Clean pearls at home. How to clean pearls at home and keep their natural charm for decades. How to clean rings and earrings

Since pearls contain only 2% water, with a lack of water, pearls lose their luster over time and may begin to delaminate. Excess moisture also negatively affects - it becomes cloudy and loses its natural luster.

Pearls are "afraid" of 4 things:

  1. Very bright light.
  2. Elevated temperature.
  3. High humidity.
  4. Dust.

What should be the proper care of pearls at home?

Even ordinary household dust that settles on pearls and can leave micro-scratches on it, which will lead to a loss of luster. Therefore, it must be stored in a box upholstered inside with something soft. In addition, it is advisable to keep it separate from other jewelry.

You should not put on pearls immediately after leaving the bathroom. As already mentioned, high humidity has a bad effect on pearls. Moreover, you should not wear it in rainy weather. Indeed, in addition to moisture, pearls are also exposed to acid, which eventually corrodes the mother-of-pearl shell and pearls lose their luster and “melt”.

If you are planning a trip to hot countries, then you should not take pearl jewelry with you. Under the influence of the bright sun, pearls also fade and lose their luster. In addition, far from home, it will be difficult for you to properly clean the pearls and the jewelry as a whole on your own.

We offer you simple and effective ways to clean pearls.

There are several ways to clean pearls.

  1. Soap solution. From time to time you need to take baby soap and, adding warm water, beat the foam. Then, using a soft cloth, gently treat each pearl with this foam. After this procedure, the pearls must be wiped with a soft cloth, periodically rinsing it in clean warm water. Dry it only in a horizontal position, spreading it out on a soft cloth. Since when drying in a suspended state, the thread stretches.
  2. Jewelry professionals use a very weak solution of acetic or hydrochloric acid to clean pearls.
  3. You can also use tooth powder to clean pearls. To do this, place the pearls in the composition and then soak them in a very weak solution of malic or hydrochloric acid. Under no circumstances should pearls be washed.
  4. Homemade pearl cleaning also allows for the use of potato starch. If you rub each pearl with starch, dirt and excess moisture will be removed from it.
  5. Olive oil is used to restore the natural luster of pearls. A small amount of it should be applied to a soft cloth and wipe each pearl. Excess should also be removed after the procedure with a soft cloth.

But what is the most important pearl care? The main thing is to wear pearls. Whether you own a classic round pearl,

Almost all gems are created by nature in the depths of the earth. They are crystals completely transparent or colored in some color. Their appearance depends on the jeweler who processes them. Pearls are of organic origin. It is created by a mollusk, trying to protect its delicate body from the irritation of a grain of sand that has fallen into the shell. Layer by layer, it releases the enzymes aragonite and conchiolin. Mixing and layering on each other, the enzymes create an extraordinary pearlescent depth.

Pearls are organic

The uniqueness of pearls is the need to regularly touch the skin. It must be dressed and worn in order to be preserved.

By nature of origin, pearls are:

  • natural, marine;
  • artificial, a grain of sand is placed on the mollusk;
  • freshwater - artificially grown in fresh water.

Pearls can withstand impact and great pressure. They have a scratch-sensitive surface. If we compare them with dust, then its particles are one and a half times harder. A pearl is similar in physical characteristics to a human nail. This must be taken into account in order to properly care for jewelry.

The creation of shellfish contains only 2% water. It becomes cloudy from sunlight and dampness, cracks with a lack of moisture. Its surface is corroded by acids and alcohol-containing compounds. Avoid contact with jewelry:

  • vinegar;
  • alcohol;
  • toilet water;
  • tonic;
  • cream;
  • powders;
  • drinks, especially carbonated ones;
  • juices;
  • fat;
  • hot air and steam;
  • sun rays.

Pearls are a part of wildlife and require careful handling.

When handling pearls, it must be remembered that they are a piece of wildlife.

With proper care, you will not have to seek help from a jeweler. For those who want to know how to clean pearls at home, the main cleaning products and materials for them are listed in the table.

Jewelry paste has been used by professionals for a long time. It is softer than dust and does not scratch the surface of pearls, it cleans and polishes it. It is difficult to buy it, sellers offer GOI polishing paste, designed for glass and metal. It will not work with delicate pearls, it will scratch their surface.

After removing the jewelry, apply a little jewelry paste on a cotton pad and wipe the pearls until completely clean. When it starts to shine, you can put it in storage.

Use jewelry paste in pearl care

Traditionally, pearls are restored by soaking in sea water. This is his native element in which he was formed. If you clean your pearls yourself at home, use salt. To do this, you need to have a bag made of linen or thin suede. Turn the seams out. Put decoration in the bag, pour salt. Fill a bowl with clean, warm water. Dip the bag and rinse it. The salt will dissolve, dissolve completely, and the dirt will go away with it. Wipe the pearls with a paper towel and lay on a soft cloth to dry.

Should be potato, natural. You can not replace it with baby powder, on the contrary, treat baby skin with starch.

Cleaning an organic decoration with starch is easy in two equally effective ways.

  1. Apply starch to a cotton pad and wipe the jewelry until it shines clean.
  2. Put the necklace on a velvet napkin. Sprinkle starch. Wrap the napkin and clean it with light movements, as if you are doing a massage. Then remove the residue from the surface with cotton pads.

Use natural potato starch to clean pearls

Starch has a moisture content similar to pearls. It simultaneously cleans and polishes the surface of organic jewelry.

With severe contamination and the possibility of splashing cosmetics on the pearls, it is better to use potato juice. He will restore the jewelry after a long stay in the sun and in a room with dry air.

Potatoes should be washed, chopped with a blender or on a fine grater and squeezed out the juice through a linen or cotton cloth. Ego will weed out all the abrasive particles that can get into the cake.

A cotton pad is soaked in juice and wiped over the surface of the pearls. The liquid is high in starch. Potato juice does not contain acids, only alkalis and amino acids. Clean jewelry is dried before being sent to storage.

Olive oil is the only one of all fats that does not harm pearls upon contact. It is enough to moisten the disk in oil and remove all dirt from the pearls. Then remove the remaining oil with a paper towel and dry the jewelry.

Cleaning with soapy water is suitable for combined gold and pearl jewelry. Standard polishing methods for precious metals are rough for the delicate surface of organic matter.

In a bowl of warm water, pour shampoo or liquid soap in a spoon per glass of liquid. The jewelry should be placed in a piece of tulle, and gather its edges so that the jewelry does not fall out. You can use old tights. Rinse pearls in soapy water. Rinse with clean running water without removing from the fabric. Then blot the moisture with a napkin and dry.

To save a pearl, it must be worn. When in contact with the skin, it receives the moisture it needs. To prevent cream and perfume from getting on the surface of the jewelry, you must follow simple rules:

  • dress last;
  • shoot first;
  • keep the lock.

First you need to finish the makeup, sprinkle yourself with aromas. After that, wash your hands, removing the remnants of cosmetics from them, remove the pearls from the box, carefully take it by the lock and put it on. Returning home, be the first to remove pearl jewelry.

Pearls must be worn correctly

Pearls fully meet the requirements of fashion: jewelry in the evening, bijouterie during the day. He does not like sunlight and with prolonged exposure becomes cloudy and covered with cracks. It must be worn on the body, in extreme cases, it can lie on the silk fabric of the dress.

Rough fabrics and wool scratch the delicate surface, and it loses its luster.

You can not store pearls with others. For him there should be a separate box, upholstered inside with velvet or suede. The lock should lie aside and not scratch the beads.

On beads and necklaces, the thread should be changed regularly, depending on the frequency of wearing and cleaning, approximately every 1 to 3 years. Smooth and durable silk works best. Ideally, when knots are tied between the beads on the thread. They protect the pearls from shifting and rubbing against each other. Dry the necklace only by laying it out on a soft cloth so that the thread does not stretch.

In the room where there is a box with pearls, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of the air. It is advisable to put a humidifier or, in extreme cases, a glass of water next to it.

Pearls have always been considered an attribute of wealth and luxury. Jewelry with these stones is a godsend for women of any age. They are able to complement the image of a young girl, giving it purity and tenderness.

Pearl beads or earrings will add style and chic to the image of a more mature lady. No wonder this gem is so popular. And it is quite logical that many women are interested in how to clean pearls without leaving home.

Pearl care is a multi-stage process that includes not only proper cleaning, but careful handling and storage.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that pearls contain only 2% water, and therefore the stone has extremely complex relations with it. Too dry air can lead to the formation of cracks on the surface of the beads, and an excess of moisture leads to clouding of the stones.

No less dangerous for pearls is bright sunlight. Due to long exposure to the sun, stones can lose their luster and radiance, and even turn yellow.

Dust is also harmful to pearls, its particles lead to the appearance of microscopic cracks in the enamel.

As mentioned earlier, pearls are a very picky stone. Therefore, it is important to follow basic rules for its storage.

  1. Pearl jewelry should be stored separately from other jewelry.
  2. The best place for storage will be a box upholstered in velvet.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the climate in the room where pearl jewelry is stored. The air temperature should not be too low or too high. If the air in the room is too dry, it is recommended to put a glass of water next to the pearl accessories.

Like most luxury items, pearls require delicate handling. The wrong tool can ruin the stone forever.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth remembering that abrasive brushes, scouring powders, aggressive acids and bleaching agents (such as vinegar, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide) should not be used when cleaning pearls. Hot water can also ruin pearl beads.

Pearls are quite wayward stone and require regular cleaning. Below are the main ways to take care of cleaning pearls at home.

1. The best pearl cleaner is specialized jewelry paste. The product must be applied to a soft cloth and gently wipe each bead. Next, the product is polished with a dry, clean, lint-free cloth. The inconvenience of this method is that the paste is not sold in ordinary hardware stores and it is not so easy to find it. The second disadvantage is that this method is not suitable for frequent use. Regular care with this paste will restore the pearls' luster and radiance, but will reduce their lifespan due to the active cleaning agents contained in it.

2. soap solution is a more gentle and unsophisticated way to care for pearls. When cleaning pearl earrings or rings, the product is placed in the solution for several minutes, and then wiped dry.

When working with a pearl thread, each pearl must be wiped with a cotton pad dipped in a solution. The beads are then treated with a clean, damp cloth to remove soap residue.

After such cleaning, it is necessary to leave the decoration to dry on a horizontal surface, spreading it out on a soft cloth.

3. A similar cleaning method is using a pair of old elastic tights and soapy water. The decoration must be placed in a kind of tights bag and rinsed gently in a bowl of soapy water. This method will remove dirt from the beads themselves, as well as from the silk thread. After removing the pearls, excess moisture must be removed with a clean cloth and left to dry.

Drying pearl beads in a vertical position is not allowed, as this leads to stretching of the thread.

If the methods described above failed to restore the product to its former brilliance, you can try bleaching pearls at home using potato starch. Beads must be wiped with a piece of velvet cloth coated with starch. This will help remove any dirt and excess moisture that harms the pearls.

Although long-term exposure to direct sunlight is detrimental to pearls, sunbathing for several hours can bleach them. This method may require several sessions. It is important not to overexpose the product in the sun and wrap it with a cloth after each procedure.

Over time, a pearl product can not only get dirty, but also fade. To add shine, pearls can be rubbed with olive oil. This is the only oil that will not harm the jewelry. After the procedure, the remnants must be removed with a paper towel.

As you know, things do not get better from frequent washing.

Therefore, we bring to your attention a few tips, which will help to avoid unnecessary cleaning and keep the appearance of pearls for a long time.

  • Put on pearl jewelry last, when makeup and other preparations are finished. The fact is that various chemicals, such as perfume and hairspray, adversely affect the appearance of pearls.
  • For the same reason, when you return home, you need to remove pearls first. At the same time, when removing a necklace or necklace, you should hold on to the metal lock, and not to the stones.
  • Wipe pearls with a damp cotton pad after each use to remove any remaining sebum.
  • Since the pearl thread is also prone to contamination, it is recommended to change it every 1-3 years.

Follow these simple rules and pearl jewelry will delight you for years to come!

« How to clean pearls at home?»- this question worries beauties who prefer to wear such jewelry.

Pearls are a truly unique type of precious stone, which is extracted from the shells of mollusks that live in the seas and rivers. Pearls are used to make jewelry. Owners of natural pearls should know how to properly clean and store them so as not to damage the jewelry.

Humanity has known about pearls since ancient times. There is evidence that Queen Cleopatra had two of the largest pearls in her earrings. Quite often you can find jewelry in which pearls are present.

Pearls can be found in precious items made of gold and silver. This jewelry looks very impressive, whether it be a necklace, earrings or a brooch with pearls.

There are 2 types of precious products: natural pearls and artificial ones. Today, most women who wear pearl jewelry have artificial gemstones.

Despite this, artificial pearls need to be looked after no less responsibly than natural jewelry. In order to preserve the extraordinary brilliance and whiteness of the product for as long as possible, it must be stored very carefully and handled delicately.

Due to the fact that it consists of 2% water, with its lack, the product loses moisture over time, the pearl begins to fade and exfoliate. Excess water can also adversely affect the condition of the jewelry: it will become cloudy, lose its natural whiteness and stop shining.

4 things are bad for pearls:

  1. Too bright lighting.
  2. Heat.
  3. Excessive humidity in the room.
  4. Dust particles.

The mother-of-pearl layer of a pearl directly depends on the types of mollusks, the habitat and the time spent in the shell. Accordingly, the longer the pearl is in the shell, the thicker the mother-of-pearl layer will be. In terms of quality, such a pearl will be better than those that have spent a much shorter period in the shell.

The neck of absolutely any woman will be very attractively decorated with a pearl necklace complete with earrings made of this precious stone. In order not to harm the product dear to the heart, as well as the unique image of the owner, you need to clearly know how to properly clean the pearls in the walls of the house without harming the product.

For many centuries, pearls have been valued for their beauty and rarity; they serve as a symbol of femininity and impeccability. Due to the fact that the beads of this precious jewelry are afraid of dust and pollution of various nature, they are very demanding in care and very fragile.

You can find out how to quickly and easily bring jewelry back to its original form in the next section.

How to clean pearls?

To date, there are a large number of all kinds of tips and recommendations on how to properly clean pearls (natural or artificial). Some of them are really very useful and priceless, but others (untested) can damage pearls.

Before you start cleaning pearls yourself, you must first clearly know what kind of product you have (natural or artificially obtained). After that, it is necessary to choose the right method for cleaning pearls and further care for them. It is also worth providing appropriate storage conditions for the product. After all, even the most delicate care without proper storage will be reduced to zero. Pearls may lose their luster and become yellow in color.

The environment equally affects both natural pearls and its artificial counterpart.

The following external factors can spoil the appearance of pearls:

  • perfumes and various cosmetic components (essential oil and others);
  • showering in jewelry, frequent contact with hot water;
  • external impact on the decoration of ultraviolet rays and aggressive detergents;
  • constant contact with dirty skin and improper care (untimely cleaning of the product from contamination).

To clean gold or silver pearl earrings, do not use the following tools:

  • acid, which contains aggressive components;
  • cleaning or dishwashing detergent, powder and cream;
  • coarse brushes, washcloths or grater;
  • baking soda and other folk remedies (hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar);
  • means for bleaching (stain remover, bleach);
  • toilet water or perfume;
  • hot or cold water.

In order for the product to always look great, it is necessary to remove dirt from it in a timely manner so that they do not accumulate in a thick layer.

Simple Ways

To clean pearls easily and quickly, you need to know some simple ways, using which you can return the original shine and whiteness to the jewelry in a short time. It is necessary to act as carefully as possible and be extremely careful, then an excellent result is definitely guaranteed.

Here are 4 effective ways to clean pearl beads:

For this method, you will need a soapy solution of lumpy baby soap and water.

For this you need:

  1. Prepare a solution of baby soap and water (you can use any shampoo instead of soap).
  2. Lightly dip a cotton pad into the solution.
  3. With gentle movements, wipe the pearls on the necklace or beads.
  4. For a short amount of time, dip earrings or a ring in a soapy solution.
  5. Remove items from soapy water.
  6. Gently wipe the pearl beads dry, finally removing traces of soapy water.

To restore the decoration of the lost shine, high-quality olive oil will help.

You need to do the following:

  1. Drip a little oil on a cotton pad.
  2. Carefully process the product with them.
  3. Remove any remaining olive oil with a paper towel.

A great way to remove dirt from jewelry is to clean with potato starch.

Clean the beads like this:

  1. A small amount of starch is poured onto a small piece of velvet fabric.
  2. A pearl product is placed there and the fabric is wrapped.
  3. Then carefully clean the product with your fingers until visible contamination is completely eliminated.
  4. After that, the pearls are rubbed with a soft napkin or cloth, removing the remnants of potato starch.


Brooches and rings with pearls, the original brilliance and whiteness will help to return finely ground salt.

This will require:

  1. Take a small piece of linen fabric.
  2. Pour a handful of edible fine salt into it.
  3. Wrap the decoration in cloth.
  4. Rinse in non-hot water until the salt is completely dissolved.
  5. The jewelry should be dried.

It is necessary to dry the jewelry only in a horizontal form, placing a dry, well-absorbing fabric under the bottom. It is not recommended to hang the product vertically because in this position the thread can stretch.

Special funds

In order for a pearl product to serve as long as possible and always look like new, you can use special products for cleaning pearl jewelry at home.

These may include cleaning agents such as:

Product name

Method of application and dosage

jewelry paste

On a cotton pad or a dry soft cloth, add a small dose of special jewelry paste for jewelry. Gently rub the pearl beads with it. Then the product should be well polished to shine and white pearls. After that, the pearl jewelry must be wrapped in velor or suede fabric and stored in it until the next publication.

Dry tooth powder

Pearl beads are placed in tooth powder, then lightly moistened in malic or hydrochloric acid. Then you need to let the water drain from the product. Do not rub the beads with a rag.

Acetic or hydrochloric acid

Jewelers advise cleaning pearls with a weak solution of hydrochloric or acetic acid.

Jewelery paste is often not recommended, but for rare use it is fine.

These methods of cleaning pearl products are simple, and anyone can use them. But it is always necessary to remember that pearls are very fragile (both natural and artificial), so manipulations should be carried out very carefully and carefully.

Product care

As mentioned earlier, pearl products are very delicate, requiring careful care. If you follow the recommendations of experts in the field of jewelry, you can extend the life of your favorite jewelry for a long time, giving the image elegance and impeccable taste.

Here are some of them:

  1. Do not expose to moisture. It is undesirable to wear a product around the neck immediately after taking a bath or shower. As mentioned earlier, excess moisture is detrimental to decoration. If the weather is rainy outside, pearl jewelry should be discarded. Together with raindrops, harmful acids contained in atmospheric precipitation may well get on the product. Under the influence of such a substance, the mother-of-pearl shell of pearls will gradually lose its luster and become dull and cloudy.
  2. Do not wear in too hot season. If you are planning a trip to exotic countries where the air temperature in summer reaches +40-45 ° C, then it is better to leave the decoration at home right away. After all, the sun, like water, is the worst enemy of pearl beads. From too bright sun and extreme heat, pearls lose their luster and may begin to crack.
  3. Store in a dark place. Jewelry should only be stored in a dry and sun-protected place.
  4. Do not use aggressive substances or hard brushes. For the cleaning procedure, do not use substances that contain acid and alkali. Abrasive cleaners can also damage the outer pearly surface of pearls. Metal brushes or coarse washcloths can scratch the pearl's delicate mother-of-pearl layer.
  5. Do not wear coarse woolen clothing with the product. If you decide to wear a pearl necklace or beads around your neck, you should not choose an outfit made of woolen fabric for this occasion. A product made from this type of fabric can damage the decoration.
  6. Handle the product with a damp cloth. After returning home from a social event or a party, pearl jewelry should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove accumulated sweat and sebum.
  7. Take off the necklace, holding on to the lock. When the necklace needs to be removed, you should always hold on to the metal clasp, in no case should you take on the beads with a thread.
  8. Put on the product after completing makeup and hair. This must be done so that the components of cosmetics and hairspray do not accidentally get on the jewelry.
  9. Periodically update the thread on the product. On a pearl necklace, from time to time it is necessary to change the thread and, if possible, separate each bead with a knot.

If the product has knots between pearls, they will protect the jewelry from constant friction. The knots also protect the beads from dirt getting inside.


For the procedure of whitening pearls and eliminating traces of sweat and fat, you can use the following tool.

You need to take 1 large spoonful of rare soap (or detergent) and dilute with 1 glass of hot water. Then you need to prepare the necessary container for the whitening procedure. Soap must be thoroughly mixed with water to form a soapy foam solution. After that, the pearls, which have lost their whiteness, are dipped into the solution and, with the help of a soft cloth, the accumulated dirt and yellowness are carefully removed from the product. Then the necklace is removed from the soapy solution and rinsed under running water, dried and the beads are wiped with a dry cloth. Finally, a cotton pad or napkin is moistened with nail polish remover and the product is treated. This manipulation will fix the action of the composition and allow you to return the lost whiteness to the product.

Gradually, the pearl product acquires a yellowish tint. It appears due to improper care of the jewelry, if drops of sweat and fat were not removed in a timely manner, or for a number of other reasons.

If you use the proposed method for bleaching pearl jewelry, then the yellowed product can return the lost whiteness and add shine.


For the proper storage of pearls, there are also certain recommendations, following which you can extend the life of the product.

Let's dwell on some of them.

  • Even a small amount of dust that settles on the product over time can leave small cracks and scratches, which will subsequently lead to a loss of luster. Jewelry should be stored in a special box, inside which contains a soft cloth. Pearls should not be kept together with other jewelry.
  • Try your best to protect your pearls from dust and dirt. Timely cleaning of the product is a rather laborious process that requires a certain amount of time, but nevertheless it must be carried out periodically. Jewelers do not recommend cleaning pearls often.
  • The condition of the skin of the owner of the jewelry directly affects the appearance of the pearl. Simply put, if the owner of a pearl necklace has an acid-base balance, then the jewelry will absorb acid from the body over time. This will lead to the gradual disintegration of the mother-of-pearl layer of the beads. A ring and earrings with pearls are not so susceptible to oxidation, beads and a necklace take the main blow. Timely rubbing of pearls in the manner described earlier will stop the process of decay of the outer and inner layers of pearls.
  • If the hostess prefers to store jewelry in a safe, then you definitely need to make sure that there is a sufficient level of humidity in it so as not to harm the product.
  • It is not recommended to visit a swimming pool or a gym in a pearl necklace. Chlorinated water adversely affects the mother-of-pearl layer of the product, and sweat drops create excessive acidity, which will also negatively affect the appearance of the jewelry. You should also not swim in the sea in a pearl product, as salt water can ruin the thread on the beads, as a result, they will last much less.

The most important thing in caring for pearls is wearing them. It does not matter at all what kind of pearl product you have (gold or silver). In contact with a clean body, it can "come to life" right before our eyes.