Why Easter is celebrated in different dates each. Why is Easter celebrated at different times? Why Easter in different days is celebrated in different years

One of the greatest Orthodox holidays is Easter. Date it is constantly changing. It is known that it directly depends on the lunar-solar calendar. Each year, experts calculate the date of Easter according to the special formula.

Many people do not understand why Easter changes, or rather her date annually changes annually. Easter - Great Orthodox holiday. Orthodox celebrate her for the next Sunday after a Catholic Easter.

Every year the date of this bright holiday is changing. Many people do not understand at all, the date of Easter depends on. After all, sometimes it is celebrated in March, and sometimes in May. Obviously, scientists are counting on the date of the Catholic Easter, and the date of the Orthodox holiday is determined automatically, because the holiday comes exactly a week after the Verbal Sunday.

Some people think that these dates are somehow connected with Christmas or other Orthodox and Catholic holidays. But it is completely wrong. In order to find out the exact date of the holiday in each specific calendar year, there are certain formulas. Scientists are counting on them the time of the full moon.

The first Sunday after the full moon, which comes after March 20, and will be the date of Easter. The time of the onset of the Great Post is calculated later. To calculate, you need to count in the opposite direction from the date of Easter exactly 40 days. For Orthodox people, this bright holiday is of great importance. He is the end of the Great Post.

On this day, people congratulate each other and rejoice in the resurrection of Christ. It is known that it is on about 40 days after the start of the post, Christ is risen, about which it became known to all believers. There are many customs that people must be observed for Easter. For example, this day is customary to cover the table and call friends and acquaintances on lunch. At the meeting, people should kiss each other three times on the cheek and pronounce the words "Christ Risen!".

Easter in April is considered early if it comes from the first numbers of the month. If Easter falls at the end of April or the beginning of May, she is late. Scientists assure that it is impossible to predict what exactly Easter will have to predict.

On the question of why the date of Easter is changing, can answer astronomers without much difficulty. It is they who calculate the holiday date annually. In 2014, Orthodox Christians will celebrate Easter on April 20. Believers are preparing for this day in advance. Hospipes bake cakes, preparing Easter treats, paint chicken eggs.

The custom of painting eggs at Easter has appeared for a very long time. People with great pleasure prepared for the holiday, to then surprise familiar and friends with bright and colorful souvenirs. Among believers, it is customary to exchange paint eggs and Easter herbs with their friends and acquaintances. Previously, the mistresses painted eggs exclusively onion husk.

To date, there are a lot of food dyes and special stencils, with which you can make eggs very original. Such Easter gifts will definitely cause delight among all familiar and relatives. In modern stores, special departments begin to appear shortly before Easter, which sells only Easter products.

It can be dyes for eggs, stencils, various kits decoration, molds. It is very convenient, as each mistress gets the opportunity to purchase everything in one place, without looking for shopping the goods that she needs. If there are small children in the family, you can make funny souvenirs specifically for them.

You can even attract crafts or sweet surprises themselves. It will be very interesting to participate in the preparation for the holiday. Special delight causes them to baking either cakes and egg decoration. Older children love to offer their ideas that can be very original and deserving a certain attention.

To find out when there is Easter, you can look into a special calendar. As a rule, all dates over the past years are indicated, as well as a few years ahead. It is impossible to find regularity in these numbers.

Together with the date of the celebration of Easter, the dates of celebrating some of the Orthodox holidays are changing. For example, the Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. Before bright Sunday, people celebrate a passion week. During this period, believers must adhere to all prohibitions associated with the post, especially strictly.

It is especially important not to sin on Good Friday. Some Orthodox Christians are practically not eaten on this day, but only pray. It is believed that purity in the house, as well as all work related to cleaning, should be carried out in pure Thursday.

Friday is no longer worth performing any work. In the evening, on Thursday, people go to church, from where they bring a fertile fire in the lamps. With this fire you need to go around the house clockwise and read the prayer. It is believed that in this way you can clear your dwelling from the evil forces and bring good energy to it.

Such a rite is especially important for those people who wish to preserve the world in the family or improve the relationship between the most relatives and loved ones. After Easter, people celebrate the most grateful and light week a year. It is believed that this time is favorable in order to play weddings, baptize children.

Throughout the week, people go to church and pray to God. Easter is the end of the Great Post, so many people gladly celebrate this event. For some post it becomes a large test and at its end they experience this relief.

As a rule, believers are trying to negone kulchi a few days ahead, to enjoy their taste all week. In the old days they were baked by special recipes, thanks to which Kirichi retired freshness for a long time and were unusually tasty.

Easter - Great Orthodox holiday. On this day, all believers congratulate each other, give each other small gifts and invite for lunch. On the table it is customary to put a lot of dishes, including traditional.

If our grandmothers clearly understood when the bright resurrection would be celebrated, then we will learn about it from the Internet. And we are very surprising, why Christmas, Annunciation, Savior are celebrated every year on the same day, and Easter celebrations change every year. Why does it depend and how to calculate it?

Why we celebrate Easter on different days

There is no longer and one for all religions. Rule: Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon. And the first full moon follows the day of spring equinox - March 22.

IMPORTANT.There are two exceptions from the united rule of the celebration of Light Sunday:

The first full moon falls on Sunday - Easter is transferred to the following;
. Christian Easter is not celebrated in one day with Jewish.

Weiently focus on the lunar calendar, which is 354 days (in Sunny - 365 or 366 days, if the year is leap). It is also important to understand that the lunar month consists of 29.5 days, thus the full moon occurs every 29 days.

It turns out that the first full moon after the day of the spring equinox (March 21) comes on different days, therefore the date of the celebration of Easter is shifted.

IMPORTANT. Since the day of the spring equinox comes on the night from 21 to March 22, Easter is celebrated not earlier than April 4 and no later than May 8th.

Definition of the date of Easter Celebration by Formula

This simple formula suggested Karl Gauss in the early 19th century:

1. year (his number), in which you need to know the date of the Great Day is divided into 19. The residue \u003d a

2. The number of years is divided by 4 \u003d in

3. The number of years is divided by 7 \u003d C

4. (19 * A + 15): 30 \u003d number, and the residue \u003d D

5. (2 * B + 4 * C + 6 * D + 6): 7 \u003d number. Residue \u003d E.

6. D + E<= 9, то Пасха будет в марте + 22 дня, если >then in April: the resulting number is 9

Why is Easter celebrate in different days in different religions

For a long time, calls to celebrate the Catholic and Orthodox Easter in one day, because these churches produce sovereign for different calendars (Orthodox - in Juliansky, and Catholics - in the Grigorian).

In 2017 - an exception, and Easter, we celebrate in one day - 16 April. But how will it be in 2018 and further.

The reason for such a difference goes in the distant 325 year, when the first universal cathedral decided the rule of calculus of the Easter Day: in Rome (at Catholics) - a spring equinox on March 18, in Alexandria (Orthodox) - March 21.

IMPORTANT.With the Jewish Easter (Pesh), everything is much simpler: it always comes annually on the 15th day of the month of Nisan. This is the date of the exodus of Jews from Egypt, and the beginning of the month in the Lunar calendar of Jews is the new moon, lasts the lunar month - 28 days.

In fact, the answer is quite simple - it happened historically. And also because it should traditionally fall on Sunday. But alas, the number 365 is not divided by 7, so the dates of the resurrection are also shifted. That's just not so simple. Therefore, the site will tell you why Easter is celebrated in different days

A small historical excursion

What is Easter at all and how could people be determined when she had to be celebrated? All this is described in detail in the Bible. Yet more efficient source of information relating to early Christian traditions, not found. And according to this data, Jesus Christ was captured, convicted and executed immediately after the celebration of the Jewish holiday of Paisies dedicated to the care of Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.

That's just this holiday was not tied to a sunny calendar, but to the lunar, so I also shifted every year. But what prevented Christians to just cling to this pace and celebrate Easter next Sunday after him? The answer is simple - attitude towards the Jews.

Alas, despite general historical and religious roots, these two religions could not exist peacefully. Therefore, to bind the bright holiday of the resurrection of the Son of God to something, the Jewish no one wanted.

Why is Easter celebrated in different days?

And at the first universal cathedral from 325, when all prominent Christian figures gathered to finally share joint efforts, which are dogmas of Christianity, the main holidays, the particularities of worship and other, the issue of Easter celebrations is also discussed.

And it was decided that it should be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first noving, coming after the spring equinox. Moreover, if the full moon falls on Sunday, it is not considered, and Easter will fall on the following.

So. Spring equinox, we also have a floating - most often falls on 20, 21 and 22 March. Full moon, again, floating. The lunar calendar with sunny in principle weakly coincides. That's why Easter can be celebrated from April 4, ending on May 8. In 2018, for example, this event will be April 8th. And next 2019 - 28 April.

However, the disputes about the celebration of Easter did not end. In 664 there was a real conflict between the Christians of the city of Whitby, whose Easter was made to celebrate from 14 to 22 lunar day, albeit on Sunday, and official church authorities. The dispute ended in favor of the orthodox tradition, the local one had to obey.

We also believe that you would be interested to know why they also do not always celebrate Easter in one day. Except for 2025 - then the dates of Easter will coincide again.

In a Christian tradition, there is a special technique that will help any believer to learn how to calculate the date of Easter. But even after studying special tables, there may be questions.

Why is Easter always falls on different days, how is the day of the holiday calculated? All answers to your questions are in this article.

Easter calendar

The system by which it is customary to determine the date of the bright Sunday is called Easter. Nowadays, the Orthodox and Catholic Church use different Pellera due to differences in calendars.

The Russian Church calculates the days of the holidays in the old style - the Julian calendar, created in 45 BC. e.

There are different methods for calculating, but the people it is customary to use the method, open in the XIX century. Nowadays, it is very easy to know the day of the celebration, simply by contacting tables with already ready-made data.

For example, below you can find the dates of the Catholic and Orthodox Easter and Pescha, calculated until 2033.

Why Easter every year on different days

Initially, the date of the Christian Easter depended on Pescha, the Jewish Easter. Jews came to Egypt in the XVIII century BC. e. And they were welcomed by residents of the country. However, the unfortunate people changed to the throne of the dynasty.

Long three hundred years of their work was mercilessly exploited, and only in the middle of the 13th century BC. e. By the will of God, they were able to leave the state. Since then, the outcome is widely celebrated by Jews in Pesach.

On the same day, many centuries later, Jesus Christ was crucified. This happened 14 Nisana (corresponds to March and April in the Gregorian calendar), with a full moon, immediately after the spring equinox. On the third day, named after this event Sunday, Jesus Christ returned to life, i.e. resurrected.

Until IV century Easter was celebrated in two days: some noted her 14 nisans in memory of the outcome, others - in the first after the 14th Sunday. In 325, the first universal cathedral came to the conclusion that it was necessary to choose a single date, and it was decided to celebrate Easter after the Jewish.

However, the split, which happened in 1054, led to the emergence of an independent Roman Catholic church, which from 1582 began to use the Gregorian calendar. The ROC continues to celebrate Easter in Julian Souluscript.

How the date is calculated

In 325, the first Nicene Cathedral set a single day of Easter celebration, and also brought certain rules for which the date is calculated.

According to these prescriptions, the holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday with the onset of the full moon, on the day of the spring equinox or after it. At the same time, the Christian celebration should not have been celebrated before Padach. If these two events coincided, waited for a new full moon.

Thus, Easter cannot step earlier than April 4 and later on May 8 in a new style.

Date calculations are a rather complicated and time consuming process that requires a high level of astronomical knowledge. Traditionally, this was engaged in the Alexandria Church, which could compute the Easter full moon with high accuracy, and then reported the results to the rest of the churches.

How to determine the date of Easter

There are more simple ways to calculate the date of the Orthodox Easter, of which the method of German mathematics of the XIX century Karl Gauss is most popular.

With these formulas, you can find out the date of Easter for any year.

For this, the number of year is divided into 19, 4 and 7. To make the calculations more understandable, we denote the first residue of the letter "A", the second - "b", and the third - "C". The next step is to find the residue from (19 * A + 15) \\ 30. The result of this calculation will be called the letter "D". The remainder of the last equation (2 * b + 4 * C + 6 * D + 6) \\ 7 will be presenting in the form of the letter E.

If the sum D and E will be less or equal to 9, then the holiday falls on March. To determine Easter Day for March, you need to add to 22 the value D and E. If the amount is greater than 9, then it is necessary to subtract 9, and it will be Easter Day for April. Since in 1918 a new calendar style was established in Russia, 13 should be added to the result.

You can approximately identify the day of the holiday by referring 48 days from the start of the Great Post.

Dates of Orthodox and Catholic Easter from 2019 to 2033

Year Catholic Easter Orthodox Easter
2019 The 21st of April April 28.
2020 April 12th April 19.
2021 April, 4 May 2
2022 April 17. April 24th
2023 April 9. April 16.
2024 March 31 5 May
2025 20 April
2026 April 5 April 12th
2027 March 28. May 2
2028 April 16.
2029 April 1 April 8.
2030 The 21st of April April 28.
2031 April 13.
2032 March 28. May 2
2033 April 17. April 24th

Easter is one of the oldest and most revered Christian holidays. In this bright day, believers celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, and the end of the strict post. Tired

All holidays in the calendar are celebrated at a certain time. Only Easter each year comes in different ways. Usually, she comes on the Sunday of March, April and less than May. And we will try to understand why Easter is celebrated at different times every year. The fact is that this date is connected directly with the Jewish calendar and with the ancient Jews.

Why is Easter Date Always Different?

The fact is that the death of the Savior accounted for the old Easter of that time. It was a holiday dedicated to the Jews of the Land promised. He was directly connected with the Old Testament.

At the same time, the date of such a holiday was noted in the first full moon after the day of the spring equinox. In general, at that time a lot was associated with the cycle of the movement of the moon. For example, every new moon was the beginning of a new month.

And since the lunar cycle is always different, then an ancient holiday, like many other dates, eternally displaced. Therefore, our holiday involuntarily attached to the then summer and became overgoing.

When exactly celebrated Easter?

If we talk simple and understandable, our Easter with you should be celebrated a little later than the first full moon after the spring equinox. It is customary to do this: It is calculated when the first full moon after the equinox will be, and the coming weekend are made precisely festive.

At the same time, if the first full moon falls on Sunday, then Easter is the following resurrection. After all, our Savior only died with a full moon after an equinox. But he was risen only in a couple of days. Therefore, it is impossible that the full moon is later or during Easter.

According to a new style, this holiday may have for the period of March 22 and until May 8. In this case, such a cycle is 532 years. That is, from the moment of the arrival of the Savior, several cycles have already changed all possible dates of this celebration.

Easter date in other countries

Catholics and Protestants use the Gregorian calendar in order to calculate the resurrection date of Jesus. Therefore, they all shifted a little. In the West countries, the gap, when such a celebration occurs, is March 22 - April 25.

But sometimes their counts and our coincide. Then Easter is celebrated at the same time. But that rarely happens.

In general, it is difficult to say whether the day is exactly calculated with the day when the Savior really resurrected. But this is not the main thing. After all, such a holiday should combine hearts and make people a little kinder.

The Lord himself called every year to arrange a special dinner in honor of him in order to liberate from sins. Yes, and the word "Easter" itself is translated as relief or cleansing.