Early degenerative changes in the placenta. Early maturation of the placenta: symptoms, main causes and recommended treatment. Causes of early puberty

The key to a successful pregnancy and normal development fetus in the womb is normal functioning internal organs future mother and the absence of any pathologies. The same applies to the placenta - the organ responsible for the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. In the people, this body is also called the "children's place." If by certain reasons the placenta does not cope with its functions, then doctors talk about its insufficiency or early maturation. What threat can this pose to the baby?

Causes of early maturation of a child's place at 31-36 weeks

Normally, the placenta has 3 degrees of maturity and the fourth - zero. Until the 30th week of pregnancy, the zero maturity of the organ is optimal, which means that the placenta copes with its functions and the pregnancy develops normally. As a rule, during a screening study of a pregnant woman at 31-36 weeks, she is given 1 placental maturity, which is also the norm. If at this time the "children's place" has a second or even a third degree of maturity, then this indicates that the body is not coping with its functions and there are a number of reasons for this. These reasons most often include:

  • conducting wrong image life - smoking, alcohol intake, coffee abuse;
  • frequent stress;
  • lack of sleep and significant physical or emotional stress;
  • self-administration medicines, in particular antibiotics or analgesics;
  • transferred viral infections and other illnesses during pregnancy.

Dangerous consequences of early aging of a child's place at 31-36 weeks

It is the placenta that is a kind of "intermediary" between the mother's body and the body of the unborn baby, so it is extremely important that this body coped with its duties until the birth itself - this will ensure the birth healthy baby. At a period of 31-36 weeks, there is an improvement in the cerebral convolutions in the fetus, and with early maturation " children's place» at this time the child receives an insufficient amount oxygen, which can lead to negative consequences:

  • premature birth;
  • , resulting in death;
  • mental retardation and physical development against the background of insufficient blood supply to the placenta and the transfer of oxygen and beneficial nutrients to the fetus;
  • infection of the fetus, since the placenta can no longer fully protect the child and “filter” the substances that enter the uterus.

Aging of the placenta: treatment at 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 weeks

When an early maturation of a child's place is detected on an ultrasound scan, a woman should be under the constant supervision of doctors. Now women's consultation you will have to visit much more often, and, possibly, even go to the hospital for a while. You should not refuse hospitalization if the gynecologist insists so, because each future mom interested in the birth of a healthy baby on time.

Doctors cannot restore the original functions of the placenta during its early maturation, however, their actions are aimed at restoring optimal blood flow in the vessels of the organ and maintaining the condition of the fetus in the uterus. For this, the patient is prescribed:

  • intravenous administration of a glucose solution with vitamins to feed the fetus;
  • antispasmodics - to relax blood vessels and provide better access to nutrients and oxygen to the fetus;
  • if necessary, prescribe drugs used for respiratory failure.

In addition to medical supportive therapy, a woman should exclude nervous stress try to rest more and breathe fresh air.

Childbirth during aging of the child's place at 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 weeks

To assess the degree of risk to the fetus during early maturation of the placenta at 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 weeks of pregnancy, in addition to ultrasound, a woman undergoes special studies- and . If the development of the fetus does not correspond to its gestational age and lags behind by 2 or more weeks, then the woman in without fail sent to hospital for treatment. With the progression of pathology on the part of the child's place and obvious signs fetal hypoxia, doctors may suggest a cesarean section to the patient earlier due date- this will save the life of the baby and leave him in an intensive care unit.

Irina Levchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site website

Most pregnant women are prone to excessive anxiety and fear for themselves and the baby. That is why, having heard the words "premature aging of the placenta" at the next examination, they are horrified. Is it really that dangerous? What are the causes and consequences given state?

Functions of the placenta

This organ is formed in the body of a woman in the process prenatal development fetus. The placenta is essential for the baby, as it performs the following functions:

The placenta is a vital organ that ensures the safety of the fetus until the very birth, so any changes in its structure should alert and become a reason for contacting the antenatal clinic.

What is precocious aging?

Normally, the degree of maturity of the placenta should correspond to the gestational age. What does premature maturation of the placenta mean? This term refers to the aging process. It does not correspond to the gestational age.

At week 33, premature maturation of the placenta threatens to reduce its functionality, which will greatly complicate the further normal development of the baby in the uterus. Failure to fulfill "duties" leads to a lack of oxygen for the respiration of the fetus. As a result, hypoxia may occur, appear serious pathologies child development.

Degrees of maturation of the placenta

The organ develops from the moment of attachment and the beginning of the growth of the embryo and continues its growth until the eighth month of pregnancy. There are several stages of maturation of the placenta:

  1. From 2 to 30 weeks of pregnancy, the body grows and develops.
  2. From 30 to 33 weeks, stage 2 of maturation is observed, when the placenta increases in size.
  3. From the 34th to the 37th week of pregnancy, maturation occurs, during which it is finally formed.
  4. After this period, the natural aging of the organ begins and preparation for natural extraction during labor.

Premature maturation of the placenta is diagnosed in the case of preparing the organ for childbirth much earlier required time.

Causes of pathology

The following factors can provoke early aging of the placenta:

In addition, diabetes mellitus, some kidney diseases, and violations of the structure of the walls of the uterus can also become causes of premature maturation of the placenta.

Diagnosis of pathology

Unfortunately, at 34 weeks, the premature maturation of the placenta does not have pronounced symptoms by which a woman could determine the pathology. In this case, one should rely on scheduled checkups during pregnancy, which may reveal a problem. Used to diagnose the condition following methods:

A pathological condition is considered premature maturation of the placenta at 20 weeks and up to 36.

Possible danger

At 32 weeks pregnant, premature maturation of the placenta can be dangerous for both mother and baby. It threatens with the following troubles:

  • decrease barrier functions placenta, as a result of which the fetus becomes more susceptible to a variety of infections and viruses that can cause malformations;
  • in the early stages (up to 23 weeks of gestation), aging of the placenta can lead to pregnancy fading due to insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients;
  • due to insufficient intake of essential trace elements through the blood vessels, the development of the child may slow down.

The greatest danger is that the woman herself does not feel her condition. The only thing that can alert you is that suddenly the child has become more or less active in the womb, but many pregnant women find out about their condition only at a planned ultrasound.

Treatment of pathology

Unfortunately, at 32 weeks, premature maturation of the placenta cannot be treated. However, there is a complex that helps stop the aging process and establish normal communication between the placenta, mother and child. It includes following points:

  1. Even at this late pregnancy, it is not too late to quit smoking, despite the myths that it is a lot of stress for the fetus. Much more negative influence exposed child under the influence harmful substances that enter his body through the placenta. She, in turn, is not able to filter harmful substances from cigarette smoke, so the process starts early aging.
  2. If there is a history diabetes you should carefully monitor the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, since their excess can be the cause of premature maturation.
  3. Upon detection inflammatory processes in the uterus, they need to be treated in a timely manner.
  4. At late toxicosis or gestosis, a pregnant woman is prescribed drugs that reduce the toxic effect on the tissues of the internal genital organs.

In some cases, medical maintenance of pregnancy is necessary to avoid the threat of miscarriage or fetal fading:

When making a diagnosis at 33 weeks of gestation - "premature maturation of the placenta" - it is important not only to prescribe adequate treatment, but also to keep the condition of the woman and the fetus under control. Often, a pregnant woman is placed in a hospital to save the child.

Accompanying illnesses

Often, pathological aging of the placenta is accompanied by diseases that also require treatment. Most often this occurs at 20-27 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. For genital infections, the drug "Geviran" is prescribed, which must be taken for 10 days.
  2. The defeat of chlamydia is treated with the help of "Vilprafen".
  3. For the treatment of mycoplasmosis, "Proteflazid" or "Riboxin" is used.
  4. Toxoplasmosis requires daily intake folic acid, "Daraprima".

These infections can be contracted through contact with street and domestic animals, as well as through unprotected intercourse.

With absence necessary treatment they can significantly affect the development of the fetus.

Prevention measures

It is impossible to be 100% sure that premature aging of the placenta will not occur. However, if you perform simple recommendations, you can significantly increase the chances of easy gestation and childbirth:

In most cases, premature aging of the placenta does not pose a great danger, however, it requires constant support and monitoring of the condition of the pregnant woman.

There is nothing good in situations where the child is significantly behind in development. But premature growing up cannot be considered something natural and normal, since it can cause a considerable number of unpleasant consequences.

Let's consider this topic in more detail and find out why pathology can occur, what symptoms it is accompanied by, how it is diagnosed and whether there are effective ways getting rid of the problem. Special attention will be paid psychological aspect: the feelings of a child who develops faster than peers.

Puberty and its norms

It’s worth starting with the fact that puberty is considered to be a set of processes of physiological and hormonal adjustment organism, as a result of which a person becomes ready for reproduction (reaches puberty).

In boys, this occurs between 10 and 20 years of age. Girls, on the other hand, mature a little earlier - their puberty falls on the time interval from 8 to 17 years. It is these indicators that are considered to be the norm.

But there are situations during which the premature puberty of the child begins. And in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner and take all necessary measures.

What is considered precocious

Prematurity is a process during which a child's maturation begins before the age of eight in girls or ten years of age in boys. Its main feature is the early appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, although the general symptoms include much more phenomena. We will consider the main ones a little later.

Anomaly classification

What are the types of precocious puberty? The classification may depend on many factors.

Based on the cause, it can be:

  • true (the appearance is associated with premature activation of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland);
  • false (the appearance is associated with excessive secretion of sex hormones by the ovaries or adrenal glands, as well as other factors).

In addition, there is isosexual and heterosexual precocious puberty.

The isosexual type is characterized by:

  • mental retardation;
  • various ;
  • emotional instability;
  • cerebral hypertension.

The heterosexual type of anomaly can be triggered by malfunctions of the adrenal glands.

Causes of pathology

It is worth dwelling on the question of why precocious puberty begins. Causes are usually divided into two groups: central and peripheral.

The central ones are:

  • previous infectious diseases associated with the brain (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • radiation, trauma or tumor of the spinal cord or brain;
  • improper production (congenital hyperplasia);
  • a disease that provokes hormonal disorders, and also affects the bones and skin pigmentation;
  • ischemia;
  • insufficient production of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism);
  • Availability congenital pathology brain.

The peripheral causes of such a phenomenon as precocious puberty in a girl or boy are associated with an excessive release of testosterone and estrogen into the blood. This happens as a result of violations of the adrenal glands, ovaries or pituitary gland.

Despite the fact that there are not so few factors that provoke precocious puberty, doctors often cannot determine the exact cause of its occurrence. The only thing that is known for sure is that the anomaly is a hormonal disorder, so you should immediately seek help from specialists.

General symptoms of the disease

Signs of premature and girls will vary. General symptoms in children of any gender:

  • acceleration of growth;
  • headache;
  • bulimia (gluttony);
  • weight gain;
  • changes in body odor;
  • growth of pubic and axillary hair;
  • fast fatiguability.

In addition, it is not excluded high probability the appearance of acne in a child.

Symptoms of the disease in girls

Precocious puberty in a girl is accompanied by:

  • establishment of menstrual function.

Thus, in girls under 10 years of age, the first menstruation begins, increases mammary glands, hair appears under the armpits and on the pubis. In this case, both all signs can be present at the same time, or part of them.

Symptoms of the disease in boys

Precocious puberty in boys is accompanied by:

  • early development of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • acceleration of differentiation of the bones of the skeleton;
  • an early stop of the growth process and, as a result, the formation of short stature.

It often happens that in young men the size of the testicles and penis increases ahead of time, therefore, already in childhood they reach "adult" size.

Every third boy begins premature hair growth above the lip.

What is the danger of the disease?

The syndrome of premature puberty is a dangerous phenomenon for the body, which carries with it unpleasant consequences.

First of all, growth disorders can be noted. At the beginning of the period of growing up, children grow very quickly and become much taller than their peers. But soon this process stops and in the end they may be lower than their peers.

For girls, pathology is dangerous with the occurrence of polycystic ovaries and hormonal disorders in the future. This threatens with irregular menstruation, an increase in androgen levels, the appearance of cysts and the impossibility of an unhindered release of the egg.

Diagnosis of the disease

Which doctor should I contact if there is a suspicion that the child may have the developmental pathology we are considering? He deals with similar issues. During the diagnosis, he will study the medical history, give directions for some tests, and based on their results, he will be able to determine the presence of a problem.

A physical examination of the child is mandatory. Its purpose is to identify signs of premature maturation: acne, enlargement of the mammary glands in girls and the penis, as well as testicles in boys, the appearance of pubic hair and in armpits, rapid growth, the presence of the first menstruation and so on.

Additionally, an x-ray examination of the wrists and palms of the patient is performed. This process will allow the doctor to determine the age of the bones and get an answer to important question: do they develop within the normal range or at an accelerated pace?

The above methods allow you to establish a preliminary (initial) diagnosis. Next, you need to specify the disease and identify the cause of its occurrence. To do this, the child is given an injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and blood is taken for analysis. With a peripheral type of anomaly, the levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones will be within the normal age range. If precocious puberty is of the central type, the amount of the above hormones will be increased. In this case, there is a need for another examination - an MRI of the brain. It will help identify possible anomalies. Additional examination required thyroid gland to exclude possible hypothyroidism. In some situations, you may also need an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, the purpose of which is to identify tumors or ovarian cysts.

Treatment of precocious puberty

Choice necessary way treatment depends primarily on the cause of the disease.

If the occurrence of the problem was provoked by the presence of a tumor, therapy is directed to its elimination. In this case, provided surgical intervention, which will help get rid of the "culprit" of hormonal failure.

In situations where the exact cause of the problem has not been identified, the child may be scheduled an appointment medications. This may be a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist, such as leuprolide, which will help stop the human pituitary gonadotropin (HCG) growth axis and slow subsequent development. The agent is injected monthly into the body, and treatment continues until the age of normal puberty is reached. At the end of the course of treatment, the development of the child continues according to established standards.

At this point, special attention should be paid to the diet. During precocious puberty, children usually experience a significant increase in appetite, or to be more precise, practically. Therefore, it is worth limiting the number of meals and avoiding overeating. Otherwise, another problem will be added to the problem - obesity. In addition, you should avoid products containing testosterone and estrogen (sex hormones), as their levels in the body are already significantly increased.

Another important point What parents need to know is the existence of premature adulthood, which begins and only partially occurs. For example, a girl's breasts may swell, and a boy's testicles, but soon this process will stop or will not be accompanied by other signs of the disease. In this case, no special measures need to be taken, because full puberty will begin on time.

Adaptation of the child to the process of premature puberty

Worth paying special attention not only the symptoms and methods of treating the disease, but also the feelings of the child at the time of the onset of precocious puberty. The fact is that in such a situation he understands that he is significantly different from his peers. This is primarily due to early appearance secondary sexual characteristics.

This situation can cause emotional trauma, low self-esteem and even depression. Much depends on the attention of the parents. It is important to remember: if a child is not able to deal with his feelings on his own, he needs qualified help from a specialist (psychotherapist).

The placenta is formed during pregnancy. It is on her that the production of hormones, a sufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus, and nutrients depends. There is a certain scheme for the maturation of the placenta, which was laid down by nature. Premature aging placenta renders Negative consequences on the health of the fetus and expectant mother.

Premature maturation of the placenta

The placenta provides the functions of nourishing the blood circulation and respiration of the child. In a baby, these processes cannot occur on their own until all organs are formed. The functions of respiration and nutrition occur with the support of the mother. The placenta provides protection for the baby from various infections.

The placenta, like other organs in our body, ages and is preparing to leave the body by the 37th week of pregnancy.

But often with a woman's frivolous attitude to her health during pregnancy, the placenta matures early. The development of this organ ahead of time is a pathology, and entails various consequences. If the placenta begins to mature a little ahead of time, this does not mean that the situation is critical. This may be due to the characteristics of the woman's body. If the placenta matures before 36 weeks, this indicates early maturation, which must be stopped.

Accelerated maturation of the placenta threatens:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • Nutrient deficiencies;
  • Detachment of the placenta;
  • Termination of pregnancy is not ruled out.

Insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients often leads to low weight of the child, hypoxia. A prematurely aging placenta can lead to the birth of a child with brain pathologies, to damage to the organs of the mother or child. It happens that leads to lethal outcome. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to stop the premature maturation of the placenta in time.

Aging of the placenta: stages

The maturation and aging of the placenta is a natural process. We can talk about the pathology of this process if the placenta begins to age prematurely. The aging of this organ leads to a decrease in its functions. The placenta of the second degree of maturity stops growing, and cannot provide oxygen and nutrients to the child in full in the process of its development. Signs of premature aging are diagnosed by ultrasound and CTG.

The development of the placenta goes through four stages:

  • The placenta is formed from 2 to 30 weeks;
  • Growth occurs from 30 to 33 weeks;
  • From 34 to 36 weeks, the placenta matures;
  • At 37 weeks, the placenta ages.

In some cases of too rapid aging of the placenta, doctors may advise terminating the pregnancy.

Causes of placental aging during pregnancy and what to do

The causes of the pathology of the development of the placenta in pregnant women can be very different. It could be idiosyncrasy the body of a pregnant woman, or the effect on the placenta of any pathologies and infections.

Common causes of aging placenta:

  • Disease of the endocrine system;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • Alcohol;
  • Smoking;
  • Infections of the genitals and uterus;
  • Severe toxicosis;
  • Excess weight;
  • Previous abortions, or a difficult birth.

The placenta works to protect the baby from negative external influences. At malnutrition mother, the placenta has to protect the fetus from harmful substances with a vengeance. This leads to more rapid development placenta, and premature aging. This development is also due to smoking, drinking alcohol, if the placenta has to protect the fetus from infections. Infectious diseases can lead, in addition to aging of the placenta, to polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

Early maturation of the placenta: why and in whom

Early maturation of the placenta is diagnosed by ultrasound, and the diagnosis is determined solely by ultrasound. If the degree of maturation of the placenta does not correspond to the terms of pregnancy, then there is a rapid maturation, and as a result, the aging of the placenta.

If, according to the results of ultrasound, a diagnosis of early maturation was determined, one should not panic ahead of time.

Early maturation of the placenta does not always indicate any pathologies. It is necessary to undergo treatment that will help normalize normal blood flow, and monitor the child's condition by CTG. In the first months of pregnancy, early maturation of the placenta can lead to abortion or abnormalities in the baby. Due to lack of oxygen, brain cells can die. It may also lead to early detachment placenta.

Early maturation of the placenta causes oxygen starvation at the baby. The baby's heart begins to work faster to speed up blood flow and provide tissues with oxygen. In this case, the child begins to show a sharp activity, or vice versa subsides. Such manifestations should alert a woman.

If the diagnosis of early maturation was made on time and appropriate treatment was prescribed, then premature maturation does not threaten either the child or the mother. It is dangerous if fetoplacental insufficiency is allowed. It leads to grave consequences.

Treatment of premature maturation of the placenta: 32 weeks of pregnancy

At 32 weeks of gestation, the baby noticeably gains weight and height. Its development largely depends on heredity transmitted from parents. During this period, subject to normal development, the placenta stops its growth and begins to age in a month.

But if at 32 weeks the third degree of maturation of the placenta is reached, then we can say that premature aging occurs.

Symptoms by which premature maturation of the placenta can be determined do not appear. It is not possible to independently understand that the development of the placenta does not correspond to the terms of pregnancy. These signs are revealed only by ultrasound and CTG. According to the results of ultrasound, a conclusion is made about the lack of oxygen and nutrients for the child. Assign tests for infections. Drugs for treatment are prescribed if the child's condition worsens.

Treatment is carried out only in a hospital. Reception of drugs and droppers takes place under the supervision of doctors. It is during hospitalization that full assistance can be provided. Premature maturation of the placenta often gives rise to childbirth with medical care and ahead of schedule. If doctors are concerned about the baby's health, they may decide to give birth by caesarean section ahead of schedule.

If the diagnosis is not made in time and treatment is not prescribed, premature aging can lead to the fact that the child may suffocate from lack of oxygen. There is no specific treatment regimen for precocious placenta. During treatment, as a rule, prescribe vitamins, rest, and eliminate the causes that led to the premature maturation of the placenta. Prescribe such a medicine as Actovegin and Curantil. It is not possible to cure the placenta. The prescribed treatment is aimed at maintaining the placenta in order to facilitate its work and improve blood circulation.

In time Taken measures, and compliance with all recommendations helps to give birth healthy child on time, and avoid the consequences of premature aging of the placenta.

During pregnancy, the placenta matures, develops, and ages. It's all natural processes. But if the development of the placenta does not correspond to the timing of pregnancy, it deserves special attention. Blood flow studies modern methods allow accurate diagnosis and timely diagnosis. Due to this, the results of treatment become better, and the chosen tactics of pregnancy management, if the placenta is old, allows achieving the most favorable completion of pregnancy and childbirth.

Causes of premature aging of the placenta (video)

Early aging of the placenta can begin at later dates pregnancy. If this process does not happen too quickly, then the pregnancy ends with the birth of a child. natural way with little weight. If the placenta ages too quickly, doctors may decide to deliver by caesarean section. Such a decision is made if it is necessary to save the life and health of the child. Prevention is very important.

Alena asks:

What is the danger of early maturation of the placenta?

Early maturation of the placenta is also called premature ripening, or aging. The state of early maturation of the placenta is determined by the data ultrasound. That is, the diagnosis of "early maturation of the placenta" is made solely on the basis of ultrasound data.

Currently, depending on the structural features of the placenta, there are four degrees of maturity - 0, 1, 2 and 3. Each degree of placental maturity is normally observed on a certain period pregnancy. Compliance with the degree of maturity and gestational age meets the following criteria:

  • Zero degree of maturity (0) is typical for pregnancy up to the 30th week;

  • The first degree of maturity (1) is typical for pregnancy from the 27th to the 34th week of pregnancy;

  • The second degree of maturity (2) is typical for pregnancy from the 34th to the 39th week of pregnancy;

  • The third degree of maturity (3) is typical for pregnancy from the 37th to the 40th week of pregnancy.
If the degree of maturity of the placenta is higher than it should be at this specific date pregnancy, the diagnosis is "early maturation of the placenta". Currently, the syndrome of early maturation of the placenta is set when the following inconsistencies in the timing of pregnancy and degrees of maturity appear:
  • The first degree of maturity of the placenta (1) before the 27th week of pregnancy;

  • The second degree of maturity of the placenta (2) before the 32nd week of pregnancy;

  • The third degree of maturity of the placenta (3) before the 36th week of pregnancy.
When such a discrepancy between the degrees of maturity and terms of pregnancy is revealed, then the ultrasound report indicates "early maturation of the placenta."

However, even if a woman has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, do not panic. Remember that the syndrome of early maturation of the placenta does not indicate pathology, since it is established exclusively on ultrasound data in the absence of any reliable clinical symptoms. The presence of this syndrome indicates only high risk development of placental insufficiency. In such a situation, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment aimed at normalizing blood flow in the mother-placenta-fetus system, and monitor the child's condition according to cardiotocography (CTG), vascular Doppler, etc.

Earlier maturation of the placenta does not threaten either the mother or the fetus, unless fetoplacental insufficiency develops. If the syndrome of early maturation of the placenta is not monitored and left without proper treatment, then it can lead to serious consequences, such as:

  • Intrauterine fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen);

  • Fetal hypotrophy (lack of mass in a child);

  • Violation of the blood supply to the fetus;

  • Early rupture of amniotic fluid;

  • premature birth;

  • Intrauterine fetal death;

  • Violation of the normal development of the fetus and the birth of a child with deformities.
Thus, the early maturation of the placenta can threaten with very serious consequences for the health of the child, since as a result of this pathology, the normal blood supply is disturbed, and, consequently, the nutrition and breathing of the fetus. If there is a slight discrepancy between the degrees of maturity of the placenta and the timing of pregnancy, then there is nothing to worry about. Most likely, in this case, the early maturation of the placenta does not threaten anything, but is a feature of a pregnant woman. If the aging of the placenta began before the 36th week of pregnancy, and its growth was noted before the 30th week, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment and carefully monitor the state of the uteroplacental blood flow.
Learn more on this topic:
  • Dopplerometry during pregnancy - a study of blood flow and vessels of the fetus, placenta, uterus and uterine arteries. Indicators of the norm by weeks, decoding of the results.
  • Anemia during pregnancy. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention
  • Anemia during pregnancy. Types, causes, symptoms and signs
  • pregnancy calculators. Calculation of gestational age. Weekly pregnancy calendar. How to calculate the expected due date?
  • Hemorrhoids - causes, symptoms, signs, varieties. Treatment: surgery to remove hemorrhoids, effective remedies (suppositories, ointments, tablets), folk remedies, how to treat at home