First kiss. When will your time come? Learning to kiss for the first time

Even more than the hot kissing scenes from the movies, we are thrilled with real stories. The stories are from real people, not fictional characters. Four girls told us what he was like, their first kiss ...


Then I was 15 years old. I studied in the 1st year of the technical school. He, the same boy, was probably on the 3rd course. His name was Cyril. As soon as I saw him, I immediately liked him madly: he had long bangs, a cool snowboard jacket, a beautiful green sweatshirt, small tunnels in his ears. In general, he looked very, very cute. The way I love.

Personally, we met him at one of our parties. It was something like “Hi, I'm Julia! Hi, I'm Kirill. " We didn't say much, but after that party I liked Kirill even more. A couple of days later, he added me to ICQ. Yes, there was no Vkontakte then. Well, it's pretty much the same. We started to correspond ... And even then I had his photo on my phone. Not on the call, on the wallpaper. That's how I liked him! After a while, we once again met with friends from the technical school. It was in November, and it was, of course, very cool. Therefore, the guys decided to hang on the staircase at the entrance.

As I remember, there were five of us. Me, my friends Masha, Nastya, Ksyusha and Kirill. Somewhere in the middle of the party, we were already sitting with Kirill in an embrace. Soon the girls realized that they ought to leave us alone and go home. And so they did. I was left alone with Kirill. I understood that we would definitely kiss and began to worry terribly. The question was spinning in my head: "To tell or not to tell him that I have never kissed before?" As a result, I nevertheless decided to admit that this was my first time. In fact, I was very happy with his reaction. He reacted very nicely and just kissed me. He did everything very carefully, slowly, smoothly ... I am very glad that he was not rude and did not do everything very quickly.

I immediately understood how and what to do and, you can say, learned to kiss. Yes, but only when we finished, he looked at me and asked a strange question: "Sorry, but what are you, a virgin ?!" I somehow got embarrassed and said: "yes." Although I still do not understand why he asked this and what he expected to hear in response. After all, I was definitely not going to have sex, even at the entrance, with him! We sat for another 20-30 minutes, he walked me home and that was all - we didn't kiss him again. That is, we greeted each other, did not avoid each other, but did not meet. It turned out that he liked another girl from our group. Actually, a week later he "muddied" her. I was, of course, very upset. And I didn't like this girl either. But, in any case, I am very grateful to Kirill for such a wonderful first kiss.


I was 15 years old when my parents sent me to camp for the first time. We chose a fairly well-known Bulgarian camp, which promises a storm of new emotions and impressions. Already at the airport, having said goodbye to my parents and seeing a lot of nice guys, I realized what was waiting for me, but the problem of the first kiss immediately surfaced in my head. I didn't even know how it felt! Of course, there were training on tomatoes, playing with a bottle, but all my peers have long understood what's what, and I practiced everything on vegetables. The first 2 weeks in the camp flew by unnoticed, everything went like clockwork: a lot of impressions, new acquaintances, funny counselors ...

Then I talked with several peers, but I knew that nothing serious would come of it. Our counselors were a guy Misha and a girl Olya - 20-year-old students. Everyone loved them madly. Everyone especially liked Misha - a tall brunette with pronounced cheekbones and bottomless blue eyes, in short, the face from the cover. The girls hung themselves on him as soon as he entered the room. But I didn’t feel any feelings, except for friendly ones. Once on the evening candle, he played the guitar. It was very emotional, and sometimes I felt his gaze on me, but I didn't attach any importance to it. In the end, he is a counselor, what thoughts there might be. But then something happened that could not have been expected. In the evenings, an incomprehensible madness usually finds me and my roommates, so that evening, after the "candle", we went into our bedroom, and a wild pillow fight began.

During the game, no one noticed how Misha joined. He laughed and played the fool with us. But then the pillow flew onto the balcony and Misha and I ran after it. And now we are standing together on the cold floor, and the door behind us is safely locked and giggled cheerfully. Laughing, I started screaming and asking to let us out, but my friends left the room together, leaving me and Misha standing locked on the balcony. It was a little scary, there was pitch darkness around, and, as luck would have it, not a single lantern was on. I knocked at the door, shouted, called my friends and marveled at the perfect calmness of my friend “in misfortune”. She raised her hand to jump again, but then Misha grabbed me by the shoulders, turned to him and said: "Calm down, everyone has been asleep for a long time, no one will come until morning." After that, he tightly hugged him and grabbed him with both hands behind his back. Despite the fact that I was terribly embarrassed, and the stream of thoughts tormented my head, it was both pleasant and did not want him to let me go. At one point I was so close to his face that I already felt a warm breath on my cheeks, he gently kissed my forehead, and I involuntarily reached out to him, our lips touched ... For 10 seconds, his lips moved to the beat of mine, it was soft, unusual, pleasant ... He leaned back, removed a lock of hair from my cheek, and then opened his lips again and leaned closer ...

It was so sweet, but it didn't connect so much with everything that had been carefully thought out over the years ... All night after that we talked and it turned out that from the beginning of the shift he liked me a lot, but he was afraid that the age difference would confuse me. In the morning, the neighbors opened us and looked at me, then at Misha with a special grin. But at that moment I was grateful to them more than ever. The rest of the week flew by at a breakneck speed, the last night with friends, tears at the airport and returning home. We did not communicate with Misha anymore, but I am grateful to him for helping to make my teenage dream come true and leaving behind pleasant memories that I’m not ashamed to talk about.


You always remember such moments well: every second, every breath, every breath. But you will never definitely remember the feelings that you experienced, because from the side of what you have lived you look at it as a funny joke, as something childishly funny. Here are the memories, the story of my first kiss is exactly the same ... I remember it was in the summer, at my grandmother's dacha. It was July outside, heat, boredom. There was nothing to do but lie down, watch TV series and wait for something like that to happen. The only one who brought joy to my gray holidays was my neighbor Kostya.

We had known him since two years, knew everything about each other, shared the most intimate and every summer, as usual, we spent together. Sometimes he stayed overnight with me, but there was nothing personal behind it. He knew that I treated him like a friend, but I understood that he liked me. And I was not the only one who noticed this, my grandmother married us a long time ago and came up with names for future children. But I was unshakable - nothing but friendship, period. One day on TV it was broadcast that on the night of July 24-25, the largest starfall is planned and you can't miss it! Naturally, all our conversations were taken up by this upcoming event, we thought in advance how and where we would contemplate the starfall. On the evening of the 24th, Kostya came to me, and we began the final preparations. We collected a huge bag, grabbed everything we needed and went to the lake, which was two kilometers from the house. All the way Kostya told me about some comics that were terribly boring, but I didn't interrupt him, I just pretended to listen carefully. At the same time, I had a strange tremor, I looked at Kostya and understood how close we are to each other, how much we have experienced together, I have lived in this world for 16 years, and I associate half of what I have lived with him. ...

We have already reached the lake. It was getting dark. Kostya took two folding beds, but after putting one down, he realized that the second had a broken leg. Remained to huddle on one narrow lounger. I never felt awkward at such moments, but then a strange shyness seized me, and he felt uneasy. Somehow we settled down, began to wait for the fall of the first star. In painful anticipation and complete silence, about 20 minutes passed. The wind blew and goose bumps ran through my hands, then Kostya carefully covered me with a blanket, and it became somehow very comfortable. I suggested that he also take cover. We were lying close to each other, I put my arm around his shoulder ... And suddenly a pale yellow light quickly appeared in the firmament and immediately extinguished. Star! I began to peer attentively into the sky and saw another one, and then another and another ... The stars fell one after another, we rejoiced like five-year-old children.

At one point I looked at Kostya and I don’t know why, I kissed him. Lips, dry from the wind, at first timidly, and then too passionately and fluently, began kissing mine, all this was diluted with an unpleasant smacking, and sometimes he involuntarily nibbled the inner part of his lip, apparently, this was also new for him. It was a little unpleasant for me that I constantly felt his tongue, but what to do - at that moment it seemed to me that all kisses were like that ... After he buried himself in my shoulder, and I was thinking about what had happened. Not to say that these were the best moments in my life, but for the first time it seemed normal ... Now I am 18, I study at the university as a translator and on weekends I go out to look at the stars with Konstantin - my childhood friend and beloved young man in combination. He kisses better now. Nobody expected that fate would turn out like this, we just happened to be together under the right star in time.


To be honest, I don't like to remember my first kiss. I mean, when asked to talk about the first kiss, they want to hear something sweet and romantic. Or, on the contrary, a terrible story about some maniac. And with me everything was so stupid, ridiculous and realistic ... The man who ruined my first kiss was named Andrey. He was a friend of a guy who was dating my best school friend Katya. Oh, Katya ... She was a real sex bomb. Of course, not a school "shooter", but a girl with whom many of our classmates would not mind "stirring up". One succeeded, and before that Katya was hanging out with guys not from school.

Everything happened when we were in the 9th grade. At that time, Katya was a very close person to me, my best friend. But sometimes I wanted to strangle her. After all, she got the coolest boys! Anyway, in all these matters she was much more experienced than me. And it was frustrating. So, I once walked with her, her new superboy and his friend Andrey. Of course, the implication was that they were taking us to him. Not that I really liked him, but I found him cute. I don't even remember if he suggested that I meet and, in general, how we started spending time together, but yes, we began to walk often. Less often - together, more often - four. The guys rode us on bikes, bought us all sorts of goodies. In general, it seemed that everything was perfect. Once Andrei said that his parents were not at home. He lived in a five-story building. First, we hung out in the stairwell, where the guys showed off their skills in blowing smoke rings, and then we went to the apartment.

Katya locked herself with her boyfriend in a small room. Drone and I stayed in the living room. Everything around was, I don’t know, "sovkovo": old furniture, squeaky mattress, in some places peeled wallpaper. I dodged the kiss as best I could, but at some point I gave up. I didn’t tell Andrey that I don’t know how to kiss. And he didn't ask. I thought I'd figure it out along the way. And Andrey just started kissing me. Not very pleasant, with language, rude and not at all the way I imagined it. I had to do it over and over again. Instead of enjoying myself, I looked at the peeling wallpaper on the ceiling and dreamed that everything would be over as soon as possible. And, thank God, he stopped. I thought: "Pretend that everything is ok - the best option." A day later, I found out that Andrei had said nasty things about me to Katya's boyfriend: that I suck at kissing, and that he did not want to meet with me anymore. Of course, I was very upset. I cried, as I remember.

Katya continued to meet with that boy. All this time I tried to leave school early, ran to the locker room at breakneck speed ... because Max and Andrei always met Katya after school. Well, I really didn't want to see the person who said that I was a lame kiss. A few months later, Katya's boyfriend and his friend somehow disappeared ... and Katya and I got a job - distributing leaflets. A guy named Sasha worked with us. Very handsome, tall, with blond hair, blue eyes and wonderful freckles on his face. And, hurray, he liked me, not Katya. And we started dating. The kiss with him was really beautiful. After all, he immediately realized that I did not know how. He said that it was not scary and taught me. He said when slower, when faster, and so on. As a result, we just couldn't kiss! So, down with those first kisses. Give the second, third and fourth!

First kiss - what could be better than this truly wonderful moment? Indeed, this is the most beautiful thing that a person can experience. After all, the first kiss is what every teenager remembers. Many remember in the smallest detail, for some this first kiss does not mean anything at all.

One way or another, if you have not kissed yet, then you should prepare well and understand for yourself several very important rules.
Many argue that the main feeling that every partner should observe is calmness and confidence that everything will go well. This is indeed the case. After all, if you worry at this touching moment, then you can make a lot of mistakes. For example, pressing hard on your partner's lips, or worse, biting your tongue lightly. Usually partners are not happy with this, so it is strongly discouraged to do this.

It is worth saying that if you are insanely worried before contacting your partner, then do not worry, before the first kiss it is absolutely normal. Remember - the main thing is calmness and confidence.
This article will focus on both guys and girls. Therefore, if you still do not know how to kiss, then feel free to read everything that will be presented below.
How to tell if your partner wants you to kiss him
A guy and a girl in such cases behave in about the same way. Therefore, it will be written here in a generalized way - for both male and female sex.
The first thing to look at is how often your partner focuses their gaze on you. If he looks at you rarely and reluctantly, then he hardly dreams that you will become the objects for the first kiss. However, if he cannot take his eyes off you, he looks often and without stopping, you can safely take action.
Further, this is the distance. How close he is to you, or tries to get closer, depends a lot. If your partner is looking for an excuse to come as close to you as possible, then be sure that he is not indifferent to you. And most likely he wants to kiss you. Yes Yes exactly! It seems to be an insignificant thing, but how does it affect the kiss.
An equally significant thing is touching. If your partner, by chance, accidentally touches you, then that's it - you can be sure that he feels something for you. And if it happens periodically, then there is no doubt that a kiss cannot be avoided. Where to put your nose when kissing?
Many teenagers make the following mistake during their first kiss: their lips merge in a hot kiss, but for some reason their heads remain parallel to each other. Young people, remember, in no case should you do this! No, you should not turn your head perpendicularly in relation to your partner, you should just turn it slightly to the side. Just a little bit, about 5-10 centimeters. In this case, the nose will not interfere with your kiss, and you will not find yourself in a ridiculous situation.
Where do you put your hands when kissing?
So, we figured out the nose, but where, then, to put your hands? There are many options here.
Guys in most cases put their hands on the girl's waist, this shows that you really like the girl. You can also lightly pat her on the back, or gently hug her by the shoulders. You can just take her hands, or you can lightly touch her chin and turn her face to yours. However, it should be said that many girls do not like it when, when they first kiss, guys put their hands on their place, which is just below their backs. This immediately alarms that you are not at all interesting to the guy as a person, but he just wants to have a great time with you.
There are also some tips for girls. When kissing, it's best to put your hands on the guy's neck. But do not think that only this option exists for you, you can play it with your hair a little, or press it tightly to you. In general, if you are reading this, then you should not memorize all the ways to put your hands when kissing, because being together, you will still be a little confused, and everything will go as it should. Just the way your heart tells you.
How to kiss for the first time?
This paragraph should be read by guys rather than girls. After all, it is they who will have to take such an important step - as the first kiss. So, let's begin.
Well, now the very moment has come that you were so afraid of, but even more wanted to feel. Yes, this is the first and most touching kiss.
So, first you should take the girl either by the waist, or by the shoulders. In general, you should have figured out where to put your hands from the point that is located just above. Many girls are simply delighted that they receive compliments. So why not? Get close to the girl, or you yourself gently pull her to you and say something nice. Believe me, this will help to endear the girl even more.
There is no need to immediately show what a professional you are in this matter. For the first one, it is enough just to touch the girl's lips, but if you feel that you are ready for a kiss with the tongue, do not stop, but only act! The main thing is that the girl is also ready, and does not think that you are some kind of maniac.
If you do not want to rush things right away, then it is better to stop. It is better to try kissing her neck or ear after the usual kiss. Of course, the main goal is to make the girl feel that you have more than just friendship for her.
French Kiss
The French kiss is a kiss that is practiced by almost all young couples. Probably, after reading everything that will be written below about him, you are unlikely to understand and feel it, because as the Russian proverb says: it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. However, in our case, it is better to feel the kiss once yourself than to hear a hundred times how it is done from friends.
In a French kiss, as in a simple one, the only rule says - calmness and confidence in yourself and in your partner.
What exactly do you need to do for this?
To begin with, the French kiss is a contact of tongues. In fact, there are no special rules for him, the main thing is not to do in your partner's mouth what you would not do in yours. That is, all that needs to be done is to drive with the tongue, you can hit your partner's teeth, you can touch the tongue, in general, everything that seems acceptable to you.
Where to begin?
It's better to start the French kiss with simple ones. You can start kissing her first on the cheek, then smoothly move to the lips, then open your mouth and connect your tongue. If you feel that your partner is in no hurry to open her mouth, then try to relax her somehow, for example, slightly biting her lower lip. In most cases, this is a good way to help girls relax, and it is after this that your mouths are already open for both.
What to do with the language?
Once your lips have touched, it's time for tongues. The main thing is not to panic. Then you just have to touch your partner with your tongue and, as it were, smoothly begin to drive them along it. At first, slightly touching it with just the tip, and then going deep into the girl's mouth and, accordingly, accelerating the pace.
Do not be alarmed if your pressure goes off scale, your palms sweat, and your knees shake - this is absolutely normal for a first kiss. Only after really kissing, you will think: "Why didn't I do this before?" or "God, how wonderful it is!" You are not the first, you are not the last one to go through this, so don't worry
A kiss on the neck
Neck kissing drives both guys and girls crazy. Therefore, if you are embarrassed to immediately kiss your partner on the lips, then the neck is what will suit you.
So how does this happen? You should not immediately rush sucking on your partner's neck. Everything should be gentle and romantic. To begin with, you can gently kiss your partner on the cheek, if he likes it, then feel free to move to the place that is below - that is, the neck.
Gently touch your lips to your neck, then begin the same movements that you would use with a simple kiss on the lips. You should not bite your partner's neck hard somehow; most young people do not approve of this. The kiss should be touching so that your partner realizes that you really care about him.
Kiss in the ear
Ear kissing is also a very common method among young people. I don’t want to repeat myself, but if you are embarrassed to immediately kiss a girl on the lips, then this method is perfect for relaxing both you and her.
First kiss the outside of the ear, then the lobe. You can gently bite or suck on your ear. Just remember that you don't need to make any non-romantic sounds, the best thing is to whisper some romantic words in the girl's ear.
Partner qualities
Be sure to pay attention to the inner qualities of your partner. Because what happens after the first kiss will depend on them. Either he will immediately drag you into bed, or he will be decent and the first kiss will be enough for him. First of all, it should be noted that you do not need to kiss on the first date. First, it may seem that you are windy and incapable of a serious relationship. Also, the guy may think that the girl is easily accessible. And as you probably know, guys we have such creatures who love to achieve their girls. Believe me, it is better to torment him a little than to immediately rush to his neck.
As for the guys, the girls in them appreciate, perhaps, that he is a real man. But who is a real man? Probably, this is the one who will not run from one girl to another. The one who is able to protect his girlfriend, and most importantly, probably, this is the one who will never deceive his beloved. It is such a decent and serious young man that most girls are looking for.
Therefore, dear girls, if you know that he is still a womanizer and that a kiss with you is just a good time, that he does not catch his breath from the fact that you are next to him, that he has a breakneck speed heart is not pounding - why do you need it so much? A girl, first of all, should respect herself and not allow such guys to be around. Friend, acquaintance - please, but not a guy. Leave them for other, less worthy girls than you.
This article is dedicated to people who haven't kissed yet. However, do not be upset about this. Are you 16 and you still haven't kissed? Do not chase your peers under any circumstances. Remember for the rest of your life: everyone has their own morality, someone gives birth to children at the age of 16, and someone kisses for the first time. And they say the later the first kiss occurs, the sweeter it is. So don't even worry about it. If you haven’t kissed yet, it means that the person to whom you would be madly drawn has not yet been found. But he will definitely be found, the main thing is to believe and not despair.
Agree that love is something without which we simply would not be able to live. Love is the most beautiful thing on earth. Taking care of a person, we show how much he is dear to us.
What is love? Love is when you understand that the person who is now looking you straight in the eyes is your meaning of life. He is your part of the soul, which is with you forever. And you understand that this is no longer love, this is something more, maybe attachment, you do not understand. Love is when your mood depends on one person. It can suddenly deteriorate, if suddenly he did not call, and at the same moment go up to heaven when you receive a message from him. Many people who have not yet loved will not understand the meaning of these sentences. But you will definitely understand when you meet someone who will melt your heart.
Well, what love can be without kisses? Therefore, without love, kissing is by no means possible. Therefore, if you really want to kiss. But you do not have a pair, then it is better not to rush at the first comer, but to wait for your own person. All you want to wish is to love and be loved, because without this there is simply no point in living.

It is not surprising that many young people are concerned about how to kiss a girl for the first time, so as not to alienate, but, on the contrary, to attract her to him. Improvisation is, of course, a good thing, but it's better to prepare for such an important event as a kiss.

When preparing for a kiss, one should not forget about the physiological side of the process. Penetrating into the girl's personal space, you get closer to the girl both spiritually and physically.

Therefore, at the moment of intimacy, it is necessary to remember not only about the kissing technique, but also about hygiene and accuracy.

  1. A pleasant aroma emanating from a man is truly an aphrodisiac that can turn the head of any young lady. So be sure to use a good men's cologne, but don't overdo it.
  2. Another logical observation that should still be mentioned is cleaned teeth and fresh, pleasant breath.
  3. Chapped lips are an extremely unpleasant sight that can negate all the romanticism of the situation. Agree that you would not have liked the chapped and unattractive lips of your partner.
  4. Women were divided over facial hair. Some have a positive attitude towards the beard, the second like smooth-shaven men, and still others do not pay attention to such a male feature at all. Of course, if you wear a beard, shaving it off is still not worth it, but giving it a well-groomed look is a prerequisite.

For everything to go well, you need to stop worrying and “shaking”. Your excitement will certainly be passed on to your partner, who may think anything - to the point that she is unpleasant to you.

Therefore, pull yourself together, cast aside unnecessary doubts, because by agreeing to a date with you, the girl showed some sympathy.

Despite the seeming simplicity of this intimate process, we must not forget about several important points that can contribute to the development of relationships or, on the contrary, destroy the sympathy and "chemistry" that is nascent between you.

For some guys who want to appear tough macho, kissing on the first date is considered a must, or completely natural. We will not argue with this opinion, but there is still no need to rush.

Many girls consciously or unconsciously follow the following rule - a kiss on the first date is considered a kind of taboo.

Some young ladies do not want to show their availability, others just want to be convinced of the seriousness of the gentleman's intentions, and still others have not kissed at all, so they are a little scared.

Of course, there are liberated young ladies who are not averse to kissing at the first meeting. In this case, the girls themselves will unequivocally hint at their desire.

If the young lady is shy, it is better not to take risks, so as not to break the connection that has arisen between you.

It sounds a little funny, but if you haven't kissed young ladies before, you need to practice a little. Having learned all the subtleties of the process, you will become less worried when it comes to a real kiss on the lips. It happens, for example, that lovers are embarrassed by colliding noses.

There are a lot of techniques for touching the lips, and the kissing process is very diverse, so it is thankless to describe them. So rehearsal is essential, but don't forget to express your true emotions as well.

Your sympathy and sincere desire are able to smooth out any oversights.

It is imperative that you choose the right moment and time to kiss on the lips. It is not so difficult to determine the signs of a girl's "readiness" if you carefully monitor her facial expressions, gestures and behavior.

We can say that a young lady is ready for a kiss if:

  • it lets you into your personal comfort zone (less than 50 cm);
  • she twists her hair when communicating, touches her lips;
  • looks at your lips while talking;
  • does not avoid eye contact;
  • responds positively to short touches (does not withdraw).

It is also important to choose the right place for this "ordinance." Many girls are embarrassed to kiss in front of a large crowd of people, fearing that their acquaintances will see them.

The last rows in the cinema are not always the ideal place for kissing, since it is important for some young ladies to see their partner at this crucial moment.

Therefore, it is best to choose a quiet place and a time when the number of people hurrying or walking by is minimized.

Honestly, the kissing technique is not as important as your tenderness and respect for the girl. It is not worth pushing and even more forcing to this process, since by doing so you will create a characteristic impression of yourself. You need to create the most romantic aura, make it clear to the young lady what your intentions are. The ideal solution has three components:

  • get closer to your beloved (enter your comfort zone);
  • catch her eye by looking straight into her eyes;
  • slowly and gently touch your lips.

When you slowly approach a girl's lips, it gives the young lady the opportunity to dodge if she does not want to kiss you or is simply not yet ready to move on to such a close acquaintance.

Girls can react to your initiative in different ways. For example, someone feels discomfort when other people are looking at her at this moment, others simply do not want to kiss specific guys, and still others want to check the male reaction to rejection.

Important! Despite the girl's reluctance to kiss, you need to behave with dignity. It doesn't even make sense to remind you that insults or other similar actions are simply unacceptable.

It is important to show that her decision did not bother you, so keep the conversation going and behave positively. You can turn an awkward situation into a joke.

On the Internet and in the male environment in general, there are two completely different opinions about whether you should be interested in a girl's permission before kissing.

The so-called pick-up artists claim that men who ask permission to kiss look weak and insecure in the eyes of young ladies. "Be the alpha male, man!" - say such advisers.

This opinion is extremely common among guys and probably has a right to exist.

Let's talk in more detail about the opposite point of view, which says that kissing is an act that takes place by mutual consent, especially when it happens on the first date.

And if a man kisses without asking, the girl may decide that her opinion is not very interesting to her partner.

The main reasons for asking a girl's permission before kissing:

  1. This is an indicator of male upbringing. When a guy asks a young lady if it is possible to kiss her, he shows respect for her personality.
  2. A young lady may not be ready for a kiss, or simply not want to kiss right here and now.
  3. Some girls show their initial sympathy for a guy only in the form of conversation and communication, sexual attraction and desire to kiss may appear only after a month or two.
  4. It is believed that touching the lips without asking another person can also be attributed to sexual violence.

Which of the above opinions is more correct is up to you. Most likely, in the process of communication, you will be able to determine how your interlocutor will react to intimacy. Will she be against the kiss on the first date, or will she say a firm "no" to any suggestion on your part.

In any love relationship, in every couple, in the heart of every person, memories live. Without this, it is impossible to imagine our life - after all, then it would have greatly faded, having lost important shades and colors. These memories are emotionally colored in different tones and occupy places in our souls of different size and significance. To one of these moments in our memory and those strings that are touched by them, are the first kisses. There is hardly a person in the world who could forget the taste of the very first kiss. Traces of memories must have remained in my soul: the place of the event, the deafening pounding of the heart, tinnitus, the throat and lips dry from excitement. All this left an indelible mark on our soul.

We have grown up for a long time, we know how to kiss, we know what pleasure a kiss can bring. But in a new relationship, the question of what the first kiss should be remains open until the moment when your lips find each other. What will happen when this happens and the long-awaited moment arrives? How, where, what will he be - this so desired and at the same time so painful first kiss? It happened with each of us, and even more than once. We do not always get pleasure and joy from the kissing process. It also happens that the first kiss automatically becomes the last. Why this happens and how to avoid it - let's discuss it in our article.

What's important for a kiss?

Everything has its time - even kisses. Timeliness is an important card in the game, where the winner gets the main prize - a tender love kiss. Don't rush, don't rush things. You both need to be ready to begin the rapprochement. After all, a kiss is a kind of transition, the next step in a relationship. Anyone who is used to jumping over a step runs the risk of stumbling and falling. However, it should not be delayed either. If you see that you make your partner want to touch you with his lips, and you yourself are not averse to kissing him, then it will be very permissible and appropriate to take the initiative.

When we talk about the first kiss, we usually mean a kiss on the lips. But it is unfair to keep silent about the rest of the tender kiss. Of course, any gallant man can kiss a lady's hand when meeting. Usually, they touch the back of the hand. But did you know that many young ladies were allowed to touch their lips after the admirer, gently taking the charming palm in his hands, tenderly touched the girl's wrist with his lips? Yes! Such a kiss can cause a lot of emotions in your partner. Therefore, the guy will do the right thing (if he is still afraid to touch his charming lips) when he starts with a kiss with his palm, continuing with a touch of the wrist, and only then moving on to his lips.

A kiss on the cheek is usually seen as a friendly option. But what prevents you from breaking stereotypes? Hold a little longer, kissing first one cheek and then the other. Looking into the girl's eyes, you will immediately understand whether to stop or continue. It is only important not to be shy yourself. The girl can only be given one piece of advice. Don't be afraid to sound too daring. If you decide it's time to end these friendly kisses, just substitute your lips for your cheek at the moment when your loving, but too polite guy intends to kiss you again.

So, you've decided on your first kiss. What should it be?

  • Sweet lips are sugar lips. In other words, this is how the first kiss should be - sweet. Take care of the freshness of your breath: no garlic, smoked sausages, tobacco. Let your lips be tender and tasty, so that you would like to touch them again and repeat a wonderful moment. You can change the taste of a kiss - whether it is heady and tart from a sip of wine, or coffee from drunk coffee. Or maybe it's really sweet - if you put a piece of chocolate in your mouth? Above all, do not leave chewing gum in your mouth. This is something that can just catastrophically ruin the whole exciting moment. True, a sense of humor can revive any situation, but it's better not to risk it.
  • Different style. Start kissing passionately and do it tenderly and reverently? Excitement and fear alike interfere with healthy thinking. And it is useless in love affairs to try to think in cold blood. When the time comes, you will have no time for reasoning. What advice would you like to guys? Watch your woman's reaction - how she responded to the kiss. She pulled back slightly, but did not interrupt him - moderate the ardor a little and become more tender. She responded warmly and actively - she liked your passion and ardor. (Girls, remember how to show the guy your attitude to his actions with your behavior!)
  • The right place. You can probably catch the difference - kissing in front of hundreds of people or alone, under a starry sky, when you have only the first kiss. After all, this is such an intimate gesture! Passion does not always overwhelm such a wave that you do not attach importance to the details and the place where you are. There are no exact statistics, but it is safe to say that in public toilets people kiss for the first time much less often than at the Eiffel Tower. And next to her - for the first time more often kiss at night, and not during the day, among the crowd of tourists. Many lovers kissed for the first time on the Ferris wheel - it’s true, the whole world is at the feet of lovers!
  • Craftsmanship. Inexperience at a young age is sweet and justified. In a more mature, it will cause surprise and disapproval. A kiss is not just a touch of two mouths, the penetration of one's own tongue into the mouth of the other, and not an exchange of saliva. This is a process that can drive you crazy. To such an extent that the mind and legs fail. You will be overwhelmed by a wave of love and tenderness, passion and desire. If you want exactly this development of events - learn to kiss. Practice with loved ones, don't stop.
  • Attentiveness. It is very important to be attentive to the guy. There are moments that are so logical to continue with kisses! Don't miss them. For example, you are dancing. Your girlfriend is already in your arms. When the music is over, don't let it go too quickly from your embrace. Perhaps at this very moment she is thinking about how close your lips were to her. It will be a shame to miss such a signal. There are moments that are not always possible to repeat - missed chances cannot be returned. Excitement often gets in the way of correctly assessing the situation. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be for you, try to relieve tension. All the same, you will kiss - this is inevitable with lovers.
  • Skillful hands. They are exactly what they should be. During a kiss, it is not only possible, but also necessary to gently embrace the object of kissing. Run them over the back, over the shoulders. Press it to your chest - tenderly and tenderly, or passionately and strongly. Your girlfriend reciprocates your actions - great. Hands can go down to the buttocks or up to the chest. Can you feel her heart pounding madly? This means that your actions are correct.
  • To be continued. The whole mystery of the first kiss is that its consequences are unpredictable. Still, events can be predicted. They can develop in the following way: you just kiss, stop and start again. And you move on when the first kiss is followed by the first sex. You have to find out only by experience. Little cribs: you and or you begin to kiss on the lips, neck, shoulders, ear or chest. You do not resist and even support the initiative very actively. If you do not want to rush and prefer to take a break between the first kiss and more decisive actions, then you should gently distance yourself from your partner. Although, when your head is spinning from overwhelming feelings, is it necessary to do this?

What can spoil a kiss?

There are not many things that spoil the first kiss of a couple in love. Nevertheless, we will voice you the main points that cause negativity in most people who kiss.
  • The first place is taken by the "wet kiss". Choking up with saliva, especially someone else's, is not a pleasant experience. Therefore, do not strive to "moisturize" your occupation to such an extent that you then have to go to wash.
  • Language is the tool that can make your kiss unforgettable in every sense. For this to be a wonderful memory, avoid putting your tongue in your partner's mouth and do nothing else. Or scurry them back and forth in the rhythm of the chaotic Brownian movement.
  • Are you hungry? Then you don't have to try to open your mouth so wide, as if you want to eat, and not kiss your partner.
  • Sounds. The natural sounds that come from kissing are sweet and adorable. You can even sigh and moan gently. But the formidable growling, purring and squealing can cause not just oncoming bewilderment, but even an attempt to escape. You don't need that, right?
Now you know all the subtleties and nuances that accompany the first kiss. Although there may be a different number of first kisses in a lifetime, let each of them leave only pleasant memories of itself!

The first kiss with a guy ... A quivering, timid touch to the lips of a loved one, a touch that you will then remember all your life. Hands are trembling, heart is beating so that it seems that it is about to jump out of the chest, there is some strange ringing in the ears, palms are sweating ... Almost everyone experiences fear of the first kiss. And almost everyone always remembers these delightful moments with warmth.

The first quivering kiss allows you to touch the mystery of being, to its most intimate moments and to the true essence of man. These are the most touching and tender moments in a relationship between two, whose hearts have opened towards each other. The age of the first kiss can be different, but most often it happens in early adolescence, when the purity and romance of both allows you to put a piece of soul into the kiss and pass it on to the one you love.

How does the first kiss happen? The slightly trembling lips of two loving people merge, their hearts begin to beat in unison, their head begins to spin, and it seems that consciousness is about to leave you and fly away to where happiness always reigns. And I want it to last forever.

What delightful moments, aren't they? It seems that they need to be desired with all their soul, but usually young men and women who are still completely inexperienced in this matter are afraid of the first kiss and are in no hurry to approach the minutes when it happens. They fear that, not knowing how to kiss the way they need to, they will alienate their loved one and lose their affection. In fact, these are vain doubts - everyone was once complete ineptitude in the field of kissing - but what can you do if shyness does not allow you to take a decisive step towards each other? So let us, so that she does not interfere, think about how to decide on the first kiss and not spoil the relationship with your beloved.

How to prepare for your first kiss

What are kisses in general? Kissing is a touch of lips to a loved one, expressing sympathy, affection, love. They are kindred, friendly, loving, sexual. The very first kiss differs from the rest of kisses by its boundless tenderness and timidity, mixed with extreme curiosity.

The difficulty with the first kiss lies in the fact that it does not happen spontaneously and reflexively, but requires preparation and even some planning. It is usually very difficult to give it, because, without having any practice, it is difficult to understand whether you can kiss or not. And I don't want to look not quite dignified in front of a loved one. How to prepare for your first kiss?

In general, we can say that the kissing program is inherent in every person. We see actors kissing and people kissing in the streets on the screens, friends and acquaintances tell us about kisses, from early childhood we are kissed by our parents and we ourselves kiss our relatives ... In a word, kisses are not rare in our life. So why is the first kiss so scary, because in a romantic situation you want to kiss even more than in everyday life? Because we do not know what the first kiss should be, and we are very afraid that we will behave in moments of touching the lips of two not at all as required.

The surest way to prepare for your first kiss is through mental training. In order to understand how to correctly make the first kiss, you need to turn on your imagination and imagine the situation. Let's try to imagine our beloved boyfriend. Let's sit back freely on the back of a chair or chair and imagine how we kiss his lips and face. You need to imagine until all this seems real. We put as many feelings as possible into this performance of the first kiss with a guy - this will help to improve the effectiveness of the mental rehearsal. Let's try to imagine how we inhale his smell, how we feel the tenderness of his lips and the desire with all our souls to respond to our affection.

If we carry out such training quite often, our consciousness will believe in the reality of what is happening, and we no longer have to think about how to prepare for the first kisses as fully as possible - the mental experience of these kisses will allow us to gain deep self-confidence.

What should be the first kiss

Before the first kiss, you need to remember the main thing - the emotions that we experience in the amazing moments of touching the lips can create some problems. The pleasure that these moments provide is so great that it makes you forget about everything in the world. It makes you dizzy, shivers and contributes to a complete loss of self-control. In no case should you be afraid of this and strain during a kiss! By the rules of the first kiss, such a reaction to it is completely normal, and the desire to control it will create a big emotional problem. The problem, in turn, forms a psychological barrier, which will then be very difficult to overcome. In order for fear not to appear later, the first kiss must be given with complete freedom, without fear and without thinking about anything.

At the same time, the rules of the first kiss include a prerequisite not to get carried away too much by your own impressions and not to forget about the feelings of your partner. When touching the lips of her beloved for the first time, a girl should feel not only herself, but also him, and try to make him feel how good she is. You shouldn't think at these moments about how skillfully she kisses - the guy will transmit her tension, and the pleasure of the kiss will be ruined. You must try to make everything happen reflexively.

Many boys and girls have a fear of the first kiss, which prevents them from completely relaxing. Typically, this fear is manifested in people who are able to reckon with the desires of others. In order to get rid of the fear of the first kiss, you need to try to create an appropriate environment for the decisive step: turn on romantic music, dim the lights, find a beautiful secluded spot somewhere in the park, and so on. Also, remember that no one kisses perfect for the first time. And this is even good, since later learning the correct kisses with your loved one is very interesting and pleasant.

Many people think about how to decide on the first kiss on the first date. Is it worth it? The sensations of the first kiss will never be repeated. This is magic, the moments of which cannot be returned. If the relationship with your boyfriend lasts long enough, kissing may become less exhilarating. The very first kiss causes indescribable excitement, which is sometimes very difficult to cope with. All descriptions of the first kiss indicate such excitement, so it should not be considered something out of the ordinary. On the contrary, if we do not worry before the first kiss, this is bad. This speaks either of the callousness of the soul, or of the absence of real feelings in relation to a partner. And on the first date, it's too early to talk about true feelings. And then how to decide on the first kiss if we are not sure of ourselves or of the guy? It will be better if some time passes and we understand how much we need this person. And only then will we determine whether we want to kiss him.

What to do with your first kiss

Almost any description of the first kiss indicates that the preliminary discussion of this kiss spoils the whole experience of it. If you talk for an hour about the need for a kiss, it just won't work. There will be a tension that will simply end up destroying all the pleasure of kissing. It should happen spontaneously, and then the kiss will become magic, an unforgettable fairy tale, giving moments of true happiness. Therefore, it is better not to discuss it before kissing.

The first kiss technique is pretty simple. It involves only lips and there is no aggression or sexuality. Hugs should be soft, full of timid tenderness. When kissing, you need to tilt your head a little in order to slightly shift your nose to one side, touch your lips to your lips and freeze enthusiastically for a few moments. The touch of the lips is light, the tongue does not participate in the first kiss. The eyes are closed.

What should be the first kiss? The first touches of the lips of lovers express tenderness, so it is undesirable for it to be too wet. However, dry or wet kiss depends more on the guy than on the girl. But even if he seemed wetter than expected, this must be taken calmly: perhaps the guy is too passionate and unable to control himself in these moments. Or he simply has no experience of kissing himself and, worrying, makes mistakes. Both the one and the other case are proof of strong feelings, and this should only please.

The first kiss technique does not include trendy kisses. However, many girls still really want to study them. How to do it? You can try to get advice from more experienced friends or use your own imagination and come up with a kissing method based on some observation and knowledge. Still, making the first kiss fashionable is undesirable. Fashion kisses usually have sexuality, and the explicit expression of it by a girl can lead to an undesirable outcome. What if a loved one misinterprets this sexuality? After all, not all guys like girls who are sophisticated in this area! Many of them want pure tenderness at first, and then they are drawn to sexuality.

What to do at the first kiss if you don't have enough will to finish it and it lasts a long time? Indeed, in this case, breath can be lost from lack of air! The main thing is not to panic and try to breathe deeply through your nose. Moreover, you should not breathe too quickly - this will lead to an excess of oxygen, as a result of which your head can become very dizzy.

What should be the kisses if they are the first? They should be bashful. Therefore, when kissing, it is advisable for a girl to slightly move her lower lip, as if trying to tear herself away from her boyfriend's lips.

What to do with the first kisses so that your lips do not slip and flatten? They need to be relaxed and given over to your boyfriend. If he already has experience in kissing, he will make sure everything goes smoothly. At the same time, in order for the lips to join gently, without collision, you can allow the partner to lightly hug him by the shoulders or waist, hug his neck herself or put his hands on his shoulders. It is not worth rushing, clasping the guy's neck, or making any impulsive movements. In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to move slowly, completely giving the initiative to your loved one.

The lips should be slightly relaxed when kissing. Too hard lips will be unpleasant for a partner to kiss, so there is no need to squeeze them. Do not be afraid that they will look like jelly - you just need to relax your lips a little, and periodically strain them slightly. This will not only provide an opportunity to improve the first kiss, but will also allow you to learn different ways of kissing later.

At the first kiss with a guy, it may happen that the girl collides with him with her teeth. You don't need to be embarrassed in this case, you just need to try to move your head a little to make the kiss less intense. If the kiss turned out to be wet, you should not openly wipe your mouth after it, as this can offend the guy. It is better to casually, slightly turning away, quickly run your hand over your lips so that your loved one perceives this gesture as accidental.

These are, perhaps, all the basic rules of the first kiss. Perhaps they will seem ridiculous to someone, but it is the ignorance of these rules that often leads to the emergence of an established fear of the first kiss and kisses in general. And this is unacceptable, because kisses make our life happy and colorful. So we kiss for happiness and health!

First kiss with a guy. Conclusion

So, now we know how the first kisses happen and how to approach them. The most convenient time for the first kiss is the end of the date, since then it will leave the most complete impression that will be experienced until the next meeting. But, if the girl does not feel anything special for the guy, it would be better for her not to allow such a kiss goodbye.

The age of the first kiss can be anyone, but usually it happens at the age of thirteen or fourteen. At this age, it is especially easy to maintain a romantic mood, which appears in a girl and a guy without much difficulty. And what could be better for a first kiss than a romantic date? The magnetic attraction of a young man and a girl to each other contributes to a great desire to touch their lips, and there is no need to resist this desire. Perhaps the tremendous tenderness of the first kiss will turn into true love. Or maybe not. In reality, this is not so important, because the whole life is still ahead! Now, only one thing is important - kissing, to get into the magical world of first love and never forget about these moments later!