Lesson outline (middle group) on the topic: Outline of an open lesson on experimental activities in the middle group on the topic: "Magic water". Lesson on experimental activities in the middle group "Water-water

The outline developed by me by creating a situation of amusement contributes to the solution of the tasks set: allows children to develop and consolidate knowledge about the properties of water, its use; master the actions of substitution and experimentation.

The abstract of the GCD is built as productive activity process:
using a playful teaching method that promotes an interested, relaxed atmosphere in the lesson;
problematic method that promotes the development of the child's intelligence.
Planned result:
Actualization of knowledge from the life experience of children about where water is found, who needs it and why; rules of safe behavior on the water and with water.
Discovery of new knowledge about the properties of water through experimentation, analysis of their own actions and understanding the result.


Educational tasks:
Familiarizing children with the properties of water: transparent, tasteless, odorless and colorless, dissolves and reflects.?
Children mastering the action of substitution.
Mastering experimentation.

Developmental tasks:
Development and consolidation of ideas about the properties of water, its use.
Encourage and stimulate the manifestation of speech activity of each child; development of the ability to analyze and independently draw conclusions.
The development of cognitive activity.

Educational tasks:
Raise an interest in learning about the world around you and experimenting.
Foster a sense of friendship, cooperation, goodwill towards each other.
To foster a respect for the use of water.

Material and equipment:
Pictures of a sea storm, floods, floods, cups, sugar, juice, straws, lemon, shells, milk, bottle caps, spoons.
Physical education text, audio recording of the sound of rain.
Promotion: drop pendants.

Preliminary work:
Conversation on the topic: "Where does water live", "Who needs it and why", "Who lives in the water."
Reading stories about water, educational fairy tales, making riddles. Discussing with the children what they know about water.

Methodical techniques:
Exercise for emotional charge before class.
Introduction to the game situation (surprise moment); creating a situation of amusement.
Knowledge actualization: cognitive and practical motivation.
Difficulty in a game situation: problem statement.
Discovery of new knowledge: visual (showing a sample, demonstration), practical (experiments, game exercises, comparison), verbal (reminder, conversation, story, search questions, explanation, individual answers of children).
Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.
Reflection: analysis of the lesson.

Course of the lesson:

Motivational and incentive stage:
Exercise "Emotional Storm" (children stand in a circle).
Q: Guys, now we are going to play the game "Emotional Storm": we will use facial expressions, gestures to show our emotions: "Joy", "Sadness", "Anger", "Fright", "Fun".
Q: Cheered up, and now let's go on a trip with my girlfriend, whose name is Droplet. But while she is on the way and, lo and behold, she knocks on the door, you and I ...
Listen ... something is making noise. So this is our friend already visiting us (the tap is on in the washroom, there is a drop sign on it).
But why is Droplet so sad? Let's listen to her story: Droplet was recently born and knows nothing about itself at all. This makes her very sad, because not knowing anything about herself is not fun at all. And that's why she decided to ask you for help, because you are smart guys and probably know something about her. Can we help Droplet? How do we do it? (children's answers)

Organizational - search stage:
What does a droplet consist of and where does it live? (Consists of water and lives in water). Where can you find water? (different answers from children)
Guys! And Kapelka asks: do you know who needs water? (to humans, animals and plants). Yes, guys, without water, all life in the world dies. Water is life! You said everything correctly: plants need water, they need to be watered, otherwise they will die. And people just need water to cook food, wash. No living creature can live without water.
Traveling in a group (indicated by droplets where water is needed):
Q: Guys, let's show Droplet where her droplet sisters live, what they do with us and what benefits they bring. And we will be beautiful droplets to celebrate the little sisters - droplets.
In a corner of nature: near plants. Children: yes, they need to be alive, without water they will dry out, wither, they need water. (Glue a big drop)
At the aquarium: Children: fish live in water, they will die without it, they need a lot of water to swim. (Glue a big drop)
Near the sink (sink): yes, to wash dishes, dust, clean up in a group. (Glue a big drop)
In the play corner: water is needed to wash dirty toys and to wash dolls' clothes. (Glue a big drop)
At the table on which there is a bottle of water: water is needed so that we can drink it. (Glue a big drop)
In the washroom: water is needed so that you can wash your hands and face. (Glue a big drop)
Q: Here is a Droplet, how many droplet sisters live in our group, which bring us great benefit. Guys, but water is not always useful, but it can even be dangerous. (Display of pictures of storms, floods, floods).
A story about safety rules with water and on water:
Q: You can burn yourself with hot water, ice is dangerous for injuries, you can drown in water. Guys, can you pour tea yourself at home?
Turn on hot water? What do we do when we go out for a walk, and there it is with ice? Is it possible to go to water bodies alone without adults?).

Physical minutes:
Do you know what games our Droplet likes to play? (children's answers). Let's play now.
Children turned into droplets. It's time for them to hit the road.
(audio recording with rain sounds)
Drops flew to the ground. We jumped, jumped.
(children are jumping)
It became boring for them to jump one by one, they gathered together, united in small streams.
(children join hands and two or three make up streams)
Streams met and became a big river.
(children are combined into one chain)
And from the river they got into the big ocean.
(children rebuild into a round dance)
Then the droplets remembered that Tuchka's mother had told them to return home, not to linger. They raised the droplets of their palms up - the sun warmed them with rays, and they evaporated. The droplets returned to mother Tuchka.
(children sit on high chairs around the teacher)
Guys! Do you want to help Kapelka learn more about yourself? (children's answers). And you know, water has magical properties: you can play with it, carry out various experiments and tricks. For this, we will now turn into laboratory assistants and will conduct experiments with you. A droplet will be able to learn a lot more about himself.

Experience number 1. Determination of water color.
Q: Look what we have on our tables. Now I suggest you pour water into one glass and milk into the other. Determine which glass the water is in. How did you guess and how did you determine? (The water is clear, but the milk is not.)
And let's see with you, is this true or not? Place 2-3 shells in a glass of water. Are they visible in a glass of water? (yes) Now put the shells in a glass of milk. Can you see them? (no) Now we are convinced that clean water is actually transparent. Is all water transparent (dirty water is never transparent). But what color does water really have? (different answers)
Let's check it out with you. You have multi-colored lids on your tables. You will lower these lids into the water one by one and see which lid color matches the color of the water (perform actions with the lids and observe the result).
Well, guys, did some color fit a cover? (No)
Then what conclusion can we draw with you? Does the water have a color? (No, water has no color.) It is colorless. Look: Droplet smiled a little. She had already learned a little about herself and smiled at that.

Experience number 2. Determination of the taste of water.
Q: Now let's find out if water has a taste? Take the straws and taste the juice first. What's his taste? (delicious, sweet).
That's right, the juice is sweet. Now try the water. What does the water taste like? Does she have a taste? (The water is tasteless. It has no taste.) That's right, guys! Pure water is tasteless.

Experience No. 3. Determination of the smell of water.
Q: Guys, tell me, does the water smell like something? Let's smell the water now and find out if it smells or not (different children's answers). That's right, clean water doesn't smell like anything! Add lemon to the water.
Now guys, sniff the lemon water. Does the water smell? (Is)
Why do you think lemon water smells? (Lemon smells, so the water smells.) That's right, because lemon has a scent. So what can we conclude? Pure water does not smell, and if you add something to it, then the water will smell like what was added to it.

Experience No. 4. Determination of the ability of water to dissolve.
Q: Dip a sugar cube in the water. What's going on with him? (he disappeared, dissolved). Where in life can we observe? (when we put a lump of sugar in tea, it dissolves and becomes sweet). Conclusion: water is a solvent, it can dissolve various substances.
Conclusions: Well done! I see you know a lot about water. Let's remind Kapelka what we learned about her: who needs water and why. And from the experiments we learned about water that it is transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless, can dissolve various substances.

Reflexive - corrective stage:
Q: Guys, Droplet says thank you to everyone for knowing her droplet sisters so well. And gives us magic drops as a keepsake. Just do not forget about the benefits of water and respect for it. (Each child is given a drop)
Q: Thank you Drop, and you guys, thank you for your active and interested work.
Guys, what were we doing interesting today? Whom did you help today? Did we manage to do it? (children's answers)

Target: develop in children cognitive activity, curiosity, interest in experimental activity.


- exercise in the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, develop logical thinking;

- explain the "magic phenomena" from the point of view of chemistry and physics (balloon inflation, blooming flowers in water).

Developing: develop thought processes: attention, thinking, memory.

Educational: foster a desire to help each other in the implementation of a collective task.

Equipment: milk, plastic plates, concentrated food coloring, cotton swabs, liquid soap, soda, vinegar, plasticine for an impromptu volcano crater.

Preliminary work: preparation of a magician's costume, conversation, reading fairy tales about milk.

Course of the lesson


Hello guys. I have come to you to work miracles. Tell me, children, do you like magic?

Children: Yes!


Then I will show you a little magical volcanic eruption. In life, this is a very formidable, dangerous phenomenon of nature. We don't need to worry.

Here is a volcano - this is a mountain,

And inside the mountain there is a hole.

The hum resounded here and there:

The volcano is waking up.

The whole mountain trembled,

Magma ran lava

Don't go there, dear,

Where is the awakened volcano.

Volcano Eruption Experience

An experiment is being conducted of extinguishing soda with vinegar in an impromptu volcano.


So our volcano went out. It turns out that to arrange a "volcanic eruption" it is enough to ask my mother to show how she extinguishes soda with vinegar when she bakes a cake.


Do you also want to become wizards like me?

Children: We want!

Wizard: Then I will teach you all my wisdom. But first, let's guess the riddle:

White water

It will be useful to all of us.

From white water

Do whatever you want:

Cream, Curdled milk,

Butter in our porridge,

Curd for a pie.

Eat, my friend Vanya!

Eat and drink

Pour the guests

And do not regret the cat!

Children: Milk.

Wizard: That's right, children, milk. What animals give milk?

Children: cow, goat, horse, etc.


That's right, guys, and you know that milk contains the magic protein casein - it gives milk its white color. Rabbits have the whitest milk, because there is more of this protein than other animals. And our milk is not simple, if you wave a magic wand, then fancy flowers can grow in it.

Experience "Magic in Milk".

So, pour milk into a plate so that it completely covers the bottom. Let it stand for a while. Now drip food coloring onto the milk in the center of the plate. Then we take a dry cotton swab and touch the milk with it. What happened? That's right, nothing. Now dip another stick in liquid soap and touch, just touch, the milk in the center for 10-15 seconds and watch the "magic in milk".

Wizard: And now guys, each of you will try to become a wizard and repeat this wonderful experience.

Children's activities:

Children independently drip dye into milk, dip the stick in liquid soap and bring it to the milk and observe a miraculous phenomenon: the colors scatter to the sides, forming bizarre patterns.

Wizard: Children, did you enjoy being wizards? Then I will come to visit you again and teach you something else interesting and exciting.

Ekaterina Bachegova
Synopsis of the lesson on experimental and experimental activities in the middle group "Miracle Magnet"

Synopsis of the lesson on experimental and experimental activities in the middle group« Miracle magnet» .

Compiled by the educator of the first qualification category Bachegova E.A. 2015

Target: development of cognitive activity of children in the process of getting to know the properties of magnets.



Formation of knowledge in children about the properties of a magnet (shape, size)

Learn to acquire knowledge through conducting practical experiments, drawing conclusions, generalizations.

Give an idea of ​​the practical significance of the magnet.


The development of the cognitive activity of children.

Development of mental operations, the ability to draw conclusions.

Stimulate the activity of children to resolve a problem situation.


Fostering a sustained interest in research activities.

Developing cooperation skills.

Education of moral qualities: kindness, responsiveness, desire to help others in the course of a joint experimentation.

Methods and techniques used on occupations:

The teacher's verbal story.

Visual slide show.

Practical research activity.

Preliminary work:

Collection creation: "Toys - magnets"

Conversation on the topic; "What is a magnet?"

Di: "Fisherman" viewing a children's encyclopedia.

Vocabulary work: magnet, magnetized.

Material: cups with colored water, metallic and non-metallic objects, "package", aprons,

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Target: Creation of interest in children in subsequent practical activities.

Children enter the hall and stop near the teacher.


Guys, a parcel arrived at our kindergarten today, on which written: "For children middle group» ... In my opinion, this is our group or i am wrong?) Maybe we can open it and see what is there. Yes, there is a letter here, let's read it and find out who sent it. (open the letter)... (song "Fat Carlson" 1 verse). Do you understand who it is from?) (slide). (sound letter)

“Hello dear guys! He is writing to you, Karlson, who lives on the roof. An unusual story happened to me recently. Yesterday I quarreled with one mischievous crow who stole all the shiny objects from me. I swung my stick at her, and she got angry with me. And when I was going to fly to visit the Kid, the crow threw some terrible thing at me. This thing stuck to my motor and it stopped working. I tried to unhook it, but it stuck again. I barely - barely tore it off and sent it to you in a parcel. Help me find out what it is. " Your Carlson.


Are you ready to see what is in this package?) Aren't you scared?)

(looking into "Parcel" and makes a riddle)

It happens small, big,

Iron is very friendly with him,

With him and the blind, of course,

Find a needle in a haystack.

What is it? (magnet)

2. Acquaintance with the properties of a magnet.


Here we have an ordinary magnet.

He keeps many secrets in himself.

Examining a magnet: (standing)

Take it in hand and carefully take a look: What colour is he? What shape? How does it feel? Smooth or Rough? Cold or warm? Hard or soft? Heavy or light? Smell or not? Can you break off a piece from it? (children's answers).

Output: All magnets are smooth; cold; without smell; solid; do not break; magnets come in different sizes (large and small, large are heavy, and small are lighter; they come in different shapes.


Guys, let's go with you experiment with a magnet... But first, let's remember what rules must be followed when conducting experiments?

1. Wear special clothing. (wear aprons)

2. Listen carefully to the adult.

3. Be careful (do not put anything in your mouth.)

Children put on aprons, sit at tables.

Experience 1. "Which magnet is stronger?". (sitting)

Target: determination of the dependence of the force of attraction of a magnet on its magnitude.


Guys, you know that Carlson is very kind and attentive. He loves to give everyone handmade gifts. And he would like to present Freken Bock beads. But he does not know how to make them. Can we help him?) Let's teach Carlson how to make beads using a magnet.

There are 2 magnets on the table: big and small.

Which magnet do you think is stronger than big or small? What magnet will be used to make long beads? …., Short?) Let's check.

(work in pairs)

Paper clips are scattered on the table. Girls take a small magnet and boys take a large one. We bring the magnets to the paper clips.

How many staples did the small magnet attract? (children's answers)

How much the big magnet attracted. (children's answers)

Which magnet attracted more clips? (large magnet)

Which of the magnets is stronger?)

Output: The large magnet is stronger because it attracted more staples.

Test 2: "Does everything attract a magnet?" (standing)

Target: Formation of knowledge that a magnet attracts only metal objects.


Carlson is a famous mischief-maker. At home, he made a real mess, he turned everything upside down and even ruined the furniture. He needs help again. If you help Carlson put things in order, he will be grateful to you.

1 table: Carlson needs to buy new furniture, but the trouble is - money mixed with buttons. They need to be separated.

2table: And you need to put things in order in the boxes with constructors- metal and plastic.

3table: You need help to put things in order in the kitchen - Carlson mixed the beans with paper clips.

How can you separate some objects from others? What are you going to do? ….) Think, with the help of what you can do it faster? (use magnet)

Proceed (the teacher comes up in turn to subgroups children and checks them).

And now we are checking.

1 table (children's answers).

(slide) Right!

2 table: - What objects are attracted to the magnet? (children's answers)... Right!

3 table: - What objects are attracted to the magnet? (children's answers). (slide) Right!

Why are they magnetized?) What are they made of?) What are they? (children's answers) .

And what objects were not magnetically attached to the magnet? (children's answers)-

Output: The magnet only attracts metal objects.

3. Physical education minute.

Are you tired? Making scientific discoveries is not easy, so there are rest breaks in laboratories.


Target: To consolidate ideas about the properties of a magnet, the development of attention.

The teacher names the object and stretches out his hands to the children. Children reach out to the caregiver if the object is attracted by a magnet. If not, they hide their hands behind their backs. (ball, bell, pin, etc.) .

Educator: Let's continue our magic experiments?

Experience 3. "The action of a magnet through other materials". (sitting)

Target: Determination of the ability of a magnet to attract some objects through others.


Guys, do you know what Carlson loves? (jam)... He also loves delicious and sweet compote. But the mischievous crow threw paper clips or washers there. Here, take a look. (the teacher puts glasses of tinted water on the tables and "Rubbish"). Who knows how we can get them out of there?) We don't have a spoon, the crow took it away; to climb into the glass with your hands - it's not beautiful and you don't want to.) Well, can't you? ….) And I can help you with this. You need to lean the magnet against the glass at the level of a paper clip.

After the paper clip is close to the glass wall, slowly move the magnet up. The paper clip will move behind the magnet and can be easily removed without getting your hands wet.

Children try on their own.

What can we say (children's answers)

Output: The magnet can magnetize through glass and water.

4. The practical significance of the magnet. (standing)

Target: Formation of knowledge of children about the use of magnet by people.

- Educator:

Do you know in what objects people use a magnet)

The magnet helps people to quickly remove unnecessary iron debris. (slide)

Make plastic cards (slide,

disks (slide)

People make from a magnet decorations: earrings, bracelets, rings, beads (slide)

And the magnet is also used to make toys, games for children, fridge magnets, and magnetic alphabet. (slide)

This is how a person uses a magnet widely in everyday life.


Did you guys like doing experiments?

What new have you learned about the properties of a magnet?

Why did the magnet cling to Carlson's motor?) And of course Carlson needs to make peace and make friends with the crow.

And also, Carlson leaves you with his portraits and these magnets as a gift. They can be examined group and learn what objects can be magnetized.

Lyubov Mikhailova
Synopsis of experimental activities in the middle group

Target: develop the child's cognitive interest in the process of experimenting with water.


Cognition: To generalize the knowledge of children about the purpose of water in our life, to carry out simple experiments with water. Identify substances that dissolve and do not dissolve in water. To consolidate the properties of water in the process of research activities.

Educational: Develop curiosity, logical thinking.

Communication: Expand and activate vocabulary.

Health: To consolidate the importance of water in human life.

Socialization: To form partnerships among children in the process of research activities.

Vocabulary work: Water, liquid, colorless, transparent, experiment, solvent, solution, laboratory.

Equipment and material: Cups, plates, spoons, oilcloths according to the number of children, sugar, river sand, colorful paints, laptop.

The course of direct educational


Look at our guests today. Let's say hello to the guests and everything that surrounds us:

Hello sky (hands up)

Hello earth (squat)

Hello air (spread their arms to the sides)

Hello water (hands swimming)

Hello my friends (hands forward)

One, two, three, four, five (folds in fingers)

Together we are in a circle again (join hands)

Let's play together

Travel again.


Do you guys like to travel? Then listen to me carefully and do -

Turn right, left

Spin around you

Find yourself in the laboratory.

So we found ourselves in a real scientific laboratory. You will be researchers.

(we put on aprons)

Let's remember the rules of conduct in the laboratory.

Do not make noise - this is how we interfere with others.

Listen to the teacher.

Handle the dishes carefully - remember, glass can break and cut yourself.

Closely monitor the result of the experiment.

After completing the observation, draw a conclusion.


Guys, look, our "Droplet" is already waiting for us, it wants to acquaint you with the new properties of water and to do experiments with you.

Guess the riddle: It looks colorless

But (water) will quench our thirst.

Where is the water?

(water is everywhere: in the ground, in the air, in every plant, in every animal and in the human body there is also water)

Who needs water and why? (slides)

Let's remember with you what we know about water? What is she like?

(liquid, transparent, tasteless, odorless)

What shape is the water?

(water has no form, it takes the form of the vessel in which it is located.)

"Droplet" asks - would you like to know what other properties water has? You are ready? Then let's go!

Experience No. 1 "Water - solvent"

On the table is a saucer with granulated sugar and a glass of water. Take a glass of water, add two tablespoons of granulated sugar. What do you see? (sugar dissolves)

Conclusion: Sugar dissolves quickly in water, the solution remains transparent

Experience number 2

On the table is a saucer with river sand, a glass of water. Take a glass of water and two tablespoons of river sand. What happened?

(river sand did not dissolve)

Conclusion: The sand gave the water a brown color, the water became dirty, the sand did not dissolve, but slowly settles to the bottom.

There are breaks in the laboratory. And there is a break in our laboratory too.

Physical education:

Stretching the lower back, we will not rush

Turn right, left, look back at your neighbor

To get even smarter, we will slightly twist our neck

One and two, one and two - my head was spinning

1,2,3,4,5, we need to stretch our legs (squat)

Finally, everyone knows how to always walk in place

There is some benefit from the warm-up, so it's time to sit down.

Educator: What kind of water would you like to drink?

(Clean. You need to drink only clean water, and you cannot drink dirty water.)

Educator: Right guys! Let's all together try to purify dirty water. What do I need to do?

(He listens to the proposal of the children.)

Experience number 3 "Water can take on its color"

On the table are multi-colored paints, a glass of water, an eyedropper.

Take a dropper and any paint, drop it into water. What happened to the water?

Conclusion: Water dissolved the paints, what kind of paint was dissolved, this color turned out. This means that water is a solvent and can change its color.

Experience No. 4 "Water can be purified"

Now we will filter the water, we will purify it.

Equipment: funnel, glass, cotton pads.

Conclusion: Water can be purified with filters that you can make yourself. But you can't drink this water, you can water flowers with it.

Outcome: Dear researchers, having done the experiments, tell "Droplet", what have we learned about water?

(There are substances that dissolve in water, there are substances that do not dissolve in water. Water can be purified using filters)

Is it possible to drink the water that we purified?

What did you like the most today?

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion is always!

We can't wash our face without her,

Do not eat, do not get drunk.

I dare to report to you

We cannot live without water!

Droplet and I invite everyone to enjoy the song of water. (listening to the sounds of water)

Abstract of an open lesson on experimental activities in the middle group on the topic : "Magic Water".

Target : to promote the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

Software content:improve the knowledge of children about the importance of water in the life of humans, plants, animals (water is the source of life and health, about the properties of water(transparent, tasteless, odorless, shapeless).



  • formation of ideas about the properties of water in children;
  • clarification and expansion of the vocabulary of children about the properties of water and its meaning.

Correctional and developmental:

  • the development of dialogical speech in children;
  • development of general and fine motor skills.


  • the formation of cognitive interest, activity, curiosity.
  • friendly attitude to the environment, to each other.

Preliminary work: watching a video about the meaning of water on Earth, reading N. Ryzhova's poem “You've heard of water» reading poems and proverbs about water.

Material and equipment:

Dunno (aprons with oversleeves for each child, a flat toy made of cardboard, a houseplant in a pot, a watering can, plastic containers, napkins, mugs and plates from children's dishes for each child, delivery, paints (gouache, brushes, sugar, lemon juice, pebbles , cutlery (small spoon, drops for each child).

Course of the lesson:

Introductory part.

Organizing time.

Educator ... Guys, let's stand in a circle, join hands and smile at each other to create a good mood.

All the children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands together

And we will smile at each other.

And in order to learn a lot of new and interesting things, you need to be attentive, not make noise, not shout out, hear each other, answer the questions of the teacher. Sit on chairs and listen carefully to the riddle.

To rain from the sky

So that ears of bread grow

For ships to sail

So that jelly is cooked,

So that there is no trouble -

We cannot live without(water).

Children . Water.

Educator. Right.

Tell me why do we need water?

Children. We need water in order to drink, wash, wash dishes, cook food, be healthy.

Educator. Right. Well done.

Who else needs water?

Children. Plants, fish, animals, birds need water.

Educator: - Yes, that's right, to birds and plants, etc.

Educator. Guys, Dunno came to visit us today and brought a houseplant as a gift, but something happened to the houseplant and Dunno doesn't know how to help him and asks you guys for help. Let's help Dunno?

Children. Yes!

Educator. Children, come closer and look at the houseplant. What happened to him?

Children. The plant dries up, dies.

Educator. Why does the plant dry up?

Children. The plant is thirsty.

Educator. And what do the plants drink?

Children. Plants drink water.

Educator. Guys, what do we have to do?

Children. Water the plant.

Educator ... That's right, the plant needs to be watered. Come on, Vanya M. and Vika S. will water the plant.

(Children water a houseplant from a watering can).

Educator. Well done boys. I think you helped Dunno and saved the houseplant. In the meantime, the houseplant drinks water and comes to life, I suggest that you go to the children's laboratory and find out what else is new and interesting in water. And we will find out by conducting experiments.

(magic music sounds)

But first, let's remember what rules must be followed when conducting experiments?

(wear aprons and cuffs)

3. Be careful(do not put anything in your mouth.)

Educator: Now we close our eyes and repeat with me

1,2,3 magic come soon!

(the teacher puts on a robe and glasses with a wizard's cap)

Main part :

Educator. Guys, go to the tables. (An apron and arm ruffles hang on the back of each chair, helps to dress the assistant teacher). And put on aprons and imagine that you are wizards and now we will conduct experiments with water.

Take your seats, sit nicely, your backs are straight, your legs are straight. Educator: Guys, the experiments will be with water, so be careful and careful not to splash.

Experience number 1 "Water has no taste"

Educator. Guys, now take the glass of water on your right and try the water. What does it taste like?

Children. She has no taste.

Educator. Now let's try to change the taste of water with a white substance.(shows the children refined sugar).

Place a piece of white matter in a glass of water. Take a small spoon on the serving tray and stir the water. Taste the water.

What kind of water did it taste like?

Children. The water became sweet.

Educator. What kind of white substance did you put in the water?

Children . Sugar.

Educator. That's right, this substance is called sugar, and it changed the taste of water.

Well done. So, let's conclude that water has no taste.

Educator: Guys, if you and I put salt in the water, what kind of water will it taste like?

Children: Salty

Experience number 2 "Water has no smell".

Educator. Guys, tell me, when your mom bakes pies, rolls, prepares a delicious dinner for you, do you smell an appetizing smell?

Children. Yes!

Educator. Take glasses of water and bring them to your nose and smell the water.

Educator. Tell me, does the water smell?

Children. No. The water is odorless.

Educator. Let's change the smell of water. Now I will drop a drop of fruit juice into a glass of water for everyone. What changed?

Children. The water smells like lemon.

Educator. Guys, what happened to the lemon juice?

Children. The lemon juice has dissolved.

Educator. Right. Lemon juice dissolved in water, andthe water has acquired a smell

Experiment No. 3 "Clear water"

Educator ... Guys, there is a pebble on the right on the spreader. Take a pebble with your right hand and dip it into a glass of water. What happened?

Children. The stones fell to the bottom.

Educator. Are the stones visible in the water?

Children. Yes, we see them.

Educator. And what do you think? Why do we see them?

Children. Because the water is clear.

Educator. That's right, the conclusion is that the water is clear. Well done.

Phys. a minute.

Educator. Now let's take a little rest and do the exercise. Stand in a circle. (Then the children pronounce the text and perform movements along the text of the poem).

We must, we must wash ourselves,

Where is the pure water here?

We will open the crane shh

My hands s-s

My cheeks, three neck

And pour some water.

Well done boys. Go to your seats, sit comfortably.

Experience No. 4 "Water solvent".

Educator. Guys, I also know one very interesting experience with water. For this we need paints and brushes. Take a brush in your right hand and draw any paint on the brush and dip it into the water. What happened to the water?

Children. The water has changed color.

Educator. What color did the water become?

Children. Red, green, yellow, blue, etc.

Educator. Why did the water turn red, yellow, blue?

Children. The paint dissolved in the water, and the water became multi-colored.

Educator. Right ... The water has changed color because the paint is in it


Well done.

Experience No. 5 "Water has no shape."

Educator: The guys are on your table, I suggest pouring plates and cups

a glass of water into these items.Does water have a form?

Children: No

Educator: What happened to the water?

(children make their own conclusion)

Educator: It takes the form of the container in which the water is poured,

That is, it can easily change shape.Conclusion - Water has no form.


Guys, guess the riddle.

In the warmth, he was water.

The bridge turned into a transparent frost.

Children: Ice

Educator: That's right, it's ice.

(the teacher brings in a bowl of ice, in which the beads are frozen).

Educator: Guys, last night I dropped the bracelet into a puddle and it broke, the beads crumbled. At night, frost froze a puddle, the water turned into ice. Help me get them out of the ice! How can I do that?

Children: put ice in warm water, put a cup with pieces of ice on the battery.

(The teacher helps to do conclusions : at home you can melt the ice in the warmth, heat it over a fire, put it in hot water).

Experience No. 6 " Melting ice in water "

Educator: And we will put all the pieces of ice in a cup of warm water and see what happens to the pieces of ice.

Educator: Guys, what happened to the ice.Under what conditions did the ice melt faster?

Children: Turned into water.

(The conclusion is made by children: the ice melted faster in hot water.)

Educator: Thank you guys, all my beads can be reassembled into a bracelet! You were able to return them to me!

Did you guys enjoy being wizards?

Children. Yes!

Final part.

Educator. I believe that you were real wizards and I want youask, as real wizards, what did we talk about today? Tell about this not only to me, but also to our guest Dunno.

Children. We talked about water today.

Educator. Why do we need water?

Children. Drink, water the plants, wash, etc.

Educator. Who else needs water?

Children. Plants, insects, animals, fish, birds, people.

Educator. Yes, I agree with you. Everything is correct.

Educator. Guys, what were you doing in the children's lab now?

Children. Experiments were carried out.

Educator. What were these experiments?

Children. Experiments with water.

Educator. What have you learned from the experiences?

Children. That water is clear, tasteless, odorless, water dissolves substances.

Educator: Well done. Well Dunno, did you remember everything what the guys were talking about? I think Dunno listened to you attentively and learned a lot about water.

Educator. Guys, because you were curious, active today, you learned a lot of interesting things about water, conducted experiments with water, from which you learned that water dissolves substances, has no color, taste, or smell. Therefore, I want to give you talismans in the form of a magic droplet, because the water is really magical. Let this drop remind you of its magical power, and also that we must protect every drop of water, use it with care.

Educator: Guys, let's go back to the houseplant and see what happens to it. Do you think the flower comes to life?

Children. Yes!

Educator. I think so too. Leaves, stems rose noticeably.

Dunno, the guys helped you, saved the houseplant and you already know how to care for the plant, it must be watered, otherwise it will die. Dunno thanks you for your help and says goodbye to you. Let's also tell Dunno. Goodbye! Until next time!

Summary of a lesson on experimenting in the middle group on the topic: « Magic laboratory»

Integration of educational areas : cognitive, speech, social

communicative development.

Target : Acquaintance with the properties of a magnet.

Tasks :

1. To form ideas about the properties of a magnet, about its features to attract.

2. Learn to separate magnetic objects, from non-magnetic, using a magnet.

3. Learn to solve cognitive andexperimental tasks through experiences.

4. Develop cognitive interest in children.

5. Improve mental processes(memory, attention, develop logical thinking).

6. To cultivate kindness, responsiveness, respect for your comrades, to cultivate interest inexperimentation, cultivate accuracy when working with a magnet, cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around us, a desire to explore it in all available ways.

Speech development : Enrich children's vocabulary.(Magnet, magnetic, plastic, wood, glass, paper).

Preliminary work: experiments with a magnet, games with a magnetic board and magnetic letters, research activities at home"What attracts a magnet?"

Material and equipment: magnets for each, paper clips, nails, plates for each child. Wooden, plastic, iron, rubber, paper, small toys. Two baskets for each table. Thick sheet of paper. Glasses of water, a tall transparent jug of water. A thread.

An envelope with a letter.

Stroke directlyeducational activities

Children are included in the group , greet, stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And we will smile at each other.

Educator : Guys, look, someone sent us a letter, let's

read it! Answers children: Come on!

Educator: (opens envelope, takes out a letter, reads): "A needle from

the well will be reached by the one who is inlaboratories will find the answer».

Educator : I don't understand. What about you guys? Do you want to figure out what

going on here?

Children's answers: Yes!

Educator : To overcome any difficulties, you and I need to become

one command. To do this, join hands and wish each other good luck,

feel the warmth of your comrade.

Let's say together: "Team, go ahead!"

Children together: "Team, go ahead!"

Educator : I suggest you go tomagic laboratory!

(music sounds). (The teacher changes into wizard).

One two Three - magic come soon

Guys look at thismagic laboratory... And today we

let's get acquainted with one subject. But with which one, you try to guess.

I'll make a guess for you now riddle:

He is not a magician or a wizard, but he is very famous:

Only when he sees him, the nail will fly to him,

It will instantly stick to it - it's hard to tear it off!

You tear off the nail, and it sticks again -

This is such an attractive ... Magnet.


Here we have an ordinary magnet.

He keeps many secrets in himself.

Guys, what do you think, what secrets does the magnet keep in itself?

(Properties that we can learn - examining a magnet).

(children's answers) : What colour is he? What shape? How does it feel?

Smooth or Rough? Cold or warm? Hard or soft?

Heavy or light? Smell or not? Can you break off a piece from it?

Educator : So what conclusion will we draw - the magnets are smooth, cold,

odorless, solid, do not break. Magnets come in different sizes

(large and small, large are heavy, and small are lighter, they are

different shapes.

Guys, let'sexperiment with a magnet... But first, let's remember

what rules must be followed when conducting experiments?

1. Wear special clothing.(wear aprons)

2. Listen carefully to the adult.

3. Be careful(do not put anything in your mouth.)

Educator : Guys, how can we find out which objects are friends with a magnet, and

what no? What needs to be done?(children's answers) .Experience No. 1 Magnetic objects from plates.

Educator : Guys, tell me, what objects were attracted by the magnet?

What can you say about these items? What material are they made of?

Children : They are all made of metal.

Educator : Put all the objects that were attracted by the magnet in the empty

basket. (put) What items did we put in the basket? (Which

attracted a magnet).

There are objects in the plates that the magnet did not attract, give them

consider. (Consider)

Educator : What material are the items left from? (from plastic, from

wood, glass, rubber, leather, paper). What can be said about this?

Children : The magnet does not attract plastic, wood, glass, leather, paper.

Educator : So what conclusion will we draw?

Children : The magnet only attracts metal objects.

Educator : Oh, who is this coming to us?

(Mashenka appears).

Educator : Hello Mashenka, what happened? Why are you so


Masha : How can I not be sad. I lost the envelope in which the answer

was how can I find minemagic needle... Stole Baba Yaga

a needle, and hid it somewhere. And without a needle, neither a tablecloth can be embroidered, nor

dresses are not sewn. I do not know what to do.

Educator : Don't be sad, Mashenka, we found an envelope with a letter, here it is.

(Mashenka takes the envelope, reads the letter.)

Masha : But it doesn't say how to get my needle out of the deep

well with water.

Educator : Guys, let's think about how we can help


Children's answers (scoop out water with a bucket, pump out)

Educator : Can a magnet help us?

Children : (yes let's try)

Experience number 2 "Magnet and nut in water".

Educator : Let's check it out. Throw a nut into a glass of water, and then

use a magnet to try to get it out of the water. Guys, how did you manage

get the nut?

Children : the magnet attracted her.

Educator : That's right, well done.

Tell me, are the properties of a magnet preserved in water?

Children : Saved. And in the water, the magnet attracts objects.

Masha : But the well is deep - not a glass, but a small magnet, how

to get a needle from the bottom with it? Experience №3"Fishing rod" .

Children discuss, come to the conclusion that it is necessary to tie a rope to

magnet and lower it into the well. One of the guys conducts the experiment on the table by


Masha : Many thanks for the help! Would you like with me

play, warm up?(warm-up, music).

Mashenka thanks for the help, leaves in search of her

needles. (Children say goodbye to Mashenka).

Experience number 4 "Get the paperclip out of the water without getting your hands and the magnet wet.".

Educator : Guys, now a new task, think and tell me how

remove the paper clip from the glass so as not to get your hands or the magnet wet. How

do it? Who will tell us?(try to attach a magnet to the glass).

Children : The magnet also attracts objects through the glass

Experiment # 4"Dancing Paperclip".

Educator : I'll show you the trick now"Dancing Paperclip"

(Paperclip on thick paper, magnet under the paper).

Educator : Why is she dancing?

Children : The magnet attracts.

Educator : Not only through glass, but also through wood, water, cardboard,

the magnet attracts metal objects.


(Summarizing): Let's once again remember what we learned today in

the course of the experiments.

(children's answers)

Educator : You guys did a good job today. You are great, let's

slap ourselves! I thank you for your cooperation. With your friends

subjects. (Magnet, magnetic, plastic, wood,

glass, paper).

Now let's say goodbye tomagic laboratory and return to


One two Three - magic come soon!

Children say goodbye to guests