It is not necessary to apply all daytime makeup on your face in the morning. Date in an hour: how to put yourself in order?

The other day, I had a three-hour creative stupor, coupled with a fit of self-examination: the article was not born, inspiration did not come, it seemed like I sat down to work and realized that I absolutely did not know where to move on and how to concentrate. You try to approach the task this way and that, at least a little to collect your thoughts, but where there is - you can't get off the ground, thoughts scatter like lambs in a meadow (I don't even know why the lambs are apparently some kind of subconscious trick about what they saw VKontakte pictures with mountain goats).

First, you rush between two brilliant ideas at once, not knowing which one to grab onto and not grabbing at any one, but sit. It's also good if you think and not just sit. It's a mess in my head and it's not clear where to start, how to concentrate, how to get out of the creative stupor and what result you generally expect from your work. And, of course, “nothing will work out anyway” and “I'd better go eat and watch a movie” ... I think this terrible state is familiar to everyone who is engaged in creativity in any form.

I offer you some ideas that help me in such situations. overcome the creative stupor, get off the ground and start doing what you planned.

I need to collect my thoughts ... How?

  • Make a plan and break down a big task into small tasks

I usually draw and write down all the steps by hand for clarity. And if the task is long in time, then I write down how much and what I have to complete during what time - this helps to collect my thoughts and see the situation more clearly.

Easier to explain with an example of a book. For example, I want to read a book of 300 pages in 3 weeks: first, divide 300 by 3 weeks - and we get 100 pages per week. Then we divide 100 by 7 days, we get just over 14 pages. Now the task looks completely different, don't you agree? 14-15 pages at breakfast or at lunch is not at all 300 heavy pages that you will keep on your bedside table and be sure to “read it sometime”.

  • Start doing something

I am not a supporter of expecting inspiration: both appetite comes with eating, and inspiration - during work. In my example with writing articles: if things don't go at all, in order to collect my thoughts and get out of the creative stupor, I read materials on the topic, make scattered sketches, edit what I already have, look for illustrations for future article... As a last resort, I clean my computer)

  • Exclude all unnecessary

To get off the ground, I try to distance myself from everything - especially anyone. Turn off the TV, close the window and isolate oneself from the sounds of the life of the city or courtyard, turn off the music (it interferes with many, especially if you understand the language in which they sing). You can turn off the sound on your phone and log out of social networks, Skype, etc. Remaining in silence and some isolation, you will quickly collect your thoughts, and your brain will switch to looking for solutions. Sometimes an extreme measure helps me - to draw the curtains so that even the view of the street does not distract (this is, as a rule, when the weather is wonderful and I don’t want to work at all, but I need to).

  • Tell about your problem

Communication will help to get off the ground: a friend, girlfriend, husband, any person you trust will do. Therapeutic effect provides both support from the outside, and simply speaking the problem out loud. Of course, with every lack of inspiration you can't run to a friend. If the situation is not of such a scale to ask for help, you can just say it out loud alone - this helps to distance yourself a little from the task and see it as if from a height.

Tell the imaginary interlocutor exactly what your problem is, why you cannot move forward in fulfilling your plans, and what result you expect. This assessment and description of your situation will help you collect your thoughts.

You can imagine that it is to you they turn with such a problem - and think that you yourself can advise.

What are you doing to collect your thoughts? How do you cope if you cannot get off the ground and overcome the creative stupor?

In the morning the alarm did not go off, the weekend in an embrace with the cat was interrupted by the sentence "There are two tickets!" Familiar situation?

So as not to waste extra time on the selection of clothes, prepare sets of things in advance. The selection criteria are as follows: these are things that suit you unconditionally, that you can wear, even suddenly gaining a couple of kilograms, and that do not require complex stylistic decisions. It is best to have several kits for each force majeure case.

We offer universal options which in emergency situation will be able to save you from the question "What to wear?"

To work

Jacket COS, 10 400 rubles; COS trousers, 6,100 rubles; Valentino boots, 76,800 rubles; Tory Burch bag, 29,700 rubles; shirt H&M, 1,099 rubles.

It all depends on whether your place of work requires formal dress code or you can dress loosely. In the first case, everything is simple: let you always have one or two clean white shirts and trousers in your wardrobe. straight cut ankle-length (it is unlikely that in the morning rush you will be pleased with the prospect of running to work in a tight skirt). In the second case, they will always come to the rescue plain jeans without fashionable scuffs, slits or decor, knitted turtleneck or jumper and comfortable shoes without heel.

We offer an option that will be appropriate in both cases: pantsuit... It suits everyone, and you can combine it with a shirt for a more strict look, or with a T-shirt or the same turtleneck for a more relaxed one. Basic colors: black, gray or dark blue.

On a date

Theory dress, 30,400 rubles; jacket I Am Studio, 12,990 rubles; INC International Concepts ankle boots, 6,300 rubles; Diane von Furstenberg bag, 14,400 rubles; Rebecca Minkoff earrings, 3 450 rubles.

For emergencies (for example, you are late at work and there is no time left to figure out what to wear with your favorite blouse), you should have at least one a win-win... Again, it all depends on your personal preferences - maybe you don't like feminine style and you feel much more comfortable in culottes and a T-shirt. But we proceed from the fact that traditional script with a dress - the simplest, because you just don't need to think about how to combine "top" and "bottom".

Tight cuts or oversized are two extremes that can fail and sit unsuccessfully in an emergency. It is better to choose a fabric that is not too dense, but also not translucent. You can put on a slip dress, over which you can throw a jacket in masculine style(and then, if necessary, remove it).

To the exhibition

Topshop jeans, 3,100 rubles, a MIR Stores sweater, 8,990 rubles, All Saints boots, 23,200 rubles, a Rag & Bone backpack, 12,100 rubles.

Of course, modern museum spaces do not imply a specific dress code, and yet no one has canceled the rule of appropriateness (this is almost main principle modern approach to the choice of clothes).

Firstly, most likely, you will have to spend a lot of time on your feet, which means that the shoes should be comfortable. Secondly, the space of the museum implies some external goodness, therefore sweatpants and dirty sneakers look inharmonious there (someone might say that these are archaic conventions, and nevertheless).

Dressing too smartly, probably, is also not worth it: interpreting the words modern classic, the main exhibits here are not visitors. The perfect choice will be calm, but not boring casual: white straight-cut jeans, a warm sweater textured knit and a comfortable backpack.

Joseph blouse, 26,000 rubles, Chapurin skirt, 12,750 rubles, Petar Petrov ankle boots, 52,600 rubles, Zara earrings, 1,299 rubles, Angela Valentine clutch, 12,200 rubles.

Again, today the theatrical dress code (especially when it comes to modern spaces and performances) does not at all imply floor-length dresses, status accessories and complex styling. Version 2.0 theatergoers prefer to come to premieres in sneakers from fashionable collaboration collections and sweatshirts by modern street fashion geniuses.

If such free-thinking is not close to you and your soul asks for something more elegant than basic jeans, try this combination: a silk blouse, an A-line midi skirt, and massive earrings as the main accent.

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If every morning you have an emergency and the last day of Pompeii, if you are constantly late for work, or if you come there hungry, unpainted and angry from this, then our advice will be very useful to you !.

Pleasant morning - pledge lucky day! However, looking at the "happy" faces in public transport and on the "friendly" signaling drivers on the roads, it immediately becomes clear that the morning can be good, but only if it starts 2 hours later. Unfortunately this is not possible. Let's see why it is so difficult to get ready quickly in the morning, and how to make it so that you can sleep “another five minutes”.

Make the room warmer in the evening

Scientists have noticed that the duration of sleep in winter increases with decreasing temperature. And getting out of bed becomes unbearably difficult. Therefore, in the evening, make sure that you sleep warmly and wake up warmly. This way you don't want to sleep "a little more" and then "more."

Savings: 5-10 minutes

Morning shower - for hygiene only

Savings: about 3 minutes

How to shorten your morning makeup time

  • Consider tattooing your eyebrows and / or lips.
  • Try a salon eyelash tint.
  • Use light colors for your makeup. In the morning in a hurry, you may not be able to, for example, draw the arrows exactly, and you will waste precious time on correcting.
  • Discover red lipstick. Kate Moss said that she uses red lipstick when she has no time for makeup or styling her hair. Lip makeup with red lipstick will still take time, because it needs to be done very carefully, but if you get used to it, it will take you much less time than full makeup. A neatly applied red lipstick is a complete look: stylish, vibrant and eye-catching.

Savings: 5-10 minutes

Prepare your clothes in the evening

How to quickly and calmly get ready for work

Look at the weather forecast, listen to your mood and prepare yourself an outfit, as well as think over plan B if something suddenly confuses you in your image in the morning. To prepare an outfit means to find it, stroke it and hang it in a place where no one will touch it, the cat will not climb in and will not overwhelm the household with other things. Cook everything down to socks, underwear and accessories. It is the shaking up and fitting of the entire contents of the cabinet in the morning that always takes the most time.

Savings: 10 minutes or more

Train yourself to be in order

Have you noticed how long it takes to find missing items? Shoe sponge, apartment or car keys, napkins, comb, umbrella? And this is due not only to the chronic disorder, but also to the habit of throwing things around during the collection period. For example, a phone often remains at home, littered with dresses that did not fit, and keys fall from the nightstand after you dump all the things that you want to put in your bag.

Train yourself to put everything in the same place and, taking the thing and using it, return it to its place. This way you will not only save time on your preparations, but also on helping your household with the preparations, and on cleaning in general.

Savings: from 3 minutes

Do not turn on the computer in the morning

Even if you just want to check your email or listen to music. The experience of many people shows that “just 5 minutes” at the computer turns into fifteen minutes late for work. So it’s better not to provoke yourself and don’t even turn it on. The same goes for tablets and smartphones, don't waste time on them in the morning.

Savings: from 5 minutes

Count the time

If fees are for you - real problem, and you are determined to get rid of it, then write down everything that you do in the morning, including the transitions from room to room. Write down how much time you spend on this. It may well happen that running around and long fees are associated with the fact that you cannot organize everything that you need to do. Prepare breakfast in the kitchen, then go to the computer with it, then take the plates back and remove from the table, take a rag and wipe the table in the room. Much faster to have breakfast in the kitchen, right?

Imagine ... You are calmly resting at home, when suddenly a call: you are invited to visit, to the skating rink, on a date or for a walk - in a word, it does not matter where, but most importantly, you have to be ready in 20 minutes! Six months ago, I would not have believed that such a thing was possible - since the usual “gathering” takes at least an hour. However, if with the help of the Internet I managed to optimize my wardrobe, collect basic sets and decide on a color type, then why not look for information on what tricks should be used if only a third of an hour is allotted for the collection? Conceived - done. So, I share what numerous Internet sources advise and what I managed to implement myself.

I will make a reservation right away: the express methods, which will be discussed below, are not for every day, but only for exceptional cases, since, unfortunately, “complete collection” with a shower and styling will not fit in these 20 minutes. However, there are a few things that can be adopted for daily use.

Let's start with the fact that you shouldn't even try to do in these 20 minutes - otherwise you risk not getting ready even after half an hour. So, give up:

The already mentioned shower and shampooing;

Complex styling;

The use of peeling, scrub, mask;

Squeezing acne;

Using nail polish (nothing good will come of this idea, even if you apply the polish in last moment and you will be extremely careful - it's better to wash off old varnish if he began to peel off without trying to apply a new one);

Changing clothes several times;

Ironing a garment that has not been ironed beforehand or that is not completely dry after washing (this will take most of the time, it is better to use the one that is ready to use right now).

How to take care of your hair and makeup?

Hairstyle or styling is almost always the first thing to start with. After the hair, we do make-up, and at the very end we dress (at least this is what statistics and personal experience). But a woman is a woman to do several things at the same time! So, while brushing your hair or makeup, you can calmly ponder which clothes are best suited to your situation. So, we remember where and what lies, what kind of handbag and shoes will fit this look ... Just remember that all this should happen in your mind - no unnecessary fitting and changing clothes! In the meantime, thoughts are going on, you can do the following:

Take care of the cleanliness of your hair... If they're not too clean, use dry shampoo. Of course, it will not provide freshness, but the next few hours your hair will look neat and tidy.

Get your hair done... If there is no dry shampoo, do “ ponytail", Combing your hair back well and securing it with an elastic band. As a last resort, use a scarf or shawl - if the place where you are going allows, they can be tied like a bandana.

Even out the tone of the face. Smooth tone- make-up base, so take Special attention to hide imperfections.

Accentuate your eyes or lips... It's great if you tint your eyelashes with paint (or you naturally have saturated shade) - then you can do without mascara. By the way, even the stars do this, for example, Jennifer Aniston. If not, lightly emphasize them with mascara (in order to save time, you can paint over only the upper row of eyelashes). Give up drawing arrows and, of course, mastering new techniques in makeup - now is not the time for experiments! If one mascara seems to be not enough for you, use not too dark shadows.

Lips can be emphasized with red lipstick - in this case, it is not forbidden to ignore even the eyes. This secret, by the way, is used by Kate Moss, who claims that she discovered for herself bright lipstick and uses it in cases where there is a sorely lack of time or there is no desire to do makeup. Use your fingertips to drive in the lipstick - this way it will last longer and will look much more natural on the lips.

If you decide that it is more expensive for you to emphasize your eyes, then it is quite possible to refuse lipstick - in favor of colorless hygienic lipstick... The last manipulation, by the way, can be carried out even without a mirror - running out of the entrance or in the elevator (we will save a little more time!).

Pick up your clothes... It is ideal if your wardrobe is prepared in advance and you know very well what things are "friendly" with. In one of free evenings you can do this - new approach to the formation of a wardrobe will come in handy in many cases, and not only if an emergency 20-minute collection is coming.

But even if your wardrobe is not completely formed, it is for such cases that you should keep a couple of prepared sets ready. In the most extreme case - dress neutral, you will not go wrong! A simple kit can always be diluted bright accessory or a handbag.

Don't forget the final touch: some perfume on your hair, on your earlobes and on your wrist - and you're ready to go!

NameWoman continues to share tips with readers on how to best organize their time. The topic of our next conversation is how to get ready quickly in the morning, avoiding stress, rush and possible delays.

Getting ready in the evening

Council number 1 ... Keeping your room and apartment tidy helps speed up your morning preparations. It's great if every item you own has its rightful place, where you always return it after use. Representatives of the gentle sex, who do not have such a habit, in their morning rush and urgent long searches for anything, often recall a childhood adage: "Damn it, play it and give it back!" Unfortunately, it does not work, key fobs with signals attached, for example, to the keys to a car / apartment or to mobile phone but much better to try keep essentials in a strictly defined place ... Write on the bedside table in the hallway the keys already mentioned, a diary, a wallet, glasses, a mini cosmetic bag, disposable scarves, a pad in a case, a spare and a sponge for shoes. Some interior designers offer special tables-stands with signatures or cells for the items listed above - it is very convenient and immediately visible when something is missing.

Council number 2 ... Surely in the evening you are visited by thoughts about the upcoming new day, you are scrolling through future events, affairs, everyday and pleasant plans in your head. It is worth thinking in advance about what you will wear in the morning. ... Iron also better evening, for a safety net, start Hand steamer(saves time, is easy to use and helps freshen up even a cashmere sweater). Hang the hanger with the outfit of your choice on the wardrobe, pick up accessories (jewelry, headband, scarf, belt) and leave them on the bedside table or by the mirror. Clean your shoes in advance and check the condition outerwear- also the right decision.

Council number 3 ... The most common cause of lack of time, rush, and lateness is laziness. And not just laziness, but laziness, supported by fatigue, which manifests itself even in the evening ... This is what brings you to the recommendation: wash your hair in the evening an hour and a half before bedtime (by the way, after that you will fall asleep and sleep much better).

We bring beauty

Tip # 4 ... Morning makeup is a rather time-consuming procedure, but haste invariably affects the quality, which often leads to "rework", which means, one way or another, again to stress and loss of time. What to do? Give up, for example, mascara and at the same time the opportunity to make the look more expressive? No and no again! It is not worth sacrificing beauty, but some means decorative cosmetics it is quite possible to exclude from your arsenal. Permanent makeup created for those who save time and want to be expressive. As a bonus, eyebrow tattoo and lip permanent make you immune to water. It is extremely valuable for both seashore and just on hot days, and in times of rain and sleet. The main thing is to choose professional master, if you are thinking about making a lip permanent, then take a look, for example, here: - perfect eyebrows, eyes and lips will become a reality.

Another option to reduce the time spent on targeting a marathon in the morning is salon eyelash coloring , it will last at least a month. In this case, the eyelashes will look very neat and natural. Makeup artists recommend choosing brown tint... Moreover, the entire procedure for obtaining the most expressive look you can reduce to.

Council number 5 ... Absolutely it is not necessary to apply all over the face in the morning day makeup ... Show moderation. The main thing is a concealer for masking skin imperfections. Do not forget daily cream, lipstick. Carry this palette of products to accentuate your eyes and cheekbones in your purse.

Tip # 6 . Tone cream requires perfect shading, and this again is a significant waste of precious time. Make a choice in favor loose powder and a high-quality special brush .

Tip # 7 ... Morning hairstyle manipulation can be reduced to following procedures: Moisturize hair, apply leave-in conditioning conditioner, cool air blow dryer with spinning brush ... All this will take no more than 15 minutes (of course, if you have not neglected our advice number 3). Remember that in hairstyles is now relevant slight negligence while charm and elegance are achieved through details: thin ribbon at the forehead or the rim can easily transform the usual styling.

Keeping track of time

Tip # 8 ... If you find it difficult to organize yourself and in the morning you especially easily lose track of time, then try to control it. The ideal assistant is a woman's wristwatch. Put the watch on your wrist as soon as you wake up and look at the dial more often. This will help you understand where the precious minutes go, which of morning ritual takes the most time, etc.

Council number 9 ... In addition to the first morning wake-up call in the morning, you need another one! Set a reminder alarm for 10 minutes before the moment you should definitely leave the house to avoid rushes and delays. Let the signal wrist watch will announce the need to end the collection.

Council number 10 ... Because of the rush or lack of appetite in the morning (the body is either already accustomed to the wrong diet, or simply does not have time to wake up in the time that you spend at home after waking up), many refuse breakfast. This fundamentally wrong decision dooms you to spend the first half in agonizing anticipation of dinner. Minutes drag on for an eternity, and you constantly look at the watch dial: "how much is left, can you have a snack on chips / snickers?" Have breakfast at work ! Here are two options for simple and healthy kits: some muesli fruit and low-fat yogurt; boiled egg, whole grain bread, and tomato juice... For best organization time and yourself (as well as prevention of delays), the fair sex is recommended to come to workplace at least 15-20 minutes before the time when you should definitely appear there. During this time, you can have time to tune in to a working mood, put yourself in order and have an easy breakfast. NameWoman Recommended Protein Boost will keep you going until lunchtime.

Maria Nikitina