go to the island to the pirates and free the rainbow. And the parrot will show us the way to the island. He will fly along the index signs, and we will follow him.

Children with teachers follow the signs, overcoming obstacles.

Summer: Guys, it looks like we're in the right place.Look around. Pirates appear.

Pirates: We are dangerous pirates, we are terrible pirates

Everyone around is shaking.

Well, if we are pirates, no way you, never you

You can't escape the pirates! Yo-hoo! Ahaha!

Hide your offal!

Flint: One-Eyed Joe! What's new on the island? Is the rainbow safely hidden?

Joe: I'm reporting! The situation is, frankly, ugly. Children on the island apparently-invisibly! How they got here and the crocodiles didn’t get into the mouth, I’ll never know!

Flint: Thunder me! Lose my crutch! I know whose wings it is! Oh, you plucked chicken! Showed the way to the island.

Joe: I swear on the belly of the shark! They can't get a rainbow! Captain! I figured it out!

Flint: Spread it!

Joe: I scattered the colors of the rainbow over the nearby islands. And in order to free the rainbow, you need to collect all the colors together and say a spell: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!” Ha ha ha!

Flint: As long as we have a rainbow, only we will be happy, and joyful, and no one else.

Summer: In this case, we are ready to collect all the colors of the rainbow, and release it.

Flint: Well, I really want to check how smart and brave you are, but first, let's warm up with you.


Children pronounce the words "That's it!" and show movements in accordance with the text.

How is it going? Like this! (show thumb)

How are you swimming? Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you going? Like this! (walking in place)

You look into the distance! Like this! (put hand to forehead)

You follow. Like this! (waving hand)

How are you kidding? Like this! (hitting fists on puffed cheeks)

Held 2 times

Joe: Here are our assignments.

Pirates distribute route sheets to each group, children walk around the islands, completing tasks, after each task they receive the corresponding colored ball. The children perform the last task on the main playground. Pirates appear.

Flint: Here you go! All tasks were completed!

Joe: We should not be happy and joyful now.

Summer: What are you! If you want, we will reveal the secret of joy and happiness to you! And you will definitely be happy!

Pirates: We want! We want!

The children come out and say the words one by one.

1 reb: Joy is a simple secret if a friend is always with you.

2 reb: Becoming happy is not easier! It's not a secret at all!

3 reb: Open your heart for love and take your friends with you!

4 reb: Only together you will be happy, if you do not forget your friends!

Pirates: We'll fix it. We release the rainbow. Let's all say a spell together.

Children: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!

Under the song "Rainbow-arc", Rainbow comes out. Children dance with Rainbow.

Rainbow: Finally, I came to you, I found the path!

Are you happy to see me?

Children: Yes!

Rainbow: Okay my friends! May joy be with you forever

You do not need to look for her, she always lives with friends,

You just need to realize it!

Summer: We are very happy for you, Rainbow! Children know the rainbow song and they will sing it to you now.


Rainbow: I will love everyone strongly, I will give you happiness!

I will give gifts to you, my little friends!

A rainbow with heroes to cheerful music distributes soap bubbles.


    Red Island: "Hit the target"

Children shoot at targets with water pistols. Line up in two teams one after the other. A target is placed at a distance - a balloon (attached to a rack), the child shoots from a pistol, and if the ball sways, then the target is hit. The child passes the ball to the next. Upon completion of the task, the children receive a red balloon.

    Orange Island: Turtle Run

Children line up in two teams one after the other. The first players in the team hold an inverted plastic basin in front of them with both hands, run to the landmark, return to their team, pass the basin to the next player. Children receive an orange balloon.

    Yellow Island: "Pick Fruit"

Children are divided into two teams. The first players have plastic buckets, on the side there is a basket into which the team will bring fruit. In the distance is a basket with colored plastic balls of different colors. Yellow ones are bananas, green ones are pineapples. One team chooses only the yellow balls, the other only the green ones and brings them to their team. Children receive a yellow balloon.

    Green island "Pass the hat".

Each team is given two gymnastic sticks and one hat. The gymnastic stick is given to the first in the team and the second. A hat is put on the first gymnastic stick. The first participant runs to the landmark and back and passes the hat to the next, and the wand to the third participant. And so on until the very end. The team that finishes the relay first wins. For children of the younger group, the task is simplified. Children must put a hat on their heads, run to the landmark and back and pass the hat to the next participant. Children receive a green balloon.

    Blue Island "Mysteries about Summer"

    The smallest bug, with black speckled barrel. (Ladybug.)

    Very light, like a blade of grass, green itself, like a blade of grass,

In the meadows, in the forests, by the rivers, it hides in the grasses ... (Grasshopper.)

    Who washed away the rubbish and dirt from the path, watered the leaves, blades of grass,

The hedgehog guessed the riddle, he snorts: ... Spilled ... (Rain.)

    Sisters are standing in the field, a yellow eye, white cilia. (Chamomile.)

    Hey, bells, blue color, with tongue, but no ringing. (Bell)

    Housewife, flew over the lawn,

Pat on the flower, And share the honey! (Bee.)

    It is worth the sun to hide in the clouds, and the rain to freeze,

How hastily he opens himself up and covers us with himself! (Rain)

    A squadron sat on a large colored carpet,

It will open, then close the painted wings. (Butterfly)

Riddles for children of the younger group

    Growth different girlfriends, but similar to each other

They all sit in each other, and only one toy. (Matryoshka)

    Eyes, mustache, tail, washes everyone cleaner. (Cat)

    Scarlet hat, non-woven vest, ribbed caftan

“Ko-ko-ko” sings, leads the chickens behind him. (Chicken)

    Jumps deftly, loves carrots. (Hare)

    Who sings so loudly that the sun is rising. (Rooster)

    Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village. (A fox)

    He is friends with the owner, guards the house,

Lives under the porch, tail ring. (Dog)

    Who, forgetting their worries, sleeps in a lair in winter. (Bear)

Children receive a blue balloon.

    Blue Island: "Go Through the Swamp"

The task of the children is to go through the "swamp" along the "bumps". In the clearing, “bumps” are laid out - hoops (diameter - 30 cm). Children, jumping over them, go through the “swamp”. Children receive a blue balloon.

    Purple Island: "Sun, Earth, Wind"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher gives a command: for example, “sun” - children raise their hands up, “earth” - lower their hands down, “wind” - shake their hands. The teacher confuses the guys - he says one thing, but shows another. The pace of speech also accelerates. Children receive a purple balloon.

Following the rainbow

Main tasks:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the main colors of the spectrum, the ability to highlight color in the subject environment, to select objects by color;

Strengthen visual skills;

Develop creativity, imagination, aesthetic perception.

Game character: a teacher in the image of an artist (you can use rainbow-arcs, flower-seven-flowers, etc.).

surprise moment

The teacher tells the children that when she came to the group in the morning, she saw that the whole group had become some kind of color. Together with the children, he finds a painted rainbow on the wall, a seven-color flower on the table, colored ribbons on the shelf, wreaths of flowers of different colors in the dressing corner, and balloons of different colors in the basket. He tells the children that they must have ended up in a colorful fairy-tale state.

Didactic exercise "Balloons")