Psychological education program for parents. The program of psychological and pedagogical education of parents "parental general education". · Parents' meetings. Parents' meeting is the most important form of work of the class teacher with the student's family,

Dear Colleagues! We bring to your attention the materials of the program of psychological and pedagogical education of parents "Parents' School".

The program is implemented by municipal support sites on the basis of educational organizations (in agreement with the heads of educational organizations). Responsible for the implementation of the program are the managers of the support sites.



  • psychological and pedagogical education of parents "Parents' school"
  • for the lesson 1.1. “Features and development trends of the modern Russian family. Russian legislation in the field of family, marriage, child protection "
  • for conducting a lecture 2.1. "Psychology of premarital and marital relations"
  • for conducting a lecture 2.2. "Crises of family relations, their impact on the mental development of the child"
  • for conducting a lecture 2.3. "The concept and types of a dysfunctional family"
  • to conduct a practical lesson 2.4 "Socio-psychological climate in the family"
  • to conduct a practical lesson 2.5 "Relationships between children and adults in the family"
  • to conduct a lesson on topic 2.6 "Conflicts in family relationships, their impact on the development and upbringing of a child"
  • for lecture 3.1 "Family environment as a source of child development"
  • to conduct lesson 3.3 "Violations of the educational process in the family"
  • to conduct a lecture session 4.1 "Intrauterine development of a child and its impact on the subsequent formation of personality"
  • to conduct a lecture on topic 5.1 "Features of the mental development of a child in infancy"
  • to conduct a lecture on topic 5.2 "Features of the mental development of an early age child"
  • to conduct a lecture on topic 5.3 "Features of the mental development of preschool children"
  • for the practical part of the lesson on topic 5.3 "Features of the mental development of preschool children"

Sections: Working with parents


People love to dream. From generation to generation, they do not give up this dubious occupation, and even more than that: with small variations, from century to century, they dream about the same thing. Three main human dreams: to fly, live forever and predict the future. So, dreaming, a person came up with an airplane and medicine, but the most difficult thing is with the last point. The future continues to scare and intrigue, fascinate and dizzy. It is in no way given in the hands, and fortune-telling on the coffee grounds is little comforting. However, to make the future predictable at least in part… tradition helps. Family traditions and household rituals are much more important for children than for adults. It may seem to us that my mother’s sweet habit of telling the baby every night’s fairy tale does not oblige her to anything. For the child's psyche, rituals acquire, speaking in the language of psychological terms, supporting and stabilizing functions. With the help of them, the little one is guided in time, from them he gains confidence that everything in the house goes on as usual, and the loyalty of the parents to the child's home habits is nothing more than an everyday expression of love for the baby. The meaning of rituals and domestic traditions is precisely in the fact that events follow one another in a once established sequence: day after day, month after month, in the fact that they are observed no matter what. Confidence in this brings a sense of stability to children's life, relieves anxiety and comforts in times of grief. A reverent and attentive attitude to rituals is especially important if the baby is sick, upset, or offended. The seriousness and respect with which adults treat the child's habits, which they themselves have created, contributes to the development of a sense of self-worth in the little one. The kid learns to respect his words and promises, to be consistent, to keep his word.

We will not reveal a big secret, saying that a small child perceives the world through the eyes of adults - his parents. Dad and mom form the children's picture of the world from the very first meeting with their baby. First, they build for him a world of touches, sounds and visual images, then they teach the first words, then they convey their attitude to all this. The way the child subsequently treats himself, others and life in general is entirely up to the parents. Life may appear to him as an endless holiday or an exciting journey, or it may be seen as a frightening foray into wild places or as boring, thankless and hard work that awaits everyone right outside the school gates. If most of the usual family rituals are not restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens in children a sense of family integrity, a sense of the uniqueness of their own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism, which each of us carries, is acquired in childhood, and the more it is, the better.

Of course, the character of a child is not formed in one day, but we can say with certainty: the more childhood looked like a holiday, and the more joy there is in it, the happier the little man will be in the future. When creating individual traditions of your home, it is worth remembering that any rules are good if they make life better, and do not complicate it. Rigid traditions, even if they regulate not everyday life, but only holidays or another joyful event, have a depressing effect on the spontaneous child's psyche. Some events in life just need to be allowed to happen without being customized to the scenario.

If you want to diversify the life of your children and make family life more interesting, you can create your own home traditions. Children of all ages love to do fun and joyful things with serious faces, under the guidance of adults. Think that each of your family members can do well and try to make it a pleasant custom.

In Russia, the traditions of upbringing at home have been significantly weakened as a result of the policy of nationalizing the practice of upbringing. At present, the Russian society is reviving the understanding that the family is almost the main source of the development of intelligence, moral and aesthetic formation, emotional culture and physical health of children. However, these tasks should be solved together with the school.


The purpose of the "Family Traditions" program is to improve pedagogical culture and parent education. As part of the implementation of the program, various forms of work with parents can be used: parent-teacher meetings, conferences, a discussion meeting, organizational-activity and psychological games, a parent's lecture hall, a family living room, a round table meeting, an evening of questions and answers, a pedagogical workshop, training for parents and others.

The program consists of nine thematic blocks:

  1. Upbringing is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person (The origins of family education )
  2. My son, and he has his own mind (I and him: how to live in harmony with a child)
  3. Reading is beauty, not reading is dryness (Family Traditions: Family Reading)
  4. Examples of More Helpful Precepts (Family Traditions: Family Home)
  5. Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity (Family traditions: free time)
  6. Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality (Family Traditions: Family Archive)
  7. He who hopes for heaven sits without bread (Family traditions: work in the family
  8. Health is the most precious thing (Family traditions: a healthy lifestyle)
  9. The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out, so you won't catch it (Family traditions: dialogue in family communication)

Target: assistance in the revival of the best domestic traditions of family education, restoration of the traditional way of life.


  • to form an active pedagogical position of parents, to involve them in active involvement in extracurricular leisure activities;
  • warn parents against the most common mistakes in parenting;
  • to generalize and disseminate the positive experience of family education.

Expected results:

  • Creation of a system of assistance to parents in the formation of the moral lifestyle of the family, in the prevention of negative manifestations in children and adolescents.
  • Raising the pedagogical culture of parents, disclosing the creative potential of parents, improving family education on the examples of family traditions.
  • Strengthening the role of the family in raising children.
  • Formation of the qualities of a future family man and a parent among young people.





Upbringing is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person
(The origins of family education)

What is a tree, so are apples (Traditions of folk pedagogy)

My day is my century: what has come down to us has come to you (Traditions in Russian pedagogy)

There is a reason for everything (The Origins of Deep Attachment in Parent-Child Relationships)

Not the father - the mother who gave birth, but the one who drank, fed, and taught good (The power of good traditions)

A child is like wax: what you want, you will merge (Gold placers of parental pedagogy)

Great things come out of little (Creating your own family traditions. Family business card)

A good example comes back in a circle ... (L.A. Seneca) or One for all and all for one (Birth of class traditions)

Best Preaching is a Good Example (Educating Masculinity and Femininity Using Family Traditions)

Russian is proud in words, but firm in deeds (How statesmen were raised)

The soul is the measure of everything (Spiritual origins of education)

The human soul is the greatest wonder in the world (Dante Alighieri)

(The role of culture and religion in the upbringing and development of personality)


My son, and he has his own mind
(Me and him: how to live in harmony with a child)

Teach the child while it lies across the bench, and as it lies along the bench, then it's too late to teach (Age characteristics of younger students)

He who indulges children then sheds a tear (The influence of parental attitudes on the development of a child.)

And the crow praises (Parental expectations as an important factor in the formation of the child's personality)

From moose - moose calves, from pigs - piglets (Styles of parenting behavior)

What to be, that cannot be avoided (Psychological adaptation of students and ways of its correction)

The kids are small - they won't let you eat, the kids are big - they won't let them live (Age and individual psychological characteristics of a teenager.)

In a good life, curls curl, in a bad life they split (Emotional atmosphere in the family)

Great figure, but a fool (The first signs of the emergence of a sense of adulthood. Striving for self-respect)

Raising children - not counting chickens (Taking into account physical and psychological characteristics, combining respect for the individual with exactingness to her, consistency of the influence of the family and school, reasonable adjustment of the various influences on the student)

Children are more like their time than their parents (Adolescence. Psychological aspect)

The one who does nothing is not mistaken (The psychological meaning of supporting another person)


Reading is beauty, not reading is dryness
(Family Traditions: Family Reading)

You will behave with a book, you will gain intelligence, the song is red with a harmony, and a fairy tale is a warehouse (An hour of a fairy tale for younger students)

Books do not speak, they tell the truth (Family Library))

From time immemorial, the book raises a person (Collection - debate "Reading is the best teaching!")

The newspaper teaches the reader to reflect on what he does not know, and to know what he does not understand (V.O. Klyuchevsky) (Review of family newspapers and magazines)

Is the pen big, but does he write big books ("Sharks of the pen" (Adults get acquainted with the work of their children)

Do not be lazy to read ancient books, because in them you can easily find what others have found with such difficulty in everyday experience, and you will comprehend everything (Basil I of Macedonians) (Reader interests of adolescents, favorite book and favorite heroes or a series of ZhZL books)

Not difficult to do, but difficult to conceive (Acquaintance with popular science magazines and books)

Another book enriches, and another misleads (Meetings with writers, poets)


Examples of more useful instructions
(Family traditions: family hearth)

What is it at home, so is it yourself (Long live comfort!)

Home is like a full bowl (Family joy)

One with a bipod, seven with a spoon (Big family. Joys and difficulties)

Our Cossacks have a custom (Traditional way of family ...)

To live at home about everything to grieve (Laws of the family)

No value versus love (Family love)

Money about a white day, money about a red day, and money about a rainy day (Children and money, family budget)

Happiness is like health: when you don't notice it, it means that it exists (Recipes for family happiness)

Any guardianship that continues after adulthood turns into usurpation (V. Hugo) (The specifics of family education: positive and negative)

True ethics begins where words cease to be used (Schweitzer Albert) (Ethics and aesthetics of family life)


Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
(Family traditions: free time)

Amusement to people, surprise to the whole world (Games for fun)

Why will you go, then you will find (Games for the good of the cause)

No matter what the child is having fun, if only he does not cry (Children with motor hyperactivity disorder. Games to calm children)

And the chest just opened (Brain games)

Many children's games are imitation of the serious activities of adults (J. Korczak) (Game Library)

In education, the development of skills should precede the development of the mind (Aristotle) ​​(Communication games)

Miracles such that hair stands on end (33 family contests)

Who cannot take caress, he will not take it with severity (A.P. Chekhov) (Games for interactions)

What's tricky is not easy (Interesting tasks)

The head is the beginning of everything, where the mind is, there is a lot (Intellectual games, computer games)


Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality
(Family Traditions: Family Archive)

From old memory, as from literacy (Family memories of ....)

The young mind is fastened with the old mind (Secrets of the grandmother's chest)

What kind, tribe? (Pedigree of my family)

I will live - I will not forget. I will remember forever (Keeping relics)

In rank and honor (Cult of the older generation)

To remember a lot, but not to return (Photos of our childhood)

Where there are no good old people, there are no good youth (Presentation of family generations, organizing meetings for ...)

The great ingredients of happiness: having, what to do, what to love and what to hope for (E. Chalmers) (Family values)

Honor with the head (honor of the family)

Inheritance - Neither Gift nor Purchase (Familiarity with the Family Code)

Fatherly word and according to a fairy tale it is true (Blessing of parents)


He who hopes for heaven sits without bread
(Family traditions: family work)

Tackle What You Are Good For (Child Labor and Organization)

Harmony of three concepts: necessary, difficult, wonderful (Content, forms and methods of labor education)

You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty (Basic mechanisms of labor education)

As you sink, so you burst (Domestic self-service. 1001 ways to wash dishes with pleasure)

For the company and the Jew strangled himself (Meeting - debate "Subbotnik - labor or punishment)"

If you suffer for a long time, something will work out (The creative nature of labor)

Patience and work, they will grind everything (Laws of child labor)

Nightingales are not fed with fables (Incentives for child labor)

Did the job, walk boldly (Labor discipline)

I would drink and eat, and I also wanted to (Recipes)

Homes and Eaten Straw (Family Dinner Culture)


Health is the most precious thing
(Family traditions: healthy lifestyle)

To judge a child fairly and correctly, we need not to transfer him from his sphere to ours, but to move ourselves to his spiritual world (N.I. Pirogov) (Mental health of a child)

Healthy, everything is great (Home break)

Sport is great!

The appetite runs from the sick, but rolls to the healthy (Four Laws of Healthy Eating)

The disease will not catch up with the quick and dexterous (School of safety at school and at home)

Away is good, but home is better (Safety school on a hike)

The day will come - it will bring care (What is the best way to start a work day)

Marriage Must Fight the Devouring Monster of Habit (Habits and Health)

Mind and health are the most precious thing (Cheat Sheet for Parents)

Do not pray for a sore, but treat yourself (Family Doctor)

The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out, so you won't catch
(Family Traditions: Dialogue in Family Communication)

To talk to you that honey is drunk (Communication is so easy)

God gave speech to the mute (Our facial expressions, our gestures)

It is good to listen to smart speech (Parental communication hour)

Language opens the mind (Helping children with communication disabilities)

The same word, but not so to say (Do we know how to communicate?)

Take your time to answer, hurry up to listen (Do we know how to listen and hear?)

Kind speech that there is a stove in the hut (Compliment and a word of praise)

Do not let your soul be lazy (The art of communication. The inclusion of mental vision, elements of training).

Understanding is a two-way street (Eleanor Roosevelt) (Difficult People and Communication)

He does not speak much, but thinks a lot (Business speech and computer)

Do not joke with such a joke, who is sensitive to every word (Conflict communication between boys and girls)


  1. Falkovich A.T. Non-traditional forms of work with parents [Text] / А.Т. Falkovich, N.S. Tolstoukhova, L.A. Obukhova. - M .: 5 for knowledge, 2005 .-- 237 p.
  2. Bogatenko V.D. Organization of summer recreation and work of schoolchildren: results and prospects [Text] / VD Bogatenko, G.V. Gavrilova. - Kemerovo, 2002. - 145 p.
  3. Miklyaeva A. I am a teenager. I am among other people [Text] / Anastasia Miklyaeva. Psychology lesson program. Part 3. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2003 .-- 119 p.
  4. Kulinich G.G. Bad habits [Text] / G.G. Kulinich. - M .: VEKO, 2008.
  5. Cyril and Methodius The Great Encyclopedia [Electronic resource] / Cyril and Methodius, 2006, 2007
  6. Scientific-methodical journal of the deputy director of the school for educational work [Text] / 2005. - № 6.
  7. Bulletin of Education of Russia, 2002. - No. 23
  8. Dal V. Proverbs of the Russian people [Text] / V. Dal. Collection in two volumes. - M .: Fiction, 1998.
  9. Dal V. Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings [Text] / In Dal. - M .: "Education", 1980.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of pedagogical education of parents of preschoolers

1.1. Definition of research concepts

1.2. The basic concept of what is an enlightened parent?

1.3 Types of psychological help. Methods for working with parents.

1.4. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents



The main personality traits, the social appearance of a person are formed at a very early age, when the child masters the first life experience under the supervision of parents, surrounded by the care and love of the mother and father. Back in the 17th century, many scientists proved that the first five to six years of life are the most important for a growing person. The Soviet pediatrician A.F. Tur argued that up to the age of five, a child must certainly be brought up in a family. The teachers established the following pattern: “The success of personality formation is determined, first of all, by the family. The better the family and the better it influences the upbringing, the higher the result of the physical, moral, labor education of the individual. Family and child are mirror images of each other. The influence of the family on the growing child is stronger than all other educational influences. It is the family that in a certain way influences the process and results of personality formation. It is only in the family that many personality traits are developed that cannot be brought up anywhere except in the parental home. In the family, the formation of the personality of a citizen, patriot, worker, future family man, a person - bearer of high spiritual and moral qualities takes place. Only together with the parents, through the common efforts of the teacher - according to the deep conviction of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, - can give children great human happiness (Sukhomlinsky V.A. Family education is carried out on such principles of communication between family and school as cooperation, interaction, mutual trust, interaction with the public, and the unity of pedagogical requirements for children. Parents need to master a certain amount of pedagogical knowledge and experience in educational activities. In modern Russia, the family is experiencing a crisis: it is getting worse and worse in fulfilling one of its main functions - raising children. The reasons for this crisis are the deterioration of the economic situation of most families, a high percentage of divorces, violation of the continuity of progressive family traditions, lack of self-discipline, drunkenness, low culture of public life, aggravation of conflicts between generations. The level of the pedagogical culture of parents and of the whole society has decreased. The pedagogical education of parents and activists - social activists who provide assistance to preschool institutions, schools and families in raising children - has fallen into decay. The improvement of the content and forms of pedagogical education among parents, the population, especially among parents of preschool children, is also due to the fact that in Russia at the end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries. the number of kindergartens where the development and upbringing of children was carried out on a scientific and pedagogical basis has significantly decreased. The problem of developing the foundations of the latest family pedagogy, increasing the publication of popular science literature for parents, strengthening the activities of the media to assist parents in raising children in a parental home, systemic opposition to information that harms the spiritual and moral upbringing of children and youth is becoming very urgent. Raising the pedagogical culture of fathers, mothers, and members of the public should be based on a differentiated approach to the family, the use of various forms and methods of individual work with parents. It is necessary to overcome the alienation of educational institutions, commercial structures, creative associations in education of pedagogical knowledge, to strengthen the involvement of parents and the public to participate in joint affairs with children and teachers, educators. The urgency of the problem of pedagogical education of parents as active participants in the educational process is also evidenced by the fact that the collegium of the Ministry of Education in 1995 recognized the creation of a Public Council under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on issues of interaction between families and educational institutions. In the decision of the board on this issue, it was noted that the need to develop problems of family education, to provide all-round assistance to the family in solving emerging problems in raising children, in psychological and pedagogical education through the organization of a service of social and pedagogical assistance to the family and the child, the work of family clubs, counseling centers, meetings with specialists. It was proposed to develop additional educational services for the population, including opening courses, conducting seminars on legal and psychological and pedagogical problems of raising children, studying, generalizing and disseminating modern forms and methods of pedagogical education of parents, using progressive traditions of folk pedagogy (See: Classroom Handbook head / Compiled by V.A. Berezin et al. -M .: Astrel, 2003.- S. 132-133). In the 90s, such forms of communication between the school and the family and the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among parents as father's days, mother's days, days of mutual thanksgiving, parental contests "Family Hobby", "Sports Family", contests of family newspapers, reader conferences " Family Reading Circle ". In the 90s of the XX - beginning of the XXI century, psychological and pedagogical education of parents and the entire adult population ceased to be a mass phenomenon. The system, which included the content and forms of pedagogical propaganda among the population, has been abolished. The positive experience of family education, organizing joint activities of parents and children, increasing the role of fathers in the upbringing of the young shift, attracting parents to participate in the pedagogical process of the school is insufficiently introduced. Spiritual and moral values ​​formed by education, the dissemination of vital knowledge and advanced experience among the population, inevitably include Russian traditions that go back centuries and all the best that was created during the years of Soviet power and perestroika. In Russia, during the years of Soviet power, there were attempts to create a system for raising the level of the pedagogical culture of parents. In various periods, this system included such links as the elimination of adult illiteracy, parental schools for young fathers and mothers, the promotion of elementary psychological and pedagogical information about education among the population, parental education, episodic forms of pedagogical education, individual conversations between teachers and parents to prevent unwanted results. in the behavior and teaching of children, etc. All this contributed to an increase in the level of upbringing and education of children. A feature of the pedagogical education of parents in the 60-80s was that pedagogy gradually became, in the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, "science for parents." An increase in the pedagogical culture of parents in the 60-80s was an increase in the material, professional and cultural level of the population. The main forms of improving the pedagogical culture of parents: pedagogical universal education of parents, carried out in preschool institutions and schools; pedagogical propaganda in parental universities, lecture halls at schools, in cultural institutions on a scale of the village, city; systematic classes of parents at the faculties of pedagogical knowledge and in relevant seminars, at scientific and practical conferences. Courses of lectures on psychology and pedagogy were arranged for parents at their place of residence. The dissemination of pedagogical knowledge has intensified through the press, radio, and television. In the 70s and 80s, the topics of various types and forms of pedagogical education were developed with a view to educational work with students of a certain age and became more complicated as the students moved to the next classes. Increased pedagogical education at industrial enterprises, construction sites, collective and state farms - at the place of work of the parents. Modern pedagogy, school and family feel the need for scientifically based provisions, recommendations that contribute to improving the pedagogical culture of society.

The contradictions of a social, pedagogical nature, the absence of the latest research aimed at improving the pedagogical education of parents, testify to the relevance of this work. Research problem: identifying the contribution to the development of a system for improving the pedagogical culture of parents. Purpose of the research: disclosure of the current directions of psychological and pedagogical education of parents. Object of the research: the object of this research is the pedagogical education of parents. Subject of research: the main directions and forms of parenting education. Research objectives: 1. To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic; 2. show the urgency of the problem; 3. to determine the importance of psychological and pedagogical education of parents.

Chapter 1.Ttheoretical foundations of pedagogical education of parents of preschoolers

1.1 Definition of research concepts

Pedagogical education is one of the traditional forms of interaction between teachers of educational institutions and parents (section of methods of working with parents), parental education. Various forms of work with parents should be interconnected and present a single coherent system (lectures, workshops, seminars, conversations, consultations, etc.) provide for familiarizing parents with the basics of theoretical knowledge, with innovative ideas in the field of pedagogy and psychology, to a greater extent with work practice with kids.

1) Forms of pedagogical education:

a) traditional;

b) unconventional.


· Parents' meetings. The parent meeting is the most important form of work of the class teacher with the student's family, a means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. Functions that you perform a parent meeting:

a) familiarizing parents with the content and methodology of the educational process (characteristics of the curriculum used, teaching methods, a story about extracurricular activities, electives, circles, etc.);

b) psychological and pedagogical education of fathers and mothers, which can be expressed in informing parents about the peculiarities of a particular age, conditions for successful interaction with children, etc .;

c) involvement of parents in joint activities with children (extracurricular activities - contests, excursions, hikes, etc.);

d) joint solution of organizational issues (food, duty, discipline and other problems).

· Consulting. Usually, a system of consultations is drawn up, which are carried out individually or for a subgroup of parents. For group consultations, you can invite parents of different groups who have the same problems or, conversely, success in upbringing (capricious children; children with pronounced abilities for drawing, music). The goals of the consultation are the mastering of certain knowledge and skills by the parents; helping them in resolving problematic issues.

· Parent conferences. The conference is one of the forms of psychological and pedagogical education and provides for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about the upbringing of children. The main goal of the conference is the exchange of experience in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance in choosing a topic, designing a speech. The conference can be held within the framework of one preschool institution, but conferences of city and district scales are also practiced. An exhibition of children's works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. is being prepared for the conference. You can end the conference with a joint concert of children, preschool staff, and family members. A parenting conference is a form of interaction in which discussion of moral, universal, social and other problems brings families closer together and does not allow adults to remain indifferent to the future of our society.

· Days of open doors. An open door day, being a fairly common form of work, makes it possible to acquaint parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest it and involve it in participation. It is carried out as a tour of the preschool institution with a visit to the group where the children of the parents who have come are brought up. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective work of children, gathering for a walk, etc.). After the excursion and viewing, the head or the methodologist talk with the parents, find out their impressions, answer the questions that have arisen.


· Thematic consultations. In order for a thematic consultation to take place, parents must be convinced that this problem concerns them and requires an urgent solution. Parents are invited to participate in a thematic consultation using special invitations. Specialists in solving the problem should participate in a thematic consultation, who can help find the best option for solving it. This is a social educator, psychologist. In the course of a thematic consultation, parents receive recommendations on a problem that worries them.

· Parent readings. A very interesting form of work with parents, which will give parents an opportunity not only to listen to the lectures of teachers, but also to study the literature on the problem and participate in its discussion. Parent readings can be organized as follows: at the first meeting at the beginning of the school year, parents determine the issues of pedagogy and psychology that concern them the most. With the help of the school librarian and other specialists, books are identified with the help of which the answer to the question posed can be obtained. Parents read books and then use the recommended reading in parenting readings.

· Parents' evenings. A form of work that perfectly unites the parental team. Parents' evenings are held 2-3 times a year without the presence of children. Parents' evening is a holiday of communication with the parents of a friend of your child, it is a holiday of memories of the infancy and childhood of your own child, it is a search for answers to the questions that life and their own child pose to parents.

The choice and application of various forms of work with parents is based on a number of general conditions: - the parents' knowledge of their children, their positive and negative qualities (what they read, what they are interested in, what assignments they carry out, what difficulties they experience, what are the relations with classmates and teachers, what is most appreciated in people, etc.); - the personal experience of parents, their authority, the nature of family relationships, the desire to educate by personal example; - the pedagogical culture of parents (the pedagogical potential of the family) has a decisive influence on the choice of methods, means and forms of upbringing.

A variant of the active form of pedagogical education is pedagogical propaganda. “Pedagogical propaganda is the dissemination of important information on education and upbringing issues among wide circles of the population. For the first time it received massive development in the USSR. Schools are the center of pedagogical propaganda. The methods and forms of this work in the USSR are very diverse - lectures, reports, seminars and consultations in special. lecture halls for parents or parental universities, schools, enterprises, as well as through the press and radio. "

Psychological education is a section of the preventive activities of a specialist-psychologist, aimed at forming among the population (teachers, educators, schoolchildren, parents, the general public) positive attitudes towards psychological help, the activities of a practicing psychologist and broadening the horizons in the field of psychological knowledge.

Psychological education is the main method and, at the same time, one of the active forms of implementing the tasks of psycho-preventive work of a psychologist, regardless of which of the spheres of social activity (education, healthcare, industry, company, law enforcement agencies, etc.) he works.

Psychological education performs the following tasks:

1. the formation of scientific attitudes and ideas about psychological science and practical psychology (psychologization of society);

2. informing the population on the issues of psychological knowledge;

3. the formation of a stable need for the application and use of psychological knowledge in order to effectively socialize the younger generation and for the purpose of their own development;

2) Means

3) Psychological education in kindergarten

individual, group, variety performances, public performances, etc.


Verbal (conversation, lecture, thematic KVN, speaking on radio, on television), journalism (print and electronic media), visual (poster, booklet, memo), interactive, etc.

Psychological education in kindergarten

The main meaning of psychological education is to acquaint educators, parents with the basic laws and conditions for the favorable mental development of a child; to popularize and explain the results of psychological research; to form the need for psychological knowledge and the desire to use it in working with a child or in the interests of developing one's own personality, as well as to achieve an understanding of the need for practical psychology and the work of a psychologist in kindergarten and other educational institutions.

Upbringing is the purposeful development of each growing person as a unique human individuality and personality. In the process of upbringing, certain relations of a person with the society around him are formed. Education is based, on the one hand, on that moral model, or ideal, which embodies the requirements of society for a growing person, and on the other hand, pursues the goal of maximizing the development of the individual characteristics of each person. The basis of upbringing is the child's initial, innate need for another person. In upbringing, it is not the goal being achieved that is decisive, but the way to achieve it. Education, the most creative, the most humane of all human activities. But upbringing can become creative only when parents are deeply and comprehensively aware of their feelings for children, when they know how to consciously build their behavior, when they influence and change not only children, but also themselves, when they discover the world together with their child, open up the world and transform it ”(AS Spivakovskaya, 1999, p.10).

Learning is a type of educational activity performed by the activities of a teacher and a student and aimed at an element of culture that is insufficiently mastered by a student in order to achieve an appropriate level of proficiency in a certain element of culture, or a higher result than the previous one. The peculiarity of training is that the reason for the performance of the activities of the teacher and the student is the student product that does not correspond to the proper quality (standard). The missing signs, details, understanding, actions, etc., which did not allow the student to produce a high-quality product, constitute the subject of teacher and student activities, the subject of learning, in which the learning process arises and is carried out. The result of this process should be a higher quality student product. If there is no such product, then there can be no training. Then there is no phenomenon that can be called learning. The problem of education is considered not only in pedagogical psychology (along with issues of upbringing psychology), but also in general, age, neuropsychology, pathopsychology, and labor psychology. Learning is a process external to mental development, developing according to its own laws, not related to the actual being of the individual.

1.2 The basic concept of what is an enlightened parent?

Researcher L. Putlyaeva conducted a sociological question - "What is enlightened motherhood?" An enlightened mother can be considered a mother who, along with general erudition, is familiar with pedagogy, psychology and medicine. In addition to knowledge about childhood, skills are needed to use them. To be an enlightened mother, one must constantly apply this knowledge and skills, and this is very difficult. Enlightened motherhood (or enlightened parenting) consists of knowledge about the child (his upbringing, stages of development, individual characteristics, etc.), from special skills to ensure this development and, most importantly, from the application of this knowledge and skills in practice. The parent should be guided by this knowledge and skills, that is, to know the general stages of the child's development (physiological and mental), to understand their connection, to be aware of the basic principles of development - what, why and how to develop. Another side of the knowledge necessary for an enlightened parent is manifested - ethical. It is very necessary to understand that a new person has come into the world, with his own individuality, his unique abilities, with a huge and not yet revealed potential. And this person has the right to live his own life. Realization of this simple fact immediately changes everything in the role of a parent: from a builder who forms something according to his own plan, he turns into an opener, keeper and grinder of living jewels, priceless and unique. And then his educational task is not to “form”, “overcome”, “break”, etc., but to reveal, preserve and develop the child's potential without harming him. If a parent knows and understands this, he is already on the first rung of an enlightened parent. Special skills are the second stage in a parent's work. This is what makes up the style of interaction with the child. For example: “Don't bother when adults are talking!”; "Shut up!"; “I’m still too small to advise!” And “Wait a little, now I’ll be free”; “Please be quiet, I can hear you”; "We'll take your opinion into account." An ethical approach to the personality of a child is not a one-time event, but a once and for all accepted fact: A new person is equal, but rather even surpasses us in his potential. The ability to see this in your child (and in other children, too) can be attributed to the special skills of an enlightened parent. This skill ensures a respectful and tactful communication style with the child. Talking to a child as an equal is another special skill. It means that the parent takes into account the child's level of language acquisition, the level of his consciousness, but communicates with him as an equal: not edifying, not teaching, but as if communicating with a friend - sharing impressions, opinions, joking, rejoicing or upset. Being able to use the right technique in time is another important skill of an enlightened parent. It is directly related to the ability to see problems and their causes, to anticipate the consequences of the child's actions or actions, that is, with the parent's ability to think pedagogically. Pedagogical thinking is different in that it is always directed at the child in the totality of the connections of his inner world with the outer one. This is a difficult job that requires the ability to abstract from yourself and focus on the child. However, you can be able to do a lot and know even more, but not apply it in life. The application phase is direct contact with the child. Direct contact is always the creative work of an enlightened parent who at any given time understands what he is doing with the child and for the child. Pedagogical creativity is required from parents because of the unpredictability of those situations that the child continuously builds up. The task of the psychologist is to help find the cause in the current situation and push the parent to an independent creative search for a solution. The first difficulty in the application of pedagogical knowledge and skills lies in the unpredictability of a specific situation, which requires parents to constantly create pedagogical creativity, impromptu, and not use ready-made stereotypes. The second difficulty stems from the parent's lack of patience in parenting. It is much easier for a mother to remove toys herself or to feed a child from a spoon than to wait until he cope with it himself. Hurried, impatient parents bring up dependent traits in their children and, of course, are not pedagogically enlightened. The third difficulty in applying the most progressive knowledge, the brightest ideas of upbringing is the need for the constancy of this process. Education cannot be fragmented. Fragmentation erases all the achievements of upbringing. A child should not be torn between yesterday's “not allowed”, today's “can’s” and tomorrow's “again not allowed” because of our inconsistency and inconsistency. The opposite of fragmented parenting is continuous boring edification. Enlightened parenting implies the absence of all difficulties and mistakes at the stage of the child's own upbringing. The best upbringing is a personal example, you can imagine what kind of work the self-improvement of an enlightened parent requires. Enlightened parenting is also a serious work of parents and children to improve, develop and educate each other in a living, real process of life.

1.3 Types of psychologicalhelp

Methods for working with parents.

The types of psychological assistance to the family that exist today in world practice are extremely diverse. They may differ in the orientation of the work and the nature of the assistance provided and the tasks solved by specialists. These differences shape a particular model of care. pedagogical education parent psychocorrection

By its orientation, psychological assistance can be provided:

a) mainly to one family member in connection with problems that are directly or indirectly caused by his family life or its absence;

b) the family as a whole;

c) parent or parents;

d) parents and children;

e) a child or teenager.

By its nature, psychological assistance can consist of:

a) in the recommendation of organizational measures related to the upbringing of a child, such as referral to special or auxiliary schools, special kindergartens, referral for additional consultations with a neuropsychiatrist, speech therapist, counseling psychologist of another profile, etc .;

c) in the vocational guidance of adolescents;

d) in determining the child's readiness for schooling and identifying the causes of learning difficulties;

e) in the implementation of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional influences.

Methods for working with parents.

Methods of working with parents can be presented in the form of four blocks (A.A.Bodalev, V.V. Stolin, 1989).

Block I. Diagnostic block (can the consultant himself provide effective assistance in this particular case, who, first of all, is the object of help and the subject of influence: the child, his parents, the family as a whole).

Psychodiagnostic standard methods of family psychodiagnostics on the subject of diagnosis are divided into the following types:

1) psychophysiological properties of the individuality of family members. Known models for diagnosing and predicting family stability based on measuring the degree of compatibility of types of GNI, characteristics of temperament, such as poise, activation (introversion), inertia (rigidity). Most often, these models are used to diagnose spousal compatibility (DL Burtyanskiy, V.V. Krishtal, 1982; NN Obozov, A. N. Obozova, 1982; General sexopathology, 1977);

2) the characterological properties of the individuality of family members. Test questionnaire (N. N. Obozov, 1978);

3) characteristics of the cognitive sphere of family members. In the general case - cognitive style, means of psychological defense, such integral characteristics of the structure of consciousness as cognitive complexity (E. T. Sokolova, 1976; A. S. Kondratyeva, 1979; A. G. Shmelev, 1983a);

4) characteristics of the value-motivational sphere of individuals.

The method of value orientations by Rokeach - Yadov (Samoregulatsiya, 1979), the standardized technique for diagnosing thematic apperception - TYuF (A.G. Shmelev, V.S. Boldyreva, 1982) and other techniques. Private methods of identifying "seed values" (A. N. Volkova, T. M. Trapeznikova, 1985);

5) characteristics of interpersonal relationships (V.B. Olshansky, 1981):

a) emotional relationships (V.V. Stolin, N.I. Golosova, 1984);

b) conscious reflexive-evaluative relations: the method of subjective identification (A. G. Shmelev, 1983b), personal semantic differential (Methods ..., 1984), Leary's test (Yu. A. Reshetnyak, 1978);

6) characteristics of intrafamily communication and interaction. To determine them, methods of laboratory imitation of communication itself are used in the form of practical interaction: DGEI - the method of "effective group emotional integration" (A. I. Papkin, 1975; A. V. Petrovsky, 1985), as well as in the form of symbolic interaction - games (A.A. Kronik, 1985).

According to the operational-methodical execution, methods of the following types can be qualified:

1) hardware devices providing objective registration of individual, diagnostic or group parameters using devices (such as DGEI);

2) given-game - separate, joint or alternate solution of tasks at the symbolic level; specially designed games, for example: "Intrigue" by A. A. Kronik, E. A. Khoroshilova (1987), the TV game "Tournament", first used in family counseling by V. A. Smekhov (1985);

3) test questionnaires: 16PF, MMPI, PDO, “family stability” questionnaire (V. S. Avanesov, 1982), PDT (V. M. Melnikov, L. T. Yampolsky, 1985);

4) scaling techniques: here are modifications of techniques such as “list of adjectives” (Methods ..., 1984), “semantic differential” (T. L. Fedorova, 1978), “repertoire lattices” (EO Fedotova, 1984).

Block II. - "Installation block" - includes psychotechnical actions aimed at creating a special mindset for work in its participants.

Block III. - "Correction block"

Psychotechnical actions within the framework of the correctional block are a complex that includes basic, value and special psychotechnical means.

The two main forms in which the correction of family relations is carried out is a parenting seminar and a parenting group.

The main task of psychocorrection of family relations and family education at a parenting seminar is to expand the knowledge of parents about the psychology of family relations, the psychology of upbringing and the psychological laws of child development.

The psychological impact in the parenting workshop methodology is to appeal to the cognitive and behavioral aspects of family relationships. The main goal of the correction is the self-awareness of parents, the system of social-perceptual stereotypes, as well as real forms of interaction in the family.

The parenting workshop consists of several special techniques:

1. Lecture techniques.

2. Group discussion.

3. Bibliotherapy.

4. Anonymous difficult situations.

The main task of psychological correction in parenting groups is to change inadequate parenting positions, improve the style of upbringing, expand the awareness of the motives of upbringing in the family, and optimize the forms of parental influence in the process of upbringing children.

Psychological correction in the parental group involves the reconstruction of the emotional aspects of family interaction, work in the area of ​​unconscious mental phenomena, in the sphere of unconscious layers of marital and parental relations.

Particular attention is paid to the correction of the emotional foundations of upbringing, which ultimately creates a general supportive and tonic effect that increases the confidence of the group members in their parenting roles, in their upbringing capabilities, enhances the parents' ability to understand and feel in the emotional world of each other and their child, and mutual understanding increases. between spouses in solving problems of family education. In the course of such work, the tasks of the general personal growth of participants are also solved outside the spheres of family education, and for some families, participation in the parental group harmonizes not only parental, but also marital relations.

Block. IV Variable block.

Its goal: to create conditions for pedagogical education of parents in accordance with their needs and interests. In this block, the main thing is the choice of the content of education by the parents themselves.

The result of work within this block is that parents receive the basics of pedagogical knowledge on family education, on the formation of a family structure, etc.

It includes master classes on the following topics:

a) lessons in family love;

b) the art of communicating with a child;

c) educational games for children and adults;

d) artistic and aesthetic development of children, etc.

Block.V Block of self-education.

Its goal: raising the level of parenting culture. It is determined by the moms and dads themselves on the basis of a package of diagnostics of the parental culture and is recorded in the family's portfolio.

It includes:

a) advisory points;

b) telephone "Family Counselor";

c) mini-library for parents;

d) stand "If you are a good parent."

Block VI The last, final block concerns the effectiveness of psychological correction.

It reflects the results of one cycle of psychocorrectional game lessons. The effectiveness of the correction is assessed by subjective parameters that are extracted from the parents' reports on the behavior of children at the beginning of classes and after the end of the correction.

1.4 Psychological and pedagogical education of parents

Increasing the activity of parents in preparing children for school, systematizing their knowledge, equipping them with practical methods of working with children. The importance of improving the content, forms and methods of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in the comprehensive development of the child is obvious. The preschool teacher in this case acts as a teacher of children and a partner of parents. Both the nature and the effectiveness of contacts between teachers and family members depend on the correct choice of forms of work with the family. They will be most effective provided that the relationship is based on the awareness of the need for targeted influences on the child, on the understanding of the expediency of their coordination. This places certain requirements on each of the parties. In general, they can be formulated as the desire and ability to interact and respect each other. Various forms of work with parents should be interconnected and represent a single coherent system (lectures, workshops, seminars, conversations, consultations, etc.). Systematic versatile pedagogical education of parents provides for familiarizing them with the basics of theoretical knowledge, and, to a greater extent, with the practice of working with children. The implementation of educational pedagogical work involves familiarizing parents with innovative ideas in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

Lecture hall

An important role in the classroom is played by the form of communication between the educator and the parents. Experience shows that lectures - conversations, lectures - dialogues are optimal. For the effectiveness of communication, it is important to achieve psychological contact between the communicators. Requirements for communicating with parents in the course of pedagogical general education classes: it is better to build classes in the form of lectures - conversations, dialogue, give examples from practice during the presentation of the question, at the end of the lesson solve pedagogical problems that make it possible to activate the acquired knowledge, to consolidate them. It is necessary to recognize the communication partners in the listeners. The text should be told in your own words, not read. Timeliness and form of notification of parents about the conduct of classes are very important. An announcement announcing the lesson should include a short outline of the lesson, arouse parental interest and create an attitude toward the material. The title of the lesson should be "agitating" - it should contain the problem. Themes of the lecture hall can be concretized, deepened, supplemented, taking into account the needs of parents in pedagogical knowledge, which are revealed during parent meetings, conversations and consultations.

"Psychological and pedagogical workshop"

Psychological and pedagogical practice can be applied after giving a lecture.


In the lessons of pedagogical universal education, the pedagogical needs of all parents cannot be satisfied. Therefore, there is a need for individual work, which will allow you to privately discuss the problems of concern to parents, to give qualified advice. Teachers note the importance of individual work with parents in the process of their pedagogical education. Individual work with parents is also necessary because the family is a deeply intimate collective and the discussion of individual pedagogical situations and questions arising from parents is possible in some cases only in the course of individual work. The main form of individual work is pedagogical consultation. Its value lies in the fact that parents go to counseling on their own initiative, are tuned in to discuss the problems that concern them, strive to gain the knowledge necessary to purposefully influence the child's personality, and seek help in choosing rational forms of pedagogical guidance. The naturalness of the environment during the consultation eliminates the psychological barrier between the teacher and the parents. Oral consultations can be held on a specific day for them. It is better to coordinate the days of consultations and classes with the parents, since many of them are busy at work in the evening, work on a staggered schedule. Sometimes in the work with the family there are also unplanned consultations. It so happens that parents turn to the teacher with a request to answer a particular question, and the teacher is required to be able to quickly find the right answer to it. It is not scary if the educator doubts something, is not sure of the correctness of the knowledge he has. Individual work with parents concretizes and complements collective studies, it helps to raise the pedagogical culture of the family, to fully realize its increased educational opportunities.

"Pedagogical assistance"

Pedagogical assistance to parents is provided through the design of the "Parents' Corner", which contains various reminders, information on folders, useful tips, tasks for parents, as well as information and messages about planned events, classes, etc. This form of parenting education allows you to supplement verbal information for parents on preparing children for school, to give practical advice, recommendations in this area of ​​knowledge; notify about planned classes with parents, consultations.

"Family club in kindergarten"

One of the most important conditions for the development of a child's personality, for his achievement of social maturity is the coordinated work of the adults around him - the parents and the teacher. The previous experience of persuasion with slogans (it is important, it is necessary, let's go) at traditional parent-teacher meetings did not give effective results, the knowledge imposed on the parents was not in demand by them. Success is possible only when parents become active participants in the upbringing and educational process and a natural child and adult community is formed. The family club is the optimal form of cooperation today. Cooperation between parents and teachers allows you to get to know the child better, promotes mutual understanding between parents and children. Family club meetings require special preparation. The main condition is voluntariness and mutual interest. Oral journal, round-table discussion, discussion with workshop elements, and business game are useful forms of meeting. The work of the family club is carried out in two directions:

Pedagogical education of parents through general meetings of the family club;

Inclusion of parents in the activities of the kindergarten through the organization of collective creative affairs and the work of creative workshops.

The family club allows: parents - to better understand their own child; children - to instill a sense of pride in their family; teachers - to more effectively build the process of upbringing and education of the child.


There are clear benefits to involving families in early childhood education. For children and teachers: enrichment of children's cognitive activity; the use of those interests of the child that take place at home; improving the attitude towards kindergarten in the process of joint work of teachers and parents; using the talents and hobbies of parents in the classroom. For parents: an opportunity to better understand the issues of child development; assessing the achievements of their children; parents' understanding of the learning process (opportunities and difficulties). The family is central to the formation of a child's personality. According to researchers, it depends on her how a person grows up, and what character traits will form his nature. In the family, the child receives the first skills and perception of reality, learns to be aware of himself as a full-fledged representative of society. Namely, this is what the "new philosophy" of work with the family brings us to: parents are responsible for the upbringing of children and their development. The content of the teacher's work with parents includes, in fact, all the issues of upbringing and teaching children, with which the teacher introduces the parents. There are no secondary topics for discussion with parents, since parents need knowledge about the characteristics of the child's development, the tasks of upbringing, the methods of organizing the play environment, and preparing him for school. Working with parents is a difficult and important part of a teacher's work. One of the main goals of the head of the institution and teachers is to involve parents in the pedagogical process. The information displayed on the stands in the kindergarten helps to attract the attention of parents. Whatever forms of work with parents the teacher chooses, the main thing is his personal interest in work, friendly attitude towards children and their parents, as well as the systematic nature of the work.


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2. Adler A. Practice, theory of individual psychology. - M., 1995.

3. Aleshina Yu.E. Individual and family psychological counseling: Social health of Russia. - M .: Class, 1994. - P.25-37.

4. Belskaya E.G. The basics of psychological counseling and psychotherapy. Tutorial. - Obninsk: IATE, 1998 .-- 80 p.

5. Ed. A. A. Bodaleva, V. V. Stolin. Family in psychological counseling: Experience and problems of psychological counseling \ Scientific research. Institute of General and Educational Psychology Acad. ped. Sciences of the USSR - M .; Pedagogy, 1989, 208 p.

6. Ed. A.A. Bodaleva. Popular psychology for parents [Text]: a book for parents M .: "Pedagogy", 1989. -256 p. - 300,000 copies.

7. Volikova, T.V. The teacher and the family [Text]: a book for the teacher / T.V. Volikov. - 2nd ed. revised - M .: "Education", 1980. -111 p. - 392,000 copies

8. Davydov, V.V. Types of communication in teaching [Text]: a book for a teacher / V.V. Davydov. - M .: "Pedagogical Society of Russia", 2000. -480 p.

9. Dragunova, T.V. Raising a teenager in a family [Text]: a tutorial for parents / T.V. Dragunov. - M .: Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1955. -79 p.

10. Karabanova O.A. The psychology of family relationships and the basics of family counseling. - M., 2004.S. 112 - 121

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12. Konyukhova, N.I. Dictionary-reference book of the school psychologist [Text]: dictionary / N.I. Konyukhova. - Voronezh: NPO MODEK, 1996. -224 p. - 10,000 copies.

13. Krutetsky, V.A. Psychology of teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren [Text]: a book for teachers and class teachers / V.А. Krutetsky. - M .: "Education", 1976. -303 p. - 220,000 copies

14. Kurganov, S.Yu. A child and an adult in an educational dialogue [Text]: a book for a teacher / S.Yu. Kurganov. - M .: "Education", 1989. -127 p. silt - 20,000 copies.

15. Martsinkovskaya T. D. History of Psychology: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001

16. Nemov, R.S. Psychological counseling Moscow., 1999.- 338p.

17. Obukhova L.F. Child (developmental) psychology. M., 1996.

18. Ovcharova R.V. Psychological support of parenting. - M .: Institute of Psychotherapy, 2003.S. 222

19. Ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. Psychology [Text]: dictionary. M .: "Politizdat", 1990. - 2nd ed. corrected and add. -494 p. - 400,000 copies

20. Putlyaeva L. Who is an "enlightened parent"? // Doshk. upbringing. - 2004. - No. 12. - S. 31-33.

21. Satyr V. How to build yourself and your family. - M .: Pedagogika-Press, 1992. p. 6 - 9

22. Ed. M.K. Tutushkina. Practical psychology for teachers and parents [Text]: textbook. SPb .: "Didaktika-Plus", 2000. -352 p.

23. Hämäläinen, Y. Parenting: Concepts, directions and perspectives [Text]: a book for kindergarten teachers and parents / Y. Hämäläinen. - M .: "Education", 1993. -112 p. - 60,000 copies

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The most important aspect of the pedagogical education of the family is the improvement of the pedagogical culture of the parents. In view of the fact that in the upbringing of children, a lot also depends on the family, on the level of pedagogical education of parents, and not only on the school and the professionalism of teachers, therefore, pedagogical education of parents is an integral element of interaction between school and family.

So, pedagogical culture is a component of a person's general culture, which reflects the experience accumulated by previous generations and continuously enriched experience of raising children in a family.

Based on the analysis of the goals, objectives, content and methods of the teacher's activity, it became possible to create an empirical model of the pedagogical culture of the family.

It includes the following aspects:

intellectuality, characterized by a known amount of pedagogical knowledge, cognitive interest and activity, a desire to deepen knowledge and self-improvement;

intelligence, characterized by moral attitudes and ideals of the individual;

pedagogical erudition, which is an expression of pedagogical experience, the ability to transform social requirements into pedagogical tasks, make productive decisions in specific pedagogical situations, foresee what the final outcome of the development process will be, what will be ... a "mature personality" (L. Vygotsky);

personality traits that determine attitudes towards society, towards other people, towards oneself;

pedagogical skills implemented in the design, organization of the educational process, in stimulating activities, in a variety of methods, in an analytical-critical approach to assessing the results of educational influences and interactions.

Pedagogical culture is formed on the basis of general culture and on the basis of special training. The ways to improve the pedagogical culture of parents were also identified.

Forms of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge:

pedagogical general education;

teaching at the university of pedagogical knowledge;

lectures on psychological and pedagogical topics;

workshops on selected parenting issues;

individual and group consultations;

publications in print, radio and television appearances;

familiarization with psychological and pedagogical literature;

enrichment and comprehension of pedagogical (educational) experience.

Purposeful work to improve the pedagogical culture of parents creates the basis for fruitful cooperation between teachers and families in raising children, and has a serious impact on the formation of a micro-society.

The pedagogical culture of parents serves as the basis for the educational activities of parents. The success and effectiveness of the upbringing of children at home depends on the level of the pedagogical culture of the parents.

It includes several components: understanding and awareness of the responsibility for raising children; knowledge about the development, upbringing, education of children; practical skills of organizing the life and activities of children in the family, the implementation of educational activities; productive communication with other educational institutions (preschool, school).

The practice of family education shows that the majority of parents are pedagogically and psychologically helpless both in improving their family relations, personal life, and in raising children. Therefore, we proceed from the conceptual position that the pedagogical culture and purposeful upbringing of parents will ultimately help them:

overcome the lack of confidence in their strengths and capabilities as an educator;

normalize your privacy;

improve the upbringing of children by humanizing their life;

to reduce and anticipate negative phenomena directly in the family, which means, accordingly, negative social phenomena in society, which are the result of the weak work of educational institutions in pedagogizing and psychologizing the social and family microenvironment.

Family education is an integral part of the national education and upbringing system. Its effectiveness depends on the level of the parents' pedagogical culture, which means pedagogical readiness and their maturity as educators, which gives real positive results in the family and social education of children.

Objectives of the program:

1) raising the psychological and pedagogical level of parents in matters of upbringing, education, development of children and adolescents;

2) prevention of cruel treatment of children and adolescents;

3) teaching the skills of conflict-free behavior of parents.



Description of the activities of the "Parent University"

To begin a description of the activities of our school in parenting education, I would like from the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: "Any kind of successful educational work would be completely unthinkable if it were not for the system of pedagogical education, the improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents."

Today, as never before, the state and family aspects of upbringing are interconnected. The social partnership of the school with the family is a strategic connection, conditioned by the equality of mission and equal responsibility to the state for the upbringing of the future generation. In the Federal State Educational Standard, FAMILY is designated as a basic national value.

The legislation of the Russian Federation has significantly expanded the functions of family education, giving parents the right to choose the place and form of preschool, school, additional education, supporting an alternative education system.

In society, a reorientation of value attitudes and attitudes took place, significantly disorienting and mismatching the processes of upbringing in the family, school, and society.

The new content of education and new teaching technologies, which are not familiar enough to the parents of students, and most importantly, they did not pass through their own learning experience in their time, cause additional tension in the relationship between the family and the school. The essence of these tensions lies in the parents' anxiety about the child's academic success and the growing distrust of school.

The changed social conditions, the stratification of the parental mass into various social groups with their own educational needs, have noticeably exacerbated the tension in the relationship between family and school, parents and children, parents and teachers of educational institutions.

The most important requirement of the development of society for the upbringing of the younger generation in the modern sociocultural situation is to increase the role of the family in upbringing and in reducing social tension in society. The sociocultural conditioning of upbringing presupposes the recognition of the right of parents to become full partners of teachers in the upbringing of children, the right to special pedagogical knowledge.

In modern social conditions, when there is an intensive stratification of society along property lines, when parents are alienated from their children and completely absorbed in social and everyday problems, when children are left to themselves and the notorious street, etc., the problem of involving parents in the formation of the personality of the child.

The relevance of parental education in modern conditions is emphasized by the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia. The family is one of the necessary and basic stages of human life. It is in the family that the primary socialization of the child takes place, the skills of interaction and communication with people are acquired, the image of "I" and self-esteem, independence and responsibility are formed, as well as much more, which lays the foundation for the full development of the personality. Through the vital activity of the family, the connection between the natural and the social in a person is realized, the transition of an individual from a biological state to a social state, his formation as a person and individuality is ensured. The family is a special socio-cultural institution, on which the stability and stability of the existence of a society in which the physical and spiritual reproduction of a person takes place largely depend.

Pedagogy approaches the family as a subject of educational activity and, therefore, focuses on the role of the family in the formation of the personality, on its educational potential and educational needs, on the content and forms of interaction between the family and the school in the educational process.

Children are the support and our consolation on the slope of the path, they are the source of family happiness, the meaning of life.

Based on the above, three years ago, our school launched the parent education program "Parents' University".

Objectives of the program:

  1. raising the psychological and pedagogical level of parents in matters of upbringing, education, development of children and adolescents;
  2. prevention of abuse of children and adolescents;
  3. teaching the skills of conflict-free behavior of parents.


1. Provide parents with objective scientific information about the developmental features of children and adolescents at different periods of life;

2. Promote the formation of positive images: "family", "parents", "children";

3. Develop the skills of self-esteem and respect for children;

4. Promote the development of skills in analyzing feelings and coping with stress;

5. Promote the development of effective communication skills;

6. Promote parents' awareness of their values;

7. Contribute to the formation of skills in making informed decisions;


  • the primary right of parents to raise their children;
  • the reliability of the information (the information provided should be based on scientific (medical, psychological, pedagogical, physiological, legal facts);
  • practice-oriented information (information recommended to parents should be practice-oriented, available for use in life);
  • mutual cooperation and mutual respect;
  • personality development, personality relationship systems, life processes;
  • humanization of relationships and communication;
  • the consistency of educational influences on the child;
  • the continuity of the family and school in the development of the child's socio-cultural experience.

Criteria for tracking the effectiveness of the proposed program:

1. The level and degree of parents' voluntary involvement in the activities of the Parent University.

2. Changing attitudes towards the parenting process: reduction or absence of cases of child abuse.

3. Optimization of intra-family relations: reducing the frequency of conflict situations in the "parent-teenager (child)" system.

Target group :

Parents (legal representatives) of students MKOU Novotroitskaya secondary school № 12.

Expected results:

Raising the psychological and pedagogical level of parents in matters of upbringing, education, development of children and adolescents.

Prevention of child and adolescent abuse.

Main activities for the implementation of the program

p / p

Event name

Form of conducting


Dates of the


Diagnostic measures

Questioning students' parents to determine the topic of the "Parent University" for the academic year

Parents of school students



“Parents' awareness of their children’s activities”. Questioning.

Parents of students in grades 8-10



Homeroom teachers, social educator

"How responsible are you as a parent?" Questioning.

Parents of students in grades 1-4




"Teenagers about their parents" Questionnaire.

Parents of students in grades 5-7




The level of parents' need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge (methodology of R.V. Ovcharova) Questioning.


Educator-psychologist, class teachers

The level of pedagogical competence and parental satisfaction (methodology of I.A.Khomenko).

Parents of students in grades 1-10



Educational activities

“The level of readiness of 1st grade students to study at school. Adaptation of 1st graders. Features of the psychological development of children 6-7 years old. " Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of Grade 1 Students



"Adolescence - we are going through together." Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of Grade 6 Students



“Older adolescence. Formation of personality ". Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of 7th grade students



"Strengthening safety measures for the life and health of children." Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of students in grades 1-4


Social teacher

"Organization of the child's day regimen." Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of Grade 2 Students


Classroom teacher

"The results of adaptation of fifth-graders to the middle level of the school." Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of Grade 5 Students



"Professional orientation of students." Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of Grade 9 Students


Educator-psychologist, subject teachers

"Psychological characteristics of primary school students." Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of Grade 4 Students



"Parental responsibility for the upbringing and development of children." Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of grades 5-10


Social teacher

"Addiction. How to confront the problem of modern society? " Conversation-dispute.

Parents of students in grades 7-10



"Dealing with our emotions." Lesson with training elements.

Parents of Grade 3 Students



"The level of social and psychological readiness of children to study at school." Parents' lecture hall.

Parents of preschoolers



Preventive actions

"How to help children say" No! " the use of surfactants? " Consultation.

Parents of students in grades 9-10


Social teacher

"We bring up responsibility for their behavior in children." Consultation.

Parents students registered with the ODN


Class teachers

Disabled Health - Life Without Limits. Consultation.

Parents of students with disabilities


Educator - psychologist

"Gifted child, what to do?" Consultation.

Parents students with signs of giftedness


Educator - psychologist

Parents students in grades 7-8


Educator - psychologist

"Skills and skills acquired by students by the end of grade 1". Consultation.

Parents 1st grade students


Classroom teacher

In the first year of the implementation of the program of psychological and pedagogical education of parents, the main implementers were narrow specialists of the school: a teacher-psychologist, a social teacher, a senior counselor. In the second and third years, class teachers and subject teachers were involved in this work, and the scope of educational activities was significantly expanded. From the very beginning of the implementation of the program, the topic for conducting educational activities was formed on the basis of a parent's request: parents were offered a questionnaire with approximate topics and on most of the selected topics, a work plan for the academic year was drawn up.

Educational work was carried out strictly according to plan, but sometimes it was necessary to make adjustments to the action plan due to emerging problems, for example, in the 2016-2017 academic year, during March and April, several events were held to counteract the involvement of minors in suicidal games on social networks.

Over the years of implementation of the program, significant results have been achieved: the number of families in a socially dangerous situation has decreased; the number of children and adolescents registered with different types of registration has decreased (intra-school registration, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the regional bank of minors who have committed socially dangerous acts); the number of families at risk of child abuse has decreased; increased attendance by parents of parents' meetings, events, etc .; the number of parents' visits to narrow specialists (social educator, psychologist) for timely assistance has increased.

Drawing conclusions on the implementation of the parental education program "Parents' University", we can say that we have managed to achieve the main goals and make our school - the center of parental education.

It should also be noted that we plan to continue the work of the Parent University in the new academic year, slightly reducing the number of lectures and increasing the number of practical events in which parents will be not just listeners, but active participants.