Registration of the assembly hall on March 8. Mother's holiday in kindergarten

I thought for a long time, is it worth writing separate articles with a selection of ideas for children's institutions and offices, but in the course of the matter, I realized that when it comes to mom, a person at any age feels like a child, and in the design of any premises I want to emphasize tenderness and love .

As usual, throwing ideas, and you can only choose suitable techniques for decorating the hall. Something can be done by himself, in some cases you will need help professional investors.

Digit "8"

Apparently, this is a strong tradition, from which in the coming years no one is not going to refuse. Request for March 8 to build a noticeable number "8" - the most common for customers of all categories.

Many decide the question independently. These can be large appliques from paper or upholstery from the form of the eight, which are placed on the stage of the scene.

Most often, "8" weave from the balls. The figure can reach 2 meters in height, and do it, naturally, professionals.

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About from what other materials you can make figures for the holiday, I wrote here in this article (balls, paper decor, foam, etc.). Look, there are enough simple and original ideas.

Flowers for registration March 8

Of course, there should be many colors in such a holiday! Here are the most common options in the design of the hall for March 8:

Flowers from corrugated paper and paper "Tishya"

As they say, cheap and angry, larger skills are not required, and decorations are noticeable and sufficiently gentle. You can see those master classes that I collected in the article. Finished products Breeping to walls, ceiling, railings and doors.

Paper plastic

It looks very nice and many seems to make it yourself very easily. Alas, it is not. As in any case, some skill is required. Among the wedding decorators there are specialists who know how to make unmatched white tight paper flowers, you will find easily their contacts on the Internet. Here's what it looks like:

Bouquets from the balls

This is, of course, comic bouquets, but if such design is appropriate in your situation, do not refuse. Bouquets are bright and large enough. Some aerodizaynem managed to make buds of roses, daisies, tulips and irises. Fun and festively! Bouquets can be placed on the floor, window sills and tables. On the eve of March 8, you need such a bouquet in advance, you know the season)).

Ready artificial flowers

I can not say that absolutely all of them look elegant, just need to know where to buy. Artificial flowers are also for a cemetery, and we are not needed. Beautiful products that are difficult to distinguish from real, you can buy in stores for decorators. Fabric flowers wove into the arch, decorate the walls and the ceiling, decorated the photoconu and the front door. After March 8 and it is a pity ...

Natural flowers

In pre-holiday days, the flowers are expensive, but there are cases when only live flowers are appropriate. For office, several flower arrangements are excellent decoration.


I once made them myself, but believe me, it's long and tedious. Now so many ready pompons of all colors and sizes, which is not worth spending precious time. You will get decorations in the folded form, you need to flip - carefully divide the layers of paper. For each ball takes 10-15 minutes, so do the decor in advance if you decide to decorate the entire ceiling. .


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The holiday of March 8 is one of the harbinger of seasons change. In the first spring days from the trays begin to trade fresh tulips and mimosa. This is perhaps the only street decoration on International Women's Day. The blinding sun, the pigeons of the sky and the lowered snow - the decor that creates nature for us. More, it would seem, nothing needed, we stay patiently to wait for real May heat. But believe me, you are able to brighten the whole wait on your own. What should I do for this? It is enough to start transforming the space in which we live and work.

How to decorate the room for March 8, you will see in our illustrated material, reinforced with delometric comments.

Spring wreath on the door

We are happy to decorate the entrance doors in a Christmas wreath based on fir branches. An interesting idea to armared is to hang a decorative composition at the door in early March. Only the materials are replaced: the snapper on the tulips, the bumps on the scarlet poppies, and the mistletoe on the hydrangea. If you select excellent imitation of live colors, use artificial floristry. But you can also make flowers from the fabric.

Such wreaths can easily continue to decorate the entrance all summer and even move to the cottage.

Alternative to floral elements - natural fabric. Pay attention to the wreath in ecostel, which is made of cargo and linen tape.

We will give the flight of fantasy and take away from the standard round wreath form: the spring butterfly as if woke up after the winter and bloomed with delicate paints.

Decorating the walls

For many years, the walls in kindergartens, schools and in the actual halls were made up of eights from paper flowers and balloons. Gradually, this decorator tradition is obsolete. Modern wall decoration option - composition in pastel colors from volume colors from paper or tissue. They are light and weightless, place them naturally, and not in the form of any shape. Let the impression be created that a piece of the wall seemed blossomed. And you do not need to lay all the walls with flowers - there will be overload. Reduce a small part of the free surface.

Beautiful windows

We are accustomed that the windows are festively transformed only by the New Year. But there are many ideas how to decorate the window not only with carved snowflakes and light bulbs. Here you have three excellent options specifically for March 8. Garland of colored birds, which "flew" to you before all. Stretching from family photos with women of your kind. Merry snowballs-pomponchiki on an invisible thread attached to birch branch.

"Sun Covers"

A separate line we allocated an idea to decorate the window of the "Sun Country". We are more famous for the mascot "Catcher of Dreams" from threads and feathers on a wooden hoop. It is usually placed at the headboard bed to get rid of insomnia. And "Sun Covers" Woven from colored glass beads and hangs on the window. The sun rays fall on it and paint in bright colors. Openwork base and beads purchase in the store for creativity. Fill the emptiness with transparent beads, having traveled them on a wire. Suspend decoration to the window for the tape.

Spring tree

By the end of winter, we especially begin to miss fresh greenery. Trees will dissolve only to May, and in our house already let the twigs stand with the flowers and the leaves that we will do themselves. Such a stylish interior decoration can be used until there are trees outside the window.

Garland with congratulations

Decorate the room where the guests will gather on March 8, a congratulatory inscription. Collect the garland from cardboard cards, on which you write something like: "Congratulations to lovely women," as in our examples of the American decor. (Popular in the West Mother's Day is analogous to our International Women's Day.)

Serving festive table

The tastefully served in itself is a decoration of the room. The main theme of the holiday is March 8 - these are flowers. Therefore, lay out all sorts of floral arrangements on a bright tablecloth with a spring pattern. Live flowers, artificial, budetics, single buds, miniatures, adorning personal plates, even photos - use any floral decor.

Let you not scare the riot of paints - let the bright colors raise the festive mood. However, for lovers of calm shades, we picked up an example of a serving with gentle pastel textiles. And do not forget about the candles!

Martov candlesticks

By the way, about candles. In December, we actively worked on the home decor of the candlesticks in the New Year's style. Spread the spring theme and decorating candles. We offer candles to arrange alive flowers, green leaves or drieds.

Decorating the flower pot

The beginning of spring is the right time to transplant houseplants. Compatible with beautiful: update the soil and refreshing an old clay pot. Options for transformation: Apply a white paint an openwork pattern on a brown pot, causing it with colored paper, arrange with family photos. Be sure to cover any image by protective moisture-resistant varnish.

New life of tin jars

Do not throw out large tin cans from under canned fruits. A little effort should be applied to get a designer thing for the interior in a modern style. We chose the spring vanilla-blue gamut for the design of cans by March 8. Tenderness will add lace, artificial flowers, a neat pattern. These jars will be useful for storing pencils and the same plants transplantation.

Merry spring jars

Ending the "cannon" the theme by photographs of glass tanks. Here our jars turned into stands, candlestick and flower vases. Acrylic paints, lace, cheerful textiles and decorative trifle to help you!

And of course we will present you unusual versions of colors created by your own hands. Giant paper rose We taught you to do in this master class. Milen felt bouquets for a short time to put on a sewing machine or on hands, buttons will become the core. And even wonderful flowers will turn out of bright pumps. They can be bought or made themselves from threads.

Such homemade flowers will become an independent decoration, addressed, for example, on the windowsill or shelf with books, and can attach to the packaging paper and stay in memory from the recipient of the gift. Make textile flowers together with children - they will give them to grandmothers and aunts.

Letters of living or artificial colors are also a house decoration for March 8 and a touching gift to a woman. We apply creative abilities, following a detailed master class on flower compositions of two types.

Spring drawings chalk

Beautiful spring decor is the main component in the design of shops, shopping centers, offices, cafes, restaurants for March 8. With it, you can not just give tribute to the female holiday, but also create the desired mood, make the setting of freshness, induce to shopping, updating yourself and wardrobe.

We offer:

Our design studio is professionally dealt with showcases, premises, halls for corporate events, manufacturing floristic compositions, or decorations. We use the main tools:

  • live and artificial flowers;
  • all sorts of decorations from plastic, acrylic, gypsum, foam, etc.;
  • fabrics, bright satin ribbons, bows, beads, paper;
  • balloons;
  • posters, posters, banners, widescreen printing;
  • elements of artistic illumination, light boxes, illumination.

We can order both complex design and decoration of individual objects in the room, for example, photo-zone in the shopping center, the input group, scene, etc. Our qualified designers and florists are professionally and in the shortest possible time will turn your store, supermarket, salon , office, restaurant in favorite place for visitors.

As a rule, today the outdoor showcases, the inner space of the stores, shopping centers are not made specifically for the holiday of March 8, but simply on the spring theme. This allows you to simultaneously pay attention to the female day, and please visit visitors with interesting updates, attracting a large audience in this way.

For decoration of the showcases on the avenues, a catchy, noticeable decor, for example, bright stickers, large sizes of bouquets, bulk flowers from paper, LED scenery decorations are selected. In the stores of sleeping areas or boutiques in the shopping center, the design is thought out in more detail so that passerby can admire the scenery, carefully consider them.

For spacious showcases of such a plan, we offer the development of plot productions using complex decorations, floristics, tissues, all kinds of accessories. For small areas, create a composition with the original layout of goods, for example, placement of positions on original stands, decoration with flowers, lace, ribbons, fur, etc.

Decoration of shopping centers for March 8

The design of shopping centers also has its own characteristics. It is very important to decorate the most frequently affected by the visitors of the zone: an entrance group, an atrium, a staircase, empty angles and transitions. At the same time, the scenery must be chosen by volume, bright, well-combined with the common room style, but not losing on it.

For a short period, you can give preference to balloons and compositions of them. They fill the space well and create the desired festive atmosphere. It can be large arches, garlands, eights, figures of people and animals, flowers of flowers, just bundles of balls with congratulatory inscriptions.

If registration is required for the whole spring period, and not only on March 8, then decorations are recommended to choose from more long-playing materials: artificial colors, paper, plastic, etc. In this case, we offer the development of an individual seasonal design, for example, a comprehensive decoration by branches of flowering sakura, dissolving snowdrops, tulips, etc. All items are carefully selected and are created taking into account the wishes of the customer, the features of the architecture of the room, the level of its illumination, etc.

Decoration of offices and restaurants for March 8

Registration of office premises, restaurants, cafes We carry out the same principle as shopping centers, separated by short-term and long-term. Again, in the first case, balloons are the most appropriate. In the offices, it can be bouquets, baskets, arches, different octoral values. At the corporate events, at will, the range can be complemented with figures, large sizes with flowers, bundles of balls with logos of the company, which at the end of the evening can be distributed to employees.

If the design is planned long-term, for example, for the whole season, then here the preference is worth paying floristic. In the offices in spring refreshments, outdoor, desktop compositions from flowers, wall collages, panels. The presence of such jewelry not only remove tensions from employees, but also increase the loyalty of customers attending the room.

In restaurants and cafes, decorate the spring attributes in the spring attributes, the lobby, bar counter, tables, scene (if it is available). To do this, you can use flowers, fabrics, ribbons, bows. Thanks to the emergence of new details, the interior will seem more fresh that visitors will certainly appreciate.

When winter is completed, the waiting time of the female holiday comes, I want to somehow in a spring to transform your home. For those whose hobby is some kind of needlework, will not work independently make decor by March 8. The main thing is a good idea and seasonal compliance. If you want every holiday to be not like the past, it is better to choose something new every time. It may be decoration of an apartment that emphasizes the interior stylist. A good option is to find a room decoration that will become an independent accent that creates a festive mood.

Bottle can be frowning and paste flowers, beads, feathers

Abazhur can be decorated with artificial flowers.

  • spring;
  • flowers;
  • presents;
  • coming nature;
  • maternity and femininity.

You can take one thematic direction or all right if it is well fit into the overall concept.

Flowers will perfectly complement the festive design.

In such a holiday, you just need to put flowers in a vase

  • older children;
  • men;
  • all family together;
  • woman for himself - as a pleasant pre-holiday preparation.

It may be the first experience of needlework to create an original surprise or another interior design by March 8. It makes sense to master the new technique of working with paper or take the most likely mastered master class as the basis. Do not think that men will not be interested, this is a great opportunity to do something more than buy a traditional bouquet of tulips and a box of candies.

On the napkins you can put flowers, thereby decorating the table serving

Many different colors will look very romantic

Bottle can be decorated in a festive style

For a domestic master there is no problem to spend a couple of evenings on simple home decorations to the spring holiday. If children do not know how to please Mom, someone from adults can give a good tip.

What makes the interior decoration by March 8 with their own hands - another important point. The easiest way is to use what is always at hand, and buy a bit necessary trifles. Depending on the technique and material for the implementation of the idea, you can allegedly calculate the cost of interior decorations.

The pots with flowers will be pleased to complement the festive atmosphere

Paper bag can be decorated and put in it flowers

  1. Yarn, threads, fishing rope, rack, twine, harness.
  2. Colored paper, thin cardboard, boxes, corrugated and color packaging, foil, "self-keeper".
  3. Glass container of unusual shape, bottles and plastic containers.
  4. Bulk products, cereals, pasta.
  5. Satin ribbons, lace, skin trimming and fabric, colored gum, sequins, pebbles and another haberdashery decor.
  6. Interior paints, gouache, markers, cans with paint, varnish.
  7. Spreads, steel and copper wire.
  8. Polyfoam, Phaneur, trimming of tin cans, plastic and GKL.

The number of decoration is also important. Someone decided to limit itself with something one, for example, a decorative inscription or a bouquet in an original vase made of a glass or plastic bottle. And someone wants to make it so that the person's personal space to have to congratulate on the holiday was drowning in colors, balloons and an exclusive decor of the apartment for March 8.

Pink color will give a great mood

Good idea will decorate a bottle of wine with paper flowers

The decor of the room in such a style will give a festive mood

The best decor ideas on March 8

In one small article, it is unrealistic to describe all souvenirs that you can decorate the house on the eve of the spring holiday. But it is necessary to dwell on what is available and nice to receive women.

Each lady will be pleased if it is released from the duties for the preparation of a feast. Serving table with decor - practical idea.

In the process of preparation, it is not necessary to deal with long cooking without practicing and proven recipes, it is enough:

  • make hot sandwiches;
  • put beautiful cutting (cheese, sausages, fish);
  • open preservation (bought);
  • organize a plus "Sweet Table".

But the main thing is the decor of the table on March 8. It is better to buy a beautiful tablecloth in advance or just a bright fabric, which is wider than the table tops on both sides by 20-30 cm. Each participant in the feast can be put beautifully rolled paper napkins. For a solemn or romantic atmosphere put candles. Anaturaje will complement favorite flowers in the original vase or their imitation in the interior.

Basket with flowers will be perfectly complemented by the festive atmosphere

Wine bottles can be decorated with flowers.

Dry Iquebana

Perform arbitrarily from the branches, dry flowers of immortals, spikes, herbarium, palm trees

Classical Iquebana

Using flowering plants, symbolizing 3 elements, directed in different directions

Unusual bouquets

rare Flowers (Blue, Purple, Green, Black) or Special Arrangement

Artificial flowers

From color, stamped and corrugated paper, vinyl stickers, foils, plastic

Crafts in Origami

Plane and volumetric flowers, sediments from modular origami, technology varies

Pictures and applications

In the original framework, in wall panels as seasonal decoration

Children's drawings

Interesting in the performance of young children

Exclusive Hand Maid

Perform in any technique, respectively, hobbies, artistic taste or skills

Wine, candy and romantic candles - indispensable attributes of the interior on March 8. Candles can be placed inside the wide glasses, decorated with their own hands.

Bottle can be frowning and paste artificial flowers on it

Baskets with flowers perfectly decorate a festive design

Little pots with flowers can be put on the table

Lampades from glass vessels, in festive decorated, for sure will like every woman. It looks good in small glass jars from under coffee, decorated with lace or mesh. You can take any containers and tape with a ribbon with twigs of fluffy willow, mimosa or surround small artificial flowers. Cut the jar lamps with artificial buds or flowers in the Origami technique is also an option.

Vase from the girlfriend is probably evaluating every woman, especially when the flower is only one. The mimosa twig, orchid, rose or spring primrose will bring much positive when they are presented in the original design.

Baskets with flowers perfectly complement the interior

From paper you can make chamomile and hang them in the room

Some ladies against them to give them flowers on a slice, preferring house-houses in beautiful flower pots. It is advisable to know that a woman loves, and add a new variety of indoor violet into the collection, another cactus or succulent. The more original containers with flowers will be decorated, the more joy will bring their new mistress.

Vases made of primary materials - the most popular spring decor of the room on March 8. If the vase is one, and it is not very spectachable - it can be lost in the interior. Several vessels will look much more attractive, especially when everything is different, but combined with a common idea.

The design of bottles with ribbons, yarn or colored twine is performed from the neck or from the bottom, gradually wound on the swollen glue walls around the circle. After completing the first stage, switch to a surround decor, which can be made from anything - fabric, artificial flowers, pebbles, beads, etc.

On the wall you can put flowers

From branches and colors you can make a heart

Room decor can be decorated with balls

If there are doubts about your abilities, then a bottle of champagne can be "oving" from the stickers. Cover the tank of aerosol paint will not be difficult, but you have to do it extremely carefully, so as not to get dirty and not to create problems with cleaning. It is better to make a spraying in the open space, in working clothes. The decor of the "new" vase can be completed with brilliance or pebbles.

Bottles can be put flowers

Bottles can be frowning with beautiful patterns.

Flower (alive or artificial) in a homemade vase is not only an excellent interior decoration by March 8, but also a great gift with their own hands. It remains to put a rose or orchid into this vase, decorate the room with balloons and garlands with colored hearts from paper, and all that I have long wanted to do and give a native person. Then after the holiday he wanted to leave everything as it is - all these embodied decor ideas on March 8.

Video: Decor by March 8

50 photos of decor ideas by March 8: