Crafts from eggshells, eggs and packaging. Crafts from eggs: beautiful and simple ideas for decorating eggs and eggshells (75 photos)

If you and your child decide to be creative, that's great. There is a very large selection of destinations. You can draw, write poetry, do origami, and do modeling. There are many types of creativity. Both simple and unusual. Today we will talk about one of the unusual species creativity- making crafts from eggshells. There are a huge number of master classes on the Internet. Using them, you can master crafts of any complexity.

Who would have guessed that you can make crafts from the shell? After all, the overwhelming majority of people, having breakfast with an egg, throw it away. The idea of ​​egg shell crafts is very interesting. From it you can make:

  1. Paintings.
  2. Mosaic.
  3. Applications.
  4. Crackle.
  5. Simple crafts.

Let's talk in more detail about each of these types of crafts.

Eggshell Paintings

If you want to diversify your interior with a painting, you don't have to buy it. Moreover, you don't even have to buy a puzzle. If you show a little imagination, then you can get by with a few eggs. Or rather, what remains of them after breakfast. In order to make a good picture, you will need:

  1. Flat surface. It can be plywood or cardboard.
  2. Paints and varnishes.
  3. Sponge.
  4. Ordinary PVA glue.
  5. Shell.

The shell must be carefully broken into small pieces. After that, these pieces must be carefully glued to the flat surface that you prepared in advance. If your pieces are brown, then you need to cover them with white paint. If not, then you do not need to do this.

Next, you decide what to do with the resulting surface. If you paint it with varnishes and paints, then it will be a shell mosaic, which we will talk about in the next paragraph. And if you stick on the resulting surface, for example, a decorative napkin, then you get a beautiful picture with the effect of antiquity.

Gallery: crafts from eggshells (25 photos)

DIY eggshell mosaic

Here the situation is somewhat more complicated than with the picture. The first manufacturing steps are the same as in the previous paragraph. Further, when the pieces of the shell are finally glued, you can start painting them. It all depends on your fantasies and desires. The main thing is accuracy. You don't want your mosaic to be ugly, do you?

from eggshells can be of varying complexity. This refers to the drawing that you will draw on it. Any child can handle some. And with another, for example, you have to tinker for several hours.

An eggshell mosaic for children can be called some simple drawing. For example, a house or a car. A child may not master complex pictures like a forest or a sunset. There is one very good thing if you decide to seriously engage in making eggshell mosaics - master classes. They can be found on the internet. Perhaps by watching these master classes on the video, you can make your craft much better.

Eggshell applique

This is almost the same concept as with mosaics. Only all work is done on paper. You must first draw on a sheet of paper a template of what you want to get as a result. Let's take a look at the example of a house.

All work will consist of the following action:

  1. Draw a house with all the details: windows, doors.
  2. Gently break the eggshells into small pieces.
  3. Pick up and glue the pieces of the shell so that they do not stick out. At the same time, you need to try so that there are almost no white gaps between them.
  4. Carefully paint the windows in blue so that it does not go beyond their boundaries.
  5. After you decide on the color of the house, you also need to carefully paint it.

Egg Crackle

Egg crackle is a decoupage technique. That is, when you decorate an existing object with patterns that you make from an egg shell. For example, you can decorate:

The list is endless. If you turn on your imagination, then you can decorate anything with the help of an eggshell crackle.

This type of crafts is considered one of the most difficult. Therefore, before doing something, it is recommended to look at various master classes on the Internet.

First of all, such a craft requires perseverance and painstaking work. So, you may have to do some kind of craft more than once. In one sitting, such work can only be done by a real master.

The film will greatly simplify your task. You can simply glue the pieces of eggshell onto the foil. After that, cut out segments of the required shape and size. Next, you paint them and stick them wherever you like.

Simple crafts

It turns out that you can make a lot of different crafts from an egg with your own hands. We talked only about those made from broken pieces of shell. But you can make crafts from whole eggs. For example, make a rabbit. After all, it will not be difficult for anyone to paint an egg gray or blue. And then draw the eyes with a mouth. Next, cut out the ears from the cardboard and paint them in the same color. Then you need to carefully make holes in order to insert the ears. For this purpose, it is better to use a boiled egg.

You can make a funny face. it done easily:

  1. Take a boiled egg.
  2. Gently do it in the form of a smile. It is best to do this in the yolk area. Then you get a funny yellow smile.
  3. Include imagination and draw the eyes, hair, nose and other facial features you want.

Such crafts can be done both for Easter and on days when you have nothing to do. And you can also start making such crafts with your child. After all, it will more useful than watching cartoons all the time.

In any case, if you are not sure that you will do everything the first time, then watch the master class. It is proven that when people cannot do something, but see how others do it, they learn faster.

Now you know what crafts can be made from eggshells. In addition to fine motor skills in children, it develops creative thinking. After all, in order to find such an unusual application for an egg, it is simply necessary!

Children are very fond of crafts made from natural materials. Firstly, it is pleasant to work with them, and secondly, they are available to everyone. Cones, acorns, pebbles, shells, various plants and their seeds - everything goes into action!

On the eve of Easter, do-it-yourself crafts made from empty eggs and eggshells become especially relevant. Eggs can make very original crafts - a parrot, a pig, a fish - that will delight your kid with the opportunity to apply their skills in business. You will always find material for this lesson in the fridge, but you can find some creative ideas in this article!

Children's craft "Chicken from an egg"

  1. To make such chickens, we need a few raw eggs, scissors, yellow knitting thread, PVA glue, a paintbrush and wooden skewers. If you do not know how to pierce an egg for a craft, then keep in mind: this is very simple. Take a thin needle and carefully pierce it first on one side and then on the other. Then blow out the liquid contents, wash and dry the empty egg before proceeding with the craft.
  2. Finely cut the threads (5-10 mm, depending on the desired plumage length).
  3. Lubricate the egg completely with glue using a brush.
  4. Sprinkle it on all sides with cut threads, pressing gently so that they stick well.
  5. Insert a skewer into the hole at the bottom of the egg. If the hole is too large, you can coat the joint with glue to keep the chicken firmly on the skewer.
  6. Glue the beady eyes and beaks of red cardboard to the chicks. For "boys" make tufts of thread, and for "girls" - satin ribbon bows. Such chickens can be used to decorate an Easter table or a nursery for Bright Week.

Crafts from eggs for the little ones

A small child aged 1 to 2 years will also not give up such an interesting activity as creating crafts from eggs with their own hands. Give him this opportunity: let the baby decorate the egg on his own with the help of cereals.

  1. First, cook the paste (for 1 glass of water, take 1 tablespoon of flour and cook until the mass becomes thick and sticky). In principle, it can be replaced with PVA glue, but the paste, as you understand, is much safer for a child who may want to taste their craft.
  2. Pour the paste into one plate, and put cereals into the others: wheat, millet, semolina, etc. It is better to use small cereals, they will better adhere to the smooth surface of the egg.
  3. Show your child how to properly hold the egg so that it does not fall (eggs must of course be boiled). Let the baby dip the testicle first in the paste, and then in the cereal.
  4. You can add a little food coloring or glitter to semolina, since it is white, but this is not at all necessary: ​​children will be interested in working with cereals anyway.
  5. Crafts can be decorated in different ways. For example, the middle (widest) part of the egg can be wrapped with threads and, holding on to them, dipped in two sides in different cereals. Then set aside the craft to dry properly.
  6. You can also draw funny faces on eggshells and even come up with an interesting fairy tale about Easter eggs with your child.

Egg Craft: Swan

Monogamous hearts are tied tightly.

Together forever fate and flight.

And even death, killing a friend,

Swan friendship will not break.

Eduard Asadov

... Perhaps, swans were the most popular among people at all times. And this is not surprising, because such a strong and graceful bird is the true embodiment of beauty. You look at her - and all the problems immediately recede into the background, a state of peace of mind and peace comes.

With the help of the most elementary things, you can create a beautiful swan or even a whole flock of swans from an ordinary egg. For this you will need:

  • egg;
  • a needle or knife with a sharp end;
  • Feathers (can be obtained from a feather pillow)
  • plasticine;
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • beautiful saucer;
  • paints.

The hardest part about this craft is getting rid of the contents of the egg. To do this, we make two opposite holes, being careful not to damage the integrity of the shell. One hole should be larger than the other. Then, with effort, blow into a smaller hole, if the yolk does not come out, you need to pierce it with a needle. After that, we thoroughly wash the egg from the inside, if there is a seal, then it is easy to get rid of it with a detergent and a sponge.

Cut out the base from the cardboard on which the swan will be mounted.

With the help of plasticine, we set the eggshell.

We give it the shape of a thin swan's neck, attach it to the egg from the side where the hole is larger. We decorate the head with red and black plasticine.

Glue the feathers and tail with PVA. You can glue the entire swan with feathers, but then the wings must be selected in a contrasting color.

Now we make an impromptu lake - pour water in a saucer and paint it with paints in blue. Now we can let our swan sail. The craft is ready.

PS: It looks very nice if you also make a black swan. The technology is the same, only the shell must be pre-painted with a marker in black and black feathers must be found.

Egg craft: airplane

In order to create a toy with your own hands, you don't have to be an artist or a designer. What is important is the desire to spend time with the child, to bring him joy and

to plunge into the world of fantasy and carefree childhood for a short while. My story on how to do egg craft... Of course, before making crafts with your own hands, the egg must be thoroughly washed.
Then holes are punctured at both ends - carefully so that the shell does not crack. The next step is to extract the content. The easiest way is to blow the egg white and yolk onto a plate. Be sure to rinse the shell again and rinse the inside with water using a medical syringe. An empty egg is truly a magical thing! You can turn it into a doll, a pig or any other animal, a car, a submarine, a balloon ...

This time the son ordered a plane. To begin with, let's mark with a pencil the places where the tail and wings are attached, the cockpit glass and future windows. Fold the wings and tail of the plane out of thick cardboard.
Don't forget the baby! He is quite able to smear parts with glue or place an asterisk-sticker on the wing. When all the details are ready, let's go back to the body: paint all the "glasses" with a blue felt-tip pen, adjust with a marker for putting inscriptions on the CD.

Separately, cut out the silver stripe from the "chassis" from an old postcard. Now the final assembly: glue the cardboard parts to the shell with PVA glue (do not forget to "round" them along the silhouette of the egg, crushing them against the edge of the table), install a tip or a propeller that will close the hole from the needle.

Thus, you can make a whole series of toys for board games, you can turn eggshells into Christmas tree decorations, you can paint them "like a pine cone" or make a garland by reloading with a satin ribbon - the more varied the materials are used, the more interesting it will be for the baby to watch how ordinary objects turn into a mother into an almost living toy.

One tip: prepare stickers, cut threads or cardboard blanks in advance: little fidgets can get bored while you cut out the parts, which means that half the pleasure of the process will be lost.

Eggshell craft: lamb

The creative development of children should always be aimed at doing a variety of DIY crafts. This activity will draw them into a fantasy world and provide an opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts. It is worth noting that you and your child can make any craft out of an empty egg shell, for example, a bird, a pig, a dog, a swan, a fish and much more.

So, to make a lamb, you will need:

  • a raw egg;
  • cotton wool;
  • paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • quick-drying glue;
  • wire;
  • black felt-tip pen.

Step 1. Take a raw egg and make two holes in it so that its shell does not crack. Then, gently blow the entire contents of the egg onto a plate. To eliminate the smell, be sure to rinse the inside of the shell with water using a syringe. This procedure must be done several times.

Step 2. Depending on your creative fantasies, you can leave the shell in its natural color or paint it with watercolors.

Step 3. Cut out small ears from the paper and glue to the shell on the side where it expands.

Step 4. Tear the cotton wool into small pieces and glue a part of the shell with it.

Step 5. To make the front and back legs of the lamb, take a certain length of wire and bend it into an oval shape. Next, attach short wires to this oval, bending them at the ends so that the lamb does not fall. Now you can decorate its wire legs by covering them with any fabric.

Step 6. Connect the resulting shell and legs by gluing them with quick-drying glue.

Step 7. With a black felt-tip pen, draw eyes on the lamb.

As you can see, create unusual DIY egg crafts very easy. A ready-made lamb will certainly become the main decoration of a child's room, and its production will delight you and your child.

Egg shell

Eggshell has become not easy for a long time material containing up to 27 elements useful for the human body, incl. composed of 90% easily digestible calcium carbonate, but also a decorative element when creating handicrafts.

This is the basis for creating beautiful souvenir eggs painted according to traditional canons, these are New Years Christmas decorations from the shell, it is also a decorative element mosaics.

For any of these products, you need OK wash and dry the eggshells. If you liked the mosaic panels, be careful when grinding it. To do this, it is better to place fragments of the shell between two notebook sheets and slowly roll them out with a rolling pin. Try to achieve uniform chunks of breakable shells, neither too small nor too large. It is very convenient to use painted shells after the Easter holidays. In general, attract your imagination and imagination to your allies, use everything that can improve your mosaic.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - This is the transfer of his professional experience by the master (teacher), his consistent verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be author's (invented and done by you). If you have used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing the sale of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited in accordance with clause 2.4. PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process should be photographed in stages (see Tips for taking pictures of crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

The order of registration: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be performed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the MC stages from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos should be accompanied by clear and competent comments on the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you also want to publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for designing an MK described above. In other words: in the entry with the type of MK, you cannot just put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another website.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the type of entry will be changed. If the User Agreement of the site is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the record will be removed from publication.

When we break an egg, we do not think about the possible benefits of the shell and throw it away.

And creative people know that it is a unique ornamental material.

Finished products are striking in their beauty and everyone is delighted with indescribable delight. The eggshell has a unique shape, thanks to which you can create original decor items from it.

It can be toys for a Christmas tree, mosaic compositions, decorative panels and other things. from an eggshell with your own hands. Of course, working with it is quite difficult and time-consuming, but amazing and even exclusive products will be the reward.

Eggshell Crafts
To get nice and tidy eggshell crafts, special attention should be paid to preparatory work.

  1. First of all, the shell is thoroughly washed,
  2. Then it is dried.
  3. Then it all depends on your plans: you can break it into small pieces or use it entirely. In this case, holes are punctured in the raw egg, which are necessary to remove its contents.
  4. Treatment with varnish will be important - the product is poured inside and is necessary for the high strength of the shell.

Decoupage with eggshells allows you to get an unusual surface that attracts attention with its beauty. The most widespread are decoupage of flower pots and decor of bottles with eggshells.

Finished products are distinguished by their strength and durability. And if you work carefully and accurately reproduce all the details of the drawing, you can get a masterpiece that will look no worse than shop souvenirs.

Eggshells are suitable for finishing not only flat items, but also round items - vases, decanters, plates.


The eggshell is fragile, but quite dense. Thanks to this, it is ideal for creating products that are unique in their beauty. Eggshell carving deserves special attention. But without special tools, it is impossible.

Subtleties and grace will allow you to achieve a small drill, water-cooled drills, high speed cutters. The threaded shell is perfectly translucent, creating delightful and attractive images.

Different eggs are suitable for work:

  1. ostriches,
  2. ducks,
  3. geese.
  4. And real masters make miniatures even on tiny quail eggs and easily recreate images of animals and cityscapes.

The finished images are carefully grinded and processed, all crumbs are removed with a scalpel. When eggshell decor finished, the most exciting work begins - varnishing. The finished product is carefully dried and can be considered a true work of art.

Eggshell carving does not require large expenditures and costs. But you need to work with it for a long time and very carefully.

The manufacturing technology of a particular product may be different. If you know how to use eggshells, you can create miniatures on completely different topics: a mythological plot, a funny hedgehog, a forest glade.

In every apartment there are useless things that are a pity to throw away. It can be a beautiful perfume bottle or an olive oil bottle. But they can also be used. For example, decorate them in a special way.

Decoupage of eggshell bottles is very simple.

  1. First you need to prepare the shell: wash it thoroughly, remove the inner film and dry it.
  2. At the same stage, it can be painted with acrylic paint. This is necessary for those cases when the shell is glued to a primed and painted surface.
  3. Then pay attention to the bottle, which should have a suitable shape.
  4. Apply a putty or other suitable product to the surface. You need to do this several times - so it should turn out perfectly flat.
  5. On top of the shell, lay out patterns on glue, the outline of which can be sketched in advance.
  6. It will take a day for the glue to dry completely.
  7. Only then can the decorative layer be applied. It could be paint. The specific choice depends on the main idea. Products look unusual in which the cracks between the individual pieces of the shell are highlighted in a contrasting color. The paint should be applied with a thin brush, showing accuracy and endurance.

From above, the surface of the bottle is decorated using the decoupage technique. The result is an unusual and original decorative item that organically complements your interior.
Eggshell bottle decor- this is a great opportunity to get a container for drinks that will decorate any festive table. In addition, it is a good gift to relatives and friends.
Decoupage of eggshell bottles can be done with your own hands and, as a result, you can get truly beautiful creations. And the creative process will surely give you pleasure.