Placental cosmetics: sweet myths and harsh reality. Placental cosmetics - are you ready for it

The cosmetic series "Placentol-API" is an ideal restoring anti-aging cosmetic complex for facial skin care in the morning and evening, which includes: Day Face Cream in the form of a light day emulsion and Night Face Cream, effectively working as a nourishing lifting cream.

An ideal cosmetic complex for tired and aging skin of the face, neck and décolleté as a lifting cream, for stressed skin, as well as for young skin with signs of premature aging.

At the first application, an instant visual effect of sfumato is provided - a soft silky shimmer of tightened smooth skin.

A unique combination of biologically active substances, vitamins, minerals, therapeutic extracts and nourishing natural oils protects the skin from harmful environmental influences and free radicals that cause premature skin aging.

The restoring anti-aging cosmetic complex "Placentol-API" helps to remove wrinkles, swelling, vascular "asterisks", age spots, brightens the skin, restores a healthy complexion.

Gives a comfortable feeling of rested and well-groomed "silk skin".

Bioactive formula.

Placental complex "Placentol 100%"- exclusive placental complex. Produced according to a unique technology developed under the guidance of the Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Professor Lyubimov Yu.I. Balsam "Placentol 100%" contains 20 amino acids (including all essential), low molecular weight peptides, glutathione, chondroitin sulfate, polysaccharides, incl. hyaluronic acid, succinic acid, lipids, lecithin, DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), coenzyme Q10, cytokines (interleukins, interferons, growth factors), alpha-fetoprotein, natural balanced vitamin complexes (A, B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , B 4 , B 5 , B 6 , B 9 , B 10 , B 12 , C, D, E, H), macro- and microelements (magnesium, silicon, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium) . It has a pronounced wound healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, soothing, brightening, revitalizing effect, effectively neutralizes the action of free radicals. Balm "Placentol 100%" provides nourishment and hydration to the skin, restores elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, prevents their reappearance, and has a lifting effect. Clinical trials of the safety and effectiveness of the balm "Placentol 100%" were carried out by the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after A.I. T.T. Harmed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Central Design Bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Chemical - analytical and laboratory - experimental studies of the balm "Placentol 100%" were carried out by the State Research Institute of Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense, the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after. Belozersky Moscow State University, SSC Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and many other Russian and foreign scientific centers. Balsam "Placentol 100%" has been supplied to Japan and other foreign countries for more than 12 years for the production of elite placental cosmetics and placental masks, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals.

API - complex- a natural antioxidant system that actively stimulates the metabolism in skin cells, thereby preventing the appearance of wrinkles and aging processes.

Propolis or bee glue- a complex organic substance containing up to 55% resins, formed mainly by organic acids, up to 30% wax, up to 10% pollen and up to 10% essential oils. Propolis is one of the best antioxidants, an ideal natural filter that protects the skin from UV radiation. It has a pronounced regenerating, antitoxic, anti-edematous effect on the skin. With systematic use, it increases the age resources of the skin, the degree of self-protection of cells from negative environmental influences.

Royal Jelly ("Royal Jelly")- is a multicomponent nutritional mixture of complex variable chemical composition. Royal jelly is a biostimulant that activates all vital processes of the body, including a neurostimulator. It is widely used in cosmetology as a powerful anti-aging agent. In Dermatology, it is successfully used for the treatment of dermatitis, keratosis, psoriasis.

Yellow beeswax- an organic product of the wax glands of bees, containing more than 300 components. Protects the skin from dehydration and protects against harmful external influences, and the skin becomes smooth, soft, supple and elastic.

DMAE- natural natural component. DMAE is an effective protection against stress and natural aging of the body. Helps stabilize cell membranes, removes toxins from cells, retaining valuable nutrients. When applied externally, it acts quickly (a few minutes after application) and for a long time. Effectively smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin, restores facial contours, healthy skin color.

Vitamin complex (C, A, panthenol)- stimulates the synthesis of collagen in the skin, strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their fragility and fragility, slows down aging, whitens the skin.

Nourishing complex of oils (sea buckthorn, peach, olive)- nourishes, softens the skin, smoothes wrinkles. Protects the skin from drying out and the appearance of new wrinkles.

Restorative phytococktail of medicinal extracts (calendula, horsetail, hops, rosea, wild rose, nettle, string) - has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves water and fat metabolism in skin cells. Increases the energy status, tone and immunity of skin cells. In dermatology, it is used to treat skin diseases of an endocrine nature.

The placenta is a specialized organ that exchanges substances between mother and child during its intrauterine development. The placenta is rich in all kinds of nutrients and biologically active substances: proteins, fats and polysaccharides, substances that affect the course of metabolic processes in tissues and cell renewal. It is not surprising that such a rich source of natural nutrients and healing substances for the skin has attracted the attention of cosmetic companies, whose goal is to create a truly positive effect and at the same time completely natural cosmetics.

The history of the placenta in cosmetology

Cosmetology paid close attention to the placenta in the 30s of the XX century, then the mass use of this raw material in cosmetic products, in the compositions of new miraculous creams, and the study of their effect on the skin of women began.
However, the placenta was known and used by a select few much earlier.
There is information about the special love of Queen Cleopatra for masks, which included the last. Wealthy ladies also used it in the Middle Ages. The attitude towards the afterbirth was almost mystical: it was used in potions and elixirs, as healers said, giving a woman the energy of a new life. However, the fact remains undoubted that masks with a placenta really gave a very pronounced cosmetic and rejuvenating effect.
Later studies in the 20th century showed that the amazingly fast rejuvenating and cleansing effect of the placenta is partly due to its hormones. Hormonal cosmetics have a number of contraindications and side effects, its use for non-therapeutic purposes and without the supervision of a doctor is rather frivolous, and it is certainly impossible to introduce hormones into cosmetics for daily use. For this reason, modern manufacturers of placenta lyophilisates for cosmetic companies necessarily clean raw materials from hormones. Modern cosmetics with a placenta no longer has such a quick and amazing effect as the first creams with it, but it also has no contraindications. In fact, now the action of placental cosmetics is reduced to intensive nutrition of the skin and the impact of biologically active substances that help the natural processes in the skin, that is, its action is aimed at saturating the skin with everything necessary for its functioning. And no magic.

Production process of placental cosmetics

For cosmetics, human or sheep placenta is used. There is no fundamental difference between the placenta obtained from a person or from an animal, the effectiveness of the funds is approximately the same.
The production of placental extracts is not carried out by cosmetic companies themselves, but by enterprises specializing in this particular area. This is due to the complexity of the production process of placenta preparation.

The process of preparation of the placenta is multi-stage and costly, includes the selection of material from potentially healthy women in labor, the mandatory testing of raw materials for infectious diseases, which requires its own laboratory, the purification of the placenta from hormones, the production of a dry white extract from it - lyophilisate, which is added to cosmetics themselves. companies.
Placenta from a human is used only after natural physiological uncomplicated childbirth from healthy women in labor according to the medical history, and the placenta itself already undergoes mandatory tests for infections in the laboratory of the enterprise.

There is an opinion about the use of abortive material in placental cosmetics and even the deception of women by doctors and geneticists in order to remove the placenta from them. This theory has no logical justification and is most likely associated with a misunderstanding of the medical system. Despite all the shortcomings of our medicine, this situation is simply impossible and meaningless.
Firstly, the placenta is formed only after the 12th week of pregnancy and simply cannot be present in the abortive material from a planned abortion. That is, it would be necessary to persuade a woman to have an abortion at a later date for medical reasons.
The second point is that the document with the conclusion about the genetic analysis of the fetus passes through the hands of several unrelated doctors. The attending physician sends for analysis, which is done either at the Family Planning Center, or in general in a private clinic by a laboratory assistant under his signature with the possibility of verification. The laboratory assistant issues the result to the geneticist, who conducts a statistical analysis, using additional ultrasound results (from another doctor, who may be in a third clinic), gives his opinion and sends the materials to the attending physician, who communicates directly with the pregnant woman. The existence of a criminal chain can and could be possible, but for what? After all, it is possible to officially conclude a contract with the maternity hospital for the supply of biological material, which will give incomparably more placenta from a fully examined patient to childbirth. Such a procedure is legal and economically more profitable, unlike criminal ways.

Moral and ethical aspect of the use of the placenta in cosmetology

The moral and ethical aspect of the use of the placenta, like any tissue of human origin, worries many. Overgrown with "ducks" from the yellow press, this topic takes a lot to the soul.
Medicines of allogeneic (human) origin have long been used in medicine: interferon, which is instilled into the nose during ARVI, is isolated from whole donor blood. Some expensive vaccines and drugs that replace important human proteins for the treatment of patients with a lack of this protein have always been isolated from human blood, and only in order to reduce the cost of production, they were replaced, if possible, with analogues isolated from animals or obtained by genetic engineering from bacterial cultures. A prime example is insulin.

The placenta in cosmetics is used already spent, intended for disposal. It is much less useful to its mistress than, for example, blood to a donor, which he gives, not to mention other tissues and organs. It would be wrong to consider the placenta an organ, and the patient who donated it, to some extent, suffered. After childbirth, the placenta is no longer an organ, but a biological material that is still going to be destroyed. But, being used in cosmetics, it can still serve other people.
A person's rejection of any things is evolutionarily connected with two important factors: a person protects himself from potential danger - infection, injury, any physical harm, and from contact with a traumatic psychological factor - pain and death. That is why people are afraid of the phrase "human organ". But do not confuse danger or discomfort and speculation with these concepts.
The placenta cannot bring any harm to its consumer, thanks to an established and proven system of preliminary and production quality control of raw materials and its cleaning system. The result of this process is a white dry crystallized powder in an ampoule, which will be added to the cream.
Psychologically, the placenta and its origin are also not associated with anything unpleasant. After all, being taken after a physiological and safe birth, it can only carry the positive energy of a joyful event and, as our ancestors believed, be a symbol of a new young healthy life.

I think everyone has heard about placental cosmetics. Someone just flashed the thought “Well, they invented something again, they won’t calm down in any way” and he immediately forgot about it, someone moved further in his thoughts - “What are these cosmetics made of? Is it safe? And is it legal?”, while others quickly ran to the stores to buy a “panacea for wrinkles.” Now we will consider the main points that you need before making a choice - are we ready to use placental cosmetics or not?

So what does it represent placental cosmetics? This is a set of cosmetic products, which include components derived from the placenta (baby place or placenta). The main scope of such cosmetics is the fight against skin aging. Although developments on the use of the placenta in cosmetology have been going on for more than a decade, the fashion for such products has appeared relatively recently. Despite this, already now you can find a huge number of arguments in favor of placental cosmetic products and objections to these arguments.

Beautiful well-groomed skin is the dream of many women.

One of the main subjects of dispute is the presence in such cosmetics hormones of animal origin. Indeed, along with many useful substances, placental tissue also contains hormones in large quantities. It was they who contributed to the amazing anti-aging effect as a result of the use of the first trial cosmetic lines based on the placenta. However, as it turned out later, the hormones received by the body from the outside began to lead to various adverse side effects. For a long time, scientific minds have been working on this problem and, finally, they have received safe, hormone-free cosmetics that retain all the beneficial properties. Of course, now such amazing rejuvenation should not be expected, but nevertheless, in the placental cosmetics of the new generation there are a lot of other useful substances: hyaluronic acid (probably everyone has already heard about its amazing ability to retain moisture in skin cells), proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins , peptides, glycans... In combination, they cause improved nutrition, hydration and restoration of all layers of the skin and rejuvenation of the connective tissue.

New generation of placental cosmetics purified from hormones

Now let's talk about raw materials for placental cosmetics. The material is the placenta after healthy childbirth in humans, pigs, sheep and, less often, cows. In Europe, the use in cosmetics of all organs and products of human vital activity, including the placenta, is officially prohibited. Everything is possible with us. Of course, manufacturers assure that abortive material is not used. But even so, even if the amniotic membrane of already born babies is used for the production of such cosmetics, would you be pleased to realize that you are applying particles obtained from another woman, or maybe from you, to your skin? I'm personally not ready for this...

The raw material for placental cosmetics is the afterbirth of animals or humans.

In addition, through the placenta it is possible transmission of certain diseases, including hepatitis, syphilis and AIDS. Again, manufacturers reassure mandatory research of both donors and received material, however, there is always the possibility that someone decides to bypass such an expensive procedure. If the placenta is of animal origin, there is also a risk. After the epidemic of mad cow disease, manufacturers tend to use pig tissues, especially since the latter is genetically close to humans. But here, too, danger lurks, since the pig suffers from the same diseases as people.

So what do we get? Placental cosmetics do not guarantee 100% safety, they are not suitable for everyone for various moral reasons, and, moreover, they are very expensive due to all the subtleties of selecting and cleaning the material. So decide if you need it. And I'll go to sleep, having previously pampered my skin with my beloved eco cream based on plant extracts.

There are plenty of strange ingredients in cosmetics. Some, having appeared, immediately disappear, but sometimes they return after a while. Placental cosmetics caused a stir in the market in the last century, but legislators and the animal rights society toppled it off its pedestal. As a result, everyone forgot about cosmetics with a placenta for a long time. But now placental cosmetics and placental therapy are experiencing a renaissance. What has changed and is the game worth the candle?

How it all started

The path to the use of placenta extract in cosmetics began in 1933 with the light hand of Professor Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, although he worked in a different field - he was an eye surgeon. Filatov believed that many incurable eye diseases could be, if not cured, then at least alleviated by the implantation of "biogenic stimulants". In his therapeutic experiments, the professor also used the placenta. His work launched the development of placental therapy in cosmetology.

If we consider the placenta as an intermediary between the mother and the developing fetus, it becomes clear why it was considered an ideal tool for rejuvenation. The placenta is a rich source of nutrients, proteins, stem cells, amino acids. But its main property is that it is responsible for the production of hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, and this is something that mature skin really lacks.

Why placenta creams were banned

In the early 1940s, manufacturers launched cosmetic preparations based on the human placenta: bust creams, eye creams, face masks, even eau de toilette and soap. The customers were satisfied: among the effects of "placental" drugs were the normalization of blood circulation and lipid profile, as well as the regulation of the sebaceous glands. The skin took on a much fresher appearance.

In the 1950s and 1960s, placenta creams were recommended even for young skin, because what's good for the "fetus" is good for everyone. However, it is worth noting that the process of extraction and purification (especially of the human placenta) left much to be desired. As a result, many hormonal side effects were recorded (for example, chest hair in teenage girls), after which the human placenta was banned from using in cosmetics. And when humanity found out about HIV and a number of other pathogenic viruses, cosmetics with a placenta were written off to the archive as potentially dangerous.

In today's cosmetics, you will find at best placental extracts of animal and vegetable origin (plant placenta is plant proteins, most often a protein complex). Such placental extracts are mixtures of proteins and vitamins and have a certain moisturizing and nourishing effect. In the right dosages, they work great, but these proteins are essentially not much different from other protein components in cosmetology. So there are no special advantages for these placentas.

Another thing is the "synthetic" placenta, which began to be produced at the beginning of the "zero" - a mixture of growth factors, peptides and vitamins, corresponding to the content in the human placenta. Here it already makes sense to talk about a rejuvenating effect.

Anti-aging injections

The Asian cosmetic boom that started in 2014 has taken placental cosmetics to the next level. In the wake of the trend, placental care in the West has moved from the field of cosmetology to pharmacology. Cosmetics with a placenta were not allowed in our country, but placental therapy is growing in popularity within the walls of medical institutions.

Today, doctors offer injections and intravenous infusions of drugs from the human placenta for general body rejuvenation, skin care, and even for the treatment of individual organs. Medical journals consistently publish studies confirming the rejuvenating effect of preparations with human placenta extract on the body and skin: collagen synthesis, cell proliferation and differentiation, moisturizing and whitening effects, stimulation of local immunity, etc.

"10-minute" droppers with amino acids, biotin and placenta extract are very popular among Japanese businessmen - well-known workaholics who do not have the opportunity to get enough sleep, get sick and eat normally. According to Japanese doctors, it is better than multivitamins and aspirin. Some Russian clinics have already taken over the baton and recommend such immunostimulant energizers to our work-weary citizens, as well as to all women of mature age.

Potential Threat

However, it is very difficult to know what the cumulative effect of placental therapy will be. For example, some cytokines found in the human placenta act to increase inflammation, while others reduce it, and some may do both, depending on the environment in which they enter, making predictions very difficult.

According to Western experts, at this stage there are not enough studies to draw a conclusion about the unconditional benefits for everyone, without any side effects. In addition, scientists still fear that materials from human tissue may contain viruses and bacteria that are still unknown to modern science. Also alarming is the fact that in Japan, patients who practice 10-minute drips cannot be blood donors. Placental injections are reminiscent of a gamble: on the one hand - wow-results, on the other - possible "interest on the loan."

But modern cosmetics with a placenta are really safe and seem to be effective. In addition, there are alternatives in cosmetics: from “live” sheep placenta to synthetic mixtures - you can always choose what is more to your liking and pocket.

Tatiana Morrison


3W Clinic Premium Placenta Age Repair Cream is an anti-aging cream with placenta proteins. It intensively softens and moisturizes the skin, eliminates mimic wrinkles, reduces pigmentation and improves the general condition of the epidermis.

Composition of the product

  • placental protein. This component contains nucleic acids, proteins and hormones that slow down the aging process and restore youthfulness to the skin. It also helps speed up healing, soothe inflammation and irritation, activate metabolism and restore normal skin condition.
  • Jojoba oil. The oil enriches the skin with fatty acids, eliminates dryness and sagging, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, makes the skin smoother, firmer and more elastic.
  • plant extracts. The cream contains extracts of camellia, pine bark, rice bran and plum water. These healing plants provide vitamins, exfoliate dead cells, boost metabolism, stimulate microcirculation and improve skin health.
  • Beeswax. Wax intensively softens and nourishes the skin, saturates it with fatty acids, smoothes, heals, restores and rejuvenates. It also gives the skin a matte and beautiful color.

Use advantage

  • Rejuvenation. The cream actively rejuvenates the skin, restoring its firmness and elasticity, reducing the number of wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones. It acts on the deep layers of the epidermis, renewing it at the cellular level.
  • Protection. The active components of the cream penetrate deeply into the skin, creating a protective barrier and protecting the skin from negative external manifestations, pathogens and free radicals.
  • Security. Placental cream is absolutely safe for the skin. It does not cause irritation, redness and other allergic reactions. The cream is perfectly absorbed by cells, therefore it is suitable for any skin, including sensitive ones.

Release form

The cream comes in a round dark brown glass jar. The product is packed in a cardboard box and sealed in mica.

The amount of funds - 50 ml.

Mode of application

Take a little cream with your fingertips and apply evenly on the skin. Gently rub until completely absorbed, spreading over all parts of the face. Use the cream in the evening, before going to bed, and in the morning, before applying the main makeup.