The project “Designing a winter walking area for children of the preparatory group. Winter gardens in kindergarten: design features

Every winter, the section of our group turns into a wonderful snowy town, and the walk in winter becomes more interesting and more fun, and the frost is not at all terrible ...

Our kindergarten "Ladushki" is located in a new quarter of the city of Togliatti. In 2011, he celebrated the fourth winter.

On the territory of the garden there are 14 sites by age group, there is a large sports ground. All sites are equipped with modern play modules.
Winter for our children is a long-awaited and beloved time, they know, as soon as it snows, the kindergarten areas turn into a special snowy country.

Here is winter, white all around, a lot of snow covered ... Everyone knows these lines, but the vagaries of native nature sometimes interfere with our plans. There are winters with heavy snowfalls and frequent thaws, there are frosty, but snowless, snow accumulates only by February.
Winters differ not only in the amount of snow, but also in the quality: Light and fluffy snow is very difficult to create buildings, sticky and heavy requires a different approach for creativity.
Of no small importance is the area of ​​the walking area and the availability of stationary equipment (small architectural forms). All these factors affect the choice of technology for creating winter buildings on the site.

All children react differently to changes in air temperature, wind force and prolonged exposure to frosty air. Therefore, we consider our main task to create favorable conditions and a regime of maximum motor and cognitive activity of children during a walk.

Every year, at the beginning of winter, at the pedagogical council, we discuss the organization of winter walks and the design of winter sites. Firstly, we share our impressions, discuss and summarize our experience ... ..., and secondly, we actively get acquainted with the experience of other teachers, not only our region, but also colleagues from other cities of Russia (the experience of northern cities such as Kogalym is especially interesting, Magadan, Murmansk, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Naberezhnye Chelny, etc., thanks to the media and Internet resources) Thirdly, we are developing projects for future buildings, where they will be located, what resources will be involved.

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Here are a variety of plans for the winter areas of our kindergarten teachers, which take into account the characteristics of each age, the availability and use of stationary equipment, the possibility of solving physical fitness problems.

This plan shows the prospect of winter development of the senior group site. Snow Shaft for exercises in balance and climbing, as well as for outdoor games, targets - vertical and horizontal for throwing, a crawl hole, a snow slide, a ship house and other objects for role-playing games, a snow fortress, a hockey rink ...

Now look at the embodiment of our fantasy on the site of the kindergarten.
Here is the slide - the favorite shell of our children. Please note that the site is not large, stationary equipment does not allow making the descent of the slide long and safe, therefore, it was decided to lengthen the descent due to the bend, make it safe to exit in order to avoid collisions and adjust the sequence of rolling off the additional treadmill. The ship - the mast is frozen into a plastic container, resistant to wind and providing mobility ... The iron slide in winter is not used for its intended purpose, we have adapted it as a simulator for throwing at a vertical target. To do this, a round target is installed at the top, and at the bottom is a storage for artificial snowballs - sewn from raincoat fabric and filled with padding polyester. The use of these snowballs is very convenient and safe. Snowballs after hitting the target - roll down the chute back down ...
We use the swing as a stand for the games "Knock down the object", "Who is the most accurate" - (artificial snowballs are also used), as a hole for crawling and for the role-playing game "Shop".

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We invite you for a winter walk To Kindergarten No. 210 "Ladushki" in Togliatti

Beautiful comfortable areas are the pride of any kindergarten, but in winter it is much more difficult to make the area look aesthetically pleasing, and even allow solving certain pedagogical problems. We will be happy to share with you little tricks on preparing sites for winter.

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We have already shown an example of unconventional use of stationary equipment - an iron slide and a swing. The sandbox can also turn into a chessboard with ice figures, the role of a chessboard is played by fabric with black and white squares frozen to the flat surface of the sandbox, and checkers are colorful water frozen in round disposable containers. As an option - children's billiards: certain markings and holes are made on the ice surface. The figures are moved with the help of wooden mini-mops.

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use of tools: traditional: shovels, scrapers, stretchers, bites, besides wooden children's shovels, we recommend using modern, lightweight, durable shovels with a telescopic handle, convenient for adjusting the length of the handle.

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The use of homemade stretchers made of plastic baskets and cans makes it easier for children to carry snow, and plastic containers for water-based paint and white paint are great for collecting snow and "snow" cakes.

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Recently, construction tools have become our constant assistants. For example, using an ordinary hacksaw, you can cut perfectly-even cubes from snow, steps to the hill and others, it is very convenient, easy and quick, especially with heavy snow drifts ... buildings. The technique of sculpting from snow dough using a formwork method has proven itself well. Planks of different sizes, cardboard boxes from under large-sized household appliances are suitable as formwork. - this technique is very relevant in the conditions of a little snowy winter.

The most important condition for all snow buildings on the kindergarten site is maximum safety, the absence of sharp edges, corners, ice lumps.

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Another tip: we use fabric, ropes, fringes, flags from bright plastic bags to make the snow constructions bright and colorful - this material can be easily glued to the snow. We have long abandoned the use of gouache paints: they stain clothes and upset the ecological balance.

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We involve parents in the design of the plots: they bring water, snow, help to clear the plot after snowfalls and blizzards. Parents with great interest and pleasure learn new technologies for working with snow, make their suggestions ...

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Our children grow up strong, hardened, cheerful, they love walks and funny outdoor games. The number of colds has decreased, and this is a fact of paramount importance.

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In winter, when foliage flies from the trees and even late flowers bloom, the garden becomes gray and dull. Even the most beautiful courtyard in the cold season loses the lion's share of its charm. However, there are tons of ways to decorate your site. Find out what winter crafts you can make with your own hands for your yard and garden. Learn to create unique decor from the most unexpected materials - ice, snow, pine cones, plastic bottles and much more.

What crafts can decorate a winter garden

In summer, the main decoration of the garden is flowers and trees. With the onset of cold weather, you have to look for new solutions. The most important thing that can be done is to provide a place for evergreen shrubs or plants with decorative berries and bark at the stage of landscape design.

Green bushes of boxwood, thuja, bright spots of mountain ash or viburnum berries look elegant precisely in the cold season. For the same purposes, plant a hellebore, wild rose, dogwood, pampas grass, holly.

Even in winter, you can make the garden beautiful and cozy.

And in order to make the site look even more elegant and interesting, make creative winter crafts with your own hands. Involve children in the work, they will surely enjoy creating unusual things from ordinary materials.

Snowmen and company - traditional winter guests

What is the most in the winter garden? Of course snow! With its help, you can turn the site into a real winter wonderland. The first thing that comes to mind is to make a snowman. This children's fun can be put to good use by decorating the finished snowman with a cute scarf and hat, handing him a decorative broom.

Cute snowman

Together with children, you can sculpt the most fantastic figures from the snow and decorate ready-made creations. For this, ordinary watercolor, gouache, food colors and even brilliant green are suitable. Coloring snow creations is easy:

  1. To get started, prepare 1 liter jars or cut plastic bottles for stirring paints. Fill them with water.
  2. Dilute the paints in water. Remember that the solution must be quite saturated so that the finished figurine turns out not pale, but bright.
  3. Start painting the snow. It is convenient to paint a large area of ​​one color from a spray bottle. If it's a pity to smear the spray bottle with paint, just pour the solution into a plastic bottle and make more holes in its cap. Narrow stripes or lettering is best obtained with a small, thin-nosed watering can. Paint over complex elements with large brushes or a piece of foam rubber.

Snow craft

Instead of snow figurines, you can build a real castle, build an Eskimo dwelling or an impromptu fence. For construction, you need to make snow bricks. For this, cardboard boxes are very useful. They are packed tightly with snow, and then gently shaken out. The finished blocks are stacked on top of each other according to the brickwork principle.

The kingdom of ice on a personal plot

Another available material for unlimited winter creativity is ice. If you have children, invite them to make winter crafts from tinted ice with you with your own hands. The multicolored ice figurines do this:

  1. Prepare enough water in separate containers and stir the paints in it. The richer the solution, the brighter the figures will turn out.
  2. Pour the water into molds. To do this, use children's "pasochki", buckets, balloons, rubber gloves. It is convenient to pour water into the balls using a watering can. Tie the filled balls or gloves tightly. Leave all the blanks in the frost overnight.
  3. Dip the frozen blanks in a bucket of warm water and remove the mold (just break the balls). That's all. Lollipop-like figures can be placed along the paths, under the trees, by the gate.

Ice figurines resemble candy

Ice pendants for trees are made according to the same principle. Use silicone bakeware, baby sandwich molds, or any other suitable container for the molds. Before pouring water, do not forget to put a piece of rope in each container to attach the finished crafts to the branches. Pendants made of various berries, flowers, petals frozen in clear water look very attractive.

Ice pendants on the branches

If you plan to spend winter evenings in the garden, make unusual candlesticks out of ice. Sequence of work:

  1. Prepare two cylindrical cans large enough to fit easily into the other. The gap between the walls should be 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Pour 2-4 cm of water into a large jar and leave to freeze.
  3. Insert a second can into a container with frozen water and pour water between the walls.
  4. Dip the frozen form in warm water and carefully remove the jars.
  5. In the resulting ice vase, place a tablet candle or light bulbs from a Christmas tree garland.

The combination of ice and flame is mesmerizing

Evergreen Jewelry

The winter garden is sorely lacking in greenery. Add color with evergreens. The most affordable material for such a decor is spruce or pine branches. Garlands or wreaths from thorny paws can be used to decorate a fence, a gate. Evergreen compositions will replace flowers in empty pots and flowerpots.

Frame for a wreath

A wreath of spruce branches on the gate or front doors is done like this:

  1. Use a thick, flexible wire to bend the ring for the base of the wreath and secure the ends so that it does not fall apart.
  2. Cut the twigs into 20-25 cm pieces.
  3. Fasten the branches with a thin soft wire around the circumference of the base, overlapping with each subsequent branch the attachment point on the previous one.
  4. Decorate the finished wreath with ribbons, cones, bunches of winter berries such as rowan or viburnum.

Connecting branches to the base

All branches are fixed to the frame

If you want to make a composition for a flowerpot, the branches must also be connected with wire and, if possible, attached to the flowerpot so that the winter bouquet is not scattered by the wind.

This is what the finished wreath looks like.

Fabulous winter cones crafts

A basket of cones will completely revive the empty flower bed. They can also be used to make pendants for trees or unusual garlands. When working, keep in mind that the craft will be exposed to atmospheric influences, so the cones should not be fastened together with glue. It is better to connect them with soft wire, passing it imperceptibly between the scales.

Compositions of cones in the garden look elegant on their own, but if you wish, you can paint them in different colors with paints from spray cans. The work must be carried out in the fresh air, but not in the cold, otherwise the paint will lie unevenly.

Cones for decorating the fence

Graceful vine compositions

If you are at least a little familiar with the principles of weaving from a vine, decorate your site with openwork figurines made from flexible twigs. The advantage of such compositions is that snow practically does not linger on them and the figures are always in sight.

Vine balls

Braided balls of different sizes look very impressive, and it is very simple to make them:

  1. Prepare enough long willow twigs. If there is no vine, you can use any smooth flexible twigs, for example, root shoots of maple, viburnum or lilac. The rods must be moist and flexible.
  2. Bend one twig into a ring around the diameter of the future ball and secure the ends with wire. Prepare 6-8 of these rings.
  3. Insert the rings into one another, forming the outline of a ball. Secure the intersections with wire.
  4. Braid the ball in different directions with thinner twigs. Tuck the ends of the twigs inward so that they do not stick out.
  5. The finished ball can be tied to a string and hung on a tree or attached to a strong thin stick and stuck into a flower bed.

Wicker balls with garlands

Snowman made of plastic bottles

What to do when there is little snow, but you really want to decorate the yard like winter? Make a cute snowman out of plastic bottles! The work seems difficult only at first glance. In fact, making such a winter craft with your own hands is very simple.

To create a snowman you will need:

  • many clear plastic bottles of the same size;
  • a coil of fine flexible wire or synthetic twine;
  • thick wire for the base;
  • sturdy scissors or a construction knife and awl.

Snowman frame

Stages of work:

  1. First of all, make the frame of the snowman. For the large bottom ball, bend the wire pieces in an arc, then stick them into the ground to form a dome.
  2. For the snowman's head, bend 6-8 wire rings and insert them into each other to form a ball frame. Clip the rings together at the intersections.
  3. Connect the top and bottom balls with wire and use it to braid the frame loosely for greater strength.
  4. Cut off the bottoms of the bottles. To make the craft neat, all the blanks must be of the same height and diameter.
  5. It is unlikely that you will be able to find the required number of white bottles, so the cut-off bottoms will have to be painted. Use spray paint or regular enamel. If you decide to paint the workpieces with enamel, then just pour a little paint into each bottom and distribute it by tilting the workpiece from side to side.
  6. Collect the prepared bottle bottoms in long garlands. Pierce each piece on both sides with an awl and thread wire or strong synthetic string through the holes.
  7. Start shaping the snowman by wrapping the tape from the bottoms around the frame from the bottom up. To prevent the bottles from slipping, fix each turn with pieces of soft wire.
  8. Draw a face and buttons for the finished snowman.

The bottoms must be the same color and size

Connected bottoms of bottles

These snowmen can be made from bottles.

How to decorate your porch or terrace at home

The summer open terrace with the arrival of cold weather becomes a completely uncomfortable place. To make the house look attractive, attach homemade lanterns under the roof or on the windows, decorate the porch with cute crafts.

Openwork lanterns from cans

Canned food cans usually go to the trash, and they can be easily turned into fancy street lamps. The walls of the cans covered with a see-through pattern transmit light well and color the surrounding space with light spots.

To make flashlights from cans, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • small cans;
  • spray paint;
  • wire;
  • a printout of a beautiful dot pattern in the size of a can or a hand-drawn drawing;
  • sand in an amount sufficient to fill the cans to the top;
  • hammer, nail;
  • tablet candles.

Tin can lanterns

Sequence of work:

  1. To prevent the cans from deforming during work, fill them to the top with sand, fill them with water and leave them in the frost overnight. The frozen mixture will prevent the walls from losing their shape when working with a hammer.
  2. Wrap the printed paper tightly around the jar and secure with tape so that it does not move during operation.
  3. Cover your work surface with an unnecessary rag. Using a nail and a hammer, punch holes in the jar along the outline of the drawing. At the top edge, make two holes for a loop, from which you can hang the flashlight.
  4. Wait for the tin to thaw, shake out the sand and dry the workpiece. Attach a wire loop to the top edge.
  5. Cover the flashlight with 2-3 coats of spray paint and leave to dry.
  6. Place a candle in the finished craft.

The lights behind the glass look very cozy

Flashlight made of a garland and a glass jar

You can also make a beautiful flashlight from an old New Year's garland, in which half of the bulbs no longer light up, and from an ordinary glass jar. It is extremely simple to make it:

  1. Take a glass jar with a volume of 0.2-0.5 liters. The can can be both the most ordinary and curly, for example, from under coffee. Wrap a wire loop around the neck and attach the hanging loop to it.
  2. Do not fold the garland too tightly into the jar, leaving the end with a fork on the outside.
  3. The flashlight is ready, all that remains is to connect the garland to electricity and enjoy the effect.

If you want to make the craft even more elegant, apply the drawing you like to the jar using a can of paint and a paper stencil.

A family of pumpkins will decorate the porch

Bright pumpkin street decor

Pumpkin is a wonderful autumn vegetable, quite capable of serving as a decoration for a porch or terrace. Dried pumpkins are not afraid of frost, so feel free to use them to create winter crafts with your own hands.

Gently cut off the tops of the decorative pumpkins, remove the seeds and some of the pulp. Leave the pumpkins warm to dry for a couple of weeks. It is most convenient to make pumpkin blanks in the fall, immediately after harvesting.

Dried pumpkins are decorative in themselves, you can simply place them on the steps of the house. Another option is to turn dry vegetables into lanterns by drilling many holes in them with an electric drill.

Crafts for the New Year holidays

When decorating your home for the New Year, do not forget about the yard and garden. With skillful hands, it is possible to turn the site into a real New Year's kingdom.

Luminous sculptures made of cling film and scotch tape

You have probably seen the flickering translucent figurines of deer and other New Year's characters in the windows of shopping centers, and just on the streets. Few people know that such beauty can be done by hand.

Glowing deer made of film and scotch tape

The most interesting thing is that for work you only need a couple of rolls of cling film, a roll of wide adhesive tape and a luminous garland. The only difficulty lies in finding a suitable shape for wrapping with film - these can be oversized garden sculptures, interior figurines and other interesting things.

Stages of work:

  1. Wrap the selected shape tightly and evenly with cling film in 5-6 layers. The more layers, the stronger the sculpture will be.
  2. Stick 2-3 layers of tape on top of the film. It is more convenient to work with segments of 25-30 cm. Try to keep the adhesive tape flat and not wrinkle.
  3. Using a construction knife or scissors with sharp ends, cut the workpiece and remove it from the mold.
  4. Place the garland inside. To ensure that the bulbs fill the space evenly and do not become clumped, fix them in the desired position with pieces of tape. Remember to pull the power plug out.
  5. Cover the cut with duct tape. The magic glowing sculpture is ready!

Winter home porch decor

How to make Christmas garlands on the street

Decorate tree branches, a fence, or the front of your home with colorful garlands made from a variety of materials. Even children can be entrusted with making these simple winter crafts - they will surely enjoy making funny little things with their own hands.

First of all, you need a strong rope to make the garlands. You can attach anything you want to it - Christmas figurines cut out of felt, snowflakes, flags made of colored paper pasted over with adhesive tape to protect against moisture, burned-out light bulbs painted with paints, and much more.

Luxury snowflakes

Openwork wire snowflakes

Another simple decoration for the holidays is wire snowflakes. The wire base is decorated with Christmas tree tinsel, foil, knitting yarn. Such snowflakes are appropriate not only in the yard, but also indoors. It is easy to make them, so in a short time you can make many snowflakes, for example, for a garland.

Stages of work:

  1. Prepare a coil of flexible wire that holds its shape well, wrapping material such as yarn and pliers.
  2. Print or freehand the star pattern. Bend the wire with pliers over the template and twist the ends.
  3. Wrap the workpiece with threads, secure the ends with a small piece of tape. Tie a loop in the corner of one of the rays.

Wire snowflakes can be made in any other shape by bending the wire in the desired direction.

Making winter crafts with your own hands is a sheer pleasure. Set aside an evening for work, show your imagination so that you can enjoy a stylish and beautiful site all winter.

In winter, employees of the Skazka kindergarten in the northern city of Kogalym build a snow town on the site.

Already in October, a creative group, with the support of the kindergarten administration, develops the theme of a snow town, thinks over which characters will be sculpted, where they will be located. And then the teacher L.V. Materova, combining in one person the functions of an architect, sculptor, designer and labor instructor, draws up a plan for the construction of a snow town. The theme of snow buildings is varied: "Circus", "Traffic rules", "Teremok", "Dymkovo toys", "Underwater kingdom", "Visiting a fairy tale".

When the snow covers the ground, we install boxes, knocked down from boards, chipboard, plywood on the site, fill them with snow, tamp them well. After a few days, when the snow is compressed, we remove the boxes. The snow cubes are now ready to be cut out of various shapes. For this we use saws, hacksaws, spatulas, small wooden shovels, scrapers. Cover the snow figures with snow dough, pour water over them. This is necessary in order for a strong ice crust to form. It is she who subsequently preserves our figures for many weeks and even months.

Snow dough recipe

In a bucket filled with a little more than half of water, put clean, fluffy snow. A thick “snowy dough” is formed.

If there are no boxes, then on the days of the thaw, many large koloboks can be rolled out of the snow. It is easy and convenient to cut out various details from them, which, being connected by "snow dough", turn into intricate shapes.

There are metal structures for games on the playgrounds and the sports ground of the kindergarten. We also actively use them: we cover them with snow, we lay them in snowballs. Tables, benches, wall bars, rockets serve as the basis for houses, huts, animals. From them you can also mold the Serpent Gorynych, a mill, a ticket office, a cage for a parrot, podiums.

One of the main requirements for the design of winter areas is their safety for the health of children. To avoid injury, we try to make sure that the surface of the buildings is smooth, does not have sharp protrusions, corners. Our buildings are always solid and capable of withstanding any stress.

The snow town on the territory of our kindergarten is large. But the main buildings in it, of course, are the hills. As a rule, we build two slides: one for toddlers, with two slopes, and the other for older preschool children.

We build the slides like this: collect the snow in a large pile, install wooden shields on the sides. With the help of shields, the sides of the slide are flat. For decoration we use a bas-relief, moldings. This helps to turn the hill into a teremok or a castle. The ice slope and steps have reliable curbs on both sides, the platform at the top is surrounded by handrails. Despite the fact that there are many buildings in our snowy town, there is not a single random figure among them. We try to make each of them not only beautiful, but also functional. They help to practice different types of basic movements: jumping, climbing, throwing.

For sliding, we often use a sandbox, turning it into a small ice rink.
With the first frosts, until the snow falls, fill the sandbox with water to form a reliable ice crust. The ice crust during re-fill does not allow water to go into the sand. When the ice rink is ready, we decorate it with fabric fish. Fabric fish soaked in water adhere very easily to the ice surface of the ice rink. The latter fill makes the ice rink smooth, slippery and, most importantly, very attractive.

In order to get a complete composition, we fence off the territory of the snow town with a border. We place Christmas trees on it, and also erect several high snow shafts along the perimeter of the curb.

We put a Christmas tree in the center of the snowy town. To do this, we have a metal frame into which we insert spruce branches and decorate them with Christmas decorations made by children.

In order to make our snow figures beautiful, we select small rubber or plastic toys, illustrations from books, magazines.

When building a snow town, we pay a lot of time and attention to decorating the figures. To make them bright and colorful, we use fabric, ropes, ribbons, fringes, flags. This material is very easy to stick to snow. Almost nowhere in the decoration we use gouache paints: they leave marks on children's clothes. And it is convenient and beautiful to decorate with fabric.

Here are some more secrets to decorating snow figures.

Earlier, when decorating figures, we applied dry fabric parts to them, and then sprinkled them with water. Now we first soak all the details of the jewelry in water, then slightly "freeze" them, and only after that we glue them with the help of water. Then small parts do not deform and stick easily. By "freezing" the fabric, we get the opportunity to easily cut it on the street with scissors. It was thanks to this method that we learned how to "dress" the snow figures.

Another secret of ours is the fabric applique. We use it to decorate the walls of castles, houses, huts, shutters, windows, clothing details, sides of hills. We perform applicative compositions indoors, then “freeze” and stick them on.

In order for the snowy town to look like a single composition, we enclose its territory with a border with voluminous Christmas trees and flat bushes. And although there are a lot of different figures and buildings on the site, there is enough free space for children to play mobile and independent.

The conditions of the North allow us to build a snow town during December. So on New Year's Eve, among other gifts, our children also receive such an unusual one. We are proud that our preschoolers, their relatives, loved ones and even people from neighboring houses, and just passers-by admire our creation.

In the evenings, until the very closing of the kindergarten, the territory of the snow town is full of young visitors. This suggests that children and parents in our town are cozy, comfortable and, most importantly, safe. But the beauty of the environment evokes bright feelings. No wonder they say that "the beautiful eye rejoices."

kindergarten "Fairy Tale",
Kogalym, Tyumen region

Winter is coming to an end and it is a little sad to say goodbye to frost and snow. In winter, you can transform the kindergarten site into a fairy kingdom with snowmen, huts, labyrinths and even snow dragons.

In kindergarten No. 1512 (Moscow, Southern Administrative District), it has become a good tradition to hold contests for the best winter plot. This year was no exception. In the competition, figures are evaluated according to several parameters, the main of which are functionality and originality.

Educators need to think through everything. Daily walks should be beneficial for the development of children. To ensure a high-quality organization of a walk in winter, it is necessary to create certain conditions: to clear the area from snow, to build buildings for the development of basic movements (walking, running, jumping, throwing).

And how much fun, joy and pleasure are given to children by playing snowballs, sledding, going down the ice slides!

The design of winter areas is not an easy job, requiring large physical costs. In order to inspire teachers to create snow structures on the territory of the kindergarten, a review competition "Winter Site" was organized.

The objectives of the competition are:

  • improving the image of a preschool educational institution, maintaining traditions in the team and enhancing collective creative activity, developing creative abilities, fostering aesthetic taste;
  • creation of favorable conditions for upbringing and educational work with children for a walk in the winter, increasing the physical activity of pupils in the conditions of a preschool educational institution;
  • stimulating professional growth, developing the creative initiative of educators when carrying out health-improving and educational work with children for a walk in the winter.

Absolutely everyone, young and old, took part in the competition: children, parents, educators and even security guards. Preparation for the competition was very perky and fun.

The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas, and other participants were awarded letters of thanks.

Designing winter walking areas is difficult, but at the same time rewarding!

Thank you for the material provided to Svetlana Egorova.

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Slide captions:

Winter walking area decoration

Our site is simply amazing! Everything is beautifully decorated!

The scientist cat lies here and guards the feeder

The hare and the wolf made friends, they settled down near the swing!

The gingerbread man meets the guys, invites them to play!

Bunny is also glad to children, he loves children very much!

Our fish is not simple, beautiful and golden!

Three bears live here, everyone is invited to visit!

There is a boat for the guys, I am glad to ride anyone!

Our slide is just a treasure! The best fun for the guys!

We also have a labyrinth, it is simply decorated with class!

There is a walkway for walking! And wide and stitching!

A hedgehog is made of a snowdrift, where else can you find a hedgehog?

Here is a corner for girls, come visit my friend

We tried our best for children, attracted parents! Together they conjured for a long time, And fought with the snow! But our work was not in vain, the site is called "Winter's Tale"!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Design ideas for the walking area of ​​the kindergarten

The crafts that we made for the second group of young children depict domestic and wild birds. Based on them, we tell children that a chicken is a poultry and it lives at the yard, but ...

Creative design for the design of the walking area "Winter Fairy Tale"

In order for the walks of children in winter to turn into a real holiday, it is necessary to create certain conditions on the walking area of ​​the group: clearing the site from snow, erecting buildings ...